Sunday, April 7, 2013

শ1 [ śa1 ] nthe thirtieth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

শংসন, শংসা[ śaṃsana, śaṃsā ] npraise, compliment.শংসাপত্রn. a certificate; a testimonial.

শংসিত[ śaṃsita ] a praised, complimented.

শক[ śaka ] n the Scythian race; a Scythian; an era introduced in 78 A.D. (alsoশকাব্দ); any year(বাংলা শক).

শকট[ śakaṭa ] n a vehicle, a carriage, a cart, a car.গো-শকটn. a bullock-cart; a hackery.বাস্পীয় শকটa railway train. ̃চালকn. a carter, a driver, a carman; a coachman.

শকটিকা[ śakaṭikā ] na small or toy car.

শকড়ি[ śakaḍ়i ] n. &a. that which has come in contact with cooked food or with the leavings of one's meal.

শকদ্বীপ[ śakadbīpa ] nScythia.

শকরখন্দ[ śakarakhanda ] nthe sweet potato, the yam.

শকল[ śakala ] na portion, a part, a piece; a scale of fish; (bot.) bast. ̃তন্তুn. bast fibre.

শকার-বকার[ śakāra-bakāra ] nfilthy words beginning with শandব; filthy revilings or abusive language.

শকারি[ śakāri ] nthe enemy or subduer of the Shakas (শক).

শকুন[ śakuna ] nthe vulture; an omen. ̃জ্ঞa. versed in augury.

শকুনি[ śakuni ] nthe vulture; a character of the Mahabharata; (fig.) a relative who, by giving evil counsel, leads a family to ruin.

শকুন্ত[ śakunta ] nthe bird; the vulture. ̃লাn. fem. one who has been protected by a bird.

শক্ত1 [ śakta1 ] acapable, able, fit for work (শক্তসমর্থ= hardy); strong, powerful; efficient; hard to win over or deceive (শক্ত ব্যবসায়ী).

শক্ত2 [ śakta2 ] a hard, not soft; strong; stiff, obdurate; durable, tight; firm, steady; stub-born; severe, rigorous; strict; rigid; strenuous; niggardly, stingy (খরচেরবেলায় সে শক্ত); harsh (শক্ত কথা)excruciating (শক্ত ব্যথা); difficult.শক্ত ঘানি (fig.) a very hard taskmaster; (fig.) a hard nut to crack; a very obdurate man.শক্ত পাল্লায় পড়া to have to deal with a person who is more than one's match, to catch a tartar. শক্তেরভক্ত নরমের যম (fig.) one who flatters a strong opponent but tyrannizes over a weak one, a jackal in Brobdingang playing the lion in Lilliput.

শক্তি [ śakti ] n power; strength, might; force; vigour; capacity; capability; potency (as of homoeopathic medicines); (phys.) energy; a state influential in international affairs, a power; (Hindu. myth.) the female principle taking part in the work of creation, Sakti, Shakti, a female deity; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); an ancient missile. ̃ক্ষয়n. loss of power or strength or energy; (of an army) loss of men. ̃ধরa. powerful, strong.শক্তিপ্রয়োগ করাv. to apply force. ̃বর্গn. pl. states influential in international affairs or taking part in a war, powers. ̃মত্তা, ̃শালিতাn. powerfulness, strength; forcefulness; possession of full vigour. ̃মান, ̃শালীa. powerful, strong. force ful; vigorous; nervous (শক্তিশালী গদ্য). fem. ̃মতী, ̃শালিনী । ̃শেলn. a dreadful or deadly mythological missile. ̃সঞ্চয়n. accumulation of strength or power; accumulation or preservation of energy.শক্তি সঞ্চার করাv. to infuse strength in; to invigorate; to energize. ̃সামর্থ্যn. power and capabilities. ̃সাম্যn. balance of power. ̃হীনa. powerless; weak; impotent. fem. ̃হীনা । ̃হীনতাn. powerlessness; weakness; impotence.

শক্তু [ śaktu ] na kind of farina made by grinding pulses, pulse-meal.

শক্য [ śakya ] acapable of being done. ̃তাn. practicability, feasibility; capability.

শত্রূ [ śatrū ] nIndra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

শখ [ śakha ] na capricious inclination or liking; a fancy; a hobby; a pursuit for amusement (শখেরচাকরি); one's own accord or choice.শখকরাv. to incline to or choose or pursue capriciously or for amusement; to undertake or invite or choose voluntarily (শখকরে বিপদডাকা).

শঙ্কর [ śaṅkara ] n Shiva (শিব); a species of sea-fish. fem.শঙ্করীGoddess Durga (দুর্গা).

শঙ্কা [ śaṅkā ] n fear, dread, terror; alarm; misgiving; perturbation.শঙ্কা করাv. to fear, to apprehend; to have a misgiving. ̃কুলa. perturbed; full of misgiving; greatly frightened. fem. ̃কুলা। ̃ন্বিতsame asশঙ্কিত ।fem. ̃ন্বিতা । ̃শূন্যa. fearless; free from misgivings. ̃হর, ̃হরণa. one who or that which expels fear or misgiving. fem. ̃হরা । ̃হীনsame as ̃শূন্য ।fem. ̃হীনা ।

শঙ্কিত [ śaṅkita ] a frightened, alarmed; afraid; seized with a misgiving; perturbed; fearful, timorous.

শঙ্কু [ śaṅku ] na long pin of wood or metal; a probe; a prod; a skewer; a wedge; a peg, a stake; a gnomon; (chiefly in conics) a cone.

শঙ্খ [ śaṅkha ] n the conch; a conchshell (esp. one that is sounded by blowing); a conchbangle. ☐n. & a. billion (1,,,). ˜চক্রগদাপদ্মধারীa. carrying a conch-shell, a discus, a mace and a lotus. ☐n. an appellation of God Narayana. ̃চিলn. a species of white-breasted kite. ̃চূড়n. the king cobra. ̃চূর্ণn. conchshell powder. ̃চূর্ণী see শঙ্খিনী । ̃ধ্বনি, ̃নাদn. the sound of blowing a conchshell. ̃ধ্বনিকরা, ̃নাদকরাv. to blow a conchshell. ̃বণিকn. a dealer and worker in articles of conchshells. ̃বলয়n. a bangle for the wrist made of conchshell. ̃বিষn. white arsenic, ratsbane. শঙ্খিনীn. a woman of the third of four sexual cat egories; the evil spirit of a woman who has died when her husband is still alive, a female ghoul (also শঙ্খচূর্ণী).

শচি, শচী [ śaci, śacī ] n the wife of Indra (ইন্দ্র) the king of gods.

শজনে [ śajanē ] n a kitchen plant, the horse raddish. ̃খাড়াn. the edible stem or stalk of this plant.

শজারু [ śajāru ] n the porcupine.

শতন [ śatana ] n rotting, decomposition, putrefaction.

শটি, শটী [ śaṭi, śaṭī ] n zedoary. শটি ফুডn. pulverized zedoary taken as food.

শঠ [ śaṭha ] a deceitful; swindling; knavish; sly; crooked. ☐n. a knave, a crook. ̃তা, শঠতাচরণn. deceit; swindling; knavery, chicanery; false play; sharp practice; slyness; crookedness. শঠতা করাv. to chicane, to deceive, to play false. শঠেশাঠ্যং an eye for an eye; a blow for a blow.

শণ [ śaṇa ] n hemp (plant or fibre); flax (plant or fibre). শণে তৈরিa. hempen; flaxen. শণের নুড়ি (lit.) a sheaf of fibres of flax; (fig.) grey hair.

শত [ śata ] n. & a hundred. ☐a. many or innumerable. প্রতি শত percent. শতকa. having a number of hundreds; hundred. ☐n. a hundred; an aggregate of one hundred similar things (সদ্ভাবশতক); a century. ̃করাa. & adv. percent. শতকরাহার, শতকরা হিসাব percentage. ˜কিয়াn. a table of numbers up to 1. ̃কোটিn. & a. hundred crore. □ a. countless, innumerable. ̃খণ্ডn. a hundred pieces. ☐a. reduced or torn to hundred pieces; reduced or torn to pieces; tattered. ̃গুণn. a hundred times. ☐a. hundred times of; a hundred times. ☐adv. to or by hundred times; a hundred times; many or countless times, in or to a great degree or extent, far. ̃গুণেadv. same as ̃গুণ (adv.). ̃গ্রন্হিa. patched at hundred places; tattered. ̃ঘ্নীn. a mythological missile which could kill a hundred persons at one stroke. ̃চ্ছিন্নa. torn at hundred places; tattered. ̃তমa. hundredth. fem. ̃তমী । ̃দলn. a hundred petalled or many-petalled object; the lotus. ̃দ্রুn. the river Sutlej. ̃ধাadv. in or to a hundred divisions; a hundred times as much; hundredfold; in or to numerous divisions. ̃ধারa. having a hundred ends or edges or streams. ̃ধারেadv. in hundred streams, in innumerable streams. ̃পদীn. the centipede; the scorpion; the earwig. ̃বর্ষজীবী same as শতায়ু । ̃বার্ষিকa. centennial. শতবার্ষিকউত্সবthe centenary. ̃ভিষাn. the twenty-fourth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃মারীn. (sarcas.) a bad physician who has killed a hundred patients, a charlatan, a quacksalver, a quack. ̃মুখa. having one hundred mouths or outlets; (fig.) voluble, glib. মুখীn. (hum.) a besom. ̃মুখেadv. glibly; in multifarious ways. ̃মূলীn. asparagus. ̃রূপাa. having many colours or shapes. ̃শadv. by hundreds; hundredfold; hundred times over; over and over again. ̃সহস্রn. & a. hundred thousand. □ a. many, innumerable.

শতরঞ্জ, শতরঞ্চ [ śatarañja, śatarañca ] n chess.

শতরঞ্জি, শতরঞ্চি [ śatarañji, śatarañci ] n a durrie, a carpet.

শতাংশ [ śatāṃśa ] n one hundred parts; (pop.) one hundredth part.

শতাব্দ, শতাব্দী [ śatābda, śatābdī ] n a century.

শতায়ু [ śatāẏu ] a living for a hundred years. শতায়ুব্যক্তিa. centenarian.

শতেক [ śatēka ] a one hundred; many hundreds; many, innumerable; nearly or approximately a hundred. ̃খেয়ারিn. fem. (in vulgar reviling) a cursed woman who has seen the death of a hundred near ones.

শনশন [ śanaśana ] int expressing: the noise caused by the speedy flight of the wind, arrow etc.

শনাক্ত [ śanākta ] n identification. শনাক্ত করাv. to identify.

শনি [ śani ] n (myth.) a deity who is the son of the sun-god; the Saturn; Saturday (usu. শনিবার); (fig.) one who ruins utterly. শনির দশা(astrol.) the influence of Saturn; (fig.) the state of utter distress or ruin. শনিরদৃষ্টি(astrol.) the aspect of Saturn; (fig.). state of utter distress or ruin. ̃বলয়n. the ring of Saturn.

শনৈশ্চর [ śanaiścara ] n (myth.) a deity who is the son of the sun-god; Saturn.

শপ [ śapa ] n a finely woven large mat.

শপথ [ śapatha ] n an oath, a swearing; a vow; a promise. শপথ করাv. to take an oath, to swear; to vow; to promise. শপথ করানোv. to cause to take an oath, to cause to swear or vow or promise. শপথকরে, ̃পূর্বকadv. on oath, with an oath. ̃পত্রn. an affidavit. ̃প্রমাণকn. a Commissioner of affidavits.

শপাং, শপাত্ [ śapā, ṃśapāt ] int expressing; the noise of a quick and forceful stroke as of a whip; the swishing noise.

শপাশপ [ śapāśapa ] int expressing: repeated শপাত্sound; the noise of gulping any thin food greedily and quickly.

শব,শবদেহ [ śaba, śabadēha ] n a dead body, a corpse. শবদাহ, শবদাহনn. cremation. শবদাহকরাv. to burn a dead body, to cremate. শবদাহকn. one who cremates, a cremator. শবদাহনচুল্লিn. a cremator; an incinerator.শবদাহস্হানn. a crematorium. শবপরীক্ষাn. post-mortem; autopsy. শবপরীক্ষাকরাv. to make a post-mortem of, to autopsy. শবব্যবচ্ছেদকরাv. to dissect a dead body. শবযাত্রাn. a funeral procession শবযানn. a bier. শবসত্কারn. obsequies, funeral rites; cremation. শবসত্কার করাv. to perform the obsequies of; to cremate. শবসাধনাn. a form of mystical rite or religious meditation performed by sitting upon a dead body in a crematorium usu. on a new-moon night; (fig.) a dreadful endeavour to achieve something. শবাকারa. corpse like; looking like a corpse. শবাগারn. a morgue. শবাচ্ছাদন-বস্ত্রn. shroud; a winding-sheet; dead-clothes. শবাধারn. a bier. শবানুগমনকরাv. to follow a corpse to the funeral place. শবানুগামী, শবানুযাত্রীn. one who follows a corpse to the funeral place, a mourner. শবাসনn. a posture of yogic exercise in which one lies still with the face up. শবাসনাa. fem. mounted upon a corpse. ☐n. Goddess Kali (কালী).

শবর [ śabara ] n an ancient non-Aryan hunting community of India; a member of this community; a hunter. fem. শবরী ।

শবল [ śabala ] a dappled, variegated; brindled. fem. শবলা, শবলী ।

শবেবরাত [ śabēbarāta ] n a Muslim festival.

শব্দ [ śabda ] n a sound; a noise; a cry or call (পাখির শব্দ, কুকুরের শব্দ); a word. শব্দকরাv. to make a sound or noise; to cry or call. ̃কর, ̃কারীa. making a sound or noise; crying or calling. ̃কোষn. a lexicon; a dictionary. ̃তত্ত্বn. philology. ̃তরঙ্গn. a sound-wave. ̃তাত্ত্বিকa. philological. ☐n. a philologist. ̃দ্বৈতn. reduplication of words. ̃প্রকরণn. orthography. ̃বহa. conveying sounds or sound-waves. ̃বিন্যাসn. arrangement of words; (gr.) syntax. ̃বেধী var. of ̃ভেদী । ̃ব্রহ্মn. the Supreme Being consisting of sound only (cp. Logos); the Vedas. ̃ভাণ্ডারn. the treasure of words; the total corpus of words of a language. ̃ভেদীa. capable of hitting the target by merely hearing the sound made by it. ̃যোজনাn. adding or supplementing words. ̃ময়a. full of sound; noisy; word. ̃শক্তিn. different imports of a word; the capacity of words for conveying significance, power of words. ̃শাস্ত্রn. the science of words; grammar; philology; branches of learning collectively. ̃হীনa. soundless; noiseless; speechless; silent. শব্দাতীতa. beyond words; not expressible in words. শব্দায়মানa. in the state of making sounds, sounding; resounding. শব্দার্থn. the meaning of a word, a word-meaning. শব্দালংকারn. any one of the figures of speech based on sound, such as, alliteration, onomatopoeia etc. শব্দিতa. sounded; filled with sound; resounded.

শম [ śama ] n cessation, desistance; alleviation, mitigation; mental (and also sensual) restraint or calm; subsidence or conquest of desire.

শমন2 [ śamana2 ] n Yama (যম) the god of death; death. ̃দ্বারn. death's door. ̃ভবন, ̃সদনn. the abode of death; the Hades; death's door. শমনসদনে যাওয়াv. to die. শমনসদনে প্রেরণ করাv. to kill; to send (one) to one's death.

শমি [ śami ] n a kind of tree the Acacia suma.

শমিত [ śamita ] a allayed; subsided; repressed, restrained; calmed; quelled.

শমীধান্য [ śamīdhānya ] n any leguminous grain, pulse, bean etc.

শম্বর [ śambara ] n a kind of antelope with branched horns; a mythological demon. শম্বরারিn. the enemy or slayer of Shambar (শম্বর) the demon; Madana (মদন) the Hindu love-god.

শম্বুক, শম্বূক [ śambuka, śambūka ] n the snail. ̃গতিn. snail-like pace or movement; (fig.) procrastination, sluggishness, slowness. ☐a. snail-paced; snail-slow; sluggish, slow.

শম্ভু [ śambhu ] n Shiva (শিব).

শয্যা [ śayyā ] n a bed; bedding; a couch or cot. শয্যা তোলাv. to put up or put away a bed. শয্যা পাতাv. to make a bed. শয্যানেওয়াv. to become bedridden; to lie down. ̃কণ্টকী, (loos.) ̃কণ্টকn. a malady in which one feels as if one's bed is a bed of thorns. ̃গত same as ̃শায়ী। ̃চ্ছাদন, ̃চ্ছাদনীn. a bedspread, a coverlet, a bedcover; a bedsheet. ̃পার্শ্বn. bedside. ̃প্রান্তn. the end of a bed. শয্যা রচনা করাv. to make a bed. ̃শায়ীa. bedridden, bedfast; lying down. fem. ̃শায়িনী । ̃সঙ্গী, ̃সহচরn. a bedfellow; a husband; a paramour (fem. ̃সঙ্গিনী, ̃সহচরী a concubine, a paramour).

শয়তান [ śaẏatāna ] n Satan, the Devil; a very wicked person, a rogue, a devil; (in endearment) a naughty fellow. শয়তানি1n. extreme wickedness, roguery, devilishness, devilry; (in endearment) mischievousness. শয়তানি2n. fem. of শয়তান।শয়তানি করাv. to do damage or harm to, to play the devil (with). ☐ Satanic; devilish; (in endearment) mischievous.

শয়ন [ śaẏana ] n lying down; sleep; a bed. শয়নকরাv. to lie down; to go to sleep; to sleep. ̃কক্ষ, ̃গৃহ, ̃মন্দির, শয়নাগারn. a bedroom, a bedchamber. ̃কালn. bed time.

শয়ান, শায়িত [ śaẏāna, śāẏita ] a lying down; lying at length, (loos.) prostrate; sleeping, asleep. fem. শয়ানা,শয়িতা । শয়নরেখাn. (bot.) a horizontal line.

শর [ śara ] n an arrow, a shaft, a dart; a reed. ̃ক্ষেপবা ̃ক্ষেপণবা ̃নিক্ষেপকরাv. to shoot an arrow. ̃জালn. a meshy shower of arrows. ̃বনn. a reed hedge. ̃বর্ষণn. a shower of arrows. ̃বর্ষণকরাv. to shower arrows (upon). ̃বিদ্ধa. pierced or hit with an arrow. ̃বৃষ্টিn. a shower of arrows. ̃ব্যn. a target for arrow-shooting; a target. ̃শয্যাn. a number of arrows pierced through one's body in such a manner as to form a makeshift bed above the ground. ̃সন্ধান করাv. to plant an arrow on one's bow; to shoot an arrow; to aim an arrow (at). শরাঘাতn. a stroke of an arrow; a wound caused by an arrow. শরাঘাতকরাv. to strike or wound with an arrow. শরাভ্যাসn. a practice of archery. শরাভ্যাস করাv. to practise archery. শরারোপণকরাv. to plant an arrow on a bow. শরাসনn. a bow (for shooting arrows). শরাহতa. struck or wounded with an arrow.

শরচ্চন্দ্র [ śaraccandra ] n the autumnal moon.

শরণ [ śaraṇa ] n a shelter, a refuge; recourse; (rare) a resort, a retreat, a house; a shelterer; a protector. শরণ নেওয়াv. to take shelter; to come or go for a shelter or refuge; to have recourse to. শরণাগত, শরণাপন্নa. one who has come for shelter. ☐n. a refugee. fem. শরণাগতা, শরণাপন্না । শরণর্থীa. seeking shelter or refuge. ☐n. a refugee. শরণ্যa. giving or capable of giving shelter or protection; worthy of being sheltered or protected.

শরত্, শরত্কাল [ śarat, śaratkāla ] n autumn. শরত্কালীনa. au tumnal.

শরদিন্দু [ śaradindu ] n the autumnal moon. ̃নিভাননাa. fem. having a face resembling the autumnal moon (in brightness and beauty).

শরবত [ śarabata ] n a sweet drink, a beverage, a cordial, sharbat.

শরবতি [ śarabati ] n a bigger variety of lemon.

শরভ [ śarabha ] n a kind of deer or antelope; a mythological octopod stronger even than the lion; a young elephant; a kind of corn-pest; the locust; the grasshopper.

শরম [ śarama ] n shame; bashfulness; coyness, modesty. শরম করা, শরম লাগাv. to feel or think shame; to be ashamed; to be abashed.

শরা [ śarā ] n a shallow earthen plate.

শরাব [ śarāba ] n wine.

শরিক [ śarika ] n a joint-owner; a coparcener; a sharer, a partner; an associate. শরিকান, শরিকানাn. share of a joint owner or partner; a share; a part; (loos.) joint ownership, coparcenery, partnership. শরিকানি, শরিকিa. jointly owned, coparcenery. শরিকি সংঘর্ষn. strife or quarrel among partners.

শরিফ [ śaripha ] a magnanimous, highminded, noble (শরিফ আদমি); holy, sacred (কোরানশরিফ, মক্কাশরিফ).

শরিয়ত [ śariẏata ] n the Islamic scripture or law.

শরীর [ śarīra ] n the body; the physique; ̃গতa. lying within the body; of the body; bodily, physical. ̃গ্রন্হিn. a bone-joint. ̃জa. produced or emerged from the body; (loos.) lying within the body (শরীরজ ব্যাধি); (loos.) of the body (শরীরজব্যাপার); bodily; physical. শরীরধারণ করাv. to assume a body or form or shape; to take one's birth in the world. ̃পাতn. impairment or loss of health; death. শরীরপাত করাv. to impair one's health; to sacrifice one's life, to die. ̃স্হa. lying within the body; bodily, physical. শরীরীa. having a body; embodied; corporeal. fem. শরীরিণী ।

শর্করা [ śarkarā ] n sugar; gravel, grit, rubble; (med.) concretion, calculus. ̃বত্a. granular; gravelly, gritty; sugary. ̃মিশ্রিতa. sugared.

শর্ত [ śarta ] n a condition, a stipulation; an agreement. শর্ত করাv. to make an agreement or stipulation. এই শর্তে on this condition. বিনাশর্তে without condition, unconditionally. ̃হীনa. unconditional, unqualified. শর্তাধীনa. conditional.

শর্ব [ śarba ] n Shiva (শিব).

শর্বরী [ śarbarī ] n night.

শর্বাণী [ śarbāṇī ] n. fem the wife of Sharba (শর্ব); Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

শর্মা [ śarmā ] n a common surname of Brahmins (বিষ্ণুশর্মা); (in vaunts etc.) I, I the speaker, myself (এই শর্মা).

শলভ [ śalabha ] n a kind of corn-pest; the grass hopper; the locust.

শলা, শলাকা [ śalā, śalākā ] n a long pin or stick of metal or wood; (med.) a probe; a skewer.

শলি [ śali ] n a dry measure of corn.

শল্ক [ śalka ] n a scale (esp. of fish); bark (of trees). ̃বত্a. scaly.

শল্য [ śalya ] n a long pin or stick of metal or wood; (med.) a probe; a thorn; a fishbone; a sharp-pointed mythological missile; an arrow; an arrowhead, (fig.) cause of affliction or displeasure of the heart. ̃চিকিত্সকn. a surgeon. ̃চিকিত্সাn. surgery; a surgical operation. ̃তন্ত্র, ̃বিদ্যাn. surgery. শল্যোদ্ধারকরাv. to extract a thorn, arrow etc. (from a body); (fig.) to remove a cause of affliction or displeasure from the heart.

শল্লকী [ śallakī ] n the porcupine.

শশ, শশক [ śaśa, śaśaka ] n the hare; the rabbit; the cony. শশধরn. the moon. শশবিষাণ, শশশৃঙ্গn. (lit.) a hare's horn; an absurdity, a mare's nest. শশব্যস্তa. franti cally hurrying (esp. through fear). শশব্যস্তেadv. hurrying frantically.

শশা [ śaśā ] n the cucumber.

শশাঙ্ক [ śaśāṅka ] n the lunar crescent, a digit of the moon. ̃শেখরsame as শশীভূষণ।

শশী [ śaśī ] n the moon.

শশীকর [ śaśīkara ] n moonbeam; moonlight, moon shine.

শশীকলা [ śaśīkalā ] n a digit of the moon.

শশীপ্রভা [ śaśīprabhā ] n moonlight, moonbeam.

শশীভূষণ [ śaśībhūṣaṇa ] n one who has the moon as an ornament; Shiva (শিব)

শশীমুখী [ śaśīmukhī ] n. fem one who has a face resembling the moon (in beauty).

শষ্প [ śaṣpa ] n young or tender grass. ̃শয্যাn. bed of grass. শষ্পাবৃতa. covered with tender grass.

শস্ত্র [ śastra ] n a weapon which is to be wielded by the hand and not thrown (e.g. a sword); a weapon; an iron tool for handicrafts; a surgical instrument or knife. ̃চিকিত্সকn. a surgeon. ̃চিকিত্সাn. surgery. ̃জীবীsame as শস্ত্রাজীব । ̃ত্যাগn. act of laying down or relin quishing one's arms. ̃ধর, ̃ধারী, ̃পাণিa. bearing arms, armed. ̃বিদ্যাn. the art and science of using weapons. শস্ত্রাগারn. an armoury; an arsenal. শস্ত্রাজীবa. earning one's livelihood as a professional soldier. ☐n. a soldier.

শস্য [ śasya ] n corn, grain; (loos.) cereals; crop; harvest; kernel (of fruits), pulp; (bot.) albumen. ̃ক্ষেত্রn. a corn-field. শস্যপেষণকরাv. to grind corn; to husk. শস্যপেষণ-যন্ত্রn. a corn-mill; a husking machine. ̃ভাণ্ডারn. a granary. ̃ভোজীa. feeding on corn, graminivorous; (of cornpests)destroying crop by eating it up. ̃মঞ্জরিn. a corn-stalk. ̃লa. abounding in corn; (of fruits) full of kernel, pulpy; (bot.) albuminous. ̃শালীa. abounding in corn. fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃শ্যামলa. green with plentiful corn. fem. ̃শ্যামলা । শস্যসংগ্রহ করাv. to harvest; to procure corn esp. cereals. শস্যসংগ্রহের কাল harvest time, harvest. শস্যাগারn. a granary; a grange. শস্যাধারn. a corn-bin.

শহর [ śahara ] n a town; a city. ̃কোতোয়ালn. the chief of city police. ̃তলিn. outskirts of a town or city, a suburb. ̃স্হa. of or living in a town or city; urban.

শহিদ [ śahida ] n a martyr. শহিদহওয়াv. to be martyred. ̃ত্বn. martyrdom.

শহুরে [ śahurē ] a of or living in a town or city, urban; townish; cockney. শহুরে জীবনtown-life, urbanity. শহুরে হাওয়া(usu. dero.) influence of a town or city, urbanity. ̃পনাn. (dero.) urbanity, townishness; affected cockneyish behaviour or speech.

শাঁ, শাঁই [ śā, m̐śām̐i ] int expressing: a fizzing or swishing or hissing sound. শাঁ-শাঁ, শাঁইশাঁইint. expressing: repetition of this sound; great speed.

শাঁখ, শাঁক [ śān̐kha, śān̐ka ] n the conch; a conchshell, a conch. শাঁখ বাজানোv. to blow a conch shell or a conch. শাঁখের করাত a saw for cutting conchshells (this saw cuts bothways), a conch-cutter; (fig.) any object the presence and absence of which are equally painful, something which cuts bothways; a dilemma. শাঁকআলু, শাঁখ-আলু, শাঁকালু, শাঁখালুn. a white esculent fruit shaped almost like a conchshell. শাঁকচুন্নি, শাঁকচুর্ণী corruptions of শঙ্খচূর্ণী । শাঁখাn. a bangle for the wrist made of conchshell, a conch bangle. শাঁখারিn. a Hindu caste working and dealing in articles made of conch shells; a member of this caste; a worker or dealer in articles of conchshells.

শাঁস [ śām̐sa ] n kernel, pulp; pith; core; marrow; (fig.) solid worth, substance (মগজে শাঁসনেই); (fig.) wealth, riches (লোকটার শাঁসফুরিয়েছে). শাঁসালোa. abounding in kernel, pulpy, pithy; marrowy; (fig.) full of solid worth, substantial; (fig.) wealthy.

শাক [ śāka ] n any edible herb or creeper, spinach, spinage. শাক দিয়ে মাছ ঢাকা (fig.) a ludicrous and futile attempt at concealing a detestable offence. ̃ভাত same as শাকান্ন । ̃পাতাn. pl. edible herbs, creepers and leaves collectively; (fig.) extremely poor food. ̃সবজিn. edible herbs, creepers, fruits and roots collectively; vegetables, greens. ̃সবজির খেত a kitchen garden. শাকান্নn. (lit.) a dish of only rice and spinach; (fig.) very poor or simple food. শাকাহারীn. a person subsisting on lean vegetarian diet.

শাকুন [ śākuna ] a of birds, avian. ̃বিত্n. an augur. ̃বিদ্যাn. augury. শাকুনিকn. a fowler; an augur.

শাক্ত [ śākta ] a devoted to or worshipping Sakti or the female principle of creation. ☐n. a worshipper of Sakti, a Sakta, a Shakta. ̃পদাবলিn. (pl.) poems or lyric poems in adoration of Sakti, the God dess of creation or Goddess Kali.

শাক্য [ śākya ] n a Kshatriya clan. ̃মুনি, ̃সিংহn. Gautama Buddha.

শাখা [ śākhā ] n a branch of a tree, a bough; a ramus (pl. rami); a section, a part, a subordinate division, a branch; an off shoot. ̃কন্টকn. a thorn. ̃কলমn. (bot.) a cutting. ̃চ্যুতa. fallen or detached from a branch or bough. ̃নদীn. a tributary. শাখান্তরালn. a position screened off by the branches of a tree. ̃প্রশাখাn. pl. branches and twigs (of a tree); rami and ramuli; ramifications, sections and sub-sections; offshoots large and small. ̃বিন্যাসn. (bot.) branching, ramification. ̃মৃগ. n. a ramal animal; the monkey; the ape.

শাখী [ śākhī ] a having branches, branched, ra mose. ☐n. a tree.

শাগরেদ [ śāgarēda ] n a disciple, a pupil; a trainee; a follower; a novice. শাগরেদিn. discipleship, pupilage, noviciate, novitiate, novicehood. শাগরেদিকরাv. to act as a disciple or pupil or trainee or follower or novice.

শাঙ্কর [ śāṅkara ] a of Shankar (শঙ্কর) or Shiva (শিব); made or propounded by Shankaracharya (শাঙ্করভাষ্য).

শাটিন [ śāṭina ] n satin.

শাড়ি [ śāḍ়i ] n an Indian woman's loincloth, the sari.

শাণ [ śāṇa ] n a whetstone; a grindstone; (also শাণ-পাথর); whetting; edge, sharpness; শাণদেওয়াv. to whet, to sharpen; (fig.) to stimulate; (fig.) to make poignant. ̃ওয়ালাn. a whetter, a sharpener. ̃পাথরn. a whetstone. শাণিতa. whetted, sharpened (শাণিত তরবারি); sharp; (fig.) stimulated (শাণিত ক্ষুদা); (fig.) poignant, cutting to the quick (শাণিততিরস্কার).

শাতন [ śātana ] n. act of cutting off. শাতন করাv. to cut off; to clip (পক্ষশাতনকরা).

শাদি [ śādi ] n. (Mus.) marriage. শাদি করাv. to marry, to wed.

শান2 [ śāna2 ] n. a paved or cemented floor. শানবাঁধানোv. to pave.

শানা,শানানো1 [ śānā, śānānō1 ] v. to be satisfied or gratified (তার অল্পেশানায় না).

শানানো2 [ śānānō2 ] v. to whet, to sharpen; (fig.) to stimulate; (fig.) to make poignant.

শান্ত [ śānta ] a. peaceful, quiet, tranquil; satisfied, gratified; appeased, pacified, calmed, quietened; composed; allayed; calm; gentle, mild. শান্ত করাv. to satisfy; to gratify; to appease, to pacify, to calm; to quieten. ̃চিত্ত, ̃চেতাa. having a calm or quiet disposition; mild-tempered. ̃দান্তa. mild and temperate. ̃প্রকৃতিa. gentle-natured; having a calm disposition. ̃বলয়n. (geog.) a belt or region of calms. ̃ভাবn. mental calm or tranquillity. ̃মূর্তিa. having a tranquil appearance. ̃রসn. (rhet.) the tranquil or calm sentiment. ̃শিষ্টa. gentle and polite. ̃স্বভাবsame as ̃প্রকৃতি ।

শান্তি [ śānti ] n peace, tranquillity, calm, quietude; removal (আপদশান্তি); control (ক্রোধেরশান্তি); satisfaction, gratification (ক্ষুদার শান্তি); pacification, appeasement; alleviation; freedom from disturbances, peace; termination or cessation (যুদ্ধশান্তি); termination of hostility or war; weal, welfare, well being. ̃জলn. holy sacrificial water sprinkled upon votaries to ward off evils. ̃নিকেতনn. an abode of peace. ̃পুরিa. produced at Shantipur in Bengal. ☐n. a very fine handloom cloth produced at Shantipur. ̃পুরেa. of Shantipur in Bengal; produced at Shantipur; current at or used at Shantipur (শান্তিপুরেবুলি); born or living at Shantipur. ̃পূর্ণa. peaceful; calm; tranquil; quiet. ̃প্রিয়a. peace loving. ̃বিধায়কa. pacifying, pacifactory; peace-making. ☐n. a peace-maker. ̃ভগ্নn. breach of peace. ̃ভঙ্গ করাv. to disturb the peace of; to create disturbance; to disturb. ̃ভঙ্গকারীa. disturbing the peace; creating distur bances; disturbing. fem. ̃ভঙ্গকারিণী। ̃ময়same as ̃পূর্ণ ।fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রক্ষকn. a defender of the peace; a police man. শান্তিরক্ষাকরাv. to maintain peace. শান্তি স্হাপন করাv. to make peace (with); to bring to a peaceful state. ̃স্বস্ত্যয়নn. religious worship or service performed to ward off evils.

শাপ [ śāpa ] n a curse, a malison, imprecation. শাপদেওয়াv. to curse, to imprecate. ̃গ্রস্তa. lying under a curse; cursed, accursed. fem. ̃গ্রস্তা । ̃ভ্রষ্টa. fallen or expelled (esp. from heaven) by a curse. fem. ̃ভ্রষ্টা। ̃মুক্তa. freed from a curse. ̃মুক্তি, ̃মোচনn. release from a curse. শাপমোচন করাv. to release from a curse, to set free from a curse. ̃শাপান্তn. (rare) a curse and release from it; (pop.) severe and repeated cursing. শাপা same as শাপ দেওয়া । শাপান্তn. ter mination of a curse; release from a curse; (loos.) a spell of severe cursing.

শাবক, শাব [ śābaka, śāba ] n a young of a bird or beast. কুক্কুটশাবকn. a chicken, a chick, a cock erel. কুকুরশাবকn. a puppy. নেকড়েশাবকn. a whelp of a wolf, a wolf-cub. মেষশাবকn. a lamb.

শাবল [ śābala ] n a crowbar.

শাবান [ śābāna ] n the eighth month of the Muslim calendar.

শাবাশ [ śābāśa ] int bravo, well done, excellent.

শাব্দ [ śābda ] a relating to sounds or words; acoustic; phonetical; philological. শাব্দিকa. same as শাব্দ।☐n. one versed in acoustics; a phonetician; a philologist; a grammarian; a lexicographer.

শামলা1 [ śāmalā1 ] a (ori. fem.) of greenish black colour or complexion.

শামলা2 [ śāmalā2 ] n a kind of official turban (উকিলের শামলা).

শামা1 [ śāmā1 ] n a lamp. ̃দানn. a portable lampstand, a lampad.

শামা2, শামি [ śāmā2, śāmi ] n an iron ferrule or covering (of a mace, stick etc.)

শামিকাবাব [ śāmikābāba ] n a kind of dry meat-chip.

শামিয়ানা [ śāmiẏānā ] n an awning, a canopy; a canopied place.

শামিল [ śāmila ] a equivalent or similar (to); al most the same (as) (মরার শামিল); participating or included (in) (আন্দোলনেশামিল).

শামুক [ śāmuka ] n the snail. শামুক-চুনn. shell-lime. শামুকের খোলা a shell of a snail.

শায়ক [ śāẏaka ] n an arrow, a shaft, a dart.

শায়িত [ śāẏita ] a lying down; laid down; prostrate; lying or fallen flat; knocked down. fem. শায়িতা

শায়িনী [ śāẏinī ] fem of শায়ী।

শায়ী [ śāẏī ] a (used as a sfx.) lying or resting (on) (শয্যাশায়ী, ভূতলশায়ী); fallen (in) (রণশায়ী).

শায়ের [ śāẏēra ] n a short lyric poem (usu. composed in Urdu or Hindi), a Sayer.

শায়েস্তা [ śāẏēstā ] a punished; subdued; chastened; corrected, rectified. শায়েস্তা করাv. to punish; to subdue; to chasten; to correct, to rectify.

শারঙ্গ [ śāraṅga ] n a stringed musical instrument akin to a violin. শারঙ্গীn. the aforesaid instrument; one who plays on this instrument.

শারদ, শারদীয় [ śārada, śāradīẏa ] a autumnal. fem. শারদী, শারদীয়া । শারদাn. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী); a kind of vina.

শারি, শারিকা, শারী [ śāri, śārikā, śārī ] n. fem the female শালিক; (pop.) the female শুক; a gaming die.

শরীর, শারীরিক [ śarīra, śārīrika ] a bodily, physical; physiological; anatomical; corporal; শারীরিকঅবস্হা state of the body, health. শারীরিক দণ্ড বা শাস্তি corporal punishment. শারীরিক পরিশ্রম physical labour. শরীরতত্ত্ব, শরীরবিধান, শরীরবৃত্ত, শরীরবৃত্তিn. physiology. শারীরস্হানn. anatomy.

শার্ঙ্গ [ śārṅga ] a of horns; made of horn. ☐n. a (shooting) bow made of horn. ̃ধর ̃পাণি, শার্ঙ্গীn. one armed with a hornmade bow; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু).

শার্ট [ śārṭa ] n a shirt. ফুলশার্টn. a long shirt, a shirt of usual length. হাউই-শার্টn. a Hawaii shirt, a bush-shirt. হাফ-শার্টn. a shirt of short length and usually with sleeves up to the elbows.

শার্দূল [ śārdūla ] n the tiger; (as a sfx.) an excellent or best specimen (নরশার্দূল). fem. শার্দূলী । ̃বিক্রীড়িতn. a Sanskrit poetical metre.

শাল2 [ śāla2 ] n a shawl.

শাল3 [ śāla3 ] n a large pike for impalement of criminals; (fig.) a heart-rending affliction or grief.

শাল4 [ śāla4 ] n a large gregarious tree, the sal, the Shorea robusta; its timber; a large tubular river-fish.

শালগম [ śālagama ] n turnip.

শালগ্রাম, শালগ্রাম-শিলা [ śālagrāma, śālagrāma-śilā ] n a black-geode worshipped as the symbol of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু).

শালতি [ śālati ] n a dugout made of the trunk of a sal tree.

শালনির্যাস [ śālaniryāsa ] n resin.

শালপ্রাংশু [ śālaprāṃśu ] a as tall as a sal tree.

শালা1 [ śālā1 ] n (used as a sfx.) a house, a building (অতিথিশালা), a room, a hall (রন্ধনশালা); an establishment (পাঠশালা); a shed, a construction (গো-শালাঅশ্বশালা); a workshop (কামারশালা); a store, a repertory (পশুশালা, রত্নশালা).

শালা2 [ śālā2 ] n a brother or a cousin brother of one's wife, a brother-in-law; (in vul. familiarity) a fellow (cp. a jolly dog); (often) an epithet of abuse.

শালাজ, শালাবউ [ śālāja, śālābu ] n a wife of a brother-in-law, a sister-in-law.

শালি1 [ śāli1 ] n the autumnal paddy (শালিধান)

শালি2 [ śāli2 ] n. fem a sister or cousin sister of one's wife, a sister-in-law; (in vul. abuse) a woman (cp. a jolly bitch); often an epithet of abuse.

শালিক [ śālika ] n a kind of small yellow-beaked singing bird of the myna group, the house myna.

-শালিনী [ -śālinī ] fem of -শালী2।

-শালী2 [ -śālī2 ] a (used as a sfx.) possessing (বিভবশালী).

শালীন [ śālīna ] a observant of the rules of decorum, decorous; decent; modest; polite, courteous. ̃তাn. decorum; decency; modesty; politeness, courtesy.

শালু [ śālu ] n a kind of red-coloured cotton fabric.

শালুক [ śāluka ] n a stalk of the waterlily.

শাল্মলি, শাল্মলী [ śālmali, śālmalī ] n the silk-cotton tree; a mythological island.

শাশুড়ি [ śāśuḍ়i ] n a mother-in-law; an aunt-in-law.

শাশ্বত [ śāśbata ] a eternal; everlasting, perpetual; immortal. fem. শাশ্বতী ।

শাসক [ śāsaka ] n a subduer; a ruler, a governor; an administrator (fem. administratrix); a controller, a repressor; one who enjoins; a discipliner, a chastiser, a chastener. জেলা-শাসকn. a district magistrate. ̃মণ্ডলীn. the governing body, the administrative body, the administration; the government. ̃সম্প্রদায়n. the ruling class.

শাসন [ śāsana ] n subdual; rule; management (জমিদারি শাসন); government or administration (of a state); reign; control or repression (ইন্দ্রিয়শাসন); direction, dictation, enjoinment (শাস্ত্রের শাসন); an edict, a commandment (তাম্রশাসন), disciplining, chastisement, punishment (ছেলেকে শাসন); jurisdiction (শাসনাধীন). শাসন করাv. to subdue; to rule, to govern, to manage; to administer; to reign; to control or repress; to command; to discipline, to chastise, to chasten, to punish. শাসনেআনাv. to subdue; to subjugate; to bring under control; to bring into submission. কর্তা same as শাসক ।fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃কৃত্যকn. administrative service. ̃তন্ত্রn. a form of government; constitution (of a state) ̃তান্ত্রিকa. relating to the form of government; constitutional. ̃প্রণালীn. a system of government. ̃যন্ত্রn. government machinery. শাসনাধীনa. under rule (of); governed (by); under jurisdiction (of); politically dependent (on another state), under domination (of). শাসনিকa. administrative; governmental; jurisdictional. শাসনীয় same as শাস্য ।

শাসানো [ śāsānō ] v to threaten. শাসানিn. threatening, a threat.

শাসি [ śāsi ] n a window pane; a sash.

শাসিকা [ śāsikā ] fem of শাসক।

শাসিত [ śāsita ] a subdued; ruled, governed; managed; administered; controlled, repressed; disciplined, chastised, chastened, punished. শাসিতাa. fem. of শাসিত ।☐n. an administrator; a teacher.

শাস্তা [ śāstā ] n a ruler; a teacher, a preceptor; Gautama Buddha.

শাস্তি [ śāsti ] n punishment; a sentence (ভুলশাস্ত্রি); (fig.) severe affliction. শাস্তিদেওয়াv. to punish; to sentence; (fig.) to afflict. শাস্তিপাওয়াv. to be punished or sentenced; (fig.) to be afflicted. ̃বিধানn. infliction of punishment or penalty, administering punishment. ̃ব্যবস্হাn. punitive measures; provision for punishment. ̃মূলকa. punitive.

শাস্ত্র [ śāstra ] n Hindu scriptures; any scripture; a treatise; an art or science. ̃কারn. an author of a Hindu scripture or any scripture or of a treatise. ̃চর্চা করা same as শাস্ত্রানুশীলন করা । ̃জ্ঞa. versed in scriptures. ̃জ্ঞানn. scriptural knowledge. ̃জ্ঞানী, ̃দর্শী same as ̃জ্ঞ। ̃নিন্দাn. denunciation of scriptures. ̃নিষিদ্ধa. forbidden by scriptures; unscriptural. ̃পারদর্শীa. thoroughly versed in scriptures. ̃বচনn. a scriptural teaching; a gospel truth. ̃বহির্ভূতa. not contained in scriptures; unscriptural. ̃বিদ same as ̃জ্ঞ । ̃বিধান, ̃বিধিn. a scriptural prescription or injunction; holy rite, a sacred ritual. ̃বিরুদ্ধa. unscriptural. ̃বিহিতa. enjoined or prescribed by scriptures. ̃ব্যাখ্যাn. exposition or explanation of the teachings of scriptures. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত same as ̃বিহিত । ̃সিদ্ধa. confirmed by scriptures, lawful. শাস্ত্রানুমত, শাস্ত্রানুমোদিত same as শাস্ত্রবিহিত । শাস্ত্রানুযায়ীa. obedient to scriptures, scriptural. ☐adv. same as শাস্ত্রানুসারে। শাস্ত্রানুশীলনn. study of scriptures. শাস্ত্রানুশীলনকরাv. to study of scriptures. শাস্ত্রানুসারেadv. in accordance with scriptures, obeying scriptures, scripturally. শাস্ত্রার্থেn. significance or (true) meaning of scriptural saying. শাস্ত্রালাপn. scriptural discussion or talk. শাস্ত্রালাপকরাv. to discuss (or talk about) scriptures; (loos.) to discuss any technical subject. শাস্ত্রালোচনাn. discussion about or study of scriptures. শাস্ত্রালোচনাকরাv. to discuss or study scriptures; (loos.) to discuss any technical subject. শাস্ত্রীa. versed in scriptures. ☐n a title given to men versed in scriptures. শাস্ত্রীয়a. scriptural. শাস্ত্রীয় বচন a scriptural saying; a gospel truth. শাস্ত্রীয় সংগীত classical music. শাস্ত্রোক্তa. sanctioned by the holy writ; mentioned in scriptures.

শাস্য [ śāsya ] a governable; administrable; controllable; repressible; disciplinable; chastisable; punishable.

শাহ, শাহ্ [ śāha, śāh ] n the title of the king of Persia, the Shah; a (Muslim) king. ̃জাদাn. (Mus.) a son of a king, a prince. ̃জাদিn. fem. a daughter of a king, a princess.

শাহানশাহ্ [ śāhānaśāh ] n (Mus.) a king of kings, an emperor; a great king.

শাহানা [ śāhānā ] n an Indian musical mode.

শাহি [ śāhi ] a (Mus.) royal (শাহিবাগ).

শিউলি2 [ śiuli2 ] n a man whose profession it is to incise the date-palm in order to obtain its juice.

শিং [ śiṃ ] n a horn. শিংনাড়াv. to wave one's horn threatening to butt or gore; (fig.) to become audaciously aggressive.

শিক [ śika ] n a thin metal rod; a window-bar (usu.) made of iron; a spit, a skewer.

শিককাবাব [ śikakābāba ] n meat with spices roasted on a skewer.

শিকড় [ śikaḍ় ]n (bot.) root. শিকড় গাড়াv. to root, to strike root, to take root; (fig.) to be firmly established.

শিকনি [ śikani ] n nasal mucus. শিকনি ঝাড়াv. to blow one's nose. (তোমার) শিকনি পড়ছে(your) nose runs.

শিকার [ śikāra ] n hunting, venery; a hunted beast or bird, a prey; game. শিকার করাv. to hunt. শিকারে যাওয়াv. to go out hunting. শিকারিn. a hunter, a huntsman, a venerer. ☐a. hunting. শিকারিকুকুরa hunting dog. শিকারি পশু বা পাখিa beast or bird of prey. পাখিশিকারিn. a fowler.

শিক্ষক [ śikṣaka ] n a teacher; a tutor (fem. tutoress, tutress); a professor; a trainer, an instructor (fem. instructress); a preceptor (fem. preceptress). ̃তাn. teachership; tutorage, tutorship; professorship; the profession of a teacher. শিক্ষকতাকরাv. to work or act as a teacher, to teach. ̃সমিতিn. a teachers' council.

শিক্ষণ [ śikṣaṇa ] n act of learning, study; teaching or training; instruction. ̃তত্ত্বn. educational theory. শিক্ষণ-শিক্ষাn. teacher's training. শিক্ষণীয়a. to be learnt or taught.

শিক্ষয়িতা [ śikṣaẏitā ] n a teacher. fem. শিক্ষয়িত্রী ।

শিক্ষা [ śikṣā ] n learning; study; practice; education; teaching; instruction; a precept; a moral; a lesson; training; (sarcas.) a bitter lesson, punishment. শিক্ষাকরাv. to learn; to study; to practise. শিক্ষাদেওয়াv. to teach; to educate; to school; to instruct; to train; (sarcas.) to reprove or punish severely, to teach one a lesson. শিক্ষা পাওয়াv. to receive instruction or training or education; (sarcas.) to receive reproof or punishment, to be taught a lesson.উচ্চশিক্ষাn. higher education. উচ্চমাধ্যমিকশিক্ষা higher secondary education. কলেজি শিক্ষা college education. কারিগরিশিক্ষা technical training. ̃অধিকর্তাn. the Director of Public Instruction, the Director of Education. ̃গুরুn. a teacher; a trainer, an instructor; a preceptor, a guru; an initiator. ̃গ্রহণ করাv. to receive education or training or instruction. ̃দাতা same as শিক্ষকfem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান করা same as শিক্ষা দেওয়া । ̃দীক্ষাn. secular and regular education and training; education and culture. ̃ধিকার the Education Directorate. ̃ধীনa. under training, apprenticed; receiving education; studying (under), being taught (by). ̃নবিশn. an apprentice; an understudy; a novice, a probationer. ̃নবিশিn. apprenticeship; noviciate, novitiate. ̃নবিশিকরাv. to serve apprenticeship; to study under. ̃পর্ষত্n. an education board. ̃পীঠn. a seat of learning. ̃প্রণালীn. a system or method of education or teaching or training. ̃প্রদa. educative; didactic; instructive. ̃প্রাপ্তa. trained; educated. ̃বিভাগn. the Education Department. ̃বিস্তারn. spread of education. বিস্তারকরাv. to spread education. ̃ব্রতীn. an educationist; one who has dedicated his life to the cause of education. ̃মন্ত্রকn. the Ministry of Education. ̃মন্ত্রীn. the Minister of Education. ̃মূলকa. educational. ̃র্থীa. desirous of learning; seeking education or instruction or training. ☐n. a learner; a student, a pupil; an apprentice, an understudy, a novice; a trainee. ̃লাভকর same as শিক্ষাপাওয়া । ̃সংস্কারn. educational reforms. ̃সচিবn. an education secretary. ̃সমিতিn. a council of education. ̃সম্বন্ধীয়a. educational.

শিক্ষিকা [ śikṣikā ] fem of শিক্ষক।

শিক্ষিত [ śikṣita ] a educated; instructed; trained. fem. শিক্ষিতা । সম্প্রদায়n. the educated class; the intelligentsia.

শিখ [ śikha ] n Sikhs; a Sikh.

শিখণ্ড, শিখণ্ডক [ śikhaṇḍa, śikhaṇḍaka ] n a peacock's tail; a tuft of hair on the head maintained uncut as by Brahmans. শিখণ্ডীn. the peacock; a character of the Mahabharata; (fig.) one from behind whose cover some misdeed is done.

শিখর [ śikhara ] n top; apex, vertex; summit; crest; a mountain-peak, a peak.

শিখা1 [ śikhā1 ] n top, crest, summit; a tuft of hair on the head maintained uncut as by Brahmans; a flame; a beam (জ্যোতিঃশিখা).

শিখিনী [ śikhinī ] n the peahen.

শিখিপুচ্ছ [ śikhipuccha ] n a peacock's tail.

শিখী [ śikhī ] n the peacock.

শিঙা, শিঙ্গা [ śiṅā, śiṅgā ] n a horn for blowing; a trum pet. শিঙা ফোঁকাv. (sl.) to die, (cp.) to kick the bucket, to give up the ghost.

শিঙাড়া [ śiṅāḍ়ā ] n a kind of stuffed snack shaped almost like a fruit of the water-chest nut.

শিঙার [ śiṅāra ] n the dress or dressing of lovers going to meet.

শিঙি, শিঙ্গি [ śiṅi, śiṅgi ] n a scaleless and slender fresh-water fish akin to the barbel.

শিঞ্জন, শিঞ্জিত1 [ śiñjana, śiñjita1 ] n the sound of the dancer's anklets or similar things.

শিঞ্জিত2 [ śiñjita2 ] a resounding (with); jingling (with).

শিঞ্জিনী [ śiñjinī ] n an anklet that makes jingling noise (usu. by dancers).

শিতি [ śiti ] n. & a white; black or blue. ̃কণ্ঠn. one with a blue-coloured neck; Shiva (শিব); the peacock.

শিথান [ śithāna ] n the place or position at the head of a person lying; a pillow.

শিব [ śiba ] n good, weal, well-being; one of the three principal Hindu gods, Shiva. ☐a. good, beneficial; auspicious. শিব গড়তেবাঁদরগড়া (fig.) to do evil in one's attempt to do something good. ̃চর্তুদশীn. the fourteenth lunar day of the month of Phalgoon (ফাল্গুন) when Shiva is worshipped. ̃জ্ঞানn. the conception that all is good (যাত্রায় শিবজ্ঞান). ̃ত্বn. the state of Shiva. শিবত্বপ্রাপ্তিn. death. ̃নেত্রn. the upturned eyes of Shiva; one with such eyes (eyes become so upturned on the eve of one's death). ̃বাহনn. the bull. ̃রাত্রিn. the night of ̃চতুর্দশী। শিবরাত্রির সলতে (fig.) the only son or the sole surviving descendant. ̃লিঙ্গn. a phallic symbol of Shiva. ̃লোকn. the abode of Shiva.

শিবা [ śibā ] n the vixen; (loos.) the fox.

শিবানী [ śibānī ] n Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) the wife of Shiva (শিব).

শিবালয় [ śibālaẏa ] n the abode of Shiva; a temple of Shiva (শিব).

শিবিকা [ śibikā ] n a palanquine, a litter, a doolie, a sedan, a sedan-chair. ̃রোহাa. going in a palanquin or sedan. fem. ̃রোহিণী

শিবির [ śibira ] n camp; a camp; a tent; encampment. শিবির স্হাপন করাv. to pitch a tent or tents; to encamp.

শিম [ śima ] n the kidney-bean; the bean.

শিমুল [ śimula ] n the silk-cotton plant. শিমুল তুলোn. silk-cotton, kapok.

শিম্ব, শিম্বা, শিম্বি, শিম্বিকা [ śimba, śimbā, śimbi, śimbikā ] n the kidney-bean or its plant; the bean, the legume; a pod.

শিয়র [ śiẏara ] n the place or position at the head of a person lying; (fig.) imminence (শিয়রে শমন).

শিয়া [ śiẏā ] n the Shiah sect; a Shiah.

শিয়াকুল [ śiẏākula ] n a wild-thorny plant or its berry; zigyplus oenoplia.

শিয়াল [ śiẏāla ] n the jackal; the fox (fem. vixen). ̃কাঁটাn. a wild thorny plant, agremone mexicana. ̃ফাঁকিn. hoodwinking. শিয়ালের যুক্তি a mischievous counsel or plan.

শিরনি [ śirani ] n an oblation of sweets offered to deities or to the spirits of deceased holy persons.

শিরশির [ śiraśira ] int expressing a tingling or thrill ing or uncanny sensation. শরশিরানিn. such a sensation.

শিরশ্ছেদ, শিরশ্ছেদন [ śiraśchēda, śiraśchēdana ] n decapitation, be heading. শিরশ্ছেদকরা, শিরশ্ছেদন করাv. to decapitate, to behead.

শিরস্ত্র, শিরস্ত্রাণ [ śirastra, śirastrāṇa ] n a cover of armour for the head, a helmet; a headdress; a turban; a cap; a hat.

শিরা [ śirā ] n a vein, a vena, a nerve, a tendon; (rare) the artery; (bot.) a costa. ̃বিন্যাসn. venation. শিরালa. having prominent veins, venose; veined; (bot.) costate.

শিরীষ [ śirīṣa ] n the rain-tree; its flower.

শিরোদেশ [ śirōdēśa ] a the region of the head; the head, the crown; top.

শিরোধার্য [ śirōdhārya ] a to be borne on the head; to be obeyed or be complied with; to be accepted with reverence. শিরোধার্য করাv. to bear on one's head; to obey or accept submissively or with reverence.

শিরোপা [ śirōpā ] n a turban of honour awarded by a prince etc.; a reward.

শিরোভূষণ [ śirōbhūṣaṇa ] n an ornament for the head; (fig.) an object of glory or reverence, a glorious or reverend person, an excellent person.

শিরোমণি, শিরোরত্ন [ śirōmaṇi, śirōratna ] n a jewel for the head; a title given to Sanskrit scholars; (fig.) an object of glory or reverence, a glorious or reverend person, an excellent person.

শিরোনাম [ śirōnāma ] n the superscription of a letter; the heading (as of an essay).

শিরোরুহ [ śirōruha ] n hair growing on one's head.

শিল [ śila ] n a stone slab or flat mortar for grinding spices (শিলনোড়া); hailstone, hail; a flat stone for sharpening tools, (cp.) a grindstone. ̃নোড়াn. the mortar and the pestle. শিল পড়াv. to hail. শিলপড়ছে it hails.

শিলা [ śilā ] n stone; rock; hailstone, hail. ̃জতুn. bitumen; asphalt; benzoin. ̃তলn. a floor paved with stone. ̃পট্টn. a stone slab. ̃বর্ষণ, ̃বৃষ্টিn. hailstorm. ̃ময়a. made of stone; stony; rocky. ̃মূর্তিn. a stone statue. ̃রসn. storax; benzoin. ̃লিপিn. a rock inscription.

শিলীভূত [ śilībhūta ] a fossilized; petrified.

শিলীমুখ [ śilīmukha ] n an arrow; the bee, the bumble bee, the wasp.

শিল্প [ śilpa ] n artistry; a work of art; a craft, a handicraft; arts and crafts; a technical art; an industry; fine arts. শিল্প অধিকর্তাn. the Director of Industries. ̃কর্মn. a work of art; a handicraft; artistry. ̃কলাn. fine arts. ̃কলাবিত্a. versed in fine arts. ̃কার same as শিল্পী। ̃কুশলa. skilled in handicraft or in artistic work. ̃কৌশল, নৈপুণ্যn. artistic skill; artistry; the method or technique of a work of art; technical skill. ̃জাতa. manufactured, industrial. ̃প্রদর্শনীn. an art exhibition; an industrial exhibition. ̃বিদ্যাn. a technical or industrial art; a craft; a handicraft; a fine art. ̃বিদ্যালয়n. an industrial or technical school; a school of fine arts, an art school. ̃বিধিn. an industrial act; a rule of art. ̃মন্ত্রকn. the ministry of industry. ̃যন্ত্রn. a machine. ̃যান্ত্রিকn. an industrial engineer. ̃যোজনa. industrialization. ̃শালাn. a workshop, a manufactory; a smithy; a studio, an atelier; a museum of arts and crafts. শিল্পায়নn. industrialisation. শিল্পালয়n. an art institute. শিল্পিকa. artistic. শিল্পীn. an artist, a fine artist; an artisan; a handi craftsman (fem. handicraftswoman); (rare) an industrial or technical worker.

শিশমহল [ śiśamahala ] n a house made of glass or largely of glass, a glass-house.

শিশি [ śiśi ] n a phial made of glass.

শিশির [ śiśira ] n dew; frost. ̃কণাn. a dewdrop. ̃ধৌতa. washed with dew. ̃পাতn. dewfall. ̃বিন্দুn. a dewdrop. ̃স্লাতa. bathed in dew. ̃সিক্তa. drenched in or wet with dew. শিশিরাঙ্কa. (phys.) dewpoint.

শিশু1 [ śiśu1 ] n gregarious tree, the Dulbergia sisoo, its timber.

শিশু2 [ śiśu2 ] n an infant, a baby, a child; a young (ছাগশিশু). ☐a. infant. ̃কন্যাn. fem. an infant daughter, a baby daughter. ̃কালn. infancy, babyhood, child hood. ̃ত্বn. infancy. ̃পাঠn. a juvenile reader. ̃পাঠ্যa. (of books) intended for or fit for juvenile readers. ̃পালনn. childcare; bringing up and rearing of children. ̃পুত্রn. an infant son, a baby son. ̃প্রকৃতিa. childlike; simple as a child. ☐n. childlike nature or simplicity. ̃মারn. the porpoise; the dolphin; (astr.) the Cynosure. ̃শিক্ষাn. child education; juvenile education. ̃সন্তানn. an infant child, a baby child. ̃সাহিত্যn. juvenile literature, children's literature. ̃সাহিত্যিকn. an author of juvenile literature. ̃সুলভa. childlike, natural for a child; simple, innocent. ̃হত্যাn. infanticide. ̃হত্যাকারীn. an infanticide.

শিশ্ন [ śiśna ] n the penis. শিশ্নোদরপরায়ণa. given to too much eatingand carnal or sensual pleasure.

শিষ [ śiṣa ] n an ear of corn; a cornstalk; a flower-spike; a flame.

শিষ্ট [ śiṣṭa ] a gentle, civil; polite, courteous, well-behaved, mannerly; good-natured; righteous; educated; elegant, chaste (শিষ্ট ভাষা). ̃তাn. politeness, courteousness; civility; refinement, decorum; righteousness. ̃বায়ুn. residual air. শিষ্টব্যবহার same as শিষ্টাচার । শিষ্টসম্ভাষণn. polite or courteous address. শিষ্টাচার, শিষ্টাচরণn. etiquette; civility, courtesy; polite or amiable behaviour. শিষ্টাচারবিরুদ্ধa. in contrast with or op posed to good manners. শিষ্টাচারীa. observant of the rules of etiquette; civil, courteous; well-behaved; amiable.

শিষ্য [ śiṣya ] n a pupil; a disciple; a (devoted) follower. fem. শিষ্যা। ̃ত্বn. pupilage; discipleship.

শিস, শিস্ [ śisa, śis ] n a whistling sound made by contracting one's lips, a whistle; a sweet short note (as of birds). শিস দেওয়াv. to whistle.

শিহরন [ śiharana ] n a thrill; a shiver or shudder; horripilation.

শিহরা, শিহরানো [ śiharā, śiharānō ] v to have a thrill; to horripilate, to have goose-flesh; to shiver or shudder.

শিহরিত [ śiharita ] a thrilled; horripilating; shiver ing or shuddering.

শীকর [ śīkara ] n a very fine particle of rain flying in air; a drop of water.

শীত [ śīta ] n winter; cold, chill; feeling of chilliness or cold. ☐a. cold; cool; fit for winter (শীতবস্ত্র). শীত করা, শীত ধরা, শীতলাগাv. to feel cold; to shiver with cold. শীত কাটানোv. to winter. শীতে কাঁপাv. to shiver with cold. শীতকেটেছেto be re lieved of the sensation of cold, winter is at an end. শীত পড়েছেwinter has set in. আজ শীত পড়েছেit is cold today. ̃কাঁটাn. goose-flesh caused by (sudden) sensa tion of cold. ̃কাতরতাn. over-sensitive ness to cold; affliction caused by cold. ̃কাতুরেa. over-sensitive to cold. ̃কালn. the winter season, wintertime, win ter, cold weather. ̃কালীনa. of winter, winter, wintry. ̃কn. a refrigerator. ̃তাপনিয়ন্ত্রিতa. air-conditioned. ̃নn. refrigeration. ̃প্রধানa. characterized bypredominance of cold. ̃প্রধান দেশa cold country. ̃বস্ত্রn. warm clothes; winter garment; woollen clothes.

শীতল [ śītala ] a cold; chilly; cool; soothing (শীতল বায়ু); soothed, warmed up (প্রাণশীতল); ☐n. the evening food-offering to a deity. শীতল করাv. to make cold; to cool; to soothe, to assuage. ̃পাটিn. a mat very soothing and cool to lie upon. ̃স্পর্শa. cold to the touch; (fig.) sooth ing. শীতলাn. the presiding female deity of small-pox, chicken-pox, measles etc. ̃খেলা, শীতলাতলাn. a place for public worship of Goddess Shitala (শীতলা). শীতলীকরণn. making cool, cooling. শীতলীভবনn. getting cool, cooling.

শীতাংশু [ śītāṃśu ] n the moon.

শীতাগম [ śītāgama ] n advent of cold or winter.

শীতাধিক্য [ śītādhikya ] n excess of cold.

শীতাতপ [ śītātapa ] n winter and summer; cold and heat. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রিতa. air-conditioned.

শীতার্ত [ śītārta ] a stricken with cold; shivering with cold; over-sensitive to cold.

শীতোষ্ণ [ śītōṣṇa ] a both hot and cold; tepid. ̃বলয়n. (geog.) the temperate zone.

শীত্কার [ śītkāra ] n hissing sound (indicating sud den sensation of pleasure).

শীধু [ śīdhu ] n honey; a kind of alcoholic drink made from sugar-cane juice.

শীর্ণ [ śīrṇa ] a lean, thin; emaciated. fem. শীর্ণা । ̃কায়a. lean-bodied. ̃তাn. thinness, leanness.

শীর্ষ [ śīrṣa ] n the head; top, apex, summit; tip; the highest or the first or the most dis tinguished place (also শীর্ষস্হান); (geom.) a vertex (of an angle etc.). ̃কa. (used as a sfx.) having a particular title, entitled, styled; headed. ̃কোণn. (geom.) a vertical angle. ̃স্হa. situated on the top or on the head. পরীক্ষায়শীর্ষস্হান অধিকারকরা to stand or come first in an examination. ̃স্হানীয়a. high est, first; most distinguished, chief, topmost.

শীল [ śīla ] n nature; natural disposition; character; conduct, behaviour, manners; practice. ☐a. (used as a sfx.) natured, disposed to (দয়াশীল); practising (দানশীল). fem. a. শীলা । ̃পত্রn. a character-certificate. ̃ব্রতa. practising vir tues, virtuous.

শুঁকা [ śun̐kā ] v to smell. ☐a. smelled, smelt. শুঁকানোv. to cause to smell.

শুঁটকি [ śun̐ṭaki ] a (of fish) preserved by seasoning and drying in the sun; emaciated and shrivelled up (শুঁটকি চেহারা). ☐n. dried and seasoned fish.

শুঁটি [ śun̐ṭi ] n a legume, a pod.

শুঁঠ [ śun̐ṭha ] n dried ginger.

শুঁড় [ śun̐ḍ় ]n a proboscis, a trunk (as of the el ephant); a snout (as of the tortoise); (facet.—of human beings) the mouth including the neck; an antenna, a feeler (as of an insect). শুঁড় বাড়ানোv. to stretch out one's proboscis or trunk or snout or antenna; (facet.—of human beings) to crane one's neck.

শুঁড়ি1 [ śun̐ḍ়i1 ] a very narrow (শুঁড়ি পথ).

শুঁড়ি2 [ śun̐ḍ়i2 ] n a wine-seller, a vintner; a dis tiller, a brewer; a publican, a taverner. শুঁড়ির দোকান, ̃খানাn. a wine-shop, a grog-shop; a public house, a tavern, ale-house (old name). শুঁড়িরসাক্ষী মাতাল one offender bears out another, (cp.) birds of the same feather flock to gether.

শুক [ śuka ] n the popinjay, the parrot.

শুকতারা [ śukatārā ] n the vesper; (astr.) Venus.

শুকানো [ śukānō ] v to free or be freed from mois ture, water etc., to dry (কাপড় শুকানো); to sun or be sunned (ধান শুকানো); to wither or be withered (ফুলশুকানো); to emaciate or be emaciated (ছেলেটা শুকিয়েযাচ্ছে); to heal or be healed (ঘা শুকানো).

শুক্ত, শুক্তনি [ śukta, śuktani ] n a dish of bitters, bitters curry.

শুক্তি, শুক্তিকা [ śukti, śuktikā ] n nacre, abalone, ear-shell, oyster. শুক্তি-বীজn. pearl.

শুক্র [ śukra ] n (astr.) the Venus; the vesper; sperm, semen; the preceptor of daityas (দৈত্য) (usu. শুক্রাচার্য). ̃তারল্যn. spermatorrhoea, involuntary seminal discharge. ̃বার, ̃বাসরn. Friday. শুক্রাণুn. spermatozoid.

শুক্ল [ śukla ] n the white colour. ☐a. white, hoary, grey (শুক্ল কেশ); bright, light; clean, clear; fair; pure. fem. a. শুক্লা । ̃তাn. whiteness. ̃তিথিn. any lunar day of the bright fortnight. ̃পক্ষn. the bright fortnight.

শুখা [ śukhā ] a dry; exclusive of bed and board (শুখা মাইনের কাজ). ☐n. drought (হাজাশুখা); roasted or sunned tobacco used as quids or in bidis (বিড়ি).

শুচি [ śuci ] a pure; clean, immaculate; sancti fied; holy; virtuous; white. ̃তাn. pu rity; cleanliness; immaculateness; sanctity; holiness; virtuousness; white ness. আপাতশুচিতা a show of purity or sanctity or virtuousness or cleanliness; sanctimony. ̃বাই, ̃বায়ুn. a hysterical mania for cleanliness and sanctity. ̃বায়ুগ্রস্তa. suffering from a hysterical mania for cleanliness and sanctity. ̃ব্রতa. practising sanctity and virtue; virtuous and holy. ̃শুভ্রa. bright with sanctity or virtuousness. ̃স্মিতa. hav ing a pure or bright smile. fem. ̃স্মিতা ।

শুজনি [ śujani ] n a diapered bedcover.

শুণ্ড [ śuṇḍa ] n a proboscis, a trunk (as of the el ephant); a snout (as of the tortoise).

শুদ্ধ [ śuddha ] a faultless; flawless; immaculate; clean; pure; purified; rectified, holy, sacred; sanctified, consecrated; virtu ous; chaste; genuine; unadulterated; correct, right (অন্কটি শুদ্ধ); mere, only (শুদ্ধ দুঃখ). ☐adv. only, merely (শুদ্ধএকবস্ত্রে). শুদ্ধ করাv. to clean; to purify; to sanctify, to consecrate; to rectify, to correct; to amend. ̃তাn. correctness; flawlessness, faultlessness; purity; sa credness, holiness; chastity; genuine ness. শুদ্ধ বর্ণালি (phys.) a pure spectrum. ̃চিত্ত, ̃মতিa. chaste or virtuous in mind, pure-hearted. ̃লেখn. a fair copy. ̃সত্ত্বa. pure-souled. শুদ্ধাচারn. practice of virtue or sanctity; virtuousness; sanctity; cleanliness. ☐a. practising virtue or sanctity or cleanli ness. শুদ্ধাচারিতা same as শুদ্ধাচার (n.). শুদ্ধাচারীa. same as শুদ্ধাচার (a.). fem. শুদ্ধাচারিণী । শুদ্ধাশুদ্ধa. holy and profane; pure and impure; right and wrong; cor rect and incorrect. শুদ্ধিn. purification; purgation; sanctification, consecration; rectification, correction, amendment; reformation; purity; cleanliness; chas tity; correctness; reclamation from evil, untouchability, social inferiority etc. শুদ্ধিপত্রn. list of errors attached to a book, errata, corrigenda.

শুধা1 [ śudhā1 ] v to repay, to pay back.

শুধু [ śudhu ] a empty (শুধুহাতে); bare (শুধু চোখে); mere, only (শুধু জল). ☐adv. merely, simply, only (শুধু হাসছে). শুধু শুধুadv. for nothing (শুধু শুধু মার খাওয়া); in vain (শুধুশুধু চেষ্টা করা).

শুনশান [ śunaśāna ] a without a noise, completely si lent. ☐n. complete silence.

শুনানি [ śunāni ] n (law) a hearing.

শুনানো [ śunānō ] v to make one hear; to inform; to cause to pay heed to; to sting with words, to revile, to give a person a piece of one's mind (কথা শুনিয়ে দিয়েছে). গল্প শুনানোv. to tell one a story. গানশুনানোv. to sing (one) a song.

শুভ [ śubha ] n weal, well-being, (the) good. ☐a. doing good, beneficial, benefactory; auspicious; favourable; promising. fem. a. শুভা, শুভংকর (inc.) ̃কর same as ̃ঙ্কর । ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্যn. an auspicious work; a solemn or religious rite or func tion or ceremony. ̃ক্ষণn. an auspicious or favourable moment or time; an op portunity, a chance. ̃গ্রহn. (astrol.) an auspicious or favourable planet or star. ̃ঙ্করa. doing good, beneficial, benefactory. ̃ঙ্করীa. fem. of ̃ঙ্কর ।☐n. a system ofarithmetical calculation in troduced by Shubhankar. ̃দ, ̃দায়ক same as ̃ঙ্করfem. ̃দা । ̃দৃষ্টিn. an aus picious or favourable or kind look or (astrol.) aspect; the solemn rite of the bride and bridegroom looking at each other at a Hindu wedding. ̃ফলn. a happy result or outcome. ̃লক্ষণn. an auspicious sign or mark or omen. ̃লগ্নn. an auspicious moment. ̃সংবাদn. good news. শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষাn. well-wishing. শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষীa. well-wishing. ☐n. a well wisher. fem. শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী। শুভাগমনn. an auspicious coming; a kind visit, a wel come visit. শুভানুধ্যান same as শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষা ।শুভানুধ্যায়ী same as শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষীfem. শুভানুধ্যায়িনী। শুভানুষ্ঠানn. an auspicious or solemn function or ceremony. শুভার্থী same as শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষীfem. শুভার্থিনী ।শুভাশীর্বাদn. kind blessing or benediction. শুভাশুভn. weal and woe; good and evil. শুভেচ্ছাn. well-wishes, good wishes.

শুভ্র [ śubhra ] a white; grey, hoary (শুভ্র কেশ); in candescent, bright (শুভ্র আলোক); (fig.) pure, unblemished, chaste, virtuous (শুভ্র মন). fem. শুভ্রা । শুভ্রতাn. whiteness; (fig.) purity.

শুমার [ śumāra ] n counting, enumeration (আদমশুমার = census); calculation; estimate.

শুরু [ śuru ] n commencement, beginning; start; inception. শুরু করাবাহওয়াv. to com mence, to begin; to start. শুরু থেকে শেষ from beginning to end.

শুরুয়া [ śuruẏā ] n soup.

শুল্ক [ śulka ] n duty on import or export, cus toms; tax, toll; a marriage-portion, a dowry; price. ̃শালাn. the customs house. শুল্কাধীনa. bonded. শুল্কাধীনপণ্যাগার bonded warehouse.

শুশনি [ śuśani ] n cress(es).

শুশুক [ śuśuka ] n the porpoise, the dolphin.

শুশ্রূষা [ śuśrūṣā ] n nursing (of the sick). শুশ্রূষা করাv. to nurse. ̃কারীn. a male nurse. ☐a. nursing. fem. ̃কারিণীn. a nurse; a (nursing) sister.

শুষ্ক [ śuṣka ] a dry (শুষ্কবস্ত্র); withered (শুষ্কপুষ্প); sapless, pithless (শুষ্ককাষ্ঠ); dull, uninteresting, pointless (শুষ্কতর্ক); pale (শুষ্কমুখ); parched (শুষ্ককণ্ঠ); harsh (শুষ্ক স্বর); vapoury or empty or insipid (শুষ্ক বাক্য); merely formal (শুষ্কভদ্রতা). ̃তাn. dryness.

শূক [ śūka ] n a beard of corn, an awn; the chrysalis. ̃কীটn. the caterpillar; the chrysalis. ̃ঘ্নa. larvicide. ̃ধান্যn. awned rice.

শূকর [ śūkara ] n the hog, the boar, the swine. fem. শূকরী the sow. বন্যশূকরn. the wild boar. ̃ছানা, ̃শাবকn. the pig. ̃পালকn. a swineherd. শূকরের মাংস pork, ham.

শূদ্র [ śūdra ] n the lowest of the four Hindu castes, Shudras; a shudra. শূদ্রাa. fem. a female shudra. শূদ্রাণীn. fem. a female shudra; a shudra's wife. শূদ্রীn. fem. a shudra's wife.

শূন [ śūna ] a poet, corrup. of শূন্য ।

শূন্য [ śūnya ] n (math.) zero; cipher; nothing; the sky; an open or empty place, space, (the) void; inexistence; absence. ☐a. destitute of, devoid of (জনশূন্যবুদ্ধিশূন্য); vacant; empty; stoical, indif ferent. ☐in comp. (used as a sfx.) -less (গৃহশূন্য = homeless). ̃কুম্ভn. an empty pitcher; (fig.—dero.) a man of no worth or substance, a man of straw. ̃ক্রান্তি-রেখাn. (astr.) the aclinic line. ̃গর্ভa. containing nothing within, empty; hollow; (fig.) unsubstantial or insincere (শূন্যগর্ভকথা = empty words). ̃তাn. vacancy; emptiness; stoicism, indifference. ̃দৃষ্টিn. a vacant or blank look. ̃পথ an aerial route. ̃পানেadv. towards the sky. ̃বাদn. the Buddhist doctrine which holds that the world has evolved out of nothing and will pass into nothing; atheism, nihilism. ̃বাদীa. Buddhistic, Buddhist; atheisti cal, atheistic; nihilistic. ☐n. a Bud dhist; an atheist; a nihilist. শূন্য মনn. a vacant or unoccupied mind; an indif ferent or stocial mind. ̃মনেadv. in a vacant mood. ̃মার্গn. aerial path; pas sage through the air. ̃যাত্রাn. a flight. ̃স্হানn. empty or vacant space; a blank; a gap. ̃হস্তa. empty-handed; fi nancially hard up, broke; not carrying any weapon. ̃হস্তেadv. empty-handedly; without (having any) money; without carrying any weapon. ̃হাত same as ̃হস্ত । ̃করণn. act of making empty; evacuation. শূন্যীকৃতa. emptied; evacuated.

শূপকার [ śūpakāra ] n (loos.) a cook.

শূর [ śūra ] a valiant; heroic. ☐n. a valiant man or fighter; a hero. শূরোচিতa. befitting a hero.

শূর্প [ śūrpa ] n a wicker-work platter or tray for winnowing.

শূল [ śūla ] n a stake for impaling a criminal; a trident; a pike; a skewer, a spit; pain, inflammation (দন্তশূল); colic. শূলেদেওয়া, শূলে চড়ানোv. to impale (as a criminal). ̃ঘ্নa. curing inflammation or colic. ̃পক্কa. skewered or spitted and roasted. ̃পানিn. one holding a tri dent in one's hand; Shiva (শিব). ̃বিদ্ধa. pierced with a trident or pike; spitted, skewered. ̃বেদনা, ̃ব্যথাn. colic pain. শূলাগ্রn. pikehead; the point of a trident or stake. শূলানিn. pain, ache, inflammation; (coll.) itching. শূলানোv. to become painful, to ache, to inflame; (coll.) to have an itching for (পিঠবা মুখ শূলানো). শূলী same as ̃পাণিশূল্যa. roasted on a spit or skewer (শূল্যমাংস).

শৃগাল [ śṛgāla ] n the jackal, fem. শৃগালী ।

শৃঙ্খল [ śṛṅkhala ] n a chain; fetters, irons; rule, sys tem, arrangement, due order; restraint or discipline. শৃঙ্খল-নিয়মn. (math.) chain rule. শৃঙ্খলাn. method, system; due succession or order, sequence; arrangement, orderliness; restraint or dis cipline. শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধa. chained, fettered; methodical, systematic; orderly; disci plined. শৃঙ্খলাহীনa. disorderly; con fused; undisciplined; immethodical, unmethodical, unsystematic; haphaz ard. শৃঙ্খলিতa. chained, fettered.

শৃঙ্গ [ śṛṅga ] n a horn; an antler; a peak; summit; a wind-instrument ori. made of horn, a horn. ক্ষুদ্রশৃঙ্গ a cornicle. ̃ধ্বনিn. the sound of a (musical) horn.

শৃঙ্গাকার [ śṛṅgākāra ] a corniform.

শৃঙ্গার [ śṛṅgāra ] n (rhet.) the sentiment relating to sexual union or intercourse (usu. শৃঙ্গাররস); the erotic sentiment; sexual intercourse, coition; toilet and dressing (of a woman preparing herself to meet her lover or of an elephant, an idol etc.).

শৃঙ্গী [ śṛṅgī ] a horned; corniculate. ☐n. a horned beast.

শেওড়া, শ্যাওড়া [ śēōḍ়ā, śyāōḍ়ā ] n a kind of wild tree.

শেখ [ śēkha ] n (Mus.) a Sheik(h).

শেখর [ śēkhara ] n a crown, a diadem, a coronet; a chaplet; a peak, a crest, a summit.

শেখা [ śēkhā ] v to learn; to study; to practise; to undergo training. ☐n. learning; study ing. ☐a. that which has been learnt or studied or practised. শিখানো, ̃নোv. to teach; to educate; to train; to instruct. ☐a. that which has been taught; tu tored, instructed. শেখানো সাক্ষী a tutored or primed witness.

শেজ1 [ śēja1 ] n a bed.

শেজ2 [ śēja2 ] n a lamp within a chimney, a lan tern.

শেঠ [ śēṭha ] n an upcountry merchant.

শেফালি, শেফালী, শেফালিকা [ śēphāli, śēphālī, śēphālikā ] n the horsinghar, a white fragrant autumnal flower; its tree.

শেমিজ [ śēmija ] n a chemise.

শেরওয়ানি [ śērōẏāni ] n a kind of long coat worn by men.

শের [ śēra ] n the tiger; the lion.

শেল [ śēla ] n a sharp-pointed mythological missile. ̃সমa. like the aforesaid mis sile; as painful or fatal as a stroke of the aforesaid missile. বুকেশেলসম বাজা to cut (a person) to the heart.

শেষ [ śēṣa ] n (myth.) a king of snakes; end, ter mination; close; conclusion, finish; completion; ruin or destruction or death (শত্রুর শেষ দেখা); the rear, the backside, the back-end, the rearmost or backmost part or position (সবারশেষে); the last or lowest position or place (সবশেষে); remainder, balance; settlement, solution (তর্কের শেষ). ☐a. last; con cluding; ultimate; final; lowest; rearmost; remaining. শেষকরাv. to fin ish, to complete, to end, to conclude; to ruin or destroy or kill, to do (one) in. শেষ হওয়াv. to be finished or con cluded; to end, to conclude; to close; to be ruined or destroyed or killed. শেষঅবস্হা, শেষ দশাn. the last or final stage; the end; the dying stage. ̃কালেadv. at last, in the end. ̃পাদn. the last quarter. শেষ বিচারn. the Last Judgment, Doom. শেষবিচারের দিন the Judgment day, Doomsday. শেষ বিচারকn. the Final Judge. ̃ভাগn. the last part; the re maining portion. ̃মুহুর্তn. the last mo ment, the eleventh hour. ̃যাত্রাn. the last journey; death. ̃রক্ষাn. that which saves the situation at the last moment, happy ending of a situation which seems hopeless. ̃রাত, ̃রাত্রিn. the last part of the night; small hours. শেষাবস্হা same as শেষ অবস্হা ।শেষাশেষিadv. at the last moment, at the eleventh hour; at last, in the end, at long last; ultimately; finally. শেষেadv. in the end; in conclu sion; towards the close; ultimately, fi nally; at last; last (সে শেষে এল). শেষোক্তa. mentioned last of all; last-named.

শৈত্য [ śaitya ] n coldness, cold; chilliness, chill; frigidity; humidity.

শৈথিল্য [ śaithilya ] n looseness, flaccidity; dishev elled or blowsy state; slackness; lax ness; tiredness, fatigue; slowness, tardiness; absence of earnestness or care fulness.

শৈব [ śaiba ] a of or worshipping Shiva (শিব). ☐n. a Hindu community worshipping Shiva (শিব); a member of this community.

শৈবলিনী [ śaibalinī ] n a river.

শৈবাল [ śaibāla ] n lichen, moss; alga (pl. algae).

শৈল [ śaila ] n a mountain; a rock; a hill. ̃জa. born of or grown on a mountain or a hill; mountainous or hilly. ̃জাa. fem. of শৈলজ☐n. same as ̃সুতা । ̃জায়াn. Menaka. (মেনকা) the wife of the Himalayas. ̃তত্ত্বn. petrology; petrog raphy. ̃ময়a. mountainous or hilly. ̃শিরাn. a ridge. ̃সুতাn. daughter of a mountain; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা), the daughter of the Himalayas.

শৈলান্তরীপ [ śailāntarīpa ] n a promontory.

শৈলী [ śailī ] n style (রচনাশৈলী).

শৈলেন্দ্র [ śailēndra ] n the lord or king of mountains; the Himalayas.

শৈলেয় [ śailēẏa ] a hill-grown. ☐n. a fragrant resin, benzoin, storax.

শৈলোত্ক্ষেপ-বৃষ্টি [ śailōtkṣēpa-bṛṣṭi ] n (geog.) relief-rain.

শৈশব, শৈশবকাল, শৈশবাবস্হা [ śaiśaba, śaiśabakāla, śaiśabābashā ] n infancy, ba byhood; childhood; childhood days. শৈশবকালীনa. of infancy or childhood days; infantile. শৈশবকালোচিতa. proper for infancy or childhood; child-like; babyish or childish. শৈশবসঙ্গীn. a com panion or friend of one's childhood. শৈশবস্মৃতিn. reminiscence(s) of one's childhood days. শৈশবাবধিadv. from or since childhood.

শোঁ [ śō ] int expressing: a swishing or whir ring or whizzing sound.

শোঁ-শোঁ [ śō-m̐śō ] int expressing: repeated or con tinuous whizzing sound.

শোক [ śōka ] n mourning or grief. শোক করাv. to mourn, to grieve (for). ̃গাথা,̃গীতিn. an elegy; a dirge. ̃গ্রস্তa. bereaved; grief-stricken. ̃চিহ্নn. a sign or token of mourning. ̃জনকa. mournful; woe ful, distressing, sad, lamentable. ̃যাত্রাn. a funeral procession. ̃সংগীতn. an elegy; a dirge. ̃সন্তপ্তa. afflicted with grief, grief-stricken. ̃সভাn. a condo lence meeting. ̃সাগরn. an ocean of grief. ̃সূচকa. indicating grief or mourning. শোকাকুলa. beside oneself with grief, overwhelmed with grief. শোকাগ্নি same as শোকানল । শোকাচ্ছন্নa. be set or overwhelmed with grief. শোকাতুর same as শোকার্ত ।শোকানলn. the burning fire of grief. শোকাবহ same as ̃জনক ।শোকাবিষ্ট same as শোকাচ্ছন্ন ।শোকাবেগn. outburst of grief. শোকাভিভূত same as শোকাচ্ছন্ন । শোকার্তa. grief-stricken. শোকোচ্ছ্বাস same as শোকাবেগ ।

শোচন, শোচনা [ śōcana, śōcanā ] n mourning or grieving; lamentation; repentance; regret. শোচনীয়a. mournful; grievous; woeful; lamentable; sad; regrettable; sorry (শোচনীয় অবস্হা = a sorry plight); mis erable.

শোণিত [ śōṇita ] n blood. ̃ধারাn. a stream or flow of blood; (loos.) blood-circulation. ̃কণা, ̃কণিকাn. a small drop of blood; (anat.) a blood-corpuscle. ̃পাতn. bloodshed; haemorrhage. শোণিতপায়ীপ্রাণী a blood-sucker. ̃পিপাসাn. blood thirstiness. ̃পিপাসুa. bloodthirsty. ̃প্রবাহ same as ̃ধারা । ̃মোক্ষণn. (med.) blood-letting. ̃রঞ্জিতa. smeared with blood, bloodstained, blood bespotted, bloody. ̃শিরাn. a vein; an artery. ̃শোষণn. act of sucking in oth ers' blood; (fig.) extortion. ̃স্নানn. blood-bath. স্রাবn. haemorrhage. শোণিতাক্ত same as ̃রঞ্জিত ।

শোণিমা [ śōṇimā ] n red glow or tinge; flush.

শোথ [ śōtha ] n dropsy. শোথনামাv. to have drop sical swelling.

শোধ [ śōdha ] n repayment; payment, acquittance, clearing off (dues); revenge, ven geance, retaliation. শোধ করাv. to re pay; to pay. শোধতোলা same as শোধনেওয়া । শোধ দেওয়াv. to pay back, to re pay; to pay; to take revenge (upon), to avenge; to retaliate. শোধ নেওয়াv. to take revenge (on, upon), to avenge; to retaliate. শোধ যাওয়াv. to be repaid or paid. ̃বোধn. settling or balancing of accounts; (fig.) having one's revenge on somebody, squaring up with some body; final settlement. শোধ্যa. repay able.

শোধক [ śōdhaka ] a purifying; sanctifying; conse cratory; cleansing, refining; rectifying; corrective; reformative; repaying; pay ing.

শোধন [ śōdhana ] n purification; sanctification, con secration; clearing or refining; rectifi cation; amendment, correction; revi sion; reclamation; reformation; repayment; payment; acquittance. শোধনকরাv. to purify; to sanctify, to conse crate; to cleanse or refine; to rectify; to amend, to correct; to revise; to reform. শোধনীa. fem. same as শোধক । শোধনীয়a. to be or capable of being purified or sanctified or consecrated or cleansed or refined or rectified or corrected or reformed or repaid or paid.

শোধরানো [ śōdharānō ] v to rectify or be rectified; to correct or be corrected; to mind one's ways.

শোধাক্ষম [ śōdhākṣama ] a insolvent. শোধাক্ষমতাn. insol vency.

শোধিত [ śōdhita ] a purified; sanctified, conse crated; cleansed, refined; rectified শোধিত কোহল; amended, corrected; revised; reclaimed; reformed; repaid; paid.

শোনা [ śōnā ] v to hear; to listen (to); to obey (কথা শোনা); to comply with; to pay heed to. ☐a. that which has been heard or listened to; heard or learnt from oth ers (শোনা কথা). ̃নোv. to make one hear; to inform or tell; to cause to obey; to cause to pay heed to. গানশোনানোv. to sing (one) a song. ̃মাত্রadv. immediately on hearing, directly upon hearing.

শোভন [ śōbhana ] a beautiful, lovely; comely, debo nair; graceful; elegant; decorous; de cent; becoming. fem. শোভনা । শোভনীয়a. becoming.

শোভমান [ śōbhamāna ] a existing or being present beautifully; looking beautiful or deco rous. fem. শোভমানা ।

শোভা [ śōbhā ] n beauty; beautiful show; glam our. শোভা করাv. to beautify; to embel lish; to adorn; to grace. শোভা পাওয়াv. to exist or be present beautifully; to look beautiful or decorous; to behove or become. শোভা হওয়াv. to look beau tiful or decorous; to have a beautiful show; to be adorned or graced. ̃করa. beautifying; adorning; decorating; giv ing grace to; giving glamour to. ̃ময়a. beautiful; graceful; having a beautiful show; glamorous. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃যাত্রাn. a procession. শোভাযাত্রা করে যাওয়াv. to go in a procession. শোভাযাত্রা বার করাv. to take out a procession. ̃যাত্রীn. a processionist. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীনa. having no beauty; having no beautiful show.

শোভিত [ śōbhita ] a beautifully existing; beautified; embellished; decked; adorned; deco rated; graced.

শোভী [ śōbhī ] a beautifying; adorning; adding grace to. fem. শোভিনী ।

শোফার [ śōphāra ] n a chauffeur (fem. a chauffeuse).

শোয়া [ śōẏā ] v to lie down, to go to bed; to sleep. শুয়ে পড়াv. to lie down; to go to bed; to lie prostrate. ̃নোv. to cause to lie down; to lay down; to force to lie prostrate; to cause to succumb. ̃বসাn. (fig.) deportment, bearing; (fig.) act of living with another as neighbours or in the same society; (fig.) social intercourse. ̃বসা করাv. to live with another as neighbours or in the same society; to have social inter course with.

শোর [ śōra ] n a loud (and confused) noise, an uproar. শোর তোলাv. to raise an uproar. ̃গোলn. an uproarious noise; hue and cry; clamour.

শোরা [ śōrā ] n nitre, salt-petre. ̃ঘটিতa. nitric.

শোল [ śōla ] n a large tubular fish.

শোলা [ śōlā ] n spongewood, hat-plant, sola. শোলার কাজn. sola work, artistry with spongewood or sola. শোলার টুপিn. a sola hat.

শোষ [ śōṣa ] n dryness; juiceless or sapless state; (med.) consumption; (med.) si nus. ☐a. dried up within (শোষ মূলো).

শোষ-কাগজ [ śōṣa-kāgaja ] n blotting-paper.

শোষক [ śōṣaka ] a absorbing; drying up; sucking in; (fig.) extorting. ☐n. an absorber; a sucker; (fig.) an extortioner, sponger.

শোষণ [ śōṣaṇa ] n absorption; act of drying up; suction; (fig.) extortion. শোষণ করাv. to absorb; to dry up; to suck in; (fig.) to extort.

শোষিত [ śōṣita ] a absorbed; dried up; sucked in; (fig.) subjected to extortion.

শোহরত [ śōharata ] n announcement, proclamation. ঢোল-শহরতn. proclamation by beat of drums.

শোহিনী [ śōhinī ] n an Indian musical mode.

শৌখিন [ śaukhina ] a given to niceties; given to luxury, luxurious; having refined or delicate taste; dainty; fancy (শৌখিনজিনিস = fancy goods). ̃তাn. luxuri ousness; inclination to niceties; posses sion of refined or delicate taste; dainti ness.

শৌচ, শৌচকর্ম, শৌচক্রিয়া [ śauca, śaucakarma, śaucakriẏā ] n purity; sanctity; scriptural cleansing or purification of one's body and mind; washing or cleansing of one's posteriors after evacuationof bowels. শৌচ করাv. to wash or cleanse one's posteriors after evacuation of bowels; to cleanse or pu rify scripturally one's body and mind; to sanctify. শৌচাগারn. a latrine, a lava tory, a toilet.

শৌণ্ড [ śauṇḍa ] a drunken, inebriate, intoxicated; greatly addicted or habituated to (পানশৌণ্ড); celebrated (দানশৌণ্ড). শৌণ্ডিক, শৌণ্ডী same as শুঁড়ি2। শৌণ্ডিকালয় same as শুঁড়িখানা ।

শৌর্য [ śaurya ] n valour, prowess; heroism; strength and courage. ̃শালীa. valorous, valiant; heroic; strong and courageous. fem. ̃শালিনী।

শ্ব [ śba ] n the dog. ̃দন্তn. a canine tooth. ̃বৃত্তিn. dog-like behaviour, doggish ness; servitude, servility; mean or cringing flattery.

শ্বশুর [ śbaśura ] n a father-in-law; an uncle-in-law. ̃ঘরn. a woman's father-in-law's house, a husband's house. ̃বাড়িশ্বশুরালয়n. a man's or woman's father-in-law's house.

শ্বশ্রু [ śbaśru ] n a mother-in-law; an aunt-in-law.

শ্বসন [ śbasana ] n breathing, respiration; (loos.) in halation. কৃত্রিম শ্বসন artificial respira tion.

শ্বাপদ [ śbāpada ] n any carnivorous ferocious beast of prey; (loos.) a wild beast. ̃সংকুল ̃সমাকীর্ণa. infested with ferocious beasts of prey.

শ্বাস [ śbāsa ] n breathing, respiration; breath; asthma; asthmatic spasm; the last gasp. শ্বাসওঠাv. to be in the last gasp; to be attacked with a spell of asthmatic spasm. শ্বাস ছাড়াv. to breathe out, to ex hale. শ্বাস নেওয়াv. to breathe in, to in hale. দুর্গন্ধ শ্বাসn. foul breath; (med.) halitosis. শ্বাসকষ্টn. breathing trouble; laboured breathing, dyspnoea; laboured breathing of a dying person. ̃কেন্দ্রn. (anat.) the respiratory centre. ̃ক্রিয়াn. breathing, respiration. ̃গ্রহণn. inhalation. ̃গ্রহণকরা same as শ্বাসনেওয়া । ̃ত্যাগn. exhalation. ̃ত্যাগ করা same as শ্বাস ছাড়া । ̃নালীn. (anat.) the windpipe, the trachea. ̃প্রশ্বাসn. breathing, respiration. ̃যন্ত্রn. (anat.) the respiratory organ, lungs. ̃রোগn. any disease characterized by breathing trouble, such as, asthma, bronchitis etc. ̃রোধn. suffocation or choking; bated breath. ̃রোধ করাv. to suffocate; to choke; to make breathless. ̃রোধ হওয়াv. to be suffocated or choked; to be come breathless. ̃রোধকa. suffocating, choking. শ্বাসারিn. a medicine or cure for breathing trouble.

শ্বেত [ śbēta ] n the white colour. ☐a. white; (of hair) grey. ̃কায়a. white complex ioned. ̃কুষ্ঠn. leucoderma. ̃চর্মa. white-skinned, white-complexioned. ̃দ্বীপn. a mythological island, the is land of the moon; (often facet.) the British Isles. ̃পাথর, ̃প্রস্তরn. marble. ̃প্রদরn. leucorrhoea, whites. ̃রক্তকণিকা a white corpuscle. ̃শ্মশ্রুa. greybearded. ̃সর্ষপn. white mustard, Brassica alba. ̃সারn. starch. ̃অযুক্তশ্বেতসার (bot.) simple starch. ̃হস্তীn. (lit. & fig.) a white elephant. শ্বেতাঙ্গa. one whose complexion is white. □ n. the white man; a European or American. শ্বেতাভa. having a slightly white glow or tinge, whitish; (loos.) incandescent. শ্বেতি, । শ্বেতীn. leucoderma.

শ্মশান, শ্মশানপুরী, শ্মশানভূমি [ śmaśāna, śmaśānapurī, śmaśānabhūmi ] n a cremato rium, a crematory, a cremation ground; (fig.) a deserted and cheerless place, house etc. শ্মশানেপরিণত করাv. to turn into or reduce to a cheerless desert. শ্মশানকালীn. Goddess Kali (কালী), the presiding deity of cremato ria. শ্মশানচারীa. roaming or living in crematoria. fem. শ্মশানচারিণী ।শ্মশানবন্ধুn. one who accompanies or carries a dead body to the crematorium. শ্মশানবাসীa. living in crematoria. fem. শ্মশানবাসিনী ।শ্মশানবৈরাগ্যn. the perception of transitoriness of the world, with which the mind of a visitor to a crematorium becomes imbued for a while; (fig.) sham distaste or aversion for the world just before death.

শ্মশ্রু [ śmaśru ] n beard (of man's face). ̃মণ্ডিতa. covered with beard, bearded. ̃লa. covered with beard, bearded. ̃শূন্য ̃হীনa. beardless. ̃শোভিতa. bedecked with beard, bearded.

শ্যাওলা [ śyāōlā ] n lichen, moss; alga.

শ্যাম [ śyāma ] a cloud-coloured; dark blue; bottle green; green; dark-coloured; jet black; having a dark yet very sweet complex ion, (cp.) brunet (fem. brunette). ☐n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). শ্যাম রাখি কি কুল রাখি to have to choose between one's lover and infamy on the one hand and one's husband and good name on the other; (fig.) to be between the horns of a di lemma. ̃কান্তিa. having a dark yet very sweet complexion. ̃বর্ণn. cloud like colour; dark blue or bottle-green colour; green or dark colour; jet black colour; dark yet very sweet complex ion. ☐a. same as শ্যাম (a.). ̃ল (poet.) ̃রa. same as শ্যাম (a.). fem.শ্যামলা।শ্যামলা বসুন্ধরা the (mother) earth green with crops and vegetation. ̃লতা, ̃লিমাn. the state of having cloud-like or dark blue or bottle-green or green or dark colour or a dark yet very sweet complexion. ̃লীa. (loos.) fem. of ̃ল ।☐n. a pet name for a dark-coloured cow. ̃সুন্দরn. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); a small bird of the munia family, the black headed munia. ̃ক, শ্যামা1 variants of শ্যামাক । শ্যামা2a. fem. of শ্যাম (a.). ☐n. (rhet.) an uncommonly beautiful woman having a dazzlingly bright cream-coloured complexion, who is very pleasant to touch; Goddess Kali কালী; a song-bird of the thrush-fam ily, the shama; an evergreen creeper. শ্যামাকn. a kind of wild paddy. শ্যামাঙ্গa. dark-complexioned. fem. শ্যামাঙ্গ, শ্যামাঙ্গী, শ্যামাঙ্গিনী । শ্যামাপোকাn. a green-coloured winged insect found in late autumn. শ্যামায়মানa. getting dark, darkening, getting or becoming bottle green, or green.

শ্যেন [ śyēna ] n the hawk, the falcon; the eagle, fem. শ্যেনী । ̃চক্ষু, ̃দৃষ্টিa. hawk-eyed, falcon-eyed; eagle-eyed. শ্যেন দৃষ্টিতে লক্ষকরা to watch with a piercing or keen eye, to watch like a hawk.

শ্রদ্ধা [ śraddhā ] n love and respect, admiration, rev erence; esteem; confidence, faith (নেতারপ্রতি শ্রদ্ধা); devotion (সশ্রদ্ধপূজা); inclination, desire (খাবারে শ্রদ্ধা). শ্রদ্ধা করাv. to love and respect, to ad mire, to revere, to esteem; to have confidence or faith in. ̃ন্বিত, ̃বান, ̃লু ̃শীলa. respectful, having faith or con fidence in, faithful. ̃ভাজন, ̃স্পদn. an object of reverence, a reverend person. fem. ̃স্পদা । ̃ভাজনেষু, ̃স্পদেষু to you or him as the reverend one (a form of addressing a reverend person in a let ter).

শ্রদ্ধেয় [ śraddhēẏa ] a reverend, venerable. fem. শ্রদ্ধেয়া ।

শ্রবণ [ śrabaṇa ] n hearing; listening (to); audition; the ear. শ্রবণ করাv. to hear; to listen (to); give an audition. ̃গোচরa. com ing within the range of hearing, au dible. ̃পথn. the ear; hearing. ̃বহির্ভূত same as ̃শ্রবণাতীত । ̃বিবরn. the ear hole. ̃মধুরa. sweet to hear. ̃যোগ্যa. worth listening to, fit to hear; audible. ̃সুখকরa. pleasing to the ear. শ্রবণাn. the twenty-second of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. শ্রবণাতীতa. incapable of being heard, inaudible. শ্রবণীয় same as শ্রব্য ।শ্রবণেন্দ্রিয়n. the organ of hearing, the ear.

শ্রব্য [ śrabya ] a fit to hear; audible; intended to be heard (শ্রব্য কাব্য = a poem intended to be heard, not seen i.e., excluding drama). ̃তাn. audibility.

শ্রম [ śrama ] n labour, toil; physical or manual labour; diligence, assiduity, industry (শ্রমবিনা লেখাপড়া হয় না); exertion, fa tigue; rigour (সশ্রম কারাদণ্ড). শ্রম করাv. to labour, to toil; to do physical or manual labour; to apply oneself dili gently or assiduously; to exert oneself; to undergo rigours. উত্পাদক শ্রম produc tive labour. ̃কাতরa. reluctant to toil, grudging labour; lazy. ̃জn. produced by toil or industry. ̃জনকa. toilsome, strenuous, fatiguing. ̃জলn. perspira tion (caused by toil), sweat. ̃জীবীa. earning one's livelihood by manual labour. ☐n. same as শ্রমিক। ̃ণn. a Buddhist mendicant, ascetic. fem. ̃ণা ̃বণ়্টন, ̃বিভাগn. (econ.) division of labour. ̃বিমুখ same as ̃কাতর । ̃মন্ত্রকn. the Ministry of Labour. ̃মহাধ্যক্ষn. Labour Commissioner. ̃লভ্যa. ob tainable by effort or application. ̃লব্ধa. earned by toil or industry. ̃শিল্পn. an industry. ̃শীল, ̃সহিষ্ণুa. devoted to labour, laborious, painstaking, hardy, industrious, diligent, assiduous. ̃শীলতাn. industry, diligence, assiduity. ̃সাধ্যa. involving labour; laborious, toil some; strenuous; attainable by hard work. শ্রম স্বীকার করাv. to take pains. শ্রমাপনোদন করাv. to allay or remove fa tigue; to refresh, to freshen up. শ্রমিকn. a manual labourer, a labourer; a work man, an industrial worker. শ্রমিক আন্দোলনn. labour movement. শ্রমিকগোলযোগn. labour unrest; labour trouble. শ্রমিকদলn. a gang of labourers; (pol.) the Labour Party. শ্রমিক-সংঘn. a trade union. শ্রমোপজীবী same as শ্রমজীবী।fem. শ্রমোপজীবিনী ।

শ্রাদ্ধ [ śrāddha ] n a respectful and well-wishing of fering to the manes, obsequies, sraddha; (sarcas.) extravagant use or spending, waste; (কথার শ্রাদ্ধ, টাকারশ্রাদ্ধ); (rather vul.) tremendous perse cution or utter ruin; vituperation; (sl.) an undesirable affair. শ্রাদ্ধ করাv. to per form one's sraddha ceremony; (sarcas.) to use or spend extravagantly; to waste, (rather vul.) to persecute tre mendously or ruin utterly; to revile. শ্রাদ্ধ খাওয়াv. to partake of the feast given on the occasion of a sraddha cer emony. শ্রাদ্ধগড়াবেv. (sl.) the (undesir able) affair will go a long way. ̃কার্য, ̃ক্রিয়াn. (performance of) obsequies or sraddha. ̃শান্তিn. sraddha and similar other rites so that the manes enjoy blessed peace.

শ্রান্ত [ śrānta ] a fatigued, tired, wearied, ex hausted. শ্রান্ত করাv. to fatigue, to tire, to weary, to exhaust. শ্রান্ত হওয়াv. to be tired or fatigued, to get tired; to be wearied or exhausted. ̃ক্লান্তa. ex tremely tired or exhausted. ̃দেহa. having a tired or exhausted body. শ্রান্তিn. fatigue, weariness, tiredness, ex haustion. শ্রান্তি বোধ করাv. to feel tired or exhausted. শ্রান্তিকর, শ্রান্তিজনকa. fa tiguing, tiring, wearisome; laborious. শ্রান্তিহরa. removing or allaying weari ness or exhaustion or fatigue; refresh ing. শ্রান্তিহীনa. untiring, tireless.

শ্রাবণ1 [ śrābaṇa1 ] n the fourth month of the Bengali calendar. ধারা-শ্রাবণn. Shrabana (শ্রাবণ) the month of incessant rain or cease less downpour.

শ্রাবণ2 [ śrābaṇa2 ] a auditory.

শ্রী [ śrī ] n Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষী); Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী); wealth, riches; af fluence, prosperity; good luck, fortune; beauty, grace (মুখশ্রী); appearance; style, manner, attitude (কথার শ্রী); an appellation affixed to the name of a holy person dead or living or to that of a sacred thing or place (শ্রীসত্যেন্দ্র বসু, শ্রীচৈতন্য, শ্রীখোল, শ্রীক্ষেত্র); an Indian musical mode. ̃করকমলn. a lotus-like auspicious hand. ̃করকমলেষু to your or his lotus-like auspicious hand (a form of addressing a person politely in a let ter). ̃ক্ষেত্রn. Puri in Orissa. ̃খণ্ডn. sandalwood. ̃ঘরn. (sarcas.) a prison, a gaol, a jail. ̃ঘরবাসa. imprisonment, incarceration. ̃চরণn. an auspicious foot. ̃চরণেষু। to your or his auspicious feet (a form of addressing a venerable person in a letter). ̃চরণকমলn. a lotus like auspicious foot. ̃চরণকমলেষু same as ̃চরণেষু । ̃পঞ্চমীn. the fifth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Magh (মাঘ) when Goddess Saraswati is worshipped. ̃ফলn. the wood-apple. ̃বত্সn. the clockwise circle of hair on the bosom of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃বত্স লাঞ্ছনn. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃বৃদ্ধিn. increase of wealth; prosperity; advancement, improvement. ̃বৃদ্ধিলাভকরাv. to have one's wealth increased; to prosper, to thrive; to advance, to im prove. ̃বৃদ্ধিসাধন করাv. to cause to prosper or thrive; to promote prosper ity or wealth; to cause to advance, to improve. ̃ভ্রষ্টa. fallen from or bereft of prosperity; deprived of beauty or grace or glamour; dilapidated; ruined. ̃মণ্ডিতa. beautified; beautiful; grace ful. ̃মতীa. fem. of শ্রীমান।☐n. a beau tiful woman or girl; a young woman; Radha (রাধা). ̃মত্a. gracious or glori ous usu. affixed to the name of a saintly man or to that of a sacred book (শ্রীমদ্রামানুজ, শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত). ̃মন্তa. fortu nate, prosperous; wealthy, affluent. ̃মানa. beautiful, graceful, fortunate, wealthy, affluent (usu. affixed to the name of a junior person). ̃মুখn. an auspicious face. ̃যুক্ত, ̃যুত same as শ্রীমান (usu. affixed to the name of a se nior or respectable man). fem. ̃যুক্তা । ̃ল same as ̃যুক্ত (usu. affixed to the name of an especially respectable or adorable man). ̃শূন্য, ̃হীনa. deprived of grace or beauty or prosperity; ugly; wretched.

শ্রুত [ śruta ] a heard; famous, celebrated. ̃কীর্তিa. one whose deeds or feats have be come widely famous. ̃ধর, ̃লিখন, ̃লিপি, ̃লেখক same as শ্রুতিধর, শ্রুতিলিখন, শ্রুতিলিপি, শ্রুতিলেখক (see শ্রুতি).

শ্রুতি [ śruti ] n hearing; audition; the ear; hear say (জনশ্রুতি); a myth; a legend; my thology; legends collectively; the Vedas; (mus.) a subtle note that is heard at the time of changing the voice from one note to another, (cp.) a quarter-tone. ̃কটু, ̃কঠোরa. grating on ears, harsh to hear, grating, jarring; ca cophonous, cacophonic. ̃গোচরa. coming within the range of hearing, audible. ̃নাট্যn. a drama that is en joyed not by seeing it acted but by lis tening to it. ̃ধরa. capable of remem bering whatever one hears. ☐n. such a person. ̃পথn. the ear-hole; the range of hearing, earshot. ̃মধুরa. sweet to hear. ̃মূলn. the root or base of the ear. ̃লিখনn. act of writing to dicta tion; shorthand writing, stenography. ̃লিপিn. a script written to dictation or by shorthand. ̃লেখকn. a writer taking dictation; a shorthand writer, a stenog rapher. ̃সুখকরa. pleasant to hear.

শ্রেণি, শ্রেণী [ śrēṇi, śrēṇī ] n a line, a row, a range; a se ries (সংখ্যাশ্রেণি); a community, a class (ধনিকশ্রেণি); a collection, a herd, a flock, a swarm (হস্তিশ্রেণি, পিপীলিকা শ্রেণি); a school or college class, a class, a form (ষষ্ঠশ্রেণি, বি.এ. শ্রেণি); a division (তিন শ্রেণিতে বিভক্ত); (phys.) a grade. ̃ফলn. sum of series. ̃বদ্ধ, ̃বিন্যস্তa. arranged in a line or row, aligned, arrayed; (esp. in bot.) classi fied. ̃বন্ধ, ̃বিন্যাসn. alignment, arrayment; classification. ̃বন্ধ-পদ্ধতি, ̃বন্ধ-প্রণালীn. the system of alignment or arrayment or (chiefly in bot.) classi fication. ̃বন্ধসূত্রn. principles of classi fication. ̃বিভাগn. classification; divi sion into castes or communities or classes or groups. ̃ভুক্তa. included in a particular line or class.

শ্রেয় [ śrēẏa ] n good; weal; welfare; benefit; vir tue; religion; final salvation, beatitude. ☐a. good; beneficial; auspicious; proper; best, excellent; (pop.) prefer able, better, superior. ̃সীfem. of শ্রেয়ান । ̃স্করa. doing good (to), benefi cial. fem. ̃স্করী। শ্রেয়ানa. better; supe rior; more beneficial; (loos.) good, ex cellent, beneficial. শ্রেয়োলাভn. attain ment of good or virtue or final salva tion.

শ্রেষ্ঠা [ śrēṣṭhā ] a greatest; chief, principal; best, ex cellent; (pop.) greater or better, supe rior. fem. শ্রেষ্ঠা । ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. the state of being the greatest or chief or best or excellent; superiority or pre-eminence.

শ্রেষ্ঠী [ śrēṣṭhī ] n a merchant prince; a merchant; a banker; an opulent man.

শ্রোণি, শ্রোণী [ śrōṇi, śrōṇī ] n the hip, the buttocks, the loins, the posteriors.

শ্রোতব্য [ śrōtabya ] a to be heard, proper to hear.

শ্রোতা [ śrōtā ] n a hearer; a listener.

শ্রোতৃবর্গ, শ্রোতৃমণ্ডলী [ śrōtṛbarga, śrōtṛmaṇḍalī ] n the audience.

শ্রোত্র [ śrōtra ] n the ear; the Vedas.

শ্রোত্রিয় [ śrōtriẏa ] n a Brahman versed in the Vedas; a class of Brahmans who are not kulins (কুলীন); a Brahman of this class.

শ্রোত্রী [ śrōtrī ] fem of শ্রোতা।

শ্রৌত [ śrauta ] a enjoined or sanctioned in the Vedas, Vedic.

শ্লথ [ ślatha ] a loose, flaccid (শ্লথ চর্ম); dishev elled (শ্লথ করবী); blowsy (শ্লথবেশবাস); slack, loose, loosened, slackened, re laxed (শ্লথ বন্ধন); not strict, lax (শ্লথশাসন); tired, worn-out, fatigued শ্লথদেহ); slow, tardy, slowed down, re tarded (শ্লথগতি); not earnest or careful (সে পড়াশোনায় বড়োশ্লথ).

শ্লাঘনীয়, শ্লাঘ্য [ ślāghanīẏa, ślāghya ] a praiseworthy, laudable, commendable; desirable.

শ্লাঘা [ ślāghā ] n praise, laudation, commendation, eulogy; self-praise.

শ্লিষ্ট [ śliṣṭa ] a connected, joined; attached; re lated; embraced; (rhet. & gr.) contain ing a pun, equivocal. ˜প্রয়োগn. equivocation.

শ্লীপদ [ ślīpada ] n elephantiasis.

শ্লীল [ ślīla ] a courteous, polite; modest; decent. ̃তাn. courtesy, politeness; modesty; decency. শ্লীলতাহানিn. violation of mod esty, outraging the modesty (of a woman).

শ্লেষ [ ślēṣa ] n (rhet.) pun; (loos.) a ridicule hinted artfully, an irony, an insinua tion. শ্লেষকরাv. to direct an ironical re mark (at or against); to insinuate (against). শ্লেষোক্তিn. an ironical or in sinuating or quibbling remark.

শ্লেষ্মা [ ślēṣmā ] n nasal mucus, catarrh, rheum; mucus; phlegm. বুকে শ্লেষ্মা জমাv. to have congestion in one's chest. শ্লেষ্মাঝরাv. to have one's nose running. ̃ঘটিত same as শ্লৈষ্মিক। ̃প্রধানa. hav ing predominance of phlegm, phleg matic.

শ্লৈষ্মিক [ ślaiṣmika ] a mucous; catarrhal, rheumatic; phlegmatic. শৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী the mucous membrane.

শ্লোক [ ślōka ] n a couplet, a distich, a verse, a poem; fame, renown (পুণ্যশ্লোক). ̃বদ্ধশ্লোকাত্মকa. versified.

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