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Sunday, April 7, 2013
উ [ u ] n the fifth vowel of the Bengali alphabet.
উই [ ui ] n white ant, termite (also উইপোকা). ̃চারা, ̃ঢিপি, ̃ঢিবিn. an ant-hill. উইলাগাv. to get attacked with white ants. ̃ধরা, ̃লাগাa. attacked with or eaten up by white ants.
উইল[ uila ] n a written document directing the disposal of one's effects at death, a will, a testament. উইল করাv. to draw up a will, to will, to bequeath.
উঃ[ uḥ ] int expressing: pain, amazement, impatience, derision, disgust etc.
উঁকি[ un̐ki ] n a peep; a prying; a furtive glance. ̃ঝুঁকিn. (frequent or repeated) peeping and prying. উঁকিঝুঁকি মারাv. to peep and pry (frequently or repeatedly), to look and peer about inquisitively. উঁকি দেওয়া, উঁকিমারাv. to peep; to look shyly or furtively or surreptitiously; to begin to appear; to put in first appearance shyly or furtively.
উঁচকপালে[ un̐cakapālē ] a having a protuberant or bulging or convex forehead (such a fore head indicates luck in case of men, but ill-luck in case of women); fortunate (in case of women: unfortunate). fem. উঁচকপালি ।
উঁচু[ un̐cu ] a high, elevated, tall, lofty; exalted, noble (উঁচু মন); loud; rough (উঁচুকথা). উঁচুকরাv. to raise; to elevate. উঁচানোv. to raise, to elevate. ☐n. raising. ☐a. raised. উঁচু-নিচুa. high and low; undulating, uneven.
উঁহুঁ[ um̐hu ] int expressing: unwillingness, nonacceptance, bashfulness, slight pain.
উকড়া[ ukaḍ়ā ] n parched paddy coated or sweetened with sugar or molasses.
উকার[ ukāra ] n the symbol 'ু' affixed to a con sonant whilst adding the উ-sound to it. উকারাদিa. (of words) beginning with উ or উ-sound. উকারান্তa. (of words) ending in উ or উ-sound.
উঁকি2 [ un̐ki2 ] n a hiccup; retching. উকিতোলাv. to hiccup; to retch.
উকিল[ ukila ] n a pleader, an advocate; a lawful or legal representative; (facet. or derog.) a supporter. উকিল দেওয়া, উকিললাগানোv. to engage a pleader. উকিলহওয়াv. to take up the profession of a pleader; to be a pleader; to act as a pleader for, to plead for; to advocate; to support. উকিলিa. of or like a pleader (উকিলি বুদ্ধি).
উকুন[ ukuna ] n the louse (pl. lice).
উক্ত[ ukta ] a said, mentioned; aforesaid, afore mentioned. উক্ত থাকা, উক্ত হওয়াv. to be said or mentioned.
উক্তি[ ukti ] n speech; a saying, an apophthegm; a statement; a pronouncement. ̃প্রত্যুক্তিn. statement and counter-statement, bandying of words; mutual recrimination.
উখড়ানো[ ukhaḍ়ānō ] v to uproot, to extirpate. ☐n. extirpation. ☐a. uprooted.
উখা1 [ ukhā1 ] n a dixie or cooking-pail usually with a concave bottom; an oven.
উখা2 [ ukhā2 ] n a file, a rasp. উখা দিয়ে ঘষাv. to file; to rasp.
উখি [ ukhi ] n dandruff, scurf.
উগরানো [ ugarānō ] v to disgorge, to belch out, to eruct, to vomit, to spew; (fig.) to be compelled to confess or give back. ☐n. disgorgement, belching out, eructation, vomiting or spewing. ☐a. disgorged, belched out, eructed, vomited, spewed. চোরাই মাল উগরানো to be compelled to give back stolen goods. পরীক্ষার খাতায় উগরানো to write down mechanically in an answer-paper what has been crammed. পেটেরকথা উগরানো to be compelled to give out or confess secrets.
উগ্র [ ugra ] a violent; cruel; rough, harsh (উগ্রকথা); haughty; angry, wrathful, hot (উগ্রস্বভাব); severe, fierce (উগ্র তেজ); sharp, pungent, strong (উগ্রশব্দ, উগ্রগন্ধ, উগ্র বিষ). ̃কন্ঠ, ̃স্বরa. harsh-and-angry-voiced, raucous. ̃কন্ঠে, ̃স্বরেadv. in a harsh and angry voice, in a rough or rude voice, raucously. ̃কর্মাa. one who performs terrible or cruel deeds. ̃ক্ষত্রিয়n. the Aguri. ̃চণ্ডা, ̃চণ্ডীn. fem. an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) when conceived as the goddess of wrath; a termagant woman, a termagant, a shrew. ̃গন্ধীa. strong scented. ̃তপাa. practicing severe penance or asceticism. ̃তাn. violence; cruelty; roughness, harshness; haughtiness; anger, wrath, heat; severity, fierceness; sharpness. ̃দর্শনa. angry looking, of fierce looks, of a stern and forbidding appearance. fem. উগ্রদর্শনা । ̃পন্হীa. & n. extremist; terrorist. ̃প্রকৃতিa. hot-tempered; quick-tempered; irascible, choleric. ̃বীর্যa. high spirited. ̃মূর্তিa. angry-looking; fierce looking. ̃স্বভাবsame as উগ্রপ্রকৃতি ।
উচক্কা [ ucakkā ] a in the state of growing up or attaining maturity, adolescent (উচক্কাবয়স); sudden (উচক্কা ভয়). ☐adv. suddenly.
উচল [ ucala ] a (poet. & obs.) high.
উচাটন [ ucāṭana ] n anxiety; restlessness; over-eagerness. ☐a. anxious; restless; over eager.
উচিত [ ucita ] a just, equitable; reasonable; proper, right; worthy, becoming, suitable. ̃বক্তাa. outspoken. উচিত ব্যবহারjust and equitable treatment, a square deal.
উচ্চ [ ucca ] a (for. High.) high, tall; elevated (উচ্চ ভূমি); socially high (উচ্চ বংশ); noble, exalted (উচ্চ মন); dignified or pompous (উচ্চ চালচলন); upper (উচ্চশ্রেণি); high-pitched, loud (উচ্চ স্বর); dear, costly (উচ্চ মূল্য); superior, senior (উচ্চ পদ, উচ্চকর্মচারী). ̃কুলজাতa. born of a high family, highborn, nobly born. ̃তমa. super; highest; loftiest. ̃তরa. compar. higher; loftier. ̃তাn. height, altitude; tallness; elevation; state of being socially high; nobleness, exaltedness; loudness. ̃নাদa. high sounding, making a loud noise; loud. ☐n. a loud noise or sound. ̃নীচa. &n. high and low. ˜পাতn. (astr.) the ascending node. ̃বাচ্যn. response; anything in favour or opposition; commenting. ̃বাচ্যনাকরাv. not to respond; not to say anything in favour or opposition; not to pass any comments; to keep quiet, to remain silent. ̃বিত্তn. upperclass. ☐a. belonging to the upper class. উচ্চবিদ্যালয় a high school. ̃বেতনn. high or handsome or fat or big salary. ̃ভাষীa. harsh-tongued; bragging. ̃মধ্যবিত্তn. upper middle class. ̃মূল্যn. high price. ̃রোলn. loud noise, clamour. ̃শিক্ষাn. high or higher education. ̃হারn. high rate. ̃হারেadv. at a high rate. ̃হাসিn. a loud laugh, a guffaw, laughter. ̃হৃদয়a. large-hearted, high-minded, magnanimous, generous.
উচ্চকিত [ uccakita ] a anxious, worried; ontenterhooks; agitated; restless; on the tiptoe of expectation.
উচ্চণ্ড [ uccaṇḍa ] a violent; terrible, fierce; indomitable; very angry or hot-tempered; severe.
উচ্চয় [ uccaẏa ] n act of plucking or collecting (পুষ্পোচ্চয়); collection; multitude, heap.
উচ্চস্বর [ uccasbara ] n a loud voice. উচ্চস্বরেadv. in a loud voice. See also উচ্চৈঃস্বর।
উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা [ uccākāṅkṣā ] n ambition, aspiration. উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষীa. ambitious, aspiring. fem. উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী ।
উচ্চাটন [ uccāṭana ] n eradication, extirpation; act of agitating; agitation; act of tormenting, oppression, persecution; anxiety, state of suspense; a kind of pseudo-spiritual practice undertaken to persecute an enemy.
উচ্চাবচ [ uccābaca ] a uneven, undulating.
উচ্চাভিলাষ [ uccābhilāṣa ] n ambition, aspiration. উচ্চাভিলাষীn. ambitious, aspiring. fem. উচ্চাভিলাষিণী ।
উচ্চার [ uccāra ] n excrement, faeces, stool, dung; utterance.
উচ্চারণ [ uccāraṇa ] n act of speaking; elocution, articulation, utterance; mode of speaking; pronunciation. উচ্চারণ করাv. to speak out; to elocute; to articulate; to utter, to say; to pronounce. ̃স্হানn. (gr.) any of the parts of the mouth that becomes most active whilst pronouncing a particular letter of the alphabet; place of articulation.
উচ্চারণীয়, উচ্চার্য [ uccāraṇīẏa, uccārya ] a that which should be or can be said or uttered or pro nounced, utterable. উচ্চার্যমাণa. that which is in the process of being said or uttered or pronounced.
উচ্চারিত [ uccārita ] a spoken; elocuted; uttered; pronounced.
উচ্চাশয় [ uccāśaẏa ] a noble-minded, high-souled.
উচ্চাশা [ uccāśā ] n high-hope; ambition, aspiration. উচ্চাশা করাv. to aspire.
উচ্চিংড়া, উচ্চিংড়ে [ ucciṇḍ়ā, ucciṇḍ়ē ] n a kind of insect akin to the cricket.
উচ্চৈশ্রবা [ uccaiśrabā ] n (myth.) the horse owned by Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.
উচ্চৈঃস্বর [ uccaiḥsbara ] n a loud voice; a shout. উচ্চৈঃস্বরেadv. in a loud voice; with a shout. উচ্চৈঃস্বরেডাকাবাবলাv. to call or say loudly; to shout.
উচ্ছল, উচ্ছলিত [ ucchala, ucchalita ] a all-pervading; surging; lively; thrown up, disgorged; bulged out; swelled. উচ্ছল হওয়া, উচ্ছলিত হওয়াv. to be all-pervading; to be lively; to swell up; to bulge out, to swell. উচ্ছলনn. state of being all-pervading; state of being thrown up or disgorged; act of swelling up or bulging out.
উচ্ছিতি [ ucchiti ] n eradication, extirpation; ejectment, eviction; extermination; destruction, abolition.
উচ্ছিদ্যমান [ ucchidyamāna ] a in the state of being eradicated or extirpated or ejected or evicted or ex terminated or destroyed or abolished.
উচ্ছিন্ন [ ucchinna ] a eradicated, extirpated; ejected, evicted; exterminated; destroyed, abolished. উচ্ছিন্ন করাv. to eradicate, to extirpate; to eject; to exterminate; to destroy, to abolish.
উচ্ছিষ্ট [ ucchiṣṭa ] a (of food) left or remaining in the plate after eating; not washed after eating (উচ্ছিষ্ট মুখ); that which has come in con tact with cooked food (উচ্ছিষ্টহাঁড়ি). ☐n. orts; leavings of food in the plate after eating (also উচ্ছিষ্টান্ন); scraps of food. ̃ভোজনn. feeding of left-overs in another person's plate. ̃ভোজীa. one who eats the scraps of food left in another person's plate. ☐n. a cringing dependant.
উচ্ছৃঙ্খল [ ucchṛṅkhala ] a disorderly; not disciplined; self-willed, wayward; uncontrolled, unregulated; lawless, dissolute, wild; Bohemian. উচ্ছৃঙ্খলতাn. disorderliness; indiscipline; waywardness; want of control or regularity; lawlessness; dissoluteness; Bohemianism.
উচ্ছে [ ucchē ] n bitter gourd, a variety of kitchen vegetable having bitter taste.
উচ্ছেদ [ ucchēda ] n eradication, extirpation; ejectment, eviction; destruction, abolition. উচ্ছেদ করাv. to eradicate, to extirpate; to eject, to evict; to destroy, to abolish. ভিটেমাটি উচ্ছেদ করাv. to eject or evict from hereditary homestead. সমূলে উচ্ছেদকরা to uproot, to extirpate; (fig.) to destroy root and branch. উচ্ছেদকa. one who or that which eradicates or extirpates or ejects or evicts or destroys. ☐n. an eradicator, an extirpator; an ejector, an evictor; a destroyer, an abolisher; an abolitionist (as of slavery). উচ্ছেদন same as উচ্ছেদ । উচ্ছেদনীয়, উচ্ছেদ্যa. eradicable, extirpable; fit to be ejected or evicted, fit to be destroyed or abolished. ̃সাধনn. act of eradicating or extirpating or ejecting or evicting or destroying or abolishing; eradication, extirpation; ejection, eviction; destruction, abolition. ̃সাধনকরা same as উচ্ছেদকরা ।
উচ্ছোষণ [ ucchōṣaṇa ] n act of sucking up; act of afflicting. ☐a. that which sucks up or afflicts.
উচ্ছোষিত [ ucchōṣita ] a sucked up; afflicted.
উচ্ছ্বসন [ ucchbasana ] n act of bursting out; act of swelling or welling up; act of over flowing or filling; respiration; mo tional imbalance.
উচ্ছ্বসিত [ ucchbasita ] a swollen, swelled; welled up; swelling; overflowed; overflowing; filled to the brim; overfull; full of ardour; impassioned; seized with over mastering emotion.
উচ্ছ্বাস [ ucchbāsa ] n strong emotion or passion; an emotional or passionate outburst; great delight; a bursting forth; manifestation; a swelling; breathing; breath; a chapter of a book. উচ্ছ্বাসিতa. swollen, swelled; welled up; swelling; overflowed; over flowing; filled to the brim, overfull; seized with emotion; impassioned; bursting forth; opened; manifested.
উচ্ছ্রয়, উচ্ছ্রায়, উচ্ছ্রিতি [ ucchraẏa, ucchrāẏa, ucchriti ] n height, altitude; elevation, gradual rise or ascent, elation, development. উচ্ছ্রায়ীa. ascending; rising gradually; in the process of being elated or developed. উচ্ছ্রিতa. heightened; swelled; developed. উচ্ছ্রাv. (poet.) to rise upwards, to swell ('উচ্ছ্রিয়া উঠিবে বিশ্ব').
উছল [ uchala ] a swelling up; swelled up; over flowing. উছলানোv. to swell up; to overflow. ☐n. swelling up; overflow. ☐a. swollen, overflowing, swelled up.
উজবুক [ ujabuka ] a stupid; ignorant; uneducated; uncouth.
উজবেক, উজবেগ [ ujabēka, ujabēga ] n an Uzbeg; an inhabit ant of Uzbekistan.
উজাগর [ ujāgara ] a sleepless.
উজাড় [ ujāḍ় ] a empty, exhausted; depopulated; desolate (ঠক বাছতে দেশ উজার).
উজান [ ujāna ] n a course against the current, an upstream course. উজান-ভাটিn. flow-tide and ebb-tide, flow and ebb. উজানি-বেলাn. forenoon. উজানেadv. upstream, against the current.
উজানো [ ujānō ] v to go upstream. ☐a. going or moving upstream; upstream.
উজির [ ujira ] n a minister of state esp. the prime minister (usu. in Muslim rule). উজিরি, উজিরালিn. office of the prime minister; premiership. রাজাউজিরমারাv. to try to establish one's importance by fabricating stories about one's familiarity with big persons.
উজু [ uju ] n (amongst Muslims) formal washing of one's person before praying and other religious services; washing one's person.
উজ্জীবন [ ujjībana ] n infusion of a new life, regeneration; bringing back or coming back to life or consciousness, resuscitation; act of being predominant again from a state of extinction, revival.
উজ্জীবিত [ ujjībita ] a infused with a new life, regenerated; brought back or returned to life or consciousness, resuscitated; re turned to predominance from a state of extinction, revived. উজ্জীবিতকরাv. to infuse a new life into, to regenerate; to bring back to life or consciousness, to breathe fresh life into, to resuscitate; to revive.
উজ্জ্বম্ভণ [ ujjbambhaṇa ] n manifestation; development; evolution; change.
উজ্জ্বল [ ujjbala ] a illuminated; bright; luminous; lustrous; radiant; splendent; resplendent; splendorous; splendid; shining; dazzling; beautiful; glorious; vivid. উজ্জ্বল করাv. to illuminate, to illumine; to brighten; to glorify (মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা, বংশ উজ্জ্বল করা); to make vivid, to vivify. উজ্জ্বল হওয়াv. to become illuminated; to brighten (up); to become glorified; to become vivid. উজ্জ্বলরস (rhet.) effect (on the reader's mind) produced by the (final) union of lovers. উজ্জ্বলতাn. brightness; luminousness; lustre; radiance; splendour; shine; dazzle; beauty; glory; vividness. উজ্জ্বলশ্যামবর্ণa. of a complexion more fair than dark, of a glossy light dark complexion. উজ্জ্বলিতa. illuminated; lighted, enkindled; shining; brightened; radiated; beautified; glorified; vivified. উজ্জ্বলীকরণn. illumination; act of brightening (up); glorification. উজ্জ্বলীভবনn. act of becoming illuminated or brightened (up) or glorified or vivid.
উঞ্ছ [ uñcha ] n act of gleaning as a means of one's livelihood; a mean livelihood. ̃জীবীa. subsistent on gleaning. ̃বৃত্তিn. the practice of subsisting on gleaning; practice or act of somehow making both ends meet; earning a living by shifts. ☐a. subsistent on gleaning. ̃শীল same as উঞ্ছজীবী ।
উট [ uṭa ] n the camel.
উটকো [ uṭakō ] a unknown (উটকোলোক); unbelievable, preposterous, queer (উটকোগল্প); unexpected (উটকো ব্যাপার); incidental (উটকো খরচা); unnecessary, causeless (উটকো ঝামেলা); insincere (উটকোসোহাগ); frivolous, flippant (উটকো মেয়ে); given to slipping away frequently from one's husband's house (উটকো বউ).
উটজ [ uṭaja ] n a hut thatched with straw, tree leaves etc; a thatched hut. ̃শিল্পn. cottage-industry.
উটপাখি [ uṭapākhi ] n the ostrich.
উঠতি [ uṭhati ] n rise, growth, development, flourish, increase. ☐a. rising, growing, developing, flourishing, thriving, increasing. উঠতি অবস্হা flourishing stage. উঠতি পড়তিn. rise and fall; (comm.) boom and slump, fluctuation. উঠতিবয়স adolescence. উঠতিরমুখ the first stage or beginning of rise or flourish or prosperity.
উঠন [ uṭhana ] n act of swelling; act of getting up or climbing or ascending or rising.
উঠন্ত [ uṭhanta ] a rising; growing. উঠন্ত মুলো পত্তনেচেনা যায় (fig.) morning shows the day.
উঠবন্দি [ uṭhabandi ] n a temporary or periodical lease of agricultural land. ̃চাষn. shifting cultivation.
উঠানো [ uṭhānō ] v to cause to ascend or climb; to lift; to heave, to haul up; to pick up; to raise; to cause to mount or ride; to ex tract or cause to be extracted (দাঁতউঠানো); to pluck or cause to be plucked; to promote (ক্লাসেউঠানো); to build or construct; to remove (রংউঠানো); to collect (চাঁদা উঠানো); to cause to enter (কানে উঠানো); to abolish (পূজাপাট উঠানো); to close down (দোকানউঠানো); to bring to an end (আড্ডাউঠানো); to include (তালিকায় উঠানো); to mention (নাম উঠানো); to evict, to eject (প্রজা বাভাড়াটেউঠানো).
উঠিত [ uṭhita ] a (of land) developed for agriculture or habitation.
উঠতে বসতে [ uṭhatē basatē ] adv every now and then, frequently, at every step.
উড়তি [ uḍ়ti ] a flying; (of rumour, news etc. esp. such as are untrue) passing from man to man, current.
উড়নচণ্ডী, উড়নচণ্ডে [ uḍ়nacaṇḍī, uḍ়nacaṇḍē ] a possessing the habit of a spendthrift, wasteful, extravagant, squandering. ☐n. a spendthrift, an extravagant man, a squanderer.
উড়ন্ত [ uḍ়nta ] a moving through or in the air, flying, fluttering (উড়ন্ত নিশান).
উড়ানি [ uḍ়āni ] n a scarf; a modesty scarf.
উড়ি, উড়িধান [ uḍ়i, uḍ়idhāna ] n paddy grown in uncultivated land from seeds driven by wind.
উড়ু-উড়ু [ uḍ়u-uḍ়u ] a extremely eager to fly in the air; extremely eager to go away; very restless or impatient (মন উড়ু উড়ু).
উড়ুক্কু [ uḍ়ukku ] a flying; capable of or given to flying; very restless or impatient. উড়ুক্কুমাছn. flying fish.
উড়ুনে [ uḍ়unē ] a extravagant, spendthrift.
উড়ুপ [ uḍ়upa ] n a raft, a float; the moon.
উড্ডয়ন [ uḍḍaẏana ] n going up or moving in the air, soaring or flying, flight.
উত্ [ ut ] pfx denoting: above, excessive, contrary, going beyond etc.; a-, supra-, super-, up-, ultra-, extra-, anti-, in-, non-, out-, preter-, trans-, etc.
উত্কট [ utkaṭa ] a severe; terrible, hideous; monstrous; queer, odd (উত্কট আবদার). উত্কটব্যাধিn. an unusual and severe disease which is difficult to cure.
উত্কন্ঠ [ utkanṭha ] a having one's neck craned in inquisitiveness, eagerness, anxiety etc.; anxious; worried; in grim suspense or in extreme eagerness.
উত্কন্ঠা [ utkanṭhā ] n state of having one's neck craned in inquisitiveness, eagerness, anxiety etc.; anxiety; worry; suspense; extreme eagerness.
উত্কর্ণ [ utkarṇa ] a all ears, very eager to hear.
উত্কর্ণ হওয়া [ utkarṇa hōẏā ] v to be all ears.
উত্কর্ষ [ utkarṣa ] n excellence; superiority; improvement; development; amelioration; increase. ̃সাধনn. act of improving or developing or ameliorating or increasing. উত্কর্ষ সাধন করাv. to improve, to develop, to ameliorate; to increase.
উত্কল [ utkala ] n Orissa, a state in the Indian Union.
উত্কলিকা [ utkalikā ] n a wave; a bud; anxiety, worry; suspense; extreme eagerness.
উত্কলিত [ utkalita ] a anxious, worried; in suspense; wavy, billowy, undulating; quoted or extracted from, taken from.
উত্কিরণ [ utkiraṇa ] n engraving; carving.
উত্কীর্ণ [ utkīrṇa ] a engraved; carved; painted, drawn; pierced, perforated; raised; thrown up. উত্কীর্ণ লিপি inscription.
উত্কীর্তন [ utkīrtana ] n proclamation; publicity; announcement; laudation. উত্কীর্তন করাv. to proclaim; to make public; to announce; to laud.
উত্কীর্তিত [ utkīrtita ] a proclaimed; made public; announced; lauded.
উত্কুন [ utkuna ] n the louse (pl. lice).
উত্কূলিত [ utkūlita ] a brought up or hauled up ashore; thrown up ashore.
উত্কৃষ্ট [ utkṛṣṭa ] a excellent, best; elevated. ̃তাn. excellence; elevatedness.
উত্কেন্দ্র [ utkēndra ] a (chiefly in math.) eccentric. ̃তাn. eccentricity.
উত্কোচ [ utkōca ] n a bribe. উত্কোচদেওয়াv. to bribe. ̃গ্রাহীa. & n. one who accepts a bribe. ˜দাতাn. a briber. ̃দান, ̃প্রদানn. bribery.
উত্ক্রম [ utkrama ] n an inverse or reverse order; a move against or departure from the order; an inverse course; inversion, reversion; infringement, violation; an exception; a going upwards; a going out; death. ̃ণn. an inverse or reverse movement, inversion, reversion; reversion of order, disorder; a leaping over; death; (gr.) transposition (esp. disorderly transposition) of words within a sentence.
উত্ক্রান্ত [ utkrānta ] a that which has been crossed by leaping over; leapt over; shot up or come up (from); dead. উত্ক্রান্তিn. crossing by leaping over; leaping over; shooting up or coming up (from); gradual development or heightening; a going out; death.
উত্ক্রোশ [ utkrōśa ] n a species of bird akin to the eagle or osprey.
উত্ক্ষিপ্ত [ utkṣipta ] a thrown up; lifted; uprooted.
উত্ক্ষেপ, উত্ক্ষেপণ [ utkṣēpa, utkṣēpaṇa ] n throwing up, launching or sending up, casting or tossing up.
উত্ক্ষেপক [ utkṣēpaka ] a (of a thing) throwing up or launching something; of means used to launch or toss up an aircraft or space craft or to give it a higher speed or range. ☐n. the thing which throws up or launches a rocket, a means of throwing or tossing up missiles etc. into the air, a projecting or hurling de vice.
উত্খনন [ utkhanana ] n digging. উত্খনিতa. dug up.
উত্খাত [ utkhāta ] a dug up; uprooted, eradicated, extirpated; destroyed; cleft; (fig.) evicted, ejected. ☐n. digging up; eradication, extirpation; destruction; cleaving; eviction, ejectment, ejection. উত্খাত করাv. to dig up; to root out, to eradicate, to extirpate; to destroy; to cleave; to evict, to eject, to oust.
উত্ত্রসন, উত্ত্রাস [ uttrasana, uttrāsa ] n great fear or dread; alarm, dismay. উত্ত্রাসনn. intimidation.
উত্পতন [ utpatana ] n origination; rising or coming into view, appearance; going or rising upwards, ascension; going up in the air, flight. ̃শীলa. flying, in flight.
উত্পতিত [ utpatita ] a originated; risen; one who or that which has got up; ascended; gone up in the air, flown.
উত্পত্তি [ utpatti ] n origin, origination; creation; birth; production; coming into view, appearance; flourish. ̃মূল, ̃স্হানn. the source; place of origin.
উত্পথ [ utpatha ] n a contrary way; a wrong path; an evil way. ̃গামীa. following a contrary way. diverging; taking to or taken to a wrong path, erratic, off the track, deviated, gone astray; erratic; eccentric; taken to an evil way, depraved.
উত্পদ্যমান [ utpadyamāna ] a in the state of being born or being produced.
উত্পন্ন [ utpanna ] a born; created; grown; made; produced; originated; sprung (from). উত্পন্নহওয়াv. to be born; to be created; to grow; to be made; to be produced; to originate; to result (from). ̃দ্রব্যn. produce, product. মোট উত্পন্ন দ্রব্য total produce, output. ̃মতিa. having presence of mind, ready-witted. ̃মতিত্বn. ready-wittedness.
উত্পল [ utpala ] n the water-lily, the lotus, the blue lotus. উত্পলাক্ষa. lotus-eyed; blue eyed. fem. উত্পলাক্ষী ।
উত্পাটক [ utpāṭaka ] a. & n one who or that which uproots or extirpates or eradicates; one who extracts; (fig.) one who evicts or displaces or removes or destroys.
উত্পাটন [ utpāṭana ] n act of uprooting, extirpation, eradication; extraction; (fig.) eviction, displacement, removal, destruction. উত্পাটন করাv. to uproot, to extirpate, to eradicate; to extract; (fig.) to evict, to displace, to remove, to destroy.
উত্পাটনীয় [ utpāṭanīẏa ] a that which is to be or can be extirpated or extracted; eradicable; extractable.
উত্পাটিত [ utpāṭita ] a uprooted, extirpated, eradicated; extracted; (fig.) evicted, displaced, removed, destroyed.
উত্পাত [ utpāta ] n a disturbance; a nuisance; an annoyance, irritation; a mischief; a natural calamity; a pest. উত্পাত করাv. to disturb; to trouble; to annoy, to tease; to pester; to make mischief.
উত্পাদ1 [ utpāda1 ] a having heels overhead.
উত্পাদ2 [ utpāda2 ] n output.
উত্পাদক [ utpādaka ] a one who or that which creates or begets or generates or produces or manufactures. ☐n. a creator; a begetter, a generator; a producer; a manufacturer; that which helps to produce; (math.) a factor.
উত্পাদন [ utpādana ] n creation; act of begetting, generation; production; manufacture; produce; manufactured goods. উত্পাদন করাv. to create; to beget, to generate; to produce; to manufacture. ̃ক্ষমa. ca pable of producing or generating. উত্পাদনীa. (fem.) creative, generative, productive (উত্পাদনীশক্তি). উত্পাদনীয় same as উত্পাদ্য ।
উত্পাদিত [ utpādita ] a created; begotten, generated; produced; manufactured.
উত্পাদিকা [ utpādikā ] fem of উত্পাদক। উত্পাদিকাশক্তিn. productivity; capability of producing.
উত্পাদী [ utpādī ] a that which is created or begotten or generated or produced or manufactured; creative, generative, productive.
উত্পাদ্য [ utpādya ] a that which is to be or can be created or begotten or generated or produced or manufactured. ̃মানa. in the process of being created or begotten or generated or produced or manufactured.
উত্পিঞ্জর [ utpiñjara ] a freed from a cage; freed from bondage.
উত্পিপাসু [ utpipāsu ] a extremely thirsty; anxious; stricken with suspense.
উত্পীড়ক [ utpīḍ়ka ] a persecuting; oppressive; harassing; annoying, vexatious; pestering. ☐n. a persecutor; an oppressor; one who or that which distresses or harasses or annoys or vexes or pesters.
উত্পীড়ন [ utpīḍ়na ] n persecution; oppression; dis tress; harassment; annoyance, vexation; pesterment. উত্পীড়নকরাv. to persecute; to oppress; to distress; to harass; to annoy, to vex; to pester.
উত্পীড়িত [ utpīḍ়ita ] a (also used as n.) persecuted; oppressed; distressed; harassed; annoyed, vexed; pestered. fem. উত্পীড়িতা ।উত্পীড়িতকরা same as উত্পীড়নকরা ।
উত্পেতে [ utpētē ] a troublesome; annoying; bothersome; mischievous.
উত্প্রেক্ষা [ utprēkṣā ] n (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to simile and sustained metaphor in which it seems as if one thing has been transposed to another, a comparison introduced by 'as if', 'as though' etc.; guess, surmise; supposition; doubt.
উত্ফুল্ল [ utphulla ] a blooming; highly delighted or exultant.
উতরাই [ utarāi ] n a descent of a mountain or hill, a slope, a mountain-side, a hill-side.
উতরানো [ utarānō ] v to come down, to descend; to reach, to arrive at; to become successful, to shape, to pass a test (পরীক্ষায়উতরানো, রান্না উতরানো); to pass through or spend or pass (দিন উতরানো); to traverse (পথ বানদী উতরানো).
উতরোল [ utarōla ] n tumult, uproar, hullabaloo. ☐a. restless, anxious ('চিত উতরোল').
উতল, উতলা [ utala, utalā ] a anxious; worried; excited; impatient, restless (উতলা বাতাস).
উত্স [ utsa ] n a fountain, a spring; a cascade, a fall; a source. ̃কূপn. an artesian well. ̃মুখn. a fountain-head; a source.
উত্সঙ্গ [ utsaṅga ] n the fold of the body of a person sitting, lap; a tableland, a plateau.
উত্সন্ন [ utsanna ] a perished; destroyed; ruined; utterly depraved, gone to the bad, gone to the dogs; evicted. উত্সন্ন করাv. to destroy; to ruin; to evict. উত্সন্নে দেওয়াv. to ruin; to deprave; to evict. উত্সন্নেযাওয়াv. to be ruined; to go to the dogs, to go to the bad.
উত্সব [ utsaba ] n a festival; a fête; a fiesta; festivity; ceremony. উত্সব করা, উত্সব পালনকরাv. to hold a festival. ̃মুখরa. festive and gay.
উত্সর্গ [ utsarga ] n ritual or religious offering; sacrifice; dedication; gift or foundation for public welfare; ejection, relieving oneself of, letting out (পুরীষোত্সর্গ). জীবনউত্সর্গকরাv. to sacrifice or dedicate one's life. পুকুর উত্সর্গ করাv. to dig a tank for public welfare. পুস্তক উত্সর্গ করাv. to dedicate a book. উত্সর্গীকৃতa. offered; sacrificed; dedicated; given or founded for public welfare.
উত্সর্জক [ utsarjaka ] a. & n one who relinquishes or sacrifices or dedicates or gives in charity.
উত্সর্জন [ utsarjana ] n relinquishment; sacrifice; dedication; act of giving in charity; charitable gift. উত্সর্জন করাv. to relinquish; to sacrifice; to dedicate; to give in charity. ̃মূলকa. dedicatory.
উত্সাদন [ utsādana ] n extirpation, eradication; destruction; eviction, ejection; removal. উত্সাদনকরাv. to uproot, to extirpate, to eradicate; to destroy; to evict, to eject; to remove. উত্সাদনীয়a. that which or one who is to be or can be eradicated or destroyed or evicted or ejected or removed.
উত্সাদিত [ utsādita ] a uprooted, extirpated, eradicated; destroyed; evicted, ejected; removed.
উত্সার, উত্সারণ [ utsāra, utsāraṇa ] n removal; act of throwing up or driving upwards. উত্সারণীয়a. that which or one who is to be or can be removed; that which is to be or can be thrown up or driven upwards.
উত্সারিত [ utsārita ] a removed; thrown up; driven upwards. fem. উত্সারিতা ।
উত্সাহ [ utsāha ] n zeal, ardour, enthusiasm; impetus; encouragement; perseverance; interest. উত্সাহদেওয়াv. to encourage; to enthuse. ̃ক, ̃দায়কa. one who encourages or inspires; encouraging; enthusiastic. fem. ̃দায়িনী । ̃দাতাn. an encourager. fem. ̃দাত্রী। ̃নn. encouragement; act of enthusing. উত্সাহনীয়a. worthy of being encouraged, deserving encouragement. ̃বৃদ্ধিn. increase of enthusiasm or energy.̃ভঙ্গn. loss of enthusiasm; callousness.̃সহকারেadv. enthusiastically, zealously. উত্সাহিতa. encouraged; enthused. fem. উত্সাহিতা ।উত্সাহীa. zealous, enthusiastic; persevering; energetic.
উত্সিক্ত [ utsikta ] a besprinkled with water; proud; arrogant, haughty.
উত্সুক [ utsuka ] a eager.
উত্সৃষ্ট [ utsṛṣṭa ] a forsaken, abandoned; sacrificed; dedicated; given; given as a present, presented; applied.
উত্সেক, উত্সেচন [ utsēka, utsēcana ] n act of besprinkling with water; incitation, incitement, excitation, excitement.উত্সেচনকরাv. to besprinkle with water; to incite, to excite. উত্সেচনক্রিয়াn. fermentation.
উত্সেচক [ utsēcaka ] n enzyme.
উত্সেধ [ utsēdha ] n altitude, height.
উত্তপ্ত [ uttapta ] a extremely hot or heated; excited; extremely angry or enraged.
উত্তম [ uttama ] a (also adv.) very good; excellent; best; fine; delicious. ̃পুরুষn. (gr.) the first person. ̃মধ্যমn. (facet.) a sound drubbing. উত্মমধ্যম দেওয়াv. to beat or drub soundly, to give a sound drubbing, to larrup or whack.
উত্তমর্ণ [ uttamarṇa ] n a creditor; a money-lender.
উত্তমা [ uttamā ] fem of উত্তম।
উত্তমাঙ্গ [ uttamāṅga ] n the principal part of the body; the head; the part of the body from the head to the waist, the upper part of the body.
উত্তমাশাঅন্তরীপ [ uttamāśā antarīpa ] n the Cape of Good Hope.
উত্তর [ uttara ] n an answer, a reply; a retort, a counter; response; reaction; a rejoinder, refutation or objection; solution; conclusion; the north. ☐a. future, later, post-(উত্তরপুরুষ, উত্তরকাল, যুদ্ধোত্তর); upper (উত্তরচ্ছদ); northern. উত্তর করাv. to retort; to answer; to respond, to react; to come to a solution. উত্তর দেওয়াv. to answer, to reply; to respond. উত্তরঅয়নান্তn. summer solstice. ̃কালn. the future; posterity; the coming age or ages. ̃ক্রিয়াn. annual obsequies; act of answering or responding or reacting. উত্তরচ্ছদn. a covering; a bedsheet, a bedcover; a scarf; a garment of the upper part of the body. ̃দানn. act of answering or responding or retorting. ̃দায়কa. & n. one who answers or responds or retorts. ˜পক্ষn. a solution of a problem; an answer to a question. ̃পত্রn. a book containing an examinee's written answers, answer scripts. ̃পশ্চিমn. & a. north-west. □ a. north-western. ̃পুরুষn. posterity; successor. ̃পূর্বn. & a. north-east. ˜প্রত্যুত্তরn. bandying of words, argument and counter-argument. ̃ফল্গুনী, ̃ফাল্গুনীn. the twelfth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃বিচারn. (law) an appeal. ̃ভাদ্রপদn. the twenty-sixth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy, the Andromeda. ̃মালাn. a list of answers or solutions. ̃মীমাংসাn. Vedanta (বেদান্ত). ̃মেরু see ̃মেরু । ̃যোগ্যa. fit to be answered, answerable. ̃সাধকa. assisting (esp. in the religious practices) according to the Tantras (̃তন্ত্র). ☐n. a chief assistant; poets or scholars of a late age. fem. ̃উত্তরসাধিকা । ̃সূরিn. wisemen or scholars of a later age; people of a later age. ̃হিমমণ্ডলn. north frigid zone.
উত্তরঙ্গ [ uttaraṅga ] a full of waves, billowy.
উত্তরণ [ uttaraṇa ] n crossing or passing over; arrival; going upwards or climbing, ascension; promotion; (loos.) landing or alighting. ̃স্হানn. a landing place, a landing ground.
উত্তরাধিকার [ uttarādhikāra ] n right of succession, inheritance. ̃পত্রn. a succession certificate. ̃সূত্রেadv. by way of inheritance, as a hereditary right. উত্তরাধিকারীn. a successor, an heir, an inheritor. fem. উত্তরাধিকারিণী ।
উত্তরাপথ [ uttarāpatha ] n the part of India lying between the Himalayas and the Vindhyas; Northern India, Upper India.
উত্তরায়ণ [ uttarāẏaṇa ] n (astr. & geog.) the summer solstice. উত্তরায়ণান্তবৃত্তn. the Tropic of Cancer.
উত্তরাশা1 [ uttarāśā1 ] n the north.
উত্তরাশা2 [ uttarāśā2 ] n hope of receiving a reply or response.
উত্তরষাঢ়া [ uttaraṣāḍh়ā ] n the twenty-first of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy.
উত্তরাস্য [ uttarāsya ] a facing the north.
উত্তরীয় [ uttarīẏa ] n a scarf, a modesty scarf, (cp.) a stole.
উত্তরোত্তর [ uttarōttara ] adv successively; one after another; gradually, by degrees; more and more.
উত্তল [ uttala ] a convex. ̃তাn. convexity. ̃দর্পণa convex mirror.
উত্তান [ uttāna ] a lying or sitting or situated with the face upturned; lying flat on one's back, supine.
উত্তাপ [ uttāpa ] n heat; warmth; ardour, zeal; excitement; anger. উত্তাপিতa. heated; warmed-up; excited; angered. উত্তাপিতকরাv. to heat; to warm up; to excite; to anger. ̃সহa. heatproof.
উত্তাল [ uttāla ] a very high (উত্তালতরঙ্গ); billowy (উত্তাল সমুদ্র); monstrous; extremely agitated (উত্তালহৃদয়).
উত্তিষ্ঠমান [ uttiṣṭhamāna ] a endeavouring to rise, rising; enterprising; flourishing, prospering.
উত্তীর্ণ [ uttīrṇa ] a one who has passed over or crossed or got over or spent; that which has been passed over or crossed or elapsed; successful (উত্তীর্ণ পরীক্ষার্থী); escaped (বিপদ থেকে উত্তীর্ণ). উত্তীর্ণ করাv. to spend (সময় উত্তীর্ণ করা). উত্তীর্ণহওয়াv. to pass over, to cross; to get over, to elapse, to be over or up (সময়উত্তীর্ণহওয়া); to be successful (in), to pass (পরীক্ষায়উত্তীর্ণ হওয়া) to escape, to get rid of.
উত্তুঙ্গ [ uttuṅga ] a very high or tall, lofty.
উত্তুরে [ utturē ] a in or of or coming from the north; northerly (উত্তুরেহাওয়া); northern.
উত্তেজক [ uttējaka ] a encouraging; inciting, exciting; instigating; provocative; agitating; stimulating, stimulant; developing, accelerating; quickening.
উত্তেজন, উত্তেজনা [ uttējana, uttējanā ] n encouragement, incitation, incitement, excitation, excitement; instigation; provocation; agitation, stimulation, development, acceleration; quickening. চাপাউত্তেজনা tension. উত্তেজনা-সৃষ্টিকারীn. one who in cites or stirs up discontent or trouble, a trouble-maker.
উত্তেজিত [ uttējita ] a encouraged, incited, excited; instigated; provoked, wrought-up agi tated; stimulated; developed; acceler ated; quickened. উত্তেজিতকরাv. to en courage, to incite, to excite; to instigate; to provoke; to agitate; to stimulate; to develop, to accelerate; to quicken. উত্তেজিত হওয়াv. to be excited or incited.
উত্তোলক [ uttōlaka ] a one who or that which raises or lifts or hauls or heaves. ̃যন্ত্রn. a le ver.
উত্তোলন [ uttōlana ] n act of raising or lifting or hauling or heaving. উত্তোলন করাv. to raise, to lift, to haul, to heave.
উত্তোলিত [ uttōlita ] a raised, lifted, hauled, heaved. উত্তোলিতকরা same as উত্তোলনকরা ।
উত্ত্যক্ত [ uttyakta ] a extremely annoyed or vexed or disgusted or harassed or made restless.
উত্থ [ uttha ] a risen (from) (সমুদ্রোত্থ); produced (from), born (of) (কুলোত্থ).
উত্থান [ utthāna ] n getting up; rise; flourishing; ap pearing (esp. suddenly and for the first time); emergence; insurgence, a rebel lion. ̃পতনn. rise and fall; flourishing and downfall; undulation; increase and decrease; (comm.-of markets) boom and slump, fluctuation.
উত্থানশক্তিরহিত, উত্থানশক্তিহীন [ utthānaśaktirahita, utthānaśaktihīna ] a having no strength to get up or rise; unable to rise; bed-ridden.
উত্থাপক [ utthāpaka ] a. & n one who raises; one who brings forward or moves or proposes; mover; one who mentions.
উত্থাপন [ utthāpana ] n raising; bringing forward or moving or proposing; mention. উত্থাপনকরাv. to raise; to bring forward, to move; to propose; to mention. উত্থাপনহওয়াv. to be raised; to be brought for ward or moved or proposed; to be mentioned. উত্থাপনীয়a. that which is to be or can be raised or moved or brought forward or proposed or mentioned.
উত্থাপিত [ utthāpita ] a raised; moved, brought for ward; proposed; mentioned.
উত্থিত [ utthita ] a one who has got up; risen; raised; rising; rising out (of); grown; produced; born; elevated; flourished; risen in rebellion; opposing. উত্থিতহওয়াv. to get up; to rise; to rise out (of); to grow; to be produced; to be born; to be elevated; to flourish; to rise in rebellion, to revolt; to stand in opposition, to oppose. উত্থিতিn. getting up; rising; rising out (of) or growing or being produced or being born; state of being elevated, elevation; flourish; rising in rebellion; standing in opposition.
উথল, উথাল [ uthala, uthāla ] a surging up, swelling up; overflowing; very high (উথল ঢেউ); billowy (উথল সমুদ্র). উথলানোv. to surge up, to swell up; to overflow. উথালপাথালa. topsy-turvy, rising and falling rap idly. উথলিতa. surged up, swollen; surging up, swelling up; overflowing; overflowed.
উদ1 [ uda1 ] n the other.
উদক, উদ3 [ udaka, uda3 ] n water. উদকুম্ভn. a pitcher full of water, a water-jar.
উদক [ udaka ] n the north; northern part of coun try. ☐a. northern; northward.
উদগ্র [ udagra ] a sever; very strong (উদগ্রবাসনা); monstrous; extreme (উদগ্ররাজনীতি); facing upwards; upturned; very tall or high or elevated; arrogant, haughty.
উদ্গ্রীব [ udgrība ] a extremely eager; full of curiosity; in suspense; anxious.
উদজ [ udaja ] a water-born, aquatic.
উদজান [ udajāna ] n hydrogen.
উদধি [ udadhi ] n an ocean; a sea; a bay.
উদ্ভ্রান্ত [ udbhrānta ] a agitated; confused, embarrassed, perplexed; distracted; demented, maddened; mad; stupefied; loitering aimlessly or in a disorderly manner. ̃চিত্ত, ̃হৃদয়a. one whose mind or heart is agitated or embarrassed or distracted. ̃ভাবেadv. in a confused state; distractedly; wildly, in a bewildered manner.
উদ্যপন [ udyapana ] n observance (of a rite, cer emony, etc.), execution or accomplish ment (of a task etc.) উদ্যপন করাv. to observe; to execute, to accomplish. উদ্যাপিতa. observed; executed; accomplished.
উদয় [ udaẏa ] n dawn; rise (সূর্যোদয়) sunrise (উদয়াস্ত); flourishing; (first) appearance or coming into view (মেঘোদয়); a debut; coming into existence; stirring, first sensation (ক্ষুধার উদয়); dawning (আশারউদয়); awakening (জাতির উদয়) ̃কাল. n. the time of sunrise. ̃গিরি, উদয়াচলn. (myth.) a mountain from the top of which the sun rises every morning; a hill in Orissa. উদয়াস্তn. the time from sunrise to sunset; the whole day; sunrise and sunset; (fig.) rise and fall. ☐adv. from sunrise to sunset; all day long. উদয়োন্মুখa. on the point of rising; on the point of flourishing.
উদর [ udara ] n the belly; (loos.) the stomach; the abdomen; womb; the inside (পর্বতোদরে) ̃পরায়ণ, ̃সর্বস্বa. given to too much eating or interested in eating only; voracious, gluttonous. ̃পরায়ণতাn. gluttony, voracity. ̃পূর্তিn. filling the stomach with foodstuff. ̃সর্বস্বব্যক্তি a belly-god. ̃পীড়াn. diarrhoea; disorder or ailment of the stomach. ̃ভঙ্গn. strong diarrhoea. ̃সাত্a. eaten; swallowed; appropriated; consumed. উদরসাত্করাv. to eat up. ̃স্হa. received in the belly or stomach; eaten; swallowed; lying in the belly or stomach. উদরস্হকরাv. to swallow. উদরস্হথাকাv. to lie or remain in the belly or stomach; to be accepted by the stomach. উদরান্নn. food; indispensable food; a living, livelihood. উদরান্নজোগাড় করা, উদরান্নের সংস্হানকরা to find food; to earn a living; to earn (one's) bread. উদরাময়n. diarrhoea. উদরীn. dropsy.
উদলা [ udalā ] a uncovered, bare; naked.
উদস্হিতিবিদ্যা [ udashitibidyā ] n hydrostatics.
উদাত্ত [ udātta ] n (esp. in music) a high and deep tone, (cp.) baritone. ☐a. in or using this tone; high, noble (উদাত্ত চরিত্র).
উদান [ udāna ] n one of the five vital winds prevalent within the human body (উদান lies in the throat).
উদাবর্ত [ udābarta ] n inversion of one portion of intestine within another, intussusception.
উদাম [ udāma ] a uncontrollable, indomitable; violent; unrestrained; unbounded; free; open; reckless; wayward; uncovered, bare; naked; very naughty.
উদার [ udāra ] a high, lofty; noble; liberal; charitable, generous, munificent; magnanimous; kind; open-hearted; free from narrowness. উদারআকাশ the high (and open or free) sky. ̃চরিত্র, ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃স্বভাবa. noble-charactered, noble-natured; noble; liberal; magnanimous; lofty. ̃চেতা, ̃মতি, ̃মনা, ̃হৃদয়a. noble minded, high-souled, noble-hearted; noble; liberal; magnanimous; open hearted. ̃তাn. loftiness; nobleness; liberality; charitableness, generosity, munificence; magnanimity; kindness; freedom from narrowness. ̃নীতিn. (chiefly pol.) liberalism. ̃নীতিক, ̃নৈতিকa. lib eral. ̃পন্হী same as উদারনৈতিক।
উদারা [ udārā ] n (mus.) the scale of deepest tone, (cp.) bass.
উদাস [ udāsa ] n indifference, disinterestedness, unconcern, callousness, stoicism; (rare) indifference to worldly interests. ☐a. indifferent to worldly interests; indifferent, disinterested, callous; languid, spiritless; stoical, distracted; seedy or listless (উদাস মূর্তী). উদাসিনীfem. of উদাসী and উদাসীন । উদাসীa. in different to worldly interests; callous, stoical; pococurante. ☐n. one belonging to an order of ascetics who are in different to worldly interests or practise stoicism; a pococurante. উদাসীনa. disinterested, unattached; unaffected, unperturbed; callous; stoical; indifferent to worldly interests; pococurante; practising stoical asceticism. উদাসীনতাn. disinterestedness, aloofness; freedom from affection or perturbation; callousness; stoicism; indifference to worldly interests; pococurantism; practice of stoical asceticism.
উদাহরণ [ udāharaṇa ] n an example, an instance; a precedent; an illustration. উদাহরণ দেওয়াv. to cite an example, to exemplify; to give an instance; to quote a precedent; to illustrate. ̃স্বরূপadv. (as) for ex ample, (as) for instance. ☐a. exem plary; precedential; illustrative.
উদাহৃত [ udāhṛta ] a cited as an example, mentioned (esp. as a precedent).
উদিত [ udita ] a risen; risen up; ascended; grown, born; revealed; flourished; ap peared (esp. suddenly and for the first time). উদিত হওয়াv. to rise; to rise up, to come up; to ascend; to grow, to be born; to be revealed; to flourish; to ap pear.
উদীচী [ udīcī ] n the north. উদীচীউষা the aurora borealis. উদীচীন, উদীচ্যa. northern; ly ing in the north.
উদীয়মান [ udīẏamāna ] a rising, ascending; flourishing; up and coming.
উদীরণ [ udīraṇa ] n pronouncing, speaking. উদীরিতa. pronounced, spoken, uttered.
উদীর্ণ [ udīrṇa ] a risen; emanated.
উদুম্বর [ udumbara ] n the wild fig or its tree.
উদূখল [ udūkhala ] n a mortar for grinding or husk ing corn.
উদো [ udō ] a dull-witted, stupid. ☐n. a dull ard, a booby. উদোরপিন্ডিবুধোরঘাড়ে one doth the scath and another hath the scorn, penalization or condemnation of a wrong man, making a scapegoat of.
উদোম [ udōma ] a naked; open; uncovered.
উদোমাদা [ udōmādā ] a stupid and careless.
উদ্গত [ udgata ] a born, produced, grown; ema nated; issued; risen; risen up; sprouted. উদ্গতহওয়াv. to be born or produced, to grow; to emanate; to issue; to rise, to rise up, to come out or up; to sprout.
উদ্গম [ udgama ] n birth, production, growth; ema nation; issue; rise; a rising up; sprout ing.
উদ্গাতা [ udgātā ] n a singer of the Sama Veda; (fig.) an exponent. ☐a. singing in a loud voice; (fig.) announcing or preaching in a loud voice, exponent (of) (মুক্তিমন্ত্রেরউদ্গাতা). fem. উদ্গাত্রী ।
উদ্গার [ udgāra ] n a belch, eructation; a hiccup; vomiting; ejection (ধুম্রোদ্গার). উদ্গারতোলাv. to belch, to eruct, to eructate; to hiccup; to vomit; to eject.
উদ্গিরণ [ udgiraṇa ] n eructation, belching; vomiting; disgorgement; ejection; (usu. facet.) utterance. উদ্গিরণ করা to eruct, to eructate, to belch; to vomit; to disgorge; to eject; (usu. facet.) to utter.
উদ্গীত [ udgīta ] a sung in a loud voice; (fig.) announced or preached in a loud voice. উদ্গীতিn. singing in a loud voice; (fig.) announcement or preaching in a loud voice.
উদ্গীথ [ udgītha ] n a part of the Sama Veda containing hymns and songs; chanting of the Sama Veda.
উদ্গীর্ণ [ udgīrṇa ] a eructed, eructated, belched out; vomited; disgorged; ejected; (facet.) uttered.
উদ্ঘাটক [ udghāṭaka ] a one who or that which uncovers or opens or unbolts or unlocks or reveals or discovers.
উদ্ঘাটন [ udghāṭana ] n uncovering or opening or unbolting or unlocking; revelation; discovery. উদ্ঘাটন করাv. to uncover; to open; to unbolt, to unlock; to reveal; to discover; to bring to light.
উদ্ঘাটিত [ udghāṭita ] a uncovered; laid bare; opened; unbolted, unlocked; revealed; discovered; brought to light.
উদ্ঘাত [ udghāta ] n undulation, ruggedness; a blow, a stroke; a mallet; a device for drawing water from a well, a pulley; a chapter or section of a book; allusion, reference.
উদ্ঘাতন [ udghātana ] n (arith.) involution.
উদ্ঘোষণা [ udghōṣaṇā ] n proclamation.
উদ্দংশ [ uddaṃśa ] n a louse; a gadfly; a species of mosquito.
উদ্দণ্ড [ uddaṇḍa ] n a raised staff; a raised sceptre; a punishment about to be inflicted, (cp.) the sword of Damocles. ☐a. holding a raised staff or sceptre; holding a hideous staff or sceptre; ready to punish; uncontrollable; powerful.
উদ্দাম [ uddāma ] a indomitable; uncontrollable, intractable; violent; lacking in discipline; impetuous; unrestrained, unbounded, uncontrolled; self-willed, wayward; reckless. ̃তাn. indomitableness; violence; indiscipline; impetuosity; lack of restraint or control, intractableness; waywardness; recklessness.
উদ্দিষ্ট [ uddiṣṭa ] a alluded (to); directed (towards); aimed (at); intended, desired; addressed (to); traced, found out. উদ্দিষ্টঅর্থn. the desired meaning. উদ্দিষ্ট স্হানn. the desired place.
উদ্দীপক [ uddīpaka ] a enkindling; inciting; inspiring; incentive; encouraging; animating; manifesting; developing; provoking (হাস্যোদ্দীপক). উদ্দীপকবস্তু an incentive.
উদ্দীপন [ uddīpana ] n act of enkindling; incitation; act of inspiring or encouragement; animation; manifestation; develop ment.
উদ্দীপনা [ uddīpanā ] n incitement; an inspiration; an incentive; encouragement; animus; impetus; enthusiasm, exuberance. উদ্দীপনীয়a. that which should be or can be enkindled or incited or inspired or given an incentive or encouraged or animated or manifested or developed.
উদ্দীপিত [ uddīpita ] a enkindled, incited, excited; animated; manifested; developed. উদ্দীপিতকরাv. to enkindle; to incite or excite; to animate; to manifest; to develop.
উদ্দীপ্ত [ uddīpta ] a.inflamed, blazing, flared up; en- kindled; illuminated; incited, excited; animated; made or become violent; im-passioned; manifested. v to inflame, to flare up; to enkindle; to illumine or illuminate; to incite or excite; to animate; to make violent or impassioned; to manifest.
উদ্দেশ [ uddēśa ] n aim, direction (উদ্দেশে বলা); search for (উদ্দেশ করা); trace (উদ্দেশপাওয়া); intention, purpose (কী উদ্দেশে); information, news (উদ্দেশ নেওয়া); whereabouts or address (উদ্দেশজানানেই). উদ্দেশক a. aiming; directing; searching; intending; inquiring.
উদ্দেশ্য [ uddēśya ] a aimed (at); searched; intended; addressed, spoken to. ☐ n. an intention or purpose; a design; an object or end; a motive (বিনাউদ্দেশ্যে); (gr-to a sen tence) a subject. ̃মূলক a. (chiefly dero.) motivated. ̃হীন a. motiveless; purposeless; aimless.
উদ্ধত [ uddhata ] a rude; insolent; impudent; saucy; haughty, arrogant, bumptious, high and mighty; formidable; proud, vainglorious, stuck-up; obstinate, headstrong.
উদ্ধরণ [ uddharaṇa ] n act of rescuing; act of lifting or reclaiming; quotation from a writing etc. ̃চিহ্ন n. quotation-marks (" ").
উদ্ধার [ uddhāra ] n rescue, deliverance (উদ্ধারলাভ); uplift, emancipation (পতিতোদ্ধার); reclamation, development (লুপ্তোদ্ধার); recovery (স্বাস্হ্যোদ্ধার); removal esp. by extracting or lifting (কন্টকোদ্ধার, পঙ্কোদ্ধার); a quotation from a writing etc. উদ্ধারকরা v. to rescue, to deliver; to uplift, to emancipate; to reclaim, to de velop; to recover; to remove (esp. by extracting or lifting); to quote from a writing etc.). ̃ক, ̃কর্তা, ̃কারী n. a rescuer, a deliverer, a saviour; an up lifter, an emancipator; a reclaimer; a recoverer; a remover; one who quotes. ̃কার্য n. rescue work; rescue operation. ̃চিহ্ন n. (gr.) quotation marks, inverted commas (" " or ' '). উদ্ধার পাওয়া, উদ্ধারলাভ করা v. to be rid of an awkward or difficult situation; to be rescued; to be saved. ̃ভবন n. a rescue-home. উদ্ধারাশ্রম n. a home or camp for homeless or rescued persons; a rescue-home.
উদ্দৃত [ uddṛta ] a quoted (from a writing etc.). উদ্ধৃতাংশ a. passage quoted from a writing etc., an excerpt, an extract; উদ্ধৃতি n. that which is quoted; a quota tion (from a writing etc.)
উদ্ধৃতিচিহ্ন [ uddhṛticihna ] n quotation marks.
উদ্বন্ধন [ udbandhana ] n hanging by the halter (for kill ing or self-killing). ̃রজ্জু n. a halter for hanging, a hangmans's rope. উদ্বন্ধনে মরা v. to die by hanging.
উদ্ধমন [ uddhamana ] n vomiting or retching; disgorgement, ejection.
উদ্বর্ত [ udbarta ] n. & a surplus, excess.
উদ্বর্তন1 [ udbartana1 ] n upliftment, uplift; development; progress; survival. যোগ্যতমেরউদ্বর্তন survival of the fittest.
উদ্বর্তন2 [ udbartana2 ] n act of anointing with perfumes; perfume for anointing; massage.
উদ্বর্তিত [ udbartita ] a uplifted; developed; survived; anointed with perfumes; (of muscles, joints etc.) rubbed or kneaded.
উদ্বায়ী [ udbāẏī ] a volatile. উদ্বায়িতাn. volatileness or volatility; the property of evaporating rapidly.
উদ্বাসন [ udbāsana ] n abandonment; abandoning one's country; evacuation; banishment.
উদ্বাস্তু [ udbāstu ] n a refugee, an evacuee; a piece of adjoining land in front of a homestead; a deserted or evacuated homestead. ☐a. one who has evacuated. উদ্বাস্তুপূনর্বাসনn. refugee rehabilitation. উদ্বাস্তুসমস্যাn. refugee problem.
উদ্বাহ [ udbāha ] n marriage, wedding, bridal. ̃নn. act of giving in marriage. উদ্বাহিতa. married, wedded. উদ্বাহীa. one who marries, marrying; one who wishes to or is going to marry.
উদ্বাহু [ udbāhu ] a one who has raised one's arms upwards; one with arms raised up wards.
উদ্বিগ্ন [ udbigna ] a worried; concerned, anxious.
উদ্বিড়াল [ udbiḍ়āla ] n the otter.
উদ্বিন্দু [ udbindu ] n ascending node.
উদ্বুদ্ধ [ udbuddha ] a made wise, enlightened; awakened; inspired; reanimated.
উদ্বৃত্ত [ udbṛtta ] a surplus; excess.
উদ্বেগ [ udbēga ] n worry, concern; anxiety; suspense. ̃হীন, ̃শূন্যa. unworried, with out anxiety.
উদ্বেজক [ udbējaka ] a causing anxiety or concern; worrying.
উদ্বেজন [ udbējana ] n act of causing anxiety or concern; act of worrying; worry, concern; anxiety; suspense.
উদ্বেজিত [ udbējita ] a worried; harried; stricken with anxiety.
উদ্বেল, উদ্বেলিত [ udbēla, udbēlita ] a washing or inundating the bank or shore; overflowing; swollen; overwhelmed; seized with (anxiety); brimming with (emotion).
উদ্বোধ [ udbōdha ] n awakening of knowledge in one's mind, enlightenment; recollection. ̃কa. & n. (of) one who or that which enlightens or awakens knowledge (in); (of) one who or that which incites or excites or inspires; (of) one who or that which enkindles; (of) one who or that which brings back to mind. ̃নn. act of awakening knowledge (in), enlightenment; awakening; commencement or inauguration or opening. উদ্বোধনবাউদ্ধোধনী সংগীত an opening song.
উদ্ব্যক্ত [ udbyakta ] a expressed with an emphasis, emphatic. উদ্ব্যক্তিn. emphasis.
উদ্ভট [ udbhaṭa ] a good and popular or traditional but of unknown authorship (উদ্ভটকবিতা); not included in any book, unwritten (উদ্ভ়টশ্লোক); (pop.) queer, odd, quaint (উদ্ভটকাণ্ড); bizarre, fantastic (উদ্ভটকল্পনা). উদ্ভট্টি,উদ্ভুট্টিa. queer, odd, quaint, grotesque, fantastic; unheard of; strange, outlandish. ☐n. a strange or quaintthing.
উদ্ভব [ udbhaba ] n origination, origin; birth; act of coming into existence or being. ☐a. originating (from); born (of or in) (উচ্চকুলোদ্ভব).
উদ্ভাবক [ udbhābaka ] a inventing, inventive; creating; creative; devising or designing. ☐n. an inventor; a creator; a deviser, a contriver.
উদ্ভাবন [ udbhābana ] n invention; creation; act of devising or designing, excogitation. উদ্ভাবনকরাv. to invent; to create; to devise or design, (often humorously) to excogitate. উদ্ভাবনীa. inventive; imaginative; উদ্ভাবনীয় same as উদ্ভাব্য ।
উদ্ভাবিত [ udbhābita ] a invented; created; devised or designed, excogitated.
উদ্ভাব্য [ udbhābya ] a (of) that which can be or is to be invented or created or devised or designed or excogitated.
উদ্ভাস [ udbhāsa ] a manifestation, exposition; glow; shine; beautiful appearance or show. ̃কa. illuminant, illuminative, illumi nating; brightening; manifesting, ex pressing. ̃নn. illumination; act of brightening (up); manifestation, expo sition. উদ্ভাসিতa. illumined, illumi nated; brightened (up); manifested, ex posed; expounded. উদ্ভাসিতকরাv. to il luminate; to brighten up; to manifest, to expose; to expound.
উদ্ভিজ্জ [ udbhijja ] n that which grows up from un der the surface of the ground, a plant or vegetable. ☐a. produced or derived from a plant, vegetable. উদ্ভিজ্জতেলn. vegetable oil. উদ্ভিজ্জাণুn. a plant or veg etable that cannot be discerned with the naked eye, a microscopic plant or vegetable, a micro-organism. উদ্ভিজ্জাশীa. vegetarian. ☐n. a vegetarian.
উদ্ভিদ [ udbhida ] n a plant or tree or vegetable or herb etc. that grows up from under the surface of the ground. ̃কুলn. the flora. ̃তত্ত্ব, ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যাn. botany. ̃তাত্ত্বিক, ̃বিজ্ঞানী, ̃বিত্n. a botanist. ̃ভোজীn. herbivorous. ̃সর্গn. the plant kingdom. উদ্ভিদণু (inc.) উদ্ভিদাণু same as উদ্ভিজ্জাণু (see উদ্ভিজ্জ) ।
উদ্ভিন্ন [ udbhinna ] a germinated or germinating; sprouted or sprouting; manifested or becoming manifest; grown up or grow ing up from under the surface of the ground. উদ্ভিন্ন হওয়াv. to germinate; to sprout; to become manifest; to grow up from under the surface of the ground. ̃যৌবনাa. fem. (of a girl) in the bloom of youth, in the first flush or glow of youth.
উদ্ভূত [ udbhūta ] a produced, born; manifested, re vealed, appearing to the view; risen; evolved. fem. উদ্ভূতা । উদ্ভূতহওয়াv. to be produced or born; to come into exist ence; to be manifested or revealed, to come into view; to rise; to evolve.
উদ্ভেদ [ udbhēda ] n manifestation, revelation, expo sition (অর্থোদ্ভেদ); act of coming into view; act of blooming (পুষ্পোদ্ভেদ); act of sprouting (অঙ্কুরোদ্ভেদ); union, confluence (গঙ্গোদ্ভেদ). উদ্ভেদীa. grow ing up from under the surface (of the ground etc.).
উদ্যত [ udyata ] a about to, on the point of; ready, prepared; enterprising (উদ্যতকর, জাগ্রতকর'); raised (উদ্যতদণ্ড). fem. উদ্যতা ।উদ্যতকরাv. to raise; to make enterpris ing or energetic or active, to energize, to activize. উদ্যতহওয়াv. to be on the point of, to be about to, to be ready or prepared. উদ্যতিn. readiness, prepared ness; preparations.
উদ্যম [ udyama ] n enthusiasm, earnestness; perse verance; enterprise; endeavour, effort; preparation; readiness. ̃নাশ, ̃ভঙ্গn. failure of enterprise or effort; waste of energy. ̃শীলa. enthusiastic, earnest; persevering; enterprising; energetic; preparing oneself, in the state of get ting ready. ̃শীলতাn. enthusiasm, elan; earnestness; perseverance; drive and initiative, push and thrust. ̃হানি same as উদ্যমনাশ । ̃হীন, নিরুদ্যমa. lacking in enterprise, unenterprising; unenthusi astic; lethargic; unpersevering.
উদ্যমী [ udyamī ] a enthusiastic, persevering; enterprising. উদ্যমীহওয়াv. to make an enterprise or effort; to persevere.
উদ্যান [ udyāna ] n a garden; a grove; a greenhouse; a park. ̃পাল, ̃পালকn. a keeper or caretaker of a garden, a gardener; a horticulturist. ̃পালনn. gardening; hor ticulture. ̃বাটি, ̃বাটিকাn. a gardenhouse; a villa. ̃বিদ্যাn. horticulture; gardening. ̃বীথিn. a garden-path. ̃রক্ষকn. one who looks after a garden, a gardener. ̃সম্মেলনn. a garden party.
উদ্যুক্ত [ udyukta ] a enterprising; endeavouring; per severing; making preparations.
উদ্যোক্তা [ udyōktā ] a. & n one who makes preparations for or gets ready for; one who undertakes an enterprise; one who is on the point of undertaking or is about to undertake.
উদ্যোগ [ udyōga ] n act or state of being on the point of; preparation; endeavour, ef fort; enterprise; assiduity; industry. উদ্যোগ করাবানেওয়াv. to be on the point of; to make preparations, to get ready; to endeavour; to (be about to) under take an enterprise. উদ্যোগীa. enterprising; endeavouring; assiduous; on the point of, ready (for). উদ্যোগীহওয়াv. to be on the point of, to get ready for; to undertake an enterprise; to endeavour; to be assiduous; to come forward; to take the initiative.
উদ্র [ udra ] n the otter.
উদ্রথ [ udratha ] n the pin of the axle of a chariot or carriage; a cock.
উদ্রাব [ udrāba ] n loud noise or report.
উদ্রিক্ত [ udrikta ] a incited, excited; roused.
উদ্রেক [ udrēka ] n incitement, excitement; rousing. উদ্রিক্ত করাv. to incite, to excite, to rouse. উদ্রিক্তহওয়াv. to be incited or excited or roused. ক্ষুধারউদ্রেকহওয়া to feel hungry.
উধাও [ udhāō ] n act of flying through the air, flight. ☐a. vanished; missing; passed out of sight ('উধাও উধাও সুদূর আকাশেপক্ষিরাজ'). উধাও হওয়াv. to disappear, to vanish; to be missing; to pass out of sight.
উনপাঁজুরে [ unapān̐jurē ] a unfortunate, wretched; extremely weak, rickety.
উনাশি [ unāśi ] a. & n (coll.) seventy-nine.
উনি [ uni ] pro (hon.) that person, he or she.
উনিশ [ uniśa ] a. & n nineteen. উনিশ-বিশn. slight or negligible or insignificant difference; hair-splitting difference; partiality. উনিশ-বিশকরাv. to treat with partiality; to make a slight difference. উনিশ-বিশ হওয়াv. to differ slightly. উনিশেn. the nineteenth day of a month. ☐a. (of days of a month) nineteenth.
উনুন, উনান [ ununa, unāna ] n an oven, a furnace; a stove. উনুনে আচঁ দেওয়া, উনুন ধরানোv. to light the oven, to make a fire.
উন্নত [ unnata ] a prosperous, wealthy, well-to-do (উন্নত অবস্হা); fortunate; flourishing; ameliorated, improved; advanced, progressed; uplifted; high, tall, lofty; el evated; raised; great; noble. উন্নতকরাv. to raise, to elevate; to develop, to up lift. ̃চরিত্রa. possessing a noble character. ̃দেহa. possessing a tall body. ̃মনাa. high-minded, high-souled. ̃মস্তকa. holding one's head high; unbending, unyielding; dignified. ̃শিরa. same as উন্নতমস্তক । উন্নতসমাজ high society, the upper class; cultured society; progressive society; the well-to-do class. উন্নতসম্প্রদায় an advanced community. ̃হৃদয় same as উন্নতমনা ।
উন্নতি [ unnati ] n prosperity; good fortune; flourish; amelioration, improvement, advancement; progress; uplift; promotion; development; tallness; loftiness; elevatedness; (geom. geol.) rise, height, altitude, elevation; greatness, nobleness. উন্নতি করা, ̃সাধন করাv. to prosper or cause to prosper; to flourish or cause to flourish; to improve; to advance or cause to advance, to progress or cause to progress; to get promotion; to be up lifted or to uplift; to be developed or to develop; to rise or cause to rise.উন্নতিলাভকরাv. to prosper; to flourish; to improve; to advance or progress; to be uplifted or developed, to rise. ̃শীলa. prospering; prosperous; flourishing; improving; progressing; progressive.
উন্নদ্ধ [ unnaddha ] a tied and hung up, put up (উন্নদ্ধবেণী); swollen.
উন্নমন [ unnamana ] n act of raising or lifting up; act of bringing forward or moving (a proposal etc.); uplift, upliftment; advancement, progress; development; improvement.
উন্নমিত [ unnamita ] a raised, lifted up; elevated; brought up, moved; uplifted; advanced, progressed; developed; improved.
উন্নয়ন [ unnaẏana ] n act of raising or lifting; elevation; prosperity; flourish; amelioration; improvement; advancement, progress; uplift; development. ̃-পরিকল্পনাn. development plan, plan for development. ̃শীলa. developing. ̃সাধন করাv. to raise, to lift; to elevate; to cause to prosper or flourish; to ameliorate; to improve; to uplift; to develop.
উন্নাসিক [ unnāsika ] a treating everything and everybody disdainfully, supercilious, high brow.
উন্নিদ্র [ unnidra ] a sleepless; watchful, alert, vigilant. উন্নিদ্রাn. sleeplessness; watchfulness, alertness, vigilance.
উন্নীত [ unnīta ] a raised, lifted, elevated, flour ished, prospered; ameliorated; im proved; advanced, promoted, pro gressed, uplifted; developed. উন্নীতকরাv. to raise, to lift, to elevate; to cause to flourish or prosper; to ameliorate; to improve; to cause to advance or progress; to uplift, to make better, to upgrade.
উন্নেতা [ unnētā ] a. & n one who raises or lifts or elevates; one who causes to flourish or prosper; one who ameliorates or im proves; one who causes to advance or progress; one who uplifts.
উন্মগ্ন [ unmagna ] a risen from underwater etc.; floating.
উন্মজ্জন [ unmajjana ] n act of rising from underwater etc.; act of floating.
উন্মত্ত [ unmatta ] a insane, mad; crazy; maddened, de mented, frenzied; excited; impassioned; frantic; furious; unreasonably attached or addicted (to); drunken, extremely in toxicated; bereft of self-possession, be side oneself; delirious. fem. উন্মত্তা । ̃তাn. insanity, madness; craziness; craze; dementia; frenzy; excitement; fury; furiousness; unreasonable attachment or addiction; drunkenness; extreme intoxi cation; loss of self-possession; delirious ness. ̃প্রায়, ̃বত্a. almost insane. ☐adv. frantically; furiously.
উন্মথন [ unmathana ] n thorough stir or churning; thor ough kneading or thrashing or massag ing; act of killing, slaughter; rout. উন্মথন করাv. to stir or churn or knead or thrash or massage thoroughly; to kill, to slay; to rout, to mop up. উন্মথিতa. stirred or churned or kneaded or thrashed or massaged thoroughly; in turmoil; killed, slain; routed; mopped up; swelling up or agitated owing to external attraction.
উন্মদ [ unmada ] a mad, insane; lunatic; maddened; frenzied. fem. উন্মদা ।
উন্মন্হন, উন্মন্হ [ unmanhana, unmanha ] n thorough stir or churning; act of killing, slaughter, rout. উন্মন্হন করাv. to stir or churn thoroughly; to kill, to slay; to rout; to mop up.
উন্মাদ [ unmāda ] n insanity, madness, lunacy; dementia. ☐a. mad, insane, lunatic, demented; frantic; violent (উন্মাদ বেগ). উন্মাদকরাv. to madden; to enrage; to excite; to divest of self-possession; to intoxicate. উন্মাদহওয়াv. to become in sane, to go mad; to become enraged; or become excited or frantic; to lose self possession, to be beside oneself; to be intoxicated. উন্মাদআশ্রমn. a lunatic asylum; a mental hospital. ̃কa. mak ing insane; maddening, enraging; ex citing, intoxicating. ̃গ্রস্তa. mad, in sane. ̃নn. act of making mad or in sane; act of enraging or exciting; act of depriving of self possession; intoxica tion. ☐a. making insane; maddening ('উন্মাদন-রূপরাশি'); enraging; exciting; depriving of self-possession; intoxicat ing. উন্মাদনাn. violent excitement or agitation; great enthusiasm; mental distress. উন্মাদাগার same as উন্মাদআশ্রম ।উন্মাদিতa. maddened; enraged; excited; divested of self-possession; intoxi cated, mad, insane. উন্মাদীa. mad, in sane; enraged; excited; divested of self-possession; intoxicated; madden ing (চিত্তোন্মাদীরূপ). fem. উন্মাদিনী।
উন্মার্গ [ unmārga ] n an evil or prohibited path, a wrong course; misconduct; wrong-doing, act of committing sin(s). ☐a. addicted to an evil or prohibited course; misbehaving; given to wrong-doing, sinning. ̃গামী same as উন্মার্গ (a.).
উন্মীলন [ unmīlana ] n opening of eyes; eye-opening; opening; unfolding; blooming; exposition, manifestation. উন্মীলনকরাv. to open eyes; to open; to unfold; to expose, to manifest.
উন্মীলিত [ unmīlita ] a open-eyed; opened; unfolded; blooming; exposed, manifested. উন্মীলিতকরা same as উন্মীলনকরা ।
উন্মুক্ত [ unmukta ] a unbolted or uncovered, open; unsheathed; released, liberated, set free; at liberty, unrestrained; unbounded; frank, candid. উন্মুক্ত করাv. to open; to unsheathe; to release, to set free. ̃তাn. opening, uncovering; openness. হৃদয় উন্মুক্ত করাv. to open one's heart.
উন্মুখ [ unmukha ] a craned in eagerness; eagerly expectant, looking forward; anxious; on the point of, about to (গমনোন্মুখ); ready, prepared. ̃তাn. craning (one's neck) in eagerness; eager expectancy; anxiety; state of being on the point of; readiness.
উন্মূলন [ unmūlana ] n extirpation, uprooting, eradication; eviction, ejection, removal; destruction, extermination. উন্মূলনকরাv. to extirpate, to uproot, to eradicate; to evict, to eject, to remove; to destroy, to exterminate. উন্মূলনীয়a. eradicable; destroyable.
উন্মূলয়িতা [ unmūlaẏitā ] n an extirpator, an eradicator; an evictor, an ejector, a remover; a destroyer; an exterminator. fem. উন্মূলয়িত্রী ।
উন্মূলিত [ unmūlita ] a extirpated, uprooted, eradicated; evicted, ejected, removed; destroyed, exterminated. উন্মূলিত করা same as উন্মূলনকরা ।
উন্মেষ, উন্মেষণ [ unmēṣa, unmēṣaṇa ] n opening or unfolding; bloom; incitation, incitement; slight exposition or manifestation; rousing or state of being roused, awakening; birth (esp. embryonic). উন্মেষিতa. opened; unfolded; blooming; slightly exposed or manifested; roused, awakened; born (esp. in embryonic form). উন্মেষিতকরাv. to open; to unfold; to cause to bloom; to incite, to expose or manifest slightly; to rouse, to awaken; to cause to be born (esp. in embryonic form).
উন্মোচক [ unmōcaka ] n &a. one who unveils or unfolds.
উন্মোচন [ unmōcana ] n act of untying or uncovering or unveiling; act of setting free, release. উন্মোচনকরাv. to untie; to uncover or unveil; to set free, to release.
উন্মোচিত [ unmōcita ] a untied, freed from bondage; uncovered or unveiled; unfolded; set free, released, liberated. উন্মোচিতকরা same as উন্মোচনকরা ।
উপ [ upa ] pfx expressing : nearness, adjacency, excellence, similarity, shortcoming, shortage, subordination, subjection, incompleteness, sub-, under-, etc.
উপকন্ঠ [ upakanṭha ] n outskirts; neighhourhood, vicinity.
উপকথা [ upakathā ] n a tale; a legend; a folk tale.
উপকন্দ [ upakanda ] n pseudo-bulb.
উপকর [ upakara ] n acess.
উপকরণ [ upakaraṇa ] n an ingredient; an elemental or constituting material (esp. a raw one); an equipment; an implement; an apparatus; an accessory; an article (esp. of food and clothing) offered in religious worship.
উপকর্তা [ upakartā ] a doing good (to); benignant; benevolent; helpful; useful. ☐n. a benefactor; a helper; fem.উপকর্ত্রী ।
উপকার [ upakāra ] n a good turn, benefaction; be nevolence; good service; help; favour. উপকারকরাv. to do good (to), to do a good turn (to); to benefit; to help. ̃ক,উপকারীa. doing good (to), benignant; beneficent; (not used of persons) efficacious; benevolent; helpful; useful. fem. উপকারিকা, উপকারিণী । উপকারিতাn. active goodness; good; use; helpfulness; usefulness; benefit; beneficence. উপকারেআসা to come of use, to be useful some time or other, to come in handy. উপকার্যa. deserving help or favour.
উপকূল [ upakūla ] n coast; shore, beach; bank. ̃বর্তীa. littoral; orarian, coastal. ̃বাণিজ্যn. coasting-trade; coastal trade. ̃বাসীa. orarian. ☐n. an orarian.
উপকৃত [ upakṛta ] a benefited; helped. উপকৃতি same as উপকার ।
উপকেন্দ্র [ upakēndra ] n epicentre.
উপকেশ [ upakēśa ] n false hair, wig.
উপক্রম [ upakrama ] n state or being on the point of or about to; endeavour, effort; beginning, commencement, start, outset. উপক্রমকরাv. to be about to or on the point of; to endeavour; to be about to commence. উপক্রমহওয়াv. to be about to be or on the point of being; to be about to be commenced. ̃ণিকাn. beginning, commencement, outset; an introduc tion, a preface, a prelude. ̃ণীয়a. that which should be begun or undertaken.
উপক্রান্ত [ upakrānta ] a begun; commenced; started, undertaken.
উপক্ষয় [ upakṣaẏa ] n damage or waste (esp. due to long use); wear and tear; depreciation.
উপক্ষার [ upakṣāra ] n an alkaloid.
উপগত [ upagata ] a present; arrived; near, adjacent; having attachment to or attraction for; having enjoyed sexual intercourse (with); mated; obtained, attained; learnt.
উপগম, উপগমন [ upagama, upagamana ] n presence; arrival, ap proach, act of going near; a happening, an occurrence, an incident; attachment; sexual intercourse, mating; act of ob taining or attaining; what is obtained or attained; knowledge. উপগম্যa. ap proachable; worthy of being sexually united or mated; obtainable, attainable; knowable.
উপগিরি [ upagiri ] n a small hill, a hillock; an artifi cial hill.
উপগীত [ upagīta ] a sung; extolled; celebrated.
উপগুরু [ upaguru ] n a venerable person (who is not a preceptor or teacher); one who depu tizes or assists a preceptor or teacher.
উপগ্রহ [ upagraha ] n a satellite; a minor planet; a moon; (coll.) an undesirable dependant or companion; (coll.) a source of trouble.
উপঘাত [ upaghāta ] n a blow; harm; injury; destruc tion; extermination; extinction.
উপচক্ষু [ upacakṣu ] n spectacles; glasses.
উপচয় [ upacaẏa ] n a collection, an assemblage, a multitude; prosperity; improvement; nourishment; increase of value (of property), appreciation; (astrol.) the third, sixth, tenth and eleventh houses of the astrological zodiac.
উপচরিত [ upacarita ] a (esp. of deities) entertained with offerings or presents; worshipped or served; (rhet.) metaphorically signi fied.
উপচর্যা [ upacaryā ] n act of waiting on, attendance; nursing; medical treatment.
উপচানো [ upacānō ] v to overflow. ☐a. overflowing; overflowed.
উপচার [ upacāra ] n any of the articles given in religious offering; things or materials necessary for worship or used in worship; religious service or ceremony; medical treatment; surgical operation; figurative expression or its explanation. ̃শালাn. (med.) an operation theatre.
উপচিকীর্ষা [ upacikīrṣā ] n disposition to do good, be nevolence; the will to do good to others.
উপচিকীর্ষু [ upacikīrṣu ] a benevolent.
উপচিত [ upacita ] a amassed, accumulated, collected; nourished; developed; prospered, flourished; (of property etc.) increased in value; appreciated. উপচিতিn. amassment, accumulation; collection; nourishment; development; flourish; increase in value, appreciation; (bio.) anabolism.
উপচীয়মান [ upacīẏamāna ] a in the process of being amassed or accumulated or collected; in the process of being nourished or developed; prospering; prosperous, flourishing; (of property etc.) increasing in value.
উপচ্ছায়া [ upacchāẏā ] n a ghost; a phantom; (astr.) a penumbra.
উপজনন [ upajanana ] n origin, birth; a coming into existence; production.
উপজা [ upajā ] v (poet.) to be born or produced or to generate.
উপজাত [ upajāta ] a originated, born; produced. ☐n. a by-product.
উপজাতি [ upajāti ] n a metre used in Sanskrit versification; a sub-caste, a subclass; a tribe or tribal; a backward tribe; an aboriginal tribe. উপজাতীয়a. tribal.
উপজিল [ upajila ] v (in poet.) was or were produced or generated.
উপজিহ্বা [ upajihbā ] n the uvula, the epiglottis.
উপজীবিকা [ upajībikā ] n livelihood; a profession, a trade.
উপজীবী [ upajībī ] a living upon; taken to a particular profession or trade.
উপজীব্য [ upajībya ] a acceptable as a livelihood or profession or trade; acceptable as a means to satisfy one's demand; to be depended on. ☐n. livelihood; a profession; a trade; a means to satisfy one's demand; a shelter; a prop; leit-motif, basic idea (কবিতারউপজীব্য).
উপজ্ঞা [ upajñā ] n an instinct.
উপড়ানো [ upaḍ়ānō ] v to uproot, to extirpate, to eradicate, to pull up; to exterminate. ☐a. uprooted, extirpated, eradicated; exterminated.
উপটৌকন [ upaṭaukana ] n a gift or present given to ex press respect or amity.
উপতপ্ত [ upatapta ] a heated; distressed, aggrieved.
উপতারা [ upatārā ] n the iris; the pupil of the eye.
উপত্যকা [ upatyakā ] n a valley. স্রংস-উপত্যকা a rift valley.
উপদংশ [ upadaṃśa ] n syphillis.
উপদর্শক [ upadarśaka ] n an overseer; door-keeper, an usher.
উপদল [ upadala ] n a faction; a faction within a party.
উপদিশ্যমান [ upadiśyamāna ] a one who is being advised or instructed; one who is the object of advice or instruction.
উপদিষ্ট [ upadiṣṭa ] a of one who has been advised or instructed, of that which has been said by way of advice or instruction, advised, instructed, taught, counselled, directed.
উপদেবতা, উপদেব [ upadēbatā, upadēba ] n a demi-god; an apparition, a ghost; an evil spirit.
উপদেশ [ upadēśa ] n counsel, advice; instruction, teaching; precept; admonition. উপদেশদেওয়াv. to counsel, to advise; to in struct, to teach; to admonish. ̃ক same as উপদেষ্টা । ̃নীয়a. worthy of receiving advice or instruction or teaching. ̃মূলকa. giving or containing advice or teaching, didactic, instructive, instructional. উপদেশ্য same as উপদেশনীয় ।
উপদেষ্টা [ upadēṣṭā ] a imparting advice or instruction. ☐n. a counsellor; an adviser; an instructor, a teacher; a preceptor.
উপদ্বীপ [ upadbīpa ] n a peninsula. উপদ্বীপীয়a. peninsular.
উপদ্রব [ upadraba ] n a disturbance, a trouble; annoyance, irritation, pesterment; oppression; a raid; a danger, a mishap, calamity. উপদ্রবকরাv. to disturb, to trouble; to pester; to oppress; to raid. ̃কারীa. &n. one who disturbs or gives trouble to or pesters or annoys or oppresses or raids.
উপদ্রষ্টা [ upadraṣṭā ] n same as উপদর্শক ।
উপদ্রুত [ upadruta ] a disturbed (উপদ্রুত অঞ্চল); troubled; pestered; oppressed; raided; laid waste.
উপধর্ম [ upadharma ] n an irrational or false faith or religion; a superstition believed to be a part of religious worship; a fetish; an unscriptural but traditional religious practice.
উপধা [ upadhā ] n (gr.) the penultimate letter of a word; a trick; a means; a test or testing of courtiers' honesty.
উপধাতু [ upadhātu ] n a metalloid; a sulphate of metal; an excrescence or secretion of the body (e.g. hair tooth sweat lymph milk menses etc.)
উপধান [ upadhāna ] n a pillow; act of holding; act of placing or depositing.
উপধারা [ upadhārā ] n sub-section.
উপধূপন [ upadhūpana ] n fumigation.
উপনগর [ upanagara ] n outskirts of a town, a suburb; a small town, a township.
উপনদ, উপনদী [ upanada, upanadī ] n a stream that runs into another, a tributary, an affluent.
উপনয়ন [ upanaẏana ] n the ritual ceremony of investing a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vaishya with the holy or sacred thread.
উপনাম [ upanāma ] n a nickname, an alias; a surname; an appellation.
উপনায়ক [ upanāẏaka ] n (in novels, plays etc.) a character second in importance only to the hero; the subordinate or secondary hero or leader.
উপনিধি [ upanidhi ] n a thing committed to somebody's care; or valuable thing kept or deposited in one's care.
উপনিবেশ [ upanibēśa ] n a colony. উপনিবেশ স্হাপন করাv. to colonize, to set up a colony. উপনিবেশিতa. set up as or set up in a colony, colonized.
উপনির্বাচন [ upanirbācana ] n a by-election.
উপনিষদ, উপনিষত্ [ upaniṣada, upaniṣat ] n the Upanishads; the philosophical portion of the Vedas, the Vedantic philosophy; Sanskrit philosophical treatises giving an exposition of the Vedas.
উপনিহিত [ upanihita ] a deposited on trust, entrusted.
উপনীত [ upanīta ] a brought; ushered; arrived; attained; (of Brahmins, Kshatriyas or Vaishyas) invested with the holy thread. উপনীত হওয়াv. to be brought or ushered; to arrive, to attain; to be in vested with the holy thread.
উপনেতা1 [ upanētā1 ] n a bringer; an usher.
উপনেতা2 [ upanētā2 ] n a deputy leader, an assistant leader.
উপনেত্র [ upanētra ] n. pl spectacles, eyeglasses.
উপন্যস্ত [ upanyasta ] a placed, deposited; pledged; arranged.
উপন্যাস [ upanyāsa ] n a novel, a book of fiction; a long story; a romantic tale, a romance; a preface or introduction; a proposal. ̃কার, ̃রচয়িতা, ̃লেখকn. a novelist.
উপপতি [ upapati ] n (masc.) a paramour, a gallant.
উপপত্তি [ upapatti ] n argument, reasoning, inference; proof, demonstration, justification; knowledge; solution; accomplishment, execution; origination, origin; attainment; provision.
উপপত্নী [ upapatnī ] n. fem a concubine.
উপপত্র [ upapatra ] n (bot.) a stipule. উপপত্রিকাa.
উপপথ [ upapatha ] n a by-way, by path.
উপপদ [ upapada ] n (gr.) the first of two words compounded into one; (gr.) a system of forming compound words by adding a suffix denoting an agent (usu. উপপদতত্পুরুষ).
উপপাতক [ upapātaka ] n a venial sin, a minor sin.
উপপাদক [ upapādaka ] a. & n one who or that which decides or solves or accomplishes or executes or proves or justifies or demonstrates.
উপপাদন [ upapādana ] n decision, solution; accomplishment, execution; proving, justification, demonstration. উপপাদন করাv. to decide, to solve; to accomplish, to execute; to prove, to justify, to demonstrate. উপপাদনীয় same as উপপাদ্য (a.)
উপপাদ্য [ upapādya ] a that which is to be or can be decided or solved or accomplished or executed or proved or justified or demonstrated. ☐n. (geom.) a proposition to be proved, a theorem. এটিই উপপাদ্যবিষয় quoderat demonstrandum (Q.E.D.).
উপপুর [ upapura ] n outskirts of a town, a suburb; a township. উপপৌরa. suburban.
উপপুরাণ [ upapurāṇa ] n a minor or secondary Purana.
উপ-প্রকরণ [ upa-prakaraṇa ] n a sub-clause.
উপপ্লব [ upaplaba ] n a natural calamity or disaster; a danger; a pest; an insurrection or insurgence; a coup d'etat.
উপপ্পুত [ upapputa ] a stricken with natural calamity or disaster; encompassed with danger, endangered; pestered; torn with insurrection; trouble-infested.
উপবন [ upabana ] n a garden, a park; a grove; an artificial forest.
উপবাস [ upabāsa ] n abstinence from food, fast; starvation; a fast enjoined by religion. উপবাসকরাv. to go without food; to abstain from food, to fast; to go hungry, to starve; to observe a religious fast. উপবাসীa. abstaining from food, fasting; starving; observing a religious fast.
উপবিধি [ upabidhi ] n a by-law.
উপবিষ [ upabiṣa ] n subsidiary poison; a toxin; an artificial poison.
উপবিষ্ট [ upabiṣṭa ] a seated, sitting. উপবিষ্টথাকাv. to remain seated; to be in office; to occupy a seat; to be sitting. উপবিষ্ট হওয়াv. to sit, to take one's seat.
উপবীত [ upabīta ] n the holy thread of a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vaishya.
উপবৃত্ত [ upabṛtta ] n an ellipse. উপবৃত্তাকারa. elliptical in shape.
উপবেদ [ upabēda ] n any of the four minor or sub sidiary Vedas: they deal with (1) the art of healing, (2) archery, (3) music and aesthetics and (4) architecture or masonry.
উপবেশন [ upabēśana ] n act of sitting, act of taking one's seat. উপবেশনকরাv. to sit, to take one's seat.
উপবেশয়িতা [ upabēśaẏitā ] a. & n one who sits or causes to sit.
উপবেশিত [ upabēśita ] a seated.
উপভাষা [ upabhāṣā ] n a dialect.
উপভুক্ত [ upabhukta ] a enjoyed; eaten or drunk; used.
উপভোক্তা [ upabhōktā ] a. & n one who enjoys or eats and drinks or uses.
উপভোগ [ upabhōga ] n enjoying, enjoyment; eating or drinking; using. উপভোগ্যa. enjoyable; eatable or drinkable; usable; that which is to be enjoyed or eaten and drunk or used.
উপমক্ষিকা [ upamakṣikā ] n flea.
উপমন্ত্রী [ upamantrī ] n deputy minister.
উপমহাদেশ [ upamahādēśa ] n sub-continent.
উপমা [ upamā ] n likeness, similarity, comparison, equal (উপমাদেওয়া, উপমানেই); (rhet.) a simile. উপমাদেওয়াv. to liken, to compare. ̃রহিতa. having no equal or parallel; without comparison; unparalleled.
উপমাংস [ upamāṃsa ] n a wart, a mole.
উপমাতা [ upamātā ] n. fem a woman as venerable as one's mother; foster-mother; wet nurse.
উপমান [ upamāna ] n the object with which some thing is compared; (log.) analogy.
উপমিত [ upamita ] a compared, likened.
উপমিতি [ upamiti ] n a simile, an analogy; (log.) knowledge obtained with the help of analogy, analogical knowledge.
উপমেয় [ upamēẏa ] a comparable; compared. ☐n. that which has been compared, an object of comparison.
উপমেরু [ upamēru ] n consequent poles.
উপযাচক [ upayācaka ] a asking for or soliciting personally; volunteering; unsolicited; too ready or prompt, forward. ☐n. one who asks for or solicits personally; a volunteer; one who is too ready or prompt. উপযাচক হয়েadv. unsolicitedly.
উপযাচন [ upayācana ] n act of asking for or soliciting personally; act of volunteering; act of being too ready or prompt.
উপযাচিকা [ upayācikā ] a. & n. fem of উপযাচক ।n. fem. a woman who comes forward to ask for love or sexual intercourse.
উপযাচিত [ upayācita ] a asked for or solicited personally, volunteered.
উপযুক্ত [ upayukta ] a suitable, deserving, worthy (উপযুক্তপাত্র); fitting; befitting; becoming; proper (উপযুক্তসময়); right, appropriate, just; adequate, sufficient; fit, competent; expedient; evenly balanced, equal. উপযুক্তহওয়াv. to suit, to deserve, to be worthy; to be fitting, to become, to fit; to be proper or right or appropriate or just; to be adequate, to suffice; to be competent; to be expedient; to be evenly balanced; to equal. ̃তা,উপযুক্তিn. suitableness, suitability, deservingness, worthiness; fitness, becomingness; propriety, rightness, appropriateness, justness; eligibility; adequacy, sufficiency; competency, competence; expediency; state of being evenly balanced, equalness.
উপযোগ [ upayōga ] n good, benefit; necessity; service; use, usefulness, utility; assistance, support; eating, enjoyment; application; suitableness. ̃বাদn. utilitarianism. ̃বাদীa. utilitarian. ☐n. a utilitarian.
উপযোগী [ upayōgī ] a suitable, fitting; fit, competent; deserving, worthy; becoming; serviceable, useful; proper; adequate, sufficient; expedient, applicable; favourable, helpful. উপযোগিতাn. suit ableness, suitability; fitness, competency, competence; deservingness; becomingness; serviceability; usefulness; propriety; adequacy; sufficiency; expedience, applicability; use; favourableness, helpfulness.
উপযোজন [ upayōjana ] n act of making suitable; act of accommodating, accommodation, adjustment, adaptation. উপযোজনকরাv. to render suitable; to render accommodating, to accommodate, to adjust, to adapt.
উপর [ upara ] n the top of anything; the upper portion of anything; surface; roof; overhead space. ☐a. upper; upward; extra. ☐prep. up, on, upon, above, over, overhead, upwards. ̃আলা, ̃ওয়ালাa. superior. ☐n. a superior officer; a boss; (fig.) God. উপর-উপরa. superficial, cursory; shallow, not deep; consecutive (উপর-উপরতিন দিন). ☐adv. superficially or cursorily. ̃কারa. of or on the top or surface; upper. ̃চড়াa. disposed to kick up a row, quarrel some; aggressive, intruding, obtrusive; assaulting on person. ̃চড়াওadv. com ing forward to quarrel or assault (esp. without provocation), aggressively, obtrusively. ̃চালn. (in chess.) a move suggested by a non-playing spectator; a counter-move; (fig.) an action to foil another. ̃চালাকa. superficially (and usu. officiously) cunning, act of parading one's cunning (esp. precociously). ̃তলাn. a higher or upper storey of a building; (fig.) the higher or wealthier or nobler stratum of the society, the upper class. ̃তলায়adv. upstairs; to or in the upper class. ̃তলারa. of or in the upper storey; (fig.) of the upper class. ̃তলারলোকn. the high-ups; man of the upper class. ̃পড়াa. officious, obtrusive, intruding; aggressive. ̃পিঠn. the opposite face of a thing; antipodes.
উপরত [ uparata ] a abstained or abstaining (from), refrained, ceased, given up; (of wordly interest) renounced; dead, deceased; gone by, passed. উপরতিn. renunciation, renouncement; abstinence, cessation, act of giving up; death.
উপরত্ন [ uparatna ] n a thing as bright as a gem; a cheap gem; animitation gem.
উপরন্তু [ uparantu ] adv in addition, moreover, over and above, besides; into the bargain.
উপরাজ [ uparāja ] n a viceroy.
উপরাষ্ট্রপতি [ uparāṣṭrapati ] n vice-president.
উপরি1 [ upari1 ] adv. & prep. & a on, upon, above, over, overhead, upwards, upper; surfacial; superficial; then, there after. উপরি-উপরিa. consecutive. ☐adv. superficially, cursorily; one upon an other; one after another; consecutively. ̃কa. superior. উপরিককৃত্যক superior service. উপরিউল্লিখিতa. above-mentioned, referred to above. ̃গতa. situated or placed upon; situated above; surfacial; ascended; superficial. ̃চরa. flying or moving in the air, aerial. ̃তনa. superior; higher. ̃তলn. surface; the upper face of a thing; (loos.) the upper storey or deck. ̃দৃষ্টিn. (astrol.) malignant influence. ̃ন্যস্তa. super-imposed. ̃পন্নa. superposed. ̃পাতn. superposi tion. ̃ভাগn. the top; the surface; the upper part; the space above. ̃ভাগেadv. on the top of; on the surface of; in or on the upper part; over, on. ̃লিখিতa. written above. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিতa. placed or situated above, lying or standing above.
উপরি2 [ upari2 ] a (used as a pfx.) extra, irregular, additional, super-, sur-, by way of illegal gratification (উপরি আয়). ☐n. a perquisite; a tip; a bribe; an illegal or irregular gratification. উপরিআয়n. an extra income; a perquisite; an illegal extra income; a bribe; a tip. উপরি করn. a surtax. উপরিখরচ, উপরি ব্যয়n. extra expenses; overhead charges. ̃পাওনা same as উপরি আয় । ̃লাভn. an extra profit or excess profit; an extra income; a bribe; a tip.
উপরুদ্ধ [ uparuddha ] a requested; solicited; asked for.
উপরে [ uparē ] adv. & prep on, upon, over, up, above, upwards, overhead, high up, in the sky, upstairs.
উপরোধ [ uparōdha ] n an earnest request; importunity, solicitation; recommendation; sake (কাজেরউপরোধে). উপরোধে ঢেঁকি গেলাv. to swallow the (bitter) pill reluctantly in order to comply with a request.
উপর্যুক্ত [ uparyukta ] a above-mentioned; mentioned above or earlier.
উপর্যুপরি [ uparyupari ] adv one after another; one upon another. ☐a. coming or occurring one after another; placed one upon another; consecutive (উপর্যুপরিতিন দিন).
উপল [ upala ] n a pebble; a stone; a gem, a jewel.
উপলক্ষ, উপলক্ষ্য [ upalakṣa, upalakṣya ] n an end in view, a purpose; an aim; an occasion; an opportunity, a pretext, an excuse.
উপলক্ষণ [ upalakṣaṇa ] n a presage; an omen; an ominous sign; a prelude; state of being at the point of commencement; an incidental (as opposed to an essential) characteristic or feature.
উপলক্ষণা [ upalakṣaṇā ] n (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to metonymy or synecdoche.
উপলক্ষিত [ upalakṣita ] a purposed; aimed at; presaged; taken as an occasion or opportunity; advanced as a pretext or excuse; inferred or deduced (from).
উপলব্ধ [ upalabdha ] a felt, perceived; understood, re alized, learnt; attained, obtained, ac quired; (loos.) appreciated.
উপলব্ধি [ upalabdhi ] n feeling, perception; understanding, realization, cognition; attainment, acquirement; (loos.) appreciation; (psy.) sense-perception. উপলব্ধিকরাv. to feel, to perceive; to understand, to realize, to cognize, to learn; to attain, to obtain, to acquire; (loos.) to appreciate.
উপলভ্য [ upalabhya ] a knowable, cognizable; attainable; capable of being accomplished; that which is to be learnt or attained or accomplished.
উপলিপ্ত [ upalipta ] a besmeared, bedaubed; anointed; plastered; (bot. & bio.) accreted.
উপলেপ [ upalēpa ] n smearing or anointing or plastering; an ointment; a plaster; (bot. & bio.) accretion. ˜নn. smearing or anointing or plastering.
উপশম [ upaśama ] n relief; alleviation; abatement, subsidence; cessation; intermission; repression of one's own senses. উপশমকরাv. to relieve; to alleviate, to allay; to mitigate; to abate, to cause to subside or cease or intermit; to repress one's own senses. উপশমহওয়াv. to be relieved; to be alleviated or mitigated; to abate, to subside; to cease; to intermit; (of one's senses) to be repressed. ̃কa. relieving; alleviating, allaying, mitigating; causing abatement or subsidence or cessation or intermission; causing repression of one's senses. ̃নীয়a. that which is to be or can be relieved or alleviated or allayed or mitigated or abated or made to cease or made to intermit or repressed. উপশমিতa. relieved; alleviated, mitigated, allayed; abated, subsided; ceased; intermitted; (of one's senses) repressed.
উপশয় [ upaśaẏa ] n lying down.
উপশাখা [ upaśākhā ] n a sub-branch; a section.
উপশিরা [ upaśirā ] n a thin or delicate vein; a subsidiary vein.
উপশিষ্য [ upaśiṣya ] n a minor disciple; a disciple of a disciple.
উপশুল্ক [ upaśulka ] n a toll. উপশুল্কসংগ্রাহকn. a toll collector.
উপশোভিত [ upaśōbhita ] a adorned, beautified, decked.
উপশ্রেণি [ upaśrēṇi ] n a sub-class.
উপসংহার [ upasaṃhāra ] n conclusion; termination, close, end; concluding part or remarks; closing part. উপসংহার করাv. to conclude; to terminate, to close, to end.
উপসংহৃত [ upasaṃhṛta ] a concluded; terminated, closed, ended. উপসংহৃতিn. conclusion; termina tion.
উপ-সচিব [ upa-saciba ] n deputy secretary.
উপ-সভাপতি [ upa-sabhāpati ] n vice-chairman.
উপসমিতি [ upasamiti ] n a sub-committee.
উপসর্গ [ upasarga ] n any of the accompanying com plaints of a disease; morbidity; a symptom (esp. of a disease); a trouble, a disturbance; an impediment, an obstacle; a calamity; (gr.) a prefix.
উপসাগর [ upasāgara ] n a bay, a gulf. উপসাগরীয় স্রোতn. a gulf-stream.
উপসেক [ upasēka ] n act of alleviating or abating by sprinkling with water.
উপসেচন [ upasēcana ] n act of sprinkling water upon; act of wetting.
উপসেবক [ upasēbaka ] a in the practice of enjoying or worshipping; having attachment (to); addicted (to); given to adultery, adulterous. ☐n. an enjoyer; a worshipper; one who has attachment (to); an addict; an adulterer.
উপসেবন [ upasēbana ] n act of enjoying, enjoyment; worship; attachment; addiction.
উপসেবা [ upasēbā ] n enjoying, enjoyment; attachment; worshipping; worship; addiction; occupation of a servant or employee, service.
উপসেবিত [ upasēbita ] a enjoyed; worshipped; treated with attachment, fawned upon; taken or tasted as an addiction; (of a wife) enjoyed by a man other than one's husband; served.
উপসেবী [ upasēbī ] a in the practice of enjoying or worshipping; having attachment (to); addicted (to); given to adultery, adulterous; serving, in the service (of); attending upon.
উপস্কার [ upaskāra ] n materials; positing of some new quality; care; cleansing; (gr.) introduction of words in order to complete the sense of an incomplete sentence.
উপস্কৃত [ upaskṛta ] a supplemented; collected; beautified; embellished, decorated; dressed, toileted.
উপস্ত্রী [ upastrī ] n a concubine, a mistress.
উপস্হ [ upasha ] a proximate, in the vicinity of; neared; situated or lying on the top (of). ☐n. the male or female genitals, the penis or the vagina. ̃নিগ্রহn. control of sex appetite or sexual desire; continence.
উপস্হাপক [ upashāpaka ] a bringing in, ushering; proposing, moving, introducing; submit ting (a petition etc.). ☐n. an usher; a proposer, a mover, an introducer; one who submits (a petition etc.).
উপস্হাপন [ upashāpana ] n bringing in or ushering; proposing or moving or introducing; act of submitting, submission. উপস্হাপনকরাv. to bring in, to usher; to propose, to move, to raise, to introduce; to submit. উপস্হাপিতn. brought in; proposed or moved; introduced; placed; submitted.
উপস্হাপিকা [ upashāpikā ] fem of উপস্হাপক ।
উপস্হিত [ upashita ] a arrived or assembled in the place in question; present; now existing, current; impending. উপস্হিত করাv. to bring in, to usher; to propose or introduce. উপস্হিতথাকাv. to be present; to exist, to be current. উপস্হিতহওয়াv. to put in or make an appearance, to appear, to come, to arrive; to assemble; to be present; to be current. ̃বক্তাn. one who can deliver an extempore speech, an extemporizer. ̃বুদ্ধিn. presence of mind, ready wit. ☐a. ready witted. উপস্হিতিn. arrival; assemblage; presence; attendance; existence at present, currency. উপস্হিতি-নিবন্ধn. an attendance register.
উপস্পর্শক [ upasparśaka ] n a sub-tangent.
উপস্বত্ব [ upasbatba ] n income or profit from landed property, business firm etc.; revenue.
উপহত [ upahata ] a hurt; wounded; attacked; over whelmed.
উপহসিত [ upahasita ] a ridiculed, taunted, laughed at, mocked.
উপহার [ upahāra ] n a presentation; a complimentary gift, a present. উপহারদেওয়াv. to offer as a present.
উপহাস [ upahāsa ] n ridicule, taunt; a joke; contempt. উপহাসকরাv. to ridicule or taunt, to laugh at, to mock, to jeer; to crack a joke; to treat with contempt. উপহাসাস্পদn. an object of ridicule or taunt, a ridiculous person; a laughing stock; a laughable person; a contemptible person. উপহাস্যa. ridiculous, fit to be taunted or jeered at; laughable; contemptible.
উপহৃত [ upahṛta ] n given or offered as present, presented; given or offered; collected.
উপহ্রদ [ upahrada ] n a lagoon.
উপাংশু [ upāṃśu ] a lonely; deserted.
উপাক্ষ [ upākṣa ] n (geog.) a minor axis; spectacles.
উপাখ্যান [ upākhyāna ] n a story; a tale; a fable; a fairy tale; a narrative; an episode; an anecdote.
উপাগত [ upāgata ] a arrived within the approaches of, neared; present; current; existing; one who has or that which has been obtained or attained.
উপাগম [ upāgama ] n approaching or nearing, ap proach; presence; act of obtaining, obtainment; attainment.
উপাঙ্গ [ upāṅga ] n an accessory limb; a part of a limb; an excrescence; a text regarded as a part of or accessory of the Vedas; an epilogue or appendix. উপাঙ্গ-প্রদাহn. appendicitis.
উপাচার্য [ upācārya ] n (of a university) a vice-chan cellor.
উপাত্ত [ upātta ] a accepted; admitted, supposed (for the sake of argument), earned, obtained. ☐n. (log. etc.) a datum.
উপাদান [ upādāna ] n a (raw) material, an ingredient; a constituent. উপাদান কারণ the material cause.
উপাদেয় [ upādēẏa ] a pleasant, delightful; enjoyable; tasteful, delicious, dainty, pleasant to eat. ̃তাn. pleasantness, delightfulness; enjoyableness; tastefulness, deliciousness, daintiness.
উপাধান [ upādhāna ] n a pillow.
উপাধি [ upādhi ] n a title; an academic degree or appellation given to the recipient of a degree; a designation; a surname; a quality or property that distinguishes an individual from the class, a denotation. ̃ক, ̃ধারীa. titled; a degree holder. ̃পত্রn. a diploma, an academic certificate.
উপাধ্যক্ষ [ upādhyakṣa ] n a vice-principal.
উপাধ্যায় [ upādhyāẏa ] n surname or title of an upcountry Brahmin; a professor or reader; a teacher; an instructor; a professional teacher or reader of the Vedas. উপাধ্যায়া, উপাধ্যায়ীn. fem. a female professor or reader; a lady teacher; an instructress. উপাধ্যায়ী, উপাধ্যায়ানীn. fem. the wife of a professor or reader or instructor or of a professional teacher of the Vedas.
উপানত্ [ upānat ] n (rarely in use) shoe, boot, slipper. ̃কারn. a shoe-maker.
উপান্ত [ upānta ] n outskirts; an approach; vicinity; border, extremity; any penultimate or post-ultimate object. উপান্ত্যa. lying in the outskirts; penultimate. উপান্ত্যটীকাn. marginal note. উপান্ত্যবর্ণ (gr.) the penultimate letter of a word.
উপাবর্তন [ upābartana ] n returning or retreating; a turning round; rotation, act of whirling.
উপাবৃত্ত [ upābṛtta ] a returned, retreated; turned round; rotated, whirled.
উপায় [ upāẏa ] n a means, a way, an expedient; a method (অঙ্ক কষার উপায়); a contrivance, a device; income, earnings (উপায়কত?); a remedy (রোগের উপায়); a measure; a means to relieve or help, support (বিধবার উপায়). উপায়করাv. to devise means or method; to earn; to remedy; to devise means to relieve or help, to find a support for.
উপায়-উপকরণ [ upāẏa-upakaraṇa ] n. pl ways and means.
উপায়ক্ষম [ upāẏakṣama ] a capable of earning.
উপায়জ্ঞ [ upāẏajña ] a able to find out means; resourceful.
উপায়ন [ upāẏana ] n a present, a complimentary gift; a reward.
উপায়বিহীন, উপায়হীন [ upāẏabihīna, upāẏahīna ] a resourceless; having no means; helpless.
উপায়ান্তর [ upāẏāntara ] n an alternative means; an alternative. ̃হীনa. left without an alternative, having no alternative.
উপায়ী [ upāẏī ] n one who earns (esp. money), earning.
উপারম্ভ [ upārambha ] n beginning; outset; start.
উপার্জক [ upārjaka ] a one who earns (esp. money). ☐n. a money-earner; an earner.
উপার্জন [ upārjana ] n earning (esp. money); winning; gaining or obtaining; acquirement; earning, income (উপার্জনকত?) উপার্জনকরাv. to earn; to win; to gain, to obtain. ̃ক্ষমa. capable of earning. ̃রত, ̃শীলa. engaged in earning.
উপার্জিত [ upārjita ] a earned; won; gained, obtained, acquired.
উপার্থন [ upārthana ] n canvassing votes; canvassing.
উপালম্ভ [ upālambha ] n reproof, reproach; censure, reprimand. উপালব্ধa. reproved, reproached, censured.
উপাশ্রয় [ upāśraẏa ] a fit to be a shelter. ☐n. one who takes shelter; a refugee; taking shelter; resorting to. উপাশ্রিতa. taken or given shelter; protected.
উপাসক [ upāsaka ] a engaged in worshipping or adoring or praying; devoted (to); engaged in religious meditation; engaged in serving or flattering a person in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admiring. ☐n. a worshipper, an adorer; one who prays; a devotee; one who meditates; a servant, a flatterer; an admirer.
উপাসঙ্গ [ upāsaṅga ] n a thing or an object always ready to hand; a quiver.
উপাসন, উপাসনা [ upāsana, upāsanā ] n worship; adoration; prayer; devotion; religious meditation; act of serving or flattering a person in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admiration; solicitation. উপাসনাকরাv. to worship; to adore; to pray; to be devoted to; to be engaged in religious meditation, to meditate.
উপাসিকা [ upāsikā ] fem of উপাসক।
উপাসিত [ upāsita ] a worshipped; adored; meditated; served in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admired; solicited.
উপাস্হি [ upāshi ] n a cartilage.
উপাস্য [ upāsya ] a worthy of being worshipped, adorable; warranting devotion; worthy of being meditated upon; worthy of being served or flattered; warranting admiration or deep attachment or addiction.
উপাহার [ upāhāra ] n a light repast, tiffin, snack.
উপাহৃত [ upāhṛta ] a collected; brought; imagined; fancied.
উপুড় [ upuḍ় ] a lying with face on the ground, prostrate. উপুড় হওয়াv. to prostrate; to turn turtle.
উপুড়হস্ত [ upuḍ়hasta ] a open-handed, munificent, generous; ready to pay off (debts etc.). উপুড়হস্তনা করাv. to be reluctant to pay or (esp.) to repay; not to pay off a debt.
উপেক্ষক [ upēkṣaka ] a &n. one who disregards or rejects or neglects; one who attaches no importance to; one who treats with contempt or indifference or inattention; one who ignores or overlooks.
উপেক্ষা, উপেক্ষণ [ upēkṣā, upēkṣaṇa ] n disregard; rejection; neglect; contempt; indifference, heedlessness, inattention. উপেক্ষাকরাv. to disregard; to reject; to neglect; to attach no importance to; to treat with in difference or inattention; to pay no attention or heed to, to take no care of; to ignore; to overlook. উপেক্ষণীয়a. negligible; contemptible; not deserving any notice; ignorable.
উপেক্ষিত [ upēkṣita ] a disregarded; rejected; neglected; treated with indifference or in attention; unheeded; uncared for; ignored; overlooked. fem. উপেক্ষিতা।
উপেত [ upēta ] a endowed with, invested with, possessed of (e.g. গুণোপেত) having or possessing qualities, qualified).
উপোদ্ঘাত [ upōdghāta ] n beginning, start; a presage; a preface; a prologue, an introduction.
উপোস [ upōsa ] n abstinence from food, fasting, fast. উপোসকরাv. to fast; to go without food. উপোসিa. fasting, going or gone without food; hungry. উপোসিতa. going without food, fasting.
উপ্ত [ upta ] a (of seeds) sown, sowed. উপ্তিn. act of sowing.
উবরানো [ ubarānō ] v to be surplus.
উবা [ ubā ] v to evaporate; to vanish; to disappear.
উবু [ ubu ] a seated on one's heels, squatted; high, elevated. উবু হওয়াv. to sit on one's heels, to squat.
উভ1 [ ubha1 ] pro both. ̃চরa. amphibious, amphibian. উভচরপ্রানী an amphibian. উভচরপ্রানীবর্গ the amphibia. ̃বলn. ambivalence. ☐a. ambivalent. ̃লিঙ্গa. (bio. & zoo.) androgynous, bisexual; (gr.) of common gender. ☐n. an androgynous creature; (gr.) common gender or a word in this gender.
উভ2 [ ubha2 ] a high; loud; upturned (উভলেজ). ̃রড়েadv. (obs.) at a high speed, with breakneck speed. ̃রায়adv. at the top of one's voice. ̃রোলn. tumultuous noise. ̃লেজa. having one's tail turned up.
উভয় [ ubhaẏa ] pro two persons or things, two; both. ☐a. both. ̃তadv. on or from or for both or either directions or sides or parties. উভয়তোমুখ।a. facing or looking both ways; double-faced. fem. উভয়তোমুখী । ̃ত্রadv. on or from or for both persons or parties or sides or directions. ̃থাadv. in both ways or methods. ̃পার্শ্বn. both sides. ̃লিঙ্গa. (zoo. & bio.) hermaphroditi (al.) □ n. a hermaphrodite. ̃সংকটn. a dilemma.
উভয়ার্থ [ ubhaẏārtha ] a ambiguous, equivocal, having both or dual meanings.
উমদা [ umadā ] a wealthy, rich; excellent; brilliant.
উমর [ umara ] n age.
উমরাহ, উমরা [ umarāha, umarā ] n (Mus.) a very richman; a nobleman.
উমা [ umā ] n the name of the wife of Shiva (শিব).
উমানো [ umānō ] v to heat; to agitate. ☐n. measure, weight; quantity.
উমাপতি, উমাশংকর [ umāpati, umāśaṅkara ] n Shiva (শিব) the husband of Uma (উমা).
উমেদ [ umēda ] n hope, desire; expectation. উমেদারa. cherishing a hope, desirous, expectant. ☐n. a candidate (for a job etc.). উমেদারিn. soliciting for a job etc.; offering oneself as a candidate; candidature.
উর, উরঃ [ ura, urḥ ] n the bosom, the breast; the chest. উরঃফলকn. a sternum, a breast bone.
উরগ, উরঙ্গ, উরঙ্গম [ uraga, uraṅga, uraṅgama ] n a reptile; a serpent; a snake. fem. উরগী, উরঙ্গী, উরঙ্গমী ।
উরজ [ uraja ] n either of the two mammary glands in a woman, the female breast.
উরমাল [ uramāla ] n a handkerchief; a thigh-plate (esp. of a horse).
উরশ্ছদ [ uraśchada ] n a piece of armour for the breast, a breastplate.
উরস [ urasa ] n the breast, the bosom; the chest.
উরুত [ uruta ] n thigh.
উরোগামী [ urōgāmī ] a crawling.
উরোজ [ urōja ] a born of or produced from the breast. ☐n. either of the two mammary glands in women, the female breast.
উর্দি [ urdi ] n a distinctive garb for members of a body; a uniform.
উর্দু [ urdu ] n the Urdu language, Urdu. ̃নবিশn. one who is proficient in or professes to know Urdu.
উর্বর [ urbara ] a fertile, productive; prolific. fem. উর্বরা । উর্বরকরাv. to make fertile, to fertilize. ̃তাn. fertility, productivity. ̃তাসাধনn. fertilization.
উর্বরমস্তিষ্ক [ urbaramastiṣka ] a fertile-brained, ingenious. উর্বর মস্তিষ্কn. fertile brain, resourcefulness, ingenuity.
উর্বশী [ urbaśī ] n the name of the chief dancer of heaven celebrated for her ageless youth and undying beauty.
উর্বী [ urbī ] n the earth (esp. when personified as the mother of all created beings), Mother Earth. ̃ধরn. a mountain. ̃রুহn. a tree; a plant.
উল [ ula ] n wool.
উলকি [ ulaki ] n a design marked on the skin by puncturing with a needle and inserting pigment; tattoo, a tatu. উলকিআঁকাv. to tattoo, to tatu. ̃-আঁকাa. tattooed.
উলঙ্গ [ ulaṅga ] n naked, nude; bare; uncovered; unsheathed (উলঙ্গ অসি); candid, frank (উলঙ্গপরান). fem. উলঙ্গা,উলঙ্গিনী ।
উলটকম্বল [ ulaṭakambala ] n a medicinal herb, abroma angusta.
উলটি1 [ ulaṭi1 ] n see উলটা ।
উলটি2 [ ulaṭi2 ] adv (poet.) having turned upside down.
উলস [ ulasa ] n (poet.) delight, joy; gladness; hilarity; merriment.
উলসা [ ulasā ] v to be delighted or gladdened.
উলসিত [ ulasita ] a (poet.) delighted, gladdened.
উলু1 [ ulu1 ] n a sound made by Hindu women. by moving their tongues within their mouths on any festive occasion. (also উলুউলু, উলুধ্বনি) ।
উলু2 [ ulu2 ] n a kind of reedy grass (usu. উলুখড়). ̃খাগড়া. n. a variety of reed; (fig.) an insignificant or indigent person; (fig.) an innocent or common person or citizen. উলুবনেমুক্তোছড়ানো (fig.) to cast pearls before a swine. রাজায়রাজায়যুদ্ধহয়উলুখাগড়ার (বাউলুখড়ের) প্রাণযায় (fig.) kings with one another vie and the innocent people die.
উলুক [ uluka ] n the owl. fem. উলুকী ।
উলেমা [ ulēmā ] n a Muslim scholar or learned man, an ulema.
উল্কা [ ulkā ] n an aerolite or aerolith, a shooting star, a meteor; a spark, a scintilla; a torch. ̃পাতn. the fall of a meteor to the earth. ̃পিণ্ডn. meteorite; a meteor. ̃মুখীn. the fox; ignis-fatuus, will -o' the -wisp; a woman whose face is ever ruddy with anger; a fire-vomiting remale ghoul.
উল্লঙ্ঘন [ ullaṅghana ] n act of crossing by leaping or vaulting over, act of leaping or vaulting or vaulting over; transgression, violation, infringement, disobedience. উল্লঙ্ঘনকরাv. to cross by leaping or vaulting over, to leap or vault over; to transgress, to violate, to infringe, to disobey, উল্লঙ্ঘনীয় same as উল্লঙ্ঘ্য ।
উল্লঙ্ঘিত [ ullaṅghita ] a crossed by leaping or vaulting over; transgressed, violated infringed, disobeyed.
উল্লঙ্ঘ্য [ ullaṅghya ] a that which can be or is to be leapt over or trasgressed or violated or infringed or disobeyed.
উল্লম্ফন, উল্লম্ফ [ ullamphana, ullampha ] n act of jumping or leaping or springing or bounding or skipping; a jump, a leap, a spring; a spell of skipping or frisking.
উল্লম্ব [ ullamba ] a vertical ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃ছেদn. (geom.) a vertical section. ̃তলn. (geom.) a vertical plane. ̃ভাবেadv. vertically.
উল্লাসিত [ ullāsita ] a delighted, gladdened; exulted; exultant; jovial, jubilant, hilarious, fem. উল্লাসিতা ।
উল্লাস [ ullāsa ] n delight, gladness; exultation; joy, joviality, jubilation, hilarity; (of books) a chapter. উল্লাসকরাv. to express joy, to exult, to jubilate, উল্লাসী same as উল্লসিত ।fem. উল্লাসিনী ।
উল্লিখিত [ ullikhita ] a written above; above-mentioned; alluded to.
উল্লুক [ ulluka ] n the gibbon, a south-east Asian anthropoid ape; a term of abuse.
উল্লেখ [ ullēkha ] n mention; reference; (rhet;) allsion. উল্লেখ করাv. to mention; to refer to; to allude to. ̃নa. act of mentioning; act of referring to or alluding to. ̃নীয়, উল্লেখ্যa. mentionable, worth mention; that which is to be mentioned. ̃যোগ্যn. mentionable, worth mention. উল্লোলn. a billow; a breaker. ☐a. dangling.
উশখুশ [ uśakhuśa ] n. int expression of or expressing restlessness or fidgetiness. উশখুশকরাv. to become restless with eagerness or inquisitiveness; to fidget. উশখুশানিn. fidgetiness, fidgets.
উশীর [ uśīra ] n aromatic root of a variety of grass, cuscus.
উশুল [ uśula ] n requited; avengement; realisation (of a claim, bill, dues etc.). উশুলকরাv. to avenge (a wrong); to realize (a claim or a bill or dues).
উশো [ uśō ] n a mason's wooden tool for plaining or smoothing.
উষসী1 [ uṣasī1 ] a. fem of the morning or dawn; glowing in the light of dawn; extremely beautiful. ☐n. dawn (esp. when personified).
উষসী2 [ uṣasī2 ] n close of the day; evening.
উষ্ট্র [ uṣṭra ] n the camel. fem. উষ্ট্রী । ̃চালকn a camel-drive, a cameleer.
উষ্ণ [ uṣṇa ] n heat; warmth; the sun or the summer (উষ্ণপ্রধান, উষ্ণকাল); anger, passion. ☐a. hot; warm; heated; passionate, angry. ̃কালn. summer, hot or warm weather. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. heat, warmth; bad temper; temperature. ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃স্বভাবa. ill-tempered, irritable, irascible, easily provoked to anger. ☐n. hot temper. ̃ প্রধানa. torrid; tropical. ̃প্রধানঅঞ্চল same as উষ্ণাঞ্চল । ̃প্রস্রবণn. a hot spring, a geyser. ̃বীর্যa. invigorating, stimulating; excitative, excitatory. ̃মণ্ডল same as উষ্ণাঞ্চল । ̃স্নানn. hotbath.
উষ্ণাঞ্চল [ uṣṇāñcala ] n (geog.) the torrid zone.
উষ্ণীষ [ uṣṇīṣa ] n a turban, a headgear; a coronet, a diadem. ̃কমলn. the lotus on the scalp according to the Buddhist scriptures. ̃ধারীa. turbaned; coroneted, diademed.
উষ্ণোদক [ uṣṇōdaka ] n hot or warm water.
উষ্ম, উষ্মা [ uṣma, uṣmā ] n heat; warmth; anger, rage, passion; huff; excitement; summer; temperature. উষ্মহওয়াv. to become heated or warm; to get angry or huffy. উষ্মাপ্রকাশকরাv. to vent one's anger or huff. উষ্মবর্ণn. (gr.) any of the aspirates. উষ্মমাপকn. a thermometer. উষ্মস্বেদn. vapour bath. উষ্মাগমn. the hot season, summer. উষ্মান্বিতa. angered, angry.
উসকানো [ usakānō ] v to raise or draw up (the wick of a lamp); (usu. dero.) to excite, to in stigate; to open (a boil etc.) by piercing. উসকানিn. excitation, instigation.
উসকোখুসকো [ usakōkhusakō ] a dry and lean; untrimmed; untidy and slovenly; dishevelled; (of hair) ungreased and unkempt.
উস্তম-পুস্তম, উস্তম-ফুস্তম [ ustama-pustama, ustama-phustama ] n extreme annoyance. উস্তম-পুস্তমকরা, উস্তম-ফুস্তম করাv. to tease or annoy beyond measure.
উহা [ uhā ] pro that (person or thing); it. উহারa. its. উহারাpro. pl. they. উহাদেরa. their, theirs.
উহু [ uhu ] int expressing pain etc., oh.
উহ্যমান [ uhyamāna ] a in the state of being pulled or drawn or brought or borne.
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