Sunday, April 7, 2013

র [ r ] n the twenty-seventh consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

রওনা [ rōnā ] n setting out, setting out on a journey; departure; dispatch (ডাক রওনা করেদেওয়া). রওনাহওয়াv. to set out, to set out on a journey; to depart.রওনা করানোv. to see off, to dispatch; to arrange for one's journey.

রং, রঙ [ ra, ṃraṅa ] n color, hue; dye; paint; complexion; (of playing cards) a suit or one of a suit or the trump-suit or a trump; exaggeration.রং করাv. to put color on, to paint, to color; to dye.রংচড়ানোv. to put color on, to color; to exaggerate.রং হওয়াv. to take on color, to color. ̃চংn. variegation in coloring; gaudiness. ̃চঙা, ̃চঙেa. variegated in colors; gaudy. ̃ঢংn. fun and frolics; drollery; frolicking. ̃দারsame asরংচঙা ।রংবেরং, রঙবেরঙa. variegated in colors; diverse.রঙানোv. to dye; to color; to paint, see alsoরাঙানো ।

রং মহল [ ra mmahala ] n a pleasure house; a place for entertainment; a theatre hall.

রংরুট [ raṃruṭa ] n a recruit.

রক2 [ raka2 ] n the gigantic roc bird of legends, the roc, the rok, the ruc.

রকম [ rakama ] n a variety, a sort, a kind; manner, fashion style, way; characteristic or habit (লোকটাররকমই ওই). ☐adv. nearly or approximately, about (চার আনারকমঅংশ). রকম রকম, রকমারি, রকমওয়ারিa. of or in various sorts of fashions, various; assorted; different (রকম রকমলোক, রকম রকম রুচি). রকমসকমn. pl. (usu. dero.) ways, gestures or movements; symptoms (রোগীর রকমসকম).

রক্ত [ rakta ] n blood.☐a. blood-red, sanguine, red; dyed in red; (of eyes) bloodshot or reddened; inclined or attached (বিরক্ত, অনুরক্ত). রক্ত গরমথাকাv. to retain blood heat, to be still alive; (fig.) to be still young or in vigour.রক্ত জমাট করাv. to curdle one's blood, to make one's blood freeze.রক্ত জল করাv. (lit.) to liquefy one's blood; (fig.) to work hard to the impairment of one's health.রক্ত ঝরাv. to bleed.রক্তদেওয়াv. to donate one's blood (as to a blood-bank or a sick person); to transfuse blood (to the veins of a sick person); (fig.) to shed or spill one's own blood (দেশের জন্য রক্ত দেওয়া). রক্ত নেওয়াv. (med.) to draw one's blood for bacteriological examination.রক্তপড়াv. to bleed.রক্ত বন্ধ করাv. to stop bleeding.রক্তহওয়াv. to gain blood.রক্তের অক্ষরে লেখা(fig.) a. written in blood; containing the history of a great many losses of life or a massacre. ☐v. (fig.) to shed one's own blood for.রক্তেরদামে কেনa. blood-bought.রক্তেরনেশা ।same asরক্তপিপাসা । রক্তের সম্পর্ক, রক্তেরসম্বন্ধblood-relationship.রক্ত-আঁখিsame asরক্তচক্ষু। ̃কণিকাn. a blood corpuscle.লোহিত রক্তকণিকাa red (blood) corpuscle.শ্বেত রক্তকণিকাa white (blood) corpuscle. ̃কন্দলn. the coral. ̃কমলn. the red lotus. ̃করবীn. the red oleander. ̃কাঞ্চনn. the mountain ebony. ̃কুমুদn. the red lotus. ̃ক্ষয়n. loss of blood; bloodshed; (fig.) great impairment of health and energy. ̃ক্ষয়ীa. causing or involving loss of blood; causing or involving bloodshed, sanguinary; (fig.) causing great impairment of health and energy. ̃ক্ষরণn. blood-letting, surgical drawing off of some of a patient's blood. ̃গঙ্গাn. a river of blood; a pool of blood caused by a heavy haemorrhage (মাথা কেটেরক্তগঙ্গা); a great massacre, blood-bath (দাঙ্গায় রক্তগঙ্গা). রক্ত-গরমa. easily irritable or angered, hot-blooded; hot headed, hot-brained. ̃চক্ষুn. blood shot eye(s); an angry look. ☐a. having reddish eyes; bloody-eyed. ̃চন্দনn. the red sandalwood. ̃চাপn. blood pressure. ̃চোষাa. blood-sucking. ☐n. a deadly blood-sucking lizard; (fig.) an exorbitant extortioner; a bloodsucker, a vampire. ̃চোষা বাদুড়the vampire-bat. ̃জবাn. the red chinarose. ̃জিহ্বa. having a ruddy or bloodred tongue. ̃তঞ্চনn. clotting or congealing of blood. ̃দানn. donation of one's blood (as to a blood-bank or a sick person); blood-transfusion; (fig.) act of shed ding one's own blood, blood-sacrifice. ̃দুষ্টি, ̃দোষn. blood-poisoning, pyaemia. ̃নদীsame as রক্তগঙ্গা। ̃নয়নsame as রক্তচক্ষু । ̃নিশানn. a red flag. রক্তপa. blood-sucking. ̃পদ্মn. the red lotus. ̃পাতn. bloodshed; haemorrhage. রক্তপাত করাv. to shed or spill blood. রক্তপাত হওয়াv. to bleed. ̃পাতহীনa. bloodless; without blood shed. রক্ত পান করাv. to suck or drink (another's) blood; (fig.) to extort exorbitantly. ̃পায়ীa. bloodsucking. রক্তপায়ীবাদুড়the vampire-bat. ̃পিণ্ডn. a lump of clotted or congealed blood; (fig.) an embryo. ̃পিত্তn. (med.) haemorrhage from the liver. ̃পিপাসাn. thirst for blood. ̃পিপাসুa. bloodthirsty. ̃প্রদরn. (med.) a kind of leucorrhoea causing haemorrhage. ̃বত্n. blood-like; blood-red. ̃বমনn. blood-vomiting; (med.) haematemesis. রক্তবমন করাv. to vomit blood. ̃বর্ণa. blood-red; ruddy; crimson. ☐n. blood-red-colour; crimson colour. ̃বসনn. red-coloured or crimson-coloured cloth. ☐a. wearing a red coloured or crimson-coloured cloth. fem. a. রক্তবসনা । রক্তবসনা নারীa woman in red or crimson. ̃বাহn. a blood-vessel; a vein. ̃বাহীa. blood carrying. ̃বিকারsame as রক্তদুষ্টি । ̃বিন্দুn. a drop of blood. ̃বীজn. (myth.) a demon each drop of whose blood, as soon as it fell to the ground, would in stantly create a new demon equal to him; the pomegranate. রক্তবীজের ঝাড়(fig. & dero.) a family or collection which cannot be thoroughly exterminated. ˜ব়ৃদ্ধিn. increase of blood in the body. ̃বেগুনি, ̃বেগনিa. & n. violet, purple. ˜ভাণ্ডারn. a blood-bank. ̃মস্তুn. plasma; serum. ̃মাংসn. flesh and blood composing one's body; flesh and blood. রক্তমাংসেরশরীরthe human body or the mortal frame (which is susceptible to pain). রক্তমাংসের সম্পর্কblood-relationship. ̃মোক্ষকa. blood-letting. ̃মোক্ষণn. blood-letting. রক্তমোক্ষণ করাv. to bleed (as a patient), to let another's blood. ̃র়ঞ্জিতa. blood stained; dyed in red. ̃রসn. plasma. ̃রাগn. a crimson glow or colour. ̃রাগমণিn. the onyx. ̃রেখাn. a streak of blood; a streak of crimson light or colour. ̃লোচনsame as রক্তচক্ষু । ̃শূন্যsame as রক্তহীন । ̃শোধকa. purifying or rectifying blood. ̃শোষকsame as রক্তচোষা। রক্তশোষণ করাv. to suck another's blood; (fig.) to extort exorbitantly. ̃সংবহন, ̃সঞ্চলন, ̃সঞ্চালনn. circulation of blood. ̃সঞ্চারn. blood transfusion. ̃স্নানn. (fig.) a great massacre, blood-bath. ̃স্রাবn. haemorrhage. ̃স্রোতn. a stream or flow of blood. ̃হীনa. bloodless; anaemic; pale. ̃হীনতাn. bloodlessness; anaemia; paleness. রক্তাক্তa. smeared with blood; blood-stained (রক্তাক্ত বসন); bleeding (রক্তাক্ত দেহ); dyed or painted in crimson, crimson (রক্তাক্ত আকাশ). রক্ততিসারn. blood-dysentery; bacillary dysentery; the bloody flux. রক্তাধিক্যn. (med.) plethora. রক্তাভa. having a crimson glow, crimson; ruddy. রক্তাভাবn. blood-starvation. রক্তাম্বর same as রক্তবসন ।রক্তারক্তিn. profuse bloodshed; mutual bloodshed; profuse haemorrhage. রক্তাল্পতাn. anaemia. রক্তিমa. reddish; crimson, blood-red, ruddy; reddened; flushed (e. g. flushed cheeks). রক্তিমাn. redness; red or crimson glow; ruddiness or a flush. রক্তোত্পলn. the red lotus. রক্তোপলn. ochre, red chalk.

রক্ষক [ rakṣaka ] n a protector; a defender; a guard, a guardsman; a guardian; a rescuer, a saviour; a preserver; a caretaker, a keeper; a maintainer; a depositor; a custodian.

রক্ষণ [ rakṣaṇa ] n same as রক্ষা (n.). ☐a. (used as a sfx.) protecting, defending, guarding (রাক্ষসকুলরক্ষণ). ̃শীলa. obscurantist; conservative. রক্ষণাবেক্ষণn. supervision; care, custody, guarding. রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করাv. to look after, to take care of; to su pervise; to guard. রক্ষণাবেক্ষণাধীনa. in one's care or custody, under one's tute lage or guardianship. রক্ষণীয়a. that which is to be or can be protected or defended or guarded or rescued or preserved or observed or taken care of or maintained or deposited. fem. রক্ষণীয়া।

রক্ষা [ rakṣā ] n protection; defence; guarding; rescue, saving; preservation; observance, act of abiding by; act of taking care of, keeping; maintenance, upkeep, retention; depositing. ☐v. poet. form of রক্ষাকরা ।রক্ষা করাv. to protect; to defend; to guard; to rescue; to save; to preserve; to observe, to keep; to look after, to take care of, to keep, to tend; to maintain, to keep up, to retain; to deposit. প্রতিজ্ঞা রক্ষা করা to keep or ful fil one's promise. রক্ষা নেই no escape. ̃কবচn. an amulet believed to have occult power to safeguard the wearer; safeguard (সংখ্যালঘুদের জন্য রক্ষাকবচ). ̃কর্তাn. same as রক্ষক ।fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃কালীn. a manifestation of Goddess Kali (কালী).

রক্ষিগৃহ [ rakṣigṛha ] n a guard-room.

রক্ষিণী [ rakṣiṇī ] fem of রক্ষী।

রক্ষিত [ rakṣita ] a protected; defended; guarded; rescued, preserved; observed; taken care of; tended; maintained, kept up; deposited. রক্ষিতাfem. of রক্ষিত ।☐n. a kept woman; a mistress, a concubine.

রক্ষী [ rakṣī ] n a guard, a guardsman.

রক্ষীবর্গ, রক্ষীসৈন্য [ rakṣībarga, rakṣīsainya ] n the defence army; household troops, guards.

রক্ষোরাজ [ rakṣōrāja ] n a king of rakshasas.

রগ [ raga ] n the flat portion of either side of the head above the cheekbone, the temple. রগটিপ টিপকরাv. to have a morbid throbbing of temples. রগঘেঁসে grazing the temple. ̃চটাa. a quick-tempered.

রগড় [ ragaḍ় ] n fun; a practical joke; drollery. রগড় করাv. to make fun (of); to play a practical joke. রগড় দেখাv. to see or enjoy fun; (fig.) to take delight in another's trouble, misfortune etc.

রগড়ানো [ ragaḍ়ānō ] v to rub; to massage; to curry; to chafe, to fret.

রগড়ারগড়ি [ ragaḍ়āragaḍ়i ] n mutual or repeated rubbing or currying or chafing or fretting or importunating or higgling.

রগরগে [ ragaragē ] a (of colour) bright; too deep and bright red.

রগুড়ে, রগড়িয়া [ raguḍ়ē, ragaḍ়iẏā ] a given to making fun or playing jokes; given to drollery, drollish; funny, jocular, droll.

রঘু [ raghu ] n a great mythological king. ̃কুলn. the dynasty or line of King Raghu (রঘু). ̃কুলপতি, ̃নাথ, ̃পতিn. a patriarch or king of the line of Raghu (রঘু). ̃নন্দনn. a descendant of Raghu (রঘু). ̃বংশ same as রঘুকুল । ̃বরn. the bestman of the line of Raghu (রঘু). ̃মণিn. the jewel of the line of Raghu (রঘু).

রঙিন [ raṅina ] a coloured; dyed; dapple, varie gated; colourful.

রঙ্কু [ raṅku ] n a kind of deer.

রঙ্গ [ raṅga ] n fun; drollery; a practical joke, jest, banter; frolic; an entertaining show. রঙ্গকরাv. to poke fun at; to make fun (of), to make a song (of); to stage a comic show; to droll. রঙ্গ দেখাv. to see or enjoy fun; (fig.) to take de light in another's trouble, misfortune etc. রঙ্গ দেখানোv. to give an entertaining show; (fig.) to make one suffer for, to make one pay for, to punish deservedly, to pay one off.

রঙ্গক [ raṅgaka ] n a pigment.

রঙ্গচিত্র [ raṅgacitra ] n a cartoon.

রঙ্গন [ raṅgana ] n painting; the ixora.

রঙ্গপ্রিয় [ raṅgapriẏa ] a fond of making fun or cracking jokes, jocular; given to drollery, drollish; fond of fun and frolics, frolicsome.

রঙ্গভুমি [ raṅgabhumi ] n a battlefield; a place of public contest, an arena; a wrestling ground; a theatre.

রঙ্গমঞ্চ [ raṅgamañca ] n the stage.

রঙ্গরস [ raṅgarasa ] n fun and frolics; wit and humour.

রঙ্গশালা [ raṅgaśālā ] n a theatre.

-রঙ্গা [ -raṅgā ] sfx indicating: possession of a colour or colours (তেরঙ্গা).

রঙ্গালয় [ raṅgālaẏa ] n a theatre.

রঙ্গিণী [ raṅgiṇī ] a. fem jocular; gay, frolicsome; sportive; taking frenzied delight in (রণরঙ্গিণী); (loos.) wanton.

রঙ্গিলা2 [ raṅgilā2 ] a. fem coloured; dyed; dappled, variegated; red (রঙ্গিলা শাড়ি); brown (রঙ্গিলা গাই).

রচন [ racana ] n building; formation; creation; making; composition.

রচনা [ racanā ] n building, construction; formation; creation; making; composition; a literary composition; an essay. রচনা করাv. to build, to construct; to form; to create; to make; to compose, to write (প্রবন্ধবা পুস্তক রচনা করা).কেশ-রচনাn. hairdo. কেশরচনাকরাv. to do up or dress one's hair. ̃কৌশলn. method or style of building or making or of composition. নৈপুণ্যn. skill in building or making or in composition. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী same as ̃কৌশল । ̃শৈলীn. style (esp. literary style). ̃বলিn. writings, literary or other works; collected writings. ̃ভঙ্গি, ̃রীতি same as ̃কৌশল ।

রচয়িতা [ racaẏitā ] n a builder, a constructor; a creator, a maker; a composer; an author, a writer. fem. রচয়িত্রি ।

রচিত [ racita ] a built; created; made; composed; written.

রজ, রজঃ [ raja, rajḥ ] n dust; (bot.) pollen; the men strual flow; (phil. & theol.) the second of the three natural qualities of creatures, the quality characterized by activeness and spiritedness (usu. রজোগুণ).

রজক [ rajaka ] n a washerman. fem. রজকী, রজকিনী a washer-woman.

রজত [ rajata ] n silver. ̃কান্তিa. as beautifully white as silver. রজত-জয়ন্তী see জয়ন্তী । ̃ধবল, ̃শুভ্রa. silver-white. ̃বর্ণa. silver-coloured, silvery. ̃মুদ্রাn. a silver coin. ̃মূল্যn. price paid in silver coins. রজতাঙ্গুরীয়n. a silver-ring.

রজন [ rajana ] n rosin; resin; gamboge.

রজনী [ rajanī ] n the night. ̃কান্ত, ̃নাথn. the moon. ̃গন্ধাn. the tuberose. ̃যোগেadv. at night, by night.

রজস্বলা [ rajasbalā ] a. fem in menses.

রজোদর্শন [ rajōdarśana ] n the first appearance of menses.

রজোবন্ধ [ rajōbandha ] n menopause; cessation of menses; change of life.

রজ্জু [ rajju ] n rope, cord, string, cable. ̃পথn. a ropeway. ̃বদ্ধa. fastened with a rope, roped, corded, stringed. ̃ভ্রমn. the fallacy of mistaking (snakes etc.) for a rope.

রঞ্জক1 [ rañjaka1 ] n gunpowder. ̃ঘরn. the maga zine of a gun; a touch-hole.

রঞ্জক2 [ rañjaka2 ] a used in dyeing or colouring; pleasing, gratifying, delightful. ☐n. a dye, a paint, a colouring substance; a dyer. ̃দ্রব্য, ̃পদার্থn. a dye, a paint, a colouring substance; a pigment.

রঞ্জন [ rañjana ] n dyeing; colouring, colouration; pleasing or entertaining, gratification. ☐a. entertaining, pleasing, gratifying (মনোরঞ্জন). ̃প্রণালীn. the process of dyeing or colouring. ̃বিদ্যাn. art of dyeing or colouring; art of pleasing.

রঞ্জনরশ্মি [ rañjanaraśmi ] n Rontgen rays; X-rays.

রঞ্জনী [ rañjanī ] a. fem of রঞ্জন(a.)

রঞ্জা [ rañjā ] v (poet.) to dye; to colour; to please.

রঞ্জিকা [ rañjikā ] fem of রঞ্জক2।

রঞ্জিত [ rañjita ] a dyed; coloured; entertained. রঞ্জিত করাv. to dye; to colour.

রটন, রটনা [ raṭana, raṭanā ] n circulation of a report, rumour, etc.; publicity; announcement; a scandalous report. রটনা করাv. to circulate, to give publicity to; to announce.

রটা [ raṭā ] v to be in circulation, to circulate; to be made public. রটানোv. to circulate; to make public. যা রটে তার কিছু বটে(fig.) there is some truth in a rumour. রটিতa. circulated, made public, noised abroad, reported.

রড [ raḍa ] n a rod (esp. one of metal).

রড় [ raḍ় ] n (obs.) a run to flee. রড় দেওয়াv. to start off running to flee, to be on the run, to bolt away.

রণ [ raṇa ] n a war, a battle, a fight, a combat; a noise, a sound. ̃কামীa. desiring to fight; belligerent; militant. ̃কুঠারn. a battle-axe. ̃কুশল, ̃কৌশল, ̃ক্ষেত্রsame as যুদ্ধকুশল, যুদ্ধকৌশলand যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রrespectively. ̃চন্ডীsee চন্ডী । ̃চাতুর্যn. planning and skilful movement of troops in a battle, efficient manoevring of army etc. ̃জয়, ̃জয়ীsame as যুদ্ধজয়and যুদ্ধজয়ীrespectively. ̃জিত্a. ever victorious in battles. ̃ঢক্কাsame as ̃ভেরী । ̃তরিsame as যুদ্ধজাহাজ । ̃নn. act of making sounds; twanging (as of a bow); tingling (as of a stringed instrument). ̃নাদn. a war cry. ̃নিপুণsame as যুদ্ধকুশল । ̃নীতিn. the art of planning an operation in war, war strategy or tactics. ̃নৃত্যn. a war dance. ̃নৈপুণ্যn. skill in war or warfare or fighting. ̃পান্ডিত্যsame as ̃নৈপুণ্য । ̃পোতsame as ̃তরি । ̃প্রিয়a. fond of fighting or war; belligerent. ̃বাদ্যn. war-music; military band. ̃বেশn. fighting attire; military dress; (fig.) belligerent approach. ̃ভূমিn. a battlefield. ̃ভেরীn. a war-drum, a kettledrum. ̃মত্তsame as যুদ্ধন্মত্ত। ̃যাত্রাsame as যুদ্ধযাত্রা । ̃রঙ্গিণীa. fem. taking delight in fighting ☐n. fem. a woman fond of war or fighting. ̃রণ, ̃রণিn. a twang (as of a bow); a tingling sound (as of a stringed instrument). রণরণ করাv. to twang; to tingle. ̃সজ্জা, ̃সাজ same as যুদ্ধসজ্জা। ̃স্হল, রণাঙ্গনn. a battlefield. ̃হুঙ্কারn. war cry, battle cry. রণিতa. sounded; resounded; twanged; tingled, tingling. রণিতকরা, রণিত হওয়াv. to sound; to resound; to twang; to tingle. রণে ভঙ্গদেওয়াv. to retreat or flee from the battlefield; to cease fighting; to acknowledge defeat and retreat. রণোন্মাদনাn. extreme love of war, warmongering; a passion for war.

রত [ rata ] a engaged in, employed in (পাঠরত); devoted to, attached to, addicted to (ভোগরত).

রতি1 [ rati1 ] n the smallest measure of weight in India (=1.875 grains); (fig.) a very small amount.

রতি2 [ rati2 ] n the wife and consort of the Hindu love-god; sexual intercourse, copulation (also রতিক্রিয়া); (fig.) love, attachment; (rhet.) intent absorption of the mind.

রত্ন [ ratna ] n a jewel, a gem; (fig.) the best specimen of a class (কন্যারত্ন). ̃খচিতa. studded or inlaid with a gem or gems. ̃গর্ভa. impregnated with gems. ̃গর্ভাa. fem. (often sarcas.) giving birth to excellent children. ̃জীবীn. a jeweller; a lapidary. ̃দ্বীপn. the coral island; treasure island. ̃প্রসবিনী, ̃প্রসবিত্রী, ̃প্রসূa. fem. yielding gems; impregnated with gems; (fig.) giving birth to excellent children. ̃বণিকn. a dealer in gems or jewellery, a jeweller. ̃ভান্ডারn. a treasure of jewels. ̃মন্ডিতa. bedecked with jewels, bejewelled. ̃ময়a. made of gems; gemmy. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রাজিn. gems, jewels; jewellery. ̃সিংহাসনn. throne studded or bedecked with jewels. রত্নাকরn. a mine or quarry of gems; the sea, the ocean. রত্নাবলিn. gems, jewels; a jewel necklace. রত্নাভরণ, রত্নালংকারn. a jewel ornament.

রথ [ ratha ] n a chariot; the chariot of Jagannatha; the festival of Jagannatha going in a chariot for a sea-bath; a car, a carriage, a vehicle. রথ টানাv. to draw the chariot of Jagannatha (by his devotees on the occasion of his going for a sea-bath). রথ দেখা ও কলা বেচা (fig.) to kill two birds with one stone. রথেরমেলা a fair held on the occasion of the festival of Jagannatha going in a chariot for a sea-bath. ̃চক্রn. a wheel of a chariot or (rare) of a carriage. ̃চালক, ̃বাহকn. a charioteer; (rare) a car-driver, a carman. ̃যাত্রাn. the Hindu festival of Jagannatha going in a chariot for a sea-bath. রথাঙ্গ same as ̃চক্র । রথারূঢ়a. riding in or mounted on a chariot or any vehicle; charioted. fem. রথারূঢ়া ।রথারোহন করাv. to board a chariot or any vehicle. রথারোহীa. riding in a chariot or any vehicle. ☐n. a charioteer; a rider or passenger of any vehicle. fem. রথারোহিণী। রথীn. a charioteer; (hist.) a famous hero who fights riding in a chariot; a (famous or valorous) warrior; (fig.) a hero.

রথো [ rathō ] a trashy (রথোমাল); good-for-nothing, worthless (রথো লোক).

রদ1 [ rada1 ] a nullified, revoked, repealed, stayed. ☐n. nullification, revocation. repeal (আইনরদ); stay (নিলামরদ). রদকরাv. to nullify, to revoke, to repeal, to stay. রদের হুকুম stay order.

রদ2, রদন [ rada2, radana ] n a tooth.

রদবদল [ radabadala ] n additions and alterations; a reshuffle (মন্ত্রিসভার রদবদল).

রদ্দা [ raddā ] n a stroke with the arm on the nape of another's neck. রদ্দা দেওয়া, রদ্দা মারাv. to strike the nape of another's neck with one's arm.

রদ্দি [ raddi ] a trashy (রদ্দিমাল = rotten stuff); worthless, good-for-nothing (রদ্দিলোক).

রন্ধন, রন্ধনকার্য, রন্ধনক্রিয়া [ randhana, randhanakārya, randhanakriẏā ] n cooking; cook ery. রন্ধনকরাv. to cook. রন্ধনগৃহ, রন্ধনশালা, রন্ধনাগারn. a cookhouse, a kitchen. রন্ধনপাত্রn. a cooking utensil.

রন্ধিত [ randhita ] a cooked; (rare) dressed.

রন্ধ্র [ randhra ] n a hole; a pore, a cavity; a bore (as of a gun); a fault, an offence; an opening caused by a failing; (astrol.) the eighth house of the zodiac. ̃কn. a borer. ̃ক্যামেরাn. a pin-hole camera. ̃গতa. entered into the hole. ̃গতশনি (astrol.) location of the Saturn in the eighth zodiacal house of one's horoscope causing one's destruction. রন্ধ্রীয়a. porous.

রপ্ত [ rapta ] a habituated, accustomed; acclimatized; thoroughly learnt or mastered. রপ্তকরাv. to be habituated or accustomed to; to be acclimatized to; to learn thoroughly. রপ্তে রপ্তেadv. gradually, slowly, by degrees.

রপ্তানি [ raptāni ] n export. ☐a. exported. রপ্তানি করাv. to export. রপ্তানিবাণিজ্যn. export trade; foreign trade. রপ্তানিশুল্কn. export duty.

রফা [ raphā ] n an amicable settlement, compromise; destruction (দফা-রফা). রফা করাv. to come to terms with, to make a compromise; to settle amicably. ̃নামাn. a deed of compromise.

রব [ raba ] n a sound, a noise; a rumour. রবউঠেছে a rumour is in the air, there is a rumour. রব করাv. to make a noise.

রবরবা [ rabarabā ] n height of power and prestige.

রবাব [ rabāba ] n a stringed musical instrument akin to the vina.

রবার [ rabāra ] n india-rubber.

রবাহুত [ rabāhuta ] a one who has come uninvited at a feast on hearing a report of it; one who has come uninvited (and is unwelcome).

রবি [ rabi ] n the sun; the sungod. ̃করn. sunray, sunbeam; sunlight, sunshine. ̃করোজ্জ্বলa. brightened with sunrays; sunshiny, sunny. ̃খন্দn. the spring crop (namely, wheat, barley etc.). ̃চ্ছবিn. sun's radiance. ̃বর্ষn. the solar year. ̃বার, ̃বাসরn. Sunday. ̃মন্ডলn. the orb of the sun. ̃মার্গn. the ecliptic. ̃রশ্মি same as ̃কর । ̃শস্যn. rabicrop (harvested in spring).

রবিউল-আউয়ল [ rabiula-āuẏala ] n the third month of the Muslim calendar.

রবীন্দ্রসংগীত [ rabīndrasaṅgīta ] n the song composed by Rabindranath Tagore, Tagore song.

রভস [ rabhasa ] n a strong upsurge of emotion; deep sorrow of grief; great delight, hilarity.

রমজান [ ramajāna ] n the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, Ramad(h)an.

রমণ [ ramaṇa ] n sport; enjoyment; amorous dalliance; sexual intercourse, coition; a lover or husband (রাধারমণ). রমণ করাv. to indulge in sports or enjoyment; to dally amorously; to have sexual intercourse with.

রমণী [ ramaṇī ] n a beautiful woman; a woman; a wife. ̃মোহনপুরুষ a lady-killer; a man who captures the fancy of a woman or casts a magic spell on her. ̃রত্নn. a jewel of a woman, an ideal woman. ̃সুলভa. womanly, feminine. ̃সুলভলাবণ্য feminine grace, womanly grace or beauty.

রমণীয় [ ramaṇīẏa ] a delightful; beautiful, pleasant.

রমরমা [ ramaramā ] n abundance, plenty; affluence; pomp, éclat, splendour. ☐a. affluent, plentiful; bountiful (রমরমা ব্যাবসা).

রমা2 [ ramā2 ] n. fem Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী); a lady-love, a sweetheart; a beautiful woman. ̃কান্ত, ̃নাথ, ̃পতি, রমেশn. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু), the husband of Goddess Lakshmi.

রমিত [ ramita ] a sexually enjoyed; dallied (esp. amorously); sported with; made pleasant. fem. রমিতা ।

রম্বস [ rambasa ] n (geom.) a rhombus.

রম্ভা [ rambhā ] n (myth.) one of the nymphs of Paradise; the banana, the plantain; the banana-tree.

রম্ভোরু [ rambhōru ] n a woman having thighs as well shaped as banana-trees.

রয়ানি [ raẏāni ] n the singing of the mythological story of Manasa (মনসা).

রলা [ ralā ] n a cylindrical piece of a treestump.

রশারশি [ raśāraśi ] n strings of various sizes taken collectively, cordage.

রশি [ raśi ] n cord, rope.

রশুন [ raśuna ] n garlic.

রশ্মি [ raśmi ] n a ray, a beam; a cord, a string, a rope; a bridle; eyelash. নভোরশ্মি, মহাজাগতিক রশ্মি cosmic rays. ̃গুচ্ছn. a bundle of rays. রশ্মীয়a. radial. রশ্মীয়কেন্দ্র (phys.) the optical centre.

রস [ rasa ] n savour, flavour, taste; a liquid solution of anything hard (চিনির রস); a syrup; juice; exudation (খেজুররস); morbid exudation (ঘায়ের রস); sap (রসহীন কাঠ); essence (অন্ন রস); lymph or mucus or phlegm (দেহে রসাধিক্য); semen; (poet.) strong attachment or love; (rhet.) sentiment expressed or flavour contained in a writing (শৃঙ্গাররস); (Vaishnavism) a way of worship (বাত্সল্যরস); inner or true significance, purport (কাব্যরস); charm; interest; sense of humour (লোকটি রসহীন); fun, banter, wit and humour; delight, hilarity, enjoyment, pleasure (রসে মাতা); (sl.) vanity or audacity; monetary resources, money; quicksilver, mercury. রসকরাv. to make fun (of); to banter; to make a liquid solution of. রস নামাv. to become swollen with drospy. রসপাওয়াv. to find interest in. রসফুরানোv. to run out of funds. রস হওয়াv. to be come juicy; (sl.) to become vain or audacious. ̃করাn. a sweet and juicy drop made of the kernel of coconut. ̃কর্পুরn. mercury perchloride. ̃কলিn. a streak of mud painted on the bridge of the nose by a Vaishnava. ̃কস, ̃কষn. charm and sweetness. ̃কসহীনa. dry and outspoken (রসকসহীন কথাবার্তা); bald (রসকসহীন রচনা). ̃গর্ভ same as রসাত্মক । ̃গোল্লাn. a sweet and juicy drop made of posset and farina. ̃গ্রহণn. appreciation. রসগ্রহণ করাv. to taste; (rhet.) to appreciate the flavour of. ̃গ্রাহীa. capable of appreciation, appreciative; receptive. ̃ঘনn. (rhet.) flavoury; full of concentrated flavour. ̃জ্ঞa. appreciative of the inner or true significance, capable of appreciation; well-versed in, having connoisseurship in, aufait. fem. ̃জ্ঞা । রসজ্ঞ ব্যক্তি one capable of appreciation; a connoisseur. ̃জ্ঞানn. capability of appreciation; sense of humour. ̃পূর্ণa. juicy, succulent; sapful, sappy; full of wit and humour. ̃বড়াn. a sweet and juicy drop made of pulped pigeon-pea. ̃বতীa. fem. full of wit and humour, intelligent and witty. ̃বাতn. rheumatic affection in the joints attended with swelling. ̃বেত্তা same as ̃জ্ঞ । ̃বোধ same as ̃জ্ঞান । ̃ভঙ্গn. interruption of a spicy topic; interruption of enjoyment (usu. by coarseness). ̃ময় a. juicy; full of wit and humour; full of flavour. fem. ̃ময়ী। ̃রচনাn. witty or humorous writing. ̃রাজn. the most witty and humorous man; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); stibnite; antimony; quicksilver, mercury. ̃শালাn. a chemical laboratory or workshop. ̃শাস্ত্রn. poetics. ̃সিন্দূরn. cinnabar. ̃স্হa. stricken with excess of phlegm or lymph or mucus. ̃স্ফীতa. (bot.) turgid. ̃স্ফীতিn. (bot.) turgidity, turgescence. ̃স্রাবn. (bot.) exudation. ̃হীনa. sapless; dry; dull; uninteresting.

রসদ [ rasada ] n provisions, rations (esp. of an army); food; (fig.) means or monetary resources (স্ফুর্তিররসদ).

রসনা1 [ rasanā1 ] n the tonuge; the palate. রসনাগ্রn. the tip of the tongue.

রসনা2 [ rasanā2 ] n an ornament worn round the waist; girdle.

রসনেন্দ্রিয় [ rasanēndriẏa ] n the sense-organ of taste, taste; (loos.) the tongue.

রসা [ rasā ] a juicy, succulent (রসা কাঁঠাল); slightly putrefied or rotten or decomposed (রসামাছ). ☐n. gravy (of meat or fish). ☐v. to become juicy or sappy; to soften (মাটি রসেছে); to be stricken with excess of lymph or phlegm in the body (চোখ-মুখ রসেছে); to become slightly putrefied or rotten.

রসাঞ্জন [ rasāñjana ] n stibnite; antimony; regulus.

রসাতল [ rasātala ] n (myth.) the lowest of the seven underworlds. রসাতলে দেওয়াv. (fig.) to ruin or destroy utterly. রসাতলে যাওয়াv. (fig.) to be ruined or destroyed utterly.

রসাত্মক [ rasātmaka ] a (rare) juicy; sappy; humorous, witty; (rhet.) flavoury.

রসাধিক্য [ rasādhikya ] n (morbid) excess of phlegm or lymph or mucus in the body.

রসান [ rasāna ] n a polishing stone, a stone for rubbing gold etc; (fig.) a spicy or pert remark.

রসানো [ rasānō ] v to make juicy; to wet; (fig.) to make interesting by adding spicy or savoury comments (রসিয়ে বলা); (fig.) to make deep appeal to or to steep in sentiment (মন রসানো). ☐n. act of steeping in juice; wetting; act of polishing gold etc.

রসাভাস [ rasābhāsa ] n (rhet.) a defect characterized by semblance of flavours or introduction of opposed flavour.

রসায়ন [ rasāẏana ] n a medicine prolonging life and curing disease, an elixir; chemistry. ̃বিদa. versed in chemistry. ☐n. one versed in chemistry, an expert in chemistry; a chemist. ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্রn. chemistry. রসায়নাগারn. a chemical laboratory. রসায়নীa. pertaining to chemistry (রসায়নী বিদ্যা); versed in chemistry.

রসাল [ rasāla ] n the mango tree or its fruit.

রসালাপ [ rasālāpa ] n a humorous or witty or amorous conversation. রসালাপ করাv. to be engaged in humorous or witty or amorous conversation.

রসালো [ rasālō ] a juicy, succulent; tasteful, delicious; sappy; humorous, witty; entertaining (রসালোআলাপ); (rhet.) savoury (রসালো লেখা).

রসিক [ rasika ] a capable of comprehending the inner or true significance or the flavour (of), appreciative (কাব্যরসিক); versed in the art of love-making (রসিকনাগর); witty, humorous; jocose (রসিকলোক). fem. রসিকা। ̃তাn. a humorous or amorous frolic; a joke, a jest.

রসিদ [ rasida ] n a receipt. রসিদকাটাv. to write out a receipt.

রসুই [ rasui ] n cooking. রসুইকরাv. to cook. ̃ঘরn. a kitchen. ̃য়ে same as রসুয়ে ।

রসুন1 [ rasuna1 ] n garlic.

রসুন2 [ rasuna2 ] v. imper please wait or stop.

রসুয়ে [ rasuẏē ] a employed in cooking profes sionally. রসুয়ে-বামুন a brahmin cook.

রসুল [ rasula ] n (Mus.) a prophet.

রসেন্দ্র [ rasēndra ] n mercury.

রসোত্তীর্ণ [ rasōttīrṇa ] a (rhet.) having the intended flavour effectively established; acceptable as a work of art.

রসোদ্গার [ rasōdgāra ] n (Vaishnava lit.) recollection of the flavour of a union.

রহমত [ rahamata ] n (Mus.) mercy, grace, kindness, benignancy.

রহমান [ rahamāna ] a (Mus.) merciful, graceful, kind, benignant.

রহস্য [ rahasya ] n a mystery; a secret; a riddle; pleasantry, a joke; fun. রহস্য করাv. to make fun; to joke; to poke fun at, to crack a joke at. রহস্যকরে, রহস্যচ্ছলেadv. by way of joke; jokingly. রহস্যভেদকরাv. to discover or solve a mystery, to puzzle out a mystery; to probe; to find out or expose a secret. ̃ভেদীa. (capable of or engaged in) discovering or solving a mystery; (loos.) capable of discovering the mysteries of crimes and detecting criminals. ̃ময়a. mysterious; occult; secret; hard to comprehend. রহস্যাবৃতa. veiled or shrouded in mystery; mysterious; occult; secret. রহস্যালাপn. confidential talk; secret conference; humorous or witty or amorous conversation; a joke. রহস্যালাপ করাv. to talk confidentially; to confer secretly; to be engaged in a humorous or witty or amorous conversation; to joke. রহস্যোদ্ঘাটন same as ̃ভেদ ।

রহিত [ rahita ] a lacking in, devoid of, destitute of (কান্ডজ্ঞানরহিত); repealed, with drawn, abolished; stayed, held over, postponed; stopped, discontinued. রহিতকরাv. to repeal, to withdraw, to abol ish, to annul, to abrogate, to revoke (আইন রহিত করা); to stay, to hold over, to postpone (নিলাম রহিতকরা); to stop, to discontinue (প্রথারহিত করা).

-রা1 [ -rā1 ] sfx indicating plurality, -s or -es (ছেলেরা).

রা2 [ rā2 ] n a word or sound of the mouth, an utterance. রা করা, রা কাড়া, রাসরাv. to make a (or any) sound by the mouth; to utter a (or any) word; to respond. সাত চড়ে রা না করা not to utter a word or complain or protest even when repeatedly slapped or hit.

রাই1 [ rāi1 ] n mustard.

রাইকিশোরী [ rāikiśōrī ] n young Radhika (রাধিকা).

রাইসরিষা [ rāisariṣā ] n rapeseed; mustard.

রাইফেল [ rāiphēla ] n a rifle.

রাং1 [ rā1 ] n a shank of any animal taken as food; the hough, the ham.

রাং2 [ rā2 ] n tin.

রাংচিতা [ rāñcitā ] n lead-wort.

রাংঝাল [ rāñjhāla ] n soldering with tin and lead, solder. রাংঝাল করাv. to solder with tin and lead, to solder.

রাংতা [ rāntā ] n tinsel, tinfoil.

রাংমিস্ত্রি [ rāmmistri ] n a tinker.

রাঁড় [ rān̐ḍ় ] a a widow; a prostitute; a concubine. রাঁড়ের বাড়ি a brothel.

রাঁড়া [ rān̐ḍ়ā ] n an unproductive or barren tree.

রাঁড়ি [ rān̐ḍ়i ] n (vulg.) a widow.

রাঁধনি1 [ rān̐dhani1 ] n a variety of parsley.

রাঁধনি2, রাঁধুনি [ rān̐dhani2, rān̐dhuni ] n. fem (also masc.) a (professional) cook. রাঁধুনি বামুন a Brahmin cook.

রাঁধা [ rān̐dhā ] v to cook. ☐a. cooked. ☐n. cook ing. রাঁধানোv. to cause to cook or be cooked. রাঁধাবাড়াn. cooking and serving at table.

রাকা [ rākā ] n the full moon setting in the small hours of the morning (usu. রাকাশশী); the night of such a fullmoon.

রাক্ষস [ rākṣasa ] n (myth.) one of a non-Aryan an thropophagous race of India, a rakshas(a); a cannibal; (facet.) a glutton. রাক্ষস-বিবাহn. a system of marriage in which the bridegroom abducts the bride or marries her by force. রাক্ষসীn. fem. of রাক্ষস।☐a. relating to rakshasas (রাক্ষসী মায়া). রাক্ষসীবেলা. the terminal ⅕th part of the daytime. রাক্ষুসেa. of or like a rakshas; monstrously severe or great (রাক্ষুসেখিদে); huge, gigantic, monstrous (রাক্ষুসে মুলো).

রাখা [ rākhā ] v to place, to lay, to keep; to shelter; to protect, to guard; to preserve; to save; to rescue; to put into; to deposit; to keep for sale (এ দোকানে খারাপমালরাখে না); to maintain or grow on one's person (টিকি রাখা); to keep up, to maintain (ঠাট রাখা); to pawn or receive as a pawn (গয়না রেখেটাকা নেওয়া বাদেওয়া); to engage, to employ (চাকররাখা); to rear or tame (গরু রাখা, কুকুররাখা); to look after, to tend, to herd (দুজন রাখাল ঘোষেদের গোরু রাখে); to adopt (বন্ধ্যা নারীটি একটি ছেলে রেখেছে); to maintain for one's enjoyment, to keep (বেশ্যা রাখা); to set apart (অতিথিরজন্য খাবার রাখা); to store (বছরের খোরাকরাখা); to put by, to set by, to lay by (টাকা রাখা); to refrain from mentioning or uttering (তার কথা রাখো-ঢেরশুনেছি); to heed, to pay heed to, to obey, to comply with (অনুরোধ রাখা); to fulfil, to observe (প্রতিশ্রুতিরাখা); to leave (বউরেখে কোথায় যাবে); to leave behind (কলমটাঘরে রেখে এসেছি); to stop, to pull up, to park (গাড়ি এখানে রাখো); to cherish (মনে আশা রাখা); to bear (মনেরাখা); to buy (বাটিটাফেরিওয়ালার কাছথেকে রেখেছি); to take settlement of (জমিরাখা); to give (নাম রাখা); to gratify, to please (মন রাখা). আটকেরাখা same as আটকানো (v.). কথা রাখাv. to comply with or obey or accede to another's request; to keep one's promise or word. করে রাখাv. to have done or completed something beforehand. চোখ রাখাv. to keep an eye over, to watch. জমিয়ে রাখাv. to lay by, to save up; to store up; to accumulate, to pile up. ধরেরাখাv. to shut up; to detain; to hold back; to store up. ফেলে রাখাv. to put off. মানরাখাv. to show due respect to. সাজিয়েরাখাv. to keep in order; to arrange in order; to display in order. রেখেযাওয়াn. to leave behind.

রাখাল [ rākhāla ] n a cowherd; a herdsman. রাখাল বালকn. a cowboy. রাখালিn. the profession or wages of a cowherd or herds-man. রাখালিগান a pastoral song, a pastoral, a bucolic. রাখালিয়াa. of cowherds or herdsmen; pastoral.

রাখি [ rākhi ] n a piece of thread which one ties round the wrist of another in order to safeguard the latter from all evils. ̃পূর্ণিমাn. the full moon day of the month of Shravan (শ্রাবণ) when a rakhi is tied round the wrist of another. ̃বন্ধনn. act or the festival of tying a rakhi (রাখি) round the wrist of another.

রাগ1 [ rāga1 ] n a dye, a paint, a colour, a hue; a red hue or colour or tinge; love, affection (পূর্বরাগ); attachment, inclination; anger, passion, rage. রাগ করা same as রাগা । রাগ দেখানোv. to show temper. রাগহওয়াv. to be angry. ̃তa. angry, angered. ̃তভাবেadv. angrily; with a show of rage. রাগাv. to get or grow an gry. রাগানোv. to anger; to irritate. রাগান্ধa. blinded with rage. রাগান্বিতa. angered, angry. রাগীa. easily angered, quick-tempered, short-tempered, sulky, wrathful.

রাগ2 [ rāga2 ] n any one of the six principal modes of Indian classical music; raga, a mode of Indian classical music. রাগিণীn. (mus.) any one of the thirty-six modes of Indian music secondary to the six ragas (রাগ); a musical mode or tune; a song. ̃প্রধানa. (of modes in Indian music) based on classical modes.

রাঘব [ rāghaba ] n a descendant of King Raghu (রঘু); Rama (রাম) of the Ramayana. ̃প্রিয়া, ̃বাঞ্ছাn. Sita (সীতা) the wife of Rama (রাম) of the Ramayana. ̃বোয়াল a monstrously large sheatfish; a man of high social standing who is a virulent extortioner of people; a leading criminal (who generally manages to escape punishment). রাঘবারিn. Ravana (রাবণ) the enemy of Rama (রাম) of the Ramayana.

রাঙা [ rāṅā ] a red, scarlet, crimson; fair-com plexioned; flushed (লজ্জায় রাঙা); an elder, but (generally) lower in the scale of seniority (রাঙাদিদি). ☐v. to become red or crimson, to redden; to become bright, to brighten; to flush. ̃নোv. to redden; to dye; to brighten; to cause to flush. ̃বাসn. a cloth dyed in red ochre; a scarlet cloth. ̃মূলোn. the red radish; (fig.) a handsome but worthless man.

রাজ2 [ rāja2 ] n a state or government.

-রাজ3 [ -rāja3 ] sfx denoting: a king (গ্রিকরাজ); an excellent specimen (গজরাজ).

রাজ4 [ rāja4 ] pfx denoting: a king; government; excellent, best. ̃কন্যাn. a princess. ̃কবিn. a court-poet; a poet-laureate. ̃কর same as রাজস্ব । ̃কর্ম, ̃কার্যn. the office and duties of a king; a royal duty; a state affair; government service, public service. ̃কর্মচারীn. an officer or servant of the state, a govern ment officer; a public servant. ̃কীয়a. royal, regal; kingly, princely; (fig.) magnificent. ̃কুমারn. a king's son, a prince. fem. ̃কুমারী a princess. ̃কুলn. a royal line or family, a dynasty. ̃কুলদ্ভবa. born of a royal family, princely-born. ̃কোষn. a royal or government treasury, a treasury. ̃ক্ষমাn. amnesty. ̃গুরুn. a spiritual guide of a king or of a royal family. ̃গৃহn. a king's palace or city. ̃চক্রবর্তীn. a sovereign king, a suzerain; a king of kings, an emperor. ̃চিহ্নn. a mark on one's person indicating that one is a king or will become a king; royal in signia. ̃চ্ছত্র, (pop.) ̃ছত্রn. an umbrella which is officially held over the head of a king. ̃টিকাn. a holy mark painted on the forehead of a king at coronation. ̃তক্ত same as রাজাসন । ̃তন্ত্রn. monarchy; state administrative policy. ̃ত্বn. a kingdom, a realm; a state; a domain; reign, rule; predominance. রাজত্বকরাv. to reign, to rule, to govern; (fig.) to domineer, to dominate. রাজত্বকালn. the time of one's reign, reign. দন্ডn. a sceptre; a punishment inflicted by a king or by a law-court; (astrol.) a visible vertical line on one's forehead indicating the possibility of one's becoming a king. ̃দত্তa. given or conferred by a king or government. রাজদত্তসম্মান a royal honour, a government honour, an official honour. ̃দম্পতি, ̃দম্পতীn. a royal couple. ̃দরবার same as ̃সভা । ̃দর্শনn. an interview with a king; a visit to a king, seeing or meeting a king. ̃দূতn. an ambassador (fem: an ambassadress); an envoy; a royal courier. ̃দ্বারেadv. before a king; in a royal court; in a court of justice. ̃দ্রোহ, ̃দ্রোহিতাn. a revolt against the king or established authority, insurrection, insurgence, high-treason; sedition. ̃দ্রোহীa. insurgent; treasonous; seditious. ☐n. an insurgent; a rebel against the king or established authority. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী। ̃ধর্মn. duties of a king, royal office. ̃ধানীn. the capital of a country or state; a metropolis. ̃নন্দন same as ̃কুমারfem. ̃নন্দিনী । ̃নামাn. the genealogical tree or chronology or a chronicle of a royal line or dynasty. ̃নীতিn. politics; statecraft; (loos.) diplomacy. ̃নীতিকa. political; (rare) diplomatic. ☐n. a politician. ̃নীতিজ্ঞa. versed in politics; (loos.) versed in statesmanship or diplomacy. রাজনীতিজ্ঞব্যক্তি a politician; a statesman; a diplomat. ̃নৈতিক pop. var. রাজনীতিক । ̃পট্টn. the seat of a king, a throne; king ship; a royal or government charter; a kind of black jewel. ̃পথn. a public thoroughfare, a highway; a main road (of a city). ̃পদn. the office of a king, kingship. ̃পরিচ্ছদn. royal robes. ̃পাট same as ̃পট্ট । ̃পুত্র same as ̃কুমার ।fem. ̃পুত্রী । ̃পুরীn. the residence or palace of a king; the capital city of a king; (fig.) a magnificent building or city or residence. ̃পুরুষn. a king's of ficer; a government officer. ̃প্রমুখn. a government title given to the leading feudal chief of India, vested with powers similar to that of a governor. ̃প্রসাদn. royal favour or grace; government favour. ̃প্রসাদn. a royal residence, a palace. ̃বংশ same as ̃কুল। ̃বংশীn. a lowly Hindu caste chiefly of North Bengal; a member of this caste. ̃বংশীয়a. dynastic; born of a royal family, of royal blood. fem. ̃বংশীয়া। ̃বন্দিn. a political prisoner. ̃বাড়ি same as ̃প্রাসাদ । ̃বিধিn. a royal statute; a law. ̃বিপ্লবn. a political revolution; a coup d'état. ̃বেশn. royal robes or attire. ̃বৈদ্যn. physician to a king or queen; a prince of physicians. ̃ভক্তa. devoted to one's sovereign or state government, loyal. রাজভক্তব্যক্তি a loyalist. ̃তন্ত্রবাদীn. a royalist. ̃ভক্তিn. loyalty. ̃ভবনn. a king's residence or palace; a government house. ̃ভয়n. fear of being punished by a king or a court of justice. ̃ভাষাn. the king's language; the state language. ̃ভৃত্যn. a king's servant; a servant of a royal household; a king's officer or man. ̃ভোগn. an article of food or a thing fit for a king; a sweet and juicy drop made of posset bigger than a রসগোল্লা । ̃ভোগ্যa. fit to be eaten or used or enjoyed by a king or a prince. ̃মজুরn. a mason's labourer, a hodman: (loos.) a mason. ̃মন্ত্রীn. a king's counsellor, a minister of state, a cabinet member. ̃মহিষীn. the chief queen of a king; queen-consort. ̃মাতাn. a king's mother; a queen-mother. ̃মার্গ same as ̃পথ । ̃মিস্ত্রি same as ̃মজুর । ̃মুকুটn. a royal crown or diadem; (fig.) kingship. ̃যোগn. a system of yoga in which action predominates. ̃যোগ্যa. fit for a king, princely. ̃যোটকn. (astrol.) the most auspicious union of planets (as found in the horoscopes of the bride and the bridegroom); (fig.) the most suitable union; the most advantageous coincidence. ̃রক্তn. royal blood. ̃রাজn. a king of kings. ̃রাজড়াn. princes and princelings or princely persons; (usu. dero.) very important or wealthy or affluent persons. ̃রাজেশ্বরn. a king of kings, an emperor. fem. ̃রাজেশ্বরী an empress. ̃রানি same as ̃মহিষী । ̃র্ষিn. a king who leads an ascetical life, a royal ascetic or sage. ̃লক্ষ্মীn. the female deity safeguarding a kingdom and looking after its wel fare. ̃শক্তিn. the administrative power of a king or government. ̃শয্যা, ̃শয়নn. a king's bed, a royal bed; a princely bed; a magnificent bed. ̃শাসনn. a king's rule; punishment inflicted by a king. ̃শ্রী same as ̃লক্ষ্মী । ̃সংস্করণn. a deluxe edition (of a book). ̃সদন same as ̃প্রাসাদ । ̃সন্নিধানn. royal presence; a royal court. ̃সভাn. a royal court, a court, a durbar. ̃সম্পদn. royal treasure or riches, princely treasure or riches. ̃সরকারn. a monarch's government or court. ̃সাক্ষীn. (law) an approver. ̃সিংহাসনn. a throne; (fig.) kingship. ̃সূয় (যজ্ঞ) n. a sacrifice per formed by a monarch in order to establish his suzerainty or supremacy over other kings. ̃সেবাn. attendance on a monarch; king's or queen's service; (rare) government service, public service. ̃স্বn. tax or rent or revenue payable to a monarch or to the government, revenue. রাজস্বঘটিত, রাজস্ব-সংক্রান্তa. fiscal, financial. রাজস্ব-পর্ষত্n. the Board of Revenue. রাজস্বসচিবn. a finance minister, a finance member, a finance secretary. ̃হংসn. the gander; the swan. fem. ̃হংসীn. the goose (pl. geese). ̃হত্যাn. regicide. ̃হন্তাn. a regicide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হস্তীn. an elephant on which a monarch rides; an elephant fit to carry a monarch; an excellent elephant. fem. ̃হস্তিনী। ̃হাঁস coll. corrup. of রাজহংস । রাজহাঁসেরবাচ্চা a gosling.

রাজগি [ rājagi ] n kingship; a kingdom.

রাজন্য [ rājanya ] n a feudal or tributary prince; member of a royal family.

রাজপুত [ rājaputa ] n a Rajput. fem. রাজপুতানি a Rajput woman.

রাজসিক [ rājasika ] a endowed with রজোগুণ; majestic; princely; magnificent.

রাজা1 [ rājā1 ] v (poet.) to exist or be present esp. gracefully (রাজে, রজো).

রাজা2 [ rājā2 ] n a king, a monarch, a prince; a ruler; (in British India) a government title of honour; (chess) the king; (fig.) a man of a magnificent and towering personality. রাজা করাv. to make one king; (often sarcas.) to make one very wealthy or great. রাজা-উজিরn. (lit.) a king and his prime minister; (fig.) very wealthy and influential men. রাজা-উজিরমারাv. (fig. & dero.) to tell cock-and-bull stories about one's own capabilities and importance. রাজাজ্ঞা, রাজাদেশn. a royal command or decree or mandate. রাজাধিকারn. a royal prerogative; a monarch's territory. রাজাধিরাজn. a king of kings, a suzerain, an emperor. রাজানুকম্পা, রাজানুগ্রহn. royal favour or grace or mercy; favour or grace or mercy shown by the government. রাজানুচরn. a monarch's servant or fol lower or attendant. রাজান্তঃপুরn. the inner apartments of a monarch's residence; a royal gynaeceum. রাজাবলিn. a genealogical tree of a dynasty. রাজাভরণn. royal ornament or emblem, regalia. রাজাসনn. royal seat, a throne; (fig.) kingship.

রাজি1 [ rāji1 ] a agreed, consenting; agreeing, ready. রাজি করাv. to make one agree. রাজি হওয়াv. to agree, to consent.

রাজি2 [ rāji2 ] n (used as a sfx.) a row, a line, a range (তরুরাজি, রোমরাজি, গিরিরাজি); a collection (পত্ররাজি).

রাজিনামা [ rājināmā ] n a letter or deed of consent; (in law) a joint petition of rival parties consenting to compromise.

রাজীব [ rājība ] n the lotus. ̃লোচনa. lotus-eyed; beautifully blue-eyed.

রাজেন্দ্র [ rājēndra ] n a great king; a suzerain; an emperor. fem. রাজেন্দ্রাণী the chief queen of a great king or suzerain; an empress.

রাজ্ঞী [ rājñī ] n a queen; a queen-consort.

রাজ্য [ rājya ] n a state; a kingdom, a realm, a do main, a territory; reign, rule; (fig.)— (in the sense of immensity) a country, the earth, the universe (তার বুকেরাজ্যেরব্যথা). ̃খন্ড. n. a portion of a state or kingdom or country; a state; a kingdom, a country. ̃চ্যুতa. dispossessed of or driven from one's kingdom; de throned, deposed. ̃চ্যুত করাv. to de prive of or remove from one's king dom; to dethrone, to depose. ̃চ্যুতিn. dispossession of or removal from one's kingdom; dethronement. ̃পালn. (in free India) the title of the governor of a state. ̃পালন same as ̃শাসন । ̃ভারn. the burden of governing a state. রাজ্যভোগ করাv. to enjoy sovereignty. ̃ভ্রংশ same as ̃চ্যুতি । ̃ভ্রষ্ট same as ̃চ্যুত । ̃রক্ষাকরাv. to defend or protect a state. ̃লাভn. getting or acquiring a kingdom or becoming a king; getting the throne. ̃লোভn. greed for the throne; greed for expansion of one's territory. ̃লোভীa. greedy of the throne; greedy of expanding one's territory. ̃শাসনn. administration of a state or kingdom. ̃শাসন করাv. to govern or rule a state or kingdom. ̃সরকারn. a state government (in free India). ̃সীমাn. the boundary or extent of a kingdom. ̃হারা same as ̃চ্যুত।রাজ্যাধিকারী, রাজ্যাধিপতিn. the lord or ruler of a state. রাজ্যাপহরণ করাv. to usurp a throne; to capture or acquire or take possession of another realm or country unlawfully. রাজ্যাপহারক, রাজ্যাপহারীn. &a. one who usurps a throne; one who captures or acquires or takes possession of another's realm or country unlawfully. রাজ্যাভিলাষn. desire for a kingdom; ambition to rule; desire for expanding one's territory. রাজ্যাভিলাষীa. desirous of a kingdom; having ambition to rule; desirous of expanding one's territory. রাজ্যাভিষিক্তকরাv. to invest one with kingship, to crown one king, to enthrone. রাজ্যাভিষেকn. coronation of a monarch. রাজ্যেশ্বরn. a king. fem. রাজ্যেশ্বরী a queen.

রাঢ় [ rāḍh় ] n the ancient name of the part of Bengal lying on the western bank of the Ganges. রাঢ়ী, রাঢ়ীয়a. of Rarha (রাঢ়).

রাত [ rāta ] n (coll.) night. রাতকাটানোv. to spend or pass a night. রাত জাগাv. to stay up far into the night, to sit up late, to take late hours. রাত জেগে কাজ করা to sit up and work late at night, to burn the midnight oil. ̃কানা same as রাত্র্যন্ধ। ̃দিনadv. day and night; always; ceaselessly. ̃ভর, ̃ভোরadv. all night long, nightlong. রাতের অন্ধকারেadv. in the darkness of night, under cover of the dark night. রাতেরবেলায়adv. at night.

রাতারাতি [ rātārāti ] adv overnight; whilst there is still night; (fig.) within a very short time (রাতারাতি ধনী হওয়া).

রাতুল [ rātula ] a blood-red, red, crimson.

-রাত্র [ -rātra ] in comp (used as a sfx.) denoting: night (অহোরাত্র).

রাত্রি [ rātri ] n night; night-time, night-tide (also রাত্রিকাল); (fig.) obscurity (জীবনের রাত্রিনামা). রাত্রি হয়েছেv. it is night. রাত্রি ভোরহওয়াv. to dawn. ̃কালীনa. nightly, nocturnal. ̃কালেadv. by night, at night. ̃চর, ̃ঞ্চরa. active by night; nightfaring. fem. ̃চরী, ̃ঞ্চরী । ̃জাগরণকরাv. to keep awake by night. ̃বাসn. passing the night; night-rest; night-at tire, night-clothes, night-dress, night gear, a night-gown, a nighty, a nightie. ̃বেলা, ̃যোগে, adv. by night, at night.

রাত্র্যন্ধ [ rātryandha ] a night-blind, nyctalopic. রাত্র্যন্ধব্যক্তি a nyctalops. ̃তাn. night-blindness, nyctalopia.

রাধা, রাধিকা [ rādhā, rādhikā ] n (myth.) the lady-love of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). রাধাকান্ত, রাধানাথ, রাধামাধব, রাধারমণn. Krishna, the lord of Radha (রাধা). রাধাকৃষ্ণn. Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). রাধাবল্লভিn. a small saucer-shaped pancake made of kneaded flour stuffed with spicy paste of pigeon-pea. রাধাষ্টমীn. the eighth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Bhadra ভাদ্র), the birth-day of Radha (রাধা). রাধিকারঞ্জন, রাধিকারমণ. same as রাধাকান্ত ।

রাধাচক্র [ rādhācakra ] n a merry-go-round.

রাধাপদ্ম [ rādhāpadma ] n the sunflower.

রাধেকৃষ্ণ, রাধেমাধব [ rādhēkṛṣṇa, rādhēmādhaba ] n Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ☐int. expressing: ab horrence, disgust etc.

রাধেয় [ rādhēẏa ] n a son or foster-son or nursling of Radha (রাধা), generally used of Karna (কর্ণ) in the Mahabharata.

রানা1 [ rānā1 ] n the title of the rulers of Udaypur.

রানা2 [ rānā2 ] n a balustrade or a raised terrance on either side of the flight of steps of a pond.

রানার [ rānāra ] n a (postal) runner.

রানি [ rāni ] n a queen.

রান্না [ rānnā ] n cooking. রান্নাকরাv. to cook. ̃ঘরn. a kitchen. ̃বান্না, ̃বাড়াn. act of cooking and serving out meals.

রাব [ rāba ] n a kind of refuse or inferior treacle.

রাবড়ি [ rābaḍ়i ] n a sweetmeat prepared by condensing films of milk. গুলাবি রাবড়ি macaroni.

রাবণ [ rābaṇa ] n Ravana, the arch-villain of the Ramayana. রাবণের চিতা (fig.) unquenchable fire; (fig.) ceaseless affliction. রাবণারিn. an enemy of Ravana. রাবণিn. a son of Ravana.

রাবিশ [ rābiśa ] n rubbish. ☐a. trashy.

রাম [ rāma ] n the seventh incarnation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু), the hero of the Ramayana. ☐a. good looking; beautiful. ☐pfx. large, big (রামছাগল, রামশালিক); extremely, utterly (রাম কুঁড়ে). ☐sfx. a glaring specimen (বোকারাম). রাম না হতে রামায়ণ (fig.) occurrence or fancying of an incident when there is not even the ghost of its cause in view, (cp.) putting the cart before the horse. নারাম না গঙ্গা (fig.) neither this nor that. সেই রামও নেইসেই অযোধ্যাও নেই (fig.) O the times! O the manners! রামকহ, রামবল, রামঃ int. expressing: abhorrence, slight etc. ̃কেলিn. an Indian musical mode. ̃খড়িn. a kind of red-tinged writing-chalk. ̃চন্দ্রn. same as রাম।☐int. same as রামঃ । ̃দাn. a kind of large chopper (used in beheading animals etc.). ̃ধনু, ̃ধনুকn. the rainbow. ̃ধুনn. a song in glory of Rama (রাম). ̃নবমীn. the ninth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র); the birthday of Rama (রাম). ̃পাখিn. (facet.) the cock or hen, the fowl. ̃রাজত্ব, ̃রাজ্যn. the reign or rule or realm of Rama (রাম); (fig.) an ideal realm or rule, (sarcas.) unrestrained predominance or monopoly. রাম রামint. expressing: abhorrence, disgust etc.; phew; an expression of salutation in courtesy among upcountrymen. ̃লীলাn. the life and activities of Rama (রাম); an opera illustrating the life and activities of Rama (রাম). ̃শিঙা, (coll.) ̃শিঙেn. a funnel-shaped wind instrument or mouthpiece made of a buffalo's horn. ̃শ্যাম same as রামাশ্যামা।

রামা [ rāmā ] n. fem a beautiful woman; a lady love, a sweetheart.

রামায়ণকার [ rāmāẏaṇakāra ] n the author of the Ramayana.

রামায়েত [ rāmāẏēta ] n a Vaishnava sect.

রামাশ্যামা [ rāmāśyāmā ] n any man in the street, Tom and Tim, Tom Dick or Harry.

রায়1 [ rāẏa1 ] n a judicial pronouncement, a judgment, a verdict. রায় দেওয়াv. to deliver or pronounce a judgment.

রায়2 [ rāẏa2 ] n a king, a prince; a title of zemindars or important persons. ☐a. large, big; long (রায়বাঁশ). ̃বেঁশেn. one proficient in fighting with staffs; a kind of dance with staffs. ̃বাঘিনিn. fem. (fig.) an extremely terrible woman, a termagant, a virago. ̃বাহাদুর, ̃রায়ান, ̃সাহেবn. different official titles once conferred on important citizens.

রায়ত [ rāẏata ] n a tenant of a piece of agricultural land, a ryot; a raiyat. রায়তিa. relating to ryots; (of agricultural land) settled permamently and hereditarily on a ryot; raiyatwari.

রাশ1 [ rāśa1 ] n the reins, the bridle. রাশ আলগাকরাv. (lit. & fig.) to give rein to, to give the reins to. রাশ টানাv. to draw rein, to pull up; to restrain or bring under control, to give little freedom to.

রাশ2 [ rāśa2 ] n a heap, a pile; (astrol.) the birth sign; nature, temperament. ̃নামn. a name according to one's astrological birth-sign. ̃-পাতলা, ̃-হালকাa. flippant, frivolous. ̃ভারীa. reserved in speech and manner, grave; imposing.

রাশি [ rāśi ] n a heap, a pile; a collection; (math.) a number, a quantity; (astrol.) any one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. রাশি রাশি heaps of. ̃চক্রn. (geog. & astrol.) the zodiac. ˜ভোগকালn. (astrol.) the time taken by a planetary body in passing through a sign of the zodiac.

রাশীকৃত [ rāśīkṛta ] a piled up, heaped up; collected, amassed, accumulated.

রাষ্ট্র [ rāṣṭra ] n a state, a kingdom; a country. ☐a. widely circulated or proclaimed (esp. all over a state or country). রাষ্ট্র করাv. to circulate or to noise abroad or proclaim widely. ̃দূতn. an ambassador (fem. an ambassadress). ̃নায়কn. a ruler or popular leader of a state. ̃নিযুক্তকn. a charge d' affaires. ̃নিয়োগাধিকারn. the Public Service Commission. ̃নীতি, ̃নৈতিক variants of রাজনীতি and রাজনৈতিক (see রাজ4). ̃পতিn. the president of a state; the president of the Republic of India. ̃পুঞ্জn. a group or a union of states; (loos.) the United Nations. ̃প্রধানn. the head of a state. ̃বিজ্ঞানn. Political Science. ̃বিপ্লবn. a civil strife; a revolution. ̃ভাষাn. state language. ̃মন্ডলn. a commonwealth. ̃মন্ত্রীn. a minister of state. ̃সঙ্ঘ, ̃সংঘn. the United Nations Organization. রাষ্ট্রাধীন within the jurisdiction or control or a state; a. territorial. রাষ্ট্রায়ত্তa. nationalized. রাষ্ট্রায়ত্তকরাv. to nationalize. রাষ্ট্রিক, রাষ্ট্রীয়a. pertaining to a state or country; national; territorial. রাষ্ট্রীয়করণn. nationalization.

রাস2, রাসযাত্রা, রাসলীলা [ rāsa2, rāsayātrā, rāsalīlā ] n the festival of dancing of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) and Radha (রাধা) on রাসপূর্ণিমা ।রাসপূর্ণিমাn. the full moon night of the month of Kartik (কার্তিক). রাসবিহারীn. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). রাসমঞ্চ, রাসমন্ডপ, রাসমন্ডলn. the plat form on which the festival of rasa (রাস) is held. রাসোত্সব same as রাস ।

রাসন [ rāsana ] a gustatory.

রাসভ [ rāsabha ] n the he-ass; the ass. fem. রাসভী the she-ass. ̃নাদn. braying; hee-haw. ̃নিন্দিতa. putting even the ass to shame, worse than the ass. ̃নিন্দিতকন্ঠn. a voice the harshness of which would put even the ass to shame. ̃বত্a. like an ass, ass-like.

রাসায়নিক [ rāsāẏanika ] a of chemistry, chemical; versed in chemistry. ☐n. one versed in chemistry, a chemist. রাসায়নিক আসক্তি chemical affinity. রাসায়নিকদ্রব্য a chemical. রাসায়নিকপরীক্ষা chemical examination.

রাস্তা [ rāstā ] n a road, a thoroughfare, a way. রাস্তার ধার the roadside, the wayside. সদর রাস্তা an open way, a highway. সরকারিরাস্তা a public road, a highway.

রাস্না [ rāsnā ] n a kind of orchid. রাস্না গোত্রীয়a. or chidaceous, orchideous.

রাহা [ rāhā ] n a road, a way, a highway; a means (সুরাহা). ̃খরচ. n. travelling expenses. ̃জানn. a highwayman. ̃জানিn. highway robbery.

রাহি [ rāhi ] n a traveller.

রাহিত্য [ rāhitya ] n want, lack; absence.

রাহু [ rāhu ] n (myth.) a truncated demon; (astrol.) the ascending node; (fig.) an enemy or one who causes ruin or an evil influence. রাহুর দশা (astrol.) the phase of the influence of the ascending node as indicated by one's horo scope; (fig.) a period marked with calumny, want, misfortune, misery etc. ̃গ্রস্তa. (astrol.) eclipsed; (fig.) illfated; (fig.) fallen into obscurity, obscured; (fig.) fallen under the influence of an evil person or of one who causes ruin.

রি [ ri ] n (mus.) the second note in the natu ral scale, D.

রিং [ ri ] n a ring, a small hoop.

রিক্থ [ riktha ] n share, one's share of money or property.

রিক্ত [ rikta ] a empty; devoid of, destitute of; extremely poor, indigent, penniless. রিক্তকরাv. to empty. ̃তাn. emptiness; destitution. ̃হস্তa. empty-handed; fundless, broke, penniless. রিক্তa. fem. of রিক্ত ।☐n. (astrol.) the fourth, ninth and fourteenth lunar days of a fortnight.

রিকশ, রিকশা [ rikaśa, rikaśā ] n a jinricksha(w), a ricksha(w).

রিঠা2, রিঠে2 [ riṭhā2, riṭhē2 ] n a kind of small scaleless fish.

রিনিঝিনি, রিনঝিন [ rinijhini, rinajhina ] int denoting: a jingling sound.

রিপিট [ ripiṭa ] n a rivet; rivetting. রিপিট করাv. to rivet.

রিপু2 [ ripu2 ] n an enemy, an adversary; any one of the six inherent vices or cardinal passions of man, namely, sex passion, anger, greed, infatuation, vanity and envy (collectively called ষড়্রিপু). ̃জয় ̃দমনn. conquest of an enemy; subdual of one's inherent vices. ̃দমনকরাv. to subdue passions or inherent vices. ̃জয়ীa. one who has vanquished one's enemies or subdued one's cardinal passions or inherent vices. ̃পরতন্ত্র, ̃পরবশ, ̃বশa. giving oneself up to one's cardinal passions or inherent vices.

রিপোর্ট [ ripōrṭa ] n a statement of facts (খবরেরকাগজের রিপোর্ট), a written statement of the result of an investigation (রক্তপরীক্ষাররিপোর্ট, পুলিশরিপোর্ট), a report; an accusation or adverse report (তোমার নামেরিপোর্ট). রিপোর্ট করাv. to report; to report against.

রিফু [ riphu ] n darning. রিফুকরাv. to darn. ̃কর্মn. darning.

রিভলবার [ ribhalabāra ] n a revolver.

রিমঝিম, রিমিঝিমি [ rimajhima, rimijhimi ] int expressing: a pattering sound as of rain falling.

রিরংসা [ riraṃsā ] n desire for sexual intercourse; sex appetite; lust.

রিল [ rila ] n a reel.

রিষ [ riṣa ] n envy, malice; grudge.

রিষ্ট, রিষ্টি [ riṣṭa, riṣṭi ] n a sin; woe; misfortune; (astro.) evil planetary aspect or influence; (rare) weal.

রিসালা [ risālā ] n a cavalry. ̃দার, রিসালদারn. the commander of a cavalry, a risaldar.

রিষ্টওয়াচ [ riṣṭōẏāca ] n a wrist-watch.

রিহার্সাল [ rihārsāla ] n rehearsal of a dramatic performance. রিহার্সাল দেওয়াবাদেওয়ানোv. to rehearse.

রীতি [ rīti ] n method, mode; custom, usage, practice, convention, rule; nature, habit; style, manner; way, fashion, go (যুগেররীতি). ̃ক্রমে same as রীত্যনুসারে । রীতিনীতিn. pl. manners and customs. ̃বিরুদ্ধa. contrary to custom or usage, unconventional, informal; contrary to one's nature or habit; contrary to a particular style or manner or way or fashion, going against the current. ̃মতোadv. in keeping with custom or usage or convention or form; (pop.) considerably. thoroughly, soundly (রীতিমতোবড়োলোক). ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মতa. in keeping with custom or usage; customary.

রীত্যনুসারে [ rītyanusārē ] adv as usual; in keeping with the custom or practice or rule or form, customarily, conventionally, formally.

রুই1 [ rui1 ] n a kind of very delicious fresh water fish, (cp.) the trout.

রুই2 [ rui2 ] n the white ant.

রুইতন [ ruitana ] n (of playing-cards) a diamond or the suit of diamond.

রুক্ষ [ rukṣa ] a rough; dry; harsh; rude; haughty; angry; hard (রুক্ষমাটি); uneven, rugged (রুক্ষপথ). ̃ভাবেadv. rudely, harshly, roughly. ̃ভাষীa. rough-spoken. ̃স্বভাবa. haughty, arrogant; peevish, cross grained.

রুখা1, রোখা [ rukhā1, rōkhā ] v to get angry, to fly up in a passion; to be on the point of attacking, to be aggressive or affronting; to arrest the motion of, to stop (গাড়িরোখা); to intercept, to obstruct, to check, to oppose the onset of (শত্রুকেরোখা).

রুখা2, রুখু, রুখো [ rukhā2, rukhu, rukhō ] a dry; devoid of anything liquid such as curry or condiment (রুখুভাত); devoid of oil, not sleek, dry (রুখো চুল, রুখো মাথা); not provided with food, without board (রুখু মাইনেরচাকর).

রুগ্ণ [ rugṇa ] a sick, ill; diseased; sickly; emaciated or debilitated. fem. রুগ্ণা ।

রুচা [ rucā ] v to be agreeable to one's taste or liking.

রুচি [ ruci ] n beauty, lustre, glow (তনুরুচি); taste, choice, liking (কুরুচি); good taste; relish, inclination, propensity (আহারের রুচি, খেলায় রুচি); desire for food, appetite. ̃করa. appetizing; tasteful; savoury; pleasant; (loos.) decent or elegant. ̃বাগীশa. (usu. sarcas.) over-careful about good taste and decorum, fastidious; overnice; puritanical. ̃বিরুদ্ধa. contrary to one's taste or liking; indecent; indecorous; inelegant, ̃ভেদেadv. according to different tastes, according to difference in taste or liking. ̃রa. decorous; beautiful; elegant; bright. fem. রুচিরা ।

রুজি [ ruji ] n livelihood, living. রুজি রোজগার করাv. to earn one's livelihood, to earn a living.

রুজু1 [ ruju1 ] a submitted, preferred; brought be fore a court, filed. রুজুকরাv. to submit, to prefer; to bring before a court, to file (মামলা রুজু করা).

রুজু2 [ ruju2 ] a straight; facing.

রুজু-রুজু [ ruju-ruju ] a facing or confronting one an other.

রুটি [ ruṭi ] n a kind of thin saucer-shaped bread; bread. রুটি গড়াv. to make bread (by kneading, rolling and baking). রুটিবেলাv. to roll bread (into the shape of a saucer). রুটি সেঁকাv. to bake bread. ̃ওয়ালাn. a baker. রুটিরকারখানা a bakery.

রুটিন [ ruṭina ] n a routine. ̃বাঁধাa. fixed by a routine, rigidly fixed or regular, routine (রুটিন-বাঁধাকাজ); (fig.) monotonous (রুটিন-বাঁধা জীবন).

রুদ্ধ [ ruddha ] a shut, closed, bolted; confined; incarcerated; suppressed (রুদ্ধ ক্রন্দন); choked; suspended (রুদ্ধ স্পন্দন); motionless (রুদ্ধ বাতাস); obstructed, block aded (রুদ্ধ প্রবাহ); intercepted, arrested, prevented. রুদ্ধ করাv. to shut, to close, to bolt, to confine; to incarcerate; to suppress; to choke; to suspend; to make motionless; to obstruct, to blockade; to intercept, to arrest; to prevent. ̃কক্ষn. a closed room. রুদ্ধকক্ষেসভাবাআলোচনা a closed-door meeting, a meeting or conference in camera. ̃কন্ঠa. having one's voice choked. ̃কন্ঠেadv. with a choked voice. ̃গতিa. having one's motion arrested; stopped; obstructed or blockaded. ̃তাপa. (phys.) adiabatic. ̃দ্বারa. having the door or doors closed, close-door. ̃দ্বারআলোচনা a closed-door conference, a conference in camera. ̃শ্বাসa. breathless, with bated breath; out of breath. ̃শ্বাসেadv. with bated breath, breathlessly.

রুদ্র [ rudra ] n the manifestation of Shiva (শিব) as a destroyer. ☐a. furious, terrible; destructive.

রুদ্রাক্ষ [ rudrākṣa ] n a kind of dried fruit which is used as a bead. ̃মালাn. a rosary composed of these fruits.

রুদ্রাণী [ rudrāṇī ] n (fem. of রুদ্র) shiva's (শিব) wife, Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

রুধা, রোধা [ rudhā, rōdhā ] v to shut, to close, to bolt; to suppress (ক্রন্দন রোধা); to choke (শ্বাসরোধা); to arrest (গতি রুধবে); to stop, to make motionless (বাতাস রোধা); to obstruct, to blockade (পথ রোধা); to hinder (উন্নতি রুধবে); to prevent, to intercept, to ward off (শত্রু রোধা); to restrain, to check (মন রোধা).

রুধির [ rudhira ] n blood; (fig.) one's money. রুধিরপান করাবাশোষণ করাv. to suck or drink another's blood; (fig.) to extract money oppressively from, to extort. ̃ধারাn. stream of blood. ̃পায়ীa. blood-sucking; (fig.) given to exacting money op pressively; extortionary. ̃রঞ্জিতa. smeared with blood, bloody. ̃স্নানn. (lit. & fig.) blood-bath. ˜স্রোত a stream of blood. রুধিরাক্ত same as ̃রঞ্জিত ।রুধিরাপ্লুতa. drenched with blood, bloody.

রুনুঝুনু, রুনুরুনু, রুনঝুন, রুনরুন [ runujhunu, runurunu, runajhuna, runaruna ] int denoting: a sweet jingling sound as of the bells of a dancer's anklets.

রুবাইয়াত [ rubāiẏāta ] n a collection of Arabic or Persian quatrains, Rubaiyat.

রুমাল [ rumāla ] n handkerchief, (coll.) hanky.

রুল1 [ rula1 ] n a strip for ruling lines, a ruler; a baton, a truncheon (পুলিশেররুলেরগুঁতো); a straight line printed or drawn; a strip of metal for printing straight lines or to space out lines; a law; a precedent (রুলদেখানো); ruling. রুল করাv. to mark with straight lines, to rule; to make a law. রুল জারি করাv. to give or issue a ruling, to rule. রুল টানাv. to mark with straight lines, to rule. রুলদেওয়াv. to give or issue a ruling, to rule; (print.) to insert a metal rule.

রুলি [ ruli ] n a bangle for the wrist.

রুষিত, রুষ্ট [ ruṣita, ruṣṭa ] a angered, enraged; angry. fem. রুষিতা, রুষ্টা । রুষ্ট করাv. to anger, to enrage. রুষ্ট হওয়াv. to get angry, to be enraged, to fly up in a passion.

রূঢ় [ rūḍh় ] a (gr.) expressing a conventional meaning not supported by etymology or derivation (রূঢ় শব্দ); (gr.) conventional and not supported by etymology or derivation (রূঢ় অর্থ); (pop.) rough, harsh, rude, haughty (রূঢ় ভাষা, রূঢ়আচরণ). রূঢ় পদার্থ an element. ̃তাn. roughness, harshness, rudeness, haughtiness.

রূঢ়ি [ rūḍh়i ] n origination, emergence; fame; (gr.) power of conveying a conventional meaning not supportable by etymology or derivation.

রূপ [ rūpa ] n form, body, figure; shape, appearance; build; beauty, grace; mode, manner, fashion, type, kind, sort (এরূপ, সেরূপ); complexion, colour, hue; nature, habit; (gr.) conjugation (ধাতুরূপ), declension (শব্দরূপ); (phil.) a concept. রূপেadv. in form; in beauty (রূপেলক্ষী). রূপের ডালি (fig.) an uncommonly beautiful person. রূপের ধুচুনি (fig. & sarcas.) an utterly ugly person. রূপকn. (rhet.) a figure of speech akin to metaphor and allegory. রূপক-অর্থn. figurative meaning. ˜কথাn. a folktale; a legend, a fairy tale. রূপক কাহিনিn. an allegorical tale or story, an allegory. রূপক-বাক্যn. a metaphorical or allegorical expression. ̃কারn. a moulder; an artist; a dresser (esp. of actors and actresses). ̃গুণn. pl. beauty and merits. ̃চাঁদn. (sl. & facet.) a silver coin, a rupee; money. ̃জa. originating from or caused by beauty. ̃তত্ত্বn. (ling.) morphology; aesthetics. ̃তৃষ্ণাn. thirst for beauty. ̃দক্ষa. adept in assuming disguises; (of an actor or actress) proficient in using make-up; (of an artist) proficient in shaping or moulding. ̃দস্তাn. pewter, white metal; German silver. রূপ ধারণ করাv. to assume the disguise of, to disguise oneself as; to assume the person of a dramatic character; to impersonate; to appear as. ̃ধারীa. as suming the form or shape of; disguised as; impersonating; appearing as. fem. ̃ধারিণী । ̃বতীfem. of ̃বন্ত । ̃বন্ত, ̃বানa. handsome, beautiful. ̃মাধুরি, ̃মাধুর্যn. charm of beauty. ̃মুগ্ধ, ̃মোহিতa. infatuated with beauty. fem. ̃মুগ্ধা, ̃মোহিতা । ̃যৌবনn. pl. youth and beauty. ̃যৌবনসম্পন্নa. full of youth and beauty, young and handsome. fem. ̃যৌবনসম্পন্না । ̃রাশিn. pl. personal beauty or grace or charm. ̃লাবণ্যn. charm of personal beauty. ̃সীa. fem. handsome, beautiful. ☐n. fem. a beautiful woman.

রূপান্তর [ rūpāntara ] n a different form or shape; translation; transformation; (geog.) metamorphosis. রূপান্তর করা, রূপান্তরঘটানোv. to render or change into a new form or shape; to translate; to transform; (geog.) to metamorphose. রূপান্তরিতa. rendered or changed into a new form or shape; transformed; (geog.) metamorphic. রূপান্তরিত করা same as রূপান্তর করা ।

রূপায়ণ [ rūpāẏaṇa ] n embodiment; shaping or form ing; dramatic impersonation; act of giving a concrete shape; narration, de diction.

রূপায়িত [ rūpāẏita ] a embodied; shaped; (of a dramatic character) impersonated; invested with a concrete shape; narrated, depicted.

রূপী1 [ rūpī1 ] n a kind of ruddy-faced monkey, the ape.

রূপী2 [ rūpī2 ] sfx denoting; assuming a particular form or shape (নররূপী); assuming a dress or disguise (বহুরূপী).

রূপোপজীবিনী [ rūpōpajībinī ] n a prostitute.

রূপ্য [ rūpya ] n silver. রূপ্যাধ্যক্ষn. mint-master.

রে2 [ rē2 ] int expressing; a call to draw attention (esp. in contempt or affection), ho, hoa, hey; surprise, pain, sorrow etc.; oh, ah.

রেউচিনি [ rēucini ] n rhubarb.

রেওয়া [ rēōẏā ] n an annual balance-sheet.

রেওয়াজ [ rēōẏāja ] n custom, usage; practice; fashion; vogue; practice of music. রেওয়াজকরাv. to practise; to practise music. রেওয়াজ থাকাv. to be in vogue or fashion; to be the practice of; to be in practice. রেওয়াজহওয়াv. to come into fashion or vogue.

রেক [ rēka ] n a wicker container for measuring grain (its capacity is usually about one seer).

রেকাব1 [ rēkāba1 ] n a stirrup.

রেকাব2, রেকাবি [ rēkāba2, rēkābi ] n a small saucer or plate.

রেখক [ rēkhaka ] n tracer.

রেখন [ rēkhana ] n cross.

রেখা [ rēkhā ] n a line; a streak; a stripe; a stria (pl. striae); a furrow; a row; a faint sign, a thin line (গোঁফের রেখা); (phys.) rulings. রেখা টানাv. to draw a line. ̃কারa. linear. ̃গণিতn. geometry. ̃ঙ্কনn. drawing of lines, lineation. ̃ঙ্কিতa. lineate, lineated; striated; striped; furrowed. ̃চিত্রn. a line-drawing; a rough sketch. রেখাপাত করাv. to draw a line; to make an impression (as on one's mind), to impress.

রেখিত [ rēkhita ] a crossed. রেখিতচেক a crossed cheque.

রেচক [ rēcaka ] a purgative, laxative, aperient; (bot.) excretory. ☐n. a purgative, a laxative, an aperient.

রেচন [ rēcana ] n evacuation of bowels, purging, purgation; (bot.) excretion.রেচন করাবাকরানোv. to evacuate bowels, to purge. ̃তন্ত্রn. the excretory system. ̃যন্ত্রn. an excretory organ.

রেজগি, রেজকি [ rējagi, rējaki ] n any coinless than a rupee in value; small coin, change.

রেজাই [ rējāi ] n a quilt; a kind of wrapper stuffed with carded cotton.

রেজিস্ট্রি, রেজিস্টারি [ rējisṭri, rējisṭāri ] n registry, registration; a register. ☐a. registered. রেজিস্ট্রিকরাv. to register. রেজিস্ট্রিঅফিসn. a registry office, a registry. রেজিস্ট্রি-খাতা, রেজিস্ট্রি-বইn. a register.

রেট [ rēṭa ] n price or cost, rate; speed (এই রেটেচললে পৌঁছানো যাবে না).

রেঞ্চ [ rēñca ] n a wrench.

রেড়ি [ rēḍ়i ] n a euphorbiaceous plant or its seed, Ricinus communis. রেড়ির তেল castor-oil.

রেডি [ rēḍi ] a ready. রেডিকরাবাকরানোv. to make ready. রেডি হওয়াv. to get ready.

রেডিয়াম [ rēḍiẏāma ] n radium.

রেডিয়ো [ rēḍiẏō ] n radio, a radio set.

রেণু [ rēṇu ] n dust; powder; pollen; a minute particle or grain.

রেতঃ [ rētḥ ] n semen. ̃পাতn. emission of seminal fluid.

রেতি[ rēti ] n a (carpenter's) file or rasp.

রেফ[ rēpha ] n (র্) this sign on Bengali consonant letters to indicate a preceding-r sound; an upright antenna or hair on heads of some creatures (দ্বিরেফ).

রেফারি[ rēphāri ] n a referee.

রেবতী[ rēbatī ] n the last of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy.

রেবা[ rēbā ] n the river Rabi.

রেয়াত[ rēẏāta ] n exemption; a show of respect; favour. রেয়াত করাv. to exempt; to respect; to favour.

রেয়ো[ rēẏō ] a arrived uninvited on hearing the report of a feast; uninvited. ̃ভাটn. a beggar arrived uninvited on the report of a feast.

রেল1 [ rēla1 ] n a rail; a railway train or carriage (also রেলগাড়ি); a railway line, a railline (usu. রেললাইন); railings. রেলএনজিনn. a railway engine. ̃চালকn. a railway engine-driver. ̃পথn. railroad, railway. ̃স্টেশনn. railway station.

রেলিং[ rēli ] n railings.

রেশ[ rēśa ] n a lingering faint resonance of a sound or note gradually dying out; a feeling that lingers faintly before dying out completely.

রেশম[ rēśama ] n silk. ̃কীটn. silk-worm. ̃গুটিn. cocoon. রেশমিa. made of silk, silken, silk.

রেষারেষি[ rēṣārēṣi ] n mutual envy or malice or grudge; mutual rivalry.

রেস[ rēsa ] n a contest of speed, a race; a horse-race; a race-meeting. রেস দেওয়াv. to contend in speed, to race. রেসেরঘোড়া a racehorse, a racer.

রেসুড়ে[ rēsuḍ়ē ] n a racing man, a racegoer; a race-addict.

রেস্ত[ rēsta ] n capital, funds; wherewithal; provision of money, shift. ̃শূন্যa. having no capital; out of funds; shiftless.

রেস্তেরাঁ[ rēstērā ] n a restaurant.

রেহাই[ rēhāi ] n exemption; escape; acquittal. রেহাই দেওয়াv. to exempt; to let go unpunished; to acquit. রেহাই পাওয়াv. to be exempted (from); to escape; to be allowed to go unpunished; to be acquitted.

রেহান[ rēhāna ] n mortgage; pawn. রেহান দেওয়াv. to mortgage; to pawn. ̃বন্ধa. mort gaged; in pawn, at pawn. রেহানাবদ্ধ same as ̃বন্ধ ।

রৈখিক[ raikhika ] a linear; lineal, lineate.

রোঁদ[ rōn̐da ] n a prescribed circuit (as of a constable), a round, a beat. রোঁদে বার হওয়াv. to go on a round, to patrol.

রোঁয়া[ rōm̐ẏā ] n wool; fur; hair.

রোক[ rōka ] n cash purchase, cash and carry; ready money, cash. ☐a. ready (রোকটাকা = ready money). ̃ঋণn. cash credit. ̃থোকadv. in ready money, in hard cash, cash down. ̃শোধn. cash payment (of a bill etc.) ̃স্হিতিn. cash balance.

রোকড়[ rōkaḍ় ] n an account of cash, a cash ac count; ready money, cash; cash-book (রোকড়েওঠা); jewellery; gold and silver ornaments. রোকড়ের দোকান a jeweller's shop.

রোকা[ rōkā ] n a short letter or note, a chit.

রোখ[ rōkha ] n a stubborn resolve or desire; spiritedness; growth (গাছের রোখ). রোখচাপাv. to be seized with a strong resolve or desire. রোখদেখানোv. to exhibit spiritedness (usu. affected or impotent). রোখা, রোখালোa. of strong resolve; stubborn; spirited; exuberantly growing (রোখালো গাছ).

রোগ[ rōga ] n a disease, an ailment; morbidity; (fig.) an incorrigible bad practice or addiction, a vice (মিথ্যা বলা তার রোগ). রোগ সারাv. to recover from a disease, to be cured of a disease; to come round; (fig.) to be freed from a vice. রোগ হওয়া, রোগে পড়া, রোগেধরাv. to fall ill, to be attacked with a disease; (fig.) to become a victim to a vice. রোগে ভোগাv. to suffer from an illness. ̃ক্লিষ্টa. disease-stricken, sick. ̃গ্রস্হa. diseased, ailing, sick. ̃জনকa. causing disease; unwholesome; (bot.) pathogenic. ̃জীবাণুn. a virus, a bacterium (pl. bacteria), a bacillus (pl. bacilli). ̃জীর্ণa. worn-out or run down by disease. ̃নিদানn. the cause of a disease. ̃নিদানতত্ত্বn. pathology. ̃মুক্তa. cured of or recovered from a disease; free from disease (রোগমুক্ত থাকা). রোগমুক্ত করাv. to cure of a disease; to bring round. রোগমুক্তহওয়াv. to recover from a disease; to come round. ̃মুক্তিn. recovery from a disease. ̃যন্ত্রণাn. the agonies of a disease. ̃লক্ষণn. a symptom of a disease. ̃শয্যাn. a sick-bed. ̃শান্তি same as ̃মুক্তি । ̃শোকn. pl. disease and bereavement. রোগাa. diseased, ill, sick; sickly; lean, delicate; debilitated, emaciated. রোগাহওয়াv. to grow thin or thinner, to become emaciated; to lose flesh. রোগাক্রান্তa. attacked with a disease, diseased, ill. রোগাটেa. somewhat lean; gaunt; slim. রোগাতঙ্কn. pathophobia. রোগা-পটকাa. lean and feeble. রোগার্তa. afflicted with disease or ailment. রোগীa. suffering from a disease; ailing, sick, ill. ☐n. a sickman, a patient. fem. রোগিণী । রোগেরচিকিত্সা treatment of a disease. রোগেরযন্ত্রণা same as ̃যন্ত্রণা ।রোগোপশমn. healing or cure of a disease; abatement of a disease.

রোচক[ rōcaka ] a tasteful, pleasant to the taste; delicious, palatable; dainty.

রোচনা[ rōcanā ] n same as গোরোচনা।

রোজ[ rōja ] n a date (কোনরোজ); a day of the month (সাতই রোজ); a day (তিন রোজ); daily wages (দু-টাকারোজে); daily supply (রোজের দুধ). ☐a. daily, everyday. রোজ করাv. to arrange for the daily supply (of.) রোজ-রোজadv. daily, every day. ̃কারa. of everyday, daily (রোজকারকর্তব্য). রোজ-কেয়ামতn. the Day of Judgment (according to scriptures). ̃গারn. earning; income. রোজগার করাv. to earn. ̃গারি, (coll.) ̃গেরেa. one who earns, earning. ̃নামচাn. a diary, a journal.

রোজা2 [ rōjā2 ] n holy fasting of Muslims from sunrise to sundown during the month of Ramadan (রমজান). রোজা করা, রোজারাখাv. to keep this fast.

রোটিকা[ rōṭikā ] n a slice of bread.

রোদন[ rōdana ] n weeping or crying (esp. loudly), wailing. রোদন করাv. to weep or cry (esp. loudly), to wail. ̃শীলa. given to weeping or crying or wailing, lachry mose.

রোধ, রোধন[ rōdha, rōdhana ] n obstruction, blockade; hindrance; resistance. রোধ করাv. to obstruct, to block, to blockade; to hinder; to resist. রোধকa. obstructive, blocking, hindering; resistant. রোধ-কুন্ডলীn. (phys.) a resistance coil. রোধ-থার্মোমিটারn. (phys.) a resistance thermometer. রোধা pop. form of রুধা। রোধাঙ্কn. (phys.) specific resistance. রোধিতa. obstructed; blocked; blockaded; hindered; resisted. রোধী same as রোধক ।fem. রোধিনী .

রোপণ[ rōpaṇa ] n plantation; sowing. রোপণ করাv. to plant; to sow. ̃যন্ত্রn. a sowing-machine. রোপনীয়a. to be planted or sowed. রোপাv. to plant; to sow. রোপিতa. planted; sown, sowed.

রোম[ rōma ] n hair (chiefly of the body); wool; fur.

রোমকূপ[ rōmakūpa ] n a pore of the skin of the body.

রোমন্হ, রোমন্হন[ rōmanha, rōmanhana ] n rumination. রোমন্হন করাv. to ruminate, to chew the cud. রোমন্হকn. a ruminant.

রোমশ[ rōmaśa ] a hairy; woolly; furry; shaggy.

রোমাঞ্চ[ rōmāñca ] n horripilation, gooseflesh; thrill. ̃করa. horripilant; thrilling; (loos.) horrible রোমাঞ্চিতa. horripilated; thrilled.

রোমান[ rōmāna ] a Roman. ☐n. a Roman.

রোমাবলি[ rōmābali ] n a collection of hair; hair (collectively).

রোমোদ্গম, রোমোদ্ভেদ[ rōmōdgama, rōmōdbhēda ] n sprouting or growth of hair.

রোয়া1 [ rōẏā1 ] n a juicy seed-vessel of any fruit, a replum, a legume, a pod.

রোয়া2 [ rōẏā2 ] v to sow, to plant (ধান রোয়া). ☐a. sown or planted, that which has been sown or planted. ̃নোv. to cause to sow or plant.

রোয়াক [ rōẏāka ] n a raised terrace in the front part of a building.

রোয়েদাদ [ rōẏēdāda ] n an award of a share; an award. সাম্প্রদায়িক রোয়েদাদ a communal award.

রোরুদ্যমান [ rōrudyamāna ] a in a state of weeping or wail ing continually, bitterly or loudly. fem. রোরুদ্য মানা ।

রোল [ rōla ] n a suppressed noise; a sound, a noise, an outcry, a cry.

রোলার [ rōlāra ] n a roller. রোলারদেওয়াv. to beat or flatten with a roller, to roll, to use a roller.

রোশনচৌকি [ rōśanacauki ] n a symphony or serenade of sanai (সানাই) and other instruments.

রোশনাই, রোশনি [ rōśanāi, rōśani ] n light; illumination; lustre.

রোসো [ rōsō ] v (imper.) wait.

রোষ্ট [ rōṣṭa ] n roast.

রোহ, রোহণ [ rōha, rōhaṇa ] n act of riding or mounting or climbing.

রোহিণী [ rōhiṇī ] n (astr. & astrol.) the fourth of the twenty-seven stars of Hindu as tronomy; (myth.) the name of the wife of the moon-god; a nine-year old unmarried girl (রোহিণী দান).

রোহিত, রোহিতক [ rōhita, rōhitaka ] n a variety of fresh water fish, the trout.

রৌদ্র [ raudra ] n sunshine, the sun. ☐a. terrible, dreadful. রৌদ্র উঠেছেv. the sun is up. রৌদ্র পোহানোv. to bask in the sun; to take a sun-bath. রৌদ্রে দেওয়াv. to expose to the sun's rays, to spread in the sun to dry, to sun. ̃দগ্ধa. sunburnt. ̃দর্শনa. fierce-looking, of a formidable appearance. ̃পক্কa. sun-baked, sunned. ̃রসn. (rhet.) the emotion of rage. ̃সেবন করা same as রৌদ্র পোহানো । ̃স্নান sun-bath. ̃স্নান করাv. to sun bathe. রৌদ্রোজ্জ্বলa. shining in the sun light, brightened with sunshine, sun clad.

রৌপ্য [ raupya ] n silver, argent. ̃জয়ন্তী see জয়ন্তী । ̃নির্মিতa. made of silver, silvern. ̃ময়a. full of silver, silvery; made of silver, silvern. ̃মুদ্রাn. a silver coin. ̃মুদ্রাসমূহn. pl. silvers. ̃মূল্যেadv. in exchange of silver; in exchange of silvers or money. রৌপ্যালংকারn. a silver ornament; (in pl.) silvers.

বৌরব [ bauraba ] n (Hindu myth.) a terrible hell.

রাঁদা[ rān̐dā ] n a carpenter's plane.

রাপার[ rāpāra ] n a woollen wrapper.

রালা[ rālā ] n (coll.) a show of vanity or superiority, showing-off; boastful manner of speaking, bragging.

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