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Sunday, April 7, 2013
য [ y ] n the twenty-sixth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.
যকৃত্ [ yakṛt ] n the liver.
যকৃত্কোষ [ yakṛtkōṣa ] n hepatic cyst.
যকৃত্প্রদাহ [ yakṛtpradāha ] n hepatitis.
যক্ষ [ yakṣa ] n (myth.) one of a class of demigods; a ghost appointed to guard a treasure hidden underground; (iron.) an extremely miserly man. ̃পুরীn. (myth.) the city of Kuvera (কুবের) ̃রাজn. Kuvera (কুবের) the king of Yakshas (যক্ষ).
যক্ষিণী [ yakṣiṇī ] fem of যক্ষ।
যক্ষা [ yakṣā ] n phthisis; tuberculosis, pulmonary consumption.
যখন [ yakhana ] adv & con when; whilst; whereas; because, as, since. ̃ইadv. & con. whenever, as soon (as), no sooner (than). ˜কারa. of a particular or specified time.যখনকার যা তখনকার তা (fig.) every work has its own time, everything must be done in its own proper time. ̃তখনadv. in time or out of time; in season or out of season; (much too) frequently (and often vexatiously); at any hour or time.যখন যেমন তখন তেমন suitable for the occasion; seasonable, (cp.) do in Rome as the Romans do.
যজন [ yajana ] n worshipping, worship; act of offering in sacrifice, sacrifice. ̃যাজনn. act of worshipping on behalf of one's own self as well as on behalf of others, priest-craft.
যজমান [ yajamāna ] n one on whose behalf a priest worships, a sheep of a priest.
যজ্ঞ [ yajña ] n a Vedic sacrifice; a religious sacrifice, an oblation, a sacrifice; a burnt offering; (fig.) a great and pompous affair or ceremony. ̃কর্মn. sacrificial rite. ̃কুণ্ডn. a pit in which the sacrificial fire is made. ̃ডুমুরn. a variety of large figs.̃ধূমn. the smoke of sacrificial fire.̃পশুn. a sacrificial beast, a victim.̃পাত্র, ̃স্হালীn. a sacrificial vessel.̃বেদিn. a sacrificial altar, an altar.̃ভূমি, ̃শালা, ̃স্হল, ̃স্হানn. a place of sacrifice.̃সূত্র same as উপবীত ।যজ্ঞাগ্নি, যজ্ঞানলn. the sacrificial fire.যজ্ঞীয়a. sacrificial. যজ্ঞেশ্বরn. the lord of religious sacrifices; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). যজ্ঞোপবীত same as উপবীত ।
যত্1 [ yat1 ] n an Indian musical measure.
যত্2 [ yat2 ] a what; whatever, whatsoever; all whatever. ̃কালেadv. & con. at the time when; when, whilst. ̃কিঞ্চিত্, ̃সামান্যa. (also pro.) (the little) whatever; the little; (only) a little. ̃পরোনাস্তিa. extreme, utmost.
যত [ yata ] pro. & adv. & con as many or as much (যত এলো তত গেল); all whatsoever (যতনষ্টের গোড়া); the more, the more (যত দেখবে তত মজবে). ̃ই emphatic form of যত । ̃কালadv. & con.as long (as), so long. ˜কিছুpro.& a. whatever, whatsoever.˜ক্ষণ same as ̃কাল । যতক্ষণ না until, till. ̃খানিadv. & con.as much (as); as long (as); as far (as); as many (as). ̃গুলি, ̃গুলোadv. & con.as many (as). ˜টা same as ̃খানি । ̃দিনadv. & con.as many days (as); as long (as); so long. ̃দূরadv. & con.as far (as). ˜বারadv. & con.as many times (as); as often (as). যতনষ্টেরগোড়া the root of all evils or mischiefs. যত বড়মুখ নয়তত বড়ো কথা (fig.) an audacious utterance or remark.
যতি1 [ yati1 ] n (now rare) an ascetic; a hermit; a widow (ব্রাহ্মণের যতি).
যতি2 [ yati2 ] n (gr.) a stop; (pros.) a pause, a caesura. ̃চিহ্নn. (gr.) a punctuation mark.̃পাত, ̃ভঙ্গn. (pros.) a metrical fault or breach.
যতেক [ yatēka ] a. & con (poet.) as much or as many, all whatever.
যত্ন [ yatna ] n laborious or zealous effort; careful or earnest attention, care; nursing; cordial or warm reception (অতিথিকে যত্ন); zeal; labour, toil. যত্ন-আত্তিn. cordial and warm reception, cordial treatment; care; earnest attention. যত্ন করা, যত্ননেওয়াv. to endeavour laboriously or zealously; to attend to carefully, to take care of; to nurse; to receive cordially or warmly; to be zealous; to labour, to toil. ̃পূর্বক, ̃সহকারেadv. with laborious or zealous endeavour; with careful or earnest attendance; carefully; zealously; laboriously. ̃বান, ̃শীলa. laboriously or zealously endeavouring; carefully or earnestly attending to; careful; zealous; laborious, fem. ̃বতী, ̃শীলা ।
যত্র [ yatra ] adv. & con in whichever place or subject; wherever; as much (as). ̃তত্রadv. here and there; anywhere and everywhere; everywhere.যত্রআয় তত্র ব্যয় spending all or whatever one earns.
যথা [ yathā ] adv as; as for instance, as for example, namely; as much; to the utmost degree, amount or number; in accordance with; where or in which. ☐a. proper, fitting, right. ̃কর্তব্যadv. & a. in accordance with one's duty; as one's duty demands or warrants.̃কালেadv. at the proper or right or suitable or due time; in time; in good time, betimes; seasonably; in due course.̃ক্রমেadv. in regular or due order or succession; respectively.̃তথa. accurate; actual; true; real. ̃তথা same as যত্রতত্র (see যত্র). ̃দিষ্টa. complying with or obedient to the order.̃নিয়মেadv. in accordance with the rule or law or formalities.যথানুপূর্বa. conforming to the regular or due order or succession or sequence. ̃পূর্বa. & adv. as before.˜পূর্বংতথা পরং no change in the condition or state; (derog.) as bad as ever.̃বত্a. & adv. according to the rule or law or formalities; as before; without change. ̃বিধি same as ̃নিয়ম । ̃বিহিতa. & adv. as is prescribed or due. যথাভিপ্রেত, যথাভিমতn. & adv. according to one's desire, as one pleases. ˜য়adv. where, wherein. ̃যথa. & adv. according to the due order or succession or sequence.□ a. accurate; exact; correct; right; just; true; fit.☐adv. accurately; exactly; correctly; rightly; justly; truly; fittingly, fitly (also যথাযথভাবে). ̃যোগ্য same as যথোচিত। ̃রীতিa. & adv. as is usual or customary, according to usage or custom or practice. ˜রুচিa. & adv. according to one's inclination or taste or choice.˜শক্তিa. & adv. to the best of one's abilities, as much as one can. ˜শাস্ত্রa. & adv. conforming to the scriptures or scriptural prescriptions.˜সময়ে same as ̃কালে। ̃সম্ভবadv. as far as or as much as or as many as possible. ̃সর্বস্বn. whatever one possesses, one's entire possessions. ̃সাধ্য same as ̃শক্তি ।যথাসাধ্য চেষ্টা করা to try one's best or utmost. ̃স্হানn. the right or proper or fixed or appointed place.
যথার্থ [ yathārtha ] a right; correct; accurate; exact; genuine; authentic; true; actual; proper.
যথেষ্ট [ yathēṣṭa ] adv. & a as much or as many as one desires.☐a. enough, sufficient; abundant; profuse.
যথোচিত, যথোপযুক্ত [ yathōcita, yathōpayukta ] a proper; fit; as one deserves; as is due to one; fitting; just. যথোপযুক্তরূপেadv. in a befitting manner.
যথোপযোগী [ yathōpayōgī ] a fit, suitable; proper, becoming.
যদবধি [ yadabadhi ] adv. & con up to which time, till when; from which time, since when.
যদি [ yadi ] con if, provided; that, in case, lest; when, since (একান্ত যদি যাবে তো এখনইযাও). যদিইadv. & con. if perforce; even if. যদিও, যদিচadv. & con. although, even though. যদিনা if not. যদি বা if, in case; since; if perforce; or if.
যদু [ yadu ] n (myth.) a king of ancient India. ̃কুলপতি, ̃নাথ, ̃পতিn. the chief of the Yadavas (যাদব).̃বংশn. Yadava (যাদব) clan founded by King Yadu (যদু).̃মধুn. pl. (also sing.) (dero.) men in the street, Tom Dick or Harry.
যদৃচ্ছা [ yadṛcchā ] n one's own desire or will; free will; one's pleasure; fortuity; effortless ness. ̃ক্রমেadv. according to one's own desire or will or free-will; at pleasure; freely. ̃লব্ধa. obtained by chance; fortuitous; obtained without effort.
যদ্ভবিষ্য [ yadbhabiṣya ] a (lit.) depending on future; relying on fate, fatalistic. ☐n. anunenterprising person who relies on fate or chance and is heedless of the present.
যদ্যপি [ yadyapi ] adv. & con even if, if perforce; although, even though.
যন্ত্রণা [ yantraṇā ] n pain, pang; agony; affliction, suffering; anguish; torment, torture; a trouble, a pest. যন্ত্রণা দেওয়াv. to pain; to agonize; to afflict; to torment; to torture. যন্ত্রণা পাওয়াv. to be pained or agonized; to be afflicted, to suffer; to be tormented or tortured. ̃কর, ̃জনক, ̃দায়কa. painful; agonising; afflicting; tormenting, torturing; troublesome, pestering.
যন্ত্রাংশ [ yantrāṃśa ] n part or parts of a machine; machinery.
যন্ত্রী [ yantrī ] n a machineman, an operator; an instrumentalist; a conspirator, an intriguer, a plotter, a machinator, a wire puller; (fig.) a director.
যব1 [ yaba1 ] adv. & con (obs.) when.
যব2 [ yaba2 ] n barley; (astrol.) a mark on the thumb shaped like a barley grain (usu. যবচিহ্ন); a unit of lineal measure (1/4 inch).
যবক্ষার [ yabakṣāra ] n carbonate of potash; (inc.) nitre. ̃জানn. nitrogen.
যবদ্বীপ [ yabadbīpa ] n Java. ̃বাসীa. inhabiting Java. ☐n. a Javanese, a Javan. যবদ্বীপীয়a. Javan, Javanese.
যবন [ yabana ] n an Ionian Greek; a Greek; a non-Hindu; (inc. but pop.) a Muslim.
যবনানী [ yabanānī ] n. pl scripts of the (Ionian) Greek settlers of ancient India.
যবনিকা [ yabanikā ] n a screen, a curtain; a drop-curtain, a drop-scene, a drop. যবনিকাউত্তোলনকরাv. to draw the curtain; to raise the drop; (fig.) to reveal, to disclose. ̃পতন, ̃পাতn. drop of a curtain between the acts or at the end of a play; (fig.) termination or shelving (of an affair).যবনিকার অন্তরালে behind the curtain, in camera.
যবনী [ yabanī ] fem of যবন।
যবসুরা [ yabasurā ] n malt liquor.
যবাগূ [ yabāgū ] n a gruel made of barley; (med.) a malt extract.
যবে [ yabē ] adv. & con when.
যবোদর [ yabōdara ] n a lineal measure (1/8 inch).
যম1 [ yama1 ] n restraint, continence; concentration of the mind in service of or in meditation on God.
যম2 [ yama2 ] n the Hindu God of death (cp. Pluto.); (fig.) death (যম ঘনানো); an annihilator, a destroyer, an antidote (ম্যালেরিয়ার যম).যমেধরাv. to die; to be at death's door, to be in the jaws of death; to be seized with a ruinous intention; to undertake a death-dealing venture. যমেরঅরুচি even repugnant to Yama (যম) or death; an utterly repugnant person. যমেরবা়ড়ি same as যমালয় । ̃জয়ীa. one who has conquered death; immortal; death less. ̃জাঙ্গালn. the Milky Way, the Galaxy.̃দণ্ডn. the sceptre of Yama যম; Death's rod; (fig.) death-like mortification.̃দূতn. a messenger of Yama যম; a summoner of death; (fig.) a person of horrible or forbidding appearance, a messenger carrying a horrible message.̃দ্বারn. the court of Yama (যম); death's door, gates of death or hell; (fig.) death.যমদ্বারে (যমের দুয়ারে) যাওয়াv. to die, to meet one's death; to be killed. ̃দ্বিতীয়া same as ভ্রাতৃদ্বিতীয়া (see ভ্রাতৃ). ̃নীn. fem. the wife of Yama (যম).̃পুকুরn. a vow observed by unmarried Hindu girls.̃পুরী same as যমালয় । ̃যন্ত্রণাn. death agony; (fig.) deathly or terrible affliction.̃রাজn. King Yama (যম) the lord of death.
যমক [ yamaka ] a twin-born, twin; (bot.) connate. ☐n. a twin, twins; a connate leaf; (rhet.) analogue, pun.
যমজ [ yamaja ] a twin-born, twin.
যমল [ yamala ] a paired, in pair. যমল-গানn. a duet song, a duet.
যমানিকা, যমানী [ yamānikā, yamānī ] n caraway, carum, ptychotis.
যমালয় [ yamālaẏa ] n the city or abode of Yama (যম) or death; hell. যমালয়ে পাঠানোবাদেওয়াv. to send to the jaws of death; to kill. যমালয়েযাওয়াv. to die; to be killed; to go to hell; to be condemned to hell; to be damned.
যমুনা [ yamunā ] n Jamuna, a river of India; the name of Yama's (যম) sister.
যশ, যশঃ [ yaśa, yaśḥ ] n fame, renown, celebrity, good name, (good) reputation, credit. যশগাওয়া, যশঃকীর্তন করা, যশঃখ্যাপন করাv. to celebrate one's fame, to sing one's praise; to glorify; to extol, to eulogize. যশস্করa. bringing fame or renown; creditable. যশস্কামনা, যশাকাঙ্ক্ষাn. desire for fame or glory. যশঃস্তম্ভn. the monument of fame or glory. যশস্বীa. famous, renowned, celebrated, reputed. fem. যশস্বিনী ।যশোগাথা, যশোগান, যশোগীতিn. a song of praise.যশোগানগাওয়া same as যশঃকীর্তন করা । যশোভাগ্যn. luck or destiny to earn fame. যশোদ ।a. same as যশস্কর☐n. mercury, quick-silver. যশোদাa. fem. of যশোদ☐n. fem. Krishna's (কৃষ্ণ) foster-mother. যশোদাদুলাল, যশোদানন্দনn. the son of Yashoda (যশোদা); Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). যশোমণ্ডিতa. crowned with fame or glory. যশোমতীn. fem. same as যশোদা (n.). যশোরাশিn. great fame; wide celebrity; honours in plenty. যশোরেখাn. (palmistry) the line of fame. যশোলাভকরাv. to earn fame; to attain glory. যশোলিপ্সাn. greed of fame. যশোলিপ্সুa. greedy of fame. যশোহানিn. loss of fame or reputation; disgrace, infamy; discredit.
যশদ [ yaśada ] n zinc.
যষ্টি [ yaṣṭi ] n a stick; a staff; a walking-stick; a rod; a wand (জাদুযষ্টি); a crutch (খঞ্জেরযষ্টি); a prop (অন্ধের যষ্টি); a twig. যষ্টিপ্রহারকরাv. to cudgel, to flagellate. ̃মধুn. liquorice.
যা2 [ yā2 ] pro. relat what, which, that (যা গেছেতা যাক). যা-কিছুpro. whatever; some thing; everything. যা থাকে বরাতে come what may. যা-হোক however; anything (যা হোক একটা কিছু).
যাওয়া [ yāōẏā ] v to go; to move (স্হানান্তরে যাওয়া); to proceed or advance (তুমি যাও, আমিআসছি); to walk; to start ('গো' বললেইযাবে); to leave or depart (ট্রেন এখনিযাবে); to come to an end, to end, to terminate or be terminated (চাকরিযাওয়া); to elapse, to pass (দিনযাওয়া); to be destroyed, to perish, to be lost (জীবনযাওয়া, চোখের নজর যাওয়া, রাজ্যযাওয়া); to be spent (টাকা যাওয়া); to work (শরীর বা ঘড়ি ঠিক যাচ্ছেনা); to last (জামাটা একবছর যাবে); to suffice for (এটাকায় দু-মাস যাবে); to stay or stop by (এদিকটা একবার দেখেযেয়ো); to accomplish an action (মরেযাওয়া); to be accomplished or to take place (চুরিযাওয়া); to go on, to continue (থেমো না, বলে যাও); to pass off (জ্বরযাওয়া); to be directed (তার দিকে দৃষ্টি যাওয়া); to be inclined (মন যাওয়া). অস্ত যাওয়াv. (of the sun, moon, stars etc.) to set. এসেযাওয়াv. to be of consequence, to matter. নেমে যাওয়াv. to get down, to descend; to be demoted or degraded; to be abated or decreased. পড়ে যাওয়াv. to fall down, to drop; to go on reading. বেড়াতে যাওয়াv. to go for a walk or stroll; to go to visit (a place); to make a pleasure-trip to. যাওয়া-আসাn. come and-go; frequenting; intercourse. যেতেবসাv. to be on the point of being ruined or destroyed or lost.
যাঁহা [ yām̐hā ] adv &con. where; just as, as soon as (also যাঁহাতক).
যাচক [ yācaka ] n one who asks or prays (for), a petitioner; a beggar, a mendicant; a volunteer.
যাচন2, যাচনা [ yācana2, yācanā ] n act of asking (for), prayer, petition; begging; solicitation; volun teering. যাচনা করাv. to ask or pray (for); to beg; to solicit; to volunteer, to offer. যাচিতa. asked or prayed for; begged; solicited.
যাচা2 [ yācā2 ] v to determine or estimate the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison. ̃ইn. act of determining or estimating the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison, test to find the quality (of). ̃নোv. to cause to determine or estimate the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison; to determine or estimate the price or worth of (a thing) by investigation or comparison.
যাচ্ছেতাই [ yācchētāi ] a (ety. but not used) whatever one pleases; (pop.) utterly bad or ugly or worthless.
যাজক [ yājaka ] n a priest; a clergyman, a cleric. ̃তন্ত্রn. hierocracy. ̃তা, ̃বৃত্তিn. priest-ship, priesthood; clericity.যাজকসম্প্রদায়n. the priestly or clerical order, the priesthood, the clergy.
যাজন [ yājana ] n act of conducting a religiousservice in the capacity of a priest or clergyman. যাজন করাv. to conduct a religious service (as by a priest). ̃বৃত্তিn. the profession of the priest or the clergy, priest-ship, priesthood, clericity; a stipend or allowance given to a priest or clergyman, (cp.) a benefice.যাজনিকa. priestly, clerical; ecclesiastical.
যাজিকা [ yājikā ] n. fem a priestess, a clergywoman.
যাজ্ঞসেনী [ yājñasēnī ] n the daughter of King Yajnasena (যজ্ঞসেন); Draupadi (দ্রৌপদী) of the Mahabharata.
যাজ্ঞিক [ yājñika ] n one who performs a religious sacrifice; a priest; a ritualist. ☐a. sacrificial, ritual.
যা-তা [ yā-tā ] pro any indefinite thing bad or undesirable (যা-তা বলা). ☐a. inferior, worthless (যা-তা কাপড়); messed up, messy (যা-তাঅবস্হা); whimsical or wayward (যা-তা চিন্তা).
যাতায়াত [ yātāẏāta ] n come-and-go; frequentation; movement, plying (ট্রেন-যাতায়াত); traffic (লোক-যাতায়াত). যাতায়াত করাv. to come and go; to frequent; to move, to ply. যাতায়াত-খরচn. travelling expenses or allowance. যাতায়াতের পথ a thorough fare.
যাত্রা [ yātrā ] n going; setting out on a journey; commencement of a journey (যাত্রাশুভ); a solemn ceremony performed on the eve of a journey in order to make the journey favourable (usu. যাত্রানুষ্ঠান); movement, a journey or voyage or flight; leaving, departure (ট্রেনেরযাত্রার সময়); (chiefly in Christ.) exodus; passing, career (জীবনযাত্রা); maintenance (সংসারযাত্রা); a religious ceremony, a festival (দোলযাত্রা); an open-air (usu. rural) opera or dramatic performance (যাত্রাগান); a time, an occasion. (এযাত্রা বেঁচে গেলাম).যাত্রা করাv. to set out on a journey, to set out for; to start on a journey; to leave, to de part; to perform a solemn ceremony on the eve of a journey to make the journey favourable; to act in an oper-air opera; to stage an open-air opera or drama. যাত্রার অধিকারীn. the proprietor (who is also the manager and chief director) of an open-air opera or dramatic party. যাত্রার দল an open-air opera or dramatic party. যাত্রার প্রাক্কালে on the eve of departure. এ যাত্রা on this occasion, this time. ̃গানn. an open-air opera or drama; an open-air opera performance; a song contained in an open-air opera. ̃পুস্তকn. (Christ.) the Exodus.যাত্রিণীfem. ofযাত্রী। যাত্রীবাহীa. carrying passengers. যাত্রীবাহীজাহাজ a passenger ship. যাত্রীa. carrying or transporting passengers (যাত্রীনৌকা). ☐n. a goer; a traveller, a passenger.
যাথাযথ্য [ yāthāyathya ] n correctness; propriety; exact ness, exactitude.
যাথার্থ্য [ yāthārthya ] n rightness; correctness; accuracy; reality; genuineness, authenticity; trueness; veracity; truth; actuality; propriety; exactness, exactitude.
যাদব [ yādaba ] a descended from King Yadu (যদু). ☐n. a descendant of King Yadu; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).যাদবীa. fem. of যাদব।☐n. a Yadava (যাদব) female. ̃বংশn. a clandescending from King Yadu (যদু).
যাদৃশ, যাদৃক [ yādṛśa, yādṛka ] a &con. such, as. fem. যাদৃশী । যাদৃশী ভাবনাযস্য সিদ্ধির্ভবতি তাদৃশী as one contemplates, so one gains; like thought, like success.
যান [ yāna ] n a vehicle, a conveyance, a carriage (অশ্বযান); a way, a route (পিতৃযান); a way of worship (হীনযান). ̃বাহনn. transport, conveyance. ̃শালাn. garage.
যান্ত্রিক [ yāntrika ] a pertaining to machines, mechanical; versed in machines or mechanical engineering or machine operating. ☐n. a mechanic; a mechanical engineer; a machine-man, an operator. যান্ত্রিক গোলযোগ mechanical disorder or defect.
যাপক [ yāpaka ] a &n. one who spends or passes (time).
যাপন [ yāpana ] n spending or passing (time). যাপনকরাv. to spend, to pass.
যাপিত [ yāpita ] a (of time etc.) spent, passed.
যাপ্য [ yāpya ] a (of time etc.) that which is to be or can be spent or passed; (of an action etc.) warranting animadversion or reflection, blamable; reprehensible; (of an affair etc.) deserving to be screened or kept concealed; incapable of being radically redressed or remedied or cured (যাপ্যরোগ).
যাবক [ yābaka ] n lac-dye. যাবক-রেখাn. a line along the border of the foot of a woman painted with lac-dye.
যাবচ্চন্দ্রদিবাকর [ yābaccandradibākara ] adv as long as the sun and the moon will exist; eternally, perpetu ally, for ever.
যাবজ্জীবন [ yābajjībana ] adv as long as one's life lasts, for life. ☐a. life-long. যাবজ্জীবনকারাদণ্ড imprisonment for life, a life-term, a life sentence.
যাবত্ [ yābat ] adv &con. as long (as). □ con. till, until; during, for. ☐a. all, entire, whatever.
যাবতীয় [ yābatīẏa ] a all, one and all, whatever.
যাবনিকা [ yābanikā ] a of Ionian Greeks; Greek; non Hindu; (inc. but pop.) Muslim.
যাম [ yāma ] n a division of the hours of the day (=3 hours approx.) ̃ঘোষn. the jackal (as it howls at every third hour).
যামিনী [ yāminī ] n. fem the night. ̃নাথn. the moon.̃যোগেadv. by night; at night.
যাম্য [ yāmya ] a southern. যাম্যোত্তরবৃত্তn. (geog.) the meridian circle.
যায় [ yāẏa ] n a list, an inventory, a catalogue; account, sake (কিসের যায়ে).
যায়-যায় [ yāẏa-yāẏa ] a &adv. on the point of going; on the point of dying or collapsing (যায়যায় অবস্হা).
যাযাবর [ yāyābara ] a wandering without a settled home, vagrant; nomadic, gypsy. যাযাবরজাতিn. nomads; gypsies, wandering tribes. যাযাবরপাখি a bird of passage, a migratory bird.
যিনি [ yini ] pro who (used in respect).
যিশু, জিশু [ yiśu, jiśu ] n Jesus (Christ).
যুক্ত [ yukta ] a joined; united, federated, amalgamated; attached or adjoining; joint; (chiefly gr.) compound; possessing, invested with (শ্রীযুক্ত); containing (দোষযুক্ত, ঘৃতযুক্ত); seized or stricken or affected with (ক্রোধযুক্ত); employed or engaged (কর্মে যুক্ত); attached or fitted or yoked (ঘানিতে যুক্ত); conforming to (যুক্তিযুক্ত); (math.) added. ☐prep. &n. plus (6 যুক্ত17).˜করn. folded hands. ☐a. with folded hands. যুক্ত করাv. to join, to unite. যুক্তকর্মসচিব a joint secretary. ̃দলa. (bot.) gamopetalous.যুক্তপ্রচেষ্টা a joint or united effort. ̃প্রদেশn. the United Provinces (in India). ̃বেণিn. the confluence of the Ganges, the Jamuna and the Saraswati near Allahabad.̃রাজ্যn. the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Ireland).̃রাষ্ট্রn. the United States (of America); a federal state.̃রাষ্ট্রীয়বিচারালয় a federal court.̃শাসনn. joint government; dual government; joint magistracy.̃স্বাক্ষর joint signature.
যুক্তা [ yuktā ] a. fem of যুক্ত (a.).
যুক্তাক্ষর [ yuktākṣara ] n (gr.) a compound or conjunct letter.
যুক্তি [ yukti ] n joining, union, unification, federation, amalgamation; (rare) juncture, junction, a cause, a reason; argument or judgment; logic; deliberation; consultation; counsel, advice; a plan, a scheme. যুক্তি আঁটা, যুক্তি করাv. to consult, to confer; to intrigue together; to deliberate on; to plan, to scheme. ̃দাতাn. a counsellor, an adviser.fem. ̃দাত্রী ।যুক্তি দেওয়াv. to give counsel, to advise. যুক্তিদেখানোv. to show cause; to argue, to adduce reason. যুক্তি নেওয়াv. to take counsel or advice. ̃পূর্বকadv. having planned (that); after conferring (with); with due deliberation; supported by reasons. যুক্তিপ্রদর্শন করা same as যুক্তিদেখানো । ̃বাদীa. rationalistic, free thinking; amenable to reason, reasonable; (loos.) rational. যুক্তিবাদী লোক a rationalist, a freethinker; a reasonable person. ̃বিরুদ্ধa. unreasonable; irrational. ̃যুক্ত, ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত, ̃সহa. con forming to or supported by reason, reasonable; logical; advisable.̃শাস্ত্রn. logic.̃শূন্য, ̃হীনa. unreasonable, irrational; groundless, causeless.
যুগ [ yuga ] n a period of twelve years; any one of the four mythological aeons or ages (namely সত্য, ত্রেতা, দ্বাপর and কলি); an aeon; an age; an era; an epoch; times (যুগের হাওয়া); (fig.) a great length of time (চুলবাঁধতেই এক যুগ গেল); a yoke; a pair (পদযুগ); a unit of lineal measure equal to four cubits. ̃ক্ষয় same as যুগান্ত। ̃ধর্মn. the spirit of the times or age, zeitgeist; the trend of the times or age; (loos.) characteristics of the age or times.̃ধর্মপালনn. adopting or following the trends of the age. ̃ন্ধরn. the pole to which a yoke is fixed; (fig.) the person who represents the spirit of an age. ̃প্রবর্তকn. the maker of an age or epoch.̃সন্ধিn. transition of an age.̃সন্ধিকালn. the transition period.̃সন্ধিকালীনa. transitional.যুগান্তn. the end of an age; a universal dissolution causing the world to be created anew; a great radical revolution bringing in a new era. যুগান্তকারীa. epoch-making. যুগান্তরn. a different age; a new age; an epoch-making revolution. যুগাবতারn. the divine incarnation of the age; an epoch-making divine incarnation; the greatest teacher or preceptor of the age. যুগোপযোগীa. fitting the age or times; suitable to or befitting the age; obedient to the age or times; time-be fitting.
যুগপত্ [ yugapat ] a simultaneous. ☐adv. simultaneously.
যুগল [ yugala ] n a pair, a couple, a brace (নয়নযুগল); a yoke, a team (অশ্বযুগল); a pair of married or betrothed persons or of lovers; a male and a female paired together (হংসযুগল). ̃মূর্তিn. a picture of Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) united together in love; a picture of a divine pair (হরগৌরীর যুগলমূর্তি).
যুগি [ yugi ] n a Hindu caste originally employed in weaving; a member of this caste.
যুগ্ম [ yugma ] n a pair, a couple. ☐a. joint (যুগ্মসম্পাদক); (math.) even (যুগ্মসংখ্যা).
যুঝা, যোঝা [ yujhā, yōjhā ] v to fight; to contend or vie (with); to struggle (against.) ̃নোv. to cause to fight or contend or struggle. ̃যুঝিn. mutual or repeated fight or contest or vying or struggle.
যুটি [ yuṭi ] n a pair, a couple, a brace; one of a pair, a partner (টেনিসে লিয়েন্ডারের যুটিভূপতি).
যুত2 [ yuta2 ] a possessing, invested with (শ্রীযুত).
যুতি [ yuti ] n addition; union.
যুদ্ধ [ yuddha ] n a war, a battle, a fight; an engagement, an encounter, a combat; a tournament, a contest; struggle (অনেক যুদ্ধকরে সনেটটি লিখেছি). যুদ্ধকরাv. to fight, to battle, to war; to wage war; to encounter, to combat; to contend; to struggle, to strive hard. যুদ্ধেনামাv. to join the war; to declare war. এলোমেলোযুদ্ধ a skirmish. হাতাহাতি যুদ্ধ a battle royal. ̃ঋণn. a war-debt or war-loan. ̃কালীনa. wartime.̃কুশলa. skilled in warfare; warlike, military, martial.̃কৌশলn. military tactics; art of war fare; strategics.̃ক্ষেত্রn. a battlefield.̃জয়n. victory in war, victory.̃জয়ীa. victorious in war, victorious.যুদ্ধজয়ীব্যক্তিn. a victor in war, a victor, a victorious person. ̃জাহাজn. warship, a man-of-war, a battleship.̃নাদn. a war-cry.যুদ্ধং দেহি ভাব bellicosity, militancy; pugnacity. ̃নিপুণ same as ̃কুশল। ̃নীতিn. rules and regulations of war; tactics of war; war policy. ̃পটু same as ̃কুশল । ̃প্রিয়a. bellicose.warlike. ̃বন্দিn. prisoner of war.̃বাজa. bellicose; encouraging war.যুদ্ধবাজব্যক্তিn. a warmonger, (cp.) a hawk. ̃বিগ্রহn. hostilities and warfare.̃বিদ্যাn. art of warfare; military tactics, strategics.̃বিধ্বস্তa. wartorn.̃বিভাগn. the War Department, the Defence Department; the War Office.̃বিরতিn. truce, armistice, the cessation or stop ping of fighting for a time, cease fire.̃বিশারদ same as ̃কুশল । ̃যাত্রাn. a military expedition; a going out to war. ̃রীতি same as ̃নীতি । ̃শান্তি, ̃শেষn. end or cessation of war or hostilities, peace, armistice. ̃সজ্জাn. equipage for war; armament; a military dress, (cp.) a battledress. ̃সাধn. desire to fight.̃স্হলn. a battlefield.যুদ্ধাবসান same as ̃শান্তি । যুদ্ধার্থadv. for war. to fight. যুদ্ধার্থীa. desirous of fighting; on the point of fighting; militant. যুদ্ধোদ্যমn. preparation for war. যুদ্ধোন্মত্তa. war neurotic; frenziedly fighting. যুদ্ধোন্মাদa. crazy for war; bellicose; war-neurotic. ☐n. craze for war, (cp.) bellicosity; war-neurosis. যুদ্ধোন্মুখa. ready for war, on the war-path. যুদ্ধোপকরণn. war materials, requisites for war; arms and ammunition.
যুধিষ্ঠির [ yudhiṣṭhira ] a capable of retaining mental calm during war. ☐n. Yudhishthira, the eldest son of Pandu (পাণ্ডু).
যুধ্যমান [ yudhyamāna ] a engaged in fighting, belligerent.
যুবরাজ [ yubarāja ] n a crown prince. ইংল্যাণ্ডের যুবরাজ the Prince of Wales. ফ্রান্সেরযুবরাজ the Dauphin. রাশিয়ার যুবরাজ the Tsarevich. the Czarevich.
যুবসমাজ [ yubasamāja ] n the youth, the community of young people.
যুবসম্প্রদায় [ yubasampradāẏa ] n the community of young people, the youth collectively.
যুবসম্মেলন [ yubasammēlana ] n a youth conference.
যুবা, যুবক [ yubā, yubaka ] a one who has attained youth; (loos.) grown-up; young. ☐n. a young man, a youth. fem. যুবতী, যুবতি । যুবজানিn. the husband of a young woman.যুবাকাল, যুবাবয়সn. youth, young age; (of animals) calf-time.
যুযুত্য়া [ yuyutẏā ] n desire for fighting or war, bellicosity; pugnacity.
যুযুত্সু [ yuyutsu ] a desirous of fighting or war, bellicose; pugnacious.
যূথ [ yūtha ] n a flock, a herd, a pack, a flight, a swarm. ̃চর, ̃চারীa. gregarious. ̃পতিn. the leading beast of a flock or herd. ̃ভ্রষ্টa. strayed from the flock or herd. যূথভ্রষ্ট পশু a strayling, astray.
যূথিকা, যূথী [ yūthikā, yūthī ] n a kind of jasmine.
যূপ [ yūpa ] n a wooden framework to which the neck of a sacrificial victim is fixed at the time of immolation (also যূপকাষ্ঠ). ̃কাষ্ঠ same as যূপ ।
যুষ [ yuṣa ] n decoction. broth, soup.
যে [ yē ] rel. pro&con. who, which, that. □ con. that (বলছি যে আজ বাড়িযাব). ☐a. that which (যে ছোকড়া, যে বিষয়). ☐int. expressing doubt or uncertainty (কী যেহবে); cause (বেলা যেগেল, বাড়িচলো); interrogation or inquiry (খেললি না যে); reproof (মিথ্যা বললি যে); drawing of attention or attachment of importance (দুঃখে বুক ফাটে যে); amazement (অতপড়ে ফেল করলযে) ; disgust (আবার বৃষ্টিএলোযে); warning (ছুটেচলো-ট্রেন ছাড়লযে); acceptance (যে আজ্ঞা). যে অবধি since when; up to which time, till when. যে আজ্ঞা all right, sir; as you please, sir; that's right, sir. যে কটি all the small number that, the few. যেকারণে for which reason, wherefore, why. যে কালে whilst, when. যে কেসেইpro. &a. as before, the same.যেকেউ whoever; anybody; any one. যেকোনোজন, যে কোনোটি any one. যে কোনোস্হানে anywhere; anywhere and everywhere; everywhere. যেটুকুpro. a. &con.all the small amount or degree or extent that, the little. যেদিন the day which or when; which day. যে পর্যন্ত up to which; up to which time; till. যে যে all who; all which. যে সেpro. any man in the street, Tom Dick or Harry; anybody whoever; anybody and everybody; anybody; everybody. ☐a. ordinary, commonplace, humdrum.
যেই [ yēi ] adv &con. just when, just as, as soon as. □ a. which যেইদিন. ☐pro.whoever (যেইবলুক না কেন, শুনো). যেইমাত্র.......সেইমাত্র just when, just as, as soon as.
যেখান [ yēkhāna ] n which place; whichever place. ̃কারa. of which particular place; of a particular place. যেখানেadv. &con. where; wherever. যেখানে-সেখানেadv. anywhere and everywhere; everywhere; all over the shop.
যেথা [ yēthā ] n same as যেখান।☐adv. &con. same as যেখানে । ˜কার, ̃য়, যেথা-সেথা same as যেখানকার, যেখানে and যেখানেসেখানে respectively.
যেন [ yēna ] adv &con. as, like; as if; so that; that (প্রার্থনা করি যেন সুখী হও); taking care that (টাকা হারায়না যেন); accepting that or supposing that (তাই যেন হল); I am failing to recollect just now (কীযেননাম). কী যেন তাকে বল what do you call him or her. কী যেন তার নাম what's his (or her or its) name. যেন-তেনপ্রকারে, যেন-তেন প্রকারেণ somehow; by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul; negligently or perfunctorily.
যেবা [ yēbā ] pro whoever; whichever.
যেমন [ yēmana ] a &con. as like; for instance, for example. ☐adv. &con.as much or as like, as; just as, as soon as. ☐int. ex pressing mild surprise or contradiction or contempt (তুমিওযেমন). যেমনইa. &con. as, like. □ adv. &con.same as যেমন (adv. &con.) যেমন-তেমনa. of any sort or kind; trifling, of a sort. যেমন তেমনকরেadv. in a haphazard manner, in a random or slipshod or designless fashion. যেমনি var. ofযেমনই । যেমনকর্মতেমন ফল as one has brewed, so one will drink; as you sow, so you reap; rightly served.
যেরূপ [ yērūpa ] a. con&int. same as যেমন (a. con. &int.). □ adv. &con.as much or as like, as.
যেহেতু [ yēhētu ] con because, since, as.
যৈছন, যৈছে [ yaichana, yaichē ] adv &con. (obs.) as much or as like, as.
যো2 [ yō2 ] pro (obs. & poet.)who. □ a. as.যোহুকুম as you command (indicating cringing obedience).
যোক্ত্র [ yōktra ] n a halter; resource, provision (চাকরির যোক্ত্র নেই); facility or convenience (কাজে যোক্ত্রনেই).
যোগ [ yōga ] n union; mixture, blending; relation; connection, association; contact; cooperation, concert (একযোগে); act of joining with; yoga (যোগে বসা); an expedient or means; a medium (ডাকযোগে); a vehicle or a route (বিমানযোগে, শূন্যযোগে); a path or method for spiritual attainments (ভক্তিযোগ); a time (রজনীযোগে); (astr. & astrol.) a conjunction of stars and planets (বিষ্কুম্ভযোগ); (astrol.) an auspicious time (বিবাহের যোগ); (astrol.) a probability of occurrence (মৃত্যুযোগ); a remedy, a medicine (মুষ্টিযোগ); food, repast (জলযোগ); facility or chance (লাভের যোগ); application or employment (মনোযোগ); (math.) addition; (math.) the plus sign. যোগ করাv. to unite; to mix, to blend; to practise yoga; to add. যোগদেওয়াv. to unite; to associate with; to participate; to report as for duty; to take up an employment, to join; to add. ̃ক্রিয়াn. (alg.) componendo.̃ক্ষেমn. attainment or acquisition of unattained things and preservation of what is attained.̃দানn. participation, taking part; attending.যোগদান করাv. to be associated with; to side with, to join (with); to take part in, to participate; to report for duty; to take up an employment, to join. ̃নিদ্রাn. self-absorbed trance of a divine person (বিষ্ণুর যোগনিদ্রা); a yogic trance (যোগনিদ্রামগ্নতপস্বী).̃ফলn. (arith.) result of addition, sum; (phys.) summation. ̃বলn. spiritual power derived from yogic practice or meditation. ̃বাহীa. uniting; connecting; acting as a medium; helping to maintain con tact; (chem.) catalytic. ̃ব্যায়ামn. yoga; yogic exercise for physical and mental health.̃ভঙ্গn. break or interruption of yogic meditation; a failing in yogic practice or meditation. ̃ভ্রষ্টa. interrupted or foiled in yogic practice or meditation; lured away or fallen from spiritual heights attained by means of yoga. ̃মায়াn. (Hindu theol.) the all prevading illusory energy of godhead; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).̃মার্গn. the yogic path of spiritual attainments or salvation. ̃রূঢ়a. (gr.) formed by compounding two or more words and implying a special meaning (যোগরূঢ়শব্দ). ̃শাস্ত্রn. the yogic scriptures; a book on yogic practice. ̃সাজশn. un desirable or unfair or criminal collaboration; a conspiracy. ̃সাজশেadv. in collusion with.̃সাধনn. unification; mixture; blending; joining; practice of yoga.̃সাধনাn. practice of yoga.̃সিদ্ধa. successful in acquiring spiritual attainments or salvation through yogic practice; attained through yogic practice. ̃সিদ্ধিn. success in yogic practice; spiritual or other attainments or salvation obtained through yogic practice. ̃সূত্রn. connexion; correlation.
যোগাকর্ষণ [ yōgākarṣaṇa ] n molecular attraction; cohesion; gravity.
যোগাভ্যাস [ yōgābhyāsa ] n practice of yoga.
যোগাযোগ [ yōgāyōga ] n communion; unity, consistency (প্রারম্ভের সঙ্গে উপসংহারেরযোগাযোগ); relation, connection, association; intercourse; contact, touch; communication, contact (তার সঙ্গেআমার বহুদিনযোগাযোগ নেই); co-operation (পরস্পর যোগাযোগে কার্যসাধন). যোগাযোগ রক্ষাকরাv. to maintain contact (with); to maintain means of communication (with). যোগাযোগ স্হাপন করাv. to establish contact (with); to set up means of communication (with).
যোগারূঢ় [ yōgārūḍh় ] a absorbed in or successful in yogic meditation.
যোগাসন [ yōgāsana ] n a posture of sitting or a seat for yogic meditation; the posture of yogic exercise.
যোগাসীন [ yōgāsīna ] a seated in yogic meditation. fem. যোগাসীনা ।
যোগিনী [ yōginī ] n. fem (myth.) any one of the sixty-four female attendants of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a female ascetic or yogi; a woman who practises ardently (কর্মযোগিনী); (astr. & astrol.)a particular conjunction of stars (পশ্চিমেযোগিনী).
যোগী [ yōgī ] n a yogi; an ascetic; one who practises ardently (কর্মযোগী). যোগীন্দ্র, যোগীশ্বরn. the greatest yogi or the lord of yogis; Shiva (শিব).
যোগীবেশ [ yōgībēśa ] n the conventional garb of an ascetic or yogi.
যোগে [ yōgē ] adv by, with, through (ডাকযোগে, নৌকাযোগে).
যোগ্য [ yōgya ] a worthy, fit, deserving; becoming (রাজার যোগ্য); proper, right; condign (যোগ্যশাস্তি); merited (যোগ্য পুরস্কার); eligible; competent, able, efficient. fem. যোগ্যা । পাঠযোগ্যa. readable, worth reading.̃তাn. worthiness, fitness; worth merit; eligibility; competency, ability.যোগ্যতানুসারেadv. in order of merit. যোগ্যতাপত্রn. a certificate of competency.
যোজক [ yōjaka ] n (geog.) an isthmus. ☐a. joining, linking; uniting.
যোজন [ yōjana ] n joining or linking; unification; mixing or blending; employment (সৈন্যযোজন); application (শব্দযোজন); investment (as of money); fixation, implantation (ধনুকে শরযোজন); a measure of distance usu. about five miles, a yojana. ̃গন্ধn. musk.যোজনা same as যোজন except in the last sense, and-n. planning or a plan (চতুর্থযোজনা).
যোজিত [ yōjita ] a joined, linked; unified; mixed, blended; employed, applied; invested; fixed, implanted.
যোজ্যতা [ yōjyatā ] n valency.
যোটক [ yōṭaka ] n union; combination; combination or agreement for matrimonial purposes (রাজযোটক); a pair; one of a pair. যোটক মেলাv. to be found agreeable or to combine well for matrimonial purpose; to be supplied with a pair, to be paired.
যোদ্ধা [ yōddhā ] n a fighter, a warrior, a soldier.
যোদ্ধাজাতি [ yōddhājāti ] n a warlike or martial race.
যোদ্ধৃবর্গ [ yōddhṛbarga ] n warriors or soldiers collectively, fighting personnel.
যোদ্ধৃবেশ [ yōddhṛbēśa ] n the dress or attire of a soldier; the military dress.
যোধ [ yōdha ] n a battle, a fight, a war; a warrior, a soldier, a fighter.
যোনি [ yōni ] n the female genital passage, the vagina; a place of origin, a source (কমলাযোনি); birth or racial origin (দেবযোনি).
যোয়ান2 [ yōẏāna2 ] n caraway, carum, ptychotis.
যৌক্তিক [ yauktika ] a reasonable; logical, advisable. ̃তাn. resonableness; logicality; advisability.
যৌগ [ yauga ] n (chem.) a compound.
যৌগিক [ yaugika ] a compound, composite; complex; mixed; (gr.) derivative; a yogic. যৌগিকঅনুবীক্ষণ a compound microscope. যৌগিক অর্থ (gr.) the derivative meaning (of a word). যৌগিক কাচ a compound lens. যৌগিক ক্রিয়া a yogic performance; (gr.) a compound verb (e. g. করে ফেলা, বসে পড়া) (cp.) a verb phrase. যৌগিকপদার্থ a compound substance, a compound. যৌগিক পন্হা the yogic system or method. যৌগিক বাক্য (gr.) a compound sentence. যৌগিক শব্দ (gr.) a derivative; (loos.) a compound word, a compound. যৌগিক সংখ্যা (arith.) a mixed or complex number.
যৌতুক [ yautuka ] n a dowry; a portion; a present or gift given at the time of certain sacramental ceremonies. যৌতুক দেওয়াv. to bestow a dowry upon, to dower, to give a present. ̃প্রথাn. the dowry system.̃হীনa. portionless.
যৌথ [ yautha ] a united, combined; joint. যৌথকারবার a joint stock company. যৌথচেষ্টা united or combined effort. যৌথপরিবার a joint family. যৌথ স্বাক্ষর joint signature.
যৌন [ yauna ] a vaginal; biogenetic; sexual (যৌনসংগম); venereal (যৌনব্যাধি) ।কর্মীn. a sex worker. তাn. sexuality. ̃ক্ষমতাn. sexual power.̃দুর্বলতাn. sexual debility; impotence.̃রোগn. sexual disease; syphilis or gonorrhoea.̃সংগমn. sexual union, copulation, sexual intercourse.
যৌবন [ yaubana ] n youth; calf-time; youthfulness. ̃কণ্টকn. an acne. ̃কালn. youth; calf time; grown-up stage. ̃প্রাপ্তa. one who has attained youth. fem. ̃প্রাপ্তা । ̃প্রাপ্তিn. attainment of youth, coming of age.̃বতীa. fem. young; youthful.̃ভারn. development of the body on attainment of youth; the excitement of youthful passions.̃লক্ষণn. the marks on or the development of the body indicating attainment of youth.̃শ্রীn. physical grace acquired on attainment of youth.̃সম্পন্নa. full of youth; youthful; one who has attained youth.fem. ̃সম্পন্না। ̃সুলভa. usual for youth, youthful.যৌবনাবস্হা same as যৌবনকাল ।
যৌবরাজ্য [ yaubarājya ] n the office or post of a crown prince. যৌবরাজ্যে অভিষিক্ত করা, যৌবরাজ্যপ্রদানকরাv. to install as a crown prince.
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