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Sunday, April 7, 2013
প1 [ pa1 ] n the twenty-first consonant of the Bengali alphabet.
প2 [ pa2 ] a (used as a sfx.) breeding or keeping (গোপ), drinking (মধুপ)..
পইছা [ pichā ] n a kind of bangle or bracelet.
পইঠা [ piṭhā ] n a step or a flight of stairs.
পইপই [ pipi ] adv repeatedly, again and again (usu. পইপই করে বলেছি).
পঁচাত্তর [ pan̐cāttara ] n. & a seventy-five.
পঁচাশি [ pan̐cāśi ] n. & a eighty-five.
পঁচিশ [ pan̐ciśa ] n. & a twenty-five. পঁচিশেa. (of the days of a month) twenty-fifth. ☐n. the twenty-fifth day of a month, the twenty-fifth.
পঁয়তাল্লিশ [ pam̐ẏatālliśa ] n. & a forty-five.
পঁয়ত্রিশ [ pam̐ẏatriśa ] n &a. thirty-five.
পঁয়ষট্টি [ pam̐ẏaṣaṭṭi ] n. & a sixty-five.
পকেট [ pakēṭa ] n a pocket. পকেটকাটা, পকেট মারাv. to pick someone's pocket. পকেটভরা, পকেটে পোরাv. to put in the pocket, to pocket. ঝুল-পকেটn. a side-pocket. পিছনের পকেট a hip-pocket. বুক-পকেটn. a breast-pocket. ভিতরের পকেট an inside pocket. ̃ঘড়িn. a pocket-watch. ̃বইn. a pocket-book. ̃মারn. a pick pocket; a cut-purse. ̃স্হa. put or kept in the pocket. পকেটস্হকরাv. to put or keep (a thing) in the pocket.
পকোড়া, পকৌড়া [ pakōḍ়ā, pakauḍ়ā ] n a chop of onion fried usu. in oil.
পক্ক [ pakka ] a for. form of পাকা (a.). ̃কেশn. grey hair. ☐a. grey-haired; aged, old. ̃তাn. ripeness; greyness; maturity; precocity; digestion. ̃বিম্বাধরোষ্ঠীa. & n. (for.) one whose or of one whose lips are beautifully red. পক্কাশয়, পাকাশয়n. the stomach.
পক্ষ [ pakṣa ] n a lunar fortnight (কৃষ্ণপক্ষ, শুক্লপক্ষ); a period of fifteen days, a fortnight (দুইপক্ষকাল); (of birds) a wing, a feather; (of fish) a fin; (of an arrow) a feather; a team, a party, a side (পক্ষভুক্ত); a direction or side or hand (পক্ষান্তরে); a flank, a side (পক্ষাঘাত); question or answer in a debate, support or opposition, a thesis or an antithesis (পূর্বপক্ষ, উত্তরপক্ষ); behalf (তার পক্ষেউকিলদাঁড়ায়নি); state or condition (পারতপক্ষে); (of a person married, more than once) marriage (দ্বিতীয় পক্ষেরস্ত্রী); a husband or wife, spouse (এটিতার তৃতীয়পক্ষ). ̃কn. (bot.) a. a pinule. ̃গ্রহণ same as পক্ষাবলম্বন। ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদনn. act of cutting off or clipping one's wings; (fig.) act of making powerless; refutation of one's argument. পক্ষচ্ছেদকরা, পক্ষচ্ছেদন করাv. to cut off or clip one's wings; (fig.) to render powerless. ̃ধরa. winged. ☐n. a bird; the moon. ̃পাত, ̃পাতিতা, ̃পাতিত্বn. partiality; unreasonable love or fondness (for), favouritism, bias, preference (ছেলেরপ্রতি মায়ের পক্ষপাত). ̃পাতদুষ্টa. biased, partial; corrupted with partiality or favouritism. পাতশূন্যa. impartial, unbiased. পক্ষপাতীa. partial, prejudicial; biased, prejudiced; inclined to favouring, prone or leaning to. fem. ̃পাতিনী। ̃পুটn. the inner part or inside of a wing. ̃পুটেadv. under cover of wings, within the wings; (fig.) under one's protection. ̃ভুক্তa. included in a side or team. ̃ভেদn. act of distinguishing one side from another; (chiefly pol.) disintegration of a party; differentiation of the two opposing sides of an argument. ̃লa. winged; having a fin or fins; (bot.) pinnate. ̃শিরাবিন্যাসn. (bot.) pinnate venation. ̃শিরিতa. (bot.) pinnately veined. ̃সঞ্চালনn. act of flapping or moving one's wings (as by a bird). ̃সঞ্চালন করাv. to flap or move one's wings. ̃সমর্থক same as পক্ষাবলম্বী। ̃সমর্থন same as পক্ষাবলম্বন । ̃সমর্থনকারী same as পক্ষাবলম্বী ।fem. ̃সমর্থনকারীণী ।
পক্ষাকার, পক্ষাকৃতি [ pakṣākāra, pakṣākṛti ] a wing-shaped, feather-shaped; fin-shaped; pinnate.
পক্ষাঘাত [ pakṣāghāta ] n paralysis, palsy. ̃গ্রস্হa. paralysed, palsied.
পক্ষান্ত [ pakṣānta ] n the end or termination of a lunar fortnight; the full moon or the new moon; (loos.) termination of a fort night or a period of fifteen days.
পক্ষান্তর [ pakṣāntara ] n the other side or condition. পক্ষান্তরেadv. on the other side, on the other hand, contrary-wise.
পক্ষাপক্ষ [ pakṣāpakṣa ] n the other fortnight; one's friends and foes or supporters and antagonists. ̃বিচারn. discrimination be tween one's friends and enemies. ̃বিচারহীনa. impartial (পক্ষাপক্ষবিচারহীনমন্তব্য); indiscriminate (পক্ষাপক্ষবিচারহীনহত্যা).
পক্ষাবলম্বন [ pakṣābalambana ] n act of siding with or following or standing for or supporting or defending a particular (contending) party or person; partisanship; act of playing for a particular team. পক্ষাবলম্বন করাv. to side with; to follow, to adhere to; to stand for, to support, to defend; to play for. পক্ষাবলম্বীa. siding with; following, adhering to; standing for, supporting, defending; playing for a particular team. ☐n. a party-man; a partisan; a follower, an adherent; a supporter, a defender; a player of a particular team. fem. পক্ষাবলম্বিনী ।
পক্ষিণী [ pakṣiṇī ] fem of পক্ষী।
পক্ষিপালক [ pakṣipālaka ] a employed in aviculture. ☐n. a bird-fancier, an aviarist.
পক্ষিপালন [ pakṣipālana ] n aviculture. পক্ষিপালন করাv. to collect, keep and breed birds, to be engaged in aviculture. ̃শালাa. an aviary.
পক্ষিবিদ্যা [ pakṣibidyā ] n ornithology.
পক্ষিরাজ [ pakṣirāja ] n a king of birds; an appellation of Garuda (গরুড়); (myth.) a winged horse.
পক্ষিশাবক [ pakṣiśābaka ] n the young ones of a bird; young of a bird (collectively).
পক্ষিশালা [ pakṣiśālā ] n an aviary.
পক্ষিশিকার [ pakṣiśikāra ] n killing or shooting of birds, fowling.
পক্ষী [ pakṣī ] n the bird.
পক্ষীমার [ pakṣīmāra ] n a fowler.
পক্ষীয় [ pakṣīẏa ] a of or concerning a side or group or party; belonging to a party.
পক্ষোদ্গম, পক্ষোদ্ভেদ [ pakṣōdgama, pakṣōdbhēda ] n fledging. পক্ষোদ্গমহওয়া, পক্ষোদ্ভেদহওয়াv. to be fledged.
পক্ষ্ম [ pakṣma ] n eyelash; a feather.
পগার [ pagāra ] n a ditch or drain marking the boundary of tract or land. পগার পারহওয়াv. (lit.) to leap over or cross a ditch; (fig.) to scamper off or to run away beyond reach.
পঙ্ক্তি [ paṅkti ] n a row, a line. ̃ভোজনn. dining together sitting in a row, dining in company, community-dining; community dinner.
পঙ্ক [ paṅka ] n soft mud, clay; filth; (geog.) silt; (bio.) protoplasm; a paste (চন্দনপঙ্ক); (fig.) vice; (archi.) finial. ̃জa. born of or grown in soft mud, clay-born. ☐n. the lotus, the water-lily. fem. ̃জা । ̃নয়ন, ̃নেত্রa. lotus-eyed. fem. ̃নয়না। ̃জিনীn. a pond in which lotuses grow, a lotus-pool; a clump or cluster of lo tuses, a collection of lotuses. ̃ময়, পঙ্কিলa. full of soft mud, miry, muddy; turbid; filthy; vicious. ̃রুহn. lotus. পঙ্কিলতাn. muddiness, miriness; turbidity; filthiness; viciousness. পঙ্কোদ্ধারn. dredging (as a river) (fig.); cleansing or purification; correction; act of bringing into order out of an intolerable or intricateness; (fig.) reclamation from vice. পঙ্কোদ্ধার করাv. to dredge; (fig.) to bring into order out of an intolerable or intricateness; (fig.) to reclaim from vice.
পঙ্খ [ paṅkha ] a (dial.—archi.) finial.
পঙ্খী [ paṅkhī ] n (vul.) a bird; (vul.) a ganjasmoker and teller of cock-and-bull stories (পঙ্খীরদল). ☐a. shaped like a bird (ময়ূরপঙ্খী).
পঙ্গপাল [ paṅgapāla ] n a swarm of locusts; a locust; (fig.) a huge crowd.
পঙ্গু [ paṅgu ] a lame; crippled; deprived of the power of movement; rendered powerless. ̃তাn. lameness; crippledom, crippled state or condition; deprivation of the power of movement; deprivation of power.
পচ [ paca ] n putrefaction, rotting. পচ ধরাv. to begin to rot or putrefy or decay.
পচন [ pacana ] n cooking; digesting, digestion; putrefaction, rotting; (med.) sepsis. ̃ নিবারকa. counteracting putrefaction: (med.) antiseptic. ̃শীলa. easily putrefied; putrescent, rotting; (med.) getting septic.
পচা [ pacā ] v to rot, to putrefy, to decompose; (med.) to become septic; (fig.) to become too old or hackneyed. ☐a. rotten, putrefied, decomposed; (med.) that which has become septic; (fig.) too old or hackneyed (পচা খবর). পচা ভাদ্র (ভাদ্দর) the humid and sweltering month of Bhadra.
পচাই [ pacāi ] n a spirituous liquor distilled from rice, arrack.
পচানো [ pacānō ] v to cause to rot, to rot, to putrefy, to decompose etc.; to ret (jute etc.); (med.) to make septic. ☐a. that which has been putrefied or decomposed.
পচাল [ pacāla ] n (dial.) useless garrulous or idle talk or scandal. পচাল পাড়াv. to indulge in useless garrulous talk or scandal, to be talkative, to have a long tongue.
পচ্য [ pacya ] a worth cooking; digestible.
পছন্দ [ pachanda ] n choice; liking; selection; approbation. ☐a. chosen; liked; selected; approved. পছন্দ করাv. to choose; to like; to select; to approve. ̃সইa. to one's liking; choice, select.
পঞ্চ [ pañca ] n. & a five. ̃কn. a set of five, a quintette, a quintet, a pentad (গীতপঞ্চক). ̃কোণ, ̃কোণীa. pentagular. ̃গব্যn. the five articles derived from the cow, namely, curd, milk, clarified butter, cow's urine and cowdung. ̃গুণn. the five qualities or attributes, namely, beauty, exudation or juice, smell, touch and sound. ☐a. five times, five fold. ̃গৌড়n. a collective name for the ancient regions of Gaud (গৌড়), Mithila (মিথিল), Utkal (উত্কল), Kanauj (কনৌজ), and the region situated on the bank of the river Saraswati. ̃চত্বারিংশa. forty-five. ̃চত্বারিংশত্n. & a. forty-five. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তমa. forty-fifth. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃তপাa. one who practises severe religious austerities with the blazing sun overhead and enkindling four huge fires on four sides. ̃ত্রিংশn. thirty-five. ̃ত্রিংশত্n. & a. thirty-five. ˜ত্রিংশত্তমa. thirty-fifth. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । পঞ্চত্বn. death. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্তa. dead. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্ত হওয়াv. to meet with death, to give or yield up the ghost, to die. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্তিn. death. ̃দলa. having five petals, quinquepetalous; pentamerous; quinquepartite. ̃দলপুষ্প a cinquefoil. ̃দলীয়a. pentamerous; pertaining to or consisting of five parties, quinquepartite. ̃দশn. & a. fifteen. □ a. fifteenth. ̃দশীa. fem. fifteenth; fif teen years old. ☐n. the ultimate day of a lunar fortnight; the full moon or the new moon; one of the Vedantas (বেদান্ত). ̃দেবতাn. five deities or Gods receiving oblation before one's meal. ̃নদn. the Punjab (it is inundated by five rivers). ̃পান্ডবn. the five Pandava( পান্ডব). brothers of the Mahabharata, the Pandava quintette. ̃পাত্রn. a vessel used in Hindu religious service: it consists of four small metal cups placed on a metal tray. ̃পিতাn. one's progenitor, deliverer from fear, father-in-law, preceptor and maintainer collectively. ̃প্রদীপn. a metal lamp with room for five wicks. ̃বটীn. a sacred place with the assemblage of five banyan trees. ̃বাণn. the five arrows of Kam (কাম) the god of love, namely, enchantment, excitement, absorption, heating and stupefaction; Kama the god of love. ̃বায়ুn. the five vital airs (or breaths) that are drawn into or sent out from the body. ̃বিংশa. twenty-five. ̃বিংশতিn. & a. twenty-five. ˜বিংশতিতমa. twenty-fifth. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃ভূজn. (geom.) a pentagon. ☐a. pentagonal. ̃ভূতn. the five vital elements collectively, namely, earth, water, heat, air and atmosphere or space. পঞ্চভূতে মেশাv. (lit.) to be dissolved into the five vital elements; (fig.) to die. পঞ্চমa. fifth. ☐n. same as পঞ্চমস্বর । ̃মকারn. wine, meat, fish, posture and sexual intercourse collectively, five essential tantric (তান্ত্রিক) practices or rites. পঞ্চমবাহিনীn. the fifth column; the group of soldiers supporting and working for the enemy within the country. পঞ্চমস্বরn. (mus.) the major fifth of the C-scale; the cuckoo's note. ̃মহাপাতকn. the five mortal sins according to Hindu scriptures. পঞ্চমীa. fem. fifth. ☐n. fem. the fifth lunar day of either fortnight. ̃মুখa. having five faces or mouths, five-faced; eloquent (প্রশংসায় পঞ্চমুখ). ☐n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃মুখীa. fem. five-faced; pentapetalous; having five surfaces (পঞ্চমুখীনীলা); having five bores or holes (পঞ্চমুখী রুদ্রাক্ষ); having five parts or sections, pentamerous, five pronged. ̃মুখী পুষ্প a cinquefoil. ̃রঙ্গ ̃রংn. (in chess) one of the systems of checkmating. ̃রত্নn. the five gems collectively, namely, sapphire, diamond, ruby, pearl and coral. ̃রাশিকn. (arith.) the double rule of three. ̃শর same as ̃বাণ । ̃শস্যn. the five principal grains collectively, namely, paddy, kidney-bean or oat, barley, sesame and pigeon-pea.
পঞ্চাঙ্ক [ pañcāṅka ] a having five acts, five-act (পঞ্চাঙ্কনাটক).
পঞ্চানন [ pañcānana ] a having five faces. ☐n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব).
পঞ্চানন্দ [ pañcānanda ] n a traditional deity of Bengal; (loos.) Shiva (শিব).
পঞ্চামৃত [ pañcāmṛta ] n the five sweet edible things collectively, namely, curd, milk, clarified butter, sugar and honey; the sacrament of feeding a woman with these five sweet things in the fifth month of her pregnancy.
পঞ্চায়েত [ pañcāẏēta ] n a village council (ori. consisting of five members), a panchayet. পঞ্চায়েতিn. work or arbitration of a panchayet; councilship of a panchayet. ☐a. relating to a panchayet.
পঞ্চালিকা, পঞ্চালী [ pañcālikā, pañcālī ] n a doll, a puppet.
পঞ্চাশ, পঞ্চাশত্ [ pañcāśa, pañcāśat ] n. & a fifty. পঞ্চাশত্তমa. fif tieth. fem. পঞ্চাশত্তমী । পঞ্চাশবারadv. fifty times; (fig.) many times, (cp.) thousand and one times, times without number.
পঞ্চাশীতি [ pañcāśīti ] n. & a eighty-five. ̃তমa. eighty-fifth. fem. ̃তমী ।
পঞ্চেন্দ্রিয় [ pañcēndriẏa ] n the five sense-organs collectively, namely, the eye(s), the nose, the tongue, the skin.
পঞ্জর [ pañjara ] n the ribs; the thor; the skeletal frame of the chest; a flank; a cage. পঞ্জরাস্হিn. a rib-bone, a rib.
পঞ্জাবি [ pañjābi ] a or born in the Punjab. ☐n. a native of the Punjab; the language of the Punjab; a loose-fitting upper-garment with no collar.
পঞ্জি, পঞ্জী, পঞ্জিকা [ pañji, pañjī, pañjikā ] n an almanac, a calen dar, an ephemeris; a chronicle, a journal, a diary (ঘটনাপঞ্জি). পঞ্জিকর, পঞ্জিকাকারn. the maker of an almanac.
পট1 [ paṭa1 ] n cloth or canvas (পটমন্ডপ); a can vas for painting on, a canvas with a painting on, a painting (চিত্রপট); a painted earthen pot of convex shape; a painted slide as displayed on the stage, a scene (দৃশ্যপট). ̃কারn. a painter; a weaver.
পট2, পট্ [ paṭa2, paṭ ] int expressing: crackling noise; noise of bursting, splitting or snapping; suddenness; quickness. পট করেadv. with a crackling or snapping noise; suddenly; quickly. পটাপটadv. making such a noise in quick (and often sudden) succession; suddenly; quickly.
পটকা [ paṭakā ] a extremely weak or feeble (রোগাপটকা). ☐n. a cracker; a squib; the bladder of a fish.
পটকানো [ paṭakānō ] v (coll.) to fling to the ground, to knock down; to defeat, to vanquish; to be overpowered.
পটপটি2 [ paṭapaṭi2 ] n over-fastidiousness about purity; making too much of anything, exaggeration, tall talk, bragging (মুখেইপটপটি); a kind of tiny crackling fire work; a kind of crackling toy; crackling noise; the air-bladder of fish; a kind of small creeper or its berry.
পটভূমি [ paṭabhūmi ] n background.
পটমন্ডপ [ paṭamanḍapa ] n a canopied pavilion.
পটল2 [ paṭala2 ] n a collection, a multitude('নব জলধরপটল'); (of a book) a chapter, a section, a canto; a roof (পটলপ্রান্ত); an eye-disease, cataract অচ্ছোদপটল.
পটহ [ paṭaha ] n a drum, a war-drum, a kettle drum; a tabor; the ear-drum, the tympanum (usu. কর্ণপটহ). ̃নিনাদn. noise of drum-beat, fanfare.
পটা [ paṭā ] v to be on terms with, to be friendly with (তোমাতে আমাতে পটে); to be familiar with or to be in (usu. illicit) love with (মেয়েটা তার সঙ্গে পটেছে); to come to terms, to agree, to give in.
পটানো [ paṭānō ] v to bring to terms; to persuade; to cause to agree or give in; to win over; to lure, to seduce (মেয়ে পটানো).
পটাবাস [ paṭābāsa ] n a tented accommodation; a tent; a canopied pavilion.
পটাশ [ paṭāśa ] n potash.
পটাস [ paṭāsa ] int expressing: a loud পট্ sound.
পটি1 [ paṭi1 ] n a small strip or band of cloth, a bandage (জলপটি); a pleat of cloth for tucking with, a tuck; a strip of cloth wound round the leg (as by soldier), a puttee, a puttie (বুটপটি). পটিদেওয়া, পটিলাগানোv. to place a strip of cloth on; to bandage; to tuck with a pleat of cloth. পটি পরাv. to put on puttees. পটি মারাv. to tuck with a pleat of cloth.
পটি2 [ paṭi2 ] n a section of a market, a market (সুতাপটি, লোহাপটি); a locality or quarters or township (চীনাপটি = a China-town).
পটীয়সী [ paṭīẏasī ] fem of পটু&পটীয়ান ।
পটীয়ান [ paṭīẏāna ] a very expert or adroit; more expert or adroit.
পটু [ paṭu ] a expert, adroit, skilful, dextrous; efficient, proficient, adept; able; clever; experienced. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. expertness, adroitness, skill, dexterity; efficiency, proficiency; ability; cleverness; experience.
পটোল [ paṭōla ] n a kind of a kitchen-vegetable shaped like a cylinder tapering at both ends. পটোলচেরাa. (of eyes) shaped like a longitudinal half of the aforesaid kitchen-vegetable, very wide and beautiful. পটলতোলাv. (sarcas.) to die, to kick the bucket. ̃লতাn. the bitter tasting edible creeper bearing the aforesaid kitchen-vegetable.
পট্ট [ paṭṭa ] n a plank, a slab; a plate (তাম্রপট্ট); a wooden seat for sitting upon squattingly; a seat (রাজপট্ট); a throne (পট্টমহিষী); jute; silk, linen (পট্টবস্ত্র); a town, a city; a village (esp. a large one); a port; a turban; a scarf. ̃দেবী same as পট্টমহিষী। পট্টনn. a city, a town; a port. ̃বস্ত্রn. silk-cloth, linen. ̃মহিষী, ̃রাজ্ঞীn. the chief queen of a king, a queen consort.
পট্টাবাস [ paṭṭābāsa ] n a tent.
পট্টি2 [ paṭṭi2 ] n a fib. পট্টি দেওয়া, পট্টি মারাv. to fib, to spoof. ̃বাজn. a fibster.
পট্টিশ, পট্টিস [ paṭṭiśa, paṭṭisa ] n a kind of ancient sword used in fighting.
পট্টু [ paṭṭu ] n a kind of coarse linen.
পাঠদ্দশা [ pāṭhaddaśā ] n student life, studentship.
পঠন [ paṭhana ] n act of reading, perusal; study; recitation. পঠনীয়a. that which is to be or can be read or studied or recited; prescribed for reading or study or recitation; readable; recitable. ̃শীলa. reading, studying; in the process of reading.
পঠিত [ paṭhita ] a that which has been read; perused; studied; recited.
পঠ্যমান [ paṭhyamāna ] a that which is being read or perused or studied or recited.
পড়তা [ paḍ়tā ] n a continuous succession of win ning or lucky throws (as of dice); luck (পড়তামন্দ); favourable time, fortune; good terms, amiability (তারসঙ্গে আমারপড়তা হলনা); an approximate number or amount, approximation (গড়পড়তা); (comm.) cost of production or procurement. পড়তাপড়াv. (at dice etc.) to be able to make winning or lucky throws in a row; to have a favourable or fortunate time; (comn.) to meet the cost of production or procurement. পড়তাপোষানোv. to meet or cover the cost of production or procurement.
পড়তি [ paḍ়ti ] n fall; decline (পড়তির মুখ); (comm.) a fall in prices, business etc., slump (উড়তি-পড়তি); the portion of materials oringredient wasted or scattered in course of production of an article (ঝড়তি-পড়তি); remainder, remnant. ☐a. falling, on the decline. পড়তিবাজার slump, market with falling prices.
পড়ন1 [ paḍ়na1 ] n falling, fall; decline.
পড়ন2 [ paḍ়na2 ] n (dial.) reading; perusal; study; recitation; recital.
পড়ন্ত [ paḍ়nta ] a about to fall; declining; about to terminate or end, coming to a close (পড়ন্তবেলা,পড়ন্ত দিন); setting (পড়ন্তরোদ). পড়ন্ত বেলা the closing hours of the day.
পড়পড়, পড়োপড়ো [ paḍ়paḍ়, paḍ়ōpaḍ়ō ] a about to fall or collapse or cave in মাথার উপড়েবাড়িপড়পড়.
পড়পড়2, পড়্পড়্ [ paḍ়paḍ়2, paḍ়paḍ় ]int suggesting: the noise of roughly tearing cloth etc.
পড়শি [ paḍ়śi ] n a neighbour.
পড়া1 [ paḍ়ā1 ] v to fall, to drop (বৃষ্টি পড়া); to fall down, to drop down (পড়ে যাওয়া, তালপড়া); to lean to (গায়েপড়া); (as an aux.) to perform an action (ঘুমিয়েপড়া); to come to, to fall into (দুঃখেপড়া); to be uncultivated (জমি পড়েথাকা); to be vacant or unoccupied (বাড়ি পড়ে থাকা); to stay or remain (পিছনেপড়া); to be unpaid or unreal ized, to get into arrears (অনেক টাকাপড়েআছে); to be outstanding (কাজপড়েথাকা); to set in, to begin, to ensue (আকাল পড়া); to attack, to raid (ডাকাতপড়া); to infest (পোকা পড়া); to be attacked (রোগে পড়া); to be caught (in) (জালে পড়া, দায়ে পড়া); to be affected with, to contact, to incur (মরচে পড়া, টাক পড়া, দায়ে পড়া); to arrive or appear (গিয়ে পড়া); to come across or fall upon (পথেপড়া); to set in for a spell (ঠান্ডা পড়া); to come upon, to strike, to occur (মনে পড়া = to call to mind); to require or involve or to involve an expenditure (অনেক টাকা পড়বে); to exude, to ooze, to flow out (রক্ত পড়া, রসপড়া, লাল পড়া); to fall off, to shed or to be shed, to fall (দাঁত পড়া, পাতা পড়া); to be placed (পাতপড়া); to be served (পাতে খাবার পড়া); to be paralyzed (অঙ্গ পড়ে যাওয়া); to come to a close, to decline (বেলাপড়া); to terminate; to be applied or set (হাত পড়া); to be allayed (রাগ পড়া); to be abated, to decrease (তেজ পড়া); to be directed or cast or set (চোখ পড়া); to be attracted (মনপড়া); to go into, to take in (পেটেপড়া); to be born (পেটথেকে পড়া); to be married (মেয়েটি বড় ঘরে পড়েছে). ☐a. fallen, dropped; fallen down, dropped down; leaning to (গায়ে পড়া); hanging loose (ঝুলে-পড়া চামড়া); fallen into (বিপদে পড়ালোক); uncultivated or fallow; unoccupied, vacant; deserted (পড়াবাড়ি); staying, remaining, laid down (বিছানায় পড়া লোক); attacked; infested; caught; affected with; lying unclaimed or met with by chance (পড়া টাকা); abandoned, derelict (পড়া মাল). ̃নোv. to cause to fall or drop or lean to or in fest or be attacked or be affected with or require or involve or involve an expenditure of or be turned or be directed or be cast or be set or be attracted or enter. পড়ে পড়ে কিলবামার খাওয়া to take constant insult or suffer oppression without retaliation. পড়ে-পাওয়াv. tocome upon something unexpectedly; to get a thing by chance and unexpectedly. পড়ে-পাওয়াa. got by chance and unexpectedly; that which has been obtained unexpectedly. See also পাওয়া ।বাজারে পড়তে না পাওয়া to have a ready market, to go or sell like hot cakes.
পড়া2 [ paḍ়ā2 ] v to read, to go through, to peruse; to study; to recite (মন্ত্রপড়া, হলফ পড়া). ☐n. reading, perusal; study; recital, recitation; an instalment of lesson, lesson, exercise. ☐a. that which has been read, perused; studied; recited. পড়া করাv. to learn or prepare one's lessons. প়ড়াধরা, পড়ানেওয়াv. to test whether one can say one's lessons. পড়াদেওয়া, পড়াবলাv. to say one's lessons. (কারও) কাছেপড়াv. to read, to take lessons from. পড়েশোনানোv. to read to. বিদ্যালয়ে পড়তেযাওয়া to go to school. ̃নোv. to teach; to cause to read or study or recite; to instruct, prepare by (repeated) instruction, to tutor, to rehearse, to prime (সাক্ষি পড়ান). পড়ারঘরn. a study; a reading room. পড়ারনেশাn. a great liking for or attachment to reading; love of reading. ̃শোনাn. study; academic education, schooling. পড়াশোনা করাv. to study; to have one's schooling; to learn one's lessons. পড়াশোনায় মন থাকা to take care of one's lessons or studies, to be mindful of one's lessons or studies.
পড়ুয়া [ paḍ়uẏā ] n a student, a pupil; a scholar. ☐a. given to study, studious; scholarly (পড়ুয়াছেলে); employed in study, studying (পড়ুয়া অবস্হা).
পড়েন1 [ paḍ়ēna1 ] n woof, weft.
পড়েন2 [ paḍ়ēna2 ] n a mass of metal, adjusted to a standard and used for finding weight, a weight.
পড়ো2 [ paḍ়ō2 ] a uncultivated, fallow (পড়ো জমি); unoccupied, vacant, deserted (পড়ো বাড়িবা ভিটে); deprived of the power of movement, confined to bed (ঘর-পড়ো, পড়ো লোক).
পণ [ paṇa ] n a promise, a resolve (পণ রক্ষা); a wager, a stake, a bet (পাশাখেলার পণ); price (প্রাণপণ); a condition or term, a stipulation (ধনুকভাঙাপণ); compulsory dowry (esp, what is given to a bride groom), marriage-money; a commodity; a measure of counting (= 2 গন্ডা). পণ করাv. to resolve. পণদেওয়াv. to pay the dowry, to pay the bridegroom (or the bride) compulsory dowry or marriage-money. পণ ধরা, পণ রাখাv. to lay a wager, to bet, to stake. পণ নেওয়াv. to exact compulsory dowry or marriage-money. কন্যাপণn. compulsory dowry or marriage-money given to the bride. বরপণ compulsory dowry or marriage-money given to the bride groom. ̃করn. betting tax. ̃কিয়াn. a table of reckoning by pans (পণ). ̃প্রথাn. the system of exacting dowry or marriage-money; (coll.) dowry system. ̃বদ্ধa. bound by a promise, under pledge of.
পণব [ paṇaba ] n a kind of ancient tomtom.
পন্ড [ panḍa ] a abortive, futile, vain, useless, fruitless; spoiled, foiled, marred. পন্ডকরাv. to render abortive, to bring to nothing, to baffle; to spoil, to foil, to mar, to undo. ̃শ্রমn. fruitless toil; abortive efforts.
পন্ডিত [ panḍita ] a learned, erudite; aufait, versed; wise; experienced; expert, skilled. ☐n. a teacher of Bengali and Sanskrit literature and language, a pundit. ̃চূড়ামণিn. (lit. and fig.) the most precious jewel amongst learned men; the most learned man. ̃প্রবর, ̃বর same as পন্ডিতশ্রেষ্ঠ। ̃মন্ডলীn. an assembly of learned people; the learned community, the intelligentsia. ̃মুর্খa. versed in bookish learning but bereft of common sense, learned but unpractical; a wise fool, a wiseacre. ☐n. such a man, a learned fool, a pedant. ̃মানী same as পন্ডিতম্নন্য । ̃শ্রেষ্ঠa. most learned. ☐n. the most learned man. পন্ডিতম্নন্য, পন্ডিতাভিমানীa. one who unduly as sumes an air of (superior) learning or wisdom. পন্ডিতম্নন্যব্যক্তি a wiseacre. পন্ডিতিn. the post or office of a teacher of Sanskrit and Bengali; (sarcas). wisdom or learning (পন্ডিতি ফলানো). ☐a. of or like ancient pundits (পন্ডিতিচালচলন); abounding in Sanskrit words and strictly following rules of Sanskrit grammar পন্ডিতি ভাষা.
পণ্য [ paṇya ] a that which is to be or can be sold, marketable, saleable, salable. ☐n. a commodity, an article for traffic, (pl.) merchandise; price, cost, charge, fare. ̃জীবীa. living on or engaged in trade or business. ☐n. a trader, a tradesman, a merchant, a businessman; a dealer. ̃দ্রব্যn. a commodity; (pl.) merchandise, wares. ̃বীথি, ̃বীথী, ̃বীথিকাn. a row of shops; a market. ̃শালাn. a shop; a departmental store; a market; a manufactory. ̃স্ত্রীn. a woman of the street, a prostitute, a harlot. পণ্যাগারn. a warehouse. পণ্যাঙ্গনা same as ̃স্ত্রী ।পণ্যাজীব same as ̃জীবী ।
পতগ [ pataga ] n the bird.
পতঙ্গ [ pataṅga ] n the grasshopper; an insect; the fly; the moth; the bird; an arrow; the sun. নাশকa. capable of killing insects, insecticidal. পতঙ্গনাশকপদার্থ in secticide. ̃পরাগণn. (bot.) entomophily. ̃পরাগতa. (bot.) insect-pollinated. ̃পরাগীa. (bot.) entomophilous. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যাn. entomology. ̃বিজ্ঞানী, ̃বিদn. an entomologist. ̃বৃত্তa. impelled by the insectile desire of killing oneself in the fire of one's pleasure. ̃বৃত্তিn. the insectile impulse of killing oneself in the fire of one's pleasure. ̃ভুকa. in sectivorous. পতঙ্গভুক প্রাণী an insectivore. ̃ময়a. infested with insects.
পতত্র [ patatra ] n a wing (of a bird). পতত্রি, পতত্রীn. the bird. পতত্রিরাজn. Garuda the king of birds (গরুড়).
পতন [ patana ] n act of falling or dropping, a fall; act or state of being shed or showered; a shower; decline, downfall (সাম্রাজ্যেরপতন); overthrow, defeat (শত্রুরপতন); slaughter, death (যুদ্ধে পতন); destruction (দেহেরপতন); capture (দুর্গেরপতন); depravation, corruption (সাধুরপতন); a defect (ছন্দপতন); failing, omission ('স্খলন-পতন-ত্রুটি'). পতন ঘটাv. to have a fall; to fall, to drop; to be shed or showered; to decline, to have a downfall, to be overthrown or defeated or killed or destroyed or captured or depraved or corrupted; to be omitted. পতন ঘটানোv. to cause a fall; to fell; to drop; to shed or shower; to cause decline or downfall; to overthrow or defeat; to kill; to destroy; to capture; to deprave or corrupt; to cause an omission. ̃শীলa. falling, dropping; being shed or showered; declining; on the wane; perishable. পতনোন্মুখa. about to fall or drop or decline; tottering.
পতপত, পত্পত্[ patapata, patpat ] int suggesting: a fluttering noise as of a flying flag or a sail moving in air or a flying kite or of the wings of a flying bird.
পতর [ patara ] n a metal hoop. পতরআঁটাv. to fasten a metal hoop (to).
পতাকা [ patākā ] n a banner, a standard, a flag, a pennon. পতাকা অবনমিতবাঅর্ধাবনমিতকরাv. to lower or half-mast a flag. পতাকা উত্তোলনকরাv. to hoist of flag. পতাকা নামিয়ে ফেলাv. to strike a flag. ̃দন্ডn. a flagstaff, a flagpole, a flagstick. ̃ধারী, ̃বাহীa. carrying or bearing a flag or standard. ☐n. a standard-bearer; a flag-bearer; an ensign; (fig.) an outstanding leader. পতাকীa. same as পতাকাধারী ।☐n. (astrol.) a circle drawn for ascertaining the good and evil (usu. পতাকীচক্র). fem. a. পতাকিনী ।
পতি [ pati ] n a husband; a master, an employer, a boss; an owner; an overlord, a ruler, a king; a chief; a leader. ̃গৃহn. the husband's house, a woman's husband's house. পতিংবরাa. & n. fem. one who selects or chooses one's husband. ˜ঘাতিনীa. & n. fem. one who murders or kills one's husband; one who is the cause of one's husband's death. ̃ত্বn. the state of being a husband; state of being a master or employer or boss; ownership; overlordship; rulership; kingship; office or post of a chief; leadership. পতিত্বে বরণ করাv. to accept or take as one's husband. ̃ত্যাগn. act of deserting or divorcing one's husband. ̃দেবতাn. one's husband regarded as one's deity. ̃পরায়ণাa. fem. extremely devoted (and faithful) to one's husband. ̃-পত্নীn. husband and wife. ̃-পুত্রn. a husband and a son or sons. ̃পুত্রহীনাa. deprived of both husband and son. ̃প্রাণাa. fem. one who looks upon one's husband as one's life; one who can hardly live without one's husband, extremely devoted to one's husband. ̃বত্নীa. fem. having one's husband living. ̃বিয়োগn. death of one's husband. ̃বিরহn. separation (temporary or permanent) from one's husband. ̃বিরহিণীa. fem. separated (temporarily or permanently) from one's husband. ̃ব্রতাa. fem. one who has taken the vow of serving one's husband; extremely devoted to one's husband. ̃মতীa. fem. having a master or ruler. (পতিমতী পৃথ্বী). ̃সেবাn. serving one's husband. ̃হীনাa. widowed. পতিহীনানারী a widow.
পতিত [ patita ] a fallen, dropped; shed; showered; declined; downfallen; over thrown, defeated; killed, slain; depraved; degenerated; guilty of a failing or lapse; depressed পতিত জাতি; socially cast out, excommunicate (সমাজেপতিত); outcasted (জাতে পতিত); uncultivated, fallow (পতিতজমি); deserted or unoccupied (পতিত ভিটা). পতিত করাv. to cast out from the society, to excommunicate; to outcaste. পতিত হওয়াv. to fall, to drop; to be shed or showered; to be guilty of a failing or lapse; to be cast out or excommunicated; to be outcasted. ̃পাবনa. one who delivers sinners from damnation. fem. ̃পাবনী ।
পতিতা [ patitā ] a. fem gone astray from the path of righteousness and chastity; unchaste; taken to harlotry. ☐n. a fallen woman; a prostitute, a harlot. ̃বাদn. reclamation of fallow land or wastes. ̃বৃত্তিn. prostitution. পতিতোদ্ধারn. redemption or rescue of the sinful.
পত্তন [ pattana ] n a city, a town, a port; base, groundwork; construction; foundation, setting up, institution, inauguration; establishment; commencement, beginning, outset; lease or settlement (তালুকের পত্তন নেওয়া); length (কোঁচারপত্তন). পত্তন করাv. to lay the foundation of; to construct; to found, to institute, to inaugurate; to establish; to commence, to begin. পত্তন দেওয়াv. to lease out or settle. পত্তন নেওয়াv. to come into possession by dint of a lease or settlement. পত্তন-আরক্ষাn. the port-police. ̃দার same as পত্তনিদার । ̃পালn. port commissioner. পত্তনিn. a piece of land leased out, a leasehold; a settlement. ☐a. leased out, held by dint of a settled tenure. পত্তনিদারn. a lease-holder, a lessee, a tenure-holder.
পত্তি [ patti ] n a foot-soldier, an infantryman.
পত্নী [ patnī ] n a wife. পত্নীত্যাগকরাv. to desert or divorce one's wife. ̃বিয়োগn. loss or death of one's wife.
পত্র [ patra ] n a leaf (as of a book or a tree); a page (পত্রাঙ্ক); a foil or plate (তাম্রপত্র); a letter, a missive (পত্রপ্রাপ্তি); a piece of paper printed or written (আদেশপত্র); a document or deed (বায়নাপত্র); a written marriage-contract (usu. পাঁতিপত্র); (of a bird) a wing; a correlative of কাগজ, দলিল etc. (চিঠিপত্র, কাগজপত্র, পুঁথিপত্র); a collection, and similar things, etcetera (বিছানাপত্র, মালপত্র, খরচপত্র). পত্র করাv. to make a marriage-contract in writing. পত্র দেওয়াv. to send one a letter, to write a letter to. ̃কn. a leaf; (bot.) a pinna. ̃কন্টকn. (bot.) a leaf-spine. ̃ক্ষতn. (bot.) a leaf-scar. ̃দারকn. a saw. ̃পত্রিকাn. pl. journals and news papers. ̃পাঠn. act of reading a letter. ☐adv. as soon as a letter is read; forth with, at once, immediately. ̃পুটn. a cup made of tree-leaves. ̃বন্ধুn. a penfriend. ̃বাহ, ̃বাহকn. a carrier or bearer of a letter; a messenger; a post man. ̃বাহীa. mail-carrying, mail. ̃বিনিময়n. act of writing letters to one another; exchange of letters; corre spondence. পত্রবিনিময়করাv. to write letters to one another; to correspond (with). বিন্যাসn. (bot.) phyllotaxy. ̃মঞ্জরিn. (bot.) a leafstalk, a petiole. ̃মুকুলn. (bot.) a leafbud. ̃মূলn. (bot.) a leaf-base. ̃মোচনn. (bot.) leaf-fall, defoliation. ̃যোগেadv. by letter. ̃রচনাn. act of writing or composing a letter; (bot.) foliation; (bot.) foliage. ̃রন্ধ্রn. stoma. ̃লেখাn. act of writing a letter; decorative paintings on one's person with sandal-paste or similar articles. ̃হরিত্n. (bot.) chlorophyl.
পত্রাঙ্ক [ patrāṅka ] n (of a book) page-number, page mark. পত্রাঙ্কনn. pagination. পত্রাঙ্কিতa. paginated. পত্রাঙ্কিতকরা, পত্রাঙ্ক দেওয়াv. to paginate, to page.
পত্রাবলি, পত্রাবলী, পত্রালি, পত্রালী [ patrābali, patrābalī, patrāli, patrālī ] n. plletters collectively, correspondence; (of a tree) leaves collectively, foliage; (of a book) pages collectively; decorative painting on one's person with sandal paste or similar articles. পত্রালিকাn. a tiny or concealed decorative painting on one's person with sandal-paste etc.
পত্রাশ্রয়ী [ patrāśraẏī ] a epiphyllous.
পত্রিকা [ patrikā ] n a letter, a missive, an epistle; a newspaper; a periodical, a magazine (দৈনিকপত্রিকা, মাসিক পত্রিকা); a paper containing a writing, a horoscope (জন্মপত্রিকা); (rare) a deed, a document; a leaf of young shoot (নবপত্রিকা).
পত্রী [ patrī ] a leafed; foliaceous; winged. ☐n. a tree; a bird; an arrow; a letter, a missive; a newspaper, a periodical.
পত্রোত্তর [ patrōttara ] n the reply of a letter. পত্রোত্তরেadv. in reply to a letter.
পত্রোদ্গম [ patrōdgama ] n (bot.) foliation.
পথ [ patha ] n a passage, a path, a way, a road, a street, a route; doorway, an entrance; a mode or manner (সত্ পথে জীবনযাপন); a means, an expedient (মুক্তিরপথ); range (দৃষ্টিপথ). অর্ধপথে মিলিত হওয়া to meet halfway; to compromise. পথ করাv. to make one's way; to make way. পথ চলাv. to travel on foot; to walk; to travel; (arch.) to wayfare. পথ চাওয়াv. to look forward to the coming of, to wait for or expect eagerly the coming of. পথ ছাড়াv. to get out of the way, to let one pass, to give one way, to make way for; to give up a way or practice (esp. a bad one). পথ জোড়াv. to block a way; to block one's way; to obstruct. পথ দেওয়াv. to make way for, to let one pass, to give one way. পথ দেখাv. to devise (ways and) means; to find a way out; (sarcas.) to go one's way, to depart; to find one's way. পথ দেখানোv. to show one the way; to guide; to lead the way; (sarcas.) to turn one out, to show one the door. পথ ধরাv. to follow a (particular) path; to adopt a (particular) method or practice; to set off, to depart, to take the road. পথ মাড়ানোv. to go or come by a particular way; (fig.) to associate with; (fig.) to come or go in the neighbourhood of. পথে আসাv. to yield, to submit; to follow the right track (at last). পথে কাঁটাদেওয়াv. (fig.) to block or obstruct a way. পথেবসাv. (fig.) to be utterly ruined or to be bank rupt, to have nothing to fall back on or to have none to turn to for support or help. পথে বসানোv. (fig.) to ruin utterly. পথেরকাঁটাn. a thorn in one's side; (fig.) an obstacle, a hindrance. পথের কুকুর (fig.) a street beggar, (cp.) a street Arab. পথের পথিক a homeless person. এক পথেরপথিক a fellow-traveller; (fig.) one who is in the same boat. ̃করn. a road-cess. পথের সাথিn. a companion in travel; a co-passenger. ̃খরচ, ̃খরচাn. travelling expenses; travelling allowance; (chiefly reli.) viaticum. ̃চলতিa. passing by the way, passing (পথ চলতিগাড়ি); wayfaring (পথচলতি লোক); happening or experienced during wayfaring (পথচলতি ঘটনা). পথচলতি লোক same as পথচারী। ̃চারীn. a wayfarer, a pedestrian, a passer-by. fem. পথচারিণী । ̃চ্যুত same as পথভ্রষ্ট । ̃পার্শ্বn. wayside, road side. ̃পার্শ্বস্হa. wayside, roadside. ̃প্রদর্শকa. showing one the way, leading the way, guiding or leading. ☐n. a guide; a leader, a pioneer. ̃প্রদর্শনn. act of showing one the way, guidance; act of leading the way. পথপ্রদর্শন করানো same as পথ দেখানো । ̃প্রান্তn. wayside, roadside; the end of a road, (cp.)roadhead. ̃ভোলা, ̃ভ্রষ্ট, ̃ভ্রান্তa. strayed, lost; failing to ascertain the right path; confused, nonplussed; guilty of moral or religious lapse, deviating from the path of righteousness. ̃রোধn. act of blocking a way, road block; act of obstructing (that makes movement difficult or impossible). ̃শ্রম, পথের ক্লান্তিn. the exertion or exhaustion from travel, wayweariness. শ্রান্তa. tired with constant walking, wayworn. ̃হারা same as পথভ্রষ্ট।
পথিক [ pathika ] n a wayfarer, a pedestrian, a passer-by; a traveller.
পথিকৃত্ [ pathikṛt ] a preparing the way. ☐n. a pioneer.
পথিপার্শ্বস্হ [ pathipārśbasha ] a wayside, roadside.
পথিমধ্যে [ pathimadhyē ] adv on the way, on the road, enroute.
পথেঘাটে [ pathēghāṭē ] adv anywhere and everywhere, at all places, in all parts; everywhere; here and there.
পথ্য [ pathya ] a wholesome. ☐n. sick-diet; diet for the convalescent. পথ্য করাv. to take for the first time such diet as is suitable for a convalescent. ̃বিচারn. dietetics, dietary. পথ্যাপথ্যn. proper and improper diet, good and harmful diet.
পদ [ pada ] n a leg, a foot; a pace, a footstep, a step; a footprint, a vestige; a line of poetry (ত্রিপদী, চতুর্দশপদী); a distich (চর্যাপদ); a song or lyric (বৈষ্ণবপদাবলি); a post, an office, an employment (পদপ্রার্থী); a position, a station, a rank (রাজপদ); favour, grace, shelter, refuge (as may be granted by a venerable person) (পদেরাখা); a place or habitation (জনপদ); (gr.) an inflected word, a part of speech, a word (নামপদ); a fourth part, a quarter (usu. পাদ); an item (বহু পদ রান্না হয়েছে); (arith. alg. & log.) a term (বহুপদ = a polynomial). পদে থাকাv. to continue somehow in a (particular) post or station, (pop.) to be in a tolerable condition; to be so so. পদে পদে, প্রতি পদে at every step. ̃কর্তাn. a composer of a distich or song or lyric, a poet. fem. ̃কর্ত্রী a poetess. ̃ক্ষেপn. stepping or pacing; a pace, a step, a stride. প্রতিপদক্ষেপ at every step. পদক্ষেপ করাv. to set foot, to tread; to come. ̃গর্ব, ̃গৌরবn. glory or dignity peculiar to an office, post, position, rank etc., a prerogative, official status. ̃চারণn. pacing; strolling or walking. পদচারণ করাv. to pace; to stroll, to walk. ̃চালনাn. pacing; strolling or walking; kicking; (in football etc.) footwork. পদচালনা করাv. to pace; to stroll, to walk; to kick; to foot. ̃চালিতa. (of a lever or treadle) driven or operated or propelled by foot. ̃চিহ্নn. a footprint, a footmark; a vestige. ̃চ্ছায়া (loos.) ̃ছায়াn. shelter at one's feet; (fig.) favour, grace, gracious protection. ̃চ্যুতa. dismissed from office, dismissed, (sl.) sacked; cashiered. পদচ্যুতকরাv. to dismiss, (sl.) to sack; to cashier. ̃চ্যুতিn. dismissal; cashierment. ̃তলn. the sole (of the foot). পদতলেadv. under foot (পদতলেপিষ্ট); at one's feet (পদতলে লুটিয়ে পড়া). পদতলে পতিতহওয়াv. to fall at the feet (in humble submission). ̃ত্যাগn. resignation, relinquishment of a post or position or office, abdication. পদত্যাগকরাv. to resign, to submit resignation, to relinquish. ̃ত্যাগ পত্রn. letter of resignation. ̃দলনn. trampling; (fig.) act of disobeying or discarding slightingly. পদদলন করাv. to trample; (fig.) to disobey or discard slightingly. ̃দলিতa. trampled; slightingly disobeyed or discarded; (fig.) downtrodden. fem. পদদলিতা । পদদলিত করা same as পদদলনকরা । ̃ধূলিn. dust of one's feet (placed on head by another in reverence). ̃ধ্বনি same as পদশব্দ । ̃ন্যাসn. (gr.) syntax. ̃পঙ্কজn. feet conceived as lotuses, lotus-like beautiful feet. ̃পরিচয়n. parsing. ̃পল্লবn. feet conceived as petals, feet as tender as petals. ̃পৃষ্ঠn. the in step. ̃প্রান্তn. the corner of one's feet. ̃প্রান্তেadv. at one's feet. ̃প্রার্থীa. offering one's candidature for a post or employment, applying for a post or employment. ☐n. an applicant, a candidate. fem. ̃প্রার্থিনী । ̃বিক্ষেপn. act or manner of stepping (as in a dance or walking); pacing or walking. ̃বিন্যাসn. act or manner of stepping (as in a dance or walking); (gr.) syntax. ̃বৃদ্ধিn. an advancement in office or rank, promotion. ̃ব্রজn. act of going on foot, act of walking. ̃ব্রজেadv. on foot. ̃ভরেadv. under the weight of one's feet (esp. when walking haughtily). ̃ভ্রষ্টa. removed or dismissed from a position or office. ̃মর্যাদাn. the dignity of a post or position. ̃যুগলn. a pair of feet or legs. ̃রজ, ̃রেণু same as পদধূলি । ̃লেহনn. act of licking one's feet; (fig.) act of cringing, footlicking, bootlicking. ̃লেহীa. licking one's feet; (fig.) cringing, footlicking, bootlicking. পদলেহী ব্যক্তি a cringeling, a footlicker, a bootlicker, a servile person. ̃শব্দn. a footfall. ̃সেবাn. massaging one's feet and legs; (fig.) worship; (dero.) act of serving abjectly, cringing, footlicking, bootlicking. ̃স্খলনn. a false step; stumbling; (fig.) a moral lapse or slip or aberration. পদস্খলনহওয়া same as পদস্খলিত হওয়া । ̃স্খলিতa. stumbled; (fig.) lapsed, sinful. fem. পদস্খলিতা । পদস্খলিতহওয়াv. to stumble; (fig.) to lapse. ̃স্হa. placed in a post or station; (pop.) in high office. পদাংশn. (gr.) a syllable or part of a word. পদাগ্রn. the tip of a foot. পদাঘাতn. a kick. পদাঘাতকরাv. to kick, to spurn. পদাঙ্কn. a footprint, a footmark, a vestige. পদাঙ্গুলn. a toe. পদাঙ্গুলাকারa. (bot.) pedate. পদানতa. prostrate at one's feet; thoroughly subdued or dominated; submissive or dependent (পরের পদানত হয়ে জীবনধারণ). fem. পদানতা। পদানুগমনn. act of following one's footprints. পদানুগমনকরাv. same as পদানুবর্তী হওয়া । পদানুবর্তীa. following one's footprints; act of following; (fig.) succeeding. fem. পদানুবর্তিনী । পদানুবর্তীহওয়া to follow one's footprints; to follow; (fig.) to succeed. পদান্বয় (gr.) syntax; parsing. পদান্বয়ীa. (gr.) prepositional. পদান্বয়ী অব্যয় (gr.) a preposition. পদাবনতa. prostrate at one's feet; thoroughly subdued or dominated; submissive or dependent; demoted or degraded in rank or office. fem. পদাবনতা ।পদাবনতিn. demotion or degradation in rank or office. পদাবলি, পদাবলীn. a collection or anthology of songs or lyrics or distichs (বৈষ্ণব পদাবলী). পদাভিলাষীa. desirous of holding a (particular) post or office. fem. পদাভিলাষিণী । পদাম্বুজ, পদারবিন্দ same as পদপঙ্কজ ।পদার্পণn. (lit.) act of placing one's feet upon; (rare) stepping or pacing; (pop.) act of stepping in or coming. পদার্পণকরাv. to place or set one's feet upon; to step in, to come. পদাশ্রয়n. shelter at one's feet; (fig.) favour, grace, gracious protection. পদাশ্রয় দেওয়াv. to give shelter at one's feet; (fig.) to treat with favour or grace, to protect graciously. পদাশ্রয়ী, পদাশ্রিতa. sheltered at one's or another's feet; (fig.) enjoying favour or grace (of), favoured, graciously protected (by). fem. পদাশ্রিতা ।পদাহতa. kicked, spurned; (fig.) grievously insulted.
পদক [ padaka ] n a locket; a medal. ̃প্রাপ্তa. one who has won a medal, medalled. পদকপ্রাপ্ত ব্যক্তি a medallist.
পদবি [ padabi ] n a title, an appellation; a nick name; a family name, a surname.
পদাতি, পদাতিক [ padāti, padātika ] n a foot-soldier, an infan tryman; a footman.
পদাধিকারে, পদাধিকারবলে [ padādhikārē, padādhikārabalē ] adv by virtue of one's office or position, ex-officio.
পদার্থ [ padārtha ] n meaning of a word; connotation of a term; a thing, an article, a material, substance, intrinsic worth (লোকটারআর পদার্থ নেই); (log.) category; (phil. & sc.) matter; (sc.) an element. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যাn. physics. ̃বিজ্ঞানী, ̃বিদ, a. versed in physics. ☐n. a physicist, a person skilled in physics.
পদোন্নতি [ padōnnati ] n advancement in rank or office, promotion.
পদ্ধতি [ paddhati ] n a way, a path, a road; a method, a mode, a manner, a system, a rule; a custom, a practice; a row, a stretch, a series; a current; a line. পদ্ধতি অনুসারে methodically, systematically.
পদ্ম [ padma ] n the lotus, the lily. ☐n. & a. one thousand million. ˜কাঁটাn. a thorn on the stem of a lotus. ̃কেশরn. the filament of the lotus. ̃গন্ধিa. smelling like a lotus. ̃দিঘিn. a large pond full of lotuses, a lotus-pond. ̃নাভa. having a lotus in one's navel. ☐n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃নালn. lotus-stalk. ̃নেত্রa. lotus eyed. ̃পত্রn. a leaf of a lotus-plant. ̃পলাশn. a lotus-petal or a leaf of a lotus-plant. পলাশলোচনa. having eyes as large as lotus-petals. ☐n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃পাণি. a. having a lotus in one's hand. ☐n. Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); the sun or Sun-god; Buddha. ̃বনn. a clump of lotus. ̃বীজn. lotus-seed. ̃মধুn. essence or honey of the lotus. ̃মুখীa. fem. having a face as beautiful or sweet as a lotus. ̃যোনিa. born out of a lotus. ☐n. Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). ̃রাগn. ruby; spinel. ̃লোচনa. lotus-eyed.
পদ্মা [ padmā ] n goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী); Manasa (মনসা) the snake-goddess; a river of Eastern Bengal.
পদ্মাকর [ padmākara ] n a large pond full of lotuses, a lotus-pond.
পদ্মাক্ষ [ padmākṣa ] a lotus-eyed. ☐n. the lotus-seed.
পদ্মাপুরাণ [ padmāpurāṇa ] n a legend in verse narrating the glory of Padma (পদ্ম) or Manasa (মনসা) the snake-goddess.
পদ্মাবতী [ padmābatī ] n Manasa (মনসা) the snake-goddess.
পদ্মালয়া [ padmālaẏā ] a living in a lotus. ☐n. goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী).
পদ্মাসন [ padmāsana ] n a particular posture of yogic sitting; one seated in this posture; an appellation of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). পদ্মাসনাa. seated on a lotus. ☐n. goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী).
পদ্মাসীনা [ padmāsīnā ] a. fem seated on a lotus. masc. পদ্মাসীন ।
পদ্মিনী [ padminī ] n a collection of lotuses; a clump of lotuses; (inc.) the lotus; a woman belonging to the best of the four physical categories from the sexual point of view. ̃কান্ত, ̃বল্লভn. the sun.
পদ্য [ padya ] n a verse, a poem; poetry.
পনস [ panasa ] n the jack-fruit; the jack-tree.
-পনা [ -panā ] sfx denoting: showy or feverish practice or imitation, -ness (গিন্নিপনা, গুনপনা).
পনির [ panira ] n cheese.
পনেরো [ panērō ] n. & a fifteen. ̃ইa. (of the days of a month) fifteenth. ☐n. the fifteenth day of a month, the fifteenth.
পন্হ [ panha ] n (poet. & obs.) a way, a path ('পন্হবিজন অতি ঘোর').
পন্হা [ panhā ] n a way, a path; a means, an expedient (উদ্ধারের পন্হা); a system of religious practice (তান্ত্রিক পন্হা); a manner or mode or style or school. ̃নুসরণn. act of following a particular path or system or mode.
পন্হানুসারী [ panhānusārī ] a following or obeying a particular path or system or mode.
পন্হী [ panhī ] a (used as a sfx.) belonging to a particular school or religious community (নানকপন্হী), following a particular doctrine (প্রাচীনপন্হী), following a particular style or mode (রবীন্দ্রপন্হী), -ist.
পন্নগ [ pannaga ] n the snake, the serpent; the reptile; the lizard. fem. পন্নগী ।
পবন [ pabana ] n wind, air; the Wind-god (cp. Aeolus, Aiolos) (also পবনদেবতা). ̃গতি, ̃বেগn. the speed of the wind, the fast pace of the wind. ̃নন্দন, পবনাত্মজn. (myth.) Hanuman (হনুমান) the son of the Wind-god. ̃বেগেadv. with the speed of the wind, as fast as wind. ̃হিল্লোলn. a gentle undulating current of air.
পবিত্র [ pabitra ] a sacred, holy; sanctimonious; sanctified; pure, clean; virtuous. fem. পবিত্রা। ̃তাn. sacredness, holiness; sanctity; purity, cleanliness; virtuousness. পবিত্রিত, পবিত্রীকৃতa. sanctified, consecrated, made holy or sacred; purified, cleaned. পবিত্রীকরণn. sanctification; purification, cleansing.
পমেটম [ pamēṭama ] n pomatum, pomade.
পয় [ paẏa ] n auspiciousness, luck; good fortune.
পয়ঃ [ paẏḥ ] n milk; water. ̃প্রণালীn. a drain, gutter; a watercourse.
পয়গম্বর [ paẏagambara ] n (Mus.) a human being accredited as a messenger of God, a prophet.
পয়জার [ paẏajāra ] n a loose shoe fixed to the foot only by the vamp, a slipper.
পয়দা [ paẏadā ] n birth; origination; act of begetting. পয়দা করাv. to beget. পয়দা হওয়া to be born.
পয়নালা, পয়নালি [ paẏanālā, paẏanāli ] n a drain, a gutter; a watercourse.
পয়মন্ত [ paẏamanta ] a auspicious, lucky; having an auspicious or lucky aspect (পয়মন্তচেহারা); bringing in good fortune (পয়মন্ত বউ).
পয়মাল [ paẏamāla ] a spoiled; annihilated, destroyed.
পয়রা [ paẏarā ] a thin, watery (পয়রাগুড় = treacle made esp. out of date-palm juice).
পয়লা [ paẏalā ] n the first day of a month; the first. ☐a. (of days of a month) first (পয়লাআষাঢ়); first or best (পয়লা নম্বর). পয়লা নম্বরেরa. the best or the worst (পয়লা নম্বরের চ্যালা, পয়লা নম্বরেরশত্রু).
পয়সা [ paẏasā ] n a pice (= 1/1 rupee; formerly 1/64 rupee); money (বাবুগিরির পয়সা); wealth. পয়সাকরাv. to acquire or earn wealth, to make money; to amass money or heapup riches. ̃ওয়ালাa. moneyed, wealthy, rich. ̃কড়িn. cash money; wealth. আধ-পয়সাn. half-a pice. সিকি পয়সা a quarter pice. পয়সারকাজ work that yields money, profitable work.
পয়স্বিনী [ paẏasbinī ] a yielding milk, milch (পয়স্বিনীগাভী); full of water, yielding water. ☐n. a milch-cow; a river.
পয়স্য [ paẏasya ] a produced of milk. পয়স্য দ্রব্য a milk-product.
পয়ার [ paẏāra ] n a metrical system of Bengali poetry in which each line consists of fourteen letters or syllables; a verse composed in this metre.
পয়োদ [ paẏōda ] n the cloud.
পয়োধর [ paẏōdhara ] n the cloud; the mammary gland of women; the coconut. পয়োধরী, পয়োধরাn. a woman (esp. one having well-shaped breasts).
পয়োধি [ paẏōdhi ] n the ocean, the sea.
পয়োমুক [ paẏōmuka ] n the cloud.
পয়োমুখ [ paẏōmukha ] a sweet-tongued.
-পর3 [ -para3 ] a used as a sfx. denoting: devoted to, observant of, -ish, -ous, -ly (স্বার্থপর, ন্যায়পর).
পর4 [ para4 ] a another, other, different; unrelated, not one's relation or kindred (সেআমার পরনয়); supreme, chief, best, absolute (পরব্রক্ষ্ম). ☐n. an enemy, a foe (পরন্তপ); a person who is not present on the spot, a third person (পরচর্চা); one who is not a kindred, a stranger পরভৃত্; God. ☐adv. then, after (অতঃপর, পরবর্তী). পরের ধনে পোদ্দারি করা (fig.) to spend another's money as one's own; (fig.) a steward brags of the property he looks after as if it were his own.
পরওয়ানা, পরোয়ানা [ parōẏānā, parōẏānā ] n a warrant, a writ; a summons. পরওয়ানা জারি করা to serve or issue a process or writ.
পরক [ paraka ] a alien.
পরকলা [ parakalā ] n glass; a lens; a mirror.
পরকাল [ parakāla ] n the world beyond death, the beyond, the hereafter, the eternal world; the future (পরকাল ঝরঝরে). পরকাল খাওয়া, পরকাল ঝরঝরে করা, পরকালনষ্টকরাv. to ruin one's future; to cause to go to the bad, to deprave; to consign to spiritual damnation. পরকালের কাজ an act of piety. পরকালেরচিন্তা spiritual meditation.
পরকীকরণ [ parakīkaraṇa ] n alienation.
পরকীয় [ parakīẏa ] a relating to or belonging to an other (opp. to own), foreign, alien. পরকীয়াa. fem. of পরকীয় ।☐n. fem. a lady-love who is either unmarried or married to somebody else; aconcubine. পরকীয়াপ্রেমn. love with a person married to somebody else. পরকীয়াবাদn. a doctrine of the Vaishnava (বৈষ্ণব) philosophy of love.
পরক্ষণ [ parakṣaṇa ] n the next moment.
পরখ [ parakha ] n test; trial; experiment; examination. পরখ করা, (poet.) পরখাv. to test; to try; to experiment; to examine.
পরগনা [ paraganā ] n a former administrative division in India, a pargana.
পরগাছা [ paragāchā ] n (bot.) a parasitic plant, a parasite; (fig.) a hanger-on, a sycophant, a parasite.
পরগ্লানি [ paraglāni ] n slandering, backbiting, gossip; scandal.
পরঘরি [ paraghari ] a (lit.) of a person living in the house of somebody else; (fig.) dependent on others, sheltered by others.
পরচর্চা [ paracarcā ] n discussion about others behind their back; slandering, backbiting, gossip, scandal-mongering. পরচর্চা করাv. to discuss others; to slander, to gossip about others.
পরচা [ paracā ] n a settlement record.
পরচ্ছন্দ [ paracchanda ] n another's will or pleasure. ☐a. guided by or depending on or dominated by another's will or pleasure. পরচ্ছন্দানুবর্তীa. same as পরচ্ছন্দ (a.) fem. পরছন্দানুবর্তিনী।
পরচ্ছিদ্র [ paracchidra ] n another's fault or weak point. পরচ্ছিদ্রান্বেষণn. fault-finding; captiousness. পরচ্ছিদ্রান্বেষণ করাv. to find fault with others, to seek a hole in another's coat. পরচ্ছিদ্রান্বেষীa. fault-finding; captious. fem. পরচ্ছিদ্রান্বেষিণী।
পরজন্ম [ parajanma ] n the next birth; life after the present one.
পরজীবী [ parajībī ] a parasitic, parasitical. ☐n. a parasitic plant or organism, a parasite. পরজীবিতাn. parasitism. পরজীবীয়a. parasitic.
পরত1 [ parata1 ] n a layer, a flake, a plait, a fold. পরতে পরতেadv. in every layer.
পরত2 [ parata2 ] adv from or in or by another.
পরত্র [ paratra ] adv in the world beyond death, in the life beyond; in future.
পরদা [ paradā ] n a screen, a curtain; a veil, a zenana, purdah (পরদাপ্রথা); a thin skin or membrane, a film (চোখের পরদা); a covering; a layer, a strip, a flake (একপরদা চামড়া; (of a musical instrument) a bridge or key; (of voice) a scale (সুরের পরদা). ̃নশিনa. (fem.) living be hind the purdah, living in a zenana. ̃প্রথাn. the purdah-system. চোখের পরদা (fig.) sense of shame, sense of delicacy.
পরদার [ paradāra ] n another's wife. ̃গমনn. the offence of cohabiting with another's wife; adultery. পরদার গমন করাv. to co habit with another's wife, to violate another's marriage-bed, to commit adultery. ̃গামী, পারদারিকa. cohabiting with another's wife; adulterous.
পরদিন [ paradina ] adv. & n next day, the following day.
পরদুঃখ [ paraduḥkha ] n another's affliction or distress. ̃কাতরa. feeling pain at another's affliction, compassionate, commiserated. fem. ̃কাতরা । ̃কাতরতাn. compassion, commiseration.
পরদেশ [ paradēśa ] n a foreign country, a foreign land. পরদেশি, (poet.) পরদেশিয়াa. in habiting a foreign land; foreign. ☐n. a foreigner.
পরদ্বেষ [ paradbēṣa ] n malice, ill-will, spite. পরদ্বেষী, পরদ্বেষ্টাa. malicious, bearing ill-will, spiteful. fem. পরদ্বেষিণী ।
পরদ্রব্য [ paradrabya ] n another's goods or property, what belongs to another.
পরধন [ paradhana ] n another's money or wealth or property. পরধন গ্রহণ করাv. to rob another's money or wealth or property; to misappropriate another's money or wealth or property, to defalcate, to embezzle.
পরধর্ম [ paradharma ] n another's religion; a religion which is not one's own; a calling or profession or job which is not one's own. ̃গ্রহণn. embracing a faith or religion not one's own; apostasy.
পরধর্মদ্বেষী [ paradharmadbēṣī ] ahostile to other's religion or creed, intolerant of others' religion or of religion not one's own.
পরন [ parana ] n act of putting on or wearing. পরনের কাপড় clothing, garments or clothes for wearing.
পরনারী [ paranārī ] n somebody else's wife, another's wife. পরনারী হরণ করাv. to abduct another's wife (esp. for immoral purpose).
পরনিন্দা [ paranindā ] n slander, vilification, animad version. পরনিন্দা করাv. to slander, to animadvert.
পরনির্ভর [ paranirbhara ] a dependent on others, dependent on somebody else. ̃তাn. dependence on others.
পরনিষেক [ paraniṣēka ] n cross-fertilization; cross-impregnation.
পরন্তপ [ parantapa ] a one who conquers or vanquishes an enemy, victorious; (fig.) self-restrained.
পরন্তু [ parantu ] conj. & adv moreover; on the other hand; but, still, notwithstanding.
পরপতি [ parapati ] n another's husband; the Supreme Lord, God ('তোরা পরপতি সনেসদাই গোপনে সততকরিবি লেহা').
পরপদ [ parapada ] n (fig.) the high place or eminent position (usu. of an enemy); (gr.) the following or latter word. পরপদ লেহনকরাto lick a person's boots or shoes, to cringe before a person, to be abject or servile, to fawn on.
পরপর [ parapara ] adv one after another; successively; consecutively; gradually; side by side.
পরপার [ parapāra ] n the other or opposite bank or shore; the world beyond death, the next world, the beyond.
পরপালিত [ parapālita ] a brought up or fostered by others, fostered or brought up, by people other than one's parents.
পরপীড়ক [ parapīḍ়ka ] a oppressing others; tyrannous. ☐n. an oppressor, a tyrant; a bully.
পরপীড়ন [ parapīḍ়na ] n act of oppressing others, tyranny. পরপীড়ন করাv. to oppress others, to tyrannize; to bully.
পরপুরুষ [ parapuruṣa ] n a man other than one's husband; the Supreme Being, God; (dial.) the next or future generation. ̃গামিনীa. fem. committing adultery; adulterous.
পরপুষ্ট [ parapuṣṭa ] a fostered or brought up or nourished by a stranger. ☐n. the cuckoo. পরপুষ্টাa. fem. of পরপুষ্ট ।☐n. a prostitute, a harlot.
পরপূর্বা [ parapūrbā ] a. fem one who was married or betrothed to (and subsequently estranged from) another.
পরব [ paraba ] n a feast or festival (esp. a holy one); a fiesta.
পরবর্তী [ parabartī ] a subsequent, next, following, ensuing, succeeding. fem. পরবর্তিনী।
পরবশ [ parabaśa ] a subject to another; subject; subservient, dependent; affected with, overcome by (ক্রোধপরবশ). পরবশতা, পরবশত্বn. subjection to another; subjection, subservience, dependence; the state of being enslaved or overcome by.
পরবাদ2 [ parabāda2 ] n animadversion, censure; retort; reply, answer.
পরবাস1 [ parabāsa1 ] n another's residence or home or abode or homeland.
পরব্রহ্ম [ parabrahma ] n the Absolute Being, the Supreme Being, God.
পরভাগ্যোপজীবী [ parabhāgyōpajībī ] a living upon another's destiny or fortune. fem. পরভাগ্যোপজীবিনী।
পরভৃত্ [ parabhṛt ] n one who or that which rears others; the crow.
পরভোজী [ parabhōjī ] a heterotrophic, parasitical.
পরম [ parama ] a first, primordial, true, real (পরমকারণ); best, chief, prime, supreme, principal, highest, greatest, absolute, final (পরম পুরুষ); of the highest degree, greatest or worst (পরম সুখ, পরমদুঃখ); (sc.) absolute. পরম আপ্যায়িত most cordially received; highly gratified or pleased. পরম একক (phys.) absolute unit. পরম কারণn. Final or Ultimate Cause, God. পরমকারুণিকa. most merciful or kind, most gracious. পরমক্রম (phys.) absolute scale. ̃গতিn. the most blessed state after death, beatitude, heavenly bliss; salvation. ̃গুরুn. the supreme or greatest preceptor; the most venerable preceptor; the absolute lord (পতি পরম গুরু). পরম ঘনত্ব, পরমঘনাঙ্ক (phys.) absolute density. ̃তত্ত্বn. final knowledge; (phil.) reality; secrets, mystery; the Absolute Being, God. ̃পদ same as পরমগতি । ̃পদার্থn. intrinsic essence; the Final Cause, God. ̃পিতাn. the Heavenly Father, God. ̃পুরুষn. the Absolute Being, God; a divine person, a saint. পরম প্রসার, পরমপ্রসারণ (phys.) absolute expansion. ̃বিত্তn. a great treasure; an object of the highest value; an object of joy and hope. ̃ব্রহ্মn. the Absolute Being, God. পরমমান (phys.) absolute measurement. পরম শূন্য (phys.) absolute zero. ̃সুন্দরa. most beautiful. fem. পরমসুন্দরী । পরমস্পন্দনসংখ্যা (phys.) absolute frequency of vibration. ̃হংসn. a saint who has attained final knowledge and sanctity.
পরমত [ paramata ] n another's or others' view or opinion; a view or opinion not one's own. ̃সহিষ্ণুa. tolerant of others' views or opinions. ̃সহিষ্ণুতাn. tolerance or toleration of others' views or opinions. পরমতাবলম্বীa. guided by or adopting another's view; having no opinion of one's own. fem. পরমতাবলম্বিনী ।
পরমা [ paramā ] fem of পরম। পরমা গতি same as পরম গতি । পরমা প্রকৃতি same as আদ্যাশক্তি । ̃সুন্দরীn. & a. fem. extremely handsome, very beautiful.
পরমাণু [ paramāṇu ] n an atom. পরমাণু-অঙ্কn. (phys.) an atomic number. পরমাণু তত্ত্ব, ̃বাদn. the atomic theory; (phil & psy.) atomism. ˜তাত্ত্বিক, ̃বাদীn. an atomist. ☐a. atomistic. পরমাণু তাপn. (phys.) atomic heat. পরমাণু বোমাn. the atom bomb. পরমাণু ভারn. (phys.) atomic weight.
পরমাত্মা [ paramātmā ] n the Supreme Being or Spirit or Soul, God.
পরমাত্মীয় [ paramātmīẏa ] a closely related; intimate. ☐n. a close relative; an intimate friend, a great friend. fem. পরমাত্মীয়া । পরমাত্মীয়তাn. close relation; intimate friendship.
পরমাদর [ paramādara ] n great love or attachment; great care or attention; great cordiality; very cordial reception.
পরমাদৃত [ paramādṛta ] a greatly loved; highly treasured; punctiliously cared for or attended to; received with great cordial ity. fem. পরমাদৃতা ।
পরমানন্দ [ paramānanda ] n deepest delight; ecstatic joy, ecstasy; heavenly bliss, beatitude. পরমানন্দিতa. extremely or greatly delighted; ecstatically joyful.
পরমান্ন [ paramānna ] n a sweet dish prepared by boiling rice in milk with sugar and other ingredients, sweet rice-porridge.
পরমায়ু [ paramāẏu ] n longevity; life. পরমায়ু ক্ষয় হওয়াv. to have one's life-blood running out; to have one's life or longevity (being) cut down; to droop; to approach one's death.
পরমারাধ্য [ paramārādhya ] a warranting greatest worship or devotion; most venerable. fem. পরমারাধ্যা।
পরমার্থ [ paramārtha ] n the greatest object; the greatest truth, reality; God; religion or spiritual truth. ̃চিন্তাn. spiritual meditation; meditation about God or reality. ̃তত্ত্বn. (phil.). truths about reality; theological truths; spiritual truths.
পরমুখাপেক্ষা, পরমুখাপেক্ষিতা [ paramukhāpēkṣā, paramukhāpēkṣitā ] n dependence on another. পরমুখাপেক্ষীa. dependent on another. fem. পরমুখাপেক্ষিণী ।
পরমেশ, পরমেশ্বর [ paramēśa, paramēśbara ] n the Supreme Lord, God. পরমেশ্বরী same as আদ্যাশক্তি ।
পরমৈশ্বর্য [ paramaiśbarya ] n great wealth; the most valuable treasure or acquisition; a great éclat.
পরমোত্কর্ষ [ paramōtkarṣa ] n highest excellence.
পরমোত্কৃষ্ট [ paramōtkṛṣṭa ] a most excellent.
পরমোন্নত [ paramōnnata ] a elevated or developed or uplifted to the highest degree; advanced to the farthest extent. পরমোন্নতিn. highest altitude, zenith; highest elevation; culmination; greatest development or uplift; farthest advancement.
পরস্পর [ paraspara ] a serial, successive (পরস্পরবিষয়সমূহ). পরস্পরাn. a serial succession or sequence; a series. পরস্পরায়, পরম্পরাক্রমেadv. serially; seriatim, one after another; in regular succession. পরম্পরীণa. serial, successive.
পররশ্মি [ pararaśmi ] n (phys.) a positive ray.
পররাষ্ট্র [ pararāṣṭra ] n a foreign state or country. ̃নীতিn. (pol.) foreign policy. পররাষ্ট্র দপ্তরn. a foreign office. পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রকn. the ministry of external affairs. ̃মন্ত্রীn. the minister of external affairs. ̃সচিবn. a for eign secretary.
পরলোক [ paralōka ] n the abode of the dead, the world beyond death, the beyond; death. ̃গত, ̃প্রাপ্তa. gone to heaven, dead, deceased. ̃গমন, ̃প্রাপ্তিn. death. পরলোকগমন করাv. to die.
পরশপাথর, পরশমণি [ paraśapāthara, paraśamaṇi ] n a philosopher's stone.
পরশু1 [ paraśu1 ] n. & adv day after tomorrow; day before yesterday.
পরশু2 [ paraśu2 ] n a battle-axe; a scimitar. ̃রামn. the sixth incarnation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) who carried a battle-axe with which he exterminated kshatriyas (ক্ষত্রিয়) from the face of the earth for twenty-one times.
পরশ্ব [ paraśba ] n. & adv (for.) day after tomorrow; day before yesterday.
পরশ্রমজীবী [ paraśramajībī ] a living upon the labour of others; living by exploitation; parasitic.
পরশ্রীকাতর [ paraśrīkātara ] a mortified at another's good or prosperity, pained at another's good fortune or weal, envious. fem. পরশ্রীকাতরা । ̃তাn. envy.
পরসঙ্গ2 [ parasaṅga2 ] n association with others, fellowship, company.
পরস্পর [ paraspara ] a reciprocal, mutual, one another, each other. ☐adv. reciprocally, mutually, one another, each other. ☐pro. one another; each other. ̃বিরোধn. mutual opposition; contradiction, antagonism. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধীa. mutually opposed or contradictory, antagonistic. ̃বিরোধিতাn. same as পরস্পরবিরোধ ।
পরস্ব [ parasba ] n another's property or wealth or money, what belongs to another. ̃হরণ, পরস্বাপহরণn. act of robbing what belongs to another; misappropriation of another's property or money. ̃হারী, পরস্বাপহারীa. given to or guilty of robbing what belongs to another; given to or guilty of misappropriating another's property or money.
পরস্মৈপদ [ parasmaipada ] n (Sans. gr.) any of the verb-inflections used in the active voice; (hum.) another's money or wealth or property. পরস্মৈপদীa. (Sans. gr.) used in the active voice or having an inflection used in the active voice; (hum.) done for another (পরস্মৈপদী ঝামেলা); transferring or transferred to another, entrusted to another belonging to an other (পরস্মৈপদী টাকা).
পরহস্তগত [ parahastagata ] a passed into another's possession; possessed by another.
পরহিংসক [ parahiṃsaka ] a malicious, spiteful; envious.
পরহিংসা [ parahiṃsā ] n malice, spite, envy.
পরহিত [ parahita ] n the good of others; (loos. but pop.) public welfare; philanthropy, benevolence. ̃কামীa. wishing good to others, doing good to others; philan thropic, benevolent. ̃ব্রতn. devotion to the welfare of others, benevolence. ̃ব্রতীa. devoted to doing good to others; working for public welfare; altruistic. ̃সাধনn. act of doing good to others; social service; philanthropy, benevolence.
পরহিতৈষণা [ parahitaiṣaṇā ] n an effort to do good to others; an effort for public welfare; altruism.
পরহিতৈষী [ parahitaiṣī ] a willing and endeavouring to do good to others; endeavouring for public welfare; altruistic.
পরা-1 [ parā-1 ] pfx denoting; excessiveness, contrariety, opposition etc. (পরাজয়).
পরা2 [ parā2 ] fem of -পর3 and পর4।
পরা3 [ parā3 ] a. fem supreme, primordial (পরাপ্রকৃতি); highest; final (পরাবিদ্যা); (elec.) positive.
পরা4 [ parā4 ] v to put on, to wear (জামা পরা); to put, to paint (টিপপরা, কাজল পরা); to tie ঘড়ি পরা. ☐a. wearing, dressed in; bearing, painted with; having tied or fastened (to).
পরাকরণ [ parākaraṇa ] n act of looking down on, contempt, slight, neglect.
পরাকাষ্ঠা [ parākāṣṭhā ] n highest excellence; extreme altitude or limit; acme, zenith; (often iron.) culmination.
পরাকৃত [ parākṛta ] a looked down on, despised, slighted, neglected.
পরাক্রম [ parākrama ] n strength, power, might; prowess, valour; heroism.
পরাক্রমশালী, পরাক্রমী, পরাক্রান্ত [ parākramaśālī, parākramī, parākrānta ] a strong, powerful, mighty; valorous; heroic. fem. পরাক্রমশালিনী, পরাক্রান্তা ।
পরাগ [ parāga ] n pollen, farina. ̃কেশরn. a stamen. ̃কোষn. anther. ̃ধানীsame as পরাগকোষ । ̃মিলন, ̃যোগn. pollination. ইতর পরাগযোগn. cross-pollination. স্বপরাগযোগn. self-pollination. ̃স্হালীn. a pollen-sac. পরাগিতa. pollinated. পরাগিত করাv. to pollinate.
পরাঙ্মুখ [ parāṅmukha ] a turning away (from); averse (to); disinclined; shunning, opposed; unfavourable; desisting from. পরাঙ্মুখহওয়াv. to turn away from; to be averse or disinclined to; to shun, to avoid; to oppose; to disfavour; to desist from.
পরাজয় [ parājaẏa ] n defeat. পরাজয়বরণ করাv. to court defeat. পরাজয় স্বীকার করাv. to acknowledge or own defeat; to give in, to yield. পরাজয়েরগ্লানিdisgrace or ignominy or distress or anguish of defeat.
পরাজিত [ parājita ] a defeated, vanquished. fem. পরাজিতা । পরাজিত করাv. to defeat, to vanquish, to conquer.
পরাজেয় [ parājēẏa ] a (of one) who can be defeated or worsted or vanquished.
পরাণুবীক্ষণ [ parāṇubīkṣaṇa ] n (phys.) an ultra microscope.
পরাত [ parāta ] n a large tray or saucer (usu. made of metal).
পরাত্পর [ parātpara ] a higher than the highest, greater than the greatest; supreme. ☐n. God.
পরাধিকার [ parādhikāra ] n another's right or jurisdiction or domain or holding or property or control or domination. ̃চর্চাn. interference or meddling with other's affairs.
পরাধীন [ parādhīna ] a subject; dependent; subordinate; subjugated; subservient; dominated by another. fem. পরাধীনা । ̃তাn. subjection, bondage; dependence; subordination; subjugation; subservience; domination by another.
পরানো [ parānō ] v. & n to cause to wear or put on, to dress; to harness (ঘোড়ার সাজপড়ানো); to put, to paint (টিপ বা কাজলপরানো).
পরান্ন [ parānna ] n food given in charity by another, unearned or unpaid-for food. ̃জীবীa. living on food given by another; eating habitually at another's table; parasitic. ☐n. a parasite. ̃পালিত, ̃পুষ্টa. nourished by food given by another. ̃ভোজীa. habitually eating at another's table.
পরাবর্ত [ parābarta ] n exchange; interchange; transposition; return, retreat. পরাবর্তকচুল্লিreverberatory furnace. পরাবর্তনn. return; reflection. পরাবর্তিতa. turned back; returned; sent back.
পরাবিদ্যা [ parābidyā ] n knowledge about the Supreme Spirit; spiritual knowledge.
পরাবৃত্ত1 [ parābṛtta1 ] n (geom.) a hyperbola.
পরাবৃত্ত2 [ parābṛtta2 ] a returned, receded, retreated; fled. পরাবৃত্তিn. return, retreat; flight.
পরাভব [ parābhaba ] n defeat.
পরাভূত [ parābhūta ] a defeated, vanquished. fem. পরাভূতা ।
পরামর্শ [ parāmarśa ] n counsel; conference; consultation; advice. পরামর্শ করাv. to confer; to consult. পরামর্শ দেওয়াv. to counsel; to advise. পরামর্শ নেওয়াv. to consult; to take advice. ̃দাতাn. a counsellor; (in law) a counsel; a conferee; an adviser. ̃সভাn. a conference; a council.
পরামর্ষ [ parāmarṣa ] n tolerance, toleration; forbearance, forgiveness.
পরামানিক [ parāmānika ] n a barber (by caste or trade).
পরায়ণ [ parāẏaṇa ] a (used as a sfx.) devoted to, attached to, addicted to, -ous (ঈশ্বরপরায়ণ, উদরপরায়ণ). fem. পরায়ণা ।
পরায়ত্ত [ parāẏatta ] a in possession or under control of another (পরায়ত্তধন).
পরার্থ [ parārtha ] n the good or interest or need of others or another. ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণa. devoted to doing good to others, devoted to serving the interest or need of others; altruistic. fem. ̃পরায়ণা । ̃পরতাn. devotion to do good to others, devotion to serve the interest or need of others; benevolence; altruism. ̃বাদ, পরার্থিতাn. altruism. পরার্থেadv. for the sake of others or another.
পরার্ধ [ parārdha ] n. & a hundred thousand million million.
পরাশ্রয় [ parāśraẏa ] n a house or shelter or refuge other than one's own. পরাশ্রয়ীa. resorting to another for shelter or refuge; (esp. bot.) parasitic, epiphytal (পরাশ্রয়ীলতা). পরাশ্রয়ীউদ্ভিদ a parasite, an epiphyte. পরাশ্রিতa. sheltered or protected by another; maintained with food, clothing and shelter by another. fem. পরাশ্রিতা ।
পরাস্ত [ parāsta ] a defeated, vanquished, overcome. পরাস্ত করাv. to defeat, to vanquish, toovercome, to conquer. পরাস্তহওয়া. v. to be defeated or vanquished or overcome.
পরাহ [ parāha ] n the next day.
পরাহত [ parāhata ] a defeated, vanquished, overcome; obstructed, resisted, prevented; frustrated.
পরাহ্ন [ parāhna ] n afternoon.
পরি1 [ pari1 ] pfx denoting: thoroughness, expensiveness, excessiveness, especiality, opposition, decrial etc.
পরিকর [ parikara ] n a companion or assistant; (also used as a sfx.) a girdle, a girth (বদ্ধপরিকর).
পরিকর্ম [ parikarma ] n act of making one's toilet; dressing. পরিকর্মাn. a servant esp. one attending to toilet and clothes, a valet.
পরিকর্ষ [ parikarṣa ] n remarkable improvement; (inc.) culture.
পরিকল্পক [ parikalpaka ] n a planner; a deviser; a designer; a planning officer.
পরিকল্পনা, পরিকল্পন [ parikalpanā, parikalpana ] n planning, devising, designing a plan, a design. পরিকল্পনাকরাv. to plan, to devise, to contrive, to design. পরিকল্পনাধিকারিকn. a planning officer.
পরিকল্পিত [ parikalpita ] a planned, devised, contrived, designed; intended.
পরিকীর্ণ [ parikīrṇa ] a thoroughly or extensively scattered or strewn or spread out or diffused or pervaded.
পরিকীর্তন [ parikīrtana ] n act of singing or narrating or praising or glorifying emphatically or in a special manner. পরিকীর্তিতa. sung or narrated or praised or glorified emphatically or in a special manner.
পরিকেন্দ্র [ parikēndra ] n circumcentre. পরিকেন্দ্রিক, পরিকেন্দ্রীa. circumcentric.
পরিক্রম, পরিক্রমণ [ parikrama, parikramaṇa ] n walking or pacing or strolling, ambulation; travelling or traversing; act of travelling widely or thoroughly, peregrination; act of going round, circumambulation. পরিক্রমন করাv. to walk, to pace, to stroll; to ambulate, to travel, to traverse, to travel widely or thoroughly, to peregrinate; to go round, to circumambulate. পরিক্রমকালn. periodic time. পরিক্রমাn. act of going round, rotation (সূর্যপরিক্রমা), circumambulation; wide travelling, peregrination (তীর্থপরিক্রমা); (fig.) critical survey (সাহিত্যপরিক্রমা).
পরিক্লিষ্ট [ parikliṣṭa ] a extremely distressed or afflicted or wearied.
পরিক্ষিপ্ত [ parikṣipta ] a scattered; abandoned; surrounded.
পরিক্ষীণ [ parikṣīṇa ] a extremely thin or dim or emaciated.
পরিক্ষেপ [ parikṣēpa ] n scattering; scattered state; abandonment; act or state of being surrounded; that which encloses, such as fencing, railing etc.
পরিখা [ parikhā ] n a protective ditch around a rampart; a trench, a moat.
পরিগণক [ parigaṇaka ] n a reckoner, a computer, an enumerator.
পরিগণন, পরিগণনা [ parigaṇana, parigaṇanā ] n thorough reckoning, computation, enumeration; consideration. পরিগণনা করাv. to reckon thoroughly, to compute, to enumerate; to consider or regard (as).
পরিগণিত [ parigaṇita ] a thoroughly reckoned, computed, enumerated; considered or regarded (as). fem. পরিগণিতা ।
পরিগৃহীত [ parigṛhīta ] a solemnly taken, accepted; put on; won; assumed.
পরিগ্রহ [ parigraha ] n act of taking or accepting solemnly (দারপরিগ্রহ); act of putting on or wearing (বেশপরিগ্রহ); act of assuming (রূপপরিগ্রহ). পরিগ্রহকরাv. to take or accept solemnly; to put on, to wear; to assume.
পরিগ্রাহক [ parigrāhaka ] n one who takes or accepts solemnly; one who puts on or wears; one who assumes. fem. পরিগ্রাহিকা ।
পরিঘ [ parigha ] n a kind of iron cudgel used in war in ancient times.
পরিচয় [ paricaẏa ] n acquaintance; familiarity; introduction; identity; particulars about one's identity such as name, address, lineage etc.; experience or practice (একাজের সঙ্গে পরিচয়); a sign, a token (প্রেমেরপরিচয়); same, reputation (সাহিত্যিক হিসাবে পরিচয়); love, amour ('নবপরিচয় কালিয়া বঁধুর সনে'). পরিচয় করাv. to make an acquaintance (with), to acquaint oneself (with); to experience. পরিচয় গোপনকরাv. to conceal one's identity; hide one's identity. পরিচয়দেওয়াv. to introduce, to give one's in troduction; to reveal one's identity; to apprise. পরিচয় নেওয়াv. to ask for one's introduction; to get acquainted; to learn particulars or details (of). ̃পত্রn. a letter of introduction; credentials.
পরিচর [ paricara ] n a servant, an attendant; a companion; a nurse; a worshipper.
পরিচর্যা [ paricaryā ] n serving, waiting or attending upon; nursing; worship. পরিচর্যাকরাv. to serve, to wait or attend upon; to nurse; to worship.
পরিচলন [ paricalana ] n (phys.) convection.
পরিচায়ক [ paricāẏaka ] a introducing, introductory; prefatory; informing; indicative (of.) fem. পরিচায়িকা ।
পরিচারক [ paricāraka ] n a servant, a serving-man, a valet; a varlet. পরিচারিকাn. fem. a maid-servant; a maid, a female domestic servant.
পরিচালক [ paricālaka ] a one who or that which drives or runs a vehicle etc.; conducting; managing, directing; leading or guiding; administering, ruling. ☐n. a driver; a conductor; a manager; a director; a leader; an administrator; a ruler; a chief. পরিচালক সমিতিn. managing committee.
পরিচালন, পরিচালনা [ paricālana, paricālanā ] n act of driving a vehicle etc.; conduction; management; direction; lead; administration; rule. পরিচালনা করাv. to drive or run; to conduct; to manage; to direct; to lead; to administer; to rule.
পরিচালিকা [ paricālikā ] fem of পরিচালক ।
পরিচালিত [ paricālita ] a driven, run; conducted; managed; directed; led; administrated; ruled.
পরিচিত [ paricita ] n acquainted; familiar; known; practised (পরিচিত কর্ম). পরিচিতি same as পরিচয় । পরিচিত ব্যক্তি an acquaintance.
পরিচিন্তন [ paricintana ] n deep or careful thinking or deliberation; planning.
পরিচিন্তিত [ paricintita ] a deeply or carefully thought out or deliberated; well-planned.
পরিচ্ছদ [ paricchada ] n a covering; a dress; clothing; garment.
পরিচ্ছন্ন [ paricchanna ] a clean; tidy; neat, spruce; (of mind etc.) free from impurities or an gularity; honest and candid. ̃তাn. cleanliness; tidiness; neatness; purity. honesty and candour.
পরিচ্ছিন্ন [ paricchinna ] a divided, parted; separated; severed; detached; limited, bounded; individualized; moderate.
পরিচ্ছেদ [ paricchēda ] n a part, a division; a section; (of books) a chapter; a limit প্রাণান্তকরপরিচ্ছেদ; ascertainment; fixation.
পরিজন [ parijana ] n a member of a family; a dependent; a friend; a kinsman; a servant, an attendant. ̃বর্গn. pl. the family circle.
পরিজ্ঞাত [ parijñāta ] a well-known, familiar; well acquainted, thoroughly cognizant or versed, aufait. পরিজ্ঞাত থাকাv. to know fully, to be fully aware.
পরিজ্ঞান [ parijñāna ] n thorough knowledge or acquaintance; insight.
পরিণত [ pariṇata ] a ripe; full-grown; mature (পরিণত বুদ্ধি); resulting in; turned or rendered into; converted to; advanced (পরিণত বয়স); arrived at the last stage. পরিণত করাv. to turn or render into. পরিণত হওয়াv. to result in or turn into. পরিণতিn. maturity; ultimate stage or state; conclusion, end; consequence. পরিণত বয়সেin old or advanced age. ̃বয়স্কa. advanced in age or years.
পরিণদ্ধ [ pariṇaddha ] a tied; bound; attached, connected; encircled, girdled, girt.
পরিণয় [ pariṇaẏa ] n marriage, wedding. (কারও). পরিণয় হওয়াto be married or wedded to ̃বন্ধন, ̃সূত্রn. marriage-tie, wed lock.
পরিণাম [ pariṇāma ] n last stage or state; conclusion; consequence; change of state, transfor mation; future. ̃দর্শীa. foreseeing; farsighted. ̃দর্শিতাn. foresight; farsightedness. ̃বাদn. the theory of evolution. পরিণামেadv. finally, ultimately, in the end; in the long run; in future.
পরিণাহ [ pariṇāha ] n width; contour.
পরিণীত [ pariṇīta ] a married, wedded. fem. পরিণীতা ।
পরিণেতা [ pariṇētā ] n one who marries; a husband.
পরিণেয় [ pariṇēẏa ] a marriageable; fit for marrying.
পরিতপ্ত [ paritapta ] a very much heated; quite warm; extremely afflicted.
পরিতাপ [ paritāpa ] n lament; deep grief or regret; repentance, compunction; remorse. পরিতাপকরাv. to lament; to express deep grief. পরিতাপেরবিষয়a lamentable affair; a matter of deep regret.
পরিতুষ্ট [ parituṣṭa ] a well satisfied or gratified; very pleased. fem. পরিতুষ্টা ।পরিতুষ্ট করাv. to satisfy or gratify or please thoroughly. পরিতুষ্টিsame as পরিতোষ ।
পরিতৃপ্ত [ paritṛpta ] a thoroughly satisfied or gratified. পরিতৃপ্ত করাn. to satisfy or gratify thoroughly. পরিতৃপ্তিn. thorough satisfaction or gratification.
পরিতোষ [ paritōṣa ] n thorough satisfaction or gratification; deep pleasure. ̃পূর্বকadv. with a great or thorough satisfaction; to the point of satiety or to one's heart's content (পরিতোষপূর্বক ভোজন করা). ̃জনকa. thoroughly or highly satisfactory or gratifying.
পরিত্যক্ত [ parityakta ] a given up; left off; abandoned; deserted; relinquished; quitted; renounced; omitted. fem. পরিত্যক্তা ।
পরিত্যাগ, পরিত্যজন [ parityāga, parityajana ] n act of giving up or leaving off; abandonment; desertion; relinquishment; quittance; renouncement, renunciation; omission. পরিত্যাগকরাv. to give up; to leave off; to abandon; to desert; to relinquish, to quit; to renounce; to leave out, to omit.
পরিত্যাজ্য [ parityājya ] a fit to be given up or left off or abandoned or deserted or relinquished or quitted or renounced or omitted. fem. পরিত্যাজ্যা ।
পরিত্রাণ [ paritrāṇa ] n rescue, deliverance; (theol.) salvation; liberation; relief; exemption; riddance. পরিত্রাণ করাv. to rescue, to deliver; (esp. in theol.) to save; to liberate; to relieve. পরিত্রাণপাওয়াv. to be rescued; (esp. in theol.) to be saved; to be liberated or relieved or exempted; to get rid of. ̃কর্তাn. a deliverer, a liberator, a saviour. পরিত্রাণের পথবাউপায় path of salvation; way of escape, way out.
পরিত্রাতা [ paritrātā ] n a rescuer, a deliverer; (esp. in theol.) a saviour; a liberator; a reliever.
পরিত্রাহি [ paritrāhi ] v (imperat.) rescue, deliver, save, relieve. পরিত্রাহি ডাক ছাড়া to call out or cry for help.
পরিদর্শক [ paridarśaka ] n an observer; an inspector; a supervisor; a probation officer (as of juvenile offenders), visitor (of an institution.)
পরিদর্শন, পরিদর্শ [ paridarśana, paridarśa ] n (careful) observation; inspection; supervision. পরিদর্শনকরাv. to observe (esp. carefully); to inspect; to supervise.
পরিদর্শী [ paridarśī ] a observing (esp. carefully); inspecting; supervising.
পরিদৃশ্যমান [ paridṛśyamāna ] a visible all around; thoroughly visible; manifest.
পরিদৃষ্ট [ paridṛṣṭa ] a observed, noticed; espied; in spected; supervised.
পরিদেবন, পরিদেবনা [ paridēbana, paridēbanā ] n lamentation; wailing; bewailing; repentance.
পরিধান [ paridhāna ] n dress, garment, clothes; act of putting on or wearing. পরিধান করাv. to put on, to wear. ̃বস্ত্রn. garment, colthes.
পরিধি [ paridhi ] n circumference; periphery; girth. ̃মাপকn. perimeter.
পরিধেয় [ paridhēẏa ] a fit to be put on or worn. ☐n. clothes, garment.
পরিনির্বাণ [ parinirbāṇa ] n the cessation of individual existence, nirvana, salvation, beatitude.
পরিপক্ক [ paripakka ] a thoroughly ripe; (thoroughly) mature; well-experienced; thoroughly habituated or addicted (নেশায় পরিপক্ক); very precocious (পরিপক্কছেলে). ̃তাn. thorough ripeness; (thorough) maturity; thorough experience; inveterate habit or addiction; precocity.
পরিপত্র [ paripatra ] n a circular.
পরিপন্হী [ paripanhī ] a unfavourable, adverse; opposing, obstructing, hindering; hostile, inimical.
পরিপাক [ paripāka ] n digestion; assimilation. পরিপাককরাv. to digest; to assimilate. ̃দোষn. digestive trouble. ̃যন্ত্রn. the digestive organ, the stomach. ̃শক্তিn. digestive power; power of assimilation.
পরিপাটি [ paripāṭi ] n orderly arrangement; orderliness; skill. ☐a. arranged in an orderly manner; orderly; skilful, adroit.
পরিপার্শ্ব [ paripārśba ] n surroundings, entourage.
পরিপালক [ paripālaka ] n one who brings up, a rearer; an administrator.
পরিপালন [ paripālana ] n act of bringing up or rearing; administration. পরিপালন করাv. to bring up, to rear, to support; to administrate.
পরিপালিত [ paripālita ] a brought up, reared; administered.
পরিপুষ্ট [ paripuṣṭa ] a well-developed; plump, robust and muscular; well-nourished; carefully brought up. fem. পরিপুষ্টা । ̃তা, পরিপুষ্টিn. good development; plumpness; robustness and muscularity; sound nourishment; careful bringing up.
পরিপূরক [ paripūraka ] a completing; fulfilling; (chiefly in geom.) complementary (পরিপূরককোণ).
পরিপূরণ [ paripūraṇa ] n repletion; act of repleting; fulfilment; completion; act of complementing. পরিপূরণ করাv. to replete; to fill up; to fulfil; to complete; to complement.
পরিপূরিত, পরিপূর্ণ [ paripūrita, paripūrṇa ] a replete; teeming; filled up; fulfilled; completed; complemented. fem. পরিপূর্ণা । পরিপূর্ণতাn. repleteness, repletion.
পরিপৃক্ত [ paripṛkta ] a saturated. পরিপৃক্ত করাv. to saturate. পরিপৃক্তিn. saturation. পরিপৃক্তদ্রব saturated solution.
পরিপোষক [ paripōṣaka ] a nourishing; cherishing; supporting (পরিপোষক মূল্য); protecting, protective.
পরিপোষণ [ paripōṣaṇa ] n nourishment; cherishing; support; protection. পরিপোষণ করাv. to nourish; to cherish; to support; to protect.
পরিপ্রেক্ষিত [ pariprēkṣita ] n perspective.
পরিপ্লব [ pariplaba ] n flooding; flood; submersion; inundation; drenching.
পরিপ্লূত [ pariplūta ] a flooded; submerged; inundated; drenched, soaked, saturated. fem. পরিপ্লূতা । পরিপ্লূত করাv. to flood; to submerge; to inundate; to drench; to saturate.
পরিবর্জন [ paribarjana ] n complete abandonment or avoidance or casting off or giving up or renouncement or rejection. পরিবর্জনীয়a. that which can be or should be abandoned or given up or renounced.
পরিবর্জিত [ paribarjita ] a completely abandoned or avoided or cast off or given up or renounced or rejected.
পরিবর্ত [ paribarta ] n exchange; barter; a substitute. পরিবর্ত বিবাহ marrying a girl into a family and receiving one in marriage from it, inter-marriage. ̃কa. & n. one who or that which exchanges or barters or changes or alters or modifies or transforms or effects a change in circumstances or metamorphoses or converts or rotates or recedes or returns. ˜মানa. changing.
পরিবর্তন [ paribartana ] n exchange; barter; change; al teration; modification; transformation; a change in circumstances; metamorphosis; conversion; rotation; recession; return. পরিবর্তন করাv. to exchange; to barter; to change; to alter; to modify; to transform; to effect a change in circumstances; to metamorphose; to convert; to rotate; to recede; to return. ̃বিমুখa. not ready or willing to change; averse to change, conservatism. ̃বিমুখতাn. unwillingness to change; conservatism. ̃শীলa. changeful; changing; full of vicissitude or variety; metamorphic. পরিবর্তনীয়a. exchangeable; that which can be or is to be bartered; changeable; alterable; modifiable; transformable; capable of suffering a change in circumstances; metamorphic; convertible. পরিবর্তিতa. exchanged; bartered; changed; altered; modified; transformed; metamorphosed; converted; rotated; returned. পরিবর্তীa. changeful; (sc.) alternating. পরিবর্তী মোক্ষণ oscillatory discharge.
পরিবর্তে [ paribartē ] adv in place of, instead of, in lieu of, in exchange for.
পরিবর্ধক [ paribardhaka ] a. & n one who or that which develops or improves or extends or magnifies or enlarges or amplifies, promoting or helping development or growth (of). পরিবর্ধক কাচ a magnifying glass.
পরিবর্ধন [ paribardhana ] n development; improvement; magnification; enlargement; amplification.
পরিবর্ধিত [ paribardhita ] a developed, magnified; enlarged (পরিবর্ধিত সংস্করণ); amplified.
পরিবলন [ paribalana ] n (bot.) circumnutation.
পরিবহণ [ paribahaṇa ] n transportation, transport, conveyance; (esp. in elec.) conduction. পরিবহনকরাv. to transport, to convey; to conduct. পরিবহনআধিকারিক transport officer.
পরিবাদ [ paribāda ] n disrepute, reproach, blame, slander. পরিবাদক, পরিবাদীa. reproaching, blaming. পরিবাদিনীa. fem. of পরিবাদী☐n. a seven-stringed musical instrument, a heptachord.
পরিবার [ paribāra ] n a family; a family circle; a wife. পরিবার পরিকল্পনাn. family planning.
পরিবাহক্ষেত্র [ paribāhakṣētra ] n (geog.) a basin, a catchment area.
পরিবাহণ [ paribāhaṇa ] n conduction.
পরিবাহিত [ paribāhita ] a conducted. পরিবাহিত মৃত্তিকা transported soil.
পরিবাহিতা [ paribāhitā ] a. fem of পরিবাহিত ।☐n. conductivity.
পরিবাহী [ paribāhī ] a conducting. ☐n. a conductor.
পরিবৃত [ paribṛta ] a completely surrounded, encircled, beset; completely covered or overcast. পরিবৃতিn. encirclement, besetment; thorough covering or over casting.
পরিবৃত্ত [ paribṛtta ] n (geom.) a circumcircle.
পরিবৃত্তি [ paribṛtti ] n alteration, change; transition; exchange, barter. ̃কালn. (phys.) transition period.
পরিবেত্তা [ paribēttā ] n a younger brother who marries whilst his elder is still unmarried.
পরিবেদন [ paribēdana ] n act of getting married whilst one's elder brother is still unmarried.
পরিবেদনা [ paribēdanā ] n great pain or pang or affliction or distress.
পরিবেশক, পরিবেষক [ paribēśaka, paribēṣaka ] n a distributor, a dealer; one who serves food at table.
পরিবেশন, পরিবেষণ [ paribēśana, paribēṣaṇa ] n distribution, act of dealing out; act of serving food at table. পরিবেশন করা, পরিবেষণ করাv. to distribute, to deal out; to serve (food attable).
পরিবেষ্টক [ paribēṣṭaka ] a one who or that which surrounds or goes round or encircles or encloses.
পরিবেষ্টন [ paribēṣṭana ] n an enclosure; act of surrounding or going round or enclosing, encirclement, besetment. পরিবেষ্টন করাv. to surround, to go round, to encircle; to enclose. পরিবেষ্টনীn. entourage, surroundings; fencing, railings, enclosure.
পরিবেষ্টিত [ paribēṣṭita ] a surrounded, encircled, beset, engirt; enclosed. fem. পরিবেষ্টিতা।
পরিব্যাপ্ত [ paribyāpta ] a spread, spread out; extended, expanded. পরিব্যাপ্তিn. spreading, spreading out; expansion; diffusion; extension.
পরিব্রজ্যা [ paribrajyā ] n wandering as a mendicant or wandering asceticism; pilgrimage.
পরিব্রাজক [ paribrājaka ] n a traveller; a mendicant or wandering ascetic.
পরিব্রাজন [ paribrājana ] n travelling; wandering.
পরিব্রাজিকা [ paribrājikā ] fem of পরিব্রাজক ।
পরিভব [ paribhaba ] n defeat; discomfiture.
পরিভাষা [ paribhāṣā ] n a technical word or term; technical terminology.
পরিভূত [ paribhūta ] a defeated, discomfited.
পরিভৃতি [ paribhṛti ] n emolument; wages; salary, pay.
পরিভোগ [ paribhōga ] n thorough enjoyment; sexual intercourse.
পরিভ্রমণ [ paribhramaṇa ] n act of going round, rotation; perigrination; travelling; wandering; roaming; strolling, walking. পরিভ্রমণকরাv. to go round, to rotate; to perigrinate; to travel; to wander; to stroll, to walk.
পরিভ্রষ্ট [ paribhraṣṭa ] a detached and fallen; shed. পরিভ্রষ্ট হওয়াv. to get detached and fall down; to be shed.
পরিভ্রূণ [ paribhrūṇa ] n perisperm.
পরিমন্ডল [ parimanḍala ] n an orbit; a circle; a circumference; (fig.) a society or sphere; environment; surrounding, encirclement; a globe; any globular object.
পরিমন্ডিত [ parimanḍita ] a well-ornamented, well-decorated, well-adorned; endowed.
পরিমল [ parimala ] n fragrance caused by being anointed (with sandal-paste etc.); fragrance, perfume, sweet scent; (pop.) nectar of flowers ('পরিমল লোভে অলিআসিয়াজুটিল').
পরিমাণ [ parimāṇa ] n measure, weight, amount, quantity, number, degree; extent. পরিমাণ করাv. to measure, to weigh; (rare) to count; to survey (as land); to assess (as importance). পরিমাণে হওয়াv. to measure, to weigh; to be adequate in proportion to. ̃ফলn. result of measurement or counting; (arith.) area measure, square measure.
পরিমাত্রা [ parimātrā ] n (mech.) intensity.
পরিমাপ [ parimāpa ] n measurement; weighing; counting; (fig.) assessment (জ্ঞানেরপরিমাপ); measure, weight, amount, quantity, number, degree; land-measure, survey. পরিমাপ করা same as পরিমাণকরা (see পরিমাণ). পরিমাপকa. measuring; weighing; counting; surveying; assessing. ☐n. a measurer; weigher; counter; a surveyor (of land); an assessor; a measuring or weighing or counting or surveying machine. পরিমাপনn. measuring or weighing or counting or surveying (as land) or (fig.) assessing.
পরিমার্জন [ parimārjana ] n scouring or cleansing; refining or chastening. পরিমার্জনাn. scouring or cleansing; refining; (of a book, a dictionary etc) correction, editing and making up-to-date.
পরিমার্জিত [ parimārjita ] a scoured; cleansed; refined; corrected and revised; chastened. পরিমার্জিতকরাv. to scour; to cleanse; to refine; to correct and revise; to chasten.
পরিমিত [ parimita ] a moderate; temperate, abstemious; measuring or amounting (চারহাতপরিমিত); measured; mensurated; (rare) sufficient, adequate. ̃ব্যয়ীa. economic, frugal. পরিমিতাচারn. moderation, temperance. পরিমিতাচারীa. temperate.
পরিমিতি [ parimiti ] n measurement; measure; (math.) mensuration.
পরিমেয় [ parimēẏa ] a measurable; finite.
পরিমেল [ parimēla ] n an association. ̃নিয়মাবলিn. articles of association. ̃বন্ধn. a memorandum of association.
পরিম্লান [ parimlāna ] a very pale or jaded or worn out; glum or sombre.
পরিযাণ [ pariyāṇa ] n traffic; migration. পরিযাণনির্বাহক, পরিযাণব্যবস্হাপকn. a traffic manager. পরিযাণ আরক্ষীn. traffic police.
পরিযায়ী [ pariyāẏī ] a trafficking; itinerant; migratory.
পরিরক্ষণ [ parirakṣaṇa ] n preservation; protection; guarding; careful custody or guardianship.
পরিরক্ষিত [ parirakṣita ] a preserved; protected; guarded; kept under careful custody or guardianship.
পরিরম্ভ, পরিরম্ভণ [ parirambha, parirambhaṇa ] n close embrace; sexual intercourse.
পরিলক্ষিত [ parilakṣita ] a noticed; observed.
পরিলিখিত [ parilikhita ] a (geom.) circumscribed.
পরিলেখ [ parilēkha ] n an outline; an outline sketch.
পরিশিষ্ট [ pariśiṣṭa ] a remaining. ☐n. an appendix, a supplement (as of a book).
পরিশীলন [ pariśīlana ] n practice, study, cultivation; an embrace; anointment. পরিশীলিতa. practised, studied, cultivated; refined; sophisticated; embraced; anointed.
পরিশুদ্ধ [ pariśuddha ] a meticulously refined or purified or sanctified. পরিশুদ্ধ করাv. to re fine or purify or sanctify meticulously. পরিশুদ্ধিn. meticulous refinement or purity or sanctity.
পরিশুষ্ক [ pariśuṣka ] a very dry; pale; shrivelled.
পরিশেষ [ pariśēṣa ] n remainder; end; the last stage; conclusion; the concluding part. পরিশেষেadv. at last, in the end; finally, ultimately; in the long run.
পরিশোধ [ pariśōdha ] n repayment (as of a debt); (fig.) revenge or retaliation. পরিশোধকরাv. to repay, to pay off, to pay back; (fig.) to avenge or retaliate.
পরিশোধন [ pariśōdhana ] n meticulous refinement or purification or sanctification.
পরিশোধ্য [ pariśōdhya ] a that which is to be or can be repaid, outstanding or repayable.
পরিশ্রম [ pariśrama ] n labour, toil; diligence, industry; effort, endeavour. পরিশ্রম করাv. to work hard, to labour, to toil; to work diligently; to endeavour. ̃কাতর, ̃বিমুখa. averse to hard work, lazy. পরিশ্রমীa. hardworking, laborious; diligent, industrious.
পরিশ্রান্ত [ pariśrānta ] a fatigued, exhausted; tired; wearied. পরিশ্রান্তিn. fatigue, exhaustion; tiredness, weariness.
পরিষদ, পরিষত্ [ pariṣada, pariṣat ] n an association, an assembly, a society; a council; (pol.) a legislative council. পরিষদীয়a. pertaining or relating to or concerning a council or assembly; legislative; parliamentary.
পরিষেবক [ pariṣēbaka ] n a sicknurse, a nurse.
পরিষেবা [ pariṣēbā ] n care of the sick, nursing.
পরিষেবিকা [ pariṣēbikā ] fem of পরিষেবক ।
পরিষ্করণ [ pariṣkaraṇa ] n cleansing or refining.
পরিষ্কার [ pariṣkāra ] n cleanliness; tidiness; neatness; clarity (as of water). ☐a. clean; cleansed; clear; tidy; spruce, neat, or derly (পরিষ্কার কাজ); legible (পরিষ্কারলেখা); clearcut, outspoken, unambigu ous, unequivocal (পরিষ্কার কথা); beautiful, bright, fair (পরিষ্কারআলো বাআবহাওয়া); cloudless (পরিষ্কারআকাশ); free from angularity, frank, straightfor ward, candid, open-hearted, sincere (পরিষ্কারমন); intelligent, free from confusion (পরিষ্কার মাথা); free from morbidity, healthy (পরিষ্কার বুক); musical, sweet (পরিষ্কারগলা); keen (পরিষ্কার দৃষ্টি). পরিষ্কার করাv. to cleanse; to clean; to clear; to tidy; to free from morbidity or angularity; to wash (কাপড়পরিষ্কার করা). ̃কa. cleansing. ☐n. a cleaner; a cleansing agent. পরিষ্কারপরিচ্ছন্নa. neat and clean, clean and tidy, spick and span.
পরিষ্কৃত [ pariṣkṛta ] a cleansed; cleaned; cleared; tidied; refined; washed (পরিষ্কৃত বস্ত্র).
পরিসংখ্যা [ parisaṅkhyā ] n especially enumerated or tabulated number; statistics. পরিসংখ্যাতa. especially enumerated or tabulated; statistical. পরিসংখ্যানn. statistics. পরিসংখ্যায়কn. statistician.
পরিসমাপ্ত [ parisamāpta ] a ended, finished, concluded, completed. পরিসমাপ্তিn. end, termination; conclusion; completion.
পরিসম্পত্ [ parisampat ] n assets.
পরিসর [ parisara ] n extent; area; limit, boundary, end; width, breadth.
পরিসীমা [ parisīmā ] n limit, bounds; perimeter; end.
পরিস্হিতি [ parishiti ] n circumstances, situation.
পরিস্ফুট [ parisphuṭa ] a clearly revealed or expressed; well-developed; manifest, obvious; blossomed, blooming.
পরিস্ফুরণ [ parisphuraṇa ] n vibration; effervescence; manifestation.
পরিস্রব [ parisraba ] n (biol.) placenta.
পরিস্রাবণ, পরিস্রবণ, পরিস্রুতি [ parisrābaṇa, parisrabaṇa, parisruti ] n filtration. পরিস্রুতa. filtered (পরিস্রুত জল).
পরিসহনীয় [ parisahanīẏa ] a laughable, ridiculous; fit to be derided or mocked.
পরিহার [ parihāra ] n giving up; abandonment; avoidance; act of casting off; neglect, disregard; slight. পরিহার করাv. to give up; to abandon; to avoid, to shun; to cast off; to neglect, to disregard, to slight.
পরিহার্য [ parihārya ] a avoidable; that which can be given up or renounced or abandoned, renounceable.
পরিহাস [ parihāsa ] n a joke, a jest; ridicule; mock ery, derision. পরিহাস করাv. to poke fun at, to joke; to ridicule; to mock, to deride, to laugh, to scorn. ̃চ্ছলে, ̃ভরেadv. jokingly. ̃প্রিয়a. given to jesting, jestful; witty; fond of joking. ̃প্রিয়তাn. jestfulness; jocular; jocoseness; jocosity; playfulness.
পরিহিত [ parihita ] a clothed, clad, dressed, wearing; that which is put on or worn (পরিহিত পোশাক). fem. পরিহিতা ।
পরীক্ষক [ parīkṣaka ] n a tester; an examiner; a trier; an investigator; an experimenter; a foreteller, a diviner. ভগ্যপরীক্ষকn. a fortune-teller; a soldier of fortune, an adventurer.
পরীক্ষণ [ parīkṣaṇa ] n act of testing or examining or trying or investigating or foretelling or divining. পরীক্ষণীয়a. that which or one who is to be tested or examined or tried or investigated or experimented upon or divined; examinable.
পরীক্ষা [ parīkṣā ] n a test; an examination; a trial; an ordeal (অগ্নিপরীক্ষা); a cross-examination; an investigation; an experiment; foretelling, divination, reading (হস্তরেখা পরীক্ষা) ; অদৃষ্টপরীক্ষা, ভাগ্যপরীক্ষাn. fortune-telling; act of seeking fortune. পরীক্ষা করাv. to test; to examine; to try; to test by an ordeal; to cross examine; to investigate; to experiment; to divine. পরীক্ষা দেওয়াv. to appear at an examination; to take an examination; to undergo a trial; to submit to an or deal. পরীক্ষা নেওয়াv. to examine, to test; to hold an examination; to test by an examination. পরীক্ষায় উতরে যাওয়াv. to stand a test or scrutiny. ̃গার, ̃গৃহ, ̃ভবন, ̃মন্দির, ̃শালাn. an examination-hall; a laboratory. ̃ধীনa. subject to or under examination or trial or test or investigation or experiment. ̃র্থীa. appearing at an examination. ☐n. an examinee. fem. পরীক্ষার্থিনী ।
পরীক্ষামূলক [ parīkṣāmūlaka ] a experimental.
পরীক্ষামূলকভাবে [ parīkṣāmūlakabhābē ] adv by way of experi ment, experimentally.
পরীক্ষিত [ parīkṣita ] a tested; examined; tried; investigated; experimented.
পরীক্ষোত্তীর্ণ [ parīkṣōttīrṇa ] a passed at an examination; successful in an examination; one who has come through a test or ordeal successfully; found suitable or good on trial or test. fem. পরীক্ষোত্তীর্ণা । পরীক্ষোত্তীর্ণহওয়াv. to come through or pass an examination or test or ordeal; to stand a test or ordeal; to be found suitable or good on test or trial.
পরুষ [ paruṣa ] a harsh, rough, rude, haughty, arrogant, cruel (পরুষ বচন). ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. harshness, rudeness, haughtiness, arrogance, cruelty.
পরে [ parē ] adv. & prep after, afterwards (সেপরে আসছে); thereafter, then (পরেযেখানে গেলাম); in future (পরে কী হয়বলা যায় না); after the occurrence of, after that (ট্রেন ছারার পরে স্টেশনেপৌঁছলাম); at the back of (রামের পরেশ্যাম যাচ্ছে); below (আমার নামের পরেইতার নাম); born later (এই ভাইটি আমারপরে). পরের দিনn. the day after. ☐adv. on the following day.
পরোক্ষ [ parōkṣa ] a imperceptible or unseen but known or true, not known directly, circumstantial (পরোক্ষ প্রমাণ); indirect (পরোক্ষ উক্তি); roundabout (পরোক্ষভাবে). পরোক্ষ কর an indirect tax. পরোক্ষে, ̃ভাবেadv. behind one's back, in one's absence. পরোক্ষে নিন্দা করা to slander somebody in his absence, to backbite.
পরোটা [ parōṭā ] n a kind of thin bread fried in oil or clarified butter.
পরোপকার [ parōpakāra ] n the good of others; philanthropy, benevolence; (loos. but pop.) public welfare. পরোপকার করাv. to do good to others, to do a good turn (to a person). ̃ক, পরোপকারীa. doing good to others; philanthropic, benevolent. fem. পরোপকারিণী। পরোপকারিতাn. act of doing good to others; philanthropy, benevolence.
পরেপজীবী, পরোপজীব্য [ parēpajībī, parōpajībya ] a living on an other; depending or hanging on an other for subsistence; parasitic.
পরোয়া [ parōẏā ] n heedfulness, care (উপদেশেরপরোয়া); fear, daunt; concern, anxiety. পরোয়াকরাv. to pay heed to; (esp. in neg.) to care; to be afraid of, to fear; to be concerned or anxious about. কুছপরোয়া নেই no fear; no matter; never mind.
পর্কটি, পর্কটী [ parkaṭi, parkaṭī ] n a kind of fig-tree.
পর্জন্য [ parjanya ] n thunder-cloud, nimbus; Indra (ইন্দ্র) the thunder-god.
পর্ণ [ parṇa ] n a tree-leaf, a leaf (পর্ণকুটির); betel leaf (পর্ণকারী); a feather, a plume (সুপর্ণ). ̃কারীn. a grower of betel-leaves (by trade or caste). ̃কুটিরn. a hut thatched with tree-leaves; (loos.) a hut. ̃ভোজীa. feeding on tree-leaves; (loos.) gramini vorous. ̃মোচীa. (bot.) deciduous. ̃শয্যাn. a bed made of tree-leaves; (loos.) a pallet. ̃শালা same as পর্ণকুটির।পর্ণীa. leafed, leaved; leafy. ☐n. a tree.
পর্পটি [ parpaṭi ] n an Ayurvedic (আয়ুর্বেদীয়) drug made from a herbal plant.
পর্ব [ parba ] n a holy day; a fiesta; a feast, a festival; a knuckle, a joint (as of a finger); (bot.) a node; (of books) a canto, a chapter.
পর্বত [ parbata ] n a mountain; a hill; a rock; a hillock; a mount. ̃কন্দর, ̃গুহাn. a mountain-cave, a cave, a cavern. ̃চূড়াn. a peak (of a mountain); a hill-top. ̃পার্শ্বn. mountain-side, hillside. ̃প্রমাণa. mountain-high, high as a mountain; mountainous; huge. ̃বাসীa. living on hills or mountains; highland. ☐n. a hillman; a highlander. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃শিখর, ̃শৃঙ্গ same as ̃চুড়া। ̃শ্রেণিn. a mountain range. ̃সংকুলa. mountainous, having many mountains; hilly. পর্বতাকারa. looking like a mountain; mountainous, huge. পর্বতারোহীn. a mountaineer. ☐a. climbing a mountain. পর্বতীয়a. of or grown in or living on mountains or hills; mountainous, highland.
পর্বমধ্য [ parbamadhya ] n (bot.) an internode.
পর্বাস্ফোট [ parbāsphōṭa ] n act of snapping a knuckle or knuckles of one's finger(s).
পর্বাহ [ parbāha ] n a day of festival; a holy day; a fiesta; a festival.
পর্যঙ্ক [ paryaṅka ] n a costly bedstead or cot; a couch, a divan; (geog.) a basin (of a river).
পর্যটক [ paryaṭaka ] n a traveller, a perigrinator, a tourist.
পর্যটন [ paryaṭana ] n (wide) travel, perigrination, tour. পর্যটন করাv. to travel (widely), to perigrinate, to tour.
পর্যন্ত [ paryanta ] n limit, end, extremity. ☐prep. to (মাথা থেকে পা পর্যন্ত); up to (এইসীমাপর্যন্ত); till or until (ট্রেন আসা পর্যন্ত, বৃষ্টিনাথামা পর্যন্ত). ☐adv. too, also, even (তিনি পর্যন্তঅনাচারমুক্ত নন).
পর্যাবসান [ paryābasāna ] n end, close, termination, conclusion; result; reduction. পর্যাবসানহওয়াv. to end, to terminate, to conclude; to result in; to be reduced to.
পর্যবসিত [ paryabasita ] a ended, terminated, concluded; resolved (into); reduced (to); resulting in.
পর্যবেক্ষক [ paryabēkṣaka ] a watching; observing. ☐n. a watcher; an observer.
পর্যবেক্ষণ [ paryabēkṣaṇa ] n watching; observation. পর্যবেক্ষণ করাv. to watch; to observe. পর্যবেক্ষণিকাn. an observatory; a watch tower.
পর্যবেক্ষিত [ paryabēkṣita ] a watched; observed.
পর্যসন [ paryasana ] n removal; act of throwing all round; scattering.
পর্যন্ত [ paryanta ] a removed; thrown all round; scattered; turned upside down, overturned; reversed.
পর্যাণ [ paryāṇa ] n saddle; a panel; a caparison.
পর্যাপ্ত [ paryāpta ] a ample, abundant; sufficient, adequate, enough; moderate, temperate; capable, competent. পর্যাপ্তিn. amplitude, abundance, plenty; sufficiency, adequacy, moderateness, moderation, temperance; capability, competence, competency.
পর্যাবরণ [ paryābaraṇa ] n environment; surroundings; the environs.
পর্যাবৃত্ত [ paryābṛtta ] a periodic. পর্যাবৃত্তিn. periodicity.
পর্যায় [ paryāẏa ] n a turn; serial order; succession; state, condition, shape, form, series (নবপর্যায়); a generation (আদিপুরুষ থেকেসাতাশের পর্যায়); a synonym (usu. পর্যায়শব্দ); (chiefly in sc.) a period (usu. পর্যায়কাল). ̃ক্রমেadv. by turns; serially; successively; alternately. ̃চ্যুতি, ̃ভঙ্গn. a break in the series, a break in periodicity; inversion. ̃শব্দn. synonymous words; related or cognate words. ̃সমa. rhyming alternately. ̃সারণিn. (chem.) a periodic table.
পর্যালোচন, পর্যালোচনা [ paryālōcana, paryālōcanā ] n thorough discussion or study or review. পর্যালোচনাকরাv. to discuss or study or review thoroughly.
পর্যালোচিত [ paryālōcita ] a thoroughly discussed or studied or reviewed.
পর্যাস [ paryāsa ] n topsyturvy; upset, reverse, a great change; a revolution.
পর্যুদস্ত [ paryudasta ] a utterly defeated, routed, crushed; completely baffled; prevented or repulsed; totally forbidden; foiled, marred. পর্যুদস্ত করাv. to defeat utterly, to rout, to crush; to baffle completely; to prevent or repulse; to forbid totally; to foil, to mar.
পর্যুদাস [ paryudāsa ] n utter defeat, rout, crush; complete frustration; prevention or repulse.
পর্যুষিত [ paryuṣita ] a stale (পর্যুষিতলঅন্ন).
পর্যেষণ, পর্যেষণা [ paryēṣaṇa, paryēṣaṇā ] n search, investigation; research.
পর্শুকা [ parśukā ] n a rib, a vertebra.
পর্ষদ, পর্ষত্ [ parṣada, parṣat ] n a council, a board.
পল1 [ pala1 ] n a measure of time (= 24 seconds); a moment, a while, a very short time; a measure of weight (= 8 তোলা).
পল2 [ pala2 ] n a bevel (পল-তোলা).
পলক [ palaka ] n wink or blink (of eyes); a very short time, an instant, a moment; an eyelid. পলকপড়াv. (of eyes) to close, to wink, to blink. পলকফেলাv. to wink, to blink. ̃পাতn. closing of eyelids. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীনa. (of eyes) unwinking unblinking; (of sight or look) steadfast, fixed, winkless. পলকেপলকেevery moment; in very quick succession. পলকে প্রলয়instant disaster (with little or no warning). পলকেরমধ্যে, পলকেadv. in an instant, instantly; in the twinkling of an eye.
পলকা [ palakā ] a brittle, fragile; frail; delicate; unsubstantial.
পলটন [ palaṭana ] n an armed force; a platoon.
পলটি [ palaṭi ] v (imperf.) turning back.
পলতা [ palatā ] n the creeper bearing পটোল (this is used as a bitter pot-herb).
পলতে [ palatē ] n the wick of a lamp.
পল-তোলা [ pala-tōlā ] a bevelled.
পলল [ palala ] n meat; silt, slime; alluvium. পললভূমিn. alluvial soil.
পলস্তারা [ palastārā ] n a plaster (esp. one composed of slaked lime, sand and hair, and used for coating walls etc.). পলস্তারা দেওয়া বালাগানোv. to plaster.
পলা1 [ palā1 ] n coral.
পলা2 [ palā2 ] n a kind of tiny ladle or spoon.
পলাগ্নি [ palāgni ] n bile.
পলাণ্ডু [ palāṇḍu ] n onion.
পলাতক [ palātaka ] a fugitive, fleeing; absconding. ☐n. a fugitive; an absconder. fem. পলাতকা। পলাতক হওয়াv. to abscond.
পলান্ন [ palānna ] n a highly spiced dish of rice and meat boiled in clarified butter, pilau.
পলায়ন [ palāẏana ] n act of running away or fleeing, flight; escape. পলায়ন করাv. same as পালানো (v.). ̃পরa. fleeing, fugitive; absconding; escaping. পলায়নপরসেনাবাহিনী the retreating army. পলায়নোদ্যতa. attempting to flee or escape, about to run away.
পলায়মান [ palāẏamāna ] a fleeing, fugitive; absconding; escaping. fem. পলায়মান ।
পলায়িত [ palāẏita ] a fled; absconded; escaped, fem. পলায়িতা ।
পলাশ [ palāśa ] n a kind of beautiful red flower having no fragrance; its tree, the dhak, the palas, Butea monosperma.
পলি [ pali ] n silt; alluvium. পলিপড়াv. to collect alluvial deposit, to silt. পলি-পড়াa. silted up. ̃মাটিn. alluvium, silt; alluvial soil.
পলিজ [ palija ] a alluvial.
পলিত [ palita ] n grey-hairedness, grey-headedness; greyness; grey. ☐a. grey; aged, old. ̃কেশa. grey-haired; old, aged.
পলীয় [ palīẏa ] n protein.
পলু [ palu ] n a species of silk-worm living on the mulberry tree.
পলো [ palō ] n a pail-shaped wicker-basket for catching fish.
পল্বল [ palbala ] n any small pool of water (esp. a shallow one).
পল্যয়ন [ palyaẏana ] n a saddle; a caparison; a panel, a pack-saddle.
পল্লব [ pallaba ] n a leaf (বৃক্ষপল্লব, নবপল্লব); a lid (অক্ষিপল্লব); a new tree-leaf; the forepart of a young shoot or sprout bearing new leaves (আম্রপল্লব). ̃গ্রাহিতাn. surface-grazing; dilettantism; eclecticism; smattering acquaintance. ̃গ্রাহীa. dilettantish; smattering. পল্লবগ্রাহীলোক a dilettante (pl. dilettanti); a smatterer. পল্লবিতa. containing leaves, leafy; full of new leaves; sprouted; detailed, exhausted; exaggerated (পল্লবিতবর্ণনা).
পল্লি, পল্লী [ palli, pallī ] n a small area of human habitation containing a cluster of houses, a locality (গোপপল্লি); a hamlet; a village; a municipal division, a ward. ̃অঞ্চলn. a rural area; countryside. পল্লি উন্নয়নn. village development, rural uplift. ̃গীতিn. folksong, village song. ̃গ্রামn. a village. ̃জীবনn. rural life, countrylife. ̃নৃত্যn. a country-dance. ̃বধুn. a country-woman, a country-wife. ̃বালা, ̃বালিকাn. a country-girl; a country maid. ̃বাসn. a village home; a country residence; act of living in a country. ̃বাসীa. living in a country, rural; (dero.) rustic. ☐n. a countryman (fem. a country-woman), a villager. (dero.) a rustic. fem. ̃বাসিনী। ̃বাসী ভদ্রলোক a country gentleman. ̃ভবনn. a village home; a country residence; a country-house, a country seat. ̃মঙ্গলসমিতি village welfare society. ̃সংগঠনn. rural organization, rural development. ̃সংস্কারn. rural reconstruction; village upliftment. ̃সমিতিn. a village society.
পশতু, পশতো [ paśatu, paśatō ] n Pushtu, Pushtoo, Pashto, a language of the Afghans.
পশম [ paśama ] n wool; fur. পশমপরিস্কার করা to card or comb wool. পশমিনাn. a kind of very fine woollen cloth. পশমিa. woollen; made of fur.
পশলা [ paśalā ] n a short spell of fall (as of rain), a shower.
পশা [ paśā ] v (poet.) to enter; to penetrate.
পশু [ paśu ] n a quadruped animal, a beast, a brute; a beastly or brutal man; an attendant of Shiva (শিব). গবাদি পশু cattle. গৃহপালিতপশু a domestic animal; (pl.) livestock. বলির পশু a sacrificial beast. ভারবাহী পশু a beast of burden, a draught animal, a pack animal. শিকারি পশু a beast of prey. শিকারের পশু a game. ̃চর্মn. animal skin; hide; pelt. ̃চারণn. act of grazing cattle, grazing. পশুচারণ করাv. to graze or feed cattle. ̃চারণ ক্ষেত্রn. a pasturage, a grazing-field. ̃চারণযোগ্যa. pasturable. ̃চিকিত্সকn. a veterinary surgeon. ̃ত্বn. animality; beastliness; brutality. ̃ধর্মn. bestiality; sexual intercourse or copulation. ̃ধর্মাa. bestial; brutal; addicted to excessive sexual intercourse or copulation. ̃পতি Shiva (শিব). ̃পালa. herd or flock of animals or livestock. ̃পাল, ̃পালকn. a herdsman, a cowherd; a shepherd; a goatherd. ̃পালনn. act of rearing and tending and raising livestock, live stock farming. ̃পালনবিশারদn. a live stock expert. ̃বত্a. beast-like, beastly, bestial, brutal. ̃বত্ আচরণ bestiality, brutality. ̃রাজn. the king of beasts; the lion. ̃লোমn. wool; fur. ̃শক্তিn. brute force. ̃শালাn. a zoological garden, a zoo; a cattleshed; a stable. ̃শিকারn. game-hunting, hunting. ̃শিকারিn. a game-hunter, a hunter (fem. a huntress). ̃সুলভ same as পশুবত্ ।
পশ্চাত্ [ paścāt ] adv &prep. after, at or to the back of (পশ্চাত্ আসিতেছে). □ adv. afterwards, later (পশ্চাত্ বলা); in or to the west. ☐a. living at the back; reverse (পশ্চাত্ দিক). ☐n. the back; the back side, the rear; the future. পশ্চাতেadv. behind (গৃহের পশ্চাতে); later, afterwards (পশ্চাতে বলব).
পশ্চাত্পদ [ paścātpada ] a retreated; withdrawn; turned back; lagging behind. পশ্চাত্পদ হওয়াv. to retreat; to withdraw; to turn back; to lag behind.
পশ্চাত্তাপ [ paścāttāpa ] n repentance, remorse.
পশ্চাদ্গতি [ paścādgati ] n retrograde motion, backward movement. পশ্চাদ্গমনn. retrogression, going after, following. পশ্চাদ্গমন করাv. to follow, to go after. পশ্চাদ্গামীa. following, going after. পশ্চাদ্গামীহওয়াv. to follow, to go after. পশ্চাদ্বর্তীa. lying behind; lagging behind; following, coming after or behind. পশ্চাদ্বর্তীহওয়াv. to lie behind; to lag behind; to follow. পশ্চাদনুসরণn. act of following; pursuit. পশ্চাদনুসরণ করাv. to follow; to pursue. পশ্চাদনুসরণকারীa. following; pursuing. ☐n. a follower; a pursuer. fem. পশ্চাদনুসরণকারিণী।
পশ্চাদপসরণ [ paścādapasaraṇa ] n retreat.
পশ্চাদ্ভূমি [ paścādbhūmi ] n the rear; the background; hinterland.
পশ্চাদ্ধাবন [ paścāddhābana ] n act of running after; act of chasing. পশ্চাদ্ধাবন করাv. to run after; to chase, to pursue.
পশ্চাদ্ধাবিত [ paścāddhābita ] a running after; chasing, pursuing.
পশ্চাদ্ভাগ [ paścādbhāga ] n the backside; the rear; the back. পশ্চাদ্ভাগেadv. in the rear.
পশ্চার্ধ [ paścārdha ] n the lower half of the human body; the lower half; the latter half; the other half.
পশ্চিম [ paścima ] n the west; the Occident; the western world, the western hemisphere. ☐a. final, last, ultimate; subsequent; western. ̃দেশীয়a. of a western country; up-country. ̃বঙ্গn. West Bengal. পশ্চিম বায়ুপ্রবাহn. westerly winds; the west wind. পশ্চিম ভারতীয়দ্বীপপুঞ্জn. the West Indies. পশ্চিমাa. of the west, western (পশ্চিমাবাতাস); up country (পশ্চিমা লোক); ☐n. an up country man. পশ্চিমাঞ্চলn. the western part or region. পশ্চিমাস্যa. facing west ward. পশ্চিমিa. western; Occidental.
পশ্বাচার [ paśbācāra ] n a form of asceticism characterized by self-restraint, continence and abstinence from drinking wine and eating meat; beastly conduct, brutality. পশ্বাচারীa. practising the aforesaid form of asceticism; bestial, brutal.
পশ্বাধম [ paśbādhama ] a even worse than a beast or brute (পশ্বাধম ব্যক্তি).
পসরা [ pasarā ] n a load or heap of articles of traffic, wares, merchandise (পসরা সাজানো); a basket containing articles of traffic (পসরা মাথায় করা); a load, a heap, a basket (কলন্কের পসরা); an article of traffic, a commodity.
পসার1 [ pasāra1 ] n a market-place, a bazaar; a shop; articles of traffic, wares (দোকানপসার).
পসার2 [ pasāra2 ] n a professional man's business practice; good practice (এইউকিলটিরপসার আছে); good reputation, fame (গায়কমণ্ডলীতে পসার করা).
পসারা [ pasārā ] v (poet.) to stretch out, to extend (বাহু পসারিয়া).
পসারি [ pasāri ] n a shopkeeper, a seller, a dealer; a pedlar. fem. পসারিনি ।
পসুরি[ pasuri ] n a measure of weight (about 4.5 kgs.).
পস্তানো[ pastānō ] v to repent or rue or regret. পস্তানিn. repentance; regret.
পহিল[ pahila ] a (obs. & poet.) first; early; young. ̃হিadv. at first.
পা1 [ pā1 ] n (mus.) the fifth note of the diatonic scale of C major, G.
পা2 [ pā2 ] n a leg; a foot; a paw; a leg of an article of furniture. পাচাটাv. to today, to bootlick. পাচালানোv. to quicken one's steps; to kick, (hum.) to hoof. পা টিপে, পাটিপে টিপেadv. on tiptoe; stealthily. পা দেওয়াv. to set foot on; to step in; to come. পা ধরা same as পায়ে ধরা । পাধুতেও না আসাv. to avoid visiting or using (a place) out of sheer disgust or abomination. পাবাড়ানোv. to step out, to go out, to leave (ঘর থেকেপাবাড়ানো); to be on the point of going or setting out or departing; to set out. পায়েঠেলাv. to reject or abandon or shun scornfully, to spurn at (হাতের লক্ষীপায়েঠেলা). পায়ে তেল দেওয়াv. to flatter in a servile manner. পায়ে দলাv. to trample under foot. পায়ে ধরাv. to solicit or importune or supplicate humbly. পায়েপড়াv. to fall at one's feet in supplication. পায়েরউপর পা দিয়ে থাকাv. (fig.) to lead a carefree life of ease, comfort and indolence. পায়ের পাতাn. an instep; a foot. পায়ে রাখাv. to treat or favour or shelter graciously. পায়ে হাত দেওয়াv. to touch some one's feet in obeisance. পা-চাটাa. footlicking, bootlicking. পা-চাটা লোক a footlicker, a bootlicker, a today. পা-পাকরেadv. step by step. পায়েপায়েadv. at every step (পায়ে পায়ে বাধা); (of two or more persons or creatures) having one another's legs tied together; (of a single person or creature) having legs tied to gether (পায়ে পায়ে বাঁধা); with slow but steady steps (পায়ে পায়ে এগোনো); on the back of, pursuing (সে আমারপায়েপায়ে আসছে).
পাই[ pāi ] n an obsolete Indian coin (=1/192; rupee), a pie.
পাইক[ pāika ] n a foot soldier, an infantryman, a footman; a guard or messenger armed with a staff and also with other weapons (often a liveried one). পাইকবরকন্দাজn. footmen and other follow ers.
পাইকা[ pāikā ] n (print.) pica.
পাইপ[ pāipa ] n a pipe.
পাউডার[ pāuḍāra ] n powder (esp. cosmetic pow der). পাউডার বোলানো, পাউডার মাখাv. to dust or daub with powder, to powder. পাউডারের কৌটো a powder-case, a pow der-box. পাউডারের তুলি a powder-puff.
পাউন্ড[ pāunḍa ] n a unit of weight (= 454 grammes); a unit of money (= 2 shillings).
পাউরুটি[ pāuruṭi ] n bread baked in the European fashion. একটা গোটা পাউরুটি a loaf of bread. একটুকরো পাউরুটি a piece or slice of bread.
পাওনা[ pāōnā ] a that which ought to be paid or done to one, due. ☐n. due; money due to one; earnings, income (উপরিপাওনা); assets or outstanding bills (দেনা-পাওনা). পাওনা আদায় করাv. to realize what is due; to realize a bill or claim. পাওনা দেওয়া, পাওনামেটানোv. to pay what is due; to foot the bill. ̃গন্ডা, ̃থোওনাn. due; earnings, income. ̃দারn. a creditor.
পাওয়া[ pāōẏā ] v to get; to receive চিঠি পাওয়া; to obtain (মুক্তি পাওয়া); to find (চাকরিপাওয়া); to earn or gain (টাকা পাওয়া); to attain, to realize (সিদ্ধি পাওয়া): to come or happen (দেখতে পাওয়া); to have (দেখাপাওয়া); to be able (শুনতেপাওয়া); to inherit (বাপের স্বভাব পাওয়া); to feel or to be stricken with (খিদেপাওয়া); to feel like (কান্না পাওয়া); to enjoy (আরামপাওয়া); to sense, to be aware of (টের পাওয়া); to be possessed by (ভূতে পাওয়া). ☐a. obtained, earned (পাওয়াজিনিস); possessed by (ভূতে পাওয়া লোক). পড়ে পাওয়া to get by chance. জো পাওয়া to get an opportunity (for gain etc.) পাওয়ানোv. to cause to get or obtain or find or earn or gain or attain or inherit or be stricken with or feel like or feel or be possessed by.
পাংশন[ pāṃśana ] a bringing disgrace, tarnishing (কুল পাংশন).
পাংশু[ pāṃśu ] n ashes; dust; stain, stigma; vice, sin. ☐a. livid, pale (পাংশুমুখ). ̃বর্ণa. ash-coloured; livid. ☐n. ash-colour. ̃লa. dusty, dust-ridden; stained; vicious, sinful; libidinous. ☐n. Shiva (শিব). ̃লাa. fem. of পাংশুল ।☐n. the earth.
পাঁইট[ pām̐iṭa ] n a measure of capacity, a pint.
পাঁক[ pān̐ka ] n slime, silt.
পাঁকাল[ pān̐kāla ] n a kind of eel. ☐a. muddy, miry, clayey.
পাঁকুই[ pān̐kui ] n chilblain; foot-sore caused by mud.
পাঁচ[ pān̐ca ] n. & a five. পাঁচ কথা a lot of talking; many and varied topics; harsh words; a talking-to; reproof.
পাঁচই[ pān̐ci ] n the fifth day of a month, the fifth. ☐a. (of the days of a month) fifth.
পাঁচজন[ pān̐cajana ] n (lit.) five persons; (fig.) people at large, others, they.
পাঁচড়া[ pān̐caḍ়ā ] n scabies, itches.
পাঁচন[ pān̐cana ] n a medicinal decoction prepared by boiling different herbs.
পাঁচনর[ pān̐canara ] n a five-tiered or five-stringed necklace. পাঁচনরিa. five-stringed or five-tiered পাঁচনরি হার.
পাঁচফোড়ন[ pān̐caphōḍ়na ] n cumin-seed, black cumin seed, fenugreek seed, aniseed and parsley; these five kinds of spices collectively.
পাঁচহাতি[ pān̐cahāti ] a five cubits long (পাঁচহাতি শাল).
পাঁচিল[ pān̐cila ] n a wall.
পাঁজ[ pān̐ja ] n a skein or wisp or roll of carded cotton.
পাঁজর, পাঁজরা[ pān̐jara, pān̐jarā ] n the ribs; the thorax; a rib bone, a rib.
পাঁজা1 [ pān̐jā1 ] n a brick-kiln, kiln.
পাঁজা2 [ pān̐jā2 ] n a bundle; a faggot; a pile, a heap. পাঁজা করাv. to bundle; to pile, to heap.
পাঁজা3 [ pān̐jā3 ] n outspread hands forming a stretcher.
পাঁজাকোলা[ pān̐jākōlā ] a lifted upon hands outspread in the shape of a stretcher. পাঁজাকোলাকরাv. to lift upon hands outspread in the shape of a stretcher.
পাঁজি[ pān̐ji ] n a calendar, an almanac, an ephemeris. ̃পুথিn. ephemerides and scriptures; books collectively. হাতেপাঁজি মঙ্গলবারworrying for ascertaining a date with the almanac in hand; unnecessary groping or search (for a solution that is already there).
পাঁঠা[ pān̐ṭhā ] n a he-goat; (dero.) a dunce, a fool. fem. পাঁঠি । ̃বলিn. sacrifice of a goat by chopping off its head. পাঁঠার মাংসgoat's meat; (pop.) mutton.
পাঁড়[ pān̐ḍ় ]a ripe (পাঁড়শসা); inveterate (পাঁড়মাতাল, পাঁড় বদমাশ). ☐n. an inveterate drunkard.
পাঁড়ে[ pān̐ḍ়ē ] n the family name of some upcountry Brahmans.
পাঁতি[ pān̐ti ] n a row, a line (দাঁতের পাঁতি); a line quoted from scriptures as an authority, a scriptural prescription (পাঁতি দেওয়া); style, manner ('কথার দেখ পাঁতি'); a letter, a note ('রতন হারেবাঁধিয়া দিনু পাঁতি'); information about identity, descriptive particulars (জাতির পাঁতি). ̃পত্রn. a solemn marriage-contract drawn up in black and white. পাঁতিপত্র করাv. to draw up a solemn marriage-contract in black and white.
পাঁদাড়[ pān̐dāḍ় ]n a dump for sweepings, refuse etc. at the back of a house.
পাঁপর1 [ pām̐para1 ] n a snack made of the dough of pigeon-pea rolled into thin roundish saucer and eaten after frying in oil or singeing.
পাঁপর2 [ pām̐para2 ] n (law) a pauper.
পাঁয়তারা[ pām̐ẏatārā ] n act of pacing to find an opportunity to attack or grapple (as in wrestling); act of bragging before commencing to do something; preliminary preparations. পাঁয়তারা কষাv. to pace up and down to find a suitable moment to attack or grapple; to brag before commencing to do something; to make preliminary preparations.
পাঁশ[ pām̐śa ] n ashes; a worthless or nonsense thing, talk etc. (ছাইপাঁশ). পাঁশুটেa. ash-coloured; livid, pale.
পাঁশকুড়[ pām̐śakuḍ় ]n dustbin.
পাক2 [ pāka2 ] n cooking; act of condensing by heat (সন্দেশের পাক); digestion (পাকস্হলী); consequence (বিপাক); greyness (চুলেপাক ধরা). পাক করাv. to cook. পাক ধরাv. to begin to be condensed by heat; to begin to turn grey. ̃ক্রিয়াn. (function or act of) digestion. ̃তেলn. a medicinal oil. ̃পাত্র same as পাকস্হালী । ̃মন্ডn. chyme. ̃যন্ত্রn. the digestive organ, the stomach. পাকযন্ত্র-প্রদাহn. inflammation of the stomach, gastritis. ̃শালাa. a kitchen, a cookhouse. ̃স্হলীn. the stomach. ̃স্হালীn. a cooking pot or utensil. ̃স্পর্শn. the ceremony of a bride's serving out food for the first time to her husband's kinsfolk.
পাক3 [ pāka3 ] n a mythological demon. ̃শাসনn. Indra (ইন্দ্র), the slayer of Paka (পাক) the demon.
পাক4 [ pāka4 ] n act of going round or winding, circumambulation, revolution, convolution,circular movement, rotation; a coil or ring (জিলিপির পাক); a twirl or spin; a providential or chance occurrence (পাকেচক্রে); an intrigue, a conspiracy, a plot, a tangle. পাক খাওয়াv. to go round; to have a walk; to wind; to circumambulate; to revolve, to convolve, to rotate; to twirl, to spin, to twine; to ravel. পাক খোলাv. to untwist; to unravel, to puzzle out. ̃দন্ডীn. a circuitous or spiral route that leads to the top of a mountain. পাকদেওয়াv. to go round; to have a walk; to twist, to spin, to ravel. পাক পড়া. পাক লাগাv. to be come twisted; to become twisted confusedly, to ravel. পাক লাগানো same as পাক দেওয়া । পাকে পড়াv. to be entagled, to be caught in an intrigue; to get into difficulty or trouble. পাকেফেলাv. to catch in an intrigue; to drive into difficulty.
পাকড় [ pākaḍ় ]n arrest, seizure (ধরপাকড়). পাকড়াওa. seizure, arrest; act of catching with importunity (চকরির জন্য মন্ত্রীকেপাকড়াও). ☐v. imperat. arrest, seize; catch. পাকড়ানোv. to catch; to seize; to arrest.
পাকন [ pākana ] n (obs.) ripening or maturing; (dero.) act of being seasoned or experienced; (dero.) becoming precocious or depraved; (of hair etc.) act of turning grey.
পাকলানো [ pākalānō ] v (poet. & obs.) to redden ('চক্ষুপাকলিয়া বলে').
পাকা [ pākā ] v to ripen (ফলপাকা); to attain maturity, to mature (বুদ্ধি পাকা, বয়সপাকা); to turn grey (চুলপাকা); to suppurate (ফোঁড়া পাকা; to become seasoned (হাড় পাকা); to become experienced or skilled (ডাক্তারিতেসে পেকেছে); to be hardened (বদমাশিতে পাকা); to be come depraved or spoilt or precocious (ছেলেটাভারী পেকেছে). ☐a. ripe; mature; grey; grey-haired (পাকা মাথা); skilled, experienced (পাকা কারিগর); inveterate, hardened (পাকা চোর); downright, thorough (পাকা বদমাশ); precocious, spoilt, depraved; skilful (পাকা হাত); set (পাকালেখা); durable, fast (পাকা রং); full, nett (পাকাপাঁচ কিলো); standard (পাকাওজন); hardened in fire (পাকা ইট) brick-built (পাকাবাড়ি); permanent (পাকাচাকরি); final, settled, fixed (পাকাকথা, পাকা তারিখ); pure, genuine, unalloyed (পাকা সোনা); seasoned (পাকাহাড়, পাকা কাঠ); of a high standard (পাকারচনা); tanned (পাকা চামড়া); legally or formally drawn up (পাকাদলিল); pucka, pukka. (পাকা ওজন) stan dard weight esp. in which one seer (সের) is equal to 8 tolas (তোলা). পাকাকথা final word; a promise or word. পাকা করাv. to confirm or finalize. পাকাখাতাn. finalized book of accounts. পাকাধানে মই দেওয়া (lit.) to harrow and destory a field of ripened paddy; (fig.) to undo an accomplished piece of work; to do incalculable harm to. পাকা ঘুঁটিকেঁচে যওয়া undoing of what is almost complete. পাকা চামড়া leather. ̃চুলn. grey hair; an aged and experienced man (পাকাচুলেরপরামর্শ নেওয়া). পাকা দেখাv. to visit formally a prospective bride's house in order to draw up the marriage-contract in black and white. ̃দেখাn. a formal visit to a prospective bride's house in order to draw up the marriage-contract in black and white; the final view of a girl by the bridegroom's party before she is accepted in marriage. ̃পাকিa. settled, fixed, finalized; sure. পাকাপাকি করাv. to settle, to fix, to finalize; to make sure. ̃পোক্তa. permanent; settled, fixed, finalized; hardened by long practice (পাকাপোক্তলোক); experienced and seasoned; inveterate (পাকাপোক্তচোর). পাকা বাড়ি a brick-built house, a building. পাকামাথা a grey-headed or grey-haired person; an old or aged person; a wise or experienced person. পাকা মাথায় সিঁন্দুর পরা (for a woman) to have one's husband living even when one becomes hoary-headed. পাকামিn. precocity. পাকারাস্তা a metalled or cobbled road. পাকা হা়ড়েভেলকিদেখানো to show magical or amazing power or proficiency even in one's old age. পাকাহাত a set hand; skilled hand; an old hand, an experienced man; an adept.পাকাহিসাব final accounts.
পাকাটি [ pākāṭi ] n a stalk of the jute-plant used as fuel; (fig.) a lean rickety person.
পাকাটে [ pākāṭē ] a wizened.
পাকানো [ pākānō ] v to twist; to twirl; to ravel; to wring, to writhe (শরীর পাকানো); to wizen; to complicate (সে ব্যাপারটাকেপাকিয়েছে); to organize, to form (দলপাকানো); to cook, to ripen; to mature; to cause to turn grey; to cause to suppurate; to season; to make experienced or skilled; to harden; to deprave, to spoil, to make precocious. ☐a. twisted; twirled; ravelled; wizened.
পাকাশয় [ pākāśaẏa ] n the stomach. ̃প্রদাহn. inflammation of the stomach, gastritis. পাকাশয়িকa. stomachal, stomachic; gastric.
পাকি [ pāki ] a measured by the standard weight in which one seer (সের) is equal to 8 tolas (তোলা), standard (পাকি ওজন).
পাকিস্তানি [ pākistāni ] a of Pakistan. ☐n. a citizen of Pakistan, Pakistani.
পাকুড় [ pākuḍ় ]n a species of fig-tree, Ficus infectoria.
পাকেচক্রে, পাকে-প্রকারে [ pākēcakrē, pākē-prakārē ] adv by this trick or that, through cunning devices; somehow; by hook or by crook.
পাক্কা [ pākkā ] a emphatical var. of পাকা (a).
পাক্ষিক [ pākṣika ] a fortnightly. ☐n. a fortnightly journal.
পাখনা [ pākhanā ] n a wing; a feather; a fin.
পাখলা [ pākhalā ] n rubbing and washing, scouring or rinsing (ধোয়া-পাখলা). পাখলানো. v. to rub and wash; to scour; to rinse.
পাখশাট [ pākhaśāṭa ] n a blow or a flap of a bird's wings. পাখশাট মারাv. (of a bird) to strike with wings, to flap one's wings.
পাখা [ pākhā ] n a wing; a feather; (rare) a fin; a fan; a propeller; vane or sail (as of a windmill). টানা পাখাn. a large fan suspended from a pole and moved by pulling, a punkah, a punka. বিজলি-পাখাn. an electric fan. হাত-পাখাn. a hand fan. পাখা করাv. to fan. পাখা ঘোরানোv. to set a propeller or vane moving; to switch on an electric fan. পাখাঝাপটানোv. (of a bird) to flutter or flap wings. পাখাটানাv. to pull a punkah.
পাখাওয়ালা[ pākhāōẏālā ] a winged; feathered; (rare) finned; having a propeller or vane or sail. ☐n. a punkah-puller; a dealer in or pedlar of hand-fans; a repairer of electric fans; one who lets out electric fans on hire.
পাখি[ pākhi ] n the bird; a blind (of a window); a spoke (of a wheel); a step or rung of a ladder. পাখি পড়ানোv. to teach or get up by rote, to cram. পাখির প্রাণ very feeble vitality. পাখির বাসা a nest; (fig.) a very disorderly place or thing (মাথাটা যেনপাখিরবাসা).
পাখোয়াজ[ pākhōẏāja ] n a musical instrument of percussion shaped almost like a tom-tom. পাখোয়াজিn. one who can play on this instrument.
পাগড়ি[ pāgaḍ়i ] n a turban; a head-cloth. ̃ধারীn. turbaned.
পা-গাড়ি[ pā-gāḍ়i ] n a bicycle; (hum.) the foot or the leg (সবচেয়ে ভালো পা-গাড়ি).
পাঙাশ [ pāṅāśa ] n a large silvery-white fish.
পাঙ্ক্তেয়[ pāṅktēẏa ] a fit to be included in the same line or row or class; fit to be allowed to sit in a community-dinner (see পঙ্ক্তিভোজন).
পাঙ্গাশ2 [ pāṅgāśa2 ] a ash-coloured; livid, pale.
পাচক[ pācaka ] a digestive; gastric; one who cooks. ☐n. a cook. ̃রসn. gastric juice, digestive fluid.
পাচন[ pācana ] a digestive; gastric. ☐n. a medicinal decoction.
পাচনতন্ত্র[ pācanatantra ] n digestive system.
পাচনবাড়ি[ pācanabāḍ়i ] n a truncheon for driving cattle.
পাচনযন্ত্র[ pācanayantra ] n the digestive or gastric organ.
পাচার[ pācāra ] n act of finishing or consuming; slaughter, murder; secret removal (and hiding); kidnapping; smuggling; act or removing secretly and doing away. পাচার করাv. to finish; to consume; to slay, to murder, (coll.) to do in; to remove secretly (and conceal); to kidnap; to smuggle; to remove secretly and do away.
পাচিকা[ pācikā ] fem of পাচক।
পাচ্য[ pācya ] a that which can be or is to be cooked; digestive, digestible.
পাছ[ pācha ] n the back part, the back.
পাছড়া-পাছড়ি[ pāchaḍ়ā-pāchaḍ়i ] n scuffle, mutual grappling.
পাছদুয়ার[ pāchaduẏāra ] n a back-door, a postern gate.
পাছতলা[ pāchatalā ] n the lower half of the body; the back part of a dwelling-house.
পাছা[ pāchā ] n the hip, the buttocks; the loins; the posteriors, the rump.
পাছা-পেড়ে[ pāchā-pēḍ়ē ] a (of a woman's cloth) having a broad lengthwise furbelow in the middle.
পাছু [ pāchu ] n the back (পাছুথেকে). ☐a. flinching, retreated. ☐adv. (dial.) towards one's back, back (পাছু ফেরা); from behind (পাছু ডাকা); afterwards, later on (পাছু শুনব). ☐prep. on the back of (আমার পাছু আসবে). পাছু লাগা. (dial.) v. to chase, to pursue; to tease; to watch one closely with mischievous intentions. পাছু হওয়াv. to flinch, to shrink back; to retreat. পাছু পাছুadv. & prep. on the back of, close behind.
পাছে[ pāchē ] prep. & adv same as পিছে ।☐con. lest. পাছে পাছে same as পিছে পিছে ।
পাজি[ pāji ] a mean, vile; wicked; knavish; mischievous; hare-brained. পাজির পা ঝাড়া extremely mean or vile or wicked or knavish or mischievous. পাজিলোক a knave, a villain, a rogue, a scoundrel; a scapegrace; a varlet.
পাঞ্চজন্য[ pāñcajanya ] n (myth.) the conch used to be blown by Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) esp. in battles.
পাঞ্চবার্ষিক[ pāñcabārṣika ] a quinquennial.
পাঞ্চভৌতিক[ pāñcabhautika ] a of or composed of the five elements namely the earth, water, fire, air and atmosphere.
পাঞ্চালি[ pāñcāli ] n a princess of Panchal (পঞ্চাল); Draupadi of the Mahabharata.
পাঞ্জা[ pāñjā ] n the five playing-cards or dice; the palm of a hand; an impression of the palm; a letter or permit marked with the impression of the palm of a king or an official authority. পাঞ্জাকষা, পাঞ্জা লড়াv. to try the strength of each other's wrist by seizing it and trying to turn it down.
পাট1 [ pāṭa1 ] n a well-curb.
পাট2 [ pāṭa2 ] n words and actions of a character in a play, a part. পাট করাv. to act one's part.
পাট3 [ pāṭa3 ] n silk, linen; jute; a plank, a board (ধোপার পাট); a holy place (শ্রীপাট); a seat, an official seat, a throne (পাটেবসা, পাটরানি); (myth.) the imaginary mountain behind which the sun goes down whilst setting (সূর্য পাটে নামে); a fold, a plait (কাপড়ের পাট, চুলের পাট). ☐a. royal (পাটহাতি). পাট করাv. to fold, to plait, to pleat; (fig.) to give a sound drubbing. পাটে নামাv. (of the sun) to set. পাটে বসাv. to sit on a throne; to be seated on the official seat; (of the sun) to set. পাটে পাটেadv. in or by folds; in every fold.
পাট4 [ pāṭa4 ] n routine duties of a household. পাট তোলা, পাট ওঠানোv. to complete the routine duties of a household; (fig.) to close down. পাটসারাv. to complete the routine duties of a household; (fig.) to complete a work.
পাটকেল [ pāṭakēla ] n a brickbat.
পাটন [ pāṭana ] n a city, a habitation, a settlement (গৌড় পাটন); trade and commerce; sea trade. পাটনে যাওয়াv. to set out on sea trade.
পাটনাই [ pāṭanāi ] a grown or produced in Patna; of Patna.
পাটনি [ pāṭani ] n a ferryman; a wharfinger.
পাটল [ pāṭala ] a brick-red, pale and pink-coloured.
পাটলা, পাটলি [ pāṭalā, pāṭali ] n the trumpet-flower or its plant.
পাটশাক [ pāṭaśāka ] n leaves of the jute-plant used as a pot-herb.
পাটা [ pāṭā ] n (of wood) a plank, a board; (of metals) a plate; a face or surface (বুকেরপাটা); a document of purchase or leasehold of land. বুকের পাটা (fig.) courage or daring.
পাটাতন [ pāṭātana ] n a deck or floor (esp. one made of wood).
পাটালি [ pāṭāli ] n a discoid solid tablet of molasses.
পাটি1, পাটী1 [ pāṭi1, pāṭī1 ] n a finely woven mat of a kind of aquatic grass.
পাটি2, পাটী2 [ pāṭi2, pāṭī2 ] n orderliness; order, system, method; a row, a line (দন্তপাটি); one of a pair (জুতোর পাটি); a plait, a pleat ('মোহন পাটি'); household duties ('সংসারেরপাটি'); reckoning by figures (পাটীগণিত).
পাটিগণিত, পাপীগণিত [ pāṭigaṇita, pāpīgaṇita ] n arithmetic.
পাটিসাপটা [ pāṭisāpaṭā ] n a kind of sweet patty or pie.
পাটোয়ার [ pāṭōẏāra ] n a landowner's or business man's employee who collects rents and keeps accounts; a manufacturer of haberdashery esp. girdles and strings of beads. ☐a. very much calculating or cautious about expenditure. পাটোয়ারিn. same as পাটোয়ার (n.) ☐a. relating to the aforesaid landowner's or business man's employee; relating to haberdashery; very much calculating or cautious about expenditure. পাটোয়ারি বুদ্ধি shrewd or keen practical sense, keen consciousness of one's own interest or affairs; circumspection.
পাট্টা [ pāṭṭā ] n a document of purchase or leasehold of land; a fold, a plait, a pleat (দোপাট্টা); a thick layer; massive beard (গালপাট্টা). পাট্টা দেওয়াv. to sell or to lease out (land.) পাট্টা নেওয়াv. to purchase or to take on lease (as land). ̃দাতাn. a lessor. ̃দারn. a leaseholder.
পাঠ [ pāṭha ] n reading, perusal; study; recitation; lesson; a reading of text (পুঁথির মূলপাঠ); a text-book. পাঠ করাv. to read, to peruse; to study; to reci.e. পাঠ তৈরিকরাv. to learn or prepare one's lesson. পাঠ দেওয়াv. to give one a lesson. পাঠনেওয়াv. to take lessons (from a teacher). পাঠকn. a reader; one who studies; a student, a pupil; a reciter; one who reads out or recites from scriptures; a professional narrator of mythological stories; a teacher, a reader. ̃গৃহn. a reading-room, a study; a library. পাঠনn. teaching. ̃ক্রমn. a syllabus. ̃নিবিষ্ট, ̃মগ্নa. absorbed in reading or study. ̃ভবন, ̃মন্দিরn. a reading-room, a study; a library; a school. ̃ভেদ same as পাঠান্তর। ̃রতa. engaged in reading or studying. ̃শালাn. a primary school. পাঠানুরাগn. fondness for reading; devotion to study. পাঠানুরাগীa. fond of reading; devoted to study. পাঠান্তরn. another text or a different text or reading or version. পাঠাভ্যাসকরাv. to learn one's lessons.
পাঠার্থী [ pāṭhārthī ] a desirous of reading or studying. ☐n. a student, a pupil; a prospective student. fem. পাঠাথির্নী । পাঠোদ্ধারn. deciphering an obscure piece of writing or passage.
পাঠান [ pāṭhāna ] n a Pathan, an Afghan.
পাঠিকা [ pāṭhikā ] fem of পাঠক(see পাঠ).
পাঠানো [ pāṭhānō ] v to send, to despatch; to transmit. ডেকে পাঠানোv. to send for; to summon. বলে পাঠানোv. to send information to some one through a messenger.
পাঠ্য [ pāṭhya ] a to be read; readable; prescribed for reading. ̃ক্রমn. a syllabus. ̃তালিকাn. a syllabus; a book-list. পাঠ্যনির্বাচনসমিতিthe Text-Book Committee. ̃পুস্তকn. a text-book. ̃সূচিn. curriculum. পাঠ্যাবস্হাn. student life.
পাড়1 [ pāḍ়1 ] n bank, shore, margin (of a sea, bay, river, lake, pond etc.); a mound of earth raised round a piece of arable land; a well-curb.
পাড়2 [ pāḍ়2 ] n furbelow, flounce, coloured or decorated border (as of a cloth). পাড়লাগানোv. to furbelow, to flounce.
পাড়3 [ pāḍ়3 ] n act of pedalling in an up-and-down manner (as a husking-pestle). পাড়দেওয়াv. to pedal in an up-and-down manner.
পাড়4 [ pāḍ়4 ] n a cross-beam.
পাড়ন [ pāḍ়na ] n bringing down; lowering; causing to come down.
পাড়া1 [ pāḍ়ā1 ] v to bring down (নারকেল পা়ড়া, তাকথেকে পাড়া); to pluck (ফুলপাড়া); to knock down (ভীম কীচককে পেড়েফেললেন); to cause to take to one's bed, to prostrate (জ্বরে তাকে পেড়ে ফেলেছে); to lay out (বিছানা পাড়া= to make a bed); to lay as eggs (ডিম পাড়া= to lay an egg); to pronounce loudly (গালপাড়া= to shout abuses at); to invoke as in solemn appeal (দোহাইপাড়া= to invoke as in solemn appeal, to call down or upon); to remove, to clear (এঁটো পাড়া= to clear the table).
পাড়া2 [ pāḍ়ā2 ] n a small area of human habitation containing a cluster of houses, a locality (গোয়ালপাড়া). পাড়া বেড়ানো. v. to stroll about idly in the neighbourhood, to go round the locality.
পাড়া-কুঁদুলি [ pāḍ়ā-kun̐duli ] a. fem given to constant and boisterous brawling with neighbours, quarrelsome, cantankerous, (cp.) termagant. ☐n. fem. such a woman, (cp.) a termagant or fire-eater.
পাড়া-গাঁ [ pāḍ়ā-gā ] n a rural area; countryside; a village.
পাড়াগেঁয়ে [ pāḍ়āgēm̐ẏē ] a rural; rustic (lit. & fig).
পাড়ানো [ pāḍ়ānō ] v to cause to bring down (ফলপাড়ানো) or pluck (ফুল পাড়ানো); to induce to (ঘুমপাড়ানো = to lull to sleep). পাড়ানি, পাড়ানিয়াa. inducing to, inducive to (ঘুমপাড়ানি গান). ☐n. one who brings down fruit esp. from tall trees.
পাড়া-পড়শি [ pāḍ়ā-paḍ়śi ] n neighbours; a neighbour. ☐a. dwelling in one's neighbourhood (পাড়া-পড়শিলোক).
পাণি [ pāṇi ] n the hand. ̃গ্রহ, ̃গ্রহণ, ̃পীড়নn. marriage, wedding. পাণিগ্রহণকরা, পাণিপীড়ন করাv. to marry, to wed. ̃প্রার্থীn. &a. one willing to marry some body.
পাণ্ডব, পাণ্ডবেয় [ pāṇḍaba, pāṇḍabēẏa ] n a son of King Pandu of the Mahabharata. পঞ্চপাণ্ডবn. the five sons of King Pandu collectively; (fig.) a set of five persons, a quintette. পাণ্ডববর্জিতa. (of lands and countries) not habitable or worth visiting because avoided even by the Pandavas (পাণ্ডব) during their sojourn; (pop.) uninhabited. পাণ্ডবসখাn. a friend of the Pandavas; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).
পাণ্ডা [ pāṇḍā ] n a Brahman priest acting as a guide to pilgrims at holy places; (dero.) a leader, a ring-leader.
পাণ্ডিত্য [ pāṇḍitya ] n erudition, learning, scholarship; wisdom; expertness, skill; (dero.) pedantry. ̃প্রকাশn. ostentatious display of one's learning by oneself, parade of one's learning; (iron.) act of betraying one's ignorance or folly. পাণ্ডিত্যাভিমানীa. proud of one's learning. fem. পাণ্ডিত্যাভিমানিনী
পাণ্ডু, পাণ্ডুর [ pāṇḍu, pāṇḍura ] n the pale yellow or whitish yellow colour, the mud colour; jaundice; chlorosis, green sickness. ☐a. pale yellow, white yellow, mud-coloured; pale; jaundiced; chlorotic, etiolated. পাণ্ডু রোগn. jaundice, chlorosis.
পাণ্ডুলিপি, পাণ্ডুলেখ, পাণ্ডুলেখ্য [ pāṇḍulipi, pāṇḍulēkha, pāṇḍulēkhya ] n a hand written sheet or copy, a manuscript; a draft not yet finalized; a (parliamentary) bill.
পাত1 [ pāta1 ] n a fall or a shower (বৃষ্টিপাত); shedding or dropping (রক্তপাত); throwing or casting (দৃষ্টিপাত); incidence, occurrence (বিপদ্পাত); ruin, destruction (দেহপাত); (astr.) a node (উচ্চপাত = the ascending node. নিম্নপাত= the descending node). পাতকরাv. to impair, to ruin, to destroy (শরীর পাত করছে).
পাত2 [ pāta2 ] n a leaf (as of a tree or book); a sheet or foil (of metal); a leaf of banana or sal (শাল) used as a dinner plate. পাত করাv. to arrange for dinner by laying leaves of banana or sal; to lay the table; to flatten into a sheet (লোহা পিটিয়ে পাত করা). ̃কুড়ানিn. fem. one who eats others' leavings; one who stills hunger by eating others' leavings. পাত কাটাv. to eat off another's table like a beggar; (fig.) to importune cringingly for another's favour, to fawn on. পাত পাড়াv. (usu. dero.) to enjoy another's hospitality. ̃চাটাa. given to eating off another's table; (fig.) cringingly importuning for another's favour, currying favour (with).
পাতক [ pātaka ] n sin. পাতকীa. sinful. ☐n. a sinner. fem. পাতকিনী ।
পাতখোলা [ pātakhōlā ] n a piece of incompletely burnt potsherd.
পাতগালা [ pātagālā ] n sheet-wax.
পাতঞ্জল [ pātañjala ] a of or compiled by Patanjali, the Philosopher of ancient India. ̃দর্শনn. the yoga (যোগ) system of philosophy.
পাতড়া [ pātaḍ়ā ] n a leaf of banana or sal (শাল) on which food has been taken; a dish of fish or vegetables fried or singed on a banana-leaf. পাতড়া-চাটাsame as পাতচাটা(see পাত2).
পাততাড়ি [ pātatāḍ়i ] n a bundle of palm-leaves used (instead of paper) in writing by a tyro. পাততাড়িগোটানোv. (lit.) to put away the bundle of palm-leaves when the lesson is over; (fig.) to depart or decamp, to quit; to depart lock, stock and barrel; (fig.) to close down or wind up (a business etc.).
পাতন [ pātana ] n act of throwing or hurling down; distillation; spreading; overthrowing; killing; writing (অন্কপাতন). ̃যন্ত্রn. a retort.
পাতনামা [ pātanāmā ] n beginning, inception; preface.
পাতলা [ pātalā ] a diluted (পাতলাদুধ); loose (পাতলা দাস্ত); thin (পাতলা বই); fine (পাতলাকাগজ বা কাপড়); slender (পাতলাবেত); sparse (পাতলা ঝোপ); light (পাতলা ঘুম); delicate (পাতলা শরীর).
পাতলুন [ pātaluna ] n pantaloons; trousers; pyjamas.
পাতশাহ, পাতশা [ pātaśāha, pātaśā ] n (Mus.) a king or an emperor, a padishah. পাতশাহিa. royal; imperial.
পাতা1 [ pātā1 ] a (used as a sfx.) one who pre serves or protects (বিশ্বপাতা).
পাতা2 [ pātā2 ] n a leaf (of a tree or a book); a page (of a book); a leaf of banana or sal (শাল) used as a dinner-plate; a tree leaf used in writing as a substitute for paper; a pleat, a plait, a braid; a lid (চোখেরপাতা); the flat surface (পায়েরপাতা). চোখের পাতাthe eyelid. পায়ের পাতাthe instep; the foot. পাতাকরাv. to arrange for dinner by laying leaves of banana or sal (শাল); to lay the table. পাতা কাটাv. to plait or braid (hair). ̃-কাটাa. plaited, braided. পাতচাটাsame as পাতচাটা(see পাত2). পাতা-পাa. flat-footed; web-footed. পাতাপাতাv. same as পাতা করাand পাতপাড়া(see পাত2). পাতা কুড়ানি, (coll.) পাতা-কুড়ুনিa. fem. earning one's livelihood by collecting dried leaves of trees; extremely indigent. ☐n. fem. such a woman.
পাতা3 [ pātā3 ] v to spread, to lay out (বিছানাপাতা); to place ready for use (পাতপাতা); to lay (ফাঁদ পাতা); to install (পূজারঘট পাতা); to set up, to establish (সংসার পাতা, দোকান পাতা); to set, to employ (আড়ি পাতা, কান পাতা); to stretch out to catch or hold (হাত পাতা); to bend down submissively (পিঠ পাতা); to curdle, to congeal, to freeze (দইপাতা).
পাতানো [ pātānō ] v to cause to spread or lay out or place ready for use or lay or install or set up or establish or employ or stretch out for catching or bend down submissively or congeal or freeze; to form an alliance, relation etc. where nothing natural exists (বন্ধুত্ব পাতানো, সম্বন্ধপাতানো). ☐a. in all the senses of the v. and esp. formed by mutual consent only (পাতানো মাসি).
পাতাবাহার [ pātābāhāra ] n a tropical hedge-plant of the Croton genus, the Codiaeum variegatum.
পাতাল [ pātāla ] n the netherworld, the under world; Hades; hell. ̃পুরীn. the capital city of the netherworld, Hades; the netherworld. ̃বাসীa. inhabiting or dwelling in the netherworld. fem. ̃বাসিনী।
পাতালিক [ pātālika ] a (geog.) sedimentary, plutonic (পাতালিক শিলা).
পাতি1 [ pāti1 ] n address, whereabouts.
পাতি2 [ pāti2 ] n a row, a line (বকের পাতি).
পাতি3 [ pāti3 ] a (used as a pfx.) small or inferior. ̃কাকn. the common house crow. ̃লেবুn. a variety of lemon. ̃শিয়ালn. the fox. fem. ̃শিয়ালিthe vixen. ̃হাঁসn. (fem.) the duck; (masc.) the drake.
পাতিত [ pātita ] a felled; flung down; knocked down; brought down, humbled; distilled.
পাতিত্য [ pātitya ] n the state of being socially cast out; moral or religious fall, degeneration, downfall, depravity.
পাতিপাতি [ pātipāti ] adv line by line; minutely; ransackingly. পাতিপাতি করাv. to search line by line; to search minutely, to ran sack, to rummage, to make a thorough search, to rifle.
পাতিব্রত্য [ pātibratya ] n faithful or loyal devotion of a wife to her husband.
পাতিল [ pātila ] n (dial.) a roundish earthen vessel used chiefly for cooking.
পাতী [ pātī ] a (used as a sfx.) falling (সদ্যঃপাতী); falling away; included (অন্তঃপাতী); deciduous.
পাত্তা [ pāttā ] n information, news; trace; address, whereabouts. পাত্তা করা same as পাত্তালাগানো । পাত্তা পাওয়াv. to find trace or whereabouts of; (fig.) to be considered of some value or to be of some account. পাত্তানা পাওয়াv. to lose trace of; (fig.) to be of small account. পাত্তা না .দেওয়াv. to treat as of little or no importance, to make light of, to take a dim view. পাত্তালাগানোv. to try to find trace or whereabouts of.
পাত্র [ pātra ] n a pot, a vessel, a utensil, a container; a minister, a counsellor; a deserving man or an object (প্রশংসারপাত্র); a man, a fellow (ভবি ভোলারপাত্রনয়); a male character in a play; bride groom; a prospective bridegroom. পাত্রদেখাv. to interview a prospective bridegroom for selection; to choose a bridegroom. ̃পক্ষn. the bridegroom's people or party. ̃মিত্রn. pl. (a monarch's) courtiers and friends. ̃স্হa. lying on or contained in a pot or vessel; (of a girl) wedded, married. পাত্রস্হ করাv. to give (a girl) in marriage, to marry, to wed. পাত্রাপাত্রn. deserving and undeserving persons. পাত্রাপাত্রবিচারn. discrimination between deserving and undeserving persons. পাত্রীn. fem. a deserving woman or a female object; a female character in a play; a bride; a prospective bride. পাত্রী দেখাv. to interview a prospective bride for selection; to choose a bride. পাত্রীপক্ষn. the bride's people or party. যোগ্যপাত্রn. a deserving person; a worthy groom. যোগ্যপাত্রীn. a worthy bride. সত্পাত্রn. same as যোগ্যপাত্র ।
পাথর [ pāthara ] n stone; a stone-made dinner plate; a precious stone, a gem; (fig.) becoming hardened by grief (দুঃখেপাথর হয়ে যাওয়া); a stone-hearted or unfeeling person. পাথরে পাঁচ কিল the most formidable good fortune or good time. ̃কুচিn. a stone-chip; rubble; an aromatic medicinal herb, stonewort. ̃-চাপাa. (fig.) incapable of thriving. ̃চুনn. lime obtained by calcining calcium carbonate (as limestone). ̃বাটিn. a stone-cup.
পাথরি [ pāthari ] n (med.) a stone-like concretion formed within the body, calculus, concretion. দাঁতেরপাথরি incrustation of saliva, calcium phosphate etc. forming on the teeth, tartar formed on teeth.
পাথার [ pāthāra ] n the sea, the ocean; a vast expanse of water.
পাথুরে [ pāthurē ] a of stone; made of stone (পাথুরেগেলাস); full of stones (পাথুরে দেশ); stone hard (পাথুরেমাটি); (fig.) unfeeling or undaunted or impregnable; stony. পাথুরে কয়লা stone coal, anthracite.
পাথেয় [ pāthēẏa ] n travelling expenses; allowance; (chiefly rel.) viaticum.
পাদ1 [ pāda1 ] n (vul.) a fart.
পাদ2 [ pāda2 ] n the foot; the leg; a step or pace (সপ্তপাদ পশ্চিমে); bottom, foot (পর্বতেরপাদদেশ); (of a tree) root (পাদপ); (of a verse) a line; a quarter (এক পাদ ধর্ম); (geom.) a quadrant; a title of honour (প্রভুপাদ). ̃ক্ষেপ same as পদক্ষেপ (see পদ). ̃গ্রন্হিn. the ankle. ̃গ্রহণn. act of touching another's feet in obesiance. ̃চারণা, ̃চরণ, পাদাচার same as পদচারণা (see পদ). ̃চারীn. a pedestrian. ̃চিহ্ন same as পদচিহ্ন (see পদ). ̃টীকাn. a footnote. ̃তলn. the sole (of the foot). ̃ত্রাণn. boot, shoe. ̃ত্রিভুজn. (geom.) a pedal triangle. ̃দেশn. the region at or around the foot or root or bottom. ̃পদ্মn. feet reverentially conceived as a pair of lotuses. ̃পীঠn. a foot-stool. ̃পূরণn. act of composing the missing line of a verse etc.; an expletive; (journalese) a short poem or quotation printed to fill up the blank space at the bottom of a page of a periodical. পাদপূরণ করাv. to supply the missing line of a verse; to fill up the blank space. ̃পৃষ্টn. the in step. পাদপ্রক্ষালন করাv. to rub and wash one's feet (and also legs). ̃প্রদীপn. a footlight; (fig.) limelight. ̃প্রহারn. a kick. পাদপ্রহারকরাv. to kick. ̃বন্দনাn. respect shown to a revered person by touching his or her feet. ̃বিকa. travelling esp. on foot, pedestrian. ̃বিক্ষেপ same as পদবিক্ষেপ (see পদ). ̃মূলn. the sole (of feet); the heel; the bottom. ̃লেহন same as পদলেহন (see পদ). ̃শৈলn. a small hill at the foot of a mountain. ̃স্ফোটn. chilblain; kibe. ̃সংস্হানn. (astr.) quadrature.
পাদপ [ pādapa ] n a tree, a plant.
পাদরি, পাদ্রি [ pādari, pādri ] n a Christian clergyman or ecclesiastical preacher, a padri.
পাদা [ pādā ] v (vul.) to fart.
পাদাঙ্গুলি [ pādāṅguli ] n the toe.
পাদান, পাদানি [ pādāna, pādāni ] n a footboard.
পাদুকা [ pādukā ] n boot, shoe, slipper; footwear. পাদুকা-পরিহিতa. booted, shoed.
পাদোদক [ pādōdaka ] n the water with which the feet of a gracious or reverend person has been washed (a few drops of this water is taken by a devotee).
পাদ্য [ pādya ] n water for washing the feet (and also legs.)
পান1 [ pāna1 ] n betel-leaf. ছাঁচি পান, বাংলা পান, মিঠা পান different kinds of betel-leaves. পান খাওয়াv. to chew betel leaf together with betel-nut, catechu, lime etc. পানথেকে চুন খসাv. (fig.) to commit a very negligible offence or lapse. পান সাজাv. to form a small conical cup of betel leaf after putting betel-nut, catechu, lime etc. within this cup. পানের বাটাn. a betel-box.
পান2 [ pāna2 ] n (of iron and baser metals) temper, annealing; (of gold and noble metals) alloy. পান দেওয়াv. to temper, to anneal; to alloy.
পান3 [ pāna3 ] n drinking; act of drinking wine (পানদোষ); (fig.) thorough enjoyment (সৌন্দর্যপান). পানকরাv. to drink; to drink wine; (fig.) to enjoy thoroughly.
পানই [ pāni ] n (obs.) slipper, (esp.) wooden slipper ('বাঁধা পানই হাতে লইও').
পানক [ pānaka ] n a drink of sweetened diluted fruit juices, sharbat; water hyacinth.
পানকৌড়ি [ pānakauḍ়i ] n a species of a diver; the cormorant.
পানগোষ্ঠী [ pānagōṣṭhī ] n a den of drunkards; a drinking party.
পানতি [ pānati ] n a high-rimmed metal dish (used at dinner, in cooking etc.)
পানতুয়া [ pānatuẏā ] n a kind of ball-shaped sweet meat made of posset and soaked in a solution of sugar.
পানদোষ [ pānadōṣa ] n (unwholesome) drinking habit, addiction to drinking.
পানপাত্র [ pānapātra ] n a drinking-cup; a goblet.
পানভোজন [ pānabhōjana ] n drinking and eating.
পানমরা [ pānamarā ] n (of gold and noble metals) loss in weight owing to alloying.
পানশৌণ্ড [ pānaśauṇḍa ] a given to drinking wine; boozy. পানশৌণ্ড ব্যক্তি a drunkard; a boozer.
পানসি [ pānasi ] n a pinnace.
পানসে [ pānasē ] a tasting like water for not being properly cooked (ঝোলটা পানসে); watery in taste; insipid, dull, milk-and-water (পানসে কথাবার্তা বা লেখা); lachry mose (পানসে মেয়ে).
পানা1 [ pānā1 ] sfx like, resembling, seeming to be (চাঁদপানা মুখ).
পানা2 [ pānā2 ] n a sweet cold drink, sharbat (বেলের পানা).
পানা3 [ pānā3 ] n width, breadth.
পানা4 [ pānā4 ] n a kind of aquatic algae, water wort.
পানানো [ pānānō ] v to make a calf such the udders of a cow repeatedly before milking; (of baser metals) to temper, to anneal; (of noble metals) to alloy.
পানাপুকুর [ pānāpukura ] n a pond covered with or full of algae or waterwort; a pond covered all over with water-hyacinth; a puddle.
পানাসক্ত [ pānāsakta ] a addicted to drinking wine, boozy. fem. পানাসক্তা ।পানাসক্ত ব্যক্তি a drunkard. পানাসক্তিn. addiction to drinking.
পানি [ pāni ] n (usu. among Mus. of Bengal) water. ̃পাঁড়েn. an up-country Brahman selling or supplying drinking water (esp. to railway passengers.) ̃ফল, (dial.) পানফলn. an aquatic fruit, cress(es), (cp.) water-chestnut. ̃বসন্ত, (pop.) পানবসন্তn. chickenpox.
পানীয় [ pānīẏa ] a that which is drunk; drinkable. ☐n. a drink; a sweet drink, sharbat; a cordial; an alcoholic or strong drink; a beverage; a potion. পানীয়জল drinking water.
পানে [ pānē ] prep in the direction of, towards, to (মুখপানে).
পান্তা [ pāntā ] a old by more than one night; overnight; cooked overnight and kept steeped in water (পান্তাভাত); stale (পান্তা খবর). ☐n. rice cooked overnight and kept steeped in water. (পান্তা ভাতেঘি (fig.) unnecessary or ludicrous spending of a good or costly thing.
পান্হ [ pānha ] n a traveller, a wayfarer. ̃তরু, ̃পাদপn. traveller's tree or palm, the Ravenala. ̃নিবাস, ̃শালাn. a caravansarai; an inn; a wayside boarding-house; a hotel; (loos.) a boarding-house.
পান্না [ pānnā ] n emerald.
পাপ [ pāpa ] n sin, vice; a religious or moral lapse; wickedness; a crime; a troublesome person or thing, a pest (পাপগেলেই বাঁচি). পাপ করাv. to commit a sin, to sin. কী পাপ what a plague or pest! ̃কর্মn. a sinful or wicked act, a crime. ̃কর্মা, ̃কৃত্a. committing sins; given to vice or wickedness; sinful, sinning. ̃ক্ষালনn. rescue from sins or vice; remission of sins, absolution. পাপক্ষালনকরাv. to rescue from sins or vice; to absolve. ̃গ্রহn. (astrol.) an inauspicious star or planet; (fig.) an unavoidable evil person. ̃ঘ্নa. destroying sins; rescuing from sins. ̃জনকa. sinful. ̃নাশকsame as পাপঘ্ন। ̃পঙ্কn. the mire of sin or vice. ̃পুণ্যn. virtue and vice, piety and sin. ̃বুদ্ধিa. evil minded, of sinful or wicked turn of mind or disposition. ̃ভগীa. sinful; sharing another's sin(s). ̃মতিsame as পাপবুদ্ধি । ̃মুক্তa. freed or absolved from sins or vice. ̃মুক্তিn. absolution from sins or vice. ̃মোচনsame as পাপক্ষালন । ̃যোগn. (astrol.) an inauspicious or unholy planetary conjunction. ̃হরsame as পাপঘ্ন । পাপাচারa. same as পাপকর্মা ।☐n. a sinful or wicked act. পাপাচারীa. same as পাপকর্মা ।fem. পাপাচারিণী। পাপাত্মাsame as পাপিষ্ঠ ।পাপানুষ্ঠানn. commission of sins, practice of vice. পাপাশয়same as পাপিষ্ঠ।পাপাসক্তa. addicted to sin or vice, sinful; habitually committing sin; wicked. পাপাসক্তিn. addiction to sin or vice.
পাপড়ি [ pāpaḍ়i ] n a petal (of a flower).
পাপিনী [ pāpinī ] fem of পাপী।
পাপিয়া [ pāpiẏā ] n the Indian nightingale, the hawk-cuckoo.
পাপিষ্ঠ [ pāpiṣṭha ] a extremely sinful or wicked. fem. পাপিষ্ঠা ।
পাপী [ pāpī ] a sinful; wicked; criminal; depraved. ☐n. a sinner; a wicked person; a criminal; a depraved person. পুরানোপাপীan old or hardened or inveterate offender or sinner or criminal.
পাপীয়সী [ pāpīẏasī ] a. fem sinful; wicked; criminal; adulterous. ☐n. a sinful or wicked woman; a female criminal; an adulteress.
পাপোশ [ pāpōśa ] n a doormat.
পাব [ pāba ] n a joint; a knuckle (as of a finger); (bot.) a node; the space between two nodes (as of the bamboo).
পাবক [ pābaka ] n fire. ☐a. purifying; sanctifying.
পাবদা [ pābadā ] n a species of fish without scales.
পাবন [ pābana ] a (used chiefly as a sfx.) purifying or sanctifying (কুলপাবন); rescuing or saving (পতিতপাবন). ☐n. purification or sanctification; fire. পাবনীa. fem. of পাবন ।
পামর [ pāmara ] a most sinful or wicked; vilest; basest; ignorant or low (আপামর). fem. পামরী ।
পাম্প [ pāmpa ] n a pump. পাম্পকরাv. to pump.
পায়খানা [ pāẏakhānā ] n a latrine, a lavatory, a privy, a toilet, a water-closet. পায়খানাকরাv. to ease oneself (of), to defecate, to evacuate.
পায়চারি [ pāẏacāri ] n act of walking about (esp. at ease), perambulation; a stroll. পায়চারিকরাv. to walk about (at ease), to perambulate, to stroll, to pace up and down, to amble.
পায়জামা [ pāẏajāmā ] n slacks, pyjamas.
পায়দল [ pāẏadala ] adv walking, on foot.
পায়রা [ pāẏarā ] a the pigeon; the dove. পায়রারখাঁচা, পায়রার বাসা a pigeon-house, a dovecot. পায়রার খোপ a pigeon-hole.
পায়স, পায়সান্ন [ pāẏasa, pāẏasānna ] n a sweet dish prepared by boiling rice in milk with sugar and other ingredients, sweet rice-porridge, (cp. frumenty).
পায়া [ pāẏā ] n a leg or foot of an article of furniture; a castor, a trundle; (dero. or hum.) position or post or vanity. ̃ভারীn. vanity for holding a high post; vanity. ☐a. vainglorious of one's high position; vain.
পায়ী [ pāẏī ] a (used as a sfx.) drinking (স্তন্যপায়ী), taking (ধূমপায়ী).
পায়ু [ pāẏu ] n the anus.
পার [ pāra ] n the opposite or the other bank or shore; a bank, a shore, a coast, a margin; a border, an end, bounds; act of crossing or crossing over or passing beyond; rescue, deliverance. পার করাv. to take or ferry (one) across (a river, a sea etc.); to take (one) to the opposite or the other bank; to conduct one through (a way), to let pass; to deliver, to rescue. পার হওয়াv. to cross; to cross over to the opposite or the other bank; to pass through; to get through or get over (a difficulty). পারের কড়ি same as পারানি।
পারংগম [ pāraṅgama ] a competent, efficient, capable; proficient (সর্বশাস্ত্রপারংগম); (rare) crossed over to the other bank or shore or end (of a river etc.).
পারক [ pāraka ] a capable, competent; dexterous, skilful. ̃তাn. capability, competency; dexterity.
পারক্য [ pārakya ] n alienage. ̃যোগ্যa. alienable.
পারণ, পারণা [ pāraṇa, pāraṇā ] n (act of taking) the first meal after the completion of a fast, breakfast (in the original sense). পারণকরা, পারণা করাv. to break a fast by taking one's meal.
পারতন্ত্র্য[ pāratantrya ] n dependence on another; subservience.
পারতপক্ষে [ pāratapakṣē ] adv if it is possible or if it can be avoided.
পারত্রিক [ pāratrika ] a relating to the other world, extra-mundane; spiritual.
পারদ [ pārada ] n quicksilver, mercury. ̃মিশ্রn. an amalgam. ̃সুত্রn. (chem.) a column of mercury.
পারদর্শী [ pāradarśī ] a foresighted; experienced, judicious; expert, adept; competent. fem. পারদর্শিনী । পারদর্শিতাn. foresight; experience; judiciousness, expertness, adeptness; competency.
পারদারিক [ pāradārika ] a guilty of violating another's marriage-bed, adulterous. ̃তাn. adultery.
পারদার্য [ pāradārya ] n violation of another's marriage bed, adultery.
পারবশ্য [ pārabaśya ] n dependence on another; subservience.
পারমাণব, পারমাণবিক [ pāramāṇaba, pāramāṇabika ] a atomic.
পারমার্থিক [ pāramārthika ] a concerning the ultimate Reality or God; theological; spiritual.
পারমিট [ pāramiṭa ] n a permit.
পারম্পার্য [ pārampārya ] n serial succession or sequence or regular continuity, sequence. ̃হীনa. without continuity or regularity; without seriality. ̃হীনতাn. absence of continuity or seriality; absence of a regular order.
পারলৌকিক [ pāralaukika ] a concerning the next world, extra-mundane; spiritual; conducive to the life in the next world; obsequial. পারলৌকিক ক্রিয়া obsequies.
পারশে [ pāraśē ] n a species of small scaled fish.
পারসি [ pārasi ] n the language of Persia, Persian; a Parsee, a Parasi; a Persian. ☐a. Persian; of the Parsees (পারসি শাড়ি). পারসিকa. Persian, Iranian. ☐n. a Persian, an Iranian.
পারস্পরিক [ pārasparika ] a reciprocal; mutual (পারস্পরিকসম্পর্ক).
পারস্য [ pārasya ] n Persia, Iran.
পারা1 [ pārā1 ] n mercury, quicksilver. ̃ঘটিতa. containing mercury, mercurial (পারাঘটিত মলম = mercurial ointment).
পারা2 [ pārā2 ] prep. & a (usu. poet.) like, as, resembling (পাগলপারা).
পারা3 [ pārā3 ] v (aux.) to be able, can, may (করতে পারা). ☐v. to do, to perform, to execute, to manage (সে এ কাজ পারেনা); to vie with, to compete with (সেতার সঙ্গে পারে না).
পারানি [ pārāni ] n the fare for ferrying, ferriage.
পারাপার [ pārāpāra ] n both banks or shores of a river, sea etc.; crossing or ferrying a sea or a river. পারাপার করাv. to ferry, to go across, to cross. পারাপার হওয়াv. to be ferried; to cross.
পারাবত [ pārābata ] n the pigeon; the dove. বার্তাবাহীপারাবত a carrier-pigeon.
পারাবার [ pārābāra ] n an ocean, a sea; both shores or banks of a sea, river etc.
পারায়ণ [ pārāẏaṇa ] n completeness, thoroughness; completion; completion of reading a book within the fixed time.
পারিজাত [ pārijāta ] n (myth.) a never-fading heavenly flower or its plant, (cp.) the amarant(h).
পারিতোষিক [ pāritōṣika ] n a reward; a prize.
পারিপাট্য [ pāripāṭya ] n orderliness; neatness; tidiness, spruceness.
পারিপার্শ্বিক [ pāripārśbika ] a surrounding; neighbouring. ☐n. a courtier; a side-actor assisting the principal one whilst the latter recites the prologue. পারিপার্শ্বিকঅবস্হা environment, surroundings.
পারিবারিক [ pāribārika ] a pertaining to or restricted to a family; characteristic of a family, familial. পারিবারিক ব্যাপার a family affair or matter.
পারিভাষিক [ pāribhāṣika ] a concerning technical terminology; terminological, technical (পারিভাষিকশব্দ = technical term).
পারিশ্রমিক [ pāriśramika ] n remuneration, fee.
পারিষদ [ pāriṣada ] n a courtier; a councillor; a companion (esp. a cringing one); a toady; a flatterer.
পারিসাংখ্যিক [ pārisāṅkhyika ] a statistical.
পারুল [ pārula ] n a species of trumpet-flower or its plant.
পারুষ্য [ pāruṣya ] n haughtiness, arrogance; harshness, rudeness; strong language.
পার্টি [ pārṭi ] n a party.
পার্থক্য [ pārthakya ] n difference; dissimilarity; distinction; (log.) differentia.
পার্থিব [ pārthiba ] a earthly, worldly, mundane; material. n. a king.
পার্বণ [ pārbaṇa ] n obsequies to be performed on certain lunar days; (usu. পার্বণশ্রাদ্ধ); a fast, a festival, a festive day (পৌষপার্বণ). পার্বণীn. a present or tip given on feast days (esp. to servants and employees).
পার্বত, পার্বত্য [ pārbata, pārbatya ] a of a mountain or hill; mountainous, hilly; born or living on a mountain or hill or in a hill-district; highland. পার্বতীn. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); the daughter of the Himalayas. পার্বত্য অঞ্চল, পার্বত্য প্রদেশ a hill-district, a hilly region or country. পার্বত্য উদ্ভিদ mountain vegetation. পার্বত্য জাতি a hilltribe. পার্বত্যজাতির লোক a hill-man, a highlander (pl. hill-folk).
পার্লামেন্ট [ pārlāmēnṭa ] n a parliament.
পার্শ্ব [ pārśba ] n a side, a flank (দক্ষিণপার্শ্ব); end, border (নগরপার্শ্ব); margin, brink, brim, edge (থালারপার্শ্বে); bank or shore (of a river, sea etc.); adjacent space, vicinity (গৃহপার্শ্ব); company, presence (স্ত্রীরপার্শ্বেথাকা); comparison (সূর্যেরপার্শ্বে চন্দ্র ম্লান). ̃গতa. close to, very near, adjacent. ̃গ্রাবরেখাn. (geog.) a lateral moraine. ̃চরn. a companion; an attendant; a follower, a servant; a toady, a sycophant. fem. পার্শ্বচরী। ̃চিত্রn. a profile. ̃তadv. by or from or on or to a side or flank, sidewise, sidewards, edgeways, sideling, flanking. ̃দেশn. a flank, a side. পার্শ্ব-পরিবর্তনকরাv. to turn upon one side. ̃বর্তী, ̃স্হa. staying or situated alongside; neighbouring (পার্শ্ববর্তীরাষ্ট্র). fem. ̃বর্তিনী, ̃স্হা । ̃ভাগn. same as পার্শ্বদেশ । পার্শ্বাভিনেতাn. (in film or the atre) an actor of a minor or supporting role. পার্শ্বাস্হিn. ribs; skeleton. পার্শ্বিক, পার্শ্বীয়a. lateral. পার্শ্বিক উত্ক্রম (phys.) lateral inversion. পার্শ্বেadv. & prep. on or to the side of; sidewise; alongside; by the side of, beside; in company or presence of; in comparison to.
পার্ষদ [ pārṣada ] n a courtier; a councillor; a companion; a today; a flatterer.
পার্ষ্ণি [ pārṣṇi ] n the heel; the back; the rear (esp. of an army). ̃গ্রাহn. an attack from the rear.
পার্সেল [ pārsēla ] n a postal parcel. পার্সেল করাv. to send by parcel post.
-পাল1 [ -pāla1 ] a (used as a sfx.) preserving, protecting, defending, keeping (মহীপাল, রাজ্যপাল, ধর্মপাল, গোপাল).
পাল2 [ pāla2 ] n a sail (as of a boat). পাল খাটানো, পাল তোলাv. to set sail. পাল নামানোv. to strike sail. পাল-তোলাa. under sail. সমস্ত পাল-তোলা full sail.
পাল3 [ pāla3 ] n mating or coupling (of beasts or birds.) পাল দেওয়াv. to mate or couple (beasts or birds); (esp. of horses) to sire.
পাল4 [ pāla4 ] n (of animals) a flock, a herd, a drove. একপাল কুকুরছানা a litter of puppies. একপাল উট a drove of camels. একপালগরু-মোষ a herd of cattle. একপাল নেকড়ে a pack of wolves. একপালভেড়া a flock of sheep. একপাল মুরগিরছানা a brood of chickens. একপাল হরিণ a herd of deer. পালের গোদা the leader of a herd; (dero.) a ring-leader.
পালং [ pāla ] n a species of spinach used as a pot-herb.
পালক1 [ pālaka1 ] n (of birds) a wing; a feather.
পালক2 [ pālaka2 ] a one who brings up or rears or nurses or fosters or protects or preserves or defends or breeds or keeps or observes or maintains. ☐n. an upbringer, a rearer; a fosterer or nurse; a protector, a preserver, a guardian, a defender; a breeder; a fancier, a keeper; an observer, a complier, a fulfiller; a maintainer. ̃পিতাn. a foster father (fem: a foster-mother).
পালকি[ pālaki ] n a palanquin, a palki, palkee. পালকি-বেহারাn. a palanquin-bearer.
পালঙ্ক, পালঙ2 [ pālaṅka, pālaṅa2 ] n a costly bedstead or cot; a divan, a sofa. ̃পোষn. a bed-cover; a cover for a divan; a divan and a bed; a divan.
পালটা[ pālaṭā ] a contrary, counteracting, revoking, opposing, counter; return; exchanging. পালটাঅভিযোগ same as পালটানালিশ । পালটা আক্রমণ a counter attack. পালটা আমন্ত্রণ a return invitation. পালটাজবাব a retort. পালটা নালিশ a counter charge, a counter complaint. পালটামামলা a counter case. পালটা হুকুম a countermand. পালটানোv. to revoke; to change, to alter. ̃পালটিn. exchange; act of changing for or with another. পালটাপালটি করাv. to exchange, to change for or with another; to swap.
পালটি1 [ pālaṭi1 ] a (of a family) being on equal social footing with another making thereby matrimonial alliance permissible and possible. ̃ঘরn. a family of equal social status or footing.
পালটি2, পালটিয়া[ pālaṭi2, pālaṭiẏā ] v. imperf (poet.) returning or turning back.
পালন[ pālana ] n upbringing, rearing (সন্তানপালন); nursing or fostering (পরের সন্তান পালন); maintenance (পোষ্যপালন); keeping, breeding, tending (পশুপালন); nourish ment (শরীরপালন); protection, preservation, defence (রাজ্যপালন, ধর্মপালন); observance, compliance (নিয়মপালন, আদেশপালন); fulfilment (প্রতিশ্রুতিপালন). পালন করাv. to bring up, to rear; to foster or nurse; to maintain; to keep, to breed, to tend, to fancy; to nourish; to protect, to preserve, to guard, to defend; to ob serve, to comply (with); to fulfil. ̃কর্তাn. same as পালক2 (n.). fem. ̃কর্ত্রী ।পালনীয়a. to be brought up or reared or nursed or fostered or maintained or kept or bred or nourished or protected or preserved or defended or observed or complied (with) or fulfilled or carried out.
পালপার্বণ[ pālapārbaṇa ] n different festivals religious and secular collectively.
পাললিক[ pālalika ] a alluvial. পাললিক শিলা alluvial rock.
পালা2 [ pālā2 ] n a turn (এবার তোমার খেলার পালা); a period or spell; the story or plot of a drama or a poem (নিমাইসন্ন্যাস পালা). ̃ক্রমেadv. by turns. ̃গানn. a narrative song or musical play. ̃জ্বরn. remittent or periodic fever.
পালান[ pālāna ] n a panel (of a beast of burden); a packsaddle; a cow's udder or teat.
পালানো[ pālānō ] v to flee, to run away, to show a clean pair of heels; to play truant, to mooch, to mouch. ☐a. runaway; fugitive; truant. See also the for. form পালানো।
পালি1 [ pāli1 ] n the Pali language, Pali.
পালি2 [ pāli2 ] n a line; a row; a multitude; an end, a margin; a dry measure of grains (over 2 kilograms).
পালিকা[ pālikā ] fem of পালক2।
পালিত[ pālita ] a tamed or pet (পালিত পশুপক্ষী); brought up, reared; nursed or fostered; maintained, kept, bred; nourished; protected, preserved, defended; observed, complied (with); fulfilled. fem. পালিতা । ̃কন্যাn. fem. a foster-daughter. ̃পুত্রn. a foster-son. ̃সন্তানn. a foster-child.
পালিনী[ pālinī ] a. fem (used as a sfx.) same as পালিকা (জগত্পালিনী).
পালিশ[ pāliśa ] n polish. উপরপালিশ apparent polish or refinement. পালিশ করাv. to polish. ̃-করাa. polished.
পালুই[ pālui ] n a stack (of paddy or hay).
পালো[ pālō ] n starch obtained from zedoary etc.; gruel of this starch.
পালোয়ান[ pālōẏāna ] n a wrestler; a gymnast; a burly man. ☐a. burly; adept in gymnastics; heroic. পালোয়ানিn. burliness; heroism; gymnastics. ☐a. of a wrestler or wrestling; of a gymnast; gymnastic.
পাল্লা[ pāllā ] n a thin layer, a strip (এক পাল্লাচামড়া); either of a pair as a leaf of a door (দরজার পাল্লা); a lid or shutter moving on a hinge; a scale-pan (দাঁড়িপাল্লা); a beam of balance, a scale; a mass of metal used for finding weight, a weight; competition, distance (দূরপাল্লা); speed (পায়ের পাল্লা); range, reach (বন্দুকেরপাল্লা); hold, grasp, clutches, snares, toils (পাল্লায় পড়া); company, association (অসত্ সঙ্গীরপাল্লা). পাল্লা চাপানোv. to put a weight (on a scale-pan). পাল্লা দেওয়াv. to compete (with), to vie (with). পাল্লায় পড়াv. to run under the influence of; to get into the clutches of, to be caught in the toils of; to turn into the company of.
পাশ1 [ pāśa1 ] n act of passing an examination; a written permission, a pass (গেটপাশ) a free or complimentary ticket (রেলের বাথিয়েটারের পাশ). ☐a. got through an examination, passed. পাশ করাv. to pass (an examination); to sanction or pass. পাশ করানোv. to help or make one pass an examination; to let (one) pass through (as a gate). পাশ হওয়াv. to pass an examination; to be passed or sanctioned; to be allowed to pass through. পাশনম্বরn. (in examination or test) pass marks.
পাশ2 [ pāśa2 ] n an apparatus for spraying, a spray (গোলাপপাশ).
পাশ3 [ pāśa3 ] n an ancient Indian missile by throwing which an adversary could be fastened (cp. lasso); a tie, a noose, a bond, bondage (ভুজপাশ, স্নেহপাশ); a trap, a snare (মায়াপাশ); a string, a rope; a bunch or tuft of longish things (কেশপাশ).
পাশ5, পাশক[ pāśa5, pāśaka ] n (playing) dice.
পাশক্রীড়া[ pāśakrīḍ়ā ] n dice-play.
পাশব[ pāśaba ] a relating to a beast; beastly, bestial, brutal; inhuman. ̃তাn. beastliness, bestiality, brutality; inhumanity. পাশব বল brute force. ̃প্রবৃত্তি beastly propensity or inclination.
পাশবদ্ধ[ pāśabaddha ] a entrapped, ensnared.
পাশবালিশ[ pāśabāliśa ] n a bolster.
পাশা1 [ pāśā1 ] n a Turkish title given to gover nors, officials, and men of importance; Pasha.
পাশা2 [ pāśā2 ] n (playing) dice. ̃খেলাn. dice-play. পাশাখেলাv. to play at dice, to cast or throw dice.
পাশাপাশি [ pāśāpāśi ] a lying or situated side by side; contiguous; adjacent; adjoining (পাশাপাশিবাড়ি); neighbouring (পাশাপাশিএলাকা). ☐adv. side by side; abreast, cheeck by jowl, alongside.
পাশী [ pāśī ] a armed with the ancient missile for binding an adversary (see পাশ3). ☐n. Varuna (বরুণ) the river-god or Yama (যম) the god of death; a hunter, a fowler.
পাশুপত [ pāśupata ] a of Shiva (শিব). ☐n. the name of Shiva's weapon.
পাশে [ pāśē ] adv. & prep on or to the side of; alongside; beside; by the side of; side wise; in presence or company of.
পাশ্চাত্য, পাশ্চাত্ত্য [ pāścātya, pāścāttya ] a of the west or the western world, western, occidental; hinder; following. ☐n. the western world (that is Europe, America and Australia); the West, the Occident.
পাষণ্ড [ pāṣaṇḍa ] a atheistic, godless; heretical; in veterately sinful; extremely wicked and hard-hearted. ☐n. an atheist, a godless person; a heretic; an inveterate sinner; an extremely wicked and hard hearted person.
পাষাণ [ pāṣāṇa ] n stone; a weight put on a scale pan to adjust or equipoise a beam of balance; (fig.) a stone-hearted man (তুমি পাষাণ). ☐a. (chiefly used as a sfx.) made of stone; of stone; stonelike; unfeeling, pitiless; stone-hearted (পাষাণবাপ); callous (শোকে শোকে পাষাণ). ̃তুল্যa. stone-like, stony; (fig.) unfeeling, insensate; immobile, unmoved, still. ̃প্রচীরn. a stone-wall. ̃-বিদারকa. same as পাষাণভেদী । ̃ভারn. a weight as heavy as stone. ̃ভেদীa. able to pierce even stone; heart-rending. ̃মূর্তিn. a stone image, a statue of stone. ̃হৃদয়a. stone-hearted; pitiless. পাষাণীn. fem. a stone-hearted woman.
পাসরন, পাসরণ [ pāsarana, pāsaraṇa ] n (poet.) act of forgetting, oblivion.
পাসরা [ pāsarā ] v (poet.) to forget.
পাহাড় [ pāhāḍ় ]n a hill, a rock; a mountain; a dune; a mound (বালির পাহাড়); bank or coast (esp. a steep and high one), upland; (fig.) a heap (টাকার বামিষ্টিরপাহাড়). ̃তলিn. a valley, a dale; a level tract of land at the foot of a hill. পাহাড়ি1, পাহাড়েa. of hills and mountains; hilly; mountainous; lying or growing or dwelling on hills or mountains; hill-born; highland; (fig.) huge (পাহাড়ে ঢেউ), terrible (পাহাড়েমেয়েমানুষ= a terrible woman; a virago), inveterate (পাহাড়েবদমাশ). পাহাড়ি2n. a hillman, a highlander; a hill-tribe. পাহাড়িয়াsame as পাহাড়ি1 and পাহাড়ি2।
পাহারা [ pāhārā ] n watching or guarding; a watch, a watchman, a watcher, a sentinel, a sentry, a guard, a guardsman. পাহারাদেওয়াv. to watch, to guard, to sentinel, to patrol. ̃ওয়ালা, ̃ওলাn. a watch man; a constable; a policeman.
পাহুন1 [ pāhuna1 ] a (poet. & obs.) stone-hearted. cruel ('পুরুষ পাহুন').
পাহুন2 [ pāhuna2 ] a (poet & obs.) a visitor, one away from home ('কান্ত পাহুন').
পিউরি [ piuri ] n a yellow pigment made from the cow's urine.
পিউপিউ [ piupiu ] int. & n the note or cooing of the hawk-cuckoo.
পিঁচুটি [ pin̐cuṭi ] n mucus or catarrh exuding from eyes. চোখ দিয়ে পিঁচুটি পড়ছে eyes are running.
পিঁজা [ pin̐jā ] v to open out the fibres of (cotton, wool etc.), to comb or card (wool, cotton, hemp etc.), to tease; (of cloth) to open out into fibres (চাদরখানাপিঁজে গেছে).
পিঁপড়ে [ pim̐paḍ়ē ] n the ant.
পিক1 [ pika1 ] n the cuckoo.
পিক2 [ pika2 ] n spittle; spittle thrown out after chewing betel-leaves. পিকফেলাv. to spit; to spit after chewing betel-leaves.
পিকতান [ pikatāna ] n a cuckoo's call or note.
পিকদান, পিকদানি [ pikadāna, pikadāni ] n a spittoon.
পিকনিক [ pikanika ] n picnic.
পিকেটিং [ pikēṭi ] n picketing (as by trade-unionists). পিকেটিং করাv. to picket.
পিঙ্গল [ piṅgala ] n the yellowish brown colour, mud-colour. ☐a. yellowish brown, mud-coloured. fem. a. পিঙ্গলা ।
পিচ2 [ pica2 ] n a juicy stone-fruit, peach.
পিচ3 [ pica3 ] n (in cricket) pitch.
পিচ4 [ pica4 ] n a black residue of distillation of tar, pitch. ̃-ঢালাa. pitched, tarred (পিচ ঢালা রাস্তা). পিচদেওয়া, পিচ ঢালাv. to pitch, to tar.
পিচকারি [ picakāri ] n a syringe; a squirt; a spray.
পিচবোর্ড [ picabōrḍa ] n pasteboard; cardboard.
পিচ্ছিল, পিচ্ছল [ picchila, picchala ] a slippery; slabbery.
পিছ, পিছন [ picha, pichana ] n the back; the backside, the rear; (fig.) the past.পিছনে চলাv. to go or move backwards; to retrograde; to return or recede. পিছনে চাওয়া, পিছনেদেখাv. to look to one's own back; to look back; (fig.) to look to or consider the past. পিছনপিছন, পিছনে পিছনে on the back of, at the heels of. পিছনফেরাv. to turn back; to look back; (fig.) to look to or consider the past. পিছটান, পিছনটানn. (lit.) a pull from the back; (fig.) attachment to one's family circle which retards or impedes one's progress. পিছপাa. taken aback, recoiled; reluctant. পিছপা হওয়াv. to be taken aback, to recoil, to flinch (in fear, pain etc.); to be reluctant. পিছমোড়াa. pinioned at the back. পিছমোড়াকরে বাঁধা to pinion one at one's back. পিছনে লাগাv. to tease or vex (somebody); to make fun play fully or annoyingly.
পিছলানো [ pichalānō ] v to slip, to slide, to glide.
পিছানো [ pichānō ] v to fall back; to recoil, to flinch; to back out; to retreat, to beat a retreat; to move (towards one's) back; to put off or be put off, to postpone or be postponed, to defer or be deferred.
পিছিলা [ pichilā ] a (poet. & obs.) postern ('পিছিলাঘাটে সে নায়').
পিছে [ pichē ] prep at the back of; on the back of; towards the back of. ☐adv. backwards; towards or in the past. পিছে পিছে on the back of, at one's heels, following, pursuing.
পিজবোর্ড [ pijabōrḍa ] n pasteboard.
পিঞ্জন [ piñjana ] n act of opening out the fibres of cotton, wool, etc.; teasing; an apparatus for teasing.
পিঞ্জর [ piñjara ] n a cage; the ribs; the thorax. পিঞ্জরাবদ্ধa. incaged. encaged. পিঞ্জরাবদ্ধকরাv. to incage, to encage.
পিঞ্জিকা [ piñjikā ] n a skein or roll or wisp of carded cotton.
পিটনা [ piṭanā ] n a small cudgel for ramming the roof or the floor of a building, a rammer.
পিটপিট [ piṭapiṭa ] int expressing: twitching as of the eye, flickering as of a lamp, peevishness, fastidiousness or mania for cleanliness. পিটপিট করা, পিটপিটানোv. (of the eye etc.) to twitch, to bat (an eyelid); (of a lamp etc.) to flicker; to behave peevishly or fastidiously; to show a mania for cleanliness. পিটপিটানি twitching as of the eye; flickering as of a lamp; peevishness; fastidiousness; a mania for cleanliness. পিটপিটেa. peevish; fastidious; over-scrupulous; stickler; stricken with a mania for cleanliness.
পিটা, পিটানো [ piṭā, piṭānō ] v to strike, to beat (লোহাপিটানো); to pound, to batter, to ram (ছাদপিটা); to whip up or switch, to thrash (ঝোপ পিটানো). ☐a. beaten; rammed; thrashed; shaped by beating, wrought (পিটা লোহা). পিটাই, পিটানি, (pop.) পিটুনিn. act of beating or ramming or thrashing; a drubbing (পিটুনিখাওয়া). পিটুনি পুলিশ punitive police. পিটুনি করবাজরিমানা punitive tax, punitive fine.
পিটালি [ piṭāli ] n a paste made of pounded rice, used as a cooking ingredient.
পিটিশন [ piṭiśana ] n a petition. পিটিশন করাv. to petition. ̃কারীn. a petitioner.
পিঠ [ piṭha ] n the back; the rear; immediate succession (পিঠে পিঠে); a surface or face (এপিঠওপিঠ); (in a game of cards) a trick. পিঠ চাপড়ানোv. to pat on the back; to drum one's back lightly, (idio.) to encourage patronizingly or with an air of superiority. পিঠের চামড়া তোলাv. to flog severely. পিঠে পিঠে back to back; on the back of; immediately succeeding in birth, born next.
পিঠা [ piṭhā ] n a sweet pie, a kind of cake.
পিঠাপিঠি [ piṭhāpiṭhi ] adv. & a same as পিঠে পিঠে (see পিঠ).
পিণ্ড [ piṇḍa ] n a lump; a conglomerated mass; (loos.) anything ball-shaped, a ball; food offering to the manes of forefathers; a lump of food; the body (as a conglomerated mass of পঞ্চভূত or the five elements). ̃খর্জুর, (coll.) পিণ্ডেখেজুরn. dates preserved in lumps, lump-dates. ̃দ, ̃দাতাa. scripturally authorized to give food-offering to the manes; giving food-offering to the manes; providing with food. ☐n. such a man. fem. পিণ্ডদা, পিণ্ডদাত্রী। ̃দানn. the sacrament of food-offering to the manes. পিণ্ডদান করাv. to offer food to the manes. ̃লোপn. extinction or absence of persons or descendants autho rized to offer food to one's manes; extinction of one's line of descent. ̃শরীরn. the body (as a conglomerated mass of পঞ্চভূত or five elements).
পিণ্ডাকার, পিণ্ডাকৃতি [ piṇḍākāra, piṇḍākṛti ] a shaped like a lump; round and lumpish.
পিণ্ডিত [ piṇḍita ] a shaped into a lump, conglomerated; conglomerate.
পিণ্ডীভূত [ piṇḍībhūta ] a conglomerate.
পিণ্ডে খেজুর [ piṇḍē khējura ] n dates preserved in lumps, lump-dates.
পিতঃ [ pitḥ ] int O father (cp. abba).
পিতল [ pitala ] n brass. পিতলেরকারিগরn. a brazier.
পিতা [ pitā ] n father. ̃মহn. one's father's father or uncle, a grandfather or a grand uncle; an appellation of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা). ̃মহীn. fem. one's father's mother or aunt, a grandmother or a grand-aunt.
পিতৃ [ pitṛ ] n (chiefly used as a pfx.) father. ̃আজ্ঞাn. father's command. ̃ঋণn. one's obligation to one's father, filial obligation; debt incurred by one's father (esp. that which should be paid off by children). ̃কর্ম same as পিতৃকৃত্য। ̃কল্পa. father-like, fatherly. ☐n. same as ̃কৃত্য। ̃কার্য same as ̃কৃত্য । ̃কুলn. one's father's line, spearside. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়াn. obsequial rites performed in honour of the manes of one's father and forefathers. ̃গণn. (myth.) heavenly sages (collectively) from whom the human race has evolved; manes of the forefathers of mankind or of an individual; dead ancestors or forbears or forefathers. ̃গৃহn. father's house or family. ̃ঘতক, ̃ঘাতী, ̃ঘ্ন same as পিতৃহন্তা । ̃তর্পণn. water-offering to the manes of one's forefather, (cp.) libation. ̃তুল্যa. father-like, fatherly. ̃ত্বn. paternity, fatherhood. ̃দত্তa. given or transmitted by one's father; (rare) given to one's father. ̃দায়n. the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased father. পিতৃদায়গ্রস্ত হওয়াv. to be under the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased father. ̃দেবn. father looked upon as a deity (used as a term of respect). ̃ধনn. patrimony. পিতৃধনসংক্রান্তa. patrimonial. ̃পক্ষn. the dark fortnight immediately preceding the bright fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন); one's father's side, spearside. ̃পুরুষn. an an cestor, a forefather. ̃বিয়োগn. death or bereavement of one's father. ̃ব্যn. a brother of one's father, an uncle. পিতৃব্যপুত্রn. son of a paternal uncle, a cousin. ̃ভক্তa. devoted or loyal to or fond of one's father. ̃ভক্তিn. devotion to or fondness for one's father, filial piety. ̃মাতৃদায়n. the solemn obligation of performing the obsequial rites of one's deceased parents. ̃মাতৃহীনa. be reft of parents, orphan. পিতৃমেধ, পিতৃযজ্ঞ same as পিতৃকৃত্য or পিতৃতর্পণ । ̃যানn. the route for the journey of the manes to the lunar heaven or the region of the moon for settling there. ̃রিষ্টিn. (astrol.) the location of the zodiacal signs in one's horoscope indicating loss of one's father. ̃লোকn. the region of the moon where the manes dwell, the lunar heaven. ̃শোকn. grief or mourning for one's deceased father. ̃শ্রাদ্ধn. obsequies of one's deceased father. ̃ষ্বসাn. a father's sister, an aunt. ̃সম same as পিতৃতুল্য । ̃সেবাn. act of attending upon or serving one's father devotedly. ̃স্হানীয়a. deserving to be respected as one's father. ̃হত্যাn. parricide, patricide. ̃হত্যামূলকa. patricidal. ̃হন্তাa. guilty of parricide or patricide. ☐n. a parricide or patricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হীনa. fatherless. fem. পিতৃহীনা।
পিত্ত [ pitta ] n bile, gall. পিত্তপড়াv. to lose appetite because of abstinence from food when hungry. পিত্ত জ্বালাv. to have one's ill-humour roused, to burn or boil with indignation, to get cross or peered. ̃কোষn. the gall-bladder. ̃ঘ্নa. antibilious. ̃জ্বরn. bilious fever. ̃নাশn. abominable perversion or corruption (from the fact that a fish tastes bitter if its gallbladder is burst open and its body smeared with bile). ̃নালিn. bil iary ducts. ̃নাশকa. antibilious. ̃পাথর, ̃পাথুরিn. gall stone, biliary stone. ̃বিকারn. (med.) biliary or bilious trouble or disorder. ̃রক্তn. plethora. ̃রক্ষাn. appeasement of hunger by taking a small quantity of food; (sarcas.) a mere show of gratification. পিত্তরক্ষাকরাv. to appease one's hunger by taking a small quantity of food; (sarcas.) to make one content or be content with a mere show of fulfilment of one's desire. ̃শূলn. biliary colic.
পিত্তল [ pittala ] n brass. ̃নির্মিতa. made of brass, brazen. ̃ফলকn. a brass-plate.
পিত্তাতিসার [ pittātisāra ] n (med.) bilious or biliary diarrhoea.
পিত্তাশয় [ pittāśaẏa ] n the gall-bladder,
পিত্রালয় [ pitrālaẏa ] n father's house (esp. of a married woman).
পিধান [ pidhāna ] n a case, a sheath (as of a sword); a lid; a covering.
পিন [ pina ] n a pin. পিনআটকানো, পিনে আটকানোv. to pin.
পিনদ্ধ [ pinaddha ] a tied, fastened (esp. to one's body); put on, worn.
পিনাক [ pināka ] n the bow of Shiva (শিব); a bow shaped musical instrument of Shiva; a trident (esp. that of Shiva). ̃পানিপিনাকী. n. Shiva (শিব), who carries a পিনাক in his hand.
পিনাল কোড [ pināla kōḍa ] n the penal code.
পিণ্ডারি [ piṇḍāri ] n a band of mercenary freebooters who operated in India till 1817, the Pindaris.
পিন্ধন [ pindhana ] n (poet. & obs.) act of putting on or wearing.
পিন্ধা [ pindhā ] v (obs.) to put on, to wear. পিন্ধাওলv. to dress (one) in.
পিপাসা [ pipāsā ] n thirst; (fig.) eager desire. পিপাসাপাওয়াv. to feel thirsty. পিপাসামেটানো, পিপাসা দূর করাv. to quench or slake one's thirst; (fig.) to satisfy one's desire. পিপাসার্ত, পিপাসিত, পিপাসী, পিপাসুa. thirsty; (fig.) eagerly desirous (of.) fem. পিপাসার্তা, পিপাসিতা,, পিপাসিনী ।
পিপীলিকা [ pipīlikā ] n the ant.
পিপে [ pipē ] n a cask, a barrel, a coop.
পিপ্পলি, পিপ্পলী [ pippali, pippalī ] n a small pungent seed of the pepper genus used in medicine; long pepper; its plant.
পিয়ন [ piẏana ] n a postman, a liveried messenger, a footman, a peon.
পিয়াজ [ piẏāja ] n onion. পিয়াজিn. a kind of chop made of minced onion; light purple colour; effrontery, sauciness; impudent waggery. ☐a. of light purple colour.
পিয়াদা [ piẏādā ] n an armed footman; a liveried messenger; a process-server; a bailiff; (in chess) a pawn.
পিয়ানো1 [ piẏānō1 ] v (poet.) to make one drink, to cause to drink; to suckle.
পিয়ানো2 [ piẏānō2 ] n a piano.
পিয়াল [ piẏāla ] n a kind of nut-tree; its nut or seed.
পির [ pira ] n a muslim saint.
পিরান [ pirāna ] n a loose outer garment usu. worn by men.
পিরামিড [ pirāmiḍa ] n a pyramid.
পিরিচ [ pirica ] n a saucer.
পিরিত, পিরিতি, পিরীত, পিরীতি [ pirita, piriti, pirīta, pirīti ] n love, amour; affection; attachment; secret or illicit love.
পিল1 [ pila1 ] n a pill (of medicine).
পিল2 [ pila2 ] n the elephant; (in chess) the bishop.
পিল করা [ pila karā ] v (in certain games) to send (a ball or marble) into the pocket; to pocket (গাব্বুপিল করা).
পিলখানা [ pilakhānā ] n a stable for housing elephants.
পিলপা [ pilapā ] n a thick pillar. ̃গাড়িn. act of building or fixing or planting a pillar to mark out the boundaries.
পিলপিল [ pilapila ] int expressing: a swarming crowd. পিলপিল করাv. to swarm. পিলপিলকরে বেরোনো to come out swarmingly.
পিলসুজ [ pilasuja ] n a lamp-stand.
পিলু [ pilu ] n an Indian musical mode.
পিশাচ [ piśāca ] n a necrophagous evil spirit, a ghoul; (fig.) a man of vile or cruel or nauseating or abominable nature. fem. পিশাচী, (inc.) পিশাচিনী। ̃তত্ত্বn. demonology. ̃সিদ্ধa. one who has made a ghoul one's slave by means of rigorous ascetic practices. fem. ̃সিদ্ধা ।
পিশিত [ piśita ] n flesh; raw meat.
পিশুন [ piśuna ] a scandal-mongering, talebearing; malicious; cruel.
পিষণ [ piṣaṇa ] n pulping; pressing; squeezing; kneading; crushing; grinding, pulverization; pressure; oppression.
পিষা, পেষা [ piṣā, pēṣā ] v to render into a paste by crushing, to crush to powder, to pound, to pulp; to press; to squeeze; to knead; to crush; to grind, to pulverize; to op press. পিষাই, পেষাইn. cost or charge of grinding; pulping; pressing; squeezing; kneading; crushing (to powder); pounding, grinding, pulverization. পিষাই করা, পেষাই করাv. same as পিষা ।পিষানো, পেষানোv. to cause to pulp or press or squeeze or knead or crush or grind or pulverize.
পিষ্ট [ piṣṭa ] a pulped; pressed, squeezed; crushed; ground, pulverized; oppressed.
পিষ্টক [ piṣṭaka ] n a kind of cake or sweet pie.
পিসতুতো [ pisatutō ] a born of a sister of one's father or father-in-law.
পিসবোর্ড [ pisabōrḍa ] n pasteboard.
পিসশাশুড়ি [ pisaśāśuḍ়i ] n. fem a sister of one's father-in-law.
পিসশ্বশুর [ pisaśbaśura ] n the husband of a sister of one's father-in-law.
পিসি [ pisi ] n a father's sister.
পিসে [ pisē ] n the husband of a sister of one's father.
পিস্তল [ pistala ] n a pistol.
পিহিত [ pihita ] a sheathed, encased.
পীঠ [ pīṭha ] n a low wooden seat on which one may sit in a squatting position; an altar; a seat or a resort (esp. of a deity); a holy place; (myth.) any of the fifty-one holy places where fell the pieces cut off from the body of Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব); an institution or a place regarded with some sanctity (বিদ্যাপীঠ).
পীড়ক [ pīḍ়ka ] a oppressing, persecuting, tormenting; forcing; insisting, pressing, chastising; accepting esp. in marriage (পাণিপীড়ক). ☐n. an oppressor; a persecutor, a tormentor; one who forces or insists (on) or presses; a chastiser; one who accepts esp. in marriage.
পীড়ন [ pīḍ়na ] n oppression, persecution, torment; forcing; insistence, pressure; chastisement; acceptance esp. in marriage (পাণিপীড়ন). পীড়ন করাv. to press, to persecute, to torment; to force; to insist, to chastise; to accept esp. in marriage.
পীড়া [ pīḍ়ā ] n trouble, pain, suffering, distress, affliction (মনঃপীড়া); a disease, an ailment, a disorder (পেটের পীড়া) পীড়াদেওয়াv. to afflict, to distress.
পীড়াগ্রস্ত [ pīḍ়āgrasta ] a ailing, sick, diseased.
পীড়াজনক, পীড়াদায়ক [ pīḍ়ājanaka, pīḍ়ādāẏaka ] a distressing, causing illness.
পীড়াপীড়ি [ pīḍ়āpīḍ়i ] n repeated insistence or importunities or forcing. পীড়াপীড়ি করাv. to insist (on) or importune or force repeatedly, to pester, to press for.
পীড়িত [ pīḍ়ita ] a sick, ill, ailing; diseased; afflicted; distressed, oppressed. fem. পীড়িতা।
পীড্যমান [ pīḍyamāna ] a in the state of being oppressed or persecuted.
পীত1 [ pīta1 ] a (of a drink) drunk, swallowed.
পীত2 [ pīta2 ] n the yellow colour. ☐a. yellow. ̃চন্দনn. yellow sandalwood or a paste made of it. ̃জ্বরn. yellow fever. ̃ধড়াn. a piece of loin-cloth dyed in yellow esp. one such as worn by Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃বাস, পীতাম্বরn. a yellow loin cloth; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ☐a. wearing a yellow loin-cloth.
পীতাভ [ pītābha ] a yellowish.
পীন [ pīna ] a plump, pleasantly fat and rounded, ̃পয়োধরn. a woman's plump breasts.
পীনস [ pīnasa ] n ozaena.
পীনোন্নত [ pīnōnnata ] a plump and jutting out. ̃পয়োধর a woman's plump and prominent breasts.
পীবর [ pībara ] a plump; corpulent, burly; well developed; sturdy. fem. পীবরা, পীবরী ।
পীযূষ [ pīyūṣa ] n nectar, ambrosia.
পুঁই [ pum̐i ] n bassella, the Indian spinach, a creeper used as a pot-herb. পুঁইয়ে, পুঁয়েa. creeping; very slender (পুঁইয়ে সাপ). পুঁইয়ে পাওয়া, পুঁয়েপাওয়াv. to be attacked with rickets. পুঁইয়ে-পাওয়া, পুঁয়ে-পাওয়াa. affected with rickets, rickety.
পুঁচকে [ pun̐cakē ] a tiny.
পুঁজ [ pun̐ja ] n purulent matter formed in boils, ulcer, wound etc. পুঁজ হওয়া, পুঁজ জমাv. to suppurate. পুঁজ বার হওয়াv. to discharge pus, to secrete pus.
পুঁজি [ pun̐ji ] n money saved up; cash in hand; capital money, capital; savings; resources; possessions, belongings; an accumulated heap, an accumulation. ̃পাটাn. one's movable and immovable possessions or assets or property; savings. ̃বাদn. capitalism. ̃বাদীa. capitalist, capitalistic. ☐n. a capitalist.
পুঁটলি [ pun̐ṭali ] n a small bundle or baggage.
পুঁটি [ pun̐ṭi ] n a tiny fresh-water fish. পুঁটিমাছেরপ্রাণ (fig.) a short-lived or frail person; a weakling; a very narrow-minded person. পুঁটিমাছেরফরফরানি bragging of a man of little or no importance.
পুঁটে [ pun̐ṭē ] n the ends of a kind of bangle; a kind of button.
পুঁতি [ pun̐ti ] n a kind of small pearl-shaped ball of glass with a small hole through it, bead. পুঁতিরমালা a string of these balls, a string or necklace of beads.
পুঁথি [ pun̐thi ] n a book; an ancient manuscript. পুঁথি বাড়ানোv. to lengthen out unnecessarily. ̃গতa. contained in or available in books only; bookish. পুঁথিগত বিদ্যা book-learning. ̃পত্রn. books and papers. ̃শালাn. a library; a museum or a repository of ancient manuscript.
পুকুর [ pukura ] n a pond, a tank, a pool. পুকুর কাটাv. to excavate a pond. পুকুরঝালানোv. to dredge a tank. পুকুর প্রতিষ্ঠা করাv. to perform solemn rites before putting a newly excavated pond to use. ̃চুরিn. an unbelievably tremendous fraud.
পুঙ্খ [ puṅkha ] n the bottom part of an arrow. পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খa. thorough; thorough-going; minute; detailed; minutely searching or scrutinizing. পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খভাবেadv. minutely, thoroughly, in every detail.
পুঙ্গব [ puṅgaba ] n the ox; the bull; (as a sfx.) the best or greatest specimen (নরপুঙ্গব, নৃপপুঙ্গব).
পুচ্ছ [ puccha ] n the tail; the posteriors; the back part; the rear. ̃হীনa. tailless.
পুছ [ pucha ] n interrogation, questioning; inquiry.
পুছা, পোছা [ puchā, pōchā ] v to ask, to inquire, to question, to interrogate; to pay heed to, to attach importance to (তাকে কেউ পোছেনা).
পুঞ্জ [ puñja ] n an accumulation, a collection, a heap, a pile, a mass, a multitude; a crowd. ̃মেঘn. see under মেঘ । পুঞ্জিত, পুঞ্জীভূতa. accumulated, collected, piled up; amassed; crowded, thronged. পুঞ্জীকৃতa. that which has been accumulated or collected or piled up or amassed.
পুঞ্জীগণিতক [ puñjīgaṇitaka ] n capital accounts.
পুট1 [ puṭa1 ] n the part of the body lying between the top extremity of the spine and the armpit; the length of this part. ̃হাতাn. the measurement of length from the top extremity of the spine to the wrist.
পুট2 [ puṭa2 ] n a container, a vessel, a cup (পর্ণপুট); anything with which some thing is held or caught or seized or covered (কক্ষপুট); a crucible for boiling medicinal herbs etc. (পুটপাক).
পুটিং [ puṭi ] n putty. পুটিংকরা, পুটিং দেওয়াv. to putty.
পুটিত [ puṭita ] a boiled in a crucible; covered; strung (as a garland); kneaded.
পুডিং [ puḍi ] n pudding.
পুড়ন [ puḍ়na ] n burning; scalding, scorching; calcination; incineration; inflammation; state of becoming very hot, affliction.
পুণ্ডরীক [ puṇḍarīka ] n the white lotus. পুণ্ডরীকাক্ষn. one with eyes as white as a pair of white lotuses; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) or Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).
পুণ্ড্র, পুণ্ড্রক [ puṇḍra, puṇḍraka ] n sugarcane; a sectarian mark on the forehead; an ancient race of Bengal.
পুণ্য [ puṇya ] n virtue, piety. ☐a. (used as a pfx.) holy, sacred; virtuous, pious. ̃কর্মn. an act of piety or virtue. ̃কর্মাa. one who does or has done acts of piety or virtue. ̃কালn. a holy tide. ̃কীর্তিa. celebrated for piety or virtuousness. ̃ক্ষয়n. decay or waning of the strength of one's piety or virtue. ̃ক্ষেত্র ̃তীর্থn. a holy place; a place of pilgrimage. ̃তিথিn. an auspicious lunar day for rituals; an auspicious day or time. ̃তোয়াa. fem. (of rivers) containing holy water. ̃দa. adding to one's piety or virtue; holy. fem. পুণ্যদা । ̃দর্শনa. one whose sight adds to another's piety or virtue. ̃ধামn. a sacred or holy abode; heaven. ̃ফলn. the reward of or return for one's piety or virtue. ̃ফলেadv. in return for acquired or accumulated virtue or merit. ̃বতীfem. of পুণ্যবান । ̃বলn. the strength or force of one's piety or virtue. ̃বলেadv. by dint of the force of acquired merit or virtue. ̃বানa. pious, virtuous; holy. ̃ভূমিn. a holy land. ̃যোগn. (astrol.) an auspicious conjunction of stars or an auspicious time for performing solemn rites. ̃লব্ধa. obtained or earned by dint of one's piety or virtuousness. ̃লাভn. attainment or earning of piety or virtue. ̃লোকn. a holy sphere or region; heaven; a pious or holyman. ̃লোভn. earnest desire for attaining or earning piety or virtue. ̃লোভীa. earnestly desirous of earning piety or virtue. ̃শীলa. given to performing acts of piety or virtue. fem. ̃শীলা। ̃শ্লোকa. celebrated for piety or virtuousness; virtuous; holy. ̃সঞ্চয়n. accumulation of piety or virtue. ̃স্নানn. holy bath; taking bath on a holy day or in a sacred river.
পুণ্যাত্মা [ puṇyātmā ] a pious, virtuous; holy.
পুণ্যাহ [ puṇyāha ] n an auspicious day for performing solemn rites.
পুতলি [ putali ] n a puppet, a doll, a marionette; a favourite or pet (স্নেহের পুতলি); the pupil of the eye, the apple of the eye (নয়নপুতলি).
পুতুপুতু [ putuputu ] int expressing; excessive carefulness or attention or fondling. পুতুপুতুকরাv. to take care of or attend on over much, to fondle overmuch.
পুতুল [ putula ] n a doll, a puppet, a marionette; an instrument in another's hand; one who acts just as another tells him, a cat's paw, an idol. ̃খেলাn. a children's (esp. girls') play in which an imaginary house-hold is built up with puppets as its members; (fig.) a meaningless action, a children's play; a triviality. ̃নাচn. a puppet-show, a puppet-play. পুতুল নাচিয়েn. a puppet-player. ̃পুজোn. (sarcas.) idolatry. (পরের) হাতের পুতুল a puppet in another's hand, a cat's-paw.
পুত্তল [ puttala ] n a jack-straw, an effigy; a puppet, a doll, a marionette.
পুত্তলি1 [ puttali1 ] n a pupa.
পুত্তিকা [ puttikā ] n the white ant; the bee.
পুত্র [ putra ] n a son; (in affectionate address) one who may be regarded as a son. ̃কলত্রn. son and wife. ̃কামa. desirous of having a son. fem. ̃কামা । ̃পৌত্রn. son and grandson. ̃পৌত্রাদিn. future generations, posterity. ̃পৌত্রাদিক্রমেadv. from one generation to another, in successive generations. ̃বতীfem. of পুত্রবান । ̃বত্a. & adv. like a son. ˜বত্সলa. fond of or affectionate to wards sons. ̃বধূn. son's wife, daughter-in-law. ̃বানa. having a son or sons. ̃বাত্সল্যn. love or affection for sons. ̃রত্নn. jewel of a son, a worthy or remarkable son. ̃শোকn. grief caused by the death of a son; the feeling of bereavement at the loss of a son. ̃সন্তানn. male child. ̃হীনa. sonless. ̃পুত্রার্থীa. desirous of having or wishing to have a son. ̃পুত্রার্থেadv. with a view to getting a son. ̃পুত্রার্থে ক্রিয়তেভার্যা marriage only with a view to getting a son. পুত্রিকাn. a daughter; a foster-daughter; a doll, a puppet. পুত্রীn. a daughter; (in affectionate address) one who may be regarded as a daughter. পুত্রীয়a. of or for a son. পুত্রেষ্টি, পুত্রেষ্টিকাn. an oblation performed for the purpose of getting a son.
পুদিনা [ pudinā ] n spearmint, mint.
পুনকে [ punakē ] a very small, tiny, wee.
পুন্নাগ [ punnāga ] n the white lotus, the white lily; a kind of flower-plant, the nagakeshara (নাগকেশর).
পুন্নামনরক [ punnāmanaraka ] n a region of hell called Put (পুত্) to which a sonless person is condemned.
পুবাল, পুবালি, পুবে [ pubāla, pubāli, pubē ] a coming or blowing from the east, eastern.
পুর1 [ pura1 ] n relishing ingredients put into an article of food, stuffing.
পুর2 [ pura2 ] n a house, a dwelling-house, an abode (নন্দপুর); a city, a town, a village (হস্তিনাপুর). ̃দ্বারn. the gate of a city or a house. ̃নারীn. fem. a woman usually keeping to the zenana; a housewife; a female member (esp. a married one) of a family. ̃ন্দরn. a name of Indra (ইন্দ্র), the king of gods. ̃ন্ধ্রী, ̃ন্ধ্রিn. a house wife; a married woman having her husband and children living. ̃বাসীa. in habiting a town or a village; living in a family. ☐n. a citizen, townsman, a villager; a member orinmate of a family. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃রক্ষকn. a warder or warden of a house; a city guard. ̃ললনাn. same as পুরনারী । ̃শাসকn. a presidency magistrate. ̃স্ত্রী same as পুরনারী ।
পুরঃসর [ purḥsara ] a advanced. ☐in comp. (used as a sfx.) having in front of, having first made or done (প্রণামপুরঃসর = having made obeisance).
পুরঞ্জন [ purañjana ] n the soul, life.
পুরতঃ [ puratḥ ] adv in front, before; formerly.
পুরন্ত [ puranta ] a plump; well-developed; complete; full-grown.
পুরশ্চরণ [ puraścaraṇa ] n worship of a deity with a view to attaining some end.
পুরস্কার [ puraskāra ] n a reward; a prize; remuneration; meed; cordial reception, welcome ('বসাইলাআসনে তারে করি পুরস্কার'); honour, felicitation. পুরস্কার দেওয়াv. to reward.
পুরস্ক্রিয়া [ puraskriẏā ] n rewarding; act of awarding a prize; act of remunerating; cordial reception; honouring, felicitation.
পুরস্কৃত [ puraskṛta ] a rewarded; remunerated; cordially received; honoured, felicitated. পুরস্কৃতকরাv. to reward.
পুরা1 [ purā1 ] adv before, formerly, in the past, in ancient times.
পুরা2 [ purā2 ] a (for.) entire, whole, complete, full; replete (পুরা কলসি). ☐adv. full, fully (পুরা পাঁচহাত); completely, thoroughly (পুরা জানা).
পুরা3, পোরা [ purā3, pōrā ] v to fill (কলসিতে জল পুরছে); to stuff (ব্যাগে কাপড়পুরছে); to thrust in, to enter (মুখে পোরা); to put into, to confine (জেলে পোরা), to conceal inside; to be filled (with) (ছেলেপুলেতেঘরপুরেছে); to blow or sound as a wind-instrument ('সবে পোরাসিঙ্গা বেনু'); to be satisfied or realized or attained (আশাপুরেছে); to be completed or accomplished (কাজ পুরেছে).
পুরাকাল [ purākāla ] n ancient times.
পুরাণ [ purāṇa ] n a myth or mythology (esp. of Hindus). ☐a. ancient; primordial (পুরাণপুরুষ). ̃কর্তা, ̃কারn. an author of a mythology. ̃পুরুষn. God. ̃প্রসিদ্ধিn. mention in the Puranas or mythology; long-standing fame.
পুরাতত্ত্ব [ purātattba ] n archaeology; antiquities; ancient history. ̃জ্ঞ, ̃বিদa. versed in archaeology or antiquities or ancient history. ☐n. an archaeologist; an antiquary, an antiquarian; one versed in ancient history.
পুরাতন [ purātana ] a ancient; old; aged; backdated, out-of-date (পুরাতন ফ্যাশন); long-standing (পুরাতন প্রথা); experienced (পুরাতন কর্মচারী); inveterate (পুরাতনপাপী); chronic (পুরাতন রোগ). fem. পুরাতনী । পুরাতন কর্মচারীan old hand.
পুরাদস্তুর [ purādastura ] adv to the fullest extent; completely; thoroughly, in a downright manner. ☐a. complete; downright; thorough, out-and-out, thorough-going.
পুরাধ্যক্ষ [ purādhyakṣa ] n a governor of a city; a warden of a house.
পুরানো1 [ purānō1 ] a old; ancient; aged; backdated (পুরানো রীতি).
পুরানো2 [ purānō2 ] v to fulfil, to satisfy; to fill.
পুরাপুরি [ purāpuri ] a complete; thorough; full, entire; downright. ☐adv. completely; thoroughly; fully, entirely; in a down right manner; in extenso.
পুরি [ puri ] n a kind of small and thin saucer shaped brown bread fried in clarified butter.
পুরিয়া [ puriẏā ] n a tiny packet; a dose of medicine or other articles in a tiny packet; an Indian musical mode.
পুরী2 [ purī2 ] n a house, a palace, a residence (রাজপুরী, ইন্দ্রপুরী); a city; a title of certain ascetics (ঈশ্বরপুরী).
পুরীষ [ purīṣa ] n faeces, excrement, stool; ordure, dung, droppings. পুরীষোত্সর্গn. evacuation of ordure on something or somebody.
পুরু [ puru ] a thick; fat; having a specific number of folds (সাতপুরু কাপড়).
পুরুষ [ puruṣa ] n man; a man; a male creature; a manly man, a he-man (সে খাঁটি পুরুষ); (phil. & theol.) the soul (পুরুষ ওপ্রকৃতি); God; a generation (অধস্তনপাঁচপুরুষ); (gr.) person (উত্তম পুরুষ= the first person; মধ্যম পুরুষ= the second person; প্রথম পুরুষ= the third person). ☐in comp. male, he (পুরুষ জন্তু). পরমপুরুষn. a superman; God, the Absolute. পুরুষকারn. manliness, prowess; intelligence; manly effort. পুরুষজাতীয়a. male; masculine. ̃ত্বn. masculinity; manhood; manliness, virility; vigour; masculine sexual power. পুরুষত্ববর্জিত.পুরুষত্ববিহীন, পুরুষত্বরহিত, পুরুষত্বশূন্য, পুরুষত্বহীনa. lacking in masculine sexual power, impotent; unmanly; effeminate; lacking in vigour; faint-hearted. পুরুষত্বহানিn. loss of masculine sexual power, impotency. ̃-পরম্পরাn. succession of generations, lineal succession, heredity. ̃পরম্পরাক্রমেadv. from generation to generation, hereditarily. ̃-পরম্পরাগতa. coming down from generation to generation; inherited; hereditary; traditional. ̃পুঙ্গবn. a high specimen of humanity; a great man; a big man. ̃প্রধানn. chief amongst men; (when attributed to God) Supreme. ̃ব্যাঘ্রn. a tiger of a man. ̃মানুষn. a man; a male; a manly man. ̃শার্দুল same as পুরুষব্যাঘ্র । ̃শ্রেষ্ঠ same as ̃প্রধান । ̃সিংহn. a lion amongst men. ̃সুলভa. common to or befitting a man; masculine. পুরুষাঙ্গn. the male sex-organ, the penis. পুরুষাধমn. the basest or vilest of men; a dirty fellow; a rascal; an extremely cowardly man. পুরুষানুক্রম same as পুরুষ-পরম্পরা ।পুরুষানুক্রমিক same as পুরুষ-পরম্পরাগত ।পুরুষার্থn. religious or spiritual attainment, earning of wealth, realization of desires and attainment of salvation; these four manly pursuits of life; happiness, bliss, salvation, beatitude. পুরুষালিn. masculinity; manliness, virility; (of a woman or a girl) tomboyishness. ☐a. masculine; manly, virile; (of a woman or girl) tomboyish. পুরুষোচিতa. proper for a man; becoming or befitting a man; manly. পুরুষোত্তমn. an excellent man; a superman; the Supreme Being, God, Vishnu (বিষ্ণু).
পুরুষ্টু [ puruṣṭu ] a (coll.) well-developed, plum.
পুরোগ, পুরোগামী [ purōga, purōgāmī ] a going before in point of time or place, preceding, leading; pioneering. পুরোগতa. gone before in point of time or place.
পুরোডাশ [ purōḍāśa ] n thick saucer-shaped bread.
পুরোধা [ purōdhā ] n a priest; a pioneer, avant garde.
পুরোনো [ purōnō ] a old; ancient; backdated.
পুরোবর্তী [ purōbartī ] a lying in front; preceding; advanced; apical.
পুরোভাগ [ purōbhāga ] n the first part or share; the front. সৈন্যবাহিনীর পুরোভাগ the vanguard.
পুরোভূমি [ purōbhūmi ] n the foreground.
পুরোযায়ী [ purōyāẏī ] a preceding; leading; inaugurating or founding.
পুরোহিত [ purōhita ] n a priest.
পুল [ pula ] n a bridge (as on a river).
পুলক [ pulaka ] n horripilation or gooseflesh (usu. caused by a delightful feeling or sensation); a thrill (of joy or delight); delight or joy. ̃কন্টকিত, পুলকিতa. horripilated in delight; (greatly) delighted. পুলকোচ্ছ্বাসn. an outburst of delight.
পুলটিস [ pulaṭisa ] n a poultice.
পুলি1 [ puli1 ] n Port Blair in the Andamans.
পুলি2 [ puli2 ] n a kind of sweet roll.
পুলিন [ pulina ] n the part of a sandy beach or bank up to which the high-water mark reaches; (loos.) a sand-bank, a beach, shoal.
পুলিন্দা [ pulindā ] n a packet or bundle or parcel (esp. a small one).
পুলিপোলাও [ pulipōlāō ] n deportation to Port Blair; (loos.) deportation, transportation.
পুলিশ, পুলিস [ puliśa, pulisa ] n the police; a policeman; a police constable.
পুষা, পোষা [ puṣā, pōṣā ] v to bring up; to cherish (মনেআশা পুষছে); to nourish; to feed; to maintain, to support (পরিজনদের পোষা); to rear; to keep, to breed, to fancy (বাঁদর পোষা, পাখি পোষা).
পুষ্কর [ puṣkara ] n the lotus; water; cloud; the tip of an elephant's trunk; a holy lake near Ajmir.
পুষ্করিণী [ puṣkariṇī ] n a pond, a tank, a pool.
পুষ্ট [ puṣṭa ] a nourished; brought up; bred; developed; grown up; plump; fat; adiposed; fattened; mature; ripe; cherished. পুষ্ট-তাড়িতn. (phys.) positive electricity. পুষ্টাঙ্গa. well-developed; fat; fattened. পুষ্টিn. nourishment; up bringing; breeding; development; growth; plumpness; fatness; adiposity; fattening; maturity; thorough ripeness; nutrition; cherishment. পুষ্টিকর, পুষ্টিজনক, পুষ্টিসাধকa. nutritious; nourishing. পুষ্টিসাধনn. nutrition; nourishment. পুষ্টিসাধন করাv. to nourish.
পুষ্প [ puṣpa ] n flower; blossom; menstrual flux; an eye-disease. ̃ক, ̃করথn. the name of Kuvera's (কুবের) chariot capable of flying through the air at a great speed. ̃করণ্ডকn. a flower-basket. ̃কীটa. a flower-worm. ̃কেতন, ̃কেতুn. one whose banner is made of flowers; Madan (মদন) the god of love. ̃গুচ্ছn. a bunch of flowers. পুষ্প চয়ন করাv. to pluck or cull flowers. ̃দণ্ডn. (bot.) a peduncle. ̃ধনুn. a bow made of flowers; one holding such a bow; Madan (মদন) the god of love. ̃দলn. a petal. ̃ধন্বাn. one holding a bow of flowers; Madan (মদন) the god of love. ̃নির্যাসn. essence of flower. ̃পত্রn. a petal; flowers and leaves; (bot.) floral leaves. ̃পত্রবিন্যাসn. (bot.) prefloration. ̃পল্লবn. a twig with flowers; flowers and leaves. ̃পাত্রn. a saucer for holding flowers (esp. one used in a religious service). ̃পুটn. (bot.) a calyx. ̃প্রতীকn. a floral diagram. ̃বতীa. in menstruation, menstruating, menstruous. ̃বাটিকা, ̃বাটীn. a flower garden (esp. one with a summer-house); a garden-house. ̃বাণn. an arrow made of flowers; one using such arrows; Madan (মদন) the god of love. ̃বিন্যাসn. (bot.) inflorescence. ̃বৃন্তn. a flower-stalk. ̃বৃন্তিকাn. (bot.) a pedicel. ̃বৃষ্টিn. a shower of flowers. ̃ভূষণn. an ornament made of flowers, a floralornament. ̃মঞ্জরীn. a flower-bud; a flower stalk. ̃মালা, ̃মাল্যn. a garland of flowers, a flower-wreath. ̃মুকুটn. a chaplet of flowers. ̃মুকুলn. a flower-bud. ̃রজঃn. pollen. ̃রসn. flower-juice, honey. ̃রাগn. topaz. ̃রেণুn. pollen. ̃শর same as পুষ্পবাণ । ̃শয্যাn. a bed of flowers. ̃সংকেতn. (bot.) a floral formula. ̃সারn. essence of flower. ̃সৌরভn. aroma or fragrance of a flower. ̃স্তবকn. a cluster or bunch of flowers, a bouquet; a wreath. ̃হীন, ̃শূন্যa. divested of flowers; flowerless. পুষ্পাগমn. florescence or its season. পুষ্পাগম-কালn. the time of florescence; the season of flowers, the spring. পুষ্পাজীবa. dealing in flowers and flower-wreaths; making flower-wreaths professionally. ☐n. a florist; a professional maker of flower wreaths. পুষ্পাঞ্জলিn. an offering of a handful of flowers to a deity. পুষ্পাঞ্জলিদেওয়াv. to offer a handful of flowers in devotion or worship. পুষ্পাধারn. a flower-vase; a flower-pot. পুষ্পাভরণ, পুষ্পালংকার same as পুষ্পভূষণ । পুষ্পাসব same as পুষ্পমধু । পুষ্পিকাn. (bot.) a floret; the tartar of teeth; the concluding couplet or stanza of poem containing the author's name. পুষ্পিতa. in flower, blossomed. পুষ্পিতাa. fem. in flower, blossomed; in menstruation. পুষ্পেষুn. (the Hindu) god of love, (cp.) Cupid (মদন) পুষ্পোদ্গম same as পুষ্পাগম ।পুষ্পোদ্যানn. a flower-garden.
পুষ্যা [ puṣyā ] n (astr.) the eighth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy.
পুস্তক [ pustaka ] n a book. ̃বিক্রেতাn. a book-seller. ̃বিপণিn. a book-shop. ̃ব্যবসায়n. book trade. ̃ব্যবসায়ীn. a book-seller. ̃স্হa. contained or written in a book. পুস্তকাগারn. a library. সাধারণ পুস্তাকাগার a public library. পুস্তকালয়n. a book-shop; a (rare) library. পুস্তকের দোকান a book-shop.
পুস্তনি, পুস্তানি [ pustani, pustāni ] n (in book-binding) a fly leaf.
পুস্তবিকলন [ pustabikalana ] n book-debit.
পুস্তিকা, পুস্তী [ pustikā, pustī ] n a booklet; a pamphlet.
পূজক [ pūjaka ] a employed in worshipping. ☐n. a worshipper, a devotee; a priest; a votary.
পূজন [ pūjana ] n worship. পূজনীয় same as পূজ্য ।fem. পূজনীয়া ।
পূজা [ pūjā ] n worship; adoration; devotion; reverence; cordial reception; glorification. ☐v. poet. form of পূজা করা । পূজাকরাv. to worship; to adore; to revere; to accord cordial reception to, to welcome; to glorify. পূজা দেওয়াv. to offer worship (to a deity); to offer presents in homage. পূজাপাওয়াv. to be worshipped or adored or revered or received cordially or welcomed. ̃পার্বণn. religious and social festivals; festive occasions. পূজাবকাশn. vacation during a holy season, the puja (পূজা) holidays or vacation. পূজারিa. employed in worshipping; acting as a professional priest. ☐n. a worshipper; a devotee; a votary; a priest. fem. পূজারিনি (rej.) পূজারিণী । পূজার্হ same as পূজ্য । পুজাহ্নিকn. the daily religious service.
পূজিত [ pūjita ] a worshipped; adored; revered; cordially received, welcomed; glorified, fem. পূজিতা।
পূজোপহার [ pūjōpahāra ] n a gift or present offered during a holy festival, a puja (পূজা) gift or present.
পূজ্য [ pūjya ] a worthy of worship or reverence or honour; worshipful; reverend; honourable; venerable. fem. পূজ্যা। ̃পাদn. one whose feet are worthy of worship or adoration, having worshipful feet; most reverend or adorable or venerable.
পূত [ pūta ] a holy, sacred, sanctified, pure. ̃স্হানn. a sacred or holy place.
পূতাত্মা [ pūtātmā ] a pure-souled; pure-hearted; holy; pious, virtuous.
পূতি [ pūti ] n stench, fetid smell. ☐a. fetid (পূতিগন্ধ); rotten, putrid (পূতিমাংস).
পূতোদক [ pūtōdaka ] n holy water.
পূপ [ pūpa ] n a sweet pie or cake. ̃কারn. a baker. ̃শালাn. a bakery.
পূয [ pūya ] n purulent matter formed in an ulcer, wound, boil etc.; pus. পূয জমা, পুযহওয়াv. to suppurate. পূয ঝরাv. to discharge or secretepus.
পূর2 [ pūra2 ] n fulfilment; filling; completion; a mass of water; a stream.
পূরক [ pūraka ] a fulfilling; filling; completing; (geom.) complementary; (arith. & alg.) multiplying. □ n. (arith.) a multiplier; (geom.) a complementary angle, a complement (also পূরক কোণ); act of breathing in yoga (যোগ).
পূরণ [ pūraṇa ] n fulfilment (বাসনাপূরণ); filling (উদরপূরণ); repletion; completion (কালপূরণ); solution (সমস্যাপূরণ); compensation (ক্ষতিপূরণ); increase; (arith. & alg.) multiplication. পূরণ করাv. to fulfil; to fill, to complete; to solve; to compensate; to increase; (arith. & alg.) to multiply. ˜বাচকa. (arith.) ordinal. পূরণীয়a. to be fulfilled or filled or completed or solved.
পূরবী [ pūrabī ] n an Indian Musical mode.
পূরয়িতা [ pūraẏitā ] a. & n one who fulfils or fills. fem. পূরয়িত্রী ।
পূরিত [ pūrita ] a thoroughly filled, replete, filled; fulfilled; completed; solved; compensated; multiplied.
পূর্ণ [ pūrṇa ] a thoroughly filled, replete; full, whole; total; complete, perfect (পূর্ণসুখ); fulfilled, gratified, realized; completed, completely passed (কালপূর্ণহওয়া); accomplished (সাধ পূর্ণ হওয়া); nature; fully grown. পূর্ণ করাv. to fill, to make full to the brim; to replete; to complete; to fulfil; to pass completely; to accomplish. ̃কামa. one whose desire has been fulfilled. ̃কালa. full time. ̃কুম্ভn. a pitcher completely filled (esp. with water). ̃গর্ভাa. fem. in the advanced or last stage of pregnancy, nearing travail. ̃গ্রাসn. (astr.) total eclipse. ̃চন্দ্রn. the full-moon, the hunter's moon. ̃চ্ছেদn. (gr.) a full stop. পূর্ণচ্ছেদপড়াv. (fig.) to terminate or be closed for good. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. repleteness, fulness; completeness; fulfilment; completion; accomplishment; maturity; full growth. ̃পাত্রn. a full cup, a full dish, a full plate, a full vessel. ̃বয়সn. full age, maturity. ̃বয়স্কa. full-aged, grown up, major, adult. fem. ̃বয়স্কা ।পূর্ণবয়স্ক হওয়াv. to come of age, to attain majority. ̃বিকশিতa. full-blown; fully manifested. ̃বিকাশn. full blowing; full manifestation. ̃বেগn. full speed, full tilt. ̃বেগেadv. at full speed, in full career, at full tilt. ̃ব্রহ্মn. the Absolute Being, God. ̃মন্ত্রীn. a cabinet minister (in charge of a full portfolio). ̃মাত্রাn. the fullest measure or extent; (of medicines) a full dose. ̃মাত্রায়adv. to the fullest measure or extent; entirely; wholly; thoroughly; in a downright manner. ̃মাসী same as পৌর্ণমাসী । ̃যুবকn. a full-grown young man. fem. ̃যুবতী । ̃সংখ্যাa. (arith.) an integer, a whole number. পূর্ণাfem. of পূর্ণ । পূর্ণাঙ্গa. having all the limbs; complete in all parts; thorough; fully grown or developed. পূর্ণাঙ্গতাn. completeness in all parts; thoroughness; full growth or development. পূর্ণানন্দn. full delight or joy; an appellation of God. পূর্ণাবতারn. a perfect incarnation; an appellation of Nrishingha (নৃসিংহ), Rama (রাম) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). পূর্ণাবয়ব same as পূর্ণাঙ্গ।পূর্ণাভিলাষ same as পূর্ণকাম । পূর্ণায়তa. fully wide or widened or expanded. পূর্ণায়ুa. enjoying full longevity or long lease of life, long-lived. পূর্ণাহুতিn. the final offering; the burnt offering with which a sacrifice is concluded, the concluding (burnt) offering; (fig.) completion of self-sacrifice. পূর্ণাহুতিদেওয়াv. to offer the concluding (burnt) offering; (fig.) to complete, to sacrifice oneself.
পূর্ণক [ pūrṇaka ] n characteristic of a logarithm.
পূর্ণিমা [ pūrṇimā ] n the full-moon. ̃নিশিn. a full moon night. পূর্ণিমারচাঁদ the hunter's moon, the full-moon.
পূর্ণেন্দু [ pūrṇēndu ] n the hunter's moon, the full moon.
পূর্ণোপমা [ pūrṇōpamā ] n (rhet.) a sustained simile.
পূর্ত [ pūrta ] n public works. ̃বিভাগn. the Public Works Department.
পূর্তি [ pūrti ] n act of filling, repletion; completion; compensation. পূর্তি-অধিদেয়, পূর্তিভাতাn. a compensatory allowance.
পূর্ব [ pūrba ] n the east; precedence in time or place (পূর্বকথিত); front; the past (পূর্বেদ্রাবিড়রা এ দেশে বাসকরত). ☐a. first; senior in age; past, former, preceding; eastern. -পূর্বকin comp. having in advance; having first made or done (প্রণামপূর্বক); with (প্রীতিপূর্বক). ̃কথিতa. aforesaid. ̃কায়n. the upper part of the body. ̃কালn. the past; ancient times; former times. ̃কালিক, ̃কালীনa. of the past, past; of ancient times, ancient; former times, former. ̃কৃতa. previously or formerly done; done before hand; done in anticipation. ̃গামীa. going east or eastwards; going before, preceding; previous; antecedent. fem. ̃গামিনী। ̃জa. born before, elder. ☐n. an elder brother. ̃জাa. fem. of পূর্বজ ।☐n. fem. an elder sister. ̃জন্মn. a previous or former birth. ̃জন্মার্জিতa. acquired during a former or previous birth. ̃জীবনn. a previous or former birth; the past life; early life (cp. উত্তরজীবন). ̃জ্ঞানn. past experiences; knowledge acquired during a former birth; anticipation. ̃তনa. former; previous; past. ̃দক্ষিণn. south-east. ☐a. south-eastern. ̃দিকn. the east. ̃দৃষ্টa. previously seen; anticipated; foreseen. ̃দৃষ্টিn. foresight. ̃দেশn. an eastern country or region, the east, the orient. ̃দেশীয়a. of an eastern country or region; (rare) oriental. ̃ধারণাn. preconception, preconceived notion. ̃নিরীক্ষিতa. preaudited. ̃নিরূপিতa. predestined; foreordained. ̃পক্ষn. a complaint; a plaint; (log.) a question, a problem for debate or discussion, the first part of an argument, a proposition. ̃পরিকল্পনাn. preplanning. ̃পরিকল্পিতa. preplanned. ̃পরিচয়n. previous acquaintance. ̃পরিচিতa. acquainted from before, for merly or already known. fem. ̃পরিচিতা। ̃পরিচিতিn. previous acquaintance. ̃পুরুষn. an ancestor, a forefather; a former generation. ̃প্রচলিতa. formerly current or prevalent, current or prevalent in the past, previously in vogue. ̃ফল্গুনীn. (astrol.) the eleventh of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃বঙ্গ Eastern Bengal, East Bengal. ̃বত্adv. as before. ☐a. (log.) a priori. ̃বর্ণিতa. described or narrated before, aforementioned, aforesaid. ̃বর্তিতাn. precedence; antecedence; priority; seniority; fore-existence. ̃বর্তীa. preceding; antecedent; prior; senior; fore-existent; previous; former. fem. ̃বর্তিনী। ̃বাদn. a complaint. ̃বাদীn. a complainant. ̃ভাগn. the forepart; the front; the eastern part. ̃ভাদ্রপদ, ̃ভাদ্রপদাn. (astrol.) the twenty-fifth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃ভাবn. the former or original state or condition. ̃ভাষn. preface, a foreword. ̃মতn. the former opinion. ̃মীমাংসাn. a philosophical treatise by Jaimini the ancient sage; philosophical doctrine of Jaimini and his followers. ̃রঙ্গn. the prologue (of a drama); a prelude. ̃রাগn. amorous attraction felt even before acquaintance with the lover; (inc.) courtship. ̃রাত্রn. the first part or quarter of a night; early night; (loos.) the previous or last night. ̃রাত্রিn. last night; the previous night. ̃রাশিn. (math.) antecedent. ̃লক্ষণn. a presage; a foreboding. পূর্বলক্ষণপ্রকাশ করাv. to presage; to forebode. ̃সংস্কারn. a notion or idea or impression or habit formed during a former birth or in the past. পূর্বাচল, পূর্বাদ্রিn. an imaginary eastern mountain from behind which the sun is believed to rise daily. পূর্বাদেশn. a previous order. পূর্বাদেশ প্রত্যাহার করা to rescind a previous order. পূর্বাধিকারn. possession or right obtained earlier; priority; the right or claim of the first-born, primo geniture; former right or claim. পূর্বানুবৃত্তিn. continuation (of some account already begun). পূর্বাপরa. (also. adv.) from beginning to end, alpha and omega, thorough. পূর্বাপরবিবেচনা করা to consider the connected line of events, to consider the pros and cons of a proposal, to look before and after. পূর্বাপর বিরোধn. inconsistency of acts or contexts of different times. পূর্বাপর-বৃত্তn. (astr.) a prime vertical. পূর্বাপেক্ষাadv. than before. পূর্বাবধিadv. from before; since the beginning. পূর্বাবস্হাn. the former or previous or past state or condition. পূর্বাভাষn. a presage; (dero.) a foreboding; a preface, a foreword; forecast (আবহাওয়ারপূর্বাভাষ). পূর্বাভাষদেওয়াv. to presage; (dero.) to forebode. পূর্বাভ্যাসn. a previous or former habit or practice. পূর্বার্ধn. the first half; the eastern half; (geog.) the eastern hemisphere. পূর্বাশাn. the east. পূর্বাষাঢ়াn. (astrol.) the twentieth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. পূর্বাহ্নn. the first part or quarter of the day-time; (loos.) the forenoon. পূর্বাহ্নিকa. of the first part or quarter of the daytime; to be done during the first part or quarter of the day time. পূর্বিতাn. priority, precedence. পূর্বেadv. formerly, previously, before; in the past; in the front; in the east. পূর্বোক্তa. aforesaid; mentioned before or above. পূর্বোক্তিn. a previous statement; a prefatory remark or utterance. পূর্বোত্তরn. the north-east. পূর্বোদ্ধৃতa. quoted before or above.
পূষা[ pūṣā ] n the sun.
পূক্ত[ pūkta ] a adjoining, contiguous, attached; associated; incorporated; united; admixed; saturated; related; connected, concerned.
পৃথক[ pṛthaka ] a separate; different; separated; segregated; moved or lying aside; differentiated; alienated, estranged. ☐adv. separately; severally, differently; apart. পৃথক করাv. to separate; to differentiate; to dissociate; to segregate; to alienate, to estrange; to remove apart. ̃ত্বn. separateness; distinction; difference; individuality. পৃথক পৃথক, ̃ভাবেadv. separately; individually. ̃করণ, পৃথকীকরণn. separation; differentiation; dissociation; segregation; alienation, estrangement; act of removing apart. ̃কৃত, পৃথকীকৃতa. separated; differentiated; dissociated; segregated; alienated, estranged, removed apart.
পৃথগন্ন[ pṛthaganna ] a (of a family) split up or divided into two or more units all having separate messing arrangements, separated.
পৃথগাত্মা[ pṛthagātmā ] a individual; self-conscious.
পৃথগ্বিধ[ pṛthagbidha ] a of a different kind; different; diverse, various, manifold.
পৃথগ্ভূত[ pṛthagbhūta ] a separated; differentiated; dissociated; segregated; alienated, estranged, removed apart.
পৃথিবী[ pṛthibī ] n the earth, the world. ̃তলn. the surface of the earth, the earth's crust or its outer part. ̃পতি, ̃পালn. a king; an emperor. ̃ব্যাপী, ̃ময়a. extending all over the world; world-wide. ̃মণ্ডলn. the orb of the earth; the whole world.
পৃথু, পৃথুল[ pṛthu, pṛthula ] a extensive; wide; great; mag nanimous; bulky, fat, heavy; muscular, robust. পৃথুস্কন্ধa. with muscular and ro bust shoulders.
পৃথ্বী[ pṛthbī ] n the earth, the world.
পৃষ্ঠ[ pṛṣṭha ] n the back (of a human being or any other creature); the rear; the region of the back; the back part, the rear part; the hind part; surface, a face; (bot.) the dorsal surface. ঘূর্ণপৃষ্ঠn. the surface of revolution. ̃টানn. (phys.) surface tension. ̃তলn. surface. ̃দেশ same as পৃষ্ঠ । ̃পোষাকn. one who stands at the back to give support; a supporter; an upholder; a patron; a customer; a client. ̃পোষকতাn. support; patronization. পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করাv. to support; to uphold; to patronize. ̃পোষণn. act of standing at the back to give support; act of sup porting or upholding; patronization. ̃প্রদর্শনn. fleeing, flight. পৃষ্ঠপ্রদর্শনকরাv. to flee, to take to one's heels, to run away. ̃প্রবাহn. (geog.) a surface drift. ̃বংশn. the backbone, the spinal or vertebral column, the spine. ̃ব্রণn. a dorsal carbuncle. ̃ভঙ্গn. act of fleeing (esp. after a defeat). ̃রক্ষকn. a bodyguard. পৃষ্ঠরক্ষা করাv. to protect or guard the rear; to act as a bodyguard to. ̃লেখn. an endorsement.
পৃষ্ঠা[ pṛṣṭhā ] n a page (of a book). পৃষ্ঠাঙ্কn. page number.
পৃষ্ঠোপরি[ pṛṣṭhōpari ] adv on the back (of).
পেঁকো[ pēn̐kō ] a full of slime or silt, like slime or silt, slimy, silty, miry.
পেঁচি[ pēn̐ci ] fem of প্যাঁচা।
পেঁপে[ pēm̐pē ] n the papaw, the pawpaw, the papaya.
পেখন[ pēkhana ] n (obs. & poet.) seeing.
পেখম[ pēkhama ] n a peacock's plumage or tail esp. when expanded or spread out like a fan at the time of dancing. পেখম ধরা, পেখমফোলানোv. (of a peacock) to expand or distend one's plumage or tail (when dancing); (fig.) to be beside oneself with joy, to be foolishly ostentatious in dress, to be vainglorious, to peacock.
পেখা[ pēkhā ] v (poet. & obs.) to see.
পেচক[ pēcaka ] n (for.) the owl. fem. পেচকী । ̃শাবকn. an owlet.
-পেজি[ -pēji ] a. sfx having a specific number of pages (আটপেজি ফর্মা).
পেজোমি[ pējōmi ] n baseness; roguishness, roguery, knavishness, knavery; mischiefmongering. পেজোমিকরাv. to commit an act of roguery or knavery; to make a mischief.
পেট[ pēṭa ] n the belly; the abdomen; the stomach; the womb (পেটের ছেলে); the inside, the hold (জাহাজের পেট); the loins (পেটে কাপড় থাকে না); (vul.) pregnancy (পেট হওয়া); the inmost part of one's heart (পেটেরকথা); subsistence, livelihood (পেট চালানো). খালি পেট empty stomach. ভরা পেট full stomach. পেটআঁটাv. to get constipated, to have costiveness. পেট ওঠাv. to have one's belly distended after a hearty meal. পেটকামড়ানোv. to have a gnawing pain in the stomach; to have stomach-pain. পেটকামড়ানিn. a gnawing pain in the stomach; stomach pain, gripes. পেট খসাv. to have an abortion, to miscarry. পেটখসানোv. to cause an abortion (esp. unlawfully). ̃খারাপn. a disorder of the stomach. পেট খারাপ হওয়াv. to have or to suffer from a stomach upset or disorder. ̃গরমn. dyspepsia, indigestion. পেট চলাv. to procure one's minimum or normal food or appease one's hunger (esp. daily); to make both ends meet. পেট চালানোv. to earn just enough to provide the bare necessities of life, to earn a living or subsistence wage. পেট চিনচিন করাv. to feel a pinching sensation in the stomach esp. caused by extreme hunger. পেট চুঁইচুঁই করাv. to have a suppressed groaning noise in the stomach caused by hunger. পেটজ্বলাv. to have a burning sensation in the stomach. পেট ডাকাv. to have a rumbling noise in the belly as caused by diarrhoea or indigestion, to have collywobbles. পেট ধরাv. to be cured of diarrhoea or loose motions. পেট নরমহওয়াv. to have somewhat loose motions. পেট নামানোv. to have loose motions, to have diarrhoea; to purge (one's bowels). পেট ফাঁপা, পেটফোলাv. to have one's belly distended owing to the accumulation of gas, to be affected with flatulence or tympanites. পেটবড়হওয়াv. to have the belly distended esp. on account of pregnancy. পেট ব্যথাn. stomach-pain, belly-ache. পেটভরাv. to have one's hunger fully satisfied. পেট ভরেখাওয়াv. to eat one's fill. পেটভরে খাওয়ানোv. to give one a full meal or full feed. ̃ভাতাn. food given in lieu of wages, ☐adv. for food in lieu of wages. পেটমরাv. to lose appetite esp. owing to want of sufficient food. ̃মোটাa. pot-bellied. ̃রোগাa. weak in digestive power; dyspeptic. ̃সর্বস্বa. one who loves nothing but a good fare; given to gourmandising; gluttonous, voracious. ̃সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a. belly-god. পেটহওয়াv. (vul.) to become pregnant, to be big with child, to conceive, to be in the family way. পেটে আসাv. to be formed in the womb, to be conceived. পেটে এক মুখে আর insincere or hypocritical talk; double-facedness. পেটেখিদে মুখে লাজ concealment of one's eager desire on account of bashfulness. পেটেখেলে পিঠে সয় (fig.) troubles are sufferable when they bring in profits, trouble is patiently borne if it is paying; the mule will not grudge its load if there is the prospect of a good feed. পেটেতলানোv. to be accepted in one's stomach. পেটে থাকাv. to be accepted in one's stomach; (of a person) to be able to keep counsel or keep a secret (তারপেটে কথা থাকে না). পেটে ধরাv. to carry in one's womb, to conceive or bear. পেটে পেটেkept to oneself, kept concealed (পেটে পেটে কথা, পেটে পেটেশয়তানি). পেটে বোমা মারলেও কিছু বার নাহওয়া(fig.) to be utterly lacking in education; completely illiterate. পেটে মারাv. to kill or weaken or subdue one by starving; to deprive one of one's means of livelihood or subsistence. পেটেরঅসুখsame as পেটখারাপand পেটেরগোলমাল । পেটের কথাthe secret of one's heart; a secret intention. পেটের গোলমালbowels complaint, stomach trouble. পেটের চিন্তাbread problem, worries about a living. পেটেরজ্বালা, পেটের দায়smarts of hunger. পেটের দায়েimpelled or urged by the sting of hunger or poverty. পেটের ভাত চাল হওয়া(fig.) to be bewildered with fear or worry. পেটেরভিতর হাত-পাসেঁধনো(fig.) to become nonplussed with fear, to feel a cold wave running down one's spine. পেটেরশত্রুa child who causes grief to its mother. পেটে সওয়াv. to be accepted in one's stomach.
পেটক[ pēṭaka ] n a wicker-basket; a portmanteau, a trunk, a suit-case; a chest.
পেটি1 [ pēṭi1 ] n a waist-band, a belt, a girdle; the breast or middle part of a fish (পেটিরমাছ).
পেটি2 [ pēṭi2 ] n a basket; a chest.
পেটুক[ pēṭuka ] a gluttonous, voracious, fond of eating. পেটুক লোকn. a glutton, a gourmand, a belly-god.
পেটেন্ট[ pēṭēnṭa ] n a patent. ☐a. protected by a patent, patent; (fig.) monotonous, trite (পেটেন্টপরিহাস).
পেটেল[ pēṭēla ] n the headman of a village; a leader; a faithful supporter or follower.
পেটো1 [ pēṭō1 ] a made of jute; related to jute; trading jute (পেটো সাহেব).
পেটো2 [ pēṭō2 ] n the rind of a banana tree; a style of braiding hair over one's brow.
পেটো3 [ pēṭō3 ] n (coll.) a hand-bomb; a hand-grenade.
পেটোয়া[ pēṭōẏā ] a obedient, faithfully following; cringing; patronized; favourite; dependent.
পেট্রল[ pēṭrala ] n petrol.
পেড়া2 [ pēḍ়ā2 ] n a kind of sweetmeat made by solidifying cow-milk.
পেতনি[ pētani ] n a female spirit; (sarcas.) an extremely ugly or dirty woman, a hag or a slut. পেতনিরআলো will-o'-the-wisp.
পেতল[ pētala ] n (dial.) brass.
পেন1 [ pēna1 ] n a fountain-pen.
পেন2 [ pēna2 ] n pain, inflammation (বুকের পেন); labour-pain, travail (পোয়াতিরপেন ওঠা).
পেনশন[ pēnaśana ] n a pension. ̃ভোগীn. a pensioner.
পেনসিল[ pēnasila ] n a pencil.
পেনেট[ pēnēṭa ] n the circular pedestal of the sacred phallic sign.
পেণ্ডুলাম[ pēṇḍulāma ] n a pendulum.
পেয়[ pēẏa ] a drinkable. ☐n. anything drinkable; a drink.
পেয়াজ[ pēẏāja ] n onion.
পেয়ার1 [ pēẏāra1 ] n (in card-playing) a marriage or a pair, one of a marriage or pair.
পেয়ার2 [ pēẏāra2 ] n caress, fondling; affection; love. পেয়ার করাv. to caress, to fondle; to treat with affection; to love. পেয়ারের দোস্তবাবন্ধু a close or bosom friend, a chum.
পেয়ারা[ pēẏārā ] n the guava.
পেয়ারি[ pēẏāri ] n. fem a favourite; a lover, a sweetheart; Radha (রাধা) the sweet heart of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).
পেয়ালা[ pēẏālā ] n a drinking cup, a goblet.
-পেয়ে[ -pēẏē ] sfx footed, legged, -ped (চারপেয়ে = four-footed, four-legged, quadruped).
পেয়ে বসা[ pēẏē basā ] v to get advantage; to catch one on the hip.
পেরু[ pēru ] n the turkey.
পেরুভীয়[ pērubhīẏa ] a Peruvian.
পেরেক[ pērēka ] n a nail, a wire-nail, a spike.
পেলব[ pēlaba ] a very soft or delicate; gentle; graceful; slim, slender; frail; light; lightsome. ̃তাn. pleasant softness or delicateness; gentleness; grace; slimness, slenderness; frailty; lightness, lightsomeness.
পেলা[ pēlā ] n a gift or reward given to an artiste at a function; a prop.
পেল্লায়[ pēllāẏa ] a huge, enormous; monstrous, gigantic; tremendous.
পেশ[ pēśa ] n act of presenting or placing before. পেশ করাv. to present or place be fore; to submit; to put up; to table.
পেশকার[ pēśakāra ] n a bench-clerk. পেশকারিn. bench-clerkship.
পেশল[ pēśala ] a beautiful, charming; (inc. but pop.) muscular, thewy, robust; brawny.
পেশা[ pēśā ] n a profession, a trade, a calling; (fig.) a practice, a habit. ̃দারa. professional. ̃দারিn. professionalism. ☐a. professional.
পেশি, পেশী[ pēśi, pēśī ] n a muscle, a tendon; a sheath of a sword, a scabbard. পেশীয়a. relating to muscles, muscular. ̃বহুলa. muscular, brawny, thewy, robust, lusty. ̃শক্তিn. power of the muscles; physical strength. ̃সঞ্চালনn. flexing or movement of muscles.
পেশোয়া[ pēśōẏā ] n a Maratha peshwa.
পেশোয়াজ[ pēśōẏāja ] n a kind of baggy breeches worn by Muslim women or dancing girls.
পেষক[ pēṣaka ] a. & n one who or that which pulps or grinds or presses.
পেষণ[ pēṣaṇa ] n pressing; grinding; crushing; kneading, squeezing; pulverization; oppression.
পেষণদন্ত[ pēṣaṇadanta ] n a grinder, a molar tooth.
পেষণযন্ত্র[ pēṣaṇayantra ] n a grinding stone.
পেষণি, পেষণী[ pēṣaṇi, pēṣaṇī ] n a mortar and a pestle; a grindstone, a mill-stone.
পেস্তা[ pēstā ] n pistachio.
পৈতামহ[ paitāmaha ] a relating to a paternal grandfather.
পৈতৃক[ paitṛka ] a paternal, ancestral (পৈতৃক ভিটা, পৈতৃক সম্পত্তি); hereditary (পৈতৃকরোগ).
পৈত্তিক, পৈত্ত[ paittika, paitta ] a bilious, biliary.
পৈশাচ[ paiśāca ] a ghoulish. ☐n. a form of marriage by force or artfulness. পৈশাচিকa. ghoulish; (fig.) nefarious, extremely obnoxious. fem. পৈশাচিকী। পৈশাচিকতাn. ghoulishness; (fig.) nefariousness, extreme obnoxiousness, fiendlike conduct. পৈশাচীa. fem. of পৈশাচ।
পৈশুন, পৈশুন্য[ paiśuna, paiśunya ] n scandal-mongering, tale bearing; malice, cruelty; villainy.
পো2 [ pō2 ] n (vul.) a son or a male descendant (ঘোষের পো).
পোঁ[ pō ] int denoting: a long and unchanging noise or note as of flute (শানাইয়ের পোঁ) . পোঁকরেin a trice, in a jiffy, instantly, very quickly. পোঁ ধরাv. to give out a long and unchanging note or sound (as by a flute); (sarcas.) to cringe or fawn (upon), to support blindly and insistently. পোঁ-ধরাa. cringing, fawning.
পোঁচ[ pōn̐ca ] n a coating. পোঁচদেওয়াv. to apply a coating (to), to coat. পোঁচড়া, পোঁচলাn. a coating; a brush for whitewashing made of jute fibres.
পোঁছ[ pōn̐cha ] n an instance or act of mopping or swabbing (ঝাড়পোঁছ).
পোঁছা1 [ pōn̐chā1 ] n the tail of a fish and the region near about it; the part of the hand from the wrist to fingertips.
পোঁছা2 [ pōn̐chā2 ] v to mop, to swab, to wipe; to rub out, to erase. ̃নোv. to cause to mop or swab or wipe or rub or erase.
পোঁটলা[ pōn̐ṭalā ] n a bundle or baggage.
পোঁটা[ pōn̐ṭā ] n entrails, intestines, the gut (মাছেরপোঁটা); (a drop of) nasal catarrh or mucus, (vul.) snot (নাকের পোঁটা); (dero.) a little boy, a kiddy.
পোঁত[ pōn̐ta ] n the length of the part of anything buried or implanted underground.
পোঁতা2 [ pōn̐tā2 ] v to plant (গাছ পোঁতা); to drive into (পেরেক পোঁতা); to bury, to inter. ̃নোv. to cause to plant or drive into or sow or bury.
পোঁদ[ pōn̐da ] n (vul.) the anus; (vul.) the posteriors, the buttocks, the hips.
পোক্ত[ pōkta ] a strong, firm; durable; lasting; experienced, accustomed; seasoned.
পোখরাজ[ pōkharāja ] n topaz.
পোগণ্ড[ pōgaṇḍa ] n a child between the age of five and fifteen; a cripple.
পোট[ pōṭa ] n friendly terms; agreement; love. পোট খাওয়াv. to be on friendly terms (with); to agree (with); to be in love (with).
পোড়[ pōḍ় ]n a spell of burning or scalding or singeing; affliction, distress; a severe ordeal. পোড় খাওয়াv. to get burnt or scalded or singed. পোড়-খাওয়াa. burnt, scalded, singed; passed through an affliction or distress or a severe ordeal.
পোড়া[ pōḍ়ā ] v to burn; to be scalded or singed or calcined; scorched or incinerated; to inflame; to become very hot (জ্বরে গাপোড়ে); ☐a. burnt; scalded; scorched; inflamed; incinerated; calcined; greatly heated. ̃নিn. affliction; distress. ̃নোv. to burn or scald or scorch or calcine or inflame. পোড়া কপাল hard luck, bad luck; (int.) ah me! পোড়াকপালিfem. unlucky, unfortunate. mas. পোড়াকপালে ।পোড়ারমুখিa. & n. accursed (one), unfortunate; hateful (one); wicked.
পোড়ামাটি[ pōḍ়āmāṭi ] n burnt or scorched earth. পোড়ামাটির কাজ terracotta; brownish-red earthenware or art objects of this material.
পোড়েন[ pōḍ়ēna ] n woof.
পোত[ pōta ] n a boat, a ship, a vessel (অর্ণবপোত, খপোত). পোত চালানোv. to captain (a ship); to pilot (an air-ship or ship). ̃চালকn. (of a ship) a captain; (of an airship) a pilot. ̃-নিযুক্তকn. shipping agent.
পোতা1 [ pōtā1 ] n plinth (of a house).
পোতা2 [ pōtā2 ] n (dial.) a son's son, a grandson.
পোতাধিপাল[ pōtādhipāla ] n shipping master.
পোতাধ্যক্ষ[ pōtādhyakṣa ] n a captain or master of a ship; (rare) a pilot of an aeroplane.
পোতারোহী[ pōtārōhī ] a sailing in a ship. ☐n. a pas senger of a ship.
পোতাশ্রয়[ pōtāśraẏa ] n a harbour, a haven.
পোদ[ pōda ] n a socially depressed caste amongst Hindus.
পোদ্দার[ pōddāra ] n a professional examiner of the genuineness of coins; a money changer; a pawn-broker; a banker, a money-lender. পোদ্দারিn. the profession of a coin-examiner or money-changer or pawn-broker or banker or money lender; (sarcas.) display of false authority or power. পরেরধনে পোদ্দারিseeপর3।
পোনা[ pōnā ] n young of fish (esp. of a larger one like trout etc.). ̃মাছn. a fish of the species of rui (রুই), katla (কাতলা), mrigel (মৃগেল) etc.
পোনি[ pōni ] n a pony, a tattoo.
পোয়া[ pōẏā ] n a fourth part, a quarter; one fourth of a seer (সের); half-a-mile. ☐a. one-fourth, quarter. চারপোয়াa. complete, full. ̃বারোn. a particular throw at dice; (sarcas.) an extraordinary piece of luck, success in everything, a run of luck, a lucky hit.
পোয়াতি[ pōẏāti ] a pregnant (পোয়াতিবউ); recently delivered of a child (প্রসবের পরেপোয়াতি সুস্হআছে). ☐n. a pregnant woman; a woman recently delivered of a child. পোয়াতি হওয়া to conceive, to be in the family way.
পোয়াল[ pōẏāla ] n straw.
পোর্টম্যানটো[ pōrṭamyānaṭō ] n a portmanteau.
পোলা[ pōlā ] n (vul. & dial.) a son.
পোলাও[ pōlāō ] n a highly spiced dish of rice and meat boiled in clarified butter, pilau.
পোলা2 [ pōlā2 ] n polo.
পোশাক [ pōśāka ] n dress, garment, clothes; apparel; outfit. পোশাক ছাড়া, পোশাক খোলাv. to undress oneself. পোশাক ছাড়ানো, পোশাক খোলানোv. to cause to undress. পোশাক পরাv. to dress oneself, to put on one's dress. পোশাক-পরাa. dressed (in.) পোশাকপরানোv. to dress. পোশাকিa. befitting fashionable society, fashionable (পোশাকি কথাবার্তা); official (পোশাকিনাম); elegant, refined (পোশাকি ভাষা); worn on formal or festive occasions (পোশাকি জামাকাপড়); merely formal, insincere, hypocritical (পোশাকি ভদ্রতা).
পোষ2 [ pōṣa2 ] n taming, domestication; act of bringing under one's control, subdual. পোষ-মানাa. tame, domesticated; brought under control, subdued; habituated to obedience. পোষ মানাv. to become tame or domesticated; to come under control, to be subdued; to be habituated to obedience; (of a horse) to be broken. পোষ মানানোv. to tame, to domesticate; to bring under one's control, to subdue; to habituate to obedience; to break (as a horse).
পোষক [ pōṣaka ] a cherishing; nourishing; aiding; upholding; supporting; countenancing or abetting. ☐n. one who or that which cherishes or nourishes; an aider; an up holder; a supporter; a countenancer or abettor. ̃তাn. aiding; upholding, support, countenancing, abetment. পোষকতাকরাv. to aid; to uphold, to support; to countenance, to abet. পোষকস্তর (bot. & zoo.) tapetum.
পোষণ [ pōṣaṇa ] n upbringing; feeding; maintenance (পরিবার-পোষণ); cherishment; nourishment; act of supporting. পোষণকরাv. to bring up; to maintain; to cherish; to nourish; to support. পোষণীয় var. of পোষ্য।
পোষা [ pōṣā ] v pop. var. of পুষা।☐a. tame, domesticated; pet; obediently following. পোষাকুকুর an obedient dog; a servilely obedient follower.
পোষানো [ pōṣānō ] v to be sufficient for, to serve one's purpose, to suffice (এ টাকায়পোষাবেনা); to agree with, to pull on well with (তারসঙ্গে আমার পোষাবে না); to cause to bring up or rear; to pay for or compensate (লোকসান পোষানো); to be able to bear or tolerate (এশরীরে এতখাটুনি পোষায় না). পোষানিn. act of making another rear one's domestic animals.
পোষ্টা [ pōṣṭā ] a one who or that which brings up or rears or nourishes.
পোষ্টাই [ pōṣṭāi ] a nutritious, nourishing. ☐n. nu trition, nourishment.
পোষ্য [ pōṣya ] a worthy of being brought up or fed or maintained or cherished or nourished or supported; dependent for maintenance. n. ̃পুত্রn. an adopted son. ̃বর্গn. pl. one's dependants (esp. those who live in the same family).
পোস্ট1 [ pōsṭa1 ] n the postal system, post; mail (আজকের পোস্টের চিঠি); an office or appointment, a post (ক্লার্কের পোস্ট).
পোস্ট2 [ pōsṭa2 ] n a pillar, a post (ল্যাম্প-পোস্ট).
পোস্ট-অফিস [ pōsṭa-aphisa ] n a post-office.
পোস্টকার্ড [ pōsṭakārḍa ] n a post-card.
পোস্ট-গ্র্যাজুয়েট [ pōsṭa-gryājuẏēṭa ] a post-graduate.
পোস্টমাস্টার [ pōsṭamāsṭāra ] n a postmaster.
পোস্টাপিস [ pōsṭāpisa ] n a post-office.
পোস্ত1, পোস্তদানা [ pōsta1, pōstadānā ] n mawseed, poppyseed.
পোহানো [ pōhānō ] v to dawn, to end (রাত পোহানো), to bask (রোদ পোহানো); to warm up oneself (আগুনপোহানো); to suffer or undergo (ঝামেলা পোহানো).
পৌঁছ [ paun̐cha ] n reach (পৌঁছনা মেলা); arrival (পৌঁছ খবর = news of arrival.)
পৌঁছা [ paun̐chā ] v to arrive at, to reach (বাড়ি পৌঁছাল, হাত পৌঁছেছে); to come within reach; to come to hand (চিঠি পৌঁছায়). ̃নোv. to arrive at, to reach; to come within reach; to come to hand; to escort; to convey or carry (to); to bring to hand.
পৌত্তলিক [ pauttalika ] a idolatrous. ☐n. an idolater. পৌত্তলিকতাn. idolatry.
পৌত্র [ pautra ] n a son's or nephew's son, a grand son. fem. পৌত্রী a son's or nephew's daughter, a grand-daughter.
পৌনঃপুনিক [ paunḥpunika ] a recurring. পৌনঃপুনিক দশমিক recurring decimal. পৌনঃপুনিকতা, পৌনঃপুন্যn. recurrence; recurrency.
পৌনে [ paunē ] a three quarters of, three-fourths (পৌনে এক দিন); a quarter to (পৌনেবারোটা).
পৌর [ paura ] a living in a particular city or house; relating to a city, urban, municipal; relating to house, indoor; civic. পৌর-অধিকারn. civic rights. ̃করn. municipal tax. পৌর চিকিত্সক civil surgeon. ̃জনn. citizens; inmates (of a house). ̃নিগমn. municipal corporation. ̃পদn. citizenship. ̃পিতাn. a chairman or a mayor (fem. a mayoress). ̃প্রতিষ্ঠানn. same as পৌরসংঘ । ̃বর্গ same as পৌরজন । ̃বিজ্ঞানn. civics. ̃মুখ্যn. an alderman (of a municipal corporation). ̃সংঘn. a municipality. ̃সংঘ-করণিকn. a municipal clerk. ̃সংঘ-বিচারকn. a municipal magistrate. ̃সভাn. a municipal corporation. ̃স্ত্রী same as পুরনারী (see পুর2).
পৌরব [ pauraba ] a descending from King Puru (পুরু).
পৌরাণিক [ paurāṇika ] a pertaining to or versed in Hindu puranas (পুরাণ) or mythology, mythical; mythological; ancient. পৌরাণিক কাহিনি a mythological or Puranic tale or episode; a legend. পৌরাণিকচরিত্র a mythological character; a Puranic character. পৌরাণিক নাটক a mythological drama.
পৌরুষেয় [ pauruṣēẏa ] a (rare) pertaining to a man, masculine; man-made.
পৌরোহিত্য [ paurōhitya ] n the office or profession of a priest, priesthood; presidentship, presidency (সভার পৌরোহিত্য). পৌরোহিত্য করাv. to act as a priest; to preside over (a meeting); to lead (as a movement).
পৌর্ণমাসী [ paurṇamāsī ] n the full-moon.
পৌর্ব [ paurba ] a past; of the east, eastern. ̃দেহিক, ̃দৈহিকa. relating to the body of a previous; of a previous birth.
পৌর্বাপর্য [ paurbāparya ] n due order or succession; sequence.
পৌর্বাহিক [ paurbāhika ] a relating to the previous day.
পৌর্বাহ্নিক [ paurbāhnika ] a relating to or due to be done in the first part or quarter of the day or in the forenoon.
পৌর্বী [ paurbī ] fem of পৌর্ব।
পৌলস্ত্য [ paulastya ] n of the sons of Pulastya (পুলস্ত্য) the sage; Kuvera, Ravana, Kumbha karna, Bibhisana.
পৌলোমী [ paulōmī ] n a daughter of Puloma (পুলোমা) Sachi, Indra's queen.
পৌষ [ pauṣa ] n Paus, the ninth month of the Bengali calendar from mid December to mid January. ̃পার্বণn. the festival of preparing and offering sweet pies made of new rice on the last day of the month of Paus. ̃সংক্রান্তিn. the last day of the month of Paus. পৌষালিa. relating to or grown in or performed in the month of Paus.
পৌষ্টিক [ pauṣṭika ] a nutritious, nutritive; alimentary. ̃তন্ত্রn. alimentary system. পৌষ্টিকনালি the alimentary canal.
প্যাঁক [ pyān̐ka ] int denoting the cry of the duck, quack. প্যাঁকপ্যাঁকint. quack! quack!
প্যাঁচ [ pyān̐ca ] n a spiral bend or coil or twist (স্ক্রুরপ্যাঁচ, স্ক্রুতে প্যাঁচ দেওয়া); a screw (প্যাঁচআঁটা); a tricky or shrewd turn (কথারপ্যাঁচ); an intrigue or machination, entanglement, predicament (প্যাঁচে ফেলা); a difficult problem, an intricate or perplexing situation, false position, quandary, cleft stick (প্যাঁচেপড়া); complication, intricacy (ব্যাপারটায় বড় প্যাঁচ); mutual entwining (ঘুড়িরপ্যাচ); a tangle (সুতোরবাণ্ডিলটায় প্যাঁচ লেগেছে); (in wrestling etc.) a style of holding; a tricky move (কুস্তির প্যাঁচ).
প্যাঁচা [ pyān̐cā ] n the owl; (sarcas.) an extremely ugly-looking man or boy. প্যাঁচার ডাক howling, hooting, screeching. প্যাঁচাডাকে an owl; howls or hoots or screeches. প্যাঁচার বাচ্চা an owlet; (sarcas. -both masc. & fem.) an extremely ugly-looking person. প্যাঁচার বাসা an owlery. fem. পেঁচি ।
প্যাঁচানো [ pyān̐cānō ] v to twist or wring spirally, to screw; to writhe; to make intricate deliberately; to complicate; to entangle; to involve (তাকে এ ব্যাপারেপ্যাঁচাচ্ছ কেন); to employ a shrewd or tricky turn in one's speech. ☐a. twisted or wrung spirally; spiral; intricate, complicated; entangled; tortuous, full of angularity (প্যাঁচানো মন); having shrewd or tricky turns (প্যাঁচানো কথাবার্তা).
প্যাঁদানি [ pyān̐dāni ] n (infor.) belabouring or slogging, drubbing. প্যাঁদানোv. to belabour or slog, or drub; to beat up.
প্যাকবন্দি [ pyākabandi ] a packed in a box, container etc.
প্যাকিং [ pyāki ] n packing; a package, a packet.
প্যাচ প্যাচ [ pyāca pyāca ] int denoting the noise caused by going along or wading through a slimy or miry place (প্যাচ প্যাচ করে চলা). প্যাচপেচেa. giving out or resembling the aforesaid noise; slimy or miry.
প্যাডেল [ pyāḍēla ] n a paddle; paddling. প্যাডেল করাv. to paddle.
প্যানপ্যান [ pyānapyāna ] int denoting the noise of complaining or imploring whimperingly or whiningly. প্যানপ্যান করা, প্যানপ্যানানোv. to complain or implore whimperingly or whiningly. প্যানপেনেa. given to complaining or imploring whimperingly or whiningly; whimpering or whining.
প্যান্ট, প্যানট [ pyānṭa, pyānaṭa ] n pantaloons; shorts. (ফুল) প্যান্টn. trousers. হাফপ্যান্টn. shorts.
প্যান্টালুন [ pyānṭāluna ] n pantaloons, trousers; shorts.
প্যান্ডাল, প্যান্ডেল [ pyānḍāla, pyānḍēla ] n a canopy, a temporary shed erected for social or religious festivals.
প্যারাশুট [ pyārāśuṭa ] n parachute.
প্যালা [ pyālā ] n a prop; reward or help given to an artiste or somebody.
প্যাসেঞ্জার [ pyāsēñjāra ] n a passenger. ☐a. meant for carrying passengers.
প্র- [ pra- ] pfx denoting excellence, celebrity, abundance, excess, intensity, extensiveness, inception etc.
প্রকট [ prakaṭa ] a clearly revealed or exposed; manifest, obvious, evident, clear. ̃নn. clear revelation or exposition, manifestation. প্রকটিতa. clearly revealed or exposed.
প্রকম্প [ prakampa ] n a severe tremor or quake. ̃নn. severe trembling, shaking or quaking. প্রকম্পিতa. severely shaken or trembling or quaking. প্রকম্পিত করাv. to cause to tremble or quake severely. প্রকম্পিত হওয়াv. to tremble or quake severely.
প্রকরণ [ prakaraṇa ] n a chapter or a part of a book; a process, a procedure; (self-sufficient) part of a process or procedure; technique; a context; a discourse. গতa. technical; procedural; contextual.
প্রকর্ষ [ prakarṣa ] n excellence; superiority; amelioration, development.
প্রকন্প [ prakanpa ] n hypothesis. প্রকল্পিতa. hypothetical; imagined.
প্রকাণ্ড [ prakāṇḍa ] a huge, colossal, enormous, monstrous, gigantic, stupendous. ☐n. a trunk of a tree. ̃কায়a. enormous in size, of great bulk, gigantic, monstrous, huge.
প্রকাম [ prakāma ] a enough, sufficient.
প্রকার [ prakāra ] n class, kind, sort, type, species, genus, variety (বহুপ্রকার খাদ্য); mode, method, way, manner, procedure, process, means (কী প্রকারে). কী কী প্রকারে, কোন প্রকারে by what means, in which way, how. কোনোনা কোনো প্রকারে by some means or other, somehow; by hook or by crook.
প্রকারণ [ prakāraṇa ] n variation. নিরন্তর প্রকারণ (bot.) continuous variation. সান্তরপ্রকারণ (bot.) discontinuous variation.
প্রকারান্তর [ prakārāntara ] n another or a different sort or mode or way or method or means. প্রকারান্তরেadv. in or by another or a different method or way; in other words; indirectly; (dero) insinuatingly.
প্রকাশ [ prakāśa ] n revelation, exposition (রহস্যপ্রকাশ, অর্থপ্রকাশ); demonstration, display, expression (দুঃখ প্রকাশ); suggestion, prognostication; appearance (আত্মপ্রকাশ); rise (সূর্যেরপ্রকাশ); efflorescence, blooming (ফুলের প্রকাশ); publication (গ্রন্হপ্রকাশ); disclosure, divulgation, divulging (গুপ্তকথাপ্রকাশ); ☐a. revealed, transpired; (journ.) stated (প্রকাশযে = it is stated that). প্রকাশ করাv. to reveal, to expose; to demonstrate, to display, to express; to suggest, to prognosticate; to cause to appear or rise or bloom; to declare, to announce; to publish; to disclose, to divulge. প্রকাশ পাওয়া, প্রকাশহওয়াv. to be revealed or exposed; to transpire; to come to light; to appear; to rise; to bloom; to be published. প্রকাশকa. revealing, exposing; demonstrating, displaying, expressing; suggesting; prognosticating; causing to appear or rise or bloom; declaring, announcing; publishing; disclosing, divulging. ☐n. a revealer, an exposer; a demonstrator, a displayer, one who or that which expresses or suggests; a prognosticator; one who or that which causes to appear or rise or bloom; a declarer, an announcer; one who discloses and divulges; a publisher (esp. of books). fem. প্রকাশিকা। প্রকাশক সংঘn. publishers' association or guild. প্রকাশন, প্রকাশনাn. publication (of books). ̃নালয়n. a publishing house. ̃নীয়a. that which can be or is to be revealed or demonstrated or published or disclosed; worth publishing. ̃মানa. appearing, rising, blooming; in the state of being revealed or published. ̃যোগ্যa. fit to be published; fit to be made public or open. প্রকাশিতa. revealed, exposed; transpired; demonstrated, displayed, expressed; suggested, prognosticated; risen, bloomed; declared, announced; published; disclosed, divulged; (journ.) stated. প্রকাশিতব্যa. that which is to be revealed or published; fit for or worthy of publication. প্রকাশ্যn. that which can be or is to be or will be revealed or demonstrated or suggested or announced or published; under publication; soon to be made known (ক্রমশপ্রকাশ্য); open to the public (প্রকাশ্যঅধিবেশন); public (প্রকাশ্যস্হান); open (প্রকাশ্য আলোচনা). প্রকাশ্য দিবালোকে in broad daylight. প্রকাশ্যে, প্রকাশ্যতadv. publicly, into the open.
প্রকীর্ণ [ prakīrṇa ] a scattered or strewn or spread about; scattered or strewn or spread far and wide; various.
প্রকীর্তন [ prakīrtana ] n wide celebrity; publicity (নামযশ প্রকীর্তন).
প্রকীর্তি [ prakīrti ] n great fame, wide celebrity.
প্রকীর্তিত [ prakīrtita ] a greatly famed or famous or renowned, widely celebrated.
প্রকুপিত [ prakupita ] a deeply enraged or angered, incensed, infuriated; excited. fem. প্রকুপিতা।
প্রকৃত [ prakṛta ] a true, real; genuine, pure; actual; right, correct; veritable (প্রকৃতবদমাশ). ̃পক্ষে, ̃প্রস্তাবেadv. in fact; actually; really, truly. ̃রূপেadv. really; rightly.
প্রকৃতার্থ [ prakṛtārtha ] n true significance, real meaning; inner significance.
প্রকৃতি [ prakṛti ] n nature (শান্তপ্রকৃতি); behaviour, habit, instinct (অসত্প্রকৃতি); natural qualities, nature (বস্তুপ্রকৃতি); the external world, nature; the power that creates and regulates the world, Nature; the primordial female energy; (phil.) illusion, maya; people or subjects; (gr.) a root word. ̃গতa. pertaining to one's nature; instinctive, habitual; pertaining to physical nature, natural. ̃জ, ̃জাতa. natural; inborn, innate, inherent, native; instinctive. ̃দত্তa. given by nature, natural; innate. ̃পুঞ্জn. pl. people or subjects. ̃পূজাn. nature-worship, animism. ̃বাদn. naturalism, materialism; (gr.) consideration of the root meaning of words, use of words in the root-meaning only, purism. ̃বাদীa. naturalistic, materialistic; (gr.) puristic. ☐n. a naturalist, a materialist; (gr.) a purist. ̃বিজ্ঞানn. physics; natural science; natural philosophy. ̃বিজ্ঞানীn. a naturalist; a physicist. ̃বিরুদ্ধa. contrary to nature. ̃স্হa. in one's natural or normal state; come to one's senses; recovered. প্রকৃতিস্হ হওয়াv. to come to one's senses; to regain one's mental balance; to recover.
প্রকৃষ্ট [ prakṛṣṭa ] a best, excellent (প্রকৃষ্ট উপায়); most auspicious or favourable or suitable (প্রকৃষ্টসময়). fem. প্রকৃষ্টা । ̃তাn. the state of being the best, excellence; auspiciousness, suitability.
প্রকোপ [ prakōpa ] n virulence, severity (জ্বরেরপ্রকোপ); excess (পিত্তের প্রকোপ); violent outbreak (কলেরারপ্রকোপ); great anger, rage; great excitement. ̃নn. excitation, excitement; provocation; enragement. প্রকোপিতa. excited; provoked; enraged; (of a disease etc.) grown virulent, aggravated; (of an epidemic etc.) violently broken out. প্রকোপিত হওয়াv. to be excited or provoked or enraged; to grow virulent, to aggravate; to break out violently.
প্রকোষ্ঠ [ prakōṣṭha ] n the part of the hand from the elbow to the wrist, the fore-arm; a room, a cabin, a compartment; a room near the gate.
প্রকৌশল [ prakauśala ] n technique; procedure.
প্রক্রম [ prakrama ] n beginning, commencement.
প্রক্রয় [ prakraẏa ] n chartering.
প্রক্রান্ত [ prakrānta ] a begun, commenced; surpassed.
প্রক্কণ [ prakkaṇa ] n sound of a lute or a vina (বীণা).
প্রক্রিয়া [ prakriẏā ] n a process, a procedure, a mode, a method.
প্রক্রীত [ prakrīta ] a chartered.
প্রক্ষালন [ prakṣālana ] n washing. প্রক্ষালন করাv. to wash.
প্রক্ষালিত [ prakṣālita ] a washed.
প্রক্ষিপ্ত [ prakṣipta ] a flung, thrown, cast; placed within or inside; interpolated. প্রক্ষিপ্তাংশn. an interpolated part, an interpolation.
প্রক্ষুদ্ধ [ prakṣuddha ] a impassioned; agitated; excited.
প্রক্ষেপ, প্রক্ষেপণ [ prakṣēpa, prakṣēpaṇa ] n flinging or casting, a throw; act or an instance of placing in side or within; an interpolation. প্রক্ষেপকa. flinging, casting, throwing, placing inside or within; interpolating. ☐n. a thrower; one who places inside or within; an interpolator. প্রক্ষেপ করাv. to hurl, to throw; to interpolate.
প্রক্ষোভ [ prakṣōbha ] n emotion; impulse; an outburst of passion.
প্রখর [ prakhara ] a very sharp or cutting; very acute or keen (প্রখর বুদ্ধি); severe (প্রখরতাপ); harsh (প্রখর বাক্য); very strict (প্রখরশাসন). fem. প্রখরা । ̃তাn. great sharpness or keenness; severity; harshness; excessive strictness.
প্রখ্যাত [ prakhyāta ] a famous, renowned, celebrated. ̃নামাa. one whose name is famous.
প্রগণ্ড [ pragaṇḍa ] n the upper arm.
প্রগত [ pragata ] a departed; past; gone, gone off; uplifted.
প্রগতি [ pragati ] n progress, advancement; (arith.) a progression.
প্রগতিবাদী [ pragatibādī ] n theory of progress. প্রগতিবাদীa. progressive. ☐n. advocate or champion or supporter or votary of progress. প্রগতিশীলa. progressive; modern. প্রগতিশীলতাn. progressive outlook, progressiveness; modernity.
প্রগল্ভ [ pragalbha ] a boastful, bragging; voluble; impertinent, saucy, impudent; unhesitating; smart; intrepid, bold; speaking unhesitatingly or smartly. প্রগল্ভাa. fem. of প্রগল্ভ ।☐n. a very sportive and wanton young woman. ̃তাn. boasting; bragging; volubility; impertinence, sauciness, impudence; absence of hesitation; smartness; intrepidity; unhesitating or smart talk.
প্রগাতা [ pragātā ] n a singer of Vedic hymns; a reciter of Vedic prayers; a singer or an nouncer.
প্রগাঢ় [ pragāḍh় ]a very thick or deep or dense; very severe; profound. ̃তাn. great thickness or depth or density; great severity; profundity.
প্রগাহ্য [ pragāhya ] a (law) cognizable.
প্রচণ্ড [ pracaṇḍa ] a furious, fierce, terrible; formidable; violent, severe. ̃তাn. furiousness, fierceness; terribleness; formidability; severity.
প্রচয় [ pracaẏa ] n culling; collection; accumulation; a multitude; increase; multiplication.
প্রচল [ pracala ] a current. ☐n. a convention. ̃নn. act of bringing into practice, introduction usage, practice; currency. প্রচলনকরাv. to bring into practice or currency; to introduce. প্রচলন হওয়াv. to be introduced or practised; to gain currency. প্রচলিতa. introduced; current, in vogue or prevailing taste; customary.
প্রচার[ pracāra ] n introduction; currency; an nouncement, proclamation; circulation; propaganda, publicity; preaching; disclosure; publication. প্রচারকরাv. to in troduce; to give currency (to); to announce, to proclaim; to circulate; to propagate; to give publicity to, to publicize; to preach; to disclose; to publish; to make public. প্রচারহওয়াv. to be introduced; to gain currency; to be announced or proclaimed or circulated or propagated; to get publicity; to be preached or disclosed or published; to become public. প্রচারকa. introducing; giving currency (to); announcing; circulating; giving publicity to; preaching; disclosing; publishing. ☐n. an in troducer; one who gives currency (to); an announcer, a proclaimer; a circulator; a missionary; a propagandist, a publicist; a preacher; a discloser; a publisher. প্রচারণn. same as প্রচারand— a communique. প্রচারণাsame as প্রচার ।প্রচার-অধিকর্তাn. director of publicity. ̃পত্রn. a pamphlet; a propaganda magazine. ̃মাধ্যমn. medium for publicity; mass-media. ̃যন্ত্রn. same as প্রচারমাধ্যম। প্রচারিতa. introduced; that which has gained currency, current; announced, proclaimed; circulated; propagated; publicized; preached; disclosed; published.
প্রচুর[ pracura ] a great in amount or degree or number; plentiful, abundant; profuse; ample; numerous; enough; sufficient. প্রচুর পরিমাণেadv. in abundance or in abundant quantity.
প্রচেতা[ pracētā ] a having a mind never to be perturbed; wise. ☐n. Varuna (বরুণ) the Water-god.
প্রচেষ্টা[ pracēṣṭā ] n (repeated or unflagging) effort, endeavour, application, persistent attempt.
প্রচ্ছদ, প্রচ্ছদপট[ pracchada, pracchadapaṭa ] n a cover or a jacket (esp. of a book).
প্রচ্ছন্ন[ pracchanna ] a covered; hidden, concealed; secret; invisible; (esp. in bot.) latent. ̃তাn. covertness; concealment; secrecy; invisibility; latency; coverture, disguise. ̃বেশেadv. in disguise, incognito. ̃ভাবেadv. covertly; secretly; invisibly; stealthily; latently.
প্রচ্ছাদন[ pracchādana ] n a cover; a thin wrapper for the upper body. প্রচ্ছাদিতa. covered, wrapped.
প্রচ্ছায়[ pracchāẏa ] n deep shade; a deeply shady place. প্রচ্ছায়াn. (phys.) umbra.
প্রজন[ prajana ] n breeding (of cattle).
প্রজনন[ prajanana ] n begetting, progeniture, generation; procreation; child-bearing; (of animals) breeding. প্রজনিকাn. fem. be getter; mother.
প্রজন্ম[ prajanma ] n a (certain) generation. নতুন প্রজন্ম the new generation. পরবর্তীপ্রজন্ম the next generation.
প্রজা[ prajā ] n created beings, creatures; off spring, progeny, a descendant; citizens collectively, the people; a citizen; a tenant, a ryot; a subject; the public. ̃তন্ত্রn. a republic. ̃তন্ত্রীa. republican. ̃পতিn. (myth.) the creator or protec tor of all living creatures; Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); any one of the ten sons of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); the butterfly. প্রজাপতিরনির্বন্ধ an ordinance or regulation of the creator or protector of living creatures; (loos.) predestination in marriage. ̃পালকn. a ruler, a king. ̃পালনn. act of protecting or ruling the people. প্রজাপালন করাv. to rule over and look after the people. ̃পীড়কa. oppressive, tyrannical. ☐n. an oppressor; a tyrant. ̃পীড়নn. oppression of subjects, tyranny. ̃বতীa. fem. having children or offspring. ̃বর্গn. the whole body of subjects or citizens, the people; the tenantry. ̃বিলিn. act or system of leasing out land and houses on fixed rents and terms. ̃বৃদ্ধিn. multiplication of a race; increase or growth of population. ̃রঞ্জনn. endeavour to please the people or subjects. ☐a. devoted to please the people or subjects. ̃শক্তিn. (pol.) the power of the people of a state, the popular power. ̃স্বত্বn. the right of a subject (to land); the right of the people (to land). ̃হিতn. the wellbeing or good of the subjects.
প্রজাত[ prajāta ] a produced, grown. fem. প্রজাতা ।
প্রজাতি[ prajāti ] n species.
প্রজ্ঞ[ prajña ] a wise, sagacious; knowing.
প্রজ্ঞপ্তি[ prajñapti ] n a communication; a notice.
প্রজ্ঞা[ prajñā ] n superior understanding or intelligence, profound wisdom; knowledge about philosophical reality. ̃চক্ষুn. eyes having superhuman or rare power of attaining knowledge; power to attain knowledge about philosophical reality. ☐a. having superhumanly or uncommonly knowing eyes; endowed with philosophical insight into the ultimate reality. ̃তa. well-known or widely known; famous. ̃নn. especial or superior knowledge; knowledge about philosophical reality; a sign, a token; a hint. ̃পকn. a propagandist; a publicity man, a publicity officer. ̃পনn. propaganda; publicity; notification; a communique. ̃পারমিতাn. culmination of knowledge; highest knowledge; (in Buddhism) the goddess of knowledge. ̃বানa. endowed with the knowledge about philosophical reality; profoundly wise.
প্রজ্বলন[ prajbalana ] n act of burning strongly; flaming; enkindling, lighting; (fig.) excitation or rousing.
প্রজ্বলিতা[ prajbalitā ] a strongly burning, flaming; enkindled, lighted; (fig.) excited or roused. প্রজ্বলিত হওয়াv. to burn strongly; to be aflame or ablaze; to be enkindled or lighted; (fig.) to be excited or roused.
প্রজ্বালন[ prajbālana ] n act of causing to burn strongly; inflaming; enkindling, ignition, lighting; (fig.) act of exciting or rousing.
প্রজ্বালিত[ prajbālita ] a caused to burn strongly; in flamed; enkindled, ignited, lighted; (fig.) excited or roused. প্রজ্বালিত করাv. to cause to burn strongly; to inflame; to enkindle, to ignite, to light; (fig.) to excite or rouse.
প্রণত[ praṇata ] a bowed or bent or lying prostrate in obeisance; stooping, bent, inclined. fem. প্রণতা । প্রণত হওয়াv. to bow or bend or lie prostrate in obeisance; to stoop, to bend, to incline. প্রণতিn. bowing or bending or lying prostrate in obeisance; stooping or bending, inclination.
প্রণম্য[ praṇamya ] a one who is to be or fit to be saluted by bowing or bending to touch the feet.
প্রণয়[ praṇaẏa ] n love; amour; affection; attach ment; friendship; amicable relation, good terms. ̃গাথাn. a love-lyric, a romantic ballad. ̃গীতিn. a lovesong, a love-lyric, an amorous ditty. ̃ঘটিতa. amatory, amorous. ̃পত্রn. a loveletter, a billet-doux. ̃পাত্রn. an object of love; a lover. ̃পীড়িতa. love-sick; lovelorn. ̃বন্ধনn. the ties of love; a love-knot, a lover's knot. ̃ভাজনn. same as প্রণয়পাত্র ।☐a. worthy of being loved; beloved. ̃লিপি same as প্রণয়পত্র । ̃লীলাn. a lover's sport, an amorous sport; (pop.) a love-affair (esp. a secret one), an affaire decoeur. ̃সম্ভাষণn. amorous talk. প্রণয়াকাঙ্ক্ষাn. a longing for love, desire for love. প্রণয়াকাঙ্ক্ষীa. longing for or desirous of love. প্রণয়ানুরাগn. love or passion (for). প্রণয়ানুরাগীa. enamoured of. fem. প্রণয়ানুরাগিনী । প্রণয়াসক্তa. in love with; smitten with love (for). প্রণয়াস্পদ same as প্রণয়ভাজন ।
প্রণয়ন[ praṇaẏana ] n act of making; composition (গ্রন্হপ্রণয়ন), compilation; creation (সৃষ্টিপ্রণয়ন); act of drawing up (আইনপ্রণয়ন). প্রণয়ন করাv. to make; to compose, to compile; to create; to draw up.
প্রণয়ী[ praṇaẏī ] n a lover; a gallant. ☐a. given to loving; amorous. প্রণয়িনীn. fem. a sweetheart, a lady-love; a mistress. ☐a. fem. of প্রণয়ী।
প্রণাম[ praṇāma ] n act of making obeisance by lying prostrate or bending and touching one's feet (cp. kowtow). প্রণাম করাv. to lie prostrate or bend and touch one's feet in obeisance. প্রণামীn. a present or money given at the time of making obeisance (গুরুপ্রণামী).
প্রণালী[ praṇālī ] n a drain; an aqueduct; (geog.) a strait, a channel; a procedure, a mode, a method, a system. ̃বদ্ধa. methodical, systematic. প্রণালীবদ্ধ করাv. to systematize.
প্রণাশ[ praṇāśa ] n annihilation, destruction, extinction; death. প্রনষ্টa. annihilated, destroyed.
প্রণিধান[ praṇidhāna ] n close attention; profound meditation; deep consideration; earnest application or employment. প্রণিধান করাv. to pay close attention to; to meditate deeply; to consider deeply; to apply or employ earnestly (to). ̃যোগ্যa. deserving close attention or deep consideration.
প্রণিধি[ praṇidhi ] n a spy; an emissary; a guide (কন্যাপ্রণিধি); close attention; meditation; deep consideration; earnest application; solicitation.
প্রণিয়ম[ praṇiẏama ] n regulation.
প্রণীত[ praṇīta ] a made; composed; compiled; created; drawn up; (of books etc) written.
প্রণেতা[ praṇētā ] n a maker; a composer; a compiler; a creator; one who draws up. fem. প্রণেত্রী।
প্রণোদন[ praṇōdana ] n incitement, instigation; inducement, encouragement.
প্রণোদিত[ praṇōdita ] a incited, induced; encouraged. প্রণোদিত করাv. to incite, to instigate; to induce, to encourage.
প্রতত[ pratata ] a wide; widespread; extended; expanded.
প্রতপ্ত[ pratapta ] a very much heated or hot or angered or excited.
প্রতর্ক[ pratarka ] n doubt; hesitation; assumption; supposition; consideration.
প্রতান[ pratāna ] n (of creepers etc.) tension; a tendril.
প্রতাপ[ pratāpa ] n might, power; prowess; domineering influence; heat. ̃শালীপ্রতাপান্বিত, প্রতাপীa. mighty, powerful; domineeringly influential; (of the sun etc.) strongly burning or shining.
প্রতারক[ pratāraka ] n a cheat; a swindler, a sharper; an imposter, a deceiver; a beguiler; a chicaner.
প্রতারণা, প্রতারণ[ pratāraṇā, pratāraṇa ] n cheating; deception, chicanery; a deceit; a swindle, a fraud; hoodwinking; beguilement. প্রতারণা করাv. to cheat; to deceive; to swindle; to impose upon; to hoodwink; to beguile. প্রতারণামূলকa. fraudulent; deceitful.
প্রতারিত[ pratārita ] a cheated; deceived; swindled; beguiled. fem. প্রতারিতা ।
প্রতি1 [ prati1 ] prep towards (গৃহের প্রতি); to (পুত্রের প্রতি); regarding, concerning (ফুলের প্রতি আকর্ষণ).
প্রতি2 [ prati2 ] pfx denoting every, each; substi tuting, deputizing, vice-; counter-, re-, proximity, neighbourhood (প্রতিবাসী); contrary, anti-; similar, exact (প্রতিমূর্তি); equal (প্রতিযোগিতা).
প্রতি-আক্রমণ[ prati-ākramaṇa ] n a counter-attack.
প্রতিকর্তা[ pratikartā ] a redressing; remedying, avenging; preventing; counteracting. ☐n. a redresser; an avenger; a preventer; a counteractor.
প্রতিকর্ম[ pratikarma ] n redress; remedying; avenging; prevention; counteraction; dressing, toilet.
প্রতিকল্প[ pratikalpa ] n a substitute. প্রতিকল্পনn. substi tution.
প্রতিকার[ pratikāra ] n redress; remedy; revenge; prevention; counteraction. প্রতিকার করাv. to redress; to remedy; to avenge; to prevent; to counteract.
প্রতিকার্য [ pratikārya ] a redressible; remediable; that which can be or is to be avenged or counteracted; preventible.
প্রতিকূল[ pratikūla ] a opposed; contrary; hostile, malignant; adverse; unfavourable. ̃তাn. opposition; contrariety; antagonism, hostility, malignancy; adverseness, disfavour. প্রতিকূলতা করাv. to oppose; to be hostile to; to antagonize. প্রতিকূলাচরণn. opposition; antagonism, hostility. প্রতিকূলেprep. against.
প্রতিকৃত[ pratikṛta ] a redressed; remedied; avenged; prevented; counteracted.
প্রতিকৃতি[ pratikṛti ] n a portrait; an image.
প্রতিক্রম[ pratikrama ] n inverse or reverse order.
প্রতিক্রিয়া[ pratikriẏā ] n a reaction; a response; an anti-progressive act or conduct; a swingback; counteraction. ̃শীলa. (pol.) anti-progressive, reactionary; (rare) responsive, reactive. ̃শীলতাn. the quality or state of being reactionary; obscurantism; opposition to progressiveness. প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল হওয়াv. to react; to be reactionary. প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল ব্যক্তিa reactionary.
প্রতিক্ষণ[ pratikṣaṇa ] adv every moment; always.
প্রতিক্ষিপ্ত[ pratikṣipta ] a rebounded. প্রতিক্ষিপ্ত হওয়াv. to rebound.
প্রতিক্ষেপণ[ pratikṣēpaṇa ] n act of throwing back or rebounding. প্রতিক্ষেপণ করাv. to throw back, to rebound.
প্রতিগমন[ pratigamana ] n return. প্রতিগমন করাv. to go back, to return, to recede.
প্রতিগামী[ pratigāmī ] a returning; receding.
প্রতিগৃহীত[ pratigṛhīta ] a accepted.
প্রতিগ্রহ[ pratigraha ] n acceptance of a gift; acceptance; a gift, a present; a promise, a pledge; (astrol.) a malignant planet or star. প্রতিগ্রহণn. acceptance of a gift; acceptance. প্রতিগ্রহণীয়a. acceptable.
প্রতিগ্রাহ[ pratigrāha ] n acceptance, acceptance of a gift. প্রতিগ্রাহিতa. caused to accept a gift. প্রতিগ্রাহীa. accepting a gift.
প্রতিগ্রাহ্য[ pratigrāhya ] a acceptable.
প্রতিঘাত[ pratighāta ] n a counter-stroke, a counter blow. প্রতিঘাত হানাv. to deal (one) a counter-blow. প্রতিঘাতনn. act of killing. প্রতিঘাতীa. killing. fem. প্রতিঘাতিনী।
প্রতিচিত্র[ praticitra ] a a blue print. ̃মুদ্রকn. a blue printer.
প্রতিচ্ছায়া[ praticchāẏā ] n a reflection; a shadow; an image, a likeness; resemblance, likeness.
প্রতিজিহ্বা[ pratijihbā ] n uvula.
প্রতিজ্ঞা[ pratijñā ] n a solemn resolve or declaration; a vow; a promise, a pledge; (geom.) a theorem or a problem or a proposition. প্রতিজ্ঞা করাv. to resolve or declare solemnly; to promise. প্রতিজ্ঞাতa. resolved; promised; accepted; proposed. ̃পত্রn. a written promise or agreement, a bond; a written confession. ̃পালনn. act of keeping a prom ise. প্রতিজ্ঞাপালন করাv. to keep a promise. ̃বদ্ধa. bound by a promise, under a pledge. ̃ভঙ্গn. a breach of promise. প্রতিজ্ঞাভঙ্গকরাv. to break a promise. ̃ভঙ্গকারীa. promise-breaking. ☐n. a promise-breaker.
প্রতিদত্ত[ pratidatta ] a given in return or exchange; required; returned.
প্রতিদান[ pratidāna ] n a gift or payment in return of another; exchange; requital, requite; retribution; repayment; revenge. প্রতিদান দেওয়াv. to give in return or exchange; to requite, to retribute; to repay; to take revenge upon. ̃হীনa. unrequiting.
প্রতিদিন[ pratidina ] adv everyday, daily; perdiem, each day (প্রতিদিন কতমজুরি); day by day.
প্রতিদিষ্ট[ pratidiṣṭa ] a overruled.
প্রতিদেয়[ pratidēẏa ] a that which is to be or can be given in return or exchange; requitable, retributable.
প্রতিদ্বন্দ্ব, প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা[ pratidbandba, pratidbandbitā ] n mutual hostility or strife; rivalry; competition. প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতাকরাv. to fight or contend with; to rival; to vie or compete with. প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতামূলকa. competitive. প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীa. contending; rivalling; competing; hostile. ☐n. a contender; a rival; a competitor; an adversary. fem. প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিনী ।
প্রতিধ্বনি[ pratidhbani ] n an echo, a reverberation. প্রতিধ্বনি করাv. to echo, to reverberate. প্রতিধ্বনিতa. echoed, reverberated, resounded.
প্রতিনমস্কার[ pratinamaskāra ] n salutation in reply to a salutation.
প্রতিনিধি[ pratinidhi ] n a deputy; an agent; a represen tative; a delegate; a substitute; a proxy. রাজপ্রতিনিধিn. a viceroy. প্রতিনিধিত্বn. office or tenure of a deputy or agent or representative or substitute. প্রতিনিধিত্বকরাv. to deputize; to act as an agent of; to represent; to act as a delegate or substitute or proxy of. ̃বর্গn. a delegation, a deputation, body of representatives. ̃সভাn. a meeting of delegates or deputies or representatives.
প্রতিনিবর্তন[ pratinibartana ] n return; refraining or desistance.
প্রতিনিবৃত্ত[ pratinibṛtta ] a returned; having refrained or desisted (from). প্রতিনিবৃত্ত হওয়াv. to return (from); to refrain or desist (from). প্রতিনিবৃত্তি same as প্রতিনিবর্তন ।
প্রতিনিয়ত[ pratiniẏata ] adv every moment, constantly, always.
প্রতিনির্দেশ[ pratinirdēśa ] n cross-reference.
প্রতিপক্ষ[ pratipakṣa ] n the hostile party; the opposite party, the opposition; the opponent; an enemy; a rival; (in law) a defendant. প্রতিপক্ষীয়a. of the opposite side or party or camp, of the contending side or camp.
প্রতিপত্তি[ pratipatti ] n honour; good standing; dominating or powerful influence; influence; power; (rare) proof. ̃শালী ̃শীল, ̃সম্পন্নa. enjoying honour; well-established; having domineering influence; influential; powerful.
প্রতিপত্র[ pratipatra ] n a counterfoil.
প্রতিপদ[ pratipada ] n the first lunar day of a month.
প্রতিপদে[ pratipadē ] adv at every step; constantly.
প্রতিপন্ন[ pratipanna ] a ascertained; corroborated, confirmed; verified; proved, substantiated. প্রতিপন্ন করাv. to prove, to substantiate.
প্রতিপাদ[ pratipāda ] a antipodal. ̃স্হানn. (geog.) the antipodes.
প্রতিপাদক[ pratipādaka ] a ascertaining; corroborating, confirming; verifying; proving, substantiating; performing.
প্রতিপাদন[ pratipādana ] n ascertainment; corroboration, confirmation; verification; proving, substantiation; accomplishment, performance. প্রতিপাদন করাv. to ascertain; to corroborate, to confirm; to verify; to prove, to substantiate; to accomplish, to perform. প্রতিপাদনীয় same as প্রতিপাদ্য ।
প্রতিপাদিকা[ pratipādikā ] fem of প্রতিপাদক ।
প্রতিপাদিত[ pratipādita ] a ascertained; corroborated, confirmed; verified; proved, substantiated; accomplished, performed.
প্রতিপাদ্য[ pratipādya ] a to be ascertained or corroborated or confirmed or verified or proved or substantiated or accomplished or performed; ascertainable; confirmable; verifiable; provable; accomplishable, performable.
প্রতিপালক[ pratipālaka ] a bringing up, rearing, fostering; feeding, maintaining; keeping, observing; complying, obeying; protecting, looking after the well-being of. ☐n. one who brings up, a rearer, a fosterer; a feeder, a maintainer; a keeper, an observer; one who complies (with) or obeys; a protector, a guardian.
প্রতিপালন[ pratipālana ] n upbringing; rearing; fostering (সন্তান-প্রতিপালন); feeding; mainte nance (পরিজন-প্রতিপালন); keeping, observance (প্রতিশ্রুতি-প্রতিপালন); act of obeying, compliance (আদেশ প্রতিপালন); protection, act of looking after the well-being of (প্রজা-প্রতিপালন). প্রতিপালনকরাv. to bring up; to rear; to foster; to feed, to maintain; to keep, to observe; to comply with, to obey; to protect, to look after the well-being of. প্রতিপালনীয় same as প্রতিপাল্য ।
প্রতিপালিকা[ pratipālikā ] fem of প্রতিপালক ।
প্রতিপালিত[ pratipālita ] a brought up; reared; fostered; fed; maintained; observed; complied with, obeyed; protected, taken care of. fem. প্রতিপালিতা
প্রতিপাল্য[ pratipālya ] a worthy of being brought up or reared or fostered or fed or maintained or kept or observed or complied with or obeyed or protected or taken care of.
প্রতিপোষক[ pratipōṣaka ] a corroborative, bearing out; supporting; aiding.
প্রতিপোষণ[ pratipōṣaṇa ] n corroboration, act of bearing out; act of supporting or aiding.
প্রতিপ্রভ[ pratiprabha ] a (phys. & bot.) fluorescent. প্রতিপ্রভাn. fluorescence.
প্রতিপ্রশ্ন[ pratipraśna ] n a counter-question.
প্রতিফল[ pratiphala ] n retributory punishment, retribution, requite, requital; relation, revenge; (loos.) punishment. উপযুক্তপ্রতিফল just retribution. প্রতিফল দেওয়াv. to mete out retributory punishment (to); to take revenge upon; to punish. প্রতিফলপাওয়াv. to suffer the consequences; to be punished.
প্রতিফলন[ pratiphalana ] n reflection (as in a mirror).প্রতিফলন কোণn. (phys.) angle of reflection. প্রতিফলিতa. reflected. প্রতিফলিতকরাv. to reflect. প্রতিফলিতহওয়াv. to reflect.
প্রতিবন্ধ[ pratibandha ] n an obstacle, a hindrance; a frustration. ☐a. hindered, obstructed; frustrated. প্রতিবন্ধকa. obstructing, hindering; opposing. ☐n. an obstacle. প্রতিবন্ধকতা same as প্রতিবন্ধ (n.). প্রতিবন্ধীa. obstructed; obstructing; suffering from physical or mental disability, (inc. but pop.) handicapped.
প্রতিবর্ণীকরণ[ pratibarṇīkaraṇa ] n transliteration; transcribing in the character or script of another language. প্রতিবর্ণীকৃতa. transliterated.
প্রতিবর্তন[ pratibartana ] n obversion.
প্রতিবল[ pratibala ] a equally strong or powerful. ☐n. a hostile army or forces.
প্রতিবস্তূপমা[ pratibastūpamā ] n (rhet.) a parallel simile.
প্রতিবাক্য[ pratibākya ] n an answer, a reply; a retort; an adverse comment.
প্রতিবাত[ pratibāta ] a windward. প্রতিবাতেadv. wind wards.
প্রতিবাদ[ pratibāda ] n a counter-plea, a counter-argument; a protest; a counter. প্রতিবাদকরাv. to put forth a counter-plea or counter-argument; to protest. ̃সভাn. a protest meeting. প্রতিবাদীa. pleading against; pleading in reply; protesting; opposing, contending (against). ☐n. (in law) a defendant, a respondent. fem. প্রতিবাদিনী ।
প্রতিবাসী[ pratibāsī ] a living or residing in the neighbourhood. ☐n. a neighbour. fem. প্রতিবাসিনী ।
প্রতিবিধান[ pratibidhāna ] n a counter-action or counter measure; remedy, redress; revenge. প্রতিবিধানকরাv. to take measures against; to remedy, to redress; to avenge.
প্রতিবিধিত্সা[ pratibidhitsā ] n desire of taking measures against or remedying or redressing; revengefulness. প্রতিবিধিত্সুa. desirous of taking measures against or remedying or redressing; revengeful; avenging.
প্রতিবিধেয় [ pratibidhēẏa ] a remediable, redressable.
প্রতিবিপ্লব [ pratibiplaba ] n a counter-revolution. প্রতিবিপ্লবীa. counter-revolutionary.
প্রতিবিম্ব [ pratibimba ] n a reflected image, a reflection, an image. প্রতিবিম্বনn. act of being reflected, reflection. প্রতিবিম্বিতa. reflected.
প্রতিবিষ[ pratibiṣa ] n an anti-toxin; an antidote.
প্রতিবিহিত[ pratibihita ] a remedied, redressed, righted, avenged.
প্রতিবেদন[ pratibēdana ] n a petition of complaint; a report.
প্রতিবেশ[ pratibēśa ] n dwelling-houses in the neighbourhood; environs, surroundings; environment. প্রতিবেশী same as প্রতিবাসী ।fem. প্রতিবেশিনী ।
প্রতিবোধ, প্রতিবোধন[ pratibōdha, pratibōdhana ] n manifestation, revelation; awakening; consolation. প্রতিবোধিতa. manifested, revealed; awakened; consoled.
প্রতিভা[ pratibhā ] n keen intelligence; presence of mind; inventive or creative faculty; genius; glow; brilliance. ̃বান same as প্রতিভাধর ।
প্রতিভাত[ pratibhāta ] a brightly appearing, shiningly visible; manifest, clearly revealed; clearly known; lighted; reflected.
প্রতিভাধর, প্রতিভাশালী, প্রতিভাসম্পন্ন[ pratibhādhara, pratibhāśālī, pratibhāsampanna ] a keenly intelligent; endowed with exceptional inventive or creative faculty; endowed with genius. প্রতিভাধর ব্যক্তি a man of genius, a genius.
প্রতিভার[ pratibhāra ] n counter-balance.
প্রতিভাষ[ pratibhāṣa ] n an answer, a reply.
প্রতিভাস[ pratibhāsa ] n radiance, illumination; manifestation; revelation. প্রতিভাসিতa. radiant; manifested or revealed.
প্রতিভূ[ pratibhū ] n a representative, a deputy, an agent, a substitute; a hostage.
প্রতিভূতি-পত্র[ pratibhūti-patra ] n bail-bond.
প্রতিম[ pratima ] a (in. comp. used as a sfx.) like, resembling, equal to.
প্রতিমা[ pratimā ] n an icon, an image; an idol. ̃চূর্ণকারীa. iconoclastic. ☐n. an iconoclast. ̃চূর্ণন iconoclasm. ̃নিরঞ্জন, ̃বিসর্জনn. the ceremonial immersion of an idol. ̃পূজকn. an idolater, an iconolater, an image-worshipper. ☐a. idolatrous. ̃পূজাn. idolatry, iconolatry, image-worship. ̃পূজাবিরোধীa. opposed to image-worship; iconoclastic. ̃শিল্পn. the art of making images. ̃শিল্পিn. the artist who makes an image.
প্রতিমান[ pratimāna ] n a model, a pattern; (phys.) balancing, a weight. প্রতিমান করাv. (phys.) to balance.
প্রতিমুখ [ pratimukha ] n a direction towards one; front. ☐a. (mech.) unlike; (bot.) opposite; facing. প্রতিমুখেprep. in the direction of.
প্রতিমুহুর্ত [ pratimuhurta ] adv every moment; always.
প্রতিমূর্তি[ pratimūrti ] n an image, an icon, a portrait, a likeness; an exactly similar figure or appearance.
প্রতিযোগ[ pratiyōga ] n antipathy; enmity, hostility; quarrel; rivalry; competition. প্রতিযোগিতাn. rivalry; competition; vying. প্রতিযোগিতা করাv. to compete or vie (with). প্রতিযোগিতামূলক, প্রতিযোগীতাপূর্ণa. competitive. প্রতিযোগীa. rivalling; competing; vying; (geom.) conjugate. ☐n. a rival; a competitor. fem. প্রতিযোগিনী ।
প্রতিযোজন[ pratiyōjana ] n (bot.) adaptation.
প্রতিযোদ্ধা[ pratiyōddhā ] n an opponent in duelling, an antagonist, a rival.
প্রতিরক্ষা[ pratirakṣā ] n defence. প্রতিরক্ষা-মন্ত্রকn. the ministry of defence.
প্রতিরুদ্ধ[ pratiruddha ] a prevented; checked, resisted; obstructed; opposed; blockaded; stopped. প্রতিরুদ্ধ করা same as প্রতিরোধকরা ।
প্রতিরূপ[ pratirūpa ] n an image, a likeness; an exactly similar figure or appearance; a reflected image, a reflection, likeness, resemblance. ☐a. similar; like, exactly resembling.
প্রতিরোধ[ pratirōdha ] n prevention; check, resistance; obstruction; opposition; an obstacle, a blockade; stoppage. প্রতিরোধ করাv. to prevent; to check, to resist; to obstruct; to oppose; to blockade; to stop. প্রতিরোধক, প্রতিরোধীa. preventive; resistant; resisting; obstructive; obstructing; opposing; blockading; stopping. ̃শক্তিn. the power of or capacity for resistance or opposition. প্রতিরোধিতa. obstructed, resisted; opposed; stopped; prevented.
প্রতিলিপি[ pratilipi ] n a replica, a facsimile, a transcript, a copy.
প্রতিলেখ[ pratilēkha ] n act of copying; transcription; a transcript, a copy. প্রতিলেখকn. a copyist. প্রতিলেখনn. copying.
প্রতিলোম[ pratilōma ] n reverse, inverse. প্রতিলোমবিবাহ marriage of a high-caste bride with a low-caste bridegroom. প্রতিলোমজa. born of a low-caste father and a high-caste mother.
প্রতিশব্দ[ pratiśabda ] n a synonym; an echo.
প্রতিশয়, প্রতিশয়ন[ pratiśaẏa, pratiśaẏana ] n a persistent squatting at the temple of a deity for divine favour or boon. প্রতিশয়িতa. thus squatting.
প্রতিশোধ [ pratiśōdha ] n revenge; requital; retaliation. প্রতিশোধ নেওয়াv. to requite; to retaliate; to take revenge (upon); to pay (a person) in his own coin, to give tit for tat, to avenge.
প্রতিশ্রুত[ pratiśruta ] a promised, pledged; promise bound; covenanted. প্রতিশ্রুত হওয়াv. to pledge oneself, to commit oneself by a promise. প্রতিশ্রুতিn. a promise, a pledge; a covenant. প্রতিশ্রুতি ভঙ্গn. breach of or withdrawal from a promise or contract or pledge.
প্রতিষেধ [ pratiṣēdha ] n prohibition, forbiddance; prevention; an antidote; therapeutics; a therapeutical drug. প্রতিষিদ্ধa. prohibited, forbidden. প্রতিষেধকa. prohibitive; preventive; prophylactic, therapeutical, antidotal. ☐n. a therapeutical or antidotal drug; an antidote, a prophylactic.
প্রতিষ্ঠা[ pratiṣṭhā ] n setting up, establishment, foundation (বিদ্যালয়-প্রতিষ্ঠা, বংশপ্রতিষ্ঠা); solemn dedication, consecration (পুকুরপ্রতিষ্ঠা); installation (বিগ্রহপ্রতিষ্ঠা); observance (of a vow etc.); settling down, habilitation; good footing or standing, fame, reputation (প্রতিষ্ঠালাভ). প্রতিষ্ঠা করাv. to set up, to establish, to found; to dedicate solemnly, to consecrate; to instal; to make one settle down. প্রতিষ্ঠাপাওয়াv. to gain a good footing or standing; to earn fame or reputation. প্রতিষ্ঠাতাn. an establisher, a founder; a dedicator; one who instals or causes to settle down. fem. প্রতিষ্ঠাত্রী । ̃ধিকারn. goodwill (as of a business firm). প্রতিষ্ঠানn. an institute, an institution, an establishment. ̃পকn. same as প্রতিষ্ঠাতা। ̃পনn. setting up, establishment, foundation; solemn dedication, consecration; installation; settling down, habilitation. ̃পয়িতা same as প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ।fem. ̃পয়িত্রী । ̃পিতa. set up, established, founded; solemnly dedicated, consecrated; installed; settled down, habilitated. ̃বানa. having a good footing or standing; famous, reputed.
প্রতিসংহার [ pratisaṃhāra ] n withholding (of weapons etc.); warding off. প্রতিসংহার করাv. to hold back, to withhold; to ward off, to stave off.
প্রতিসংহৃত [ pratisaṃhṛta ] a (of weapons etc.) held back, withheld; warded off.
প্রতিসম [ pratisama ] a symmetrical. প্রতিসাম্য symmetry.
প্রতিসরণ [ pratisaraṇa ] n (phys.) refraction. প্রতিসরণকরাv. to refract. প্রতিসরণকোণ angle of refraction. প্রতিসরণীয়a. refrangible.
প্রতিসরাঙ্ক [ pratisarāṅka ] n (phys.) refracting index.
প্রতিসর্গ [ pratisarga ] n (myth.) expansion of the creation after the original one, the secondary creation; universal dissolution.
প্রতিসারণ [ pratisāraṇa ] n removal; withdrawal. প্রতিসারণ করাv. to remove; to draw or lead away, to withdraw.
প্রতিসারিত [ pratisārita ] a removed; led away.
প্রতিসারী [ pratisārī ] a going in an opposite direction; refracting; going against.
প্রতিসৃত [ pratisṛta ] a (phys.) refracted.
প্রতিস্পর্ধা [ pratispardhā ] n audacity, arrogance; defiance; challenge; spirit of challenge. প্রতিস্পর্ধীa. arrogant, audacious; challenging; emulative.
প্রতিস্বাক্ষর [ pratisbākṣara ] n countersignature. প্রতিস্বাক্ষরিতa. countersigned.
প্রতিহত [ pratihata ] a checked, prevented; repelled, staved off; obstructed; hurt in return; hurt; প্রতিহত করাv. to check, to prevent; to repel, to repulse, to stave off, to beat back, to obstruct.
প্রতিহনন [ pratihanana ] n act of killing a slayer.
প্রতিহন্তা [ pratihantā ] a. & n one who kills a slayer. fem. প্রতিহন্ত্রী ।
প্রতিহার [ pratihāra ] n a gate or a door; a doorkeeper, a gateman, a porter (fem. porteress portress), a janitor (fem. janitrix, janitress); an armed guard stationed at a door or a gate, act of giving up, abandonment, avoidance; a race of ancient India. প্রতিহারীn. an armed guard stationed at a door or a gate; a doorkeeper, a gateman, a porter. fem. প্রতিহারিণী ।
প্রতিহার্য [ pratihārya ] a that which should be given up or abandoned or avoided.
প্রতিহিংসা [ pratihiṃsā ] n revenge, retaliation. প্রতিহিংসাগ্রহণ করাv. to take revenge (upon), to retaliate, to avenge. ̃পরায়ণa. vindictive, revengeful, retaliative. প্রতিহিংসিতa. one upon whom revenge has been taken.
প্রতীক [ pratīka ] n a symbol; a sign. ̃বাদ, ̃তাn. symbolism. প্রতীক ধর্মঘট a token strike. প্রতীকীa. symbolic, symbolical. প্রতীকিতাn. symbolism.
প্রতীক্ষমাণ [ pratīkṣamāṇa ] a waiting for, awaiting; expecting, expectant. fem. প্রতীক্ষমাণা।
প্রতীক্ষা [ pratīkṣā ] n act of waiting for, awaiting; expectation. প্রতীক্ষা করাv. to wait for, to await; to expect. ̃লয়n. a waitingroom.
প্রতীক্ষিত [ pratīkṣita ] a awaited; expected.
প্রতীক্ষ্যমাণ [ pratīkṣyamāṇa ] a one being waited for; that is being waited for.
প্রতীচী [ pratīcī ] n the west; the western world, the western hemisphere, the Occident.
প্রতীচীন, প্রতীচ্য [ pratīcīna, pratīcya ] a of the west or of the western world, western, occidental.
প্রতীত [ pratīta ] a realized, understood, cognized; having formed a notion; believing, convinced. প্রতীতিn. realization, understanding, cognition; a notion, an impression; a belief, a conviction.
প্রতীপ [ pratīpa ] a (geom.) vertically opposite; opposite or negative. ☐n. (rhet.) a reversed simile. ̃কোণn. (geom.) a vertically opposite angle. ̃গতিn. retrogression; (astr.) retrograde motion. প্রতীপ চাপ (phys.) negative pressure. প্রতীপ স্রোত (geog.) an anti-current.
প্রতীয়মান [ pratīẏamāna ] a that which is being or capable of being realized or cognized or known; suggested (প্রতীয়মান সূর্য), (loos.) evident or visible. প্রতীয়মানহওয়াv. to appear, to wear the look of; to seem; to be evident, to be manifest.
প্রতুল [ pratula ] n abundance, plenty; prosperity, richness. ☐a. abundant, plentiful.
প্রত্ন [ pratna ] n ancient, old, ̃তত্ত্ব, ̃বিদ্যাn. archaeology. ̃তত্ত্ববিত্, ̃বিদn. archaeolo gist; an antiquary, an antiquarian. ̃তত্ত্বীয়, ̃তাত্ত্বিকa. archaeological; antiquarian.
প্রত্নজীববিদ্যা [ pratnajībabidyā ] n palaeontology. প্রত্নোদ্ভিদবিদ্যাn. palaeo-botany. প্রত্নপ্রাণীবিদ্যাn. palaeo zoology.
প্রত্যক্চৈতন্য [ pratyakcaitanya ] n subconscious, subconsciousness.
প্রত্যক্ষ [ pratyakṣa ] a perceptible by senses; perceptible, visible, apparent; manifest, evident, clear; direct (প্রত্যক্ষ করা). ☐n. senseperception; perception; a percept. প্রত্যক্ষ করাv. to perceive by senses; to perceive directly; to see, to visualize. প্রত্যক্ষউক্তি (gr.) direct speech or narration. প্রত্যক্ষদিগন্ত the visible or apparent horizon. প্রত্যক্ষফল direct or immediate result or consequence; (loos.) visible consequence. ̃করn. a direct tax. ̃কারী same as প্রত্যক্ষদর্শী। ̃গোচরa. directly perceptible; visible; perceptible by senses. ̃জ্ঞানn. direct knowledge. প্রত্যক্ষতadv. apparently. ̃দর্শনn. direct perception, visualization, act of seeing with one's own eyes. ̃দর্শীa. directly perceiving, visualizing, seeing with one's own eyes. ☐n. an eye-witness. ̃প্রমাণn. visible evidence, direct proof. ̃বাদn. materialism; positivism. ̃বাদীa. materialistic; positivistic. ☐n. a materialist; a positivist. প্রত্যক্ষসাক্ষ্য direct evidence. প্রত্যক্ষী same as প্রত্যক্ষদর্শী। প্রত্যক্ষীকরণn. visualization, witnessing; perception; sense-perception. প্রত্যক্ষীকৃতa. seen with one's own eyes, directly seen, witnessed; perceived; perceived by senses. প্রত্যক্ষীভূতa. visible; directly seen; perceived or perceivable by senses.
প্রত্যগাত্মা [ pratyagātmā ] n the Supreme Being, God; the human soul endowed with the knowledge about theological and philosophical reality.
প্রত্যঙ্গ [ pratyaṅga ] n a subsidiary or minor limb, an appendage; (fig.) a small component or subsidiary part.
প্রত্যন্ত [ pratyanta ] a lying on or adjoining the border, bordering (on), contiguous, neighbouring. ☐n. the border; the frontier region, the frontier; (in the Puranas) the land of Mlechhas (ম্লেচ্ছ). ̃পর্বতn. a hillock beside a mountain. ̃প্রদেশn. a neighbouring country; the frontier; outskirts. ̃বাসীa. dwelling on the outskirts of a town or village or country; dwelling on a frontier.
প্রত্যবায় [ pratyabāẏa ] n sin; vice; harm. প্রত্যবায়ীa. sinful; vicious; harmful.
প্রত্যবেক্ষণ [ pratyabēkṣaṇa ] n enquiry; scrutiny; research; supervision.
প্রত্যভিজ্ঞা, প্রত্যভিজ্ঞান [ pratyabhijñā, pratyabhijñāna ] n recognition.
প্রত্যভিবাদ, প্রত্যাভিবাদন [ pratyabhibāda, pratyābhibādana ] n a salute or salutation in return. প্রত্যাভিবাদনকরাv. to salute in return, to return a salute.
প্রত্যভিযোগ [ pratyabhiyōga ] n a countercharge. প্রত্যভিযোগকরাv. to bring a countercharge.
প্রত্যয় [ pratyaẏa ] n trust; belief; confidence; conviction; firm impression or notion; (gr.) an inflection. প্রত্যয় করাv. to believe, to trust, to have confidence (in). ̃জনক, ̃যোগ্যa. trustworthy, believable, worthy of belief, credible; convincing. প্রত্যয়িতa. trusty. প্রত্যয়ীa. believing; trusting; confident.
প্রত্যর্থী [ pratyarthī ] n (in law) a contestant, a defendant, an opponent, an opposite party; an accused.
প্রত্যর্পণ [ pratyarpaṇa ] n giving back, return, repayment; restoration. প্রত্যর্পণ করাv. to give back, to return, to repay; to restore (to). প্রত্যর্পিতa. given back, returned, repaid; restored.
প্রত্যহ [ pratyaha ] adv everyday; daily; day by day; perdiem.
প্রত্যাকর্ষণ [ pratyākarṣaṇa ] n counter-attraction.
প্রত্যাখ্যাত [ pratyākhyāta ] a rejected, refused; discarded; disallowed; unentertained; (rare) neglected, slighted.
প্রত্যাখ্যান [ pratyākhyāna ] n rejection, refusal; discardment; disallowance, refusal of permission; refusal to entertain; (rare) neglect, slight. প্রত্যাখ্যান করাv. to refuse to accept, to reject, to refuse; to discard; to disallow, to refuse permission; to refuse to entertain, to disappoint; (rare) to neglect, to slight.
প্রত্যাগত [ pratyāgata ] a come-back, returned; (mech.) recoiled. প্রত্যাগতিn. return movement; return; (mech.) recoil.
প্রত্যাগমন [ pratyāgamana ] n a come-back; coming back; return. প্রত্যাগমন করাv. to come back, to return; (mech.) to recoil.
প্রত্যাঘাত [ pratyāghāta ] n a counterblow. প্রত্যাঘাত করাv. to deal a counterblow, to strike back.
প্রত্যাদিষ্ট [ pratyādiṣṭa ] a divinely commanded or inspired; voided, repealed.
প্রত্যাদেশ [ pratyādēśa ] n a divine command or inspiration, a commandment; a divine an nouncement, an oracle; nullification, voidance, repeal.
প্রত্যানয়ন [ pratyānaẏana ] n bringing back; act of bringing again. প্রত্যানয়ন করাv. to bring back; to bring again.
প্রত্যানীত [ pratyānīta ] a brought back; brought again.
প্রত্যাবর্তন [ pratyābartana ] n coming or going back, return. প্রত্যাবর্তন করাv. to come or go back, to return.
প্রত্যাবাসন [ pratyābāsana ] n repatriation. প্রত্যাবাসন সাহায্যn. repatriation benefit. প্রত্যাবাসিতa. repatriated.
প্রত্যাবৃত্ত [ pratyābṛtta ] a come or gone back, returned. fem. প্রত্যাবৃত্তা ।প্রত্যাবৃত্ত হওয়াv. to come or go back, to return.
প্রত্যায়ন [ pratyāẏana ] n attestation. প্রত্যায়িতa. attested.
প্রত্যালীঢ় [ pratyālīḍh় ] n the kneeling posture of an archer whilst shooting with his right leg doubled in the front and the left stretched out at the back.
প্রত্যাশা [ pratyāśā ] n hope; longing; prospect; expectation; awaiting. প্রত্যাশা করাv. to hope or long (for); to expect; to await. প্রত্যাশিতa. hoped; longed for; prospective; expected; awaited. প্রত্যাশীa. hoping or longing for; expectant; awaiting.
প্রত্যাসন্ন [ pratyāsanna ] a very near, contiguous; that which is round the corner; imminent, impending.
প্রত্যাহত [ pratyāhata ] a beaten back, repulsed, warded off, staved off; prevented; obstructed, resisted; frustrated; foiled.
প্রত্যাহরণ, প্রত্যাহার [ pratyāharaṇa, pratyāhāra ] n withdrawal; retraction; revocation; repeal; (phil.) abstraction. প্রত্যাহরণ করা, প্রত্যাহার করাv. to withdraw; to retract; to revoke, to rescind; to repeal.
প্রত্যাহৃত [ pratyāhṛta ] a withdrawn; retracted; revoked, rescinded; repealed.
প্রত্যুক্তি [ pratyukti ] n an answer, a reply; a retort.
প্রত্যুত [ pratyuta ] con. & adv on the contrary, rather.
প্রত্যুত্পন্ন [ pratyutpanna ] a produced on the spur of the moment, extemporaneous; very prompt. ̃মতিn. presence of mind, ready wit. ☐a. endowed with presence of mind, ready-witted. ̃মতিত্বn. ready wittedness; presence of mind.
প্রত্যুত্তর [ pratyuttara ] n a retort, rejoinder. প্রত্যুত্তর করাv. to retort, to answer back.
প্রত্যুদাহরণ [ pratyudāharaṇa ] n counter-example; a counter precedent.
প্রত্যুদ্গমন, প্রত্যুদ্গম [ pratyudgamana, pratyudgama ] n going forward or advancing in order to receive a visitor on the way; seeing off a respected visi tor. প্রত্যুদ্গমনকরাv. to go forward in order to receive a visitor on the way; to see off.
প্রত্যুপকার [ pratyupakāra ] n a good turn in return. প্রত্যুপকার করাv. to do (one) a good turn in return. প্রত্যুপকর্তা, প্রত্যুপকারীa. &n. one who does (one) a good turn in return. প্রত্যুপকৃতn. benefited in return.
প্রত্যুষ, প্রত্যূষ [ pratyuṣa, pratyūṣa ] n the dawn; daybreak; the morning. প্রত্যুষেadv. at dawn or day break, early in the morning.
প্রত্যেক [ pratyēka ] a each, every. ☐pro. each, everyone. প্রত্যেক লোকের, প্রত্যেকেরa. of each, of everybody.
প্রথম [ prathama ] a first; primitive (প্রথম যুগ); of the beginning, inceptive (প্রথমাবস্হা); most important, chief (প্রথম কথা); eldest (প্রথমপুত্র); foremost (প্রথম সারি); best (পরীক্ষায় প্রথম শ্রেণিতে প্রথম). fem. প্রথমা । (পরীক্ষায়) প্রথম হওয়াv. to come or stand first or to top the list (in an examination). প্রথমতadv. at first; firstly, in the first place, first. ̃দর্শনn. the first meeting. প্রথমদর্শনে প্রণয় love at first sight. ̃পাদn. the first quarter. ̃পুরুষn. (gr.) the third person. ̃বয়সn. the early age; the early youth. প্রথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধ the First World War. প্রথমেadv. at first; in the first place, first; in the beginning; in front, before all. প্রথমাংশn. the first or early part. প্রথমোক্তn. the one first spoken of or referred to first; former.
প্রথা [ prathā ] n usage, custom, practice; system, method. ̃গতa. customary. ̃নুগa. in accordance with custom; customary; conventional. ̃নুগত্যn. loyalty or faithfulness to custom or convention. ̃নুসারেadv. according to the custom or practice or system, customarily. ̃মতোadv. according to or in accordance with custom or convention; conventionally.
প্রথিত [ prathita ] a famous, celebrated. ̃নামাa. one whose name is famous; renowned; widely famous. ̃যশাa. widely famous, renowned.
-প্রদ [ -prada ] sfx denotes giving (মূখপ্রদ).
প্রদক্ষিণ [ pradakṣiṇa ] n (ori. & ritually) clockwise circumambulation round an object; act of going around something. প্রদক্ষিণ করাv. to circumambulate in a clockwise manner around something; to go round something.
প্রদত্ত [ pradatta ] a given; bestowed; conferred.
প্রদমিত [ pradamita ] a subdued; restrained; suppressed.
প্রদর [ pradara ] n leucorrhoea.
প্রদর্শক [ pradarśaka ] a showing; exhibiting; displaying; demonstrating. ☐n. one who shows; one who shows one round, a guide; an exhibitor, a displayer; a demonstrator.
প্রদর্শন [ pradarśana ] n act of showing or showing round or exhibiting or displaying or demonstrating; act of seeing or observing thoroughly or minutely or carefully. প্রদর্শন করাv. to see or observe thoroughly or minutely or carefully. প্রদর্শন করানোv. to show; to show one round; to exhibit; to display; to demonstrate. প্রদর্শনীn. a public show, an exhibition.
প্রদর্শমালা [ pradarśamālā ] n a museum.
প্রদর্শিকা [ pradarśikā ] fem of প্রদর্শক ।
প্রদর্শিত [ pradarśita ] a shown; shown round; exhibited; displayed; demonstrated; clearly shown.
-প্রদা [ -pradā ] fem of -প্রদ।
প্রদান [ pradāna ] n giving; bestowal; conferring; yielding; imparting. প্রদান করাv. to give; to bestow; to confer; to yield; to impart.
প্রদায়ক, প্রদায়ী [ pradāẏaka, pradāẏī ] a giving; bestowing; conferring; yielding; imparting. fem. প্রদায়িকা, প্রদায়িনী ।
প্রদাহ [ pradāha ] n distress, affliction (মর্মপ্রদাহ); burning pain, inflammation (ফোড়ারপ্রদাহ). প্রদাহী. a. distressful, afflicting; causing inflammation, inflammatory.
প্রদীপ [ pradīpa ] n a lamp, a light; (fig.) one who illuminates or glorifies (কুলপ্রদীপ). প্রদীপনn. act of illuminating or exciting; lighting of lamps.
প্রদীপ্ত [ pradīpta ] a illuminated, enkindled; brightly burning, blazing; shining; excited. প্রদীপ্তকরাv. to illuminate, to enkindle; to excite. প্রদীপ্তিn. illumination; bright glow; lustre; excitement.
প্রদৃপ্ত [ pradṛpta ] a very proud or haughty or arrogant or vulgarly self-assertive or vigorous.
প্রদেয় [ pradēẏa ] a that which is to be or can be given.
প্রদেশ [ pradēśa ] n a province; a state; a country; a region; a part.
প্রদোষ, প্রদোষকাল [ pradōṣa, pradōṣakāla ] n evening; nightfall, evening twilight; night. প্রদোষান্ধকারn. the gloom of the evening.
প্রদ্যোত [ pradyōta ] n glow; shine; a ray.
প্রধান [ pradhāna ] a chief, main, principal; prime; most important; leading, foremost; pre-eminent; predominant. ☐in comp. (used as a sfx.) dominated by or chiefly characterized by (শীতপ্রধান). ☐n. a chief; a headman; a leader; a royal counsellor; God; the primordial female energy. fem. প্রধানা । প্রধান অক্ষ the principal axis. প্রধান অতিথি the chief guest. প্রধান আরক্ষিক the head constable. প্রধানকারণিক the head clerk. প্রধানকর্মসচিব the Chief Secretary. প্রধান চরিত্র the principal or chief or the focal character. প্রধানতadv. chiefly, mainly, principally, pre-eminently, predominantly. প্রধানতাn. primeness; supremacy; pre-eminence, predominance. প্রধানবিচারপতি the Chief Justice. ̃মন্ত্রীn. the Prime Minister. ̃মূল (bot.) the tap root. ̃শিক্ষক the headmaster. fem. ̃শিক্ষিকা the headmistress. প্রধানসেনাপতি the Commander-in-Chief.
প্রধাবন [ pradhābana ] n act of running rapidly, a quick run; a quick race.
প্রধাবিত [ pradhābita ] a running or caused to be running rapidly. প্রধাবিত করাv. to cause to run rapidly. প্রধাবিত হওয়াv. to run rapidly.
প্রধূমিত [ pradhūmita ] a caused to emit smoke profusely; (of anger etc.) caused to be fuming; (fig.) angered. fem. প্রধূমিতা ।প্রধূমিত করাv. to cause to emit smoke profusely; to fume. প্রধূমিত হওয়াv. to be emitting smoke profusely; to fume.
প্রধ্বংস [ pradhbaṃsa ] n annihilation, destruction. প্রধ্বংসীa. annihilating, destructive.
প্রনষ্ট [ pranaṣṭa ] a utterly lost or ruined or destroyed. প্রাণাশn. destruction, annihilation.
প্রপঞ্চ [ prapañca ] n extent; illusion, maya; delusion; phenomenal reality; the world; the worldly life; an error or mistake; untruth; falsehood; a collection, a multitude. ̃ময়a. full of illusions; illusory. প্রপঞ্চিতa. extensive; extended; illusive; illusory; erroneous.
প্রপা [ prapā ] n a place where drinking water is available or distributed, (cp.) a watering-place.
প্রপাত [ prapāta ] n fall (of water etc.); a waterfall, a cascade, a cataract. ̃রেখাn. a fall line.
প্রপিতামহ [ prapitāmaha ] n a great-grandfather (on one's father's side). fem. প্রপিতামহী a great grandmother (on one's father's side).
প্রপূরণ [ prapūraṇa ] n filling up completely.
প্রপূরিত [ prapūrita ] a completely filled up.
প্রপৌত্র [ prapautra ] n a grandson of one's son or nephew, a great-grandson. fem. প্রপৌত্রীn. a grand-daughter of one's son or nephew, a great-granddaughter.
প্রফেসর [ praphēsara ] n a professor. প্রফেসরিn. professorship. প্রফেসরিকরাv. to work as a professor.
প্রবক্তা [ prabaktā ] n a spokesman; one who is fluent or eloquent in speech. ☐a. eloquent or fluent in speech.
প্রবচন [ prabacana ] n an adage, a proverb; an apophthegm, apothegm; a popular or oftquoted saying; (rare) amplification.
প্রবঞ্চক [ prabañcaka ] n a cheat, a swindler, an imposter, a deceiver; a beguiler.
প্রবঞ্চনা [ prabañcanā ] n cheating; deception; deceit; swindle; fraud; beguilement. প্রবঞ্চনাকরাv. to cheat; to deceive; to swindle; to impose upon; to hoodwink; to beguile. ̃মূলকa. fraudulent; deceitful.
প্রবঞ্চিত [ prabañcita ] a cheated; deceived; swindled; beguiled. fem. প্রবঞ্চিতা ।
প্রবণ [ prabaṇa ] a inclined or sloping (প্রবণভূমি); inclined to, prone to, tending to (ভাবপ্রবণ); attached or addicted to, given to (চৌর্যপ্রবণ); eager to, ready to; proficient in. ̃ভূমিn. an escarpment; a declivity. ̃তাn. inclination, propensity, declivity; tendency, disposition; attachment, addiction; eagerness, readiness; proficiency.
প্রবন্ধ [ prabandha ] n an essay, an article; a dissertation; a treatise; sequence; a trick, a stratagem ('যতেক প্রবন্ধ করে নিশাচরগণে'). ̃কারn. an essayist.
প্রবর [ prabara ] a (chiefly used as a sfx.) best, excellent (ধার্মিকপ্রবর). ☐n. a line of descent, descent; the originating saint of a line of descent. প্রবর সমিতি select committee.
প্রবর্তক [ prabartaka ] a introducing, bringing into use or currency; inaugurating, starting; founding, establishing; employing, initiating. ☐n. an introducer, one who introduces or brings (something) into use; an inaugurator; a pioneer; a founder; an employer, an initiator.
প্রবর্তন [ prabartana ] n bringing into use, introduction; inauguration, start, inception; establishment; employment, initiation. প্রবর্তন করাv. to bring into use or currency, to introduce; to inaugurate, to start, to begin; to found, to establish; to employ, to initiate. প্রবর্তনাn. initiation; incitement; inducement; inspiration. প্রবর্তনাকরাবাদেওয়াv. to initiate; to incite; to induce; to inspire.
প্রবর্তয়িতা [ prabartaẏitā ] n an initiator; an inciter; an inducer. fem. প্রবর্তয়িত্রী ।
প্রবর্তিত [ prabartita ] a brought into use, introduced; inaugurated, started, commenced; established, founded; employed, initiated, induced.
প্রবর্ধন [ prabardhana ] n increase, augmentation; growth. প্রবর্ধকa. causing growth or increase or development.
প্রবল [ prabala ] a very strong or powerful, mighty (প্রবল শত্রু, প্রবল ঝড়); severe, intense, excessive (প্রবল দুঃখ, প্রবল তাপ); predominant (বাক্যই প্রবল). fem. প্রবলা ।প্রবল ঝড় violent storm. প্রবলদুঃখ acute or intense or great sorrow. প্রবল পশ্চিমা (বায়ু) brave west winds. ̃তাn. great strength or power; severity; intensity; predominance. ̃পরাক্রম, ̃পরাক্রান্ত, ̃প্রতাপa. extremely powerful or mighty, mightily influential. প্রবলবারিপাত heavy shower or downpour.
প্রবসন [ prabasana ] n emigration.
প্রবসিত [ prabasita ] a emigrated.
প্রবহ [ prabaha ] n a current, a flow (as of air or a stream). ̃ণn. flow or flowing; blow or blowing. ̃শীল, ̃মানa. flowing or blowing. ̃মানতাn. flow or flowing movement; stream (সময়ের প্রবহমানতা).
প্রবাদ [ prabāda ] n a proverb, an adage; hearsay (জনপ্রবাদ). প্রবাদ আছে যে there is a saying that, it is said that. ̃বাক্যn. a proverb.
প্রবাল [ prabāla ] n coral; a young shoot, a sprout; a new tree-leaf. ̃কীটn. the polyp, polype. ̃দ্বীপn. a coral island. ̃প্রাচীরn. a coral reef, a barrier reef.
প্রবাস [ prabāsa ] n a spell of staying abroad; a for eign land. ̃নn. sending abroad; banishment; (inc.) emigration. ̃নপালn. the protector of emigrants. প্রবাসিতa. sent abroad; banished; (inc.) emigrated. প্রবাসীa. & n. one who is living abroad. fem. প্রবাসিনী ।
প্রবাহ [ prabāha ] n a stream, a current, a flow (as of a river or air); a series, a train (ঘটনাপ্রবাহ, চিন্তাপ্রবাহ); (fig.) continuous onward movement (জীবনপ্রবাহ). প্রবাহিণীa. flowing. ☐n. a river, a stream. প্রবাহিতa. (of a river) flowing, streaming; (of air, wind etc.) blowing; (fig.) passing or continuously moving onward. fem. প্রবাহিতা । প্রবাহিত হওয়াv. to flow, to stream; to blow; (fig.) to pass, to move onward continuously (সময় বাজীবন প্রবাহিত হওয়া). প্রবাহী. a. flowing. প্রবাহী ঋণ floating debt. প্রবাহীপরিসম্পত্ floating assets.
প্রবিধান [ prabidhāna ] n regulation.
প্রবিষ্ট [ prabiṣṭa ] a entered. fem. প্রবিষ্টা । প্রবিষ্ট হওয়াv. to enter.
প্রবীণ [ prabīṇa ] a elderly; aged, old; wise, judicious; well-experienced; skilful; delighted or consoled ('দুঃখী দেখে দ্রবীণপ্রবীণ চিত হয়'). প্রবীণা. a. fem. elderly or aged. ☐n. an elderly or aged woman. প্রবীণতা, প্রবীণত্বn. elderliness; agedness, oldness; wisdom, judiciousness; well experiencedness; skilfulness.
প্রবুদ্ধ [ prabuddha ] a enlightened; awakened or activized (প্রবুদ্ধ ভারত); inspired with wisdom; very wise.
প্রবৃত্ত [ prabṛtta ] a engaged in, occupied with; induced to; undertaken or commenced. প্রবৃত্তকরাv. to set (one) to; to induce. প্রবৃত্ত হওয়াv. to set about, to be engaged in; to commence. প্রবৃত্তিn. act or state of being engaged in or occupied with or initiated to, engagement, occupation, initiation; inclination, tendency; desire; propensity; taste, appetite (আহারের প্রবৃত্তি নেই). প্রবৃত্তি মার্গn. worldly life (as a way to salvation).
প্রবৃদ্ধ [ prabṛddha ] a very old; overgrown; expanded; (geom.) reflex (প্রবৃদ্ধকোণ = a reflex angle).
প্রবেশ [ prabēśa ] n entrance, entry; admission (কলেজে প্রবেশ); right or power or freedom of entrance; access. প্রবেশ করাv. to come or go in or into, to enter, to be admitted into. প্রবেশ করানোv. to cause to enter, to enter, to admit into; to usher; to drive or thrust into (দেহেতরবারি প্রবেশ করানো). প্রবেশ নিষেধ entrance prohibited; no entrance, no admission, no admittance, no entry. প্রবেশকa. entering. ☐n. an enterer. ̃দ্বারn. a gate; an entrance. প্রবেশনn. entering, entrance; act of being admitted into, admission; act of causing to enter. ̃পত্রn. entry permit; admit card. ̃পথn. a gateway; an entrance. ̃মূল্যn. entry fee or admission fee. প্রবেশলাভকরাv. to be able to enter; to be admitted into. প্রবেশা poet. form of প্রবেশ করা ।প্রবেশাধিকারn. right or freedom of entrance or admission, entry; access. প্রবেশানুমতিn. permission to enter or be admitted into, admittance. প্রবেশিকাa. fem. entering. ☐n. fem. a primary text book (ব্যাকরণ-প্রবেশিকা); a ticket, a pass. প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষাn. the entrance examination (also; the matriculation examination). প্রবেশিতa. caused to enter; admitted (into); ushered. প্রবেশ্যa. enterable; permeable (প্রবেশ্য শিলা = permeable rock).
প্রবেষ্টা [ prabēṣṭā ] n an enterer.
প্রবোধ [ prabōdha ] n consolation, solace; knowledge, enlightenment; manifestation; awakening. প্রবোধ দেওয়াv. to console, to solace. প্রবোধপাওয়াv. to get consolation. প্রবোধ মানাv. to yield toconsolation; to be consoled; to be amenable to consolation. প্রবোধ না মানাv. to be disconsolate. প্রবোধনn. consoling; awakening; enlightening. প্রবোধিতa. consoled; enlightened; awakened.
প্রব্রজ্যা [ prabrajyā ] n wandering asceticism. প্রব্রজ্যানেওয়াv. to take to wandering asceticism. প্রব্রাজক same as পরিব্রাজক।
প্রভঞ্জন [ prabhañjana ] n a storm; a violent gust of wind; wind.
প্রভব [ prabhaba ] n cause; source; origin; influence; (phys.) generative cause.
প্রভা [ prabhā ] n glow, radiance; a ray; lustre, brilliance, splendour, brightness. ̃করn. the sun. ̃কীটn. the glow-worm. ̃বানa. radiant, glowing, shining; luminous. fem. ̃বতী। ̃ময়a. radiant, lustrous, luminous, refulgent.
প্রভাত [ prabhāta ] n morning; daybreak. প্রভাত হওয়াv. to dawn. এখন প্রভাত it is morning. ̃কালn. the morning-time, morning. ̃ফেরিn. singing awakening songs in procession through the streets of a town or village. ̃রাগn. the morning glow. প্রভাত হয়েছে it is dawn. প্রভাতী, প্রভাতিa. of the morning. ☐n. a morning song or glorification, a matin. প্রভাতেমেঘডম্বরঃ (fig.) great cry but little wool.
প্রভাব [ prabhāba ] n authority, power, dominance; influence. প্রভাব বিস্তার করাv. to extend one's influence; to exert one's influ ence (upon); to bear upon. ̃শালী ̃সম্পন্নa. influential. fem. ̃শালিনী, ̃সম্পন্না । প্রভাবান্বিতa. influenced; (rare) endowed with the power of influencing. প্রভাবিতa. influenced. প্রভাবিতকরাv. to influence.
প্রভু [ prabhu ] n a master, a lord; an overlord; an employer; a husband; an owner; a king; God; a superman; a holy or very reverend man. প্রভুতা, প্রভুত্বn. mastery, authority; predominance; overlordship, supremacy; ownership; sovereignty, rule. প্রভুত্ব করাv. to lord it over; to rule, to govern. ̃ব্যঞ্জকa. imperious; authoritative; peremptory; domineering; bossy. ̃পত্নীn. fem. a mistress. ̃পরায়ণ same as প্রভুভক্ত। ̃পাদn. a title of honour affixed to the names of the religious teachers of Vaishnavas (বৈষ্ণব). ̃ভক্তa. devoted or faithful to one's master; loyal. ̃ভক্তিn. devotion or faithfulness to one's master; loyalty. ̃শক্তিn. governmental power or authority, ruling power; domination, dominance; authority; influence.
প্রভূত [ prabhūta ] a profuse, much, abundant, plentiful; (rare) grown or evolved.
প্রভৃতি [ prabhṛti ] con et cetera, and the rest, et al, and so on.
প্রভেদ [ prabhēda ] n distinction, difference; discrimination. প্রভেদ করাv. to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate; to separate. প্রভেদকa. differential.
প্রমত্ত [ pramatta ] a inebriate, drunk, intoxicated, tipsy; beside oneself; infatuated, besotted; reckless; frenzied. fem. প্রমত্তা । ̃তাn. inebriety, inebriation, drunkenness, intoxication, tipsiness; the state of being beside oneself; infatuation, besottedness; recklessness; frenzy.
প্রমথ [ pramatha ] n one of the demi-gods attending on Shiva (শিব).
প্রমথন [ pramathana ] n act of trampling or routing or subduing or killing.
প্রমথিত [ pramathita ] a trampled; routed; subdued; killed.
প্রমথেশ [ pramathēśa ] n the lord of Pramathas (প্রমথ); Shiva (শিব).
প্রমদা [ pramadā ] n a charming woman; a woman.
প্রমা [ pramā ] n true or positive knowledge; truth; conviction.
প্রমাণ [ pramāṇa ] n proof; evidence; testimony; witness; a precedent; authority; conviction. ☐a. of the standard size (প্রমাণশার্ট); standard (প্রমাণ মাপ); (esp. in phys.) normal (প্রমাণ প্রেষ); equivalent to, resembling (পর্বতপ্রমাণ). প্রমাণ করাv. to prove; to demonstrate; to substantiate. প্রমাণ দেওয়াv. to give evidence or proof (of); to prove; to demonstrate; to testify. প্রমাণ হওয়াv. to be proved. ̃কn. a voucher. ̃গ্রন্হn. an authoritative book. ̃পঞ্জিn. a bibliography. ̃পত্রn. a document; a written warrant or affidavit; a voucher; a receipt; a certificate; testimonial. ̃বাক্যn. an authoritative saying; a citation of precedents. ̃সইa. of full measure; up to the mark. ̃সাপেক্ষa. subject to proof. ̃সিদ্ধa. established by evidences, proved. প্রমাণাভাবn. want of evidence or proof. প্রমাণিত, প্রমাণীকৃতa. proved; demonstrated; substantiated.
প্রমাতা [ pramātā ] a. & n one who proves or demonstrates or substantiates or testifies.
প্রমাতামহ [ pramātāmaha ] n the grandfather or a grand uncle of one's mother, a maternal greatgrandfather. fem. প্রমাতামহী the grandmother or a grandaunt of one's mother, a maternal great-grandmother.
প্রমাথী [ pramāthī ] a trampling; routing; subduing; killing. fem. প্রমাথিনী ।
প্রমাদ [ pramāda ] n inadvertence, carelessness; an error; confusion; oblivion; intoxication; frenzy; a calamity, a terrible danger or distress (প্রমাদেপড়া). ̃বশত, ̃বশেadv. inadvertently; by mistake, through carelessness; erroneously. ̃শূন্যa. free from error.
প্রমারা [ pramārā ] n primero.
প্রমিত [ pramita ] a sure; ascertained; proved; measured; (esp. in phys.) standardized; (as a sfx.) measuring (চারহাত প্রমিত). প্রমিতকরাv. to ascertain; to prove; to standardize. প্রমিতদ্রব (phys.) a standard solution. ̃করণn. (phys.) standardization. প্রমিতিn. measure, true or positive knowledge, truth; conviction; proof.
প্রমীলা [ pramīlā ] n drowsiness; a female character of the Mahabharata; (fig.) a spirited and domineering woman (প্রমীলাদেরদেশে); (cp.) an Amazon.
প্রমুখ [ pramukha ] a (used as a sfx.) headed by, beginning with (কালিদাস প্রমুখ কবিগণ).
প্রমুখাত্ [ pramukhāt ] adv from the mouth of; by word of one's mouth; verbally from.
প্রমেয় [ pramēẏa ] a measurable; mensurable; (alg.) commensurable; provable; ascertainable.
প্রমেহ [ pramēha ] n gonorrhoea.
প্রমোদ [ pramōda ] n joy, delight; merriment; hilarity; enjoyment; pleasure; recreation; an entertainment; luxury. ̃কa. gladdening; pleasing; entertaining. ̃কাননn. a pleasure-garden. ̃গৃহn. a pleasure-house, a recreation-room, a recreation-hall. ̃নn. act of gladdening or pleasing or entertaining. ☐in comp. (used as a sfx.) giving delight or pleasure to, entertaining (চিত্তপ্রমোদন). ̃ভ্রমণn. a pleasure-trip; promenade. প্রমোদভ্রমণকরাv. to be on a pleasure-tirp; to promenade. প্রমোদিতa. delighted; pleased; recreated, entertained. প্রমোদোদ্যানn. a pleasure-garden.
প্রযত্ন [ prayatna ] n repeated or thorough endeavour or effort, perseverance. প্রযত্ন করাv. to persevere. ̃সহকারেadv. perseveringly; thoroughly; carefully.
প্রযুক্ত [ prayukta ] a employed; applied, used. ☐prep. for the sake of, owing to, due to, caused by, actuated by (ভয়প্রযুক্ত). প্রযুক্তিn. employment; application; a technique. প্রযুক্তিবিদ্যাn. technology. প্রযুক্তিবিদ্যাগতa. technological.
প্রযুজ্যমান [ prayujyamāna ] a in the state of being applied.
প্রযোক্তা [ prayōktā ] n an employer; an applier; a performer.
প্রযোজক [ prayōjaka ] a same as প্রয়োজক ।☐n. a producer esp. of motion pictures; a film producer.
প্রযোজ্য [ prayōjya ] a applicable. ̃তাn. applicability.
প্রয়াণ [ praẏāṇa ] n departure; (fig.) death. প্রয়াণ করাv. to depart; (fig.) to die.
প্রয়াত [ praẏāta ] a departed; deceased, passed away, dead and gone.
প্রয়াস [ praẏāsa ] n an effort, an endeavour; a hard effort; toil; a desire. প্রয়াস করাv. to endeavour; to try or endeavour hard; to toil; to desire. প্রয়াসপাওয়াv. to endeavour; to make a hard attempt, to make a sincere and earnest effort; to toil. প্রয়াসীa. endeavouring; toiling hard; desirous.
প্রয়োগ [ praẏōga ] n employment; application; use or usage; mention; a precedent, an example; an instance. প্রয়োগ করাv. to employ; to apply; to use. ̃দোষn. misapplication, wrong or unjust use. ̃বাদn. (phil.) pragmatism. ̃বাদীa. pragmatist. ̃বিন্দুn. (phys.) a point of application. ̃শালাn. a laboratory. প্রায়োগিকa. (phil.) empirical.
প্রয়োজক [ praẏōjaka ] a employing; applying; using; performing; introducing; inaugurating or founding. প্রয়োজক ক্রিয়া causative verb.
প্রয়োজন [ praẏōjana ] n necessity, need; purpose, object, end; motive; cause, occasion; use. প্রয়োজনাতিরিক্ত, প্রয়োজনাতীতa. more than what is necessary; more than enough; superfluous; unnecessary, redundant. প্রয়োজনানুরূপa. satisfying needs, just enough to meet (one's) requirement, adequate, sufficient. প্রয়োজনীয়a. necessary, needful; serviceable, useful. প্রয়োজনীয়তাn. necessity, need; serviceability, usefulness.
প্ররোচক [ prarōcaka ] a (usu. dero.) inducing, instigating, persuading, inciting. ☐n. an inducer, an instigator, (law) abettor, a persuader, an inciter, an agent provocateur.
প্ররোচন, প্ররোচনা [ prarōcana, prarōcanā ] n (usu. dero.) inducement, instigation, abetment, persuasion, incitement. প্ররোচনা দেওয়া same as প্ররোচিতকরা (see প্ররোচিত). প্ররোচনাদায়কa. same as প্ররোচক (a.).
প্ররচিত [ praracita ] a (usu. dero.) induced, instigated, persuaded, incited. প্ররচিত করাv. to induce, to instigate, to persuade, to incite.
প্ররোহ [ prarōha ] n a bud; a shoot, a sprout; a scion; (bot.) an offset.
প্রলপন [ pralapana ] n raving; delirium; incoherent utterance.
প্রলপিত [ pralapita ] a raved; uttered in delirium; incoherently uttered.
প্রলম্ব [ pralamba ] n an aerial root or a branch of a tree; anything creeping or hanging. প্রলম্বনn. creeping; hanging, suspension; prolongation. ̃বিন্দুn. (phys.) a point of suspension. প্রলম্বিতa. hanging, suspended; pendent; prolonged; creeping. প্রলম্বিত করাv. to hang, to suspend; to prolong.
প্রলয়, প্রলয়কান্ড [ pralaẏa, pralaẏakānḍa ] n universal dissolution or annihilation; a complete or very extensive destruction or holocaust; (fig.) a terrible disturbance or affray. প্রলয়কালn. the time of universal dissolution or annihilation. প্রলয়ংকরa. causing universal dissolution; causing a complete or very extensive destruction; (fig.) terribly disturbing. প্রলয়নাচন, প্রলয়নৃত্যn. the cataclysmal dance of Lord Siva as described in the Puranas. প্রলয়পয়োধিn. the ocean of universal cataclysm or deluge. প্রলয়লীলাn. same as প্রলয়কান্ড।
প্রলাপ [ pralāpa ] n raving; delirium; incoherent utterance. প্রলাপ বকাv. to rave; to utter delirium; to talk incoherently. প্রলাপীa. raving; delirious; incoherently talking. fem. প্রলাপিনী ।প্রলাপোক্তি same as প্রলাপ ।
প্রলিপ্ত [ pralipta ] a coated or smeared (with); in volved or implicated (in); engaged or employed (in).
প্রলুব্ধ [ pralubdha ] a greatly allured or tempted; extremely greedy. fem. প্রলুব্ধা। ̃তাn. the state of being greatly allured or tempted; extreme greed.
প্রলেপ [ pralēpa ] n a coating; an ointment; act of coating or smearing. প্রলেপ দেওয়াv. to apply a coating or an ointment (to); to coat or smear (with). প্রলেপকa. coating; smearing. প্রলেপনn. coating or smearing. প্রলেপন করাv. to coat; to smear.
প্রলোভ [ pralōbha ] n very strong greed.
প্রলোভন [ pralōbhana ] n allurement, temptation, enticement; a tempting object. প্রলোভনদেখানোv. to bring an allurement (to); to entice, to try to allure or tempt.
প্রলোভিত [ pralōbhita ] a allured, tempted, enticed. প্রলোভিত করাv. to allure, to tempt, to entice. প্রলোভিত করে নিয়ে যাওয়াv. to entice away.
প্রশংসক [ praśaṃsaka ] n one who speaks highly of, a praiser, an admirer.
প্রশংসন [ praśaṃsana ] n act of praising, commendation, extolment, admiration. প্রশংসনীয়a. praiseworthy, commendable, laudable, admirable.
প্রশংসা [ praśaṃsā ] n praise, commendation extolment, laudation, admiration, eulogy, applause; fame. প্রশংসা করাv. to praise, to commend, to extol, to laud, to admire, to eulogize, to applaud. ̃পত্রn. a certificate of merit; a written address of honour or felicitation. ̃বাক্য ̃বাদn. a compliment; a eulogy. ̃ভাজনn. an object of praise; a praiseworthy person. ̃মূলকa. commendatory, laudatory, eulogistic. ̃র্হa. praiseworthy, commendable, laudable. ̃সূচক same as প্রশংসামূলক।
প্রশংসিত [ praśaṃsita ] a praised, extolled, admired, eulogized, applauded.
প্রশমন, প্রশম [ praśamana, praśama ] n allayment, soothing; stopping, dissuasion; restraining or resisting; quelling; (phys.) neutralization; mitigation; pacification. প্রশমন করাv. to allay or alleviate, to soothe; to stop, to dissuade; to check, to restrain, to resist; to subdue, to quell; (phys.) to neutralize; to mitigate, to make less severe; to pacify. প্রশমলবণn. (chiefly in chem.) neutral salt. প্রশমিতa. allayed, alleviated, soothed; stopped, dissuaded; checked, restrained, resisted; subdued, quelled; (phys.) neutralized; mitigated; pacified. প্রশমিত করা same as প্রশমনকরা
প্রশস্ত [ praśasta ] a praiseworthy, commendable; best, excellent; most suitable, fittest (প্রশস্তউপায়); auspicious (প্রশস্ত সময়); magnanimous, liberal (প্রশস্তহৃদয়); wide, broad (চারহাত পরিমাণ প্রশস্ত); spacious, roomy (প্রশস্ত কক্ষ). ̃তাn. praiseworthiness; excellence; suitability; fitness; auspiciousness; magnanim ity, liberality; width, breadth; spacious.
প্রশস্তি [ praśasti ] n praise; a short laudatory hymn: a eulogium, a panegyric.
প্রশস্য [ praśasya ] a praiseworthy, commendable, laudable.
প্রশাখা [ praśākhā ] n a branchlet; an offshoot.
প্রশান্ত [ praśānta ] a very calm or quiet or peaceful; tranquil; unperturbed; unruffled. ̃চিত্তa. enjoying peace or tranquillity at heart, composed, sedate, unagitated. ̃বদনa. having a tranquil or calm face or appearance. প্রশান্ত মহাসাগর the Pacific Ocean, the Pacific. ̃মূর্তিa. having a tranquil or calm or composed appearance. হৃদয় same as প্রশান্তচিত্ত ।প্রশান্তিn. perfect calm or quiet or peace, tranquillity.
প্রশাসক [ praśāsaka ] n administrator.
প্রশাসন [ praśāsana ] n administration. প্রশাসনিকa. administrative. প্রশাসন-আধিকারিকn. administrative officer. প্রশাসনিক কৃত্য administrative function. প্রশাসন-কৃত্যকn. administrative service.
প্রশিক্ষণ [ praśikṣaṇa ] n training. ̃প্রাপ্তa. trained.
প্রশিষ্য [ praśiṣya ] n a disciple's disciple; a pupil's pupil. fem. প্রশিষ্যা ।
প্রশ্ন [ praśna ] n a question; a query; interrogation; inquiry; a point at issue; a problem (বাঁচারপ্রশ্ন); a disputed point. প্রশ্ন করাv. to question; to ask; to inquire; to interrogate; to set questions (as for examinees). ̃কর্তাn. a questioner; an inquirer; an interrogator; one who sets questions (as for examinees); a papersetter. fem. প্রশ্নকর্ত্রী । ̃পত্রn. a set of questions for the examinees, a paper. ̃বাণn. questions that pierce or hurt like shafts or darts or arrows or missiles, questions piercing as a shaft, embarrassing or piercing questions. প্রশ্নবাণে জর্জরিত করা to ask too many or volleys of troublesome questions, to heckle. ̃বোধকa. denoting or signifyinga question. ̃বোধক চিহ্নn. note or sign of interrogation. ̃মালাn. a set of questions; (loos.) an exercise (for students). প্রশ্নোত্তরn. a question and its answer; a catechism. প্রশ্নত্তরীn. a catechism.
প্রশ্বাস [ praśbāsa ] n inhalation.
প্রশ্রয় [ praśraẏa ] n indulgence, latitude, pampering; over-affection; (rare) politeness. প্রশ্রয়দেওয়াv. to give (one) indulgence or latitude, to indulge, to pamper; to treat with over-affection. ̃দাতাn. one who gives indulgence, an indulger. ̃দানv. act of giving indulgence, indulgence. ̃প্রাপ্তa. indulged, pampered.
প্রসক্ত [ prasakta ] a greatly inclined or attached to, enamoured of; greatly addicted to. প্রসক্তিn. great inclination for or attachment or addiction to.
প্রসঙ্গ [ prasaṅga ] n a subject for or under discussion; a topic for discussion, narration (রামায়নপ্রসঙ্গ); context (প্রসঙ্গ বর্ণনা). প্রসঙ্গউল্লেখপূর্বক with reference to the context. ̃ক্রমে, প্রসঙ্গতadv. in course of discussion, incidentally, by the by, by the way. প্রসঙ্গ তোলাv. to refer to. প্রসঙ্গান্তরn. another topic, a different topic.
প্রসন্ন [ prasanna ] a satisfied, pleased; delighted, glad, happy; gracious, propitious, favourable; clear, limpid, transparent (প্রসন্নসলিলা); calm and happy, complacent, bright (প্রসন্ন বদন). fem. প্রসন্না। ̃তাn. satisfied or pleased state; complacence, complacency; delightedness, gladness, happiness; graciousness, propitiousness, favourableness; clarity, limpidity, transparence; brightness. প্রসন্নহওয়াv. to be pleased, to smile upon.
প্রসব [ prasaba ] n act of bringing forth (a child or young), parturition, delivery; child birth; production; creation; birth. প্রসবকরাv. to bring forth; to give birth; (of ten facet.) to produce. প্রসবকরানোv. to deliver of a child or young. ̃দ্বারn. the passage of childbirth; the valva. প্রসবহওয়াv. to be delivered of a child or young. ̃বেদনাn. lobour-pain, travail. প্রসব বেদনা ওঠাv. to be in travail, to be in labour. প্রসবিতা, প্রসবীa. giving birth to; producing ☐n. a father, a progenitor; a producer. প্রসবিত্রী, প্রসবিনীa. fem. bringing forth; producing. ☐n. fem. a mother, a progenitress; a (female) producer.
প্রসর [ prasara ] n act of going, movement; speed; expanse, extent, range, উষ্ণতার প্রসর (geog.) the range of temperature. প্রসরণn. strolling; encompassment of enemy forces; expansion, extension; expanse, extent, range.
প্রসাদ [ prasāda ] n grace, favour, propitiousness (ঈশ্বরপ্রসাদ); food-offering to a deity (this is taken by devotees after the sacrifice); remains of food taken by a superior or venerable person (গুরুরপ্রসাদ); complacency; (of lit. composition) lucidity, clarity, perspicuity (also প্রসাদগুণ). প্রসাদ পাওয়াv. to enjoy the grace of; to partake of the food offered to a deity or of the remains of food taken by a superior person. প্রসাদ নেওয়াv. to partake of the food offered to a deity or of the remains of food taken by a superior person. প্রসাদনn. act of pleasing, propitiation. ̃প্রার্থীa. & n. one who asks for or seeks a favour; one desirous of partaking of the food offered to a deity or of the remains of food taken by a superior person. fem. ̃প্রার্থিনী । প্রসাদাত্adv. through the grace or favour of. প্রসাদিত propitiated. প্রসাদীa. (of a food etc.) offered to a deity or partaken of by a superior person.
প্রসাধক [ prasādhaka ] a. & n one who dresses or does another's toilet; one who embellishes or decorates, a decorator.
প্রসাধন [ prasādhana ] n dressing, toilet, toilette; embellishment, decoration. প্রসাধনকরাv. to dress (usu. oneself); to make (one's) toilet; to embellish; to decorate. প্রসাধনীn. a comb; a toilet article, toiletry, a cosmetic.
প্রসাধিকা [ prasādhikā ] fem of প্রসাধক ।
প্রসাধিত [ prasādhita ] a dressed; toileted; embellished; decorated.
প্রসার [ prasāra ] n width; expanse; extent; expansion (বানিজ্যের প্রসার); spread (শিক্ষারপ্রসার). প্রসারণn. act of stretching (out); extension; expansion; spreading; spread; (phys.) dilatation, dilation. প্রসারণকরাv. to stretch (out); to extend; to expand; to spread; (phys.) to dilate. প্রসারাঙ্কn. (phys.) the co-efficient of expansion or dilation. প্রসারিতa. stretched (out); extended; expanded; spread (out). প্রসারীa. extending; expanding; expansive; extensive; wide. সূদূর-প্রসারীa. far-reaching, widely extended, far flung (সুদূরপ্রসারীসাম্রাজ্য).
প্রসার্য [ prasārya ] a stretchy; extensible; expansible. ̃মাণa. in the process of being stretched (out) or expanded.
প্রসিদ্ধ [ prasiddha ] a famous, renowned, celebrated, well-known, reputed, (dero.) notorious. fem. প্রসিদ্ধা । প্রসিদ্ধিn. fame, renown, celebrity, reputation.
প্রসীদ [ prasīda ] v be pleased (প্রসীদ হে দেবী).
প্রসুপ্ত [ prasupta ] a soundly sleeping. প্রসূত থাকাv. to sleep soundly, to be fast asleep. প্রসুপ্তিn. sound sleep.
প্রসূ [ prasū ] n (chiefly used as a sfx. and in an adjectival sense) mother, progenitress. ☐a. producing (স্বর্ণপ্রসূ = auriferous).
প্রসূত [ prasūta ] a produced (of); resulted (from), evolved (out of); born (of); brought forth (by), begotten (by). প্রসূতা, প্রসূতিn. fem. a mother, progenitress; a woman recently delivered of a child; a (female) producer; (loos.) a woman in travail or a parturient woman. প্রসূতিতন্ত্রn. midwifery. প্রসূতিসদনn. maternity home; a maternity hospital.
প্রসূন [ prasūna ] n a flower; a fruit; a bud, a blossom.
প্রসৃত [ prasṛta ] a emerged; widened, expanded, extended. প্রসৃত হওয়াv. to emerge (from); to widen. প্রসৃতিn. expansion, extension.
প্রস্ত [ prasta ] n a set (একপ্রস্ত বাসন); a wad (একপ্রস্ত নোট); a suite (এক প্রস্তপোশাক); a spell (এক প্রস্ত ধমক) ।
প্রস্তর [ prastara ] n stone; rock; pebble; fossil; a jewel. ̃তুল্যa. stone-like, stony; (fig.) very hard, motionless, unfeeling. ̃নির্মিতa. made of stone, stony. ̃ফলকn. a stone slab. ̃ময়a. stony, rocky; made of stone. ̃মূর্তিn. a stone statue. ̃মূর্তিবত্a. statuesque; (fig.) motionless or unperturbed. ̃যুগn. the Stone Age. প্রস্তরীভূতa. petrified; fossilized.
প্রস্তাব [ prastāba ] n context; a proposal; a subject for or under discussion, a topic; a discourse; a motion; (of a book) a chapter, a section. প্রস্তাব করাv. to propose; to put up a proposal; to move a motion; to name (as a candidate for election). প্রস্তাব তোলাv. to raise a topic; to move a proposal or motion; to propose. প্রস্তাবকn. a proposer; a mover (of a motion). প্রস্তাবনাn. a proposal; commencement; (of a drama etc.) a prologue. প্রস্তাবিতn. proposed; raised or moved (as a topic); under discussion.
প্রস্তুত [ prastuta ] a made; manufactured, formed; prepared, ready. প্রস্তুত করাv. to make, to manufacture, to form; to prepare, to make ready. প্রস্তুতহওয়াv. to be made or manufactured or formed; to get ready. প্রস্তুতিn. making; manufacture, formation; preparation, readiness.
প্রস্হ2 [ prasha2 ] n width, breadth; expanse, extent; level ground, a plain (ইন্দ্রপ্রস্ত); a table land, a plateau. ̃চ্ছেদn. (math.) a cross-section.
প্রস্হান [ prashāna ] n act of going off or setting out, departure; act of going out; (in drama) exit. প্রস্হান করাv. to go off; to set out; to depart; to go out. প্রস্হানোদ্যতa. on the point of departing or going out, ready to go. প্রস্হানোদ্যোগn. preparation for departure.
প্রস্হিত [ prashita ] a gone off; set out; departed; gone out.
প্রস্ফুট, প্রস্ফুটিত [ prasphuṭa, prasphuṭita ] a full-blown, in (full) bloom; thoroughly manifested or revealed or unfolded. fem. প্রস্ফুটিতা ।প্রস্ফুটনn. act of bloomingfully; full bloom; thorough manifestation or revelation.
প্রস্ফুরণ [ prasphuraṇa ] n slight vibration or tremor; phosphorescence; effervescence. ̃শীলa. slightly vibrating or trembling; phosphorescent; effervescent. প্রস্ফুরিতa. slightly vibrated or trembled; phosphoresced; effervesced. প্রস্ফুরিত হওয়াv. to vibrate or tremble slightly; to phosphoresce; to effervesce.
প্রস্বাপন [ prasbāpana ] a soporific, opiate.
প্রস্রব [ prasraba ] n an oozing.
প্রস্রবণ [ prasrabaṇa ] n a fountain, a spring; oozing. অন্তঃপ্রস্রবণn. (geog.) an underground spring. উপরিপ্রস্রবণn. (geog.) a surface spring. উষ্ণপ্রস্রবণn. a hot spring, a geyser. ধাতব প্রস্রবণ (geog.) a mineral spring. সবিরাম প্রস্রবণ (geog.) an intermittent spring.
প্রস্রাব [ prasrāba ] n urine; urination. প্রস্রাব করাv. to pass urine or water, to make water, to urinate; (coll.) to pee. প্রস্রাবের পীড়াa urinary disease or trouble.
প্রস্রুত [ prasruta ] a oozed or trickled or dripped (from). প্রস্রুত হওয়াv. to ooze or trickle or drip (from).
প্রহত [ prahata ] a hurt; wounded; beaten, struck (as a drum).
প্রহর [ prahara ] n a measure of time equal to three hours. প্রহর গোনা (fig.) to pass time in idleness, to laze; to wait in anxiety or patiently; to bide one's time. প্রহরার্ধn. time equal to one and half hours.
প্রহরণ [ praharaṇa ] n a weapon (usu. one wielded by the hand, that is, not a missile); beating or striking.
প্রহরা [ praharā ] n watching or guarding; a watch, a watchman, a watcher, a sentinel, a sentry, a guard, a guardsman. প্রহরা দেওয়াv. to watch, to guard, to sentinel. ̃ধীনa. one who is under watch; guarded, watched. ̃রতa. engaged in watching or guarding or keeping watch.
প্রহরী [ praharī ] n a guard, a watchman, a watcher, a guardsman.
প্রহর্তা [ prahartā ] n a person who beats or strikes.
প্রহসন [ prahasana ] n a farce; a joke, a banter.
প্রহার [ prahāra ] n a beating or striking; a blow, a stroke; (dial.) trouble or punishment. প্রহারকরাv. to beat; to strike. প্রহারদেওয়াv. to give one a thrashing or licking. ̃ক, ̃কর্তাa. & n. one who beats or strikes. fem. ˜কর্ত্রী ।
প্রহৃত [ prahṛta ] a beaten, smitten; struck.
প্রহৃষ্ট [ prahṛṣṭa ] a very much delighted, very glad or happy. চিত্তa. very glad or happy at heart.
প্রহেলিকা [ prahēlikā ] n a riddle, an enigma, a puzzle, a mystery. ̃ময়a. enigmatic, riddling, puzzling, mysterious.
প্রহ্লাদ [ prahlāda ] n (myth.) an Asura (অসুর) prince who was very much devoted to Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). দৈত্যকালে প্রহ্লাদ (fig.) a saint amongst infidels.
প্রাংশু [ prāṃśu ] a tall; high, lofty (প্রাংশু বৃক্ষ); hefty (প্রাংশুদেহ); long (প্রাংশুভূজ).
প্রাক্ [ prāk ] pfx denoting: prior, pre, eastern. ̃কলনn. an estimate. ̃কলনিকn. an estimator.
প্রাকাম্য [ prākāmya ] n (ascetical) power of moving or enjoying at will.
প্রাকার [ prākāra ] n a wall; a bulwark; a rampart; a parapet. ̃বেষ্টিতa. surrounded by a wall.
প্রাকৃত [ prākṛta ] a natural, physical, unrefined, pertaining to the populace, (cp.) plebeian; traditional; commonplace, usual, general; base, mean; vulgar. ☐n. the Prakrit language (usu. প্রাকৃতভাষা).
প্রাকৃতিক [ prākṛtika ] a natural; physical; inorganic. প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য a natural scenery. প্রাকৃতিকনিয়ম a law of nature, a physical law. প্রাকৃতিক নির্বাচন (sc.) natural selection. প্রাকৃতিকবিজ্ঞান natural science; physical science; physics. প্রাকৃতিকবিপর্যয় natural calamity. প্রাকৃতিক ভূগোল physical geography. প্রাকৃতিকমানচিত্র a physical map.
প্রাক্কাল [ prākkāla ] n previous or former or preceding time; (pop.) immediately preceding time; eve. প্রাক্কালিক, প্রাক্কালীনa. former, previous. প্রাক্কালেadv. before; (pop.) on the eve of.
প্রাক্তন [ prāktana ] a previous; former; (rare) of a previous birth, earned or acquired or done in a previous birth. ☐n. (rare) destiny, fate; consequence of an act done in a previous birth (এ দুঃখতার প্রাক্তন).
প্রাগ্জ্যোতিষ[ prāgjyōtiṣa ] n the ancient name of Kamrup or its inhabitants.
প্রাগভাব [ prāgabhāba ] n (phil.) non-existence of an object prior to its being brought into existence.
প্রাগল্ভ্য[ prāgalbhya ] n same as প্রাগল্ভতা (see প্রগল্ভ), and shamelessness of women in love-affairs.
প্রাগাধুনিক [ prāgādhunika ] a pre-modern.
প্রাগুক্ত [ prāgukta ] a aforesaid; aforementioned.
প্রাগৈতিহাসিক [ prāgaitihāsika ] a pre-historic.
প্রাগ্রসর [ prāgrasara ] a going ahead; prospering, developing; forerunner.
প্রাঙ্গণ [ prāṅgaṇa ] n a courtyard, a compound.
প্রাঙ্মুখ [ prāṅmukha ] a facing eastwards.
প্রাচী [ prācī ] n the east; the eastern hemisphere; the eastern world, the Orient.
প্রাচীন [ prācīna ] a old; ancient; antique; aged; out of-date; old-fashioned, antiquated. fem. প্রাচীনা । প্রাচীনতা, প্রাচীনত্বn. oldness; ancientness; antiqueness; agedness; old-fashionedness, antiquatedness.
প্রাচীর [ prācīra ] n a wall; a rampart; a parapet. ̃চিত্রn. wallpainting, a drawing on the wall. ̃পত্রn. a wallpaper, a wall magazine. ̃বেষ্টিতa. enclosed with a wall, walled (প্রাচীরবেষ্টিত নগর).
প্রাচুর্য [ prācurya ] n plenty, abundance; affluence, milk and honey; profusion; amplitude; numerousness; sufficiency.
প্রাচ্য [ prācya ] a eastern, oriental. ☐n. same as প্রাচী । ̃দেশn. an oriental or eastern country.
প্রাজন [ prājana ] n a truncheon for driving cattle.
প্রাজাপত্য [ prājāpatya ] n the usual Hindu form of marriage. ☐a. relating to Prajapati (প্রজাপতি) the creator or protector of living beings.
প্রাজ্ঞ [ prājña ] a learned; wise, prudent. fem. প্রাজ্ঞা । ̃তাn. learning, wisdom; prudence.
প্রাঞ্জল [ prāñjala ] a easily understood, lucid, perspicuous; precise; clear, transparent. ̃তাn. lucidity, perspicuity, precision, preciseness; clarity, clearness, transparence.
প্রাণ [ prāṇa ] n life; the first of the five vital airs (namely, প্রাণ অপান সমান উদানand ব্যান) or these five airs collectively; life breath; breath; heart, earnest desire ('প্রাণ চায় চক্ষু না চায়'); vitality, vigour, vivacity (কাজেপ্রাণ নেই); (in endearment) an extremely beloved person. প্রাণওষ্ঠাগত হওয়াv. (rare) to feel like dying; (fig. & pop.) to be extremely harassed or troubled or irritated. প্রাণখোলাv. to open one's heart, to speak out one's heart. প্রাণ থাকাv. to remain alive. প্রাণদেওয়াsame as প্রাণদান করা ।প্রাণ নেওয়াv. to kill; to torture almost to the point of killing. প্রাণ পাওয়াsame as প্রাণলাভ হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচাsame as প্রাণরক্ষাহওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচানোsame as প্রাণরক্ষা করা ।প্রাণ বারকরাv. to make one out of breath, to exasperate beyond endurance. প্রাণ বার হওয়া, প্রাণ যাওয়াv. to breathe one's last; to become out of breath; to be exasperated. প্রাণনেওয়াv. to take one's life; to kill. প্রাণহারানোv. to lose one's life, to die; to be killed. ̃কৃষ্ণn. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) who is regarded by a devotee or a lover as dear as life; (fig.) a favourite or lover as dear as one's life. ̃খোলাa. open-hearted, frank, candid, hearty. ̃গতa. lying in one's heart of hearts; inmost; sincere. ̃গতিকa. concerning one's life or living; bodily, physical. ̃ঘাতীa. life-killing; murderous; deadly, fatal. ̃চঞ্চলa. lively, sprightly, vivacious. ̃চাঞ্চল্যn. liveliness, vivaciousness, sprightliness. ̃ত্যাগn. death. প্রাণত্যাগকরাv. to die. ̃দa. life-giving; animating, invigorating; resuscitant; life-saving. ̃দন্ডn. death sentence, a lifer, capital punishment. প্রাণদন্ড দেওয়াv. to sentence (one) to death, to award capital punishment. প্রাণদাfem. of ̃দ । ̃দাতাn. a giver of life; an animator, an invigorator; a resuscitant, a resuscitator. fem. প্রাণদাত্রী। ̃দানn. infusion of life (into); animation; invigoration; resuscitation; saving of life. ̃দান করাv. to infuse life (into); to give life (to); to animate, to invigorate; to give back one's life, to resuscitate; to save one's life; to sacrifice one's life, to give up one's life. ̃দায়কsame as প্রাণদ ।fem. প্রাণদায়িকা । ̃ধারণn. act of living; sustenance of oneself. প্রাণধারণ করাv. to live; to sustain one self. ̃নাথsame as প্রাণেশ্বর। ̃নাশsame as প্রাণবধ । ̃নাশকsame as প্রাণঘাতী। ̃পণn. resolve of doing something even at the cost of one's life. ̃পণেadv. staking one's life, even at the cost of one's life. ̃পতিsame as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃পাখিn. the bird of life imprisoned in the cage of the body; life; life-breath. প্রণপাত করাv. to wreck or lay down or sacrifice one's life; to strain all one's energies. ̃পূর্ণsame as প্রাণবন্ত । ̃প্রতিমa. resembling life; as dear as life. ̃প্রতিমাn. the idol of one's life; a woman or girl as dear as one's life. ̃প্রতিষ্ঠাn. the rite of investing an idol with life, (cp.) consecration; infusion of life (into), activization (as of an organization). প্রাণপ্রতিষ্ঠা করাv. (eccl.) to invest (an idol) with life, to consecrate; to infuse life into (an organization); to activize. ̃প্রদsame as প্রাণদ । ̃প্রিয়a. as dear as life; an object of deep affection; dearer than life. ̃বঁধুn. a lover as dear as one's life, a sweetheart. ̃বধn. killing or slaying, manslaughter. প্রাণবধকরাv. to kill, to slay, to take a life. ̃বন্তa. living, alive; animate; lively; vivacious. sprightly; cordial, genial; volatile, active. ̃বন্ততাn. the state of being alive or living; animation; liveliness, vivacity, sprightliness; cordiality, geniality, volatility, fullness of activity. ̃বল্লভsame as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃বানsame as প্রাণচঞ্চল । ̃বায়ুn. life-breath; the first of the five vital airs (namely প্রাণঅপান, সমান, উদানand ব্যান) or all these airs collectively. প্রাণবায়ু বার হওয়াv. to breathe one's last, to die. ̃বিয়োগn. death. প্রাণবিয়োগহওয়াv. to die. ̃বিসর্জনn. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণবিসর্জন দেওয়াv. to sacrifice one's life. ̃ভয়n. fear of losing one's life, fear of life. ̃ভয়েadv. for fear of life. ̃ময়a. same as প্রাণবন্ত, and also—the sole object of one's life. fem. প্রাণময়ী । প্রাণময় কোষ(Hindu phil.) the life-cell of the body. প্রাণরক্ষা করাv. to save one's life; to sustain. প্রাণরক্ষাহওয়াv. to be saved from death; to be saved; to sustain oneself. ̃লাভn. act of coming or coming back to life. প্রাণলাভ করাv. to come or come back to life. ̃শূন্যa. lifeless; inanimate; lacking in liveliness or vivacity or sprightliness, dull, lacking in cordiality or geniality, cold, inactive, lethargic; callous. ̃সংকট same as প্রাণসংশয়। ̃সংশয়n. possibility of losing one's life, risk or hazard or peril of one's life. ̃সংহার same as প্রাণবধ। ̃সখাn. a bosom friend. ̃সঞ্চার same as প্রাণদান । ̃সমa. equal to life. ̃হন্তাn. a slayer, a killer; a murderer (fem. a murderess). fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হর, ̃হারক, ̃হারী same as প্রাণঘাতী ।fem. ̃হরা, ̃হারিকা, ̃হারিণী । ̃হীন same as প্রাণশূন্য। প্রাণাত্যয়n. destruction or loss of life, death; time of death or of loss of life. প্রাণাধিকa. dearer than one's life. fem. প্রাণাধিকা ।প্রাণান্তn. termination of life, death. প্রাণান্তকরa. causing death or termination of life; (fig.) extremely toilsome or causing extreme suffering. প্রাণান্তপরিচ্ছেদn. that which ends in or extends up to death; (fig.) extreme toil or suffering. প্রাণান্ত-পরিশ্রমn. extremely toilsome work, hard toil (likely to cost a person his life.) প্রাণেশ, প্রাণেশ্বরn. the lord of one's life; a husband; a lover. প্রাণেশ্বরীn. fem. the mistress of one's life; a wife; a ladylove, a sweetheart. প্রাণোত্সর্গn. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণোত্সর্গ করাv. to sacrifice one's life.
প্রাণায়াম [ prāṇāẏāma ] n breath-control as prescribed in the yoga system.
প্রাণী [ prāṇī ] n a living being, a creature, an animal; a human being, a person (বাড়িতেদুটিমাত্র প্রাণী). প্রাণীকুলn. the animal kingdom; fauna. প্রাণীজগত্n. the animal kingdom, the animal world. প্রণীতত্ত্ব, প্রাণীবিজ্ঞান, প্রাণীবিদ্যাn. zoology. প্রাণীতত্ত্বজ্ঞ , প্রাণীবিজ্ঞানী, প্রাণীবিদ্যাবিদn. a zoologist. প্রাণীতত্ত্বীয়a. zoological. প্রাণীহিংসাn. killing of animals; (rare) cruelty to animals.
প্রাত, প্রাতঃ [ prāta, prātḥ ] n morning; the early morning; (fig.) inception, beginning. প্রাতঃকর্ম same as প্রাতঃকৃত্য । প্রাতঃকালn. morning; the early morning. প্রাতঃকালীনa. of or for or in the morning, morning. প্রাতঃকালীন সংগীত a morning song, a matin. প্রাতঃকৃত্য, প্রাতঃক্রিয়াn. the routine morning duties of evacuation of bowels, personal washing, religious prayer etc. প্রাতঃনমস্কারn. the morning salutation, good morning. প্রাতঃপ্রণামn. the morning obeisance done by touching the feet of a respected person. প্রাতঃভ্রমণ, প্রাতর্ভ্রমণn. morning walk. প্রাতঃসন্ধ্যাn. the morning meditation or devotion; morning prayers. প্রাতঃসমীর, প্রাতঃসমীরণn. the morning breeze. প্রাতঃস্নানn. bath at sunrise; the morning ablution or bath. প্রাতঃস্মরণীয়a. (lit.) one whose name should be recalled or uttered on waking in the morning; (fig.) of immortal fame, ever memorable.
প্রাতরাশ, প্রাতর্ভোজন [ prātarāśa, prātarbhōjana ] n the first meal of the day, the morning meal, breakfast. প্রাতর্ভোজন করাv. to take the morning meal or the first meal of the day, to breakfast.
প্রাতর্বাক্য [ prātarbākya ] n the first words uttered on waking in the morning.
প্রাতিকুল্য [ prātikulya ] n same as প্রতিকুলতা (see প্রতিকুল ।)
প্রাতিজনিক [ prātijanika ] a personal. প্রতিজনিক খতিয়ান personal ledger account.
প্রাতিপদিক [ prātipadika ] n (gr.) an uninflected noun or adjective; a root noun or root adjective. ☐a. (gr.) uninflected.
প্রাতিভাসিক [ prātibhāsika ] a apparent but not real or actual, seemingly real.
প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক [ prātiṣṭhānika ] a institutional; organizational; of or about the establishment.
প্রাতিস্মিক [ prātismika ] a individual; characteristic; personal.
প্রাত্যহিক [ prātyahika ] a daily, diurnal. fem. প্রাত্যহিকী ।
প্রাথমিক [ prāthamika ] a relating to inception or beginning, initial; early, primitive; primary. প্রাথমিক পুস্তক a primer. প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় a primary school. প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা primary education.
প্রাদি [ prādi] n (in Sanskrit gr.) প্র পরা অপ সম নিঅব অনু নির্ দুর্ বি অভি অধি সু উত্ পরিপ্রতিঅপি অতি উপআ: these twenty prefixes collectively. প্রাদিসমাসn. (gr.) a system of forming compound words by adding any one of the aforesaid prefixes.
প্রাদুর্ভাব [ prādurbhāba ] n appearance; manifestation; serious or terrible outbreak (দুর্ভিক্ষেরপ্রাদুর্ভাব); extensive and terrible prevalence or excess (রোগেরবা মশারপ্রাদুর্ভাব); (dero.) act of coming into power or importance.
প্রাদুর্ভূত [ prādurbhūta ] a manifested; seriously or terribly broken out; extensively and terribly prevalent, existing in a large number. প্রাদুর্ভূত হওয়াv. to appear; to be come manifest; to break out seriously or terribly and usu. extensively (রোগপ্রাদুর্ভূত হওয়া).
প্রাদেশিক [ prādēśika ] a provincial (প্রাদেশিকস্বায়ত্বশাসন). প্রাদেশিকতাn. provincialism; parochialism; insularity.
প্রাধান্য [ prādhānya ] n primeness; supremacy, prominence, pre-eminence, predominance, প্রাধান্যস্হাপনবাবিস্তার করাv. to establish sway; to predominate, to domineer, to lord it over. প্রাধান্য পাওয়াv. to gain supremacy or prominence; to become predominant.
প্রাধিকার [ prādhikāra ] n authority. প্রাধিকারিকn. a special officer.
প্রাধিকৃত [ prādhikṛta ] a authorized.
প্রান্ত [ prānta ] n an extremity, an end; a tip; a border, a margin; a brim; a rim; the out skirts (নগরপ্রান্ত). ̃গ্রাবরেখাv. (geog.) the terminal moraine. ̃বর্তী, ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিতa. lying or situated in or on or at the border; terminal; marginal; bordering. ̃স্পর্শীa. (bot.) valvate. প্রান্তিক, প্রান্তীয়a. lying or situated in or on or at the border; terminal; (esp. in bot.) marginal; bordering; (arith.) extreme. প্রান্তিকউপযোগীতা marginal utility. বহুপ্রান্তীয়a. parietal. প্রান্ত্যa. (esp. in phys.) terminal; marginal.
প্রান্তর [ prāntara ] n a prairie, a wilderness, a waste, a vast expanse of arid land; a large tract of grass-land.
প্রাপক [ prāpaka ] n a delivery-man; a person who receives (something), a recipient.
প্রাপণ [ prāpaṇa ] n giving delivery or receiving. প্রাপণীয়a. obtainable; to be or fit to be obtained.
প্রাপিত [ prāpita ] a received or delivered through some agency.
প্রাপ্ত [ prāpta ] a obtained, got; received; found; acquired, gained, attained, learnt (শিক্ষাপ্রাপ্ত); informed of (সংবাদপ্রাপ্ত). প্রাপ্ত হওয়াv. to obtain, to get; to receive, to be given; to find, to come across; to acquire, to gain; to attain; to learn; to be informed. ̃কালa. on the point of death, dying; having attained the fullness of age. ̃বয়স্কa. one who has attained majority, of age, adult, grown-up. ̃ব্যa. same as প্রাপ্য (a.). ̃যৌবনa. adult. fem. ̃যৌবনা।
প্রাপ্তি [ prāpti ] n obtaining or getting; receipt; act of finding; acquirement, acquisition, gaining, attainment; act of learning; income, earnings; (often facet.) profit. ̃যোগn. (hum.) run of luck, unexpected gain or an occasion for some gain. ̃যোগ্যa. same as প্রাপ্য (a.) ̃সংবাদn. news of receipt. ̃স্হানn. a place from which something may be had. ̃স্বীকারn. acknowledgement of receipt.
প্রাপ্য [ prāpya ] a obtainable; receivable; acquirable, attainable; to be paid, due (প্রাপ্যঅর্থ). ☐n. due.
প্রাবন্ধিক [ prābandhika ] n an essayist.
প্রাবরণ [ prābaraṇa ] n a thin and large scarf; a covering, a cover.
প্রাবল্য [ prābalya ] n same as প্রবলতা (see প্রবল).
প্রাবীণ্য [ prābīṇya ] n same as প্রবীণতা (see প্রবীণ).
প্রাবৃট, প্রাবৃষা [ prābṛṭa, prābṛṣā ] n the rainy season, the rains. প্রাবৃষিক, প্রাবৃষ্যa. of the rainy season.
প্রাবেশিক [ prābēśika ] a pertaining to entrance or admission. প্রাবেশিক পরীক্ষা an admission test.
প্রাভাতিক [ prābhātika ] a of the morning.
প্রামাণিক [ prāmāṇika ] a authoritative, authentic. ̃তাn. authoritativeness, authenticity.
প্রামাণ্য [ prāmāṇya ] n authoritativeness, authenticity. ☐a. same as প্রামাণিক ।
প্রায়1 [ prāẏa1 ] adv usually (এমনই তো প্রায় ঘটে); frequently, every now and then, often (সে প্রায় এখানে আসে).
প্রায়2 [ prāẏa2 ] a (chiefly used in comp. as a sfx.) resembling, like (গতপ্রায়); nearing, about, nearly, a little less than (প্রায়প্রতিদিন, প্রায়লাখ টাকা).
প্রায়3 [ prāẏa3 ] n death by starvation, desire to die of starvation or fasting (প্রায়োপবেশন); overmuchness.
প্রাযুক্তিক [ prāyuktika ] n a technologist.
প্রায়োগজ [ prāẏōgaja ] a same as প্রায়োগিক ।
প্রায়োগিক [ prāẏōgika ] a (phil.) pragmatic, empirical; technical.
প্রায়োপবিষ্ট [ prāẏōpabiṣṭa ] a seated fasting till death; (loos.) on hunger strike.
প্রারব্ধ [ prārabdha ] a commenced, started; taken on hand, undertaken (প্রারব্ধ কর্ম).☐n. destiny, fate; the consequences of activities of a previous birth, which have begun to take effect ('ভোগদ্বারা প্রারব্ধেরক্ষয়') ।
প্রারম্ভ [ prārambha ] n beginning, commencement, outset, inception. প্রারম্ভিকa. of the begin ning, initial.
প্রার্থনা, প্রার্থন [ prārthanā, prārthana ] n a prayer (secular or religious); act of asking for, solicitation; supplication; application. প্রার্থনা করাv. to pray; to say one's prayer; to ask for, to solicit; to supplicate; to apply (for); to petition. প্রার্থনা পূর্ণ করাto grant a prayer.
প্রার্থনীয়, প্রার্থয়িতব্য [ prārthanīẏa, prārthaẏitabya ] a worth praying or asking or applying for.
প্রার্থিত [ prārthita ] a prayed for, asked for; applied for; desired.
প্রার্থিনী [ prārthinī ] fem of প্রার্থী ।
প্রার্থী [ prārthī ] a praying for, asking for; applying for; desiring. ☐n. one who prays for or asks for; an applicant; a candidate; a desirer.
প্রাশন [ prāśana ] n act of eating; initiation to eating (অন্নপ্রাশন).
প্রাস [ prāsa ] n an ancient missile.
প্রাসঙ্গিক [ prāsaṅgika ] a contextual; relevant, pertinent.
প্রাসাদ [ prāsāda ] n a royal residence, a palace; a large building, an edifice. ̃কুক্কুটn. the pigeon. ̃প্রহরীn. a palace-guard.
প্রাহসনিক [ prāhasanika ] a farcical; satirical; comic or comical.
প্রাহ্ন [ prāhna ] n the first part or quarter of the day; (loos.) forenoon.
প্রিন্টার [ prinṭāra ] n a printer.
প্রিন্সিপাল [ prinsipāla ] n a principal (of an institution).
প্রিভি কাউন্সিল [ pribhi kāunsila ] n the Privy Council (of Great Britain).
প্রিয় [ priẏa ] n a beloved person; a lover; a darling; (chiefly in address) a husband; a friend. ☐a. dear; beloved; favourite (প্রিয় বস্তু); pleasant. প্রিয়ংবদa. fair-spoken, sweet-tongued. fem. প্রিয়ংবদা । ̃কারক, ̃কারীa. doing agreeable things, causing pleasure by one's actions. fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃চিকীর্ষাn. desire of doing things agreeable to another, desire to do a good turn (to), benevolence. ̃চিকীর্ষুa. desirous of doing things agreeable to another, desirous of doing a good turn (to), benevolent. ̃জনn. a beloved person; a favourite; a kinsman or relative; a friend. ̃তমa. super. of প্রিয়।☐n. a most beloved person; a lover; a darling; a husband. fem. ̃তমা । ̃তরa. compar. of িয় (a.). ̃দর্শনa. good-looking, handsome, comely. fem. ̃দর্শনা । ̃দর্শীa. treating everybody with love or affection. fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃পাত্রn. a favourite, a beloved person fem. ̃পাত্রী । ̃বচন, ̃বাক্যn. pleasant or sweet words; adulatory words. ̃বাদী same as িয়ংবদfem. িয়বাদিনী। ̃বিয়োগn. loss or death of a dear one, bereavement. ̃বিরহn. separation from one's lover or dear one. ̃ভাষণn. pleasant or sweet speech; adulatory speech. ̃ভাষী same as িয়ংবদ।fem. ̃ভাষিণী। ̃সখ (pop.) ̃সখাn. a dear or bosom friend; a boon companion. fem. ̃সখী । ̃সমাগমn. union or re-union with a dear one or dear ones; visit of dear ones. প্রিয়াa. fem. of িয় ।☐n. fem. a lady-love, a sweetheart; a darling; (chiefly in address) a wife.
প্রিয়ঙ্গু [ priẏaṅgu ] n a sweet-smelling evergreen creeper, Aglaia roxburghiana.
প্রীণন [ prīṇana ] n act of pleasing; (loos.) adulation.
প্রীত [ prīta ] a pleased, satisfied; delighted, gladdened. ☐n. (obs. & poet.) love or love affair. ('কুলকলঙ্কিনী হইনু করিয়াপ্রীত'); act of pleasing, pleasure ('শ্রীরামের প্রীতে ভাই মুখে বল হরি').
প্রীতি [ prīti ] n pleasure, satisfaction; delight, joy; love; affection; attachment; fondness; friendliness; amicability; amiability; favour (উপরওয়ালার প্রীতি). ীতি অর্জন করাv. to earn the favour of; to be pleased or satisfied or delighted. ̃উপহারn. a complimentary gift or present; a gift or token of love. ̃করa. pleasing, pleasant; delightful; agreeable. ̃পূর্ণa. loving; affectionate; friendly; amicable; amiable; cordial. ̃ভরেadv. lovingly; affectionately; in a friendly spirit; amiably; cordially; with delight. ̃ভাজনn. one deserving love or affection or friendship; a favourite. ̃ভোজ, ̃ভোজনn. a feast or feasting. ̃সম্ভাষণn. a cordial or friendly greeting. ̃সম্মেলনn. a friendly or cordial meeting or assembly or gathering. ̃সূচকa. expressing pleasure or delight; cordial; friendly.
প্রীয়মাণ [ prīẏamāṇa ] a in the state of being pleased or satisfied or delighted.
প্রুফ [ prupha ] n (print.) a proof or a proof-sheet. ুফ তোলাv. to pull a proof. ুফ দেখা, প্রুফ সংশোধন করাv. to read or correct a proof, to proof-read, to proof-correct. ̃রিডারn. a proof-reader. ̃রিডিং, ̃সংশোধনn. a proof-reading. ̃সংশোধকn. a proof-corrector, a proof-reader.
প্রেক্ষক [ prēkṣaka ] n a spectator; an onlooker; one of the audience.
প্রেক্ষণ [ prēkṣaṇa ] n act of seeing or looking on or watching; (loos.) act of seeing and hearing. েক্ষণিকাn. an exhibition. েক্ষণীয়a. worth seeing or watching; (loos.) worth seeing and hearing; capable of being seen and heard.
প্রেক্ষা [ prēkṣā ] n seeing or viewing or watching; observation; review; act of seeing or (loos.) seeing and hearing a dramatic or musical performance or a dance. ̃গার, ̃গৃহn. a theatre-hall, a theatre; an opera-house; a music-hall; a gallery; (loos.) an auditorium; an observatory.
প্রোক্ষিকা [ prōkṣikā ] fem of েক্ষক।
প্রেক্ষিত [ prēkṣita ] a seen; watched; observed; (loos.) seen and heard.
প্রেত [ prēta ] n an evil spirit, a goblin, a ghoul; a ghost; the spirit or ghost of a dead person. ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্য, ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়াn. funeral rites; obsequial rites. ̃তত্ত্বn. spiritism, spiritualism. ̃তত্ত্ববিদn. a spiritist, a spiritualist. ̃তর্পণn. offering of water to the spirit of a deceased person. ̃দেহn. a ghost (of a dead person), an apparition. ̃নদীn. (myth.) the river Baitarini (বৈতরণী) which the soul of the dead has to cross, (cp.) the Styx. ̃পক্ষn. the dark lunar fortnight ending with the Mahalaya (মহালয়া). ̃পিন্ডn. lump of food offered to the spirit of a deceased person. ̃ভূমিn. a burial ground, a cremation ground. ̃পুরীn. the abode of the dead, the spirit-world, (cp.) Hades. ̃মূর্তিn. a ghost, an apparition. ̃যোনিn. an evil spirit, a goblin, a ghoul. ̃লোক same as েতপুরী। প্রতাত্মাn. the soul or spirit of a dead person, a ghost, a spirit. েতাশৌচn. impurity of one's body caused by carrying a dead person. েতিনীn. fem. a female evil spirit, a female goblin or ghoul.
প্রেপ্সু [ prēpsu ] a desirous of getting or obtaining.
প্রেম [ prēma ] n love, amour; universal love (জীবেপ্রেম); affection; attachment; friendliness, amicability; cordiality; devotion (ঈশ্বরপ্রেম). েমকরা, প্রেম দেওয়াv. to make love; to treat with love or affection, to love, to court. েমে পড়াv. to fall in love (with.) ̃ডোরn. a bond or string of (mutual) love or affection. ̃দৃষ্টিn. an amorous or lustful look or glance, a fond look. ̃পত্রn. a love-letter, a billet-doux. ̃পাত্রn. a person of love; a beloved one. ̃পীড়িতa. lovesick, love-lorn. ̃পূর্ণa. full of love, loving; affectionate; full of devotion. ̃প্রতিমাn. an idol or image or embodiment of love. ̃বন্ধনn. the tie of (mutual) love or affection. ̃বাণn. a love-shaft, a Cupid's shaft. ̃বারিn. tears of devotion or love. ̃ভক্তিn. loving devotion. ̃ভিক্ষাn. begging for love; wooing, courting. েমভিক্ষা করাv. to beg for (the) love (of); to woo, to court. ̃ময় same as েমপূর্ণ ।fem. ̃ময়ী। ̃মুগ্ধa. passionately in love, fascinated by love. ̃লীলাn. amorous sports; dalliance; a love-affair, an affaire decoeur. ̃শর same as েমবাণ । ̃সংগীতn. a love-song. ̃হীনa. loveless, having no love. েমাকাঙ্ক্ষাn. a longing for love. েমাকাঙ্ক্ষীa. longing for love. fem. প্রেমাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী । প্রেমানন্দn. joy or delight of love or devotion. েমানলn. fire of love, burning passion. েমাবেগn. emotion or urge of love. েমামৃতn. the ambrosia or nectar of love. েমার্দ্রa. softened with love. েমালাপn. amorous conversation; a wooing. েমালাপ করাv. to be engaged in amorous conversation, to woo. েমালিঙ্গনn. an amatory or affectionate embrace. েমাশ্রু same as েমবারি। প্রেমাসক্তa. having great amorous or devotional attachment (to). েমিকa. given to love, loving; affectionate; devoted. ☐n. a lover, a sweet heart; an affectionate man; a devotee. fem. মিকা । প্রেমীa. given to love, loving; devoted, attached.
প্রেয় [ prēẏa ] a desired; dear; to one's liking, agreeable.
প্রেয়সী [ prēẏasī ] a. fem most beloved, dearest. ☐n. a lady-love, a sweet-heart, a mistress; a wife.
প্রেরক [ prēraka ] a sending, dispatching (despatching); transmitting; remitting. ☐n. a sender, a despatcher; a transmitter; a remitter.
প্রেরণ [ prēraṇa ] n act of sending, dispatch, transmission; remittance. েরণ করাv. to send, to dispatch; to transmit; to remit.
প্রেরণা [ prēraṇā ] n an urge; an inspiration. েরণাদেওয়াv. to urge, to impel; to inspire. ̃প্রাপ্তa. urged; inspired.
প্রেরিত [ prērita ] a sent, dispatched; transmitted.
প্রেষ [ prēṣa ] n (mech. & phys.) pressure. ˜ক্রম ̃নতিn. pressure-gradient. ̃বেদনn. pressure-sensation.
প্রেষণ, প্রেষণা [ prēṣaṇa, prēṣaṇā ] n sending, dispatch; transmission; remittance; act of sending by performing solemn rites; inspiration. েষণীn. fem. (obs.) a female go-between in a love affair. েষণীয়a. to be sent or dispatched or transmitted or remitted.
প্রেষবর্ধক [ prēṣabardhaka ] n (phys.) a booster.
প্রেষিত [ prēṣita ] a sent, dispatched; transmitted; remitted; solemnly sent; dependent. fem. েষিতা ।
প্রেষ্য [ prēṣya ] a fit to be sent or transmitted or remitted. ☐n. a servant, a foot-man; a messenger. fem. েষ্যা ।
প্রেস [ prēsa ] n a printing-house, a press.
প্রেসক্রিপশন [ prēsakripaśana ] n a prescription (of a physician).
পৈষ [ paiṣa ] a of dispatch or transmission; of postal transmission, postal.
পোক্ত [ pōkta ] a authoritatively spoken or announced (ঋষিপ্রোক্ত).
প্রোটিন [ prōṭina ] n protein. োটিনসংশ্লেষn. protein synthesis.
প্রোত [ prōta ] a strung on thread; inlaid; woven (ওতপ্রোত).
প্রোত্সাহ [ prōtsāha ] n great zeal or effort, ardour; great incitement or encouragement; a great incentive or stimulus. োত্সাহিতa. greatly incited or encouraged. fem. োত্সাহিতা ।
প্রোত্সুক [ prōtsuka ] a very much eager; ardent.
প্রোথিত [ prōthita ] a planted or driven into; (rare) sowed; buried, interred. থিত করাv. to plant or drive into; (rare) to sow; to bury; to inter.
প্রোন্নত [ prōnnata ] a very high; highly developed, prosperous; highly advanced.
প্রোবেট [ prōbēṭa ] n (in law) a probate.
প্রোষিত [ prōṣita ] a gone abroad. ̃পত্নীক, ̃ভার্যn. a manpining on account of separation from his wife who has gone abroad. ̃ভর্তৃকাn. a woman pining on account of separation from her husband who has gone abroad, (cp.) a grass widow.
প্রৌঢ় [ prauḍh় ]a middle-aged; elderly. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. the age between youth and old age; elderliness.
প্রৌঢ়া [ prauḍh়ā ] fem of ৌঢ়।
প্রৌঢ়ি [ prauḍh়i ] n energy; capacity, capability; ardour; zeal; talent.
প্র্যাকটিস [ pryākaṭisa ] n repeated performance as a means of acquiring skill, practice; the exercise of a profession, a professional man's business, practice. ্যাকটিস করাv. to practise (হারমোনিয়ামবা ডাক্তারিপ্র্যাকটিস করা).
প্লক্ষ [ plakṣa ] n one of the seven mythological is lands; the fig tree.
প্লব [ plaba ] n leaping or hopping; swimming; floating; a raft, a float. ̃কেন্দ্রn. the centre of buoyancy. ̃তাn. buoyancy. ̃নn. swimming; floating; buoyancy; act of going by leaps, hopping. ̃মানa. floating, buoyant. ̃শক্তিn. buoyancy.
প্লাগ [ plāga ] n a plug.
প্লাবক [ plābaka ] a. & n one who or that which floods.
প্লাবন [ plābana ] n a flood, a deluge. ̃পীড়িত flood stricken (বন্যাপীড়িত more usual).
প্লাবিত [ plābita ] a flooded; overflowed; inundated; streaming with (অশ্রুপ্লাবিত চোখ); drenched or steeped in (অশ্রুপ্লাবিত বদনে). াবিত করাv. to flood; to overflow; to inundate; to cause to stream with; to drench or steep (in). াবিতাa. fem. of াবিত।☐n. (phys.) buoyance.
প্লাবিনী [ plābinī ] fem of প্লাবী।
প্লাবী [ plābī ] a flooding; inundating; overflowing; causing to stream with; drenching or steeping (in).
প্লাস1 [ plāsa1 ] n (math.) plus, the plus sign.
প্লাস2 [ plāsa2 ] n pliers.
প্লাসটার, প্লাস্টার [ plāsaṭāra, plāsṭāra ] n a plaster.
প্লিডার [ pliḍāra ] n a pleader. িডারিn. the profession of a pleader. িডারিকরাv. to practise as a pleader.
প্লীহা [ plīhā ] n the spleen; morbid enlargement of the spleen (also ীহা বৃদ্ধি). ̃রোগn. enlargement of the spleen. ̃ভঙ্গn. rupture of the spleen.
প্লুত [ pluta ] n (gr.) an extra-long vowel or sound; a protracted sound; a leap or hop; a (horse's) gallop. ☐a. flooded, inundated; thoroughly drenched or steeped. ̃গতিn. a leaping or hopping movement; a gallop. ☐a. going leapingly or hoppingly; galloping.
প্লেগ [ plēga ] n a deadly epidemic or pestilence, the plague.
প্লেট [ plēṭa ] n a plate, a saucer.
প্লেন1 [ plēna1 ] a plane, flat; plain. েন করাv. to plane; to smooth, to make plane.
প্লেন2 [ plēna2 ] a plain, simple, ordinary.
প্লেন3 [ plēna3 ] n an aeroplane, a plane.
প্ল্যাকার্ড [ plyākārḍa ] n a placard.
প্ল্যাটফর্ম [ plyāṭapharma ] n a railway platform; a dais, a platform.
প্ল্যান [ plyāna ] n a plan, an outline sketch; a scheme. ্যান করাv. to draw an outline sketch of; to scheme, to plan.
প্ল্যানচেট [ plyānacēṭa ] n planchette.
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গ্রিজার (যা "তেল পরিষ্কারক" হিসাবেও পরিচিত) হলো কর্মী, যার প্রধান কর্ম যন্ত্রপাতির তেল পরিষ্কার করা। পূর্ববর্তী যুগে বিভিন্ন শিল্পে, যেমন নৌবাহিনী ও বাণিজ্যিক কাজ, রেলপথের পরিষ্কার, ইস্পাত প্রস্তুতি ও খনিজ শিল্পে তেল পরিষ্কারক পদ ছিল। পূর্বে বিভিন্ন শিল্পে অয়েলার ছিলেন, যেমন- সামুদ্রিক কাজ (নৌবাহিনী এবং বাণিজ্যিক), রেল চালনা, ইস্পাত নির্মাণ, খনি ইত্যাদি। আজকে প্রযুক্তির পরিবর্তনের মাধ্যমে এরকম পদপ্রায় বিলুপ্ত হয়ে গিয়েছে। গ্রীজার পদের কাজ কি
ReplyDeleteগ্রীজারদের অনেক সময় গীজার বলা হয়। গ্রীজার হল নৌ পরিবহনের চতুর্থ শ্রেনীর একটি পদ। "গ্রীজার" পদের প্রয়োজনতা মূলত মেশিনের নির্বিচ্ছিন্ন কার্যকারিতা বজায় রাখার জন্য। মেশিনগুলি যখন নিয়মিত তেল পায়, তখন তারা সঠিকভাবে এবং দীর্ঘ সময় পর্যন্ত কাজ করে। এই পদের মাধ্যমে মেশিনের জর্জরিত হওয়া ও মেশিনের মারাত্মক ক্ষতি রোধ করা যায়। তাই, "গ্রীজার" পদটি একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পদ হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয় গ্রীজার পদের কাজ কি ? গ্রীজারের মানে কি নিয়ে এই আর্টিকেলে আমরা আলোচনা করেছি বিস্তারিত জানতে পড়ুন।