Sunday, April 7, 2013

ঠ [ ṭh ] n the twelfth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

ঠং [ ṭha ] int expressing: a light noise caused by the concussion of a metallic object against a hard thing. ঠং ঠংint. expressing: this noise made repeatedly or continuously.

ঠক1 [ ṭhaka1 ] a deceitful; swindling; knavish. ☐n. a deceiver, a cheat; a swindler; a knave; a trickster. ̃বাজ same as ঠক (a. & n.).˜বাজিn. cheating, swindling; knavery.

ঠক2 [ ṭhaka2 ] int expressing a rapping noise as of a stick on the floor. ঠকঠক, ঠকাঠকint. expressing this noise made repeatedly and quickly. ঠকঠকানোv. to make this noise repeatedly and quickly; to shiver violently (in cold, fear, anger etc.). ঠকঠকানিn. a spell of rapping noise made repeatedly and quickly; a spell of violent shiver.

ঠকঠকি [ ṭhakaṭhaki ] n a kind of loom, a fly-shuttle loom.

ঠকা [ ṭhakā ] v to be cheated or swindled; to lose (to) (আমি তোমার কাছে দু-টাকা ঠকেগেলাম); to be defeated or outwitted; to be beguiled. ঠকানোv. to cheat or swindle; to cause to lose; to defeat or outwit; to beguile. ঠকানেa. puzzling, confusing, perplexing; misleading (ঠকানে প্রশ্ন).

ঠগ [ ṭhaga ] a given to deception or cheating or swindling; knavish. ☐n. a trickster; a cheat; a swindler; a knave; a member of a murdering band or robbers once prevalent in India, a thug. ঠগিn. a murderous band of robbers once prevalent in India, the thug or thuggee.

ঠন [ ṭhana ] int expressing a light, clattering noise as of the concussion of a thin metallic object. ঠন ঠনint. expressing this noise made repeatedly; nothingness or vacuity or emptiness (পকেটঠনঠন). ঠনঠনেa. empty.

ঠমক, ঠসক [ ṭhamaka, ṭhasaka ] n style; glamour; affectedly artistic bearing; coquetry; conceit.

ঠাঁই1 [ ṭhām̐i1 ] int expressing the noise as of slap ping strongly. ঠাঁই ঠাঁইint. expressing this noise made repeatedly and quickly.

ঠাঁই2 [ ṭhām̐i2 ] n a place; a seat on which one sits to take one's meal (অতিথিরজন্য ঠাঁইকরা); shelter (চোরকে বাড়িতে ঠাঁই দিয়োনা); accommodation, room, space ('ঠাঁইনাই ঠাঁই নাই, ছোট সে তরী'); bottom (নদীরঠাঁইপাওয়া); possession or source. ঠাঁই ঠাঁইa. living apart from one another (ভাই-ভাই ঠাঁই-ঠাঁই); separated, disunited, disintegrated. ̃নাড়া, ̃বদলn. change of place.

ঠাকুর [ ṭhākura ] n a god, a deity; an idol; God; an overlord; a lord; a master; a man deserving respect or reverence (পিতাঠাকুর); an elder (সমাজের ঠাকুর হয়েবসা); a spiritual guide, a guru; a priest; a teacher; a Brahman; a Brahman employed as a cook (রান্নারঠাকুর); a father or a forefather; (of a woman) a father-in-law (শ্বশুরঠাকুর). fem. ঠাকুরানি । ঠাকুরকাত (hum.) the patron divine or human has forsaken; (hum.) displeased. ̃ঘরn. a room in a dwelling house set apart for worship and prayer. ঠাকুর ঘরে কেআমি তো কলা খাইনি (fig.) an offender often betrays himself unconsciously. ̃জামাইn. the husband of a sister of one's husband, a brother-in-law.̃ঝিn. a sister of one's husband, a sister-in-law.̃দাদাn. a (paternal) grandfather or granduncle. ̃দালানn. a hall or building attached to or within the precincts of a dwelling house set apart for worship and prayer. ̃পূজাn. the daily worship of the guardian deity of a family.̃পোn. a younger brother of one's husband, a brother-in-law.̃মাn. a (paternal) grandmother or grandaunt.̃সেবা same as ̃পূজা । ঠাকুরালি, (chiefly poet.) ঠাকুরালn. authority, rule; supremacy, predominance; godhead, godhood; godlike deceit or fun or assumption ('ছাড়তোমার ঠাকুরালি').

ঠাট1 [ ṭhāṭa1 ] n (now obs.) a column of troops ('নাদিল ঠাট'); a party or multitude ('বরাতির ঠাট').

ঠাট2 [ ṭhāṭa2 ] n outward look or show, appearance (ঠাট বজায় রাখা); a framework (কাঠামোর ঠাট); glamour; tricks and artifices (কতঠাট জানো); style or fashion (এ এক নোতুন ঠাট).

ঠাট-ঠমক [ ṭhāṭa-ṭhamaka ] n outward show of glamour; deceptive show; false gestures; pretences; affectation; parade.

ঠাট-বাট [ ṭhāṭa-bāṭa ] n outward show; grandeur; decoration.

ঠাট্টা [ ṭhāṭṭā ] n joke; banter, persiflage, waggery. ̃ইয়ার্কিn. light raillery, fun, a good humoured teasing. ঠাট্টা করাv. to joke; to cut a joke; to poke fun at; to banter. ̃বাজn. a merry person full of amusing sayings and fond of practical jokes, a wag.

ঠাঠা রোদ, ঠাঠাপড়া রোদ [ ṭhāṭhārōda, ṭhāṭhāpaḍ়ā rōda ] n scorching sun.

ঠাড় [ ṭhāḍ় ]a erect, upright, vertical.

ঠান [ ṭhāna ] n (used in comp. & coll.)a respect able woman, a lady (মাঠান, বউঠান). □ in comp. (used as a pfx.) of the second degree of parentage, grand (ঠানদিদি). ̃দিদি,, (coll.) ̃দিn. a (paternal and maternal) grandmother or grandaunt, (arch.) a grandam, a grandma.

ঠান্ডা [ ṭhānḍā ] a cold; chilly; mild, sweet (ঠান্ডাকথা); cooled (প্রাণ ঠান্ডা). ☐n. cold (মাঘের ঠান্ডা); chill (ঠান্ডা লাগা). ঠান্ডাকরাv. to cool; to cool down; to console or comfort or pacify or appease (মন ঠান্ডাকরা. রাগ ঠান্ডা করা); to refresh (দেহঠান্ডাকরা); to subdue, to bring under control (বদমাশ ঠান্ডাকরা); to put down, to quell (বিদ্রোহ ঠান্ডা করা); to put to silence, to kill, to do to death (মেরে ঠান্ডা করা). ঠান্ডালাগাv. to catch cold.

ঠান্ডা-লড়াই [ ṭhānḍā-laḍ়āi ] n cold war.

ঠাম [ ṭhāma ] n a place, a resort ('রহল কোন ঠাম'); possession or company (রাধার ঠাম); shape, form, figure (বঙ্কিম ঠাম, সুঠামদেহ); beauty (কিবাসে ঠাম); style, manner, fashion, posture ('চূড়ার টালনিবামেমউর-চন্দ্রিকা ঠামে').

ঠায় [ ṭhāẏa ] adv without moving, motionlessly, fixedly (ঠায় বসে থাকা); incessantly or at a stretch (ঠায় উপবাস করা, ঠায় জ্বলছে). ☐a. incessant or consecutive (ঠায়দুদিন).

ঠার [ ṭhāra ] n a beck, a gesticulation. ঠারাv. to make a sign with, to gesticulate with (চোখ ঠারা). ঠারে-ঠোরেadv. (coll.) by means of signs and gestures, by hints and insinuations.

ঠাস1 [ ṭhāsa1 ] int expressing the sound as of a violent slap. ঠাস ঠাসint. expressing quick and repeated sound of such slapping. ☐adv. making this noise repeatedly and in quick succession.

ঠাস2 [ ṭhāsa2 ] a close, thick, compact, crowded (ঠাস বুননি, ঠাস হয়ে বসা).

ঠাসা [ ṭhāsā ] v to cram, to stuff; to load; to press, to press down; to knead (ময়দাঠাসা); to beat soundly, to thrash; to reprimand. ☐a. thoroughly crammed or stuffed or loaded. ̃ঠাসিn. act of pressing repeatedly to stuff a thing; overcrowding.

ঠাহর [ ṭhāhara ] n act of seeing or noticing; visualization; vision, sight; attention, care (ঠাহরকরে দেখা); recognition; cognition; realization; discernment, act of finding; determination. ঠাহর করাv. to see, to notice; to visualize; to treat with attention (ঠাহর করা); to recognize (তোমাকে তো ঠাহর করতে পারছিনা); to cognize; to realize; to discern, to find, to think out, to devise, to determine (পথবা উপায় ঠাহরকরা); to invent (বুদ্ধিঠাহর করা); to anticipate (এ বিপদের কথাতো ঠাহর করিনি,). ঠাহর পাওয়াv. to come to or be able to see or notice or visualize or recognize or to cognize or realize or discern or find or determine or anticipate. ঠাহর হওয়াv. to be seen or noticed; to be visible; to be recognized or cognized or realized or discerned or found or determined or anticipated. ঠাহরানো same as ঠাহরকরা ।

ঠিক [ ṭhika ] a fixed, settled (এখনোকিছু ঠিকহয়নি); appointed, specified (ঠিক দিনে); right (ঠিককথা); correct (অঙ্কের ফলটাঠিক); exact, precise (ঠিক); just (ঠিক দু দিন); proper, right (ঠিক কাজ, ঠিকলোক); in working order (ঘড়িটা ঠিকনেই); suitable, fit, fitting (এজামাতোমার গায়ে ঠিক); corrected or cured (মেরে বাওষুধ দিয়ে ঠিককরা); arranged (চুলটা ঠিক নেই); regarded, decided, judged, diagnosed (পাগল বলে ঠিকহওয়া). ☐n. fixity (তারিখেরঠিক নেই); firmness (কথার ঠিক); regularity or certainty (বৃষ্টিরঠিক নেই); natural healthy state (মাথার ঠিক নেই); total, sum, addition (ঠিক দেওয়া); estimate, estimation (ঠিকে ভুল); discernment or determination (পথ বা উপায় ঠিক পাওয়া). ☐adv. certainly, surely (ঠিক যাব); for certain (ঠিক জানি); exactly, just (ঠিক তেমনি). ☐int. exactly, right, that's it. ঠিক করাv. to fix, to settle; to appoint, to specify; to correct or cure; to repair or regulate or adjust (ঘড়িঠিক করা); to set to rights; to determine or resolve (মনে মনে ঠিককরা); to regard or decide or adjudge (পাগল বলে ঠিক করা); to discern or find (পথ ঠিক করা). ঠিক দেওয়াv. to add, to tot up. ঠিক পাওয়াv. to be able to discern or find (পথ ঠিক পাওয়া). ঠিকে ভুল an error in adding; (fig.) a wrong decision; an error of judgment. ঠিক যেন (just) as if, as though, as it were.

ঠিকঠাক [ ṭhikaṭhāka ] a exact, precise, just; firmly fixed or settled.

ঠিকঠিকানা [ ṭhikaṭhikānā ] n certainty; fixity; trace; whereabouts; fixed abode or address.

ঠিকরা [ ṭhikarā ] n a small (and usu. globular) ball of stone or clay used in the bowl of a hookah; an inferior species of pigeon pea.

ঠিকরানো [ ṭhikarānō ] v to rebound; to scatter or disperse (মালা থেকে মুক্তোগুলো ঠিকরে পড়ল); to issue in rays, to radiate (আলোঠিকরানো); to shine or dazzle (হিরেখানাআলোতে ঠিকরাচ্ছে); to be dazed (চোখঠিকরানো).

ঠিকা [ ṭhikā ] a employed for part-time or casual service, hired, part-time (ঠিকা ঝি); temporary (ঠিকাচাকরি); holding possession temporarily for a fixed period (ঠিকা প্রজা); hired, hackney (ঠিকা গাড়ি); that which is done on contract or on piece-system (ঠিকা কাজ). ☐n. a work done by contract, a contract (ঠিকাপাওয়া); a sub-contract; lease (জমি ঠিকানেওয়া). ঠিকা কাজ a piece-work; a temporary job; a part-time job. ঠিকা গাড়ি a hackney-coach, a hackney-carriage. ঠিকা চাকর a hired servant; a hireling. ঠিকাঝি a hired maidservant, a char woman. ঠিকা প্রজা a temporary tenant. ঠিকা মজুর a hired or casual labour or a hireling.

ঠিকাদার [ ṭhikādāra ] n a contractor. ঠিকাদারিn. contractorship. ☐a. relating to contract work.

ঠিকানা [ ṭhikānā ] n an address (as given in a letter); one's fixed residence; trace, direction or location (পথের ঠিকানা); a clue or solution (চুরির ঠিকানা); fixity or limit (আয়ের ঠিকানা).

ঠিকুজি [ ṭhikuji ] n a brief horoscope.

ঠুংরি [ ṭhuṃri ] n a mode and measure of a light classical Indian music.

ঠুক [ ṭhuka ] int expressing the noise of a gentle stroke or rap (ঠুক করে আওয়াজ হল). ঠুকঠাকint. n. repeated noise of gentle stroke or rap. ঠুকঠুকint. n. same as ঠুকঠাক; the noise of a gentle rap; a word denoting (usu.) the carpenter's or blacksmith's gentle manner of work.

ঠুকরানো [ ṭhukarānō ] v to peck, to nibble; to nibble at a bait. ☐a. pecked; nibbled at.

ঠুকা, ঠোক [ ṭhukā, ṭhōka ] v to hit esp. on the head (হাতুড়িঠোকা); to hammer; to drive in by hit ting on the head (পেরেক ঠুকছে); to strike against, to knock, to rap (মাথাঠোকা, গোড়ালি ঠোকা, লাঠি ঠোকা); to slap noisily (তাল ঠোকা); to beat or thrash, to scold or reprimand (লোকটাকে ঠুকেদিয়ো). ☐n. a knock or impact; beating or thrashing, scolding or reprimanding. ঠুকাঠুকি, ঠোকাঠুকিn. repeated striking (on the head); repeated (slight) collision or quarrel; mutual bantering.

ঠুঙ্গি, ঠুঙি [ ṭhuṅgi, ṭhuṅi ] n a small container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree leaves or paper, a cornet.

ঠুনকো1 [ ṭhunakō1 ] n milk fever (also ঠুনকো জ্বর).

ঠুনকো2 [ ṭhunakō2 ] a brittle, fragile; (fig.) unstable or trivial (ঠুনকো দেমাক, ঠুনকো কথা).

ঠুমকি [ ṭhumaki ] n a mode or posture of dancing.

ঠুলি [ ṭhuli ] n a flap to prevent an animal from seeing, a blinker; a blind.

ঠেঁটা [ ṭhēn̐ṭā ] a shameless, brazen-faced; knavish; deceitful; impertinent, impudent, saucy; outspoken; disobedient, arrogant, obstinate, refractory.

ঠেঁটামি, ঠেঁটামো [ ṭhēn̐ṭāmi, ṭhēn̐ṭāmō ] n shamelessness; rude disrespect, impudence, sauciness; impertinence, brazen-facedness; arrogance, obstinacy, refractoriness.

ঠেঁটি [ ṭhēn̐ṭi ] n a small loincloth without any decorated border.

ঠেকা [ ṭhēkā ] v to touch (আকাশেঠেকা, পায়ে ঠেকা); to reach, to reach and stop at (তিরটাগিয়েগাছে ঠেকল); to come down to (আয় শূন্যে ঠেকেছে); to strike or dash against (বলটা দেওয়ালে ঠেকে ফিরে এল); to be obstructed or impeded or prevented, to be at a dead end or at a knotty point (অঙ্কটাঠেকছে কীসে); to be involved in (দায়ে ঠেকা, বিপদে ঠেকা); to be involved in difficulty or danger, to be in a fix (ঠেকে শেখা); to be felt or considered (খারাপ ঠেকা). ☐n. a difficulty, a fix (ঠেকায় পড়া); financial difficulty or want (ঠেকারকাজচালানো); touch, contact (ঠেকা লাগা); act of accompanying a piece of music by beating 'tabla' (তবলা) (ঠেকাছারা ঠুংরি জমেনা); a prop, a support, a lean-to (ঘরেরচালেঠেকা দেওয়া). ☐a. touching (আকাশেঠেকা মাথা). চোখেঠেকাv. to look bad or uncomely. ঠেকে ঠেকে বলা to speak haltingly. ঠেকাঠেকিn. mutual touching or contact. ঠেকানোv. to cause to touch, to bring into contact; to cause to reach; to cause to reach and stop; to bring to; to cause to strike or dash against; to obstruct, to impede, to prevent; to stave off; to involve; to involve in difficulty or danger.

ঠেকার [ ṭhēkāra ] n false vanity, vainglory; fastidiousness; superciliousness; snobbery. ঠেকারেa. vainglorious; fastidious; supercilious; snobbish. femঠেকারি ।

ঠেঙা [ ṭhēṅā ] n a staff, a stave, a wooden pole, a heavy stick, a lathi; a wooden rod (esp. one used for bolting a door). ঠেঙাঠেঙিn. act of exchanging blows with lathis, a fight with lathis; fighting. ঠেঙাড়েn. a community of Indian robbers who used to kill pedestrians by beating them with lathis; one of these robbers. ঠেঙানিn. act of flogging with a lathi; flogging. ঠেঙানোv. to flog with a lathi or rod; to bastinado; to flog, to birch.

ঠেঙে [ ṭhēṅē ] a (used in comp.) legged (একঠেঙে = one-legged).

ঠেলা [ ṭhēlā ] n a shove, a push (ঠেলা দেওয়া); a difficulty or a difficult task (ঠেলাসামলানো); a hand-cart or a hand-bar row. ☐a. that which is driven by pushing with hands (ঠেলাগাড়ি). ☐v. to push, to shove; to ignore or disobey (কথাঠেলা); to avoid or desert ('নাঠেলহ ছলেঅবলা অখলে'); to expel (জাতে ঠেলা). জাতে ঠেলা, সমাজে ঠেলাv. to outcaste, to excommunicate, to boycott socially. ঠেলার নাম বাবাজি (fig.) a cat in a mesh calls the mouse its brother. ̃গাড়িn. a push-cart, a hand-barrow. ̃ঠেলিn. mutual or repeated shoving or pushing.

ঠেস [ ṭhēsa ] n act of leaning; recumbence; anything to lean against (চেয়ারের ঠেস); a prop or support; an insinuating remark (ঠেস মারা). ঠেস দেওয়াv. to lean against; to provide with a prop, to prop; to make an insinuation against. ঠেস মারাv. to insinuate against.

ঠেসান [ ṭhēsāna ] n act of leaning; recumbence; the back (of a chair or bench). ঠেসান দেওয়াv. to lean (against).

ঠোঁট [ ṭhōn̐ṭa ] n the lip; the beak (of a bird). ঠোঁটওলটানো, ঠোঁট বাঁকানোv. to pout lips in derision or contempt. ঠোঁট ফোলানোv. to pout lips in displeasure. ঠোঁট-কাটাa. outspoken; (lit. & rare) harelipped.

ঠোকন, ঠোকনি [ ṭhōkana, ṭhōkani ] n (coll.) reprimanding or flogging.

ঠোকর [ ṭhōkara ] n act of pecking or nibbling; a light kick with the tip of one's toes or shoe; act of stumbling (against); reprimand; act of interposing a speaker with a small sharp cutting remark. ঠোকর খাওয়াv. to stumble (against); to be reprimanded. ঠোকর দেওয়া, ঠোকর মারাv. to peck or nibble; to kick lightly with the tip of one's toes or shoe; to reprimand; to interpose (a speaker) or to chip in with a small sharp cutting re mark.

ঠোঙা [ ṭhōṅā ] n a container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree-leaves or paper, a cornet.

ঠোনা [ ṭhōnā ] n a light box on the chin. ঠোনা মারাv. to box one's chin lightly.

ঠোস [ ṭhōsa ] n (dial.) fullness, overfullness, fill (পেট ঠোস হয়েছে); (dial.) a swelling; (dial.) a blister (নোতুন জুতোয় পায়ে ঠোসপড়েছে).

ঠ্যাং [ ṭhyā ] n leg; shank.

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