Sunday, April 7, 2013

ম [ m ] n the twenty-fifth consonant of the Bengali alphabet.

মই [ mi ] n a ladder (usu. one made of bamboo and rope); a harrow. মই দেওয়াv. to harrow (a field).

মউ, মৌ [ mu, mau ] n honey. মউ-আলুn. sweet yam. ̃চাক, ̃মাছির চাকn. a honeycomb; a beehive. ̃মাছিn. the bee. মউমাছিররানিa queen-bee. ̃মাছি পালনn. bee-keeping, apiculture. ̃লোভীa. fond of honey.

মউড় [ muḍ় ]n a tiara made of sola.

মউনি [ muni ] n a churn, a churning-staff.

মকদ্দমা [ makaddamā ] n a lawsuit, a case, a process; an affair (বিয়েটা একদিনের মকদ্দমা); a dispute. মকদ্দমা আনাv. to bring a lawsuit (against); to proceed (against). মকদ্দমাকরাv. to bring or file a lawsuit; to proceed (against); to conduct a case; to plead in a case; to try or judge a case; to enter into litigation. মকদ্দমাতোলাv. to bring up a case for trial.

মকমক [ makamaka ] int denoting: the croaking of the frog. ☐n. the croak. মকমক করাv. to croak.

মকর [ makara ] n a mythologicalaquatic animal; (astrol.) the Capricorn. ̃কেতন ̃কেতুn. the Hindu God of love whose flag bears the symbol of the mythological makar (মকর). ̃ক্রান্তিn. the winter solstice. ক্রান্তিবৃত্তn. the tropic of Capricorn. ̃ধ্বজn. a medicinal sublimate of mercury, sulphur and gold. ̃বাহিনীa. fem. riding on the mythological makar (মকর). ☐n. Goddess Ganga (গঙ্গা). ̃মন্ডলn. the tropic of Capricorn. ̃রাশিn. (astrol.) the Capricorn. ̃সংক্রান্তিn. (astr.) the transition of the sun from the Sagittarius to the Capricornus; (pop.) the winter solstice.

মকরন্দ [ makaranda ] n the nectar or honey of a flower.

মকরীয় [ makarīẏa ] a of the Capricorn; of the tropic of Capricorn. মকরীয় শান্তবলয়(geog.) the calms of Capricorn.

মকশো [ makaśō ] n practice; practice by tracing; repeated practicing মকশো করাv. to practice.

মকাই [ makāi ] n maize.

মকান [ makāna ] n a house, a dwelling house.

ম-কার [ ma-kāra ] n a word beginning with ম ।পঞ্চমকার see পঞ্চ ।

মকুব, মকুফ [ makuba, makupha ] n remission; condonation; exemption. মুকুব করাv. to remit; to condone; to exempt.

মক্কা [ makkā ] n maize.

মক্কেল [ makkēla ] n a client (of a pleader, barrister, attorney etc.) ̃হীনa. (of a legal practitioner) briefless.

মক্তব [ maktaba ] n a Muslim primary school.

মখমল [ makhamala ] n velvet. মখমলিa. made of velvet; velvety (মখমলি আকাশ)

মগ1 [ maga1 ] n a mug.

মগ2 [ maga2 ] n a native of Arakan or Burma. মগের মুলুক Arakan; Burma; (fig.) a lawless country.

মগজ [ magaja ] n brains; intelligence; the intellect or the pate; memory.

মগজি [ magaji ] n ornamental border or hem (of a frock, shirt etc.).

মগডাল [ magaḍāla ] n the topmost branch of a tree.

মগরা [ magarā ] a proud; haughty; audacious; cunning. মগরামিn. haughtiness, audacity; cunning.

মঘা [ maghā ] n the tenth of the twenty-seven stars according to the Hindu astronomy.

মঙ্গল [ maṅgala ] n well-being, weal, welfare, good, benefit; the Mars; Tuesday; a kind of Bengali epic poems about popular deities (usu. মঙ্গলকাব্য). মঙ্গলকরাv. to do good to. ̃করa. auspicious, propitious; doing good. ̃কামনাn. good wishes. ̃কামীa. well-wishing. মঙ্গলকামীব্যক্তি a well-wisher. ̃কারীa. & n. one who does good to others. fem. ˜কারিণী । ̃গীতn. a song narrating the glory of a deity. ̃গ্রহn. the Mars. ̃ঘটn. a consecrated pitcher placed in a house to win divine favour. ̃চন্ডীn. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক same as ̃কর ।fem. ̃দায়িকা । ̃বারn. Tuesday. ̃ময়a. benign, benignant, gracious, doing good, auspicious. ☐n. God. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃সংবাদ ̃সমাচারn. news of wellbeing; good news; (Christ.) gospel. ̃সূত্রn. a sacred or consecrated thread or string worn on the neck by woman. মঙ্গলাn. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). মঙ্গলাকরn. a mine of good. মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষা same as ̃কামনা ।মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষী same as ̃কামী ।fem. মঙ্গলাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী। মঙ্গলাচারণ, মঙ্গলাচারn. a prayer, to obtain divine benison on the eve of commencing work or in the beginning of a drama, poem etc.; any rite performed for the welfare of the votary. মঙ্গলামঙ্গলn. good and evil, weal and woe. মঙ্গলারতিn. the ceremonial waving of lights before an idol. মঙ্গলার্থেadv. for the good or welfare of. মঙ্গল্য var. of মাঙ্গলিক ।

মঙ্গোল, মঙ্গোলীয় [ maṅgōla, maṅgōlīẏa ] n a Mongol. ☐a. Mongol, Mongolian, Mongoloid. মঙ্গোলয়েডn. a Mongoloid. ☐a. Mon goloid.

মচ [ maca ] int denoting: a sharp snapping noise. মচমচint. denoting: repeated snapping noise. মচমচেa. crisp (মচমচে মুড়ি).

মচকানো [ macakānō ] v to sprain or be sprained; to twist. মচকানিn. sprain; twist. ভাঙেতবুমচকায় না would rather break than bend.

মজবুত [ majabuta ] a firm; stiff, fast; strong, hard; lasting, durable.

মজলিশ [ majaliśa ] n a sitting, a meeting, a gathering; a party (চায়ের মজলিশ); an association, a society, a club. মজলিশিa. of or fit for a party or assembly; capable of brightening up a gathering or party with pleasant talk or bearing.

মজা1 [ majā1 ] v to be drowned; to lose oneself (in) (প্রেমে মজা, নেশায় মজা); to be charmed (with) or won over (by) (কথায়মজা); to silt up (পুকুরমজা); to be pickled thoroughly or overmuch (আচারমজা); to mature or ripen thoroughly (কাঁঠাল মজেনি); to be greatly endangered or utterly ruined (ব্যাঙ্ক ফেল পড়ায়সে মজল). ☐a. silted up or dried up thoroughly or overmuch, matured or ripened. ☐n. the delicious leavings of certain fruits from which juice has been extracted (তালের মজা).

মজা2 [ majā2 ] n pleasure; enjoyment; comfort and luxury (মজায় থাকা); sport, frolic; fun; banter, joke; a funny or pleasant affair or object. মজা করাv. to make fun (of); to make a song of; to pull one's leg; to indulge in pleasures and frolics. মজাটের পাওয়াv. to feel the weight or brunt of adventure or danger or difficulty; to feel the pinch of; to feel the evil consequences; to be punished, to have to kiss the rod. মজা টেরপাওয়ানো, মজা দেখানোv. to drag one into a danger or trouble as a punishment; to punish; to teach one a lesson; to make one feel the evil consequences of. মজাদেখাv. to take delight in other's trouble; to view other's trouble with secret joy. মজা মারা, মজা লোটাv. to enjoy; to indulge in pleasures and frolics; to enjoy undue benefit from something; to live amidst pleasure and luxury. মজার গল্প a funny or amusing story.

মজাদার [ majādāra ] a funny; amusing; delicious, palatable (মজাদার খাবার).

মজানো [ majānō ] v to drown; to cause to lose oneself (in); to charm, to win over; to silt up; to pickle thoroughly; to cause to mature or ripen thoroughly, to bring disgrace on (কুল মজানো); to endanger greatly or ruin utterly overmuch.

মজুদ, মজুত [ majuda, majuta ] a stored up; hoarded; reserved; in reserve for future use, reserve; still existing (আমার শক্তি এখনওমজুদ); ready to hand, at beck and call (হুকুম তামিলের জন্য মজুত আছি). মজুদতহবিল reserve fund; reserve capital. ̃দারn. a hoarder. ̃দারিn. hoarding.

মজুর [ majura ] n a labourer, a workman, a worker. fem. মজুরনি । ̃সরদারn. a foreman of a gang, a gangsman, a ganger. মজুরের দল a band of labourers; a gang. মজুরিn. labour cost or charges; wages of a labourer; labour work. ম়জুরি করাv. to work as a labourer.

মজ্জন [ majjana ] n sinking or being drowned.

মজ্জমান [ majjamāna ] a in the state of being drowned, sinking. fem. মজ্জমানা ।

মজ্জা [ majjā ] n marrow, bone-marrow; pith; (physio.) core. ̃গতa. pertaining to marrow; inherent or inveterate. ̃গহ্বরn. a pith cavity.

মঝু [ majhu ] pro. a (poet. & obs.) my.

মঞ্চ [ mañca ] n a platform, a dais; a rostrum; a scaffold; the stage or theatre. ̃নির্দেশন, নির্দেশনাn. stage direction. ̃ভাষণn. a platform speech. ̃শিল্পn. stagecraft; stage play. ̃শিল্পীn. a stage-player; a stage-decorator. ̃সজ্জাn. stage-decoration. মঞ্চস্হকরাv. to stage (a drama), to enact; (rare) to place on a platform. মঞ্চাভিনয়n. stage-acting; acting in a drama.

মঞ্জন [ mañjana ] n cleansing (as teeth) by rubbing, brushing, etc.; an article for cleansing with (দন্তমঞ্জন).

মঞ্জরা [ mañjarā ] v (poet.) to blossom or sprout ('অশোক রোমাঞ্চিত মঞ্জরিয়া').

মঞ্জরি [ mañjari ] n a young shoot or twig with new leaves (আম্রমঞ্জরি); a shoot; a sprout; a spike (পুষ্পমঞ্জরি); an ear (শস্যমঞ্জরি); a flower-spike (বকুলমঞ্জরি). ̃দন্ডn. (bot.) a rachis. ̃পত্রn. (bot.) a bract.

মঞ্জরিত [ mañjarita ] a blossomed, budded, flowered; sprouted. মঞ্জরিত হওয়াv. to blossom, to bud, to flower; to sprout.

মঞ্জিল [ mañjila ] n a palace; a magnificent building, a mansion.

মঞ্জীর [ mañjīra ] n an anklet with small jingling bells.

মঞ্জু [ mañju ] a beautiful, graceful, lovely; delicate; pleasant; sweet. ̃কেশীa. fem. having beautiful hair. ̃ভাষিণীa. fem. suave in speech, honey-mouthed, fair spoken. ̃লa. same as মঞ্জু ।☐n. a flower-grove; a grove; a bower. ̃শ্রী delicate or charming grace or beauty; one possessing such grace or beauty; name of a Jain goddess. ̃হাসিনীa. fem. sweet-smiling.

মঞ্জুর [ mañjura ] a sanctioned, approved, granted; permitted; accepted, admitted (আপিলমঞ্জুর হওয়া). মঞ্জুর করাv. to sanction, to approve; to grant; to permit; to accept, to admit.

মঞ্জুরি [ mañjuri ] a sanctioning, approving, permitting, accepting (মঞ্জুরি দস্তখত). মঞ্জুরিকমিশন grants commission.

মঞ্জুষা [ mañjuṣā ] n a box, a chest, a casket.

মট, মট্ [ maṭa, maṭ ] int denoting: a snapping noise as caused by the splitting or twisting of anything hard. মট্ করেadv. with a cracking or snapping sound. মট্মট্int. denoting repeated মট্ sound.

মটকা [ maṭakā ] n a coarse variety of tusser; the topmost (and also central) part of the surface of a thatched roof (cp. loft); feigned sleep; a large earthen barrel or cask. মটকা মারাv. to close up or block the opening at the centre of a thatched roof; to pretend sleep, to pretend to be sleeping.

মটকানো [ maṭakānō ] v to twist (as a finger) or break (as a twig) with a snapping noise. আঙুলমটকানোv. to snap one's finger.

মটকি [ maṭaki ] n a large earthen barrel or cask.

মটন [ maṭana ] n mutton. ̃চপn. a mutton-chop.

মটর2 [ maṭara2 ] n pea. ̃কলাই (dial.) ̃কড়াইn. pea. ̃ডালn. husked (ripened) pea-seeds used as dal. ̃দানাn. a grain or seed of pea. a necklace or a girdle studded with small balls resembling seeds of pea. ̃মালাn. a necklace studded with small balls resembling pea seeds. ̃শাকn. pea-plant eaten as spin ach. ̃শুটিn. a pea-pod, a peascod, a pease-cod, a pea-cod.

মটাত্ [ maṭāt ] int same as মট্।

মঠ [ maṭha ] n a monastery or a nunnery, a convent; an abbey; a shrine, a temple; an academy; a sweetmeat made of congealed sugar shaped like a temple. ̃ধারী, মঠাধিকারী, মঠাধ্যক্ষn. a head of a monastery or convent, an abbot. fem. ̃ধারিণী an abbess.

মড়ক [ maḍ়ka ] n a pestilence, a plague; (of cattle, beasts and birds) a murrain; wide spread death (মাছেরমড়ক). মড়ক লেগেছে a pestilence or a murrain has broken out; death is taking a heavy toll of lives. ̃খোলাn. a place for cremating or depositing (usu. neglectfully) people killed by a pestilence.

মড়মড় [ maḍ়maḍ় ]int denoting noise of crashing of a hard substance.

মড়া [ maḍ়ā ] n a dead body, a corpse. মড়া নিয়েযাওয়া (contemp.) মড়া ফেলাv. to carry a corpse to the crematorium or graveyard. মড়ারউপর খাঁড়ার ঘা দেওয়াv. to strike a man when he is down; to add insult to injury; (cp.) flog a dead horse. ̃খেকোn. a ghoul, a ghost.

মড়িঘর [ maḍ়ighara ] n a morgue.

মড়িপোড়া [ maḍ়ipōḍ়ā ] a taking part in cremating the dead bodies of unrelated persons. ☐n. such a Brahman (considered an outcast).

মড়ুঞ্চে [ maḍ়uñcē ] a stillborn; giving birth to still born babies (মড়ুঞ্চে পোয়াতি).

মণি [ maṇi ] n a precious stone, a jewel, a gem; (fig.) a precious object or treasure (খোকামণি); (fig.) a glorious person (রঘুমণি). ̃কn. (geog.) mineral. ̃কাঞ্চনn. a jewel and gold; (fig.) combination or union of two very precious things. ̃কাঞ্চনযোগn. an excellent union: (astrol.) a very auspicious conjunction of stars. ̃কারn. a jeweller, a lapidary. ̃কোঠাn. a room the floor and walls of which are set with gems. ̃খচিতa. inlaid with jewels. ̃বন্ধn. the wrist. ̃ভান্ডারn. a jewel-house, (cp.) treasure-house or treasure-trove. ̃মন্ডিতa. set or studded or adorned with gems. ̃ময় full of gems; made of gems; set or studded or adorned with gems. ̃মানিক্য same as ̃রত্ন। ̃মালাn. a necklace set with gems. ̃রত্নn. pl. gems and jewels, jewellery. ̃হার same as ̃মালা। ̃হারা ফণী (fig.) one who is fretfully aggrieved on account of losing one's most precious treasure or beloved person.

মণিপুরি [ maṇipuri ] a of or produced in or born in Manipur. ☐n. a native of Manipur.

মন্ড [ manḍa ] n gruel; starch; pulp; paste.

মন্ডন [ manḍana ] n ornamentation; embellishment; decoration; toilet; overlaying or studding; an ornament.

মন্ডপ [ manḍapa ] n a roofed or otherwise covered terrace or place usu. with four sides open; a pavilion.

মন্ডল [ manḍala ] n a circular or spherical area; a sphere, a circle, a ring, an orb, a globe (ভূমন্ডল, দিঙ্মন্ডল); an area; a region (নক্ষত্রমন্ডল); an empire, a vast territory or kingdom; a country; a district, a village, a locality, a zone (বজ্রমন্ডল); a community (প্রজামন্ডল); an assemblage, a congregation (মন্ত্রিমন্ডল, ভক্তমন্ডল); (geom.) a group; a village headman; a headman, a leader. ̃পট্টn. (phys.) a zone plate. মন্ডলপরিদর্শকn. a circle inspector. মন্ডলাকারa. circular, spherical, round, globular. মন্ডলীn. a collection, a multitude; a community; an assemblage; a congregation; a circle (মন্ডলীকরে বসা). মন্ডলীকৃতa. formed into a circle or coil. মন্ডলেশ্বরn. a paramount ruler (esp. of a vast territory); an emperor.

মন্ডিত [ manḍita ] a ornamented; embellished; decorated (with). fem. মন্ডিতা ।মন্ডিত করাv. to ornament; to embellish; to decorate; to dress; to overlay or stud (with).

মন্ডূক [ manḍūka ] n the frog. fem. মন্ডূকী ।

মত2 [ mata2 ] n an opinion, a view; consent; a theory; a doctrine, anism; a tenet; a creed, a religion; a method, a principle; a mode or means. মতকরাv. to agree (to); to intend. মতোকরানোv. to persuade. মত দেওয়াv. to consent to, to agree to; to give one's consent; to acquiesce; to pass one's opinion, to opine. মত নেওয়াv. to take or invite one's consent or opinion. মত পাওয়াv. to obtain one's consent or approval. নানা মুনির নানা মত(fig.) many minds many views; no two wise men agree. যত মত তত পথas many tenets, as many ways to salvation. ̃দানn. giving one's opinion or consent; expressing one's views; casting one's vote. ̃দ্বৈধsame as ̃বিরোধ । ̃পরিবর্তনn. change of opinion. ̃পার্থক্যn. difference of opinion or views. ̃বাদn. a theory; a doctrine; a tenet. ̃বাদীa. adhering to a particular theory or doctrine or tenet. ̃বিরোধ, ̃ভেদ, মতানৈক্যn. difference of opinion; disagreement; dissension. মতান্তরn. difference of opinion, dissension; a different or contrary opinion or view or doctrine or theory. মতান্তরেadv. in or according to another view. মতাবলম্বন করাv. to accept or adhere to or profess an opinion or view or doctrine or theory or tenet or religion. মতাবলম্বীa. & n. one who accepts or adheres to or follows or professes a particular opinion or view or doctrine or theory or religion. fem. মতাবলম্বিনী।মতামতn. views for and against.

মত্কর্তৃক [ matkartṛka ] adv by me.

মত্কুণ [ matkuṇa ] n the bug.

মত্কৃত [ matkṛta ] n done or performed by me.

মত্প্রণীত [ matpraṇīta ] a written or compiled or composed by me.

মতলব [ matalaba ] n intention, purpose, design; a plan, a stratagem, an artifice, a wile. মতলবআঁটাv. to think out a plan, to scheme, to plan. মতলবকরাবাভাঁজাv. to contrive a stratagem; to intend, to design. ̃বাজ, মতলবিa. designing, scheming, artful, crafty, wily; self-devoted.

মত্সর [ matsara ] n envy, malice, spite; malevolence. ☐a. envious, malicious, spiteful; malevolent; base, mean.

মত্স্য[ matsya ] n fish; the first of the ten incarnations of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); (astrol.) the Pisces; an ancient state of India. ̃করন্ডিকাn. a fish-creel. ̃গন্ধাn. fem. a woman or girl from whose body a fish-like smell emanates. ̃ঘন্টn. a highly seasoned dish of fish, fish-grill. ̃জাতn. (geog.) fishery products. ̃জীবীn. a fisherman, a fisher (fem: a fisher woman, a fish-wife). ̃ন্যায়var. of মাত্স্যন্যায় । ̃ব্যবসায়n. the trade or profession of catching and selling fish. ̃ব্যবসায়ীn. a fishdealer, a fishmonger; a fisherman. ̃ভোজীa. same as মত্স্যাশী । ̃রঙ্গn. the kingfisher, the halcyon. মত্স্যাশীa. fish-eating, piscivorous.

মতি1 [ mati1 ] n intelligence, intellect; mentality; memory; attention; devotion; inclination, propensity; desire. ̃গতিn. intentions and activities; card up one's sleeve. ̃চ্ছন্নa. evil-minded, wicked; froward; wayward; foolish; out of one's mind, not in one's right mind. ☐n. loss of good judgment; evil mindedness; wickedness; frowardness; waywardness; a folly. ̃ভ্রংশ, ̃ভ্রম, ̃ভ্রান্তিn. loss of memory; loss of intellect or judgment; a lapse of judgment; an aberration; a mistake, an error; delusion. ̃ভ্রষ্ট, ̃ভ্রান্তa. demented; bereft of one's intellect or judgment; off one's head; forgetful, oblivious; committing a mistake or error, erring; deluded. ̃মত্তাn. sagacity, wisdom; intelligence; discreetness. ̃মানa. sagacious, wise; intelligent; discreet. ̃স্হিরতা, ̃স্হৈর্যn. firmness of mind or resolve; mental equipoise. ̃হীনa. same as ̃চ্ছন্ন (a.). and—lacking in attention or devotion or inclination or intention.

মতিহারি [ matihāri ] a grown in Matihari. ☐n. tobacco growing in Matihari.

মতো [ matō ] a like, as, similar to (ফুলের মতো); according to or in keeping with (কথামতো); suiting or satisfying (মনেরমতো); becoming or befitting (রাজারমতো আচরণ). ☐prep. for (আজকের মতো, জন্মের মতো).

মত্ত [ matta ] a intoxicated, sottish, drunk; drunken; maddened, frenzied; mad; must; musty (মত্তহস্তী = a must elephant, an elephant in a state of frenzy or run amok); maddened by rage or excitement; greatly proud of (ধনমত্ত); beside oneself with (আনন্দে মত্ত); absorbedly engaged in (গানেমত্ত); addicted to or indulging in (বিলাসেমত্ত). fem. মত্তা । ̃তাn. intoxicated state, intoxication; sottishness, drunkenness; frenzy; madness; must; highly enraged or excited state; great elation; the state of being beside oneself; absorbing preoccupation; addiction.

মথন [ mathana ] n churning; stirring; trampling; routing; crushing. মথন করাv. to churn, to stir; to trample; to rout, to crush.

মথনী [ mathanī ] n butter; the churning rod.

মথিত [ mathita ] a churned; stirred; trampled; routed; crushed. মথিত করা same as মথনকরা (see মথন).

মদ [ mada ] n vanity, pride; arrogance; intoxication; frenzy; infatuation; great joy or elation; musk; wine; intoxicating juice (মহুয়ার মদ); a watery exudation from the cheeks, temple etc. of an elephant in rut. মদ খাওয়াv. to drink wine, to drink. ̃খোরa. addicted to drinking wine. মদখোর লোক a drunkard. ̃গর্বn. insane vanity or pride or arrogance. ̃গর্বিত, ̃গর্বীa. mad with vanity or pride or arrogance. fem. ̃গর্বিতা। ̃মত্তa. raving on account of being drunk; mad with vanity; (of an elephant) in rut. fem. ̃মত্তা । মদমত্ত হাতি an elephant in rut; a must elephant.

মদত [ madata ] n aid, help, assistance; cooperation. মদত দেওয়াv. to aid, to help, to assist; to cooperate with.

মদন [ madana ] n the Hindu god of love (cp. Cupid, Eros); amorous or sexual desire, eroticism. ̃গোপালn. a cupid's minion; Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃পীড়িতa. stricken with love or sexual desire, lovesick. fem. ̃পীড়িতা। ̃বাণn. the shaft of Madana (মদন), (cp.) Cupid's shaft; (fig.) an erotogenous object. ̃বাণপীড়িতsame as ̃পীড়িত ।fem. ̃বাণপীড়িতা । ̃মোহনn. one who infatuates even Madana (মদন); Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). মদনোত্সবn. a spring festival held in honour of Madana (মদন); the festival of holi (হোলি).

মদান্ধ [ madāndha ] a blind with vanity.

মদালস [ madālasa ] a feeling lethargic at the termination of a drunken bout; made indolent by incitation of sexual or amorous desire. fem. মদালসা ।

মদির [ madira ] a intoxicating; besotting; infatuating. ̃তাn. intoxication; drunkenness; infatuation. মদিরাn. rich. wine (cp. Ma deira). মদিরাক্ষী, মদিরেক্ষণাn. fem. a woman with eyes pleasantly dilated with or as with drunkenness; a woman having beautiful eyes. মদিরাগৃহn. an ale-house, a grog-shop.

মদীয় [ madīẏa ] prop. & a my, mine.

মদো[ madō ] a of or pertaining to wine (মদোগন্ধ); addicted to wine (মদো মাতাল). ̃মাতাললোকa boozer, a drunkard.

মদোদ্ধত [ madōddhata ] a highly conceited or arrogant or haughty, stuck-up, puffed up.

মদ্য [ madya ] n wine. ̃প, ̃পায়ীa. addicted to drinking wine. ☐n. a drunkard; a boozer. ̃বিক্রেতাn. a vintner, a wine merchant. মদ্যাসক্তিn. addiction to wine; addiction to drinking; booziness.

মদ্র [ madra ] n the ancient name of the Punjab and some adjoining districts.

মধু [ madhu ] n honey; anything sweet; sweet juice; nectar; wine; the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র); spring; (fig.) sweetness or charm ('গোকুলে মধু ফুরায়ে গেল'); opportunity of income esp. of extra or illegal income (এ চাকরিতে মধুনেই); money, wealth (কাপ্তানের মধু ফুরিয়েগেছে). ☐a. sweet-tasting, delicious; sweet, pleasing; full of honey or sweet juice. ̃কn. liquorice. ̃কন্ঠa. sweet voiced. ̃করn. the bee, the black-bee. fem. ̃করী । ̃কোষn. a honeycomb; the testicle (of a goat, sheep etc.). ̃গন্ধ, ̃গন্ধিa. very sweet-scented or sweet smelling. ̃চক্রn. a honeycomb, a bee hive. ̃চন্দ্র, ̃চন্দ্রমা, ̃চন্দ্রিকাn. honey moon. ̃চন্দ্র যাপন করাv. to honeymoon. ̃জn. beeswax. ̃নিশিn. the wedding night; a vernal or spring night; a very pleasant night. ̃পn. the bee; the black-bee. ̃পর্কn. an oblation of honey, clarified butter, milk, curd and sugar all mixed together. মধুপর্কেরবাটিa small bowl or cup or container for the above mixture for oblation; (fig.) anything small, brittle or tending to flop. ̃পায়ীn. the bee; the black-bee. ̃পূর্ণa. full of honey; full of sweet juice; very delicious; very sweet or charming. ̃বনn. a pleasant grove in Brindaban. ̃বর্ষীa. showering honey; (fig.)very sweet or pleasing. ̃ভাষীa. sweet-speaking, honey-tongued. ̃মক্ষিকাn. the bee, the black-bee. ̃ময় same as মধুপূর্ণ । ̃মালতীn. a kind of creeper, (cp.) the honey suckle. ̃মাসn. the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র). ̃মেহn. diabetes. ̃যামিনীn. a spring night; a very pleasant night; honeymoon. মধুযামিনী যাপন করাv. to honeymoon. ̃রসn. sweet juice; sweetness. ̃রাতিn. a spring night; a very pleasant night. ̃লিট, ̃লিহ, ̃লেহn. the bee, the black-bee. ̃লুব্ধ, ̃লোভী, ̃লোলুপa. avid of or fond of honey or sweet juice. ̃স্বরa. sweet-voiced.

মধুর [ madhura ] a very sweet, honeyed; sweet; delicious; pleasant. fem. মধুরা । ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. great sweetness; deliciousness; pleasantness. ̃ভাষিণীa. fem. honey tongued; soft-spoken. masc. ̃ভাষী । ̃প্রকৃতি, ̃স্বভাবa. sweet-tempered. ̃স্বরa. sweet-voiced. মধুরাম্লn. an acid; acid. ☐a. acid. মধুরালাপn. pleasant or friendly conversation; (poet.) amorous conversation. মধুরিমাa. (great) sweetness; pleasantness.

মধূত্থ [ madhūttha ] n beeswax. ̃বর্তিকাn. wax candle.

মধ্য [ madhya ] n the middle; the centre; the waist; the inside or interior; midst; interval. ☐a. middle, central, mid; interior, inside; intervening, interim, mean; middling, mediocre; medium. মধ্য উষ্ণতা mean temperature. ̃কa. (arith.) mean. ☐n. (arith.) a mean. ̃কর্ণn. the middle ear, (loos.) the tympanum. ̃কালn. (astr.) the meantime. ̃কোণn. (astr.) the mean anomaly. ̃ক্ষীণাa. fem. having a slender waist. ̃গa. of the middling state, mean. fem. ̃গা । ̃গমনn. (astr.) culmination. ̃চ্ছদাn. (physio.) the diaphragm. ̃তলn. (astr.) the meridian plane. ̃ত্বকn. (bot.) mesocarp. ̃দিনn. (arch.) midday, noon. ̃দেশn. the middle or central part; the waist; the interior or inside; Central India. ̃পদলোপীn. (gr.) a mode of framing compound words by deleting the word in the middle of other two. ̃পর্দা, ̃পরদাn. the middle lamella. ̃পন্হাn. the middle course; the golden mean. ̃পন্হীa. & n. moderate, (a person) avoiding extremes and following or pursuing the middle course or the golden mean. ˜প্রাচ্যn. the Middle East; countries of the Middle East. ̃বয়স্কa. middle-aged. fem. মধ্যবয়স্কা । ̃বর্তিতাn. the state of being in the middle; the state of being inside; intermediacy; intervention; mediation. ̃বর্তীa. situated or stationed in the middle or inside or in the midst; intermediate; intervening; medial; mediating. fem. ̃বর্তিনী। ̃বর্তীনিযুক্তক a handling agent. মধ্যবর্তীহওয়াv. to lie in or go into the middle; to intervene; to mediate. ̃বিত্তa. middleclass, bourgeois. মধ্যবিত্ত-মনোবৃত্তিn. middleclass mentality; (esp. pol.) petty bourgeoismentality. মধ্যবিত্ত-সম্প্রদায়n. the middle class, the bourgeoisie. ̃বিধa. middling, mediocre. ̃বিন্দুn. the centre. ̃ভারতn. Central India. ̃মণিn. ajewel at the centre of anything; (fig.) the most glorious or precious or prominent person or thing. ̃মানn. an Indian musical measure. ̃যুগn. the Middle Ages. ̃যুগীয়a. mediaeval. ̃রাত্রn. midnight. ̃রাত্রেadv. at midnight, at dead of night. ̃রেখাn. (geog. & astr.) the meridian; (geom.) a median. মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষত্ The Board of Secondary Education. ̃শিরাn. (bot.) the midrib. ̃স্হa. of the interior or inside; inner; lying inside or in the interior; lying in the midst; intermediate, medial; intervening; mediating; intermediary. ☐n. a mediator; an arbitrator, an arbiter; an intermediary, a middleman, a go-between. fem. ̃স্হা । মধ্যস্হ ন্যায়ালয় an arbitral tribunal. ̃স্হতাn. mediation; arbitration. মধ্যস্হতাকরাv. to mediate; to arbitrate. ̃স্হলn. the middle; the centre; the inside, the interior; the midst. ̃স্হিতa. lying inside or in the interior; lying in the midst.

মধ্যন্দিন [ madhyandina ] n midday, noon.

মধ্যম [ madhyama ] a middle; second in order of seniority or age (মধ্যমভ্রাতা = the second brother; মধ্যমপুত্র = the second son); (rare) intermediate, medial; middling, mediocre, moderate. ☐n. the waist (সুমধ্যমা); (mus.) the major fourth of the C-scale. ̃পন্হাn. the middle course; (pol.) moderateness, moderatism. ̃পন্হীa. following the middle course; (pol.) moderate. ̃বয়স্কa. middle-aged. fem. ̃বয়স্কা । মধ্যমাn. the middle finger; (geom.) a median. ☐a. fem. second in order of seniority or age. মধ্যমাঙ্গুলিn. the middle finger.

মধ্যা, মধ্যাঙ্গুলি [ madhyā, madhyāṅguli ] n the middle finger.

মধ্যাহ্ন [ madhyāhna ] n midday, noon. ̃কালীনa. of or at noon, midday, noonday, noontide; meridional. ̃ক্রিয়াn. any one of the scriptural or other midday duties; midday meal, luncheon, lunch. ̃ভোজনn. midday meal, luncheon, lunch. মধ্যাহ্নভোজনকরাv. to take one's midday meal, to lunch. ̃সূর্যn. the midday sun, the meridian sun.

মধ্যাবস্হা [ madhyābashā ] n mediocrity; the middle or middling state.

মধ্যে [ madhyē ] prep in the middle, at the centre; in, into, within, inside; in between (ইতিমধ্যে); before the termination or commencement of, by (সপ্তাহমধ্যে, সন্ধ্যারমধ্যে); amidst, in the midst of, amongst or between. ☐adv. some time back (মধ্যে একবার বলেছিলাম). মধ্যে মধ্যে. adv. from time to time, occasionally, now and then; few and far between; sparsely.

মধ্যোচ্চগমন [ madhyōccagamana ] n (astr.) upper culmination.

মধ্যোন্নতি [ madhyōnnati ] n (astr.) the meridian altitude.

মন1 [ mana1 ] n a measure of weight (=4 seers or about 82 lbs.), a maund. ̃কষাn. the system of calculating weight in terms of maunds, seers etc. ̃কেadv. for each maund, each maund; in every or each maund.

মন2 [ mana2 ] n mind; heart; mental state, mood; mentality; feeling; consideration; memory; inclination, desire; attraction, attachment, interest; attention; earnestness, devotion; sincerity; choice; resolve, decision. মন আসা same as মনলাগা । মন ওঠাv. to be satisfied or pleased. মন করাv. toresolve, to make up one's mind; to have a mind; to agree, to condescend (আপনি মন করলেচাকরিটাহবে). মন কাড়াv. to captivate the mind, to capture the fancy of; to win one's heart. মনকেমন করাv. to be uneasy in mind; to be worried. মনখারাপকরা see খারাপ । মন খারাপ হওয়াv. to be out of hearts; to be out of humour; to be saddened. মন খোলা, মন খুলে বলাv. to speak one's mind; to open one's heart; to break one's mind. মন গলাv. to soften (towards), to melt. মন গলানোv. to melt one's heart. মন চাওয়াv. to be inclined to; to agree to. মন ছোটো হওয়াv. to become small-minded; to feel small; to be stricken with a sense of inferiority; to become ungenerous or niggardly; to lose heart, to become dejected. মন ছোটাv. to be stricken with an impetuous inclination towards or desire for; to be greatly attracted. মনজানাv. to learn or know one's mind. মনজোগানোv. to comply with one's orders or desires; to act to please another; to humour; to flatter. মনটলাv. to become perturbed or worried; to be in two minds, to waver; to be of two minds; to soften emotionally, to melt. মনটানাv. to attract; to incline; to have a mind. মনথাকাv. to have a desire for; to be inclined towards; to have interest in; to be attentive to. মনথেকেadv. sincerely; from the bottom of one's heart; by or out of one's imagination; (rare) from memory. মন দমাv. to become disheartened or discouraged. মন দেওয়াv. to apply one's mind to, to mind; to be earnest (মন দিয়েকাজ করা); to pay attention or heed to; to fall in love with. মনপাওয়াv. to be able to please another; to win one's favour or love; to win the heart of. মনপ্রাণ দিয়ে চেষ্টা করাv. to try heart and soul. মন বসা same as মনলাগা । মন বিষানোv. to embitter or poison one's mind. মনভাঙাv. to be disheartened or discouraged; to be broken-hearted or heart-broken. মন ভাঙানোv. to dishearten or discourage; to break one's heart; to prejudice one's mind (against), to earwig. মন ভোলানোv. to charm or captivate one's mind; to attract or please greatly; to win one's heart; to infatuate; to melt one's heart; to cajole; to take one's mind off (something). মন মাতানোv. to make one beside oneself with delight; to delight or please greatly. মন মানাv. to be consoled; to agree to accept at heart; to agree or consent to. মন রাখা same as মনজোগানো । মন লাগাv. to have a liking or inclination for; to have interest in; to have earnestness in. মন লাগানোv. to apply one's mind to, to attend to earnestly. মনসরাv. to have a desire for, to be willing (to). মন হওয়াv. to be inclined; to have half a mind; to become consented. মনহারানোv. to lose oneself; to lose one's heart; to be infatuated, to be greatly enamoured (of). মনে ওঠাv. to rise in one's mind, to occur to or strike one (ফন্দি মনে ওঠা); to be recollected (স্মৃতি মনে ওঠা). মনে করাv. to call to mind, to recollect; to resolve, to decide; to have a mind; to have half a mind; to feel; to suppose; to count, to regard, to consider, to think. মনে জাগা same as মনে ওঠা । মনেজানাv. to know or feel at heart. মনে থাকাv. to be remembered, to be retained in one's memory. মনেদাগ কাটাv. to impress one's mind indelibly; to bring home to; to make an imprint on one's mind; to occupy one's memory permanently. মনে ধরাv. to be to one's liking or choice; to be after one's heart. মনেনেওয়াv. to feel; to suppose; to consider or think seriously. মনেপড়াv. to remember; to be recollected. মনে পুষে রাখাv. to nourish or cherish secretly at heart. মনেরাখাv. to remember; to bear or to keep in mind. মনে লাগাv. to be to one's liking, to be up to one's choice; to impress one's mind favourably; to be shocked or pained at heart; to feel or suppose. মনে স্হান দেওয়া to cherish or keep alive in one's heart. মনে হওয়াv. to feel; to suppose; to consider, to think; to count, to regard; to come to recollect; to appear; to seem. মনের আগুন mental anguish, heart-grief. মনেরকথা one's secret thoughts and feelings and intentions, one's mind. মনের কালি the gloom of one's mind; sorrow, grief; ill feeling; malice; concealed vice. মনেরগোল doubt; hesitation. মনের জোর a strong will; moral courage; self-confidence; morale. মনের ঝাল a grudge. মনেরঝাল মেটানোv. to feed one's grudge. মনের বিষ concealed envy or malice; canker of the mind. মনের ব্যথা mental anguish, heart's pang. মনের মতো same as মনোমতো। মনের ময়লা same as মনের কালি । মনের মানুষ aperson after one's own heart; a favourite; a minion; a lover. মনেরমিল amicability; agreement, accord.

মনকষাকষি [ manakaṣākaṣi ] n strained relations; mutual ill-feelings; bad blood. মনকষাকষি করাv. to strain one's relations with; to fall out with.

মনক্কা [ manakkā ] n raisin.

মনখোলা [ manakhōlā ] a open-hearted, hearty, frank, above-board; outspoken.

মন-ঢালা [ mana-ḍhālā ] a whole-hearted.

মন-দেওয়া-নেওয়া [ mana-dēōẏā-nēōẏā ] n mutual love-making; courtship.

মনন [ manana ] n thinking, cogitation; guessing, supposition, surmise; deciding, resolution; conceiving, conception; a notion. মনন করাv. to think, to cogitate; to guess, to suppose, to surmise; to decide, to resolve; to conceive; to form a notion. ̃শীলa. thoughtful; intellectual.

মনপবন [ manapabana ] n (dial.) secret inclinations and intentions, one's mind. মনপবনের দাঁড় (in folk-tales) an oar by means of which a boat can be driven at any speed and in any directions as one desires.

মনপ্রাণ [ manaprāṇa ] n heart and soul.

মনমরা [ manamarā ] a down-hearted, morose, low spirited, vapoury, (sl.) browned off; dejected, melancholy.

মনরক্ষা [ manarakṣā ] n compliance with one's orders or desires; acting or working to please another; humouring or flattering. মনরক্ষা করাv. to comply with one's orders or desires or wishes; to act to please another; to humour; to flatter.

মনশ্চক্ষু [ manaścakṣu ] n the mind's eye; imagination; insight.

মনশ্চাঞ্চল্য [ manaścāñcalya ] n mental agitation or unrest; worry, anxiety, concern.

মনসবদার [ manasabadāra ] n (hist.) one of a class of army commanders serving in lieu of a jaghir. মনসবদারিn. office of the aforesaidarmy commanders.

মনসা [ manasā ] n (myth.) the Hindu Snake-Goddess; a kind of plant. ̃মঙ্গল cult poetry concerning Goddess Manasa (মনসা).

মনসিজ [ manasija ] n Madana (মদন) the god of love.

মনস্তত্ত্ব [ manastattba ] n psychology. মনস্তাত্ত্বিকa. psychological. ☐n. a psychologist.

মনস্তুষ্টি [ manastuṣṭi ] n mental satisfaction or pleasure; heart's content; (loos.) adulation. ̃করa. pleasing, satisfying; gratifying.

মনস্বী [ manasbī ] a endowed with mental calm or peace; magnanimous, large-minded, large-hearted; great-hearted; (loos.) possessing sharp intellect. fem. মনস্বিনী।মনস্বিতাn. possession of mental calm or peace; magnanimity, large-mindedness; (loos.) possession of sharp intellect; sharpwittedness.

মনাক্কা [ manākkā ] n raisin.

মনান্তর [ manāntara ] n strained relations; bad blood; a quarrel; disagreement in opinion, dissension.

মনি-অর্ডার [ mani-arḍāra ] n a money-order. মনি-অর্ডারকরাv. to send by money order. মনি অর্ডারযোগে, মনি-অর্ডার করেadv. by money-order.

মনিব [ maniba ] n master (fem.: a mistress); an employer. fem. মনিবানি ।

মনিব্যাগ [ manibyāga ] n a money-bag, a wallet, a purse.

মনিহারি [ manihāri ] a dealing in stationery goods, cosmetics, fancy-goods, etc.; (loos.) stationery.

মনীষা [ manīṣā ] n sharp intellect; genius; sagacity. মনীষীa. possessing sharp intellect; endowed with genius; sagacious. ☐n. a man of sharp intellect; a man of genius; a sagacious man; a sage.

মনু [ manu ] n (myth.) any one of the fourteen sons of Brahma (ব্রহ্মা); the fourteenth Manu (মনু). regarded as the father and first law-giver of mankind.

মনুজ [ manuja ] n man; a man. মনুজেন্দ্রn. a king, a monarch.

মনুষ্য [ manuṣya ] n man; mankind, humankind; a human being; a man. fem. মনুষী womankind; a woman. ̃কন্ঠn. the human voice. ̃কৃতa. made or done by man; man-made. ̃চরিত্রn. the human character; (rare) a biography. ̃জন্মn. birth as a human creature; the human life. ̃ত্বn. humanness, humanity. মনুষ্যত্বপূর্ণa. full of humaneness or humanity, humane. মনুষ্যত্বহীনa. devoid of humanity or human quality; inhuman; barbarous. ̃ধর্মn. the moral and social duties of man; the religion of man; humanity. ̃বর্জিতa. man-forsaken; uninhabited; desolate. ̃বসতিn. a human habitation. ̃মূর্তিn. a figure of a man; a human being; a statue. ̃হীনa. desolate, not inhabited by man. মনুষ্যাবাসn. a human habitation; a human settlement; a town, a city, a village; a dwelling-house. মনুষ্যেতরa. belonging to a lower species than the human being; of a lower order, lower (মনুষ্যেতরপ্রাণী). মনুষ্যোচিতa. befitting or becoming a man; humane.

মনুসংহিতা, মনুস্মৃতি [ manusaṃhitā, manusmṛti ] n a code of laws drawn up by Manu (মনু).

মনোগত [ manōgata ] a seated in the mind or at heart, inward. মনোগত ভাব intention.

মনোগ্রাহী [ manōgrāhī ] a pleasant; agreeable; attractive.

মনোজ [ manōja ] a born in the mind; born of the mind ☐n. the god of Love (who dwells in the mind); Cupid.

মনোজগত্ [ manōjagat ] n the sphere or realm of the mind; the realm of imagination or of ideas and thoughts; the realm of fancy.

মনোজ্ঞ [ manōjña ] a captivating, attractive, pleasant, charming.

মনোনয়ন [ manōnaẏana ] n selection; nomination; choosing; choice. মনোনয়ন করাv. to select; to nominate; to choose.

মনোনিবেশ [ manōnibēśa ] n (earnest) application of the mind; (close) attention. মনোনিবেশকরাv. to apply one's mind (earnestly or closely) to; to pay close attention to; to employ oneself intently or diligently in.

মনোনীত [ manōnīta ] a selected; nominated; chosen. fem. মনোনীতা । মনোনীত করা same as মনোনয়ন করা ।

মনোনেত্র [ manōnētra ] n same as মানসনেত্র see মানস ।

মনোবল [ manōbala ] n strength of mind; moral cour age; self-confidence.

মনোবিকার [ manōbikāra ] n aberration of the mind; mental distraction; mental neurosis; mental perversion.

মনোবিজ্ঞান, মনোবিদ্যা [ manōbijñāna, manōbidyā ] n psychology. মনোবিদ্যাগতa. psychological. মনোবিজানীn. a psychologist.

মনোবৃত্তি [ manōbṛtti ] n the faculty of the mind; mentality (গোলামি মনোবৃত্তি)

মনোব্যাধি [ manōbyādhi ] n a mental disease; psychoneurosis; psychosis. গ্রস্তa. mentally diseased; psychoneurotic; psychotic. মনোব্যাধিরচিকিত্সক a psychiatrist. মনো ব্যাধির চিকিত্সা psychiatry.

মনোভঙ্গ [ manōbhaṅga ] n disappointment; despondency; dejection; discouragement.

মনোভাব [ manōbhāba ] n one's secret thoughts and feelings, one's mind; mental state; attitude; predisposition.

মনোভার [ manōbhāra ] n the burden of one's mind, heaviness of one's heart (that is, grief, huff etc.); mental distress.

মনোমতো [ manōmatō ] a to one's liking or choice, after one's own heart.

মনোমদ [ manōmada ] a vanity, false pride.

মনোমধ্যে [ manōmadhyē ] adv in one's mind, at heart, in wardly.

মনোমন্দির [ manōmandira ] n the mind imagined as a temple.

মনোময় [ manōmaẏa ] a formed or conceived by the mind, mental; imagined; analogous to or identified with the mind. মনোময় কোষ (Hindu phil.) the third vessel of the in dividual soul.

মনোমুগ্ধকর, মনোমহোন [ manōmugdhakara, manōmahōna ] a captivating, fasci nating, charming; very beautiful. fem. মনোমোহিনী ।

মনোযোগ [ manōyōga ] n attention; heed; intentness. মনোযোগ দেওয়াv. to pay attention to; to pay heed to; to apply one's mind or oneself intently to. ̃হীনa. inattentive; heedless. ̃হীনতাn. inattention; inattentiveness; heedlessness. মনোযোগীa. at tentive; heedful; intent. মনোযোগিতাn. attentiveness; attention.

মনোরঞ্জক [ manōrañjaka ] a entertaining the mind, pleasant; adulatory; flattering.

মনোরঞ্জন [ manōrañjana ] n entertainment of the mind; diversion, recreation; act of pleasing; adulation. মনোরঞ্জন করাv. to entertain the mind of; to divert, to recreate, to amuse; to please; to adulate; to humour. মনোরঞ্জনীa. fem. providing mental entertainment; diverting, recreating, amusing; pleasing; pleasant; adulatory.

মনোরথ[ manōratha ] n heart's desire; desire; (secret) intention. ̃পূরণ, ̃সিদ্ধিn. fulfilment of one's heart's desire or (secret) intention.

মনোরম[ manōrama ] a pleasing to the mind, fascinating; pleasant, delightful; beautiful. fem. মনোরমা ।

মনোলোভা[ manōlōbhā ] a. fem alluring; fascinating; very beautiful.

মনোহর[ manōhara ] a captivating; charming; very pleasant; lovely; very beautiful. মনোহরণn. fascination; enchantment; attraction. ☐a. attractive; fascinating, enchanting (মনোহরণবেশ). মনোহরণকরাv. to captivate the mind. মনোহরশাহিn. a mode of kirtan (কীর্তন) songs. মনোহরাa. fem. of মনোহর ।☐n. a variety of sweet meat.

মন্ডা1 [ manḍā1 ] n a sweet blob.

মন্ডা2 [ manḍā2 ] n poet. form of মন্ডিত করা

মন্তব্য[ mantabya ] n a remark; a comment. মন্তব্য করাv. to pass a remark, to remark; to make comments, to comment.

মন্ত্রণ, মন্ত্রণা[ mantraṇa, mantraṇā ] n (usu. private) discussion, conference; consultation; counsel, advice; designing; a design; instigation; an intrigue. মন্ত্রণাকরাv. to discuss or confer (usu. in private); to consult; to design, to play; to intrigue. মন্ত্রণাগৃহn. a private room or house for consultation; privy-council, a cabinet; a council chamber. মন্ত্রণাদাতাn. an adviser; a counsellor; an instigator. fem. মন্ত্রণাদাত্রী ।মন্ত্রণাপরিষদn. advisory council. মন্ত্রণাভবন same as মন্ত্রণাগৃহ ।

মন্ত্রিত্ব[ mantritba ] n office of a minister or a counsellor of state, ministry.

মন্ত্রিপরিষত্[ mantripariṣat ] n ministers collectively, the ministry, the cabinet.

মন্ত্রিবর[ mantribara ] n (in courtesy) a great minister, (cp.) the hon'ble minister.

মন্ত্রী[ mantrī ] n a counsellor of state, a minister, a cabinet-member; an advisor, a counsellor; (dero.) an instigator. উপমন্ত্রীn. a deputy minister. প্রধানমন্ত্রীn. a prime minister. মুখ্যমন্ত্রীn. a chief minister. রাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রীn. a minister of state.

মন্হ[ manha ] n churning; a churning-stick; a beverage of pulverized barley or pulses.

মন্হন[ manhana ] n churning; stirring; agitating, agitation; trampling; destroying, destruction. মন্হনকরাv. to churn; to stir, to agitate; to trample; to destroy. ̃দণ্ডn. a churning-stick. ̃পাত্র, ̃ভাণ্ডn. a churning-pot, (cp.) a churn. ̃রজ্জুn. a rope to which a churning-stick is fitted during the process of churning, a churning-rope. মন্হনীn. a churning-stick; a churningpot; a churn.

মন্হর[ manhara ] a slow; slack; sluggish, slothful; inert; slow-moving. মন্হর হওয়াv. to be come slow; to slacken. ̃গতিa. slow moving. ☐n. slow motion. ̃তাn. slowness; slackness; sluggishness, sloth; inertia; slow movement or motion. মন্হরাn. a female character of the Ramayana; an instigating or intriguing woman.

মন্হি[ manhi ] a (chiefly used as sfx.) churning; stirring; agitating; trampling, destroying.

মন্দ[ manda ] a slow; slow-moving, gentle; slug gish; slack; dim; bad, evil; wicked, vile; inferior; unfavourable, adverse; ill, impaired; indisposed (শরীরটাআজমন্দ); indigent, poor (মন্দ অবস্হার লোক); impoverished; deteriorated (কারবারমন্দ); harsh, rude; scanty, small, poor (বেতনবড়ো মন্দ); small in number or quantity or degree (বয়স মন্দ নয়); ugly; dull, weak. ☐n. harm, injury. মন্দ করাv. to do harm to, to cause injury to. মন্দআচরণ misbehaviour, misconduct; ill treatment. মন্দ কথা reproachful words; harsh or rude words; abusive or filthy language; an obscene word; a calumny; bad report. মন্দ কাজ a wicked deed; a misdeed; a disgraceful act. ̃গতিa. slow-moving; slow. ☐n. slowness. ̃গমন, ̃গামী same as ̃গতি ।fem. ̃গমনা, ̃গামিনী । মন্দ চালচলন evil ways. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. slowness; slow motion; sluggishness; dimness; badness; wick edness, vileness; inferiority; unfavourableness, adverseness; illness, impaired state; indisposition; indigence, poverty; impoverishment; deterioration; harshness, rudeness; scantiness, smallness in number or quantity or degree; ugliness; dullness; weakness. ̃নn. (mech.) retardation. মন্দ নয় not bad, moderate; (sarcas.) fine, nice. মন্দ ফল bad result; evil consequence. ̃বায়ু same as মন্দানিল। ̃বুদ্ধিa. having evil or foul design; wicked, vile, ill-natured; dull-headed. মন্দব্যবহার same as মন্দআচরণ । ̃ভাগ, ̃ভাগ্যa. ill-fated, unfortunate, unlucky. fem. ̃ভাগা, ̃ভাগ্যা, (loos.) ̃ভাগিনী । ̃মতি same as ̃বুদ্ধি। মন্দ মন্দadv. slowly, gently. মন্দসময় bad times, hard times. ̃সমীরণ same as মন্দানিল । ̃স্রোতn. slow current. ̃হাস্যn. a gentle laugh, a smile. ̃হিল্লোলn. gentle waves. মন্দের ভালো rather tolerable in the midst of a world of evils; not bad.

মন্দর[ mandara ] n a mythological mountain.

মন্দা[ mandā ] a abated; (comm.) seized with depression, slumped. ☐n. abatement; (comm.) depression, a slump; (poet. & obs.) a wicked person.

মন্দাকিনী[ mandākinī ] n (myth.) the name of the Ganges as flowing in heaven.

মন্দাক্রান্তা[ mandākrāntā ] n a metre of Sanskrit poetry.

মন্দাগ্নি[ mandāgni ] n loss of appetite; (inc.) indigestion or dyspepsia.

মন্দানিল[ mandānila ] n a breeze; a mild and sweet wind.

মন্দার[ mandāra ] n (myth.) a celestial tree or its flower; the coral tree. ̃মালিকাn. a wreath or garland of mythological mandar (মন্দার) flowers.

মন্দির[ mandira ] n a temple; a shrine; a house of worship; a house (বিদ্যামন্দির); a room, a chamber (শয়নমন্দির); an abode (শরীরহলব্যাধিমন্দির).

মন্দিরা[ mandirā ] n a kind of small cup-shaped cymbals.

মন্দীভূত[ mandībhūta ] a slowed down; retarded; dimmed; abated; (comm.) slumped. মন্দীভূতকরাবাহওয়াv. to slow down; to retard; to dim; to abate; to cause a slump or to slump.

মন্দুরা[ mandurā ] n stable; mat.

মন্দ্র[ mandra ] n a grave sonorous voice, (cp.) barytone; a kind of tom-tom. ☐a. grave and sonorous, barytone. ̃সপ্তকn. (mus.) the middle octave.

মন্বন্তর[ manbantara ] n (myth.) the term of office of any one of the mythological Manus (মনু) covering a period of 3672 years; (pop.) a great and devastating famine (পঞ্চাশের মন্বন্তর).

মন্মথ[ manmatha ] n (myth.) the Hindu god of love (cp. Cupid, Eros). ̃শরাহতa. wounded with the shafts of love; love-sick.

মফস্সল, মফস্বল[ maphassala, maphasbala ] n localities outside great towns or headquarters (cp. an outstation), mofussil.

মবলগ[ mabalaga ] a total, round; cash. মবলগ শ টাকা a round sum of one hundred rupees. মবলগটাকা cash money. মবলগেadv. in all; on the whole.

মমতা, মমত্ব[ mamatā, mamatba ] n considering a person or thing as one's own; attachment; affection; love; feeling of kinship; (loos.) compassion, pity. ̃পূর্ণ, ̃ময়a. full of attachment; affectionate; loving; (loos.) compassionate, kind. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃হীনa. devoid of attachment or affection, without or deviod of pity or compassion, unkind. fem. ̃হীনা ।

মমি[ mami ] n a mummy (as of Egypt).

-ময়[ -maẏa ] sfx denoting: full of, made of, containing, abounding in etc. (স্বর্ণময়); -ful, -ous, -some, -y etc., pervading, -wide (রাজ্যময়). fem. -ময়ী ।

ময়দা[ maẏadā ] n flour. ̃কলn. a flourmill. ময়দামাখা v. to knead flour.

ময়দান[ maẏadāna ] n an open plain, an esplanade; a parade-ground, a maidan.

ময়না1 [ maẏanā1 ] n a bird of the starling family, the myna, the hill mynah, Gracula religiosa.

ময়না2, ময়না তদন্ত[ maẏanā2, maẏanā tadanta ] n post-mortem examination, autopsy.

ময়রা[ maẏarā ] n a confectioner. fem. ময়রানি । ̃গিরিn. confectionery. ময়রার দোকান a confectionery.

ময়লা[ maẏalā ] n excrement, faeces, stool, dung; refuse; filth, soil, dirt; gloom, melan choly; angularity, crookedness (মনেরময়লা). ☐a. filthy; dirty, soiled; (of complexion) dark; not bright or clear, clouded, overcast (ময়লাআকাশ); glum, melancholy (ময়লা মুখ); crooked (ময়লামন). ময়লা করাv. to soil. ময়লার গাড়ি a scavenger's cart or van or train, a night-soil cart. ̃টেa. slightly soiled; appearing to be soiled; (of complexion) darkish; slightly clouded or over cast; slightly glum.

ময়ান[ maẏāna ] n ghee mixed with dough for leavening. ময়ান দেওয়াv. to leaven (ghee to).

ময়াল[ maẏāla ] n the Indian python.

ময়ূখ[ maẏūkha ] n a ray, a beam; lustre, glow. ̃মালীn. the sun.

ময়ূর[ maẏūra ] n the peacock. ̃কন্ঠীa. peacock blue. ☐n. a peacock-blue sari or shawl. ̃চূড়া, ̃শিখাn. peacock's crest. ̃পঙ্খিn. a boat shaped like a peacock. ̃পাখাn. a hand-fan made of the feathers of a peacock's tail. ̃পুচ্ছn. the peacock's tail or feather. ̃শাবকn. a pea-chick. ময়ূরীn. fem. the pea-hen.

মর[ mara ] a mortal; perishable. ̃জগত্n. the perishable or mortal world; the earth. ̃জীবনn. mortal life. ̃দেহn. the perishable body, the mortal frame. ̃মানবn. mortal man, a mortal.

মরকত[ marakata ] n emerald. ̃কুঞ্জn. emerald bower. ̃বর্ণa. emerald-green.

মরচে[ maracē ] n rust. মরচেধরা, মরচে পড়াv. to contact rust, to rust.

মরজি[ maraji ] n will, desire, pleasure, sweet will. যদি তোমার মরজি হয় if you please, if you would. যেমন তোমার মরজি as you please. ̃মাফিকa. & adv. as or when one pleases.

মরণ[ maraṇa ] n death; decease; demise. মরণ আর কী it's death indeed; an expression of shame or mild rebuke; (cp.) hell. ̃কামড়n. the last and severest bite of a creature struggling against death; a dying person's last and most desperate attempt. ̃কালn. the time of death, dying moments. মরণকালেহরিনাম (fig.) fruitless repentance for one's wickedness when one is dying, (cp.) death-bed repentance; (fig.) futile effort at the eleventh hour when almost all is lost. ̃দশাn. the last stage; the last gasp; utter ruin. ☐int. same as মরণ আর কী ।মরণদশায়ধরাv. to be in the state of ruining oneself; seized with a passion that would ruin oneself. মরণবাড় বাড়াv. to be come excessively vainglorious or haughty only to bring about one's fall. ̃শীলa. mortal. ̃শীলতাn. mortality. ̃হীনa. deathless, immortal. মরনাপন্নa. in the clutches of death, dying; moribund. fem. মরণাপন্না। মরণাপন্নতাn. the dying condition; the last gasp; the last stage. মরণাশৌচn. personal impurity caused by the death of a relative. মরণোন্মুখa. about to die, at death's door, dying, moribund.

মরদ[ marada ] n a man, a male; a male animal; a manly man; a heroic man; a young man; (vul.) a husband. মরদকা বাতহাতিকা দাঁত a heroic man's irrevocable pledge or word is unfailingly depend able as ivory which never slumps or falls in price.

মরমর2 [ maramara2 ] a about to die, dying; moribund; as if dying. Also মরোমরো ।

মরমি[ marami ] a cognizant or appreciative of the spirit of anything; mystic (মরমি কবি); sympathetic (মরমি বন্ধু).

মরমিয়া[ maramiẏā ] a trying to probe into the spirit of religion etc. disregarding forms; pertaining to the transcendental mysteries about God (মরমিয়া তত্ত্ব); mystic, mystical (মরমিয়া কবি).

মরশুম, মরসুম[ maraśuma, marasuma ] n a season; the time of the year for anything, a tide; opportune time of some continuance. পূজার মরশুম the Puja season. বড়দিনের মরশুম Christ mas-tide. শীতের মরশুম the winter season, winter-time. মরশুমিa. seasonal. মরশুমিফুল a season flower.

মরা1 [ marā1 ] n alloy (পানমরা). ☐a.alloyed (মরাসোনা).

মরা2 [ marā2 ] v to die; (of trees etc.) to wither; to be ruined (চাকরি গেলেমরবে); to be extremely troubled or afflicted (ভেবেমরা); to be strongly seized with (লজ্জায়মরা); to suffer or be punished (বদমাশিকরলে মরবে); to dry up, to silt up (নদীমরা); to be allayed, to abate (ব্যথামরা); to decrease (তেজমরা); to weaken (পেট মরা); to be spiritless (অভাবে মরে থাকা); to be out (বাতাসেআলো গেল মরে). ☐a. dead; withered; dried up, silted up; allayed, abated; decreased; weak or weakened; utterly spiritless; extinct; dim. অনাহারে মরাv. to die of hunger, to starve; to famish. মরমে মরাv. to be extremely mortified or ashamed. মরতে মরতে বাঁচাv. to come back from the jaws of death. মরে বাঁচাv. to be relieved from suffering by death. মরে মরে impairing one's health utterly; with utmost strain and difficulty. জীয়ন্তেমরা more dead than alive. মরা নাড়ি, মরাপেট stomach weakened on account of continued under-feeding.

মরাই [ marāi ] n a large corn-bin made of mat, cane etc.

মরাকটাল [ marākaṭāla ] n ebb; low tide.

মরাকান্না [ marākānnā ] n (lit.) loud wailing on account of bereavement; (fig. & pop.) intolerablyloud wailing.

মরামাস [ marāmāsa ] n dandruff, scurf.

মরাল [ marāla ] n the gander (fem. the goose); the swan. মরালী । ̃গামিনীa. fem. having a gait as graceful as that of the swan. ̃নিন্দিতa. excelling even the swan in beauty. ̃শাবক, ̃শিশুn. a gosling, a cygnet.

মরা-হাজা [ marā-hājā ] a tottery; very feeble. মরেহেজেযাওয়াv. to die out, to become extinct.

মরিচ [ marica ] n black pepper, pepper; (dial.) capsicum, chillies.

মরি-মরি [ mari-mari ] int an expression of profound admiration etc.; (cp.) ripping.

মরিয়া [ mariẏā ] a desperate, (cp.) devil-may-care. মরিয়া লোক a desperado. মরিয়াহয়েadv. desperately, in desperation.

মরীচি [ marīci ] n a ray, a beam. ̃কাn. a mirage; (fig.) an illusion. ̃মালীn. one wearing a garland of rays; the sun.

মরু, মরুভূ, মরুভূমি [ maru, marubhū, marubhūmi ] n a desert; a wilderness; (fig.) a place or thing stuffed with afflictions. মরুঝঞ্ঝা, মরুঝটিকা, মরুঝড়n. a simoom, a simoon. মরুময়a. desert (মরুময়অঞ্চল); full of deserts (মরুময়দেশ); (fig.) full of unbearable afflictions. মরুযাত্রীn. a desert-traveller. মরুযাত্রীর দলn. a caravan. মরুসাগরn. the Dead-Sea. মরুস্হল, মরুস্হলীn. a desert.

মরুত্, মরুত [ marut, maruta ] n one of the five constituent elements (see ভূত); wind; air.

মরূদ্যান [ marūdyāna ] n an oasis.

মর্কট [ markaṭa ] n the smallest species of the monkey, the monkey; (contemp.) a man of stunted growth. fem. মর্কটী।

মর্গ [ marga ] n a morgue.

মর্টগেজ [ marṭagēja ] n a mortgage. ̃দেওয়াv. to mortgage; to hypothecate. ̃গ্রাহীn. a mort gagee. ̃দাতাn. a mortgager.

মর্তমান [ martamāna ] n a variety of banana originally grown in Martaban.

মর্ত্য [ martya ] n the mortal world, the earth, the world (also মর্ত্যধাম, মর্ত্যভূমি, মর্ত্যলোক); man, mankind; a mortal, a human being. ☐a. mortal. ̃লীলাn. one's activities whilst living upon the earth.

মর্দন [ mardana ] n trampling; thrashing; pounding; grinding; kneading; massaging; subduing. ☐a. (used as a sfx.) trampling or subduing (আরতিমর্দন). মর্দনকরাv. to trample; to thrash; to pound, to grind; to knead; to massage; to subdue.

মর্দা [ mardā ] a male. ☐n. a male creature. মর্দানাn. a man (esp. a grown-up one); ☐a. male; manly. মর্দানি1n. (dero.) manliness or masculinity. মর্দানি2n. fem. a tomboy, a hoyden. ☐a. tomboyish, hoydenish (মর্দানিমেয়ে). মর্দানি করাv. to make an exhibition of manly vigour; to bravado; (of women) to behave in a masculine or mannish manner, to romp vigorously.

মর্দিত [ mardita ] a trampled; thrashed; pounded, ground; kneaded; massaged; subdued. মর্দিতকরা same as মর্দন করা ।

মর্দিনী [ mardinī ] a. fem of মর্দন (a.).

মর্ম [ marma ] n the part of the body which is the seat of vital airs; the heart; the core of the heart; inmost feelings or convictions; the heart of heart(s), the inmost heart; essence; implications, (inner) significance; gist; underlying truth; motive (কাজের মর্ম); mystery (মর্মোদ্ধার). মর্মজানাবাবোঝাv. to know or grasp the implication or (inner) significance (of); to know one's inner feelings or convic tions, to know one's heart; (dero.) to learn one's secret intentions, to fathom one's heart. মর্মে আঘাত করাv. to wound one's inmost feelings, to cut to the quick; to move one deeply; to give a home thrust. এই মর্মে to this effect. মর্মেমর্মে with all one's heart, thoroughly and deeply. ̃কথাn. inmost feelings or convictions, heart of hearts; mystery; underlying implication; gist, essence. মর্মগ্রহনকরাv. to comprehend or grasp the implication or (inner) significance (of). ̃গ্রাহীa. comprehending or grasping the implication or (inner) significance; capable of realizing one's inner feelings or convictions, sympathetic. ̃ঘাতীa. cutting to the quick, heart striking. fem. ̃ঘাতিনী । ̃জ্ঞa. cognizant of the implication or (inner) significance; cognizant of the value of; conversant with one's inner feelings or convictions. ̃জ্বালা, ̃দাহn. secret grudge or envy or grief or agony, heart-burning. ̃দাহীa. wounding one's feelings deeply, cutting to the quick; extremely agonizing. ̃ন্তুদ same as ̃বিদারী । ̃পীড়াn. heart-ache; mental affliction or suffering; mortification; (rare) heart-burning. ̃পীড়িতa. grieved at heart; mortified. fem. ̃পীড়িতা । ̃বিদারীa. heart-rending; cutting to the quick; extremely pathetic (মর্মবিদারীদৃশ্য). ̃বেদনা, ̃ব্যথাn. heart-ache, heart-grief; mortification. মর্মভেদ করাv. to drive into the heart, to strike the heart; (pop.) to comprehend the implication or (inner) significance (of); (loos.) to fish out one's secret intentions or designs; to fathom one's heart. ̃ভেদীa. driving into the heart, heart striking, heart-rending. ̃যন্ত্রণা same as ̃পীড়া । ̃স্হলn. the core of the heart; the most vital or delicate part of the heart; (cp.) the quick; the heart. ̃স্পর্শীa. touching the inmost feelings, touching, pathetic; impressive; cutting to the quick. মর্মাঘাতn. a shock to one's heart or feelings; a home thrust; a very grievous hurt; a death-blow. মর্মান্তিকa. heart-breaking, heart-rending, cutting to the quick; piteous, pathetic; very grievous or fatal. মর্মাবগত same as ̃জ্ঞমর্মাবধারণকরা same as মর্মগ্রহণকরা । মর্মার্থn. underlying implication; inner significance, gist. মর্মাহতa. mortified; terribly sorry or aggrieved; wounded at heart; anguished.

মর্মর1 [ marmara1 ] n marble.

মর্মর2 [ marmara2 ] n rustle. মর্মরকরাv. to rustle. ̃ধ্বনিn. a rustling noise, rustle. মর্মরিতa. rustling. মর্মরিত হওয়াv. to be rustling; to rustle.

মর্মোদ্ঘাটন, মর্মোদ্ধার, মর্মোদ্ভেদ [ marmōdghāṭana, marmōddhāra, marmōdbhēda ] n elicitation or exposition of the underlying truth or (inner) significance or mystery. মর্মোদ্ঘাটন করাv. to elicit orbring out the underlying truth or (inner) signifi cance or mystery (of); to find the sense or meaning of; to reveal the secret of, to puzzle out.

মর্যাদা [ maryādā ] n dignity, honour; prestige; respect, preferential treatment, cordial reception (অতিথিরমর্যাদা); good name, reputation; recognition, place or position (গুণীজনেরমর্যাদা); decorum, grace (মর্যাদাপূর্ণ আচরণ); ceremonial form or etiquette (স্ব স্বমর্যাদানুসারে দরবারে উপবেশন); status (প্রথমশ্রেণিরম্যাজিস্ট্রেটের মর্যাদা); a (complimen tary) fee or tribute (কুলিনের মর্যাদা); value, worth, importance (প্রতিশ্রুতিরমর্যাদা). মর্যাদাদেওয়াv. to attach importance to; to recognize the worth of; to receive or treat cordially; to pay heed to; to obey (আইনকে মর্যাদা দেওয়া); to pay respect to; to give the status of. মর্যাদানষ্টকরাv. to defame; to attaint; to disgrace; to dishonour; to impair the dignity or prestige or importance of; to cheapen. ̃পূর্ণa. dignified; conforming to the rules of decorum; decent, graceful; respectful. ̃শালীa. dignified; having importance, respectable. ̃হানিn. defamation: attaint; disgrace; dishonour; indignity; loss of dignity or prestige; loss of importance. মর্যাদাহানিকরা same as মর্যাদানষ্ট করা । ̃হানিকরa. damaging, defamatory; humiliating.

মর্ষ, মর্ষণ [ marṣa, marṣaṇa ] n forbearance, toleration; for giveness; destruction.

মল1 [ mala1 ] n a bangle for the ankle.

মল2 [ mala2 ] n filth; soil; liquid filth or soil; any morbid secretion from the body; faeces, excrement, stool, (of inferior creatures) dung; a stain, a sullying mark, tarnish; a stigma; gloom, melan choly, angularity, crookedness (চিত্তমল); rust; verdigris; a sin, a vice. মলত্যাগকরাv. (of human beings) to ease oneself, to evacuate the bowel, to defecate, to pass stool, to stool; (of inferior creatures) to void excrement, to dung. ̃দূষিতa. fouled, filthy, foul. ̃দ্বারn. the anus. মলনালীn. the rectum. ̃বাহীa. carrying filth and soil (মলবাহীনালা); carrying stool or excrement (মলবাহীঅন্ত্র). ̃ভান্ডn. the large intestine, the colon. ̃ময়a. full of dirt and filth. ̃যুক্তa. soiled, dirty. ̃শোধনাশয়n. a septic tank. মলাধারn. the colon, the large intestine; the container for faeces or excrement. মলাশয়n. the colon; the large intestine.

মলন [ malana ] n trampling; rubbing; scrubbing; massaging; threshing, thrashing.

মলম [ malama ] n an ointment, an unguent; a balm.

মলমল [ malamala ] n a fine cotton fabric.

মলমাস [ malamāsa ] n (Hindu astr.) an intercalary month; (astrol.) an inauspicious month for marriage, etc.

মলয় [ malaẏa ] n a mountain range in South India, the Western Ghats (also মলয়গিরি, মলয়াচল); the ancient name of Malabar or of the Malay Peninsula; the south wind or vernal breeze; (cp.) zephyr (also মলয়পবন, মলয়বায়ু, মলয়মারুত, মলয়সমীর, মলয়সমীরণ, মলয়ানিল). ̃জa. grown on the Malaya (মলয়) mountains. ☐n. sandal-wood, sandal; the south wind; the vernal breeze. মলয়জশীতলa. cooled by the south wind.

মলা2 [ malā2 ] v to trample; to rub; to scrub; to thresh; to thrash.

মলাই [ malāi ] n trampling; rubbing; scrubbing; massaging; threshing, thrashing.

মলাট [ malāṭa ] n a cover of a book, a back (cp. paper-back); a jacket of a book.

মলাশয় [ malāśaẏa ] n the colon.

মলিদা [ malidā ] n a fine and soft woollen fabric; a shawl made of this fabric.

মলিন [ malina ] a dirty, unclean; soiled; tarnished; dark (মলিন গাত্রবর্ণ); dim; dull; over cast, gloomy (মলিন আকাশ); glum; sorrowful, sad (মলিন মুখ). fem. মলিনা । ̃তা, ̃ত্ব, মলিনিমাn. dirtiness, uncleanliness; soiled or tarnished state; darkness; dimness; dullness; gloominess; gloom; glumness; sadness. মলিনীকৃতa. made dirty or soiled.

মল্ল [ malla ] n a wrestler; an athlete; a champion. ̃ক্রীড়াn. wrestling; athletics. মল্লক্রীড়াকরাv. to wrestle; to take part in athletics. ̃প্রতিযোগিতাn. a wrestling contest; an athletic tournament. ̃বিদ্যাn. the art of wrestling. ̃বেশn. a wrestler's garb or uniform; (fig.) ̃ভূমিn. a wrestling ground or a venue for athletic tournaments, an arena. ̃যুদ্ধn. wrestling. মল্লযুদ্ধ করাv. to wrestle. ̃যোদ্ধাn. wrestler.

মল্লার [ mallāra ] n an Indian musical mode of the rainy season.

মল্লিকা [ mallikā ] n a variety of jasmine.

মশক1 [ maśaka1 ] n a large leathern bag for carrying water.

মশক2 [ maśaka2 ] n the mosquito. ̃দংশনn. mosquito-bite. ̃সংকুলa. mosquito-infested.

মশকরা [ maśakarā ] n banter; joke, fun; buffoonery. মশকরা করাv. to joke, to cut a joke, to poke fun (at), to make fun (of); to play the buffoon.

মশগুল [ maśagula ] a engrossed, absorbed, rapt, thor oughly occupied.

মশ মশ [ maśa maśa ] int suggesting: the sound caused by the twisting of tanned hide as of boots; squeaking noise of new shoes etc. মশ মশ করে চলা (fig.) to strut.

মশলা [ maśalā ] n spices; ingredients; materials (গল্পর মশলা); mortar (গাঁথনির মশলা). ̃দারa. spicy. মশলামেশানোv. to mix spices or mortar.

মশা [ maśā ] n the mosquito. ডাঁশমশাn. the gnat. মশা মারতে কামান দাগা (fig.) to crush a butterfly on a wheel.

মশান [ maśāna ] n a crematorium (esp. a vast one); an official place for infliction of capital punishment.

মশারি [ maśāri ] n a mosquito curtain, a mosquito net. মশারি খাটানোv. to rig up a mosquito curtain.

মশাল [ maśāla ] n a torch; a flambeau; a link.মশালচিn. a torch-bearer; a linkman, a linkboy.

মসজিদ [ masajida ] n a mosque, a masjid.

মনসদ [ manasada ] n a throne; (fig.) a seat of public office. মনসদিa. royal, regal; governmental, official; vested with official power.

মসলন্দ [ masalanda ] n a very finely-woven mat.

মসলিন [ masalina ] n a very fine and soft cotton fabric, muslin.

মসি, মসী [ masi, masī ] n ink; soot; a dark stain or spot. ̃কারn. one who inks, an inker, (loos.) an inkman. ̃কৃষ্ণa. black as ink or soot, deep black. ̃চিহ্নিতa. marked with ink; having a dark stain or spot. ̃তুল্য, ̃বত্a. inky, black as ink; very black. ̃নিন্দিতa. even blacker than ink or soot. ̃ময়a. sooty, smudgy; smudged; inky; very black; extremely dark. ̃মাখা, ̃লিপ্তa. smeared with ink or soot; very black or dark. ̃লাঞ্ছিত same as ̃নিন্দিত ।

মসিজীবী [ masijībī ] n one who earn's one's living by writing books, pamphlets, articles etc.; a writer; a scribe; a journalist; an of fice-clerk, (coll.) a pen-pusher.

মসিনা [ masinā ] n linseed; flaxen. ̃তেলn. linseed oil.

মসিপাত্র, মসিধান [ masipātra, masidhāna ] n an inkpot, an inkhorn.

মসূরিকা, মসূরী [ masūrikā, masūrī ] n small-pox, variola.

মসৃণ [ masṛṇa ] a perfectly plain, even, smooth; sleek; slippery, (bot.) glabrous; soothing (মসৃণরং); soft (মসৃণ আকাশ); bland (মসৃণ কথাবার্তা) unobstructed, easy (যশেরপথ মসৃণ নয়). ̃তাn. perfect plainness, evenness, smoothness; sleekness; slipperiness; (bot.) glabrousness; soothingness; softness; blandness; freedom from impediments, freeness, easiness.

মস্ত [ masta ] n the head (ছিন্নমস্তা) ☐a. high, tall, lofty; very large or big, huge; very broad or long; vast extensive; big (মস্তমামলা); great (মস্তবীর); eminent (মস্তলোক); very distinguished, very influential or powerful; very rich oropulent; elevated, noble (মস্তআদর্শ); of great value (মস্ত কথা); very important (মস্তপ্রশ্ন); very difficult (মস্ত দায়িত্ব); very serious (মস্তবিপদ); too much (মস্তজ্বালা); (iron.) scanty, poor (মস্তদরদ). ☐adv. very (মস্ত বড়ো).

মস্তক [ mastaka ] n (high. & for.) the head; the cranium, the skull, the brain; the top, the summit, the crest (হিমালয়ের মস্তক); the topmost or foremost position (মন্ত্রিসভারমস্তকে ছিলেন জওহরলাল). মস্তক ছেদনকরাv. to decapitate, to behead; to truncate. ̃চ্যুতa. fallen from or slipped off the head or top. ̃বিশিষ্টa. having a head, cephalous; headed (বহুমস্তকবিশিষ্ট = hydraheaded). ̃ব্যবচ্ছেদn. cephalotomy. ̃সংক্রান্তa. cephalic. ̃হীন, ̃শূন্যa. headless; acephalous; truncated. ̃শূলn. headache, migraine. মস্তকাবরণn. a covering for the head; a head-dress; a turban; a helmet; a cap; a veil. মস্তকাভরণn. an ornament for the head. মস্তকোপরিadv. on or over the head. মস্তকোর্ধ্বেadv. over the head, overhead.

মস্তান [ mastāna ] n a rowdy acting officiously as the leader of a locality. মস্তানি1n. rowdyism. মস্তানি2n. fem. a turbulent female of questionable morals; a rowdy harlot.

মস্তিষ্ক [ mastiṣka ] n the encephalon; matter within the encephalon, brains; intellect, intelligence, brain. মস্তিষ্ক খাটানোv. to apply or tax one's brains. মস্তিষ্ক বিকৃত করাv. to drive crazy, to madden, to run crazy, to go mad; to puzzle or be puzzled; to irritate or fret; to derange one's brains. মস্তিষ্কের কাজn. the function of the brain; an intellectual work, a brainy job. মস্তিষ্ক আলোড়ন করাv. to rack one's brains. মস্তিষ্কচালানো same as মস্তিষ্কখাটানো । ̃প্রদাহn. brain-fever, cephalitis, cerebritis. ̃বিকৃতিn. mental derangement, insanity; brain-sickness; (pop.) loss of understanding or intelligence, folly, (cp.) brain-storm. মস্তিষ্কবিজ্ঞানn. cerebrology. মস্তিষ্কবিজ্ঞানীn. a cerebrologist. মস্তিষ্কশূন্য, মস্তিষ্কহীনa. lacking in intelligence, slow in understanding, dull-headed; stupid.

মস্যাধার [ masyādhāra ] n an inkpot, an inkhorn; an ink bottle.

মহকুমা [ mahakumā ] n a subdivision of a district. ̃শাসক, ̃হাকিমn. a subdivisional officer, (contr.) an S.D.O. ̃সংক্রান্তa. subdivisional.

মহড়া [ mahaḍ়ā ] n the front; a position at the front or in the front-line; (fig.) lead (কাজেরমহড়া); rehearsal (অভিনয়ের মহড়া). মহড়াদেওয়াv. to rehearse (a dramatic performance). মহড়া নেওয়াv. to take position in the front and resist or repulse the ad vance party of the enemy forces; to confront, to face defiantly; to resist or repulse; to bear the brunt (of).

মহতী [ mahatī ] fem of মহত্।

মহত্ [ mahat ] a large, vast, extensive; (rare) best; high-minded, noble; excellent, sublime (মহত্সাহিত্য); great, monstrous (মহত্ভয়); elevated, high (মহত্পদ). compar. মহত্তর; super. মহত্তম। মহত্ত্বn. (rare) largeness, vastness; high mindedness, nobleness, nobility; excellence, sublimity; greatness.

মহদাশয় [ mahadāśaẏa ] a high-minded, noble-natured, magnanimous, generous.

মহদাশ্রয় [ mahadāśraẏa ] n a shelter or refuge offered by a noble person; dependence upon great persons.

মহনীয় [ mahanīẏa ] a worshipful, adorable; venerable; honourable.

মহন্ত [ mahanta ] n a head of a monastery, convent, temple etc.; (cp.) an abbot.

মহফিল [ mahaphila ] n a sitting or soiree of music, a musical soiree.

মহন্মদি [ mahanmadi ] a Mohammedan, Muslim. ☐n. a Mohammedan.

মহরত [ maharata ] n ceremonial beginning or renewal; opening ceremony.

মহরম [ maharama ] n the Muslim festival of Muharam; the first month of the Muslim calendar.

মহর্ষি [ maharṣi ] n a great sage or saint.

মহর্লোক [ maharlōka ] n (myth.) fourth amongst the seven heavens.

মহল [ mahala ] n a residence (রাজমহল); a house or building (রংমহল); the self-contained portion or annexe of a building (অন্দরমহল); a taluk or estate (খাসমহল); a society (মেয়েমহল).

-মহলা1 [ -mahalā1 ] a having a particular number of self-contained portions or parts of a building (সাতমহলা বাড়ি).

-মহলা2 [ -mahalā2 ] n rehearsal (of a dramatic performance); practice (নাচের মহলা); demonstration (বিদ্যাবুদ্ধির মহলা). মহলাদেওয়াv. to rehearse; to practise; to give a demonstration of.

মহল্লা [ mahallā ] n part or quarter of a town, a ward.

মহা1 [ mahā1 ] a (coll.) terrible or formidable (মহাশত্রু); excessive or exuberant (মহাফুর্তি); large (মহাশোল).

মহা2 [ mahā2 ] in comp used as a pfx. implying all the meanings of মহত্, মহান and মহতী । ̃কবিn. a great poet; an epic poet. ̃করণn. the secretariat (of the govern ment); the secretariat building or buildings. ̃কর্ষn. (phys.) gravitation. ̃কর্ষাঙ্কn. gravitation constant. ̃কর্ষীয়a. gravitational. মহাকর্ষীয়একক a gravitational unit. ̃কাব্যn. (ori.) a narrative poem consisting of more than eight cantos depicting the whole life of a hero born of a god or born with divine grace in him; (pop.) an epic; (rare) great poetry or a great poem. ̃কাব্যীয়a. epical, epic. ̃কায়a. having a huge body; huge, monstrous, colossal. ̃কালn. (myth.) a terribly destructive manifestation of Shiva (শিব); eternity; time to come, the future. fem. ̃কালী a terribly destructive manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃কাশn. (sc.) the firmament beyond the solar region, the stellar sky, the outer space; (pop.) the vast endless sky. ̃কাশচারণাn. space-travel. ̃কাশচারীn. a spaceman, an astronaut. fem. ̃কাশচারিণী a spacewoman. ̃কাশযানn. a spacecraft. ̃গুরুn. any one of the most venerable persons, namely, father, mother, the religious initiator and husband. ̃জনn. a very virtuous or great man; an illustrious man; a great merchant or stockist or wholesaler; a creditor; a usurer, a money lender; any one of the mediaeval poets who composed kirtan (কীর্তন) songs about Radha (রাধা) and Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃জনিn. usury, money-lending. ☐a. relating to usury or money-lending; usurious. মহাজনি করাv. to practise usury, to act as a money-lender. মহাজনি-কারবারn. money-lending business; banking. ̃জাগতিকa. cosmic. ̃জাগতিকরশ্মি cosmic ray. ̃জ্ঞানn. knowledge about reality, the final knowledge; the occult knowledge by dint of which a dead man can be brought back to life. ̃জ্ঞানীn. (ori.) possessing knowledge about ultimate reality; profoundly wise. ̃ঢ্যa. very rich or wealthy. ̃তপাa. & n. one who has practised or is still practising severest ascetical austerities. ˜তেজn. great spirit or vigour; great heat. ̃তেজস্বী, ̃তেজাa. highly spirited or vigorous. fem. ̃তেজস্বিনী। ̃ত্মাa. high souled; very high-minded or noble. ☐n. an appellation of Gandhi, the great leader of India. ̃দেবn. a great god; Shiva (শিব) fem. ̃দেবী a great goddess; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a title of a chief queen. ̃দেশn. a continent; (rare) a great or noble country. ̃দেশীয়a. continental. ̃দ্যুতিa. of great splendour, very bright or radiant or effulgent. ̃দ্রাবকn. sulphuric acid. ̃ধনবান, ̃ধনীa. very wealthy or rich. ̃ধমনীn. the aorta. ̃ধর্মাধিকরণn. the High Court. ̃নগর, ̃নগরীn. a great city; a metropolis, a capital. ̃নগরীয়a. metropolitan. ̃নটn. a great dancer or actor. ̃নন্দn. great or exhilarating joy or delight. ̃নবমীn. the ninth lunar day of the light fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন) or Kartik (কার্তিক) which is the fourth day of the autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নাগরিকn. the mayor; (rare) a great citizen. ̃নাদn. a terrible or very loud sound or report or roar. ̃নিদ্রাn. sleep that knows no breaking; death. ̃নির্বাণn. (Buddhism) cessation of individual existence, nirvana; the death of Buddha. ̃নিশাn. midnight, night far advanced, the dead of night, the dead hours of the night. মহানুভব, মহানুভাবa. highminded, magnanimous, large-hearted. মহানুভবতাn. high-mindedness. ̃পদ্মn. & a. hundred billion. ˜পাতকn. a deadly sin. ̃পাতকীa. guilty of one or more deadly sins. ̃পাত্রn. the chief counsellor of a state, the prime minister; (loos.) a court-counsellor or courtier of the highest rank. ̃পাপ same as ̃পাতক । ̃পাপিষ্ঠ, ̃পাপী same as ̃পাতকী ।fem. ̃পাপিষ্ঠা, ̃পাপিনী । ̃পুরুষn. a man with supernatural powers; a saint who has attained knowledge about God and reality and power to look upon the world dispassionately; a high-souled man; a superman. ̃পূজাn. a solemn worship. ̃প্রভুn. a great master or saint or prophet; an appellaton of Chaitanya (চৈতন্য). ̃প্রয়াণn. voluntary journey to court one's death; death. ̃প্রয়াণকরাv. to set out voluntarily to court one's death; to die. ̃প্রলয়n. complete disso lution of the universe; a universal cata clysm. ̃প্রসাদn. a part of the food-of fering to Jagannath at Puri taken by devotees as a mark of the deity's grace; the highest divine grace; offering or altarage to deities; meat-offering to a deity. ̃প্রস্হান same as মহাপ্রয়াণ । ̃প্রাণa. large-hearted, magnanimous; (gr.) aspirate. ☐n. (gr.) an aspirate. ̃প্রাণতাn. large-heartedness, magnanimity; (gr.) aspiration. ̃প্রাণীn. life conceived as having an existence independent of the body, (cp.) atman, the soul. ̃বলa. very powerful; strong, mighty. ̃বাক্যn. a saying of a great man, a great saying or maxim. ̃বাহুa. having very long and mighty arms; very strong, mighty. ̃বিক্রমa. possessing great prowess or valour. ̃বিদ্যাn. any one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (facet.) the art of stealing. ̃বিদ্যালয়n. a college. ̃বিষুবn. the vernal equinox. ̃বিষুবরেখাn. the line of the vernal equinox. ̃বিষুবসংক্রান্তিn. the transition of the sun in the Aries; the day of the aforesaid transition. ̃বীরn. a great hero; the great Jaina preacher. ̃বৈদ্যn. a great or chief physician; (sarcas.) a charlatan, a quack. ̃বোধিn. an embodiment of the highest or final knowledge; an appellation of Gautama Buddha; highest or final knowledge. ̃ব্যবহারদেশকn. attorney-general. ̃ব্যাধি same as রোগ । ̃ভাগa. very lucky or fortunate; high-minded, magnanimous, noble-minded; endowed with noble human qualities. ̃ভাবn. the ecstatic state caused by profundity of love, devotion etc. ̃ভুজ same as ̃বাহু । ̃মন্ডলn. a great guild or association or concourse. ̃মতি, ̃মনাa. high-minded, magnanimous; high-souled. ̃মন্ত্রn. a great mantra or incantation; very sacred words of initiation (দেশসেবারমহামন্ত্র). ̃মন্ত্রীn. the prime minister; (euph.) a great minister. ̃মহিম, ̃মহিমান্বিতa. highly glorious or majestic, most excellent. fem. ̃মহিমান্বিতা। ̃মহোপাধ্যায়n. a teacher of great teachers or scholars; an official title given to distinguished Sanskrit scholars. ̃মাংসn. human flesh taken as food, human meat. ̃মাত্যn. the prime minister. ̃মাত্রn. the prime minister; the chief courtier; the chief executive of the government. ̃মান্যa. highly venerable or honourable. ̃মান্যপোপ His Holiness the Pope (whilst addressing the Pope: Your Holiness). ̃মায়াn. (phil.) illusion, the material world or nature; Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃মায়াচ্ছন্নa. overwhelmed with or enveloped in (divine) illusion; self obliviously enmeshed in worldly af fairs. ̃মারীn. a devastating epidemic, a pestilence, a plague. ̃মারী কান্ড (usu. facet.) a great affair, a tumultuous af fair. ̃মারী-পীড়িত pestilence-stricken. ̃মুনিn. a great ascetic or sage. ̃মূল্যa. of great value; very costly, dear. ̃যশাa. very famous, highly and widely celebrated or renowned. যাত্রা same as ̃প্রয়াণ । ̃যানn. one of the two communities of the Buddhists (cp. হীনযান). ̃যুদ্ধn. a great war; (loos.) a world war. ̃যোদ্ধাn. a great warrior, a great soldier. ̃যোগীn. a great ascetic. ̃রণ্যn. a large and dense forest. ̃রথ (inc.) ̃রথীn. (ori.) one who commands a host of charioted fighters; (loos.) a great warrior fighting from on a chariot. ̃রণn. a great war or battle. ̃রাজn. a great king; an emperor; a great ascetic. ̃রাজাn. a government title awarded to the feudal princes, zamindars, rich citizens etc. of India during the British regime, a maharaja. ̃রাজাধিরাজn. a king of kings, an emperor; a title conferred on a big land owner during the British regime. ̃রাজ্ঞীn. fem. the wife of a great king; a great queen; an empress. ̃রানা (rej.) ̃রাণাn. the title of the rulers of Udaipur (or Chitore). ̃রানিn. the wife of a great king, a great queen; an empress; the wife of a maharana (মহারানা); the wife of a maharaja. ̃রাত্রিn. midnight; a solemn night (কালীপূজার মহারাত্রি); a terrible night (মৃত্যুরমহারাত্রি). ̃রাষ্ট্রীয়a. of Maharashtra, Maharashtrian. ̃রুদ্রn. an awesome manifestation of Shiva (শিব). ̃রোগn. an almost incurable and (usu. obnoxious) disease; leprosy; an inveterately bad habit or mannerism. ̃র্ঘ, ̃র্ঘ্যa. precious; costly; high-priced, dear. মহার্ণবn. an ocean; a great sea. মহার্হ same as ̃র্ঘ । ̃লয়াn. the new-moon day immediately preceding the autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃শক্তি Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); great strength or power or prowess. ̃শক্তিধর, ̃শক্তিশালীa. having great strength or power or prowess. fem. ̃শক্তিশালিনী। ̃শঙ্খn. a dead man's skull; an enormous conch. ☐n. & a. thousand billions. ˜শয়a. high-minded, magnanimous; high-souled. ☐n. a term of courtesy affixed to the name of a gentleman, (cp.) Mr. (fem. Mrs.), Sir (fem. Madam). fem. ̃শয়া । ̃শূন্য same as ̃কাশ । ̃ষ্টমীn. the eighth lunar day of the light fortnight of the month of Aswin (আশ্বিন) or Kartik (কার্তিক) which is the third day of autumnal worship of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃সংকটn. a great crisis. ̃সত্ত্বa. having great strength; very noble or magnanimous; high souled. ̃সভাn. great meeting or association; a (representative) legislative assembly, a parliament; a congress. ̃সমারোহেadv. with much pomp and grandeur. ̃সমুদ্র, ̃সাগরn. an ocean. আটলানটিকবাঅতলান্তিক মহাসাগর the Atlantic (Ocean). উত্তর মহাসাগর the Arctic Ocean. দক্ষিণমহাসাগর the Antarctic Ocean. প্রশান্ত মহাসাগর the Pacific (Ocean). ভারত মহাসাগর the Indian Ocean. ̃সাগরীয়a. oceanic. ̃সামন্তn. a commander-in-chief; a great general. ̃সিন্ধু same as ̃সমুদ্র। ̃সুযোগn. the best chance, the greatest chance. ̃সুখn. a great pleasure. ̃স্হবিরn. one belonging to the highest order of Buddhist monks.

মহান [ mahāna ] masc of মহত্।

মহাফেজ [ mahāphēja ] n a record-keeper (esp. a government record-keeper). ̃খানাn. a record-room, archive. জাতীয় মহাফেজখানা the National Archive.

মহাভারত [ mahābhārata ] n the Mahabharata, the greatest epic of the world. মহাভারত অশুদ্ধ হওয়া (fig.) occurrence of a serious fault or lapse, (cp.) profanation of the Bible. মহাভারত আরম্ভ করা (fig.) to begin an in tolerably long harangue; (fig.) to make a long introduction.

মহিমময় [ mahimamaẏa ] a glorious; majestic; exalted; dignified. fem. মহিমময়ী ।

মহিমা [ mahimā ] n divine grace or power; glory; majesty; exaltedness, dignity; charm, influence (টাকারমহিমা). ̃কীর্তন করাv. to sing or narrate the glory of. মহিমান্বিত same as ̃ময়fem. মহিমান্বিতা । ̃ব্যঞ্জকa. expressive of grace or glory or majesty or exaltedness or dignity or power. মহিমার্ণবn. one regarded as an ocean of grace or glory or majesty or exaltedness or dignity or power.

মহিলা [ mahilā ] n a lady, a gentlewoman; a woman. মহিলা সংঘn. a women's club or association. মহিলা সমাজn. women folk, women's society.

মহিষ [ mahiṣa ] n the buffalo. ̃ধ্বজ, ̃বাহনn. ap pellations of Yama (যম), the god of death. ̃মর্দিনীn. fem. (myth.) Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) who slew the demon Mahisa (মহিষ); (fig.) a terrible female warrior, (cp.) an amazon; (facet.) a termagant.

মহিষাসুর [ mahiṣāsura ] n (myth.) Mahisa (মহিষ) the demon. ̃মর্দিনী same as মহিষমর্দিনী।

মহিষী [ mahiṣī ] n a queen; the chief queen of a king; a female buffalo.

মহী [ mahī ] n the earth.

মহীতল [ mahītala ] n the surface of the earth; the ground; the earth.

মহীধর [ mahīdhara ] n a mountain; a hill.

মহীন্দ্র, মহীপতি, মহীপাল [ mahīndra, mahīpati, mahīpāla ] n a king.

মহীমন্ডল [ mahīmanḍala ] n the earth, the entire earth.

মহীয়ান [ mahīẏāna ] a very glorified or majestic or exalted or noble.

মহীরুহ [ mahīruha ] n a tree (esp. a big one); a plant.

মহীলতা [ mahīlatā ] n an earthworm.

মহুয়া [ mahuẏā ] n a kind of butter-tree or its seed or flower, the mahua. মহুয়ার মউ, মহুয়ারমধু the honey of mahua flower; a fat obtained from mahua seeds, mahua butter.

মহেন্দ্র [ mahēndra ] n Indra ইন্দ্র, the king of gods, Indra the Great; a mythological mountain range identified with the Eastern Ghats. ̃পুরী, ̃ভবনn. the city or residence of Mahendra (মহেন্দ্র). মহেন্দ্রাণী. n. fem. Sachi (শচী), the wife of Mahendra (মহেন্দ্র).

মহেশ, মহেশ্বর [ mahēśa, mahēśbara ] n Shiva (শিব), the god of gods. মহেশপুরীn. Kailasa (কৈলাস), the city or abode of Mahesha (মহেশ) মহেশী, মহেশ্বরীn. fem. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা), the wife of Mahesha (মহেশ)

মহেষ্বাস [ mahēṣbāsa ] a having great skill in archery. ☐n. a great archer.

মহোত্সব [ mahōtsaba ] n a solemn of grand festival; a grand gala; a great communion of Vaishnavas singing kirtan (কীর্তন) songs and eating together.

মহোত্সাহ [ mahōtsāha ] n great enthusiasm or energy or zeal. মহোত্সাহীn. greatly enthusiastic or energetic or zealous. মহোত্সাহেadv. with great enthusiasm or zeal.

মহোদধি [ mahōdadhi ] n an ocean; a (great) sea.

মহোদয় [ mahōdaẏa ] a very generous or high-minded or high-souled; highly prosperous or opulent; greatly elevated or exalted. fem. মহোদয়া ।

মহোন্নত [ mahōnnata ] a highly elevated or exalted; very lofty; greatly flourishing or prosperous. মহেন্নতিn. great elevation or exaltedness or height or altitude or flourish or prosperity or progress.

মহোপকার [ mahōpakāra ] n a great good turn, great benefit or service. মহোপকারক, মহোপকারীa. very beneficial or serviceable; very be nevolent; highly benign. ☐n. a great benefactor.

মহৌষধ [ mahauṣadha ] n a great or infallible medicine; (cp.) panacea.

মহৌষধি [ mahauṣadhi ] n any phosphorescent shrub or creeper; the common grass, (cp.) the bent grass; any plant having high medicinal quality.

মা1 [ mā1 ] n (mus.) the major fourth of the 'C' scale.

মা2 [ mā2 ] n mother; (coll.) mom, mamma, mama, ma; (of beasts) dam. মায়েরজাত womenfolk, womanhood, womankind. মায়ের দয়া (fig.) small pox or chicken pox.

মাই [ māi ] n the mammary gland, the mamma (pl. mammae); milk of the mammae; (dial. & sl.) breasts. মাই খাওয়াv. to suck one's mother's breast. মাই খাওয়ানোv. to give suck to, to suckle. মাই ছাড়ানোv. to wean (a baby). মাইয়েরবোঁটা the mamilla, the teat, the nipple.

মাইক, মাইক্রোফোন [ māika, māikrōphōna ] n a microphone, a mike.

মাইনর [ māinara ] a underage. ☐n. an underage person, a minor.

মাইনে [ māinē ] n monthly salary or wage. মাসমাইনে same as মাইনে ।

মাইপোষ [ māipōṣa ] n a sucking-bottle, a feeding bottle.

মাইফেল [ māiphēla ] n a party revelling in music and dance.

মাইরি [ māiri ] int by Maria or Mary (used as an oath).

মাইল [ māila ] n a mile. ̃পোষ্টn. a mile-stone, a mile-post.

মাউই, মাউই-মা, মাঐ, মাঐ-মা [ māui, māui-mā, māai, māai-mā ] n a mother-in-law or aunt-in-law of a brother or sister or cousin.

মাওবাদ [ māōbāda ] n the doctrine or theory of Mao ze-dong, Maoism.

মাংস [ māṃsa ] n flesh; meat. গোমাংসn. beef. ছাগমাংসn. goat's meat. পাখিরমাংসn. fowl. বাছুরের মাংসn. veal. মুরগির মাংসn. fowl, (loos.) chicken. মেষমাংসn. mutton. শুয়োরের মাংসn. pork. হরিণেরমাংসn. venison. মাংসের দোকান a meat-shop, a butcher's shop, a shamble, a butchery. মাংসের বাজার a meat-market; a flesh market. ̃তুল্যa. flesh-like; meaty. ̃পেশিn. muscle. ̃বিক্রেতাn. a meat seller, a butcher. ̃বৃদ্ধিn. growth of flesh; accumulation of fat; adiposity. ̃লa. fleshy, plump, fatty, adipose. মাংসাশীa. meat-eating; carnivorous.

মাকড়, মাকড়সা [ mākaḍ়, mākaḍ়sā ] n the spider; an arachnid. মাকড়সারজাল a spider-web, a cobweb; gossamer.

মাকড়ি [ mākaḍ়i ] n a variety of earring.

মাকনা [ mākanā ] n young elephant whose tusks have not yet been cut.

মাকাল [ mākāla ] n a lovely-looking fruit with of fensive-smelling inedible pulp, (cp.) the colocynth; (fig.) a very handsome but worthless person.

মাকু [ māku ] n a shuttle (of weavers).

মাকুন্দ [ mākunda ] a. & n one who, though of age, has not yet grown one's beard.

মাক্ষিক [ mākṣika ] a relating to bees or flies. ☐n. honey; pyrites (স্বর্ণমাক্ষিক).

মাখা [ mākhā ] v to smear, to dab, to daub, to coat -(রং মাখা); to knead (ময়দা মাখা); to mix with spices etc. in order to make some thing ready for cooking, to lard মাংসমাখা; to mix with curry etc. to make something ready for eating, (cp.) to sauce (ভাত মাখা). মাখানোv. to cause to smear or dab or coat or knead or lard. ̃মাখিn. mutual or repeated smearing রংমাখামাখি; frequent social communication, intimacy, act of mixing freely with, close association (পুলিশের সঙ্গেমাখামাখি). মাখামাখি করাv. tosmear mutually or repeatedly, to indulge in frequent social communication with, to form an intimacy with, to mix freely with.

মাগ [ māga ] n (sl.) a wife.

মাগধ [ māgadha ] a of or relating to Magadha, Magadhan. মাগধীn. Magadhi, the Prakritic language which is considered the source of Hindi and Bengali. অর্ধমাগধীn. a kind of Magadhi (মাগধী) corrupted with mixture of several Prakritic dialects.

মাগন [ māgana ] n begging or praying.

মাগনা [ māganā ] a obtained by begging. ☐a. & adv. cost-free, free, gratis (মাগনাজিনিস, মাগনা খাটা).

মাগা [ māgā ] v to beg; to ask for; to solicit; to pray for.

মাগি [ māgi ] n (sl.) a woman; (sl.) a prostitute. ̃বাড়িn. (sl.) a brothel. ̃মিনসেn. pl. (sl.) wife and husband; man and wife, a couple.

মাগুর [ māgura ] n a species of fresh-water barbel, (cp.) the catfish.

মাগ্গি [ māggi ] a exorbitantly high in price, dear. ̃গণ্ডাn. dearness and scarcity. ̃গণ্ডারদিন বা বাজার days of high price and scarcity. ̃ভাতাn. dearness allowance.

মা-গোঁসাই [ mā-gōm̐sāi ] n the wife of a religious preceptor, a religious preceptress; (facet) a very harmless, innocent and ineffective person.

মাঘ [ māgha ] n the tenth month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of January to the middle of February). মাঘীa. of the month of Magha (মাঘ). ☐n. the fullmoon day in the month of Magha (also মাঘীপূর্ণিমা). মাঘোত্সবn. a religious festival observed by the Brahmo Samaj in the month of Magha (মাঘ).

মাঙ্গলিক, মাঙ্গল্য [ māṅgalika, māṅgalya ] n scripturally auspicious things such as mango-twigs, sandal etc.. well-being, weal, welfare. ☐a. suspicious, propitious. মাঙ্গলিক দ্রব্য same as মাঙ্গলিক (n).

মাচা, মাচান [ mācā, mācāna ] n a platform, a dais; a shelf; a scaffold; a stage; a shooting-platform usu. up a tree, a machan.

মাছ [ mācha ] n fish. মাছধরাv. to catch fish, to fish. নদীর মাছ a river fish, a fresh-water fish. নোনামাছ salted fish. নোনাজলেরমাছ a salt-water fish. পুকুরের মাছ a fish reared in a pond. শুঁটকি মাছ dried fish. সমুদ্রেরমাছ a marine fish. মাছের কাঁটা a fish-bone. মাছেরঘেরি fishery. মাছের চাষ pisciculture. মাছেরঝুড়ি a fish-creel. মাছের ডিম spawn (of fish). মাছেরপুকুর a fish-pond, a fish-stew, a stew-pond, a piscina. মাছেরবাজার a fish-market. মাছেরভেড়ি a fishy dam, a fishery. ̃ওয়ালাn. fishmonger; (loos.) a fisherman. fem. ̃ওয়ালিn. a fishwife, a fish-woman; (loos.) a fisherwoman. মাছধরা জাহাজ a trawler. মাছধরা জাল a fishing net. মাছধরানৌকা a fishing boat; a trawler. ̃ভাজাn. fried fish, fishfry.

মাছরাঙা [ mācharāṅā ] n the kingfisher.

মাছি [ māchi ] n the fly; the sight-hole of a gun. ̃মারাa. fly-killing (মাছিমারা ওষুধ); (contemp.) blindly copying or transcribing without exercising discretion (মাছিমারা কেরানি). মাছিমারাওষুধ a fly bane.

মাছুয়া [ māchuẏā ] a of fish, piscine (মাছুয়া গল্ধ); fishing, piscatorial, piscatory (মাছুয়াজাতি); fish-selling (মাছুয়া বাজার). ☐n. a fish monger or fisherman, a fisher. coll. form মেছোfem. n. মাছুয়ানি a fish-wife, a fish-woman, a fisher-woman.

মাজ [ māja ] n (bot.) pith within a stem.

মাজন [ mājana ] n scouring or scrubbing; act of cleansing (as teeth) by rubbing, brushing etc; a cleansing substance. দাঁতেরমাজন a dentifrice, a toothpowder, a toothpaste.

মাজা1 [ mājā1 ] n the waist, the loins.

মাজা2 [ mājā2 ] v to scour or scrub; to cleanse (as teeth) by rubbing, brushing etc.; to polish (as gold ornaments). ☐a. scoured or scurbbed; cleansed by rubbing, brushing etc.; polished; employed or used in scouring or scrubbing. ☐n. same as মাজন । বাসন-মাজা চাকর a scullion. বাসন-মাজা ঝি a scullerymaid. ̃ঘষাn. meticulous scouring scrubbing or polishing; meticulous cleansing and dressing (রূপের মাজাঘষা); meticulous training and practice (গায়কদেরমাজাঘষা); meticulous correction and modification, careful chiselling (লেখারবা ছবির মাজাঘষা). মাজানোv. to cause to scour or scrub or cleanse or polish.

মাজুফল [ mājuphala ] n the gall-nut. মাজুফলের রস gallic acid.

মাঝ [ mājha ] n the middle, the centre; the inside or interior; the midst or company (পুরুষের মাঝে); the bottom of one's heart (আমার মাঝে) ☐a. middle, half (মাঝপথ). মাঝথেকে from the middle or centre or inside or interior or midst; from the bottom of one's heart; being innocently or unnecessarily involved (তোমরা করলে চুরি আর মাঝ থেকে সেখেলমার). ̃খান same as মাঝ (n.) ̃খানে same as মাঝে । ̃দরিয়াn. mid-stream; mid-ocean, mid-sea. ̃নদীn. mid-river, mid-stream. ̃নদীতেadv. half way into the river. মাঝেadv. meanwhile, in the meantime. মাঝেমধ্যে, মাঝেমাঝেadv. off and on, from time to time, at times.

মাঝামাঝি [ mājhāmājhi ] a almost middle or central; middling, moderate (মাঝামাঝি অবস্হা). ☐adv. almost in or to the middle or centre; almost halfway; almost half (মাঝামাঝি করা).

মাঝার [ mājhāra ] n (poet.) same as মাঝ ।

মাঝারি [ mājhāri ] a middling, moderate, of medium grade, quality, size etc.

মাঝি [ mājhi ] n a helmsman, a steersman; a boatswain; a boatman; (amongst Santal people) a headman or a husband. ̃গিরিn. the profession of a helmsman or steersman or boatswain or boatman. ̃মাল্লাn. a helmsman and his subordinate boatmen; boatmen; a boatswain and his subordinate sailors. ̃য়ানn. fem. (amongst Santal people) the wife of a headman or a wife.

মাঞ্জা [ māñjā ] n a glue made of powdered glass etc. for coating the string by which a kite is flown.

মাটকলাই [ māṭakalāi ] n groundnut, monkey-nut, earth-nut.

মাটকোঠা [ māṭakōṭhā ] n a mud-built house consisting of two or more stories.

মাটাপালাম [ māṭāpālāma ] n a coarse borderless white fabric or loincloth.

মাটাম [ māṭāma ] n a try-square, a trying-square. ̃সইa. placed or set at right angle, perpendicular.

মাটি [ māṭi ] n earth; clay; soil; dust or dirt; the ground, the floor; landed property, land; the surface of the earth; the earth, the world; foothold. মাটি করাv. to spoil, to ruin; to impair. মাটিকামড়ে (প়ড়ে) থাকা (fig.) to keep lying to the ground immovable and motionlessly with all one's might and main (as by a wrestler); to persist doggedly. মাটিদেওয়াv. to bury, to inter. মাটি মাড়ানোv. (coll.) to come or visit. মাটিহওয়াv. to be spoiled. পায়ের তলার মাটি সরে যাওয়া (fig.) to lose one's foothold, to be ut terly deprived of support, (cp.) to cut the grass from under one's feet. মাটিরদর dirt cheap. মাটির বাসন earthenware; crockery. মাটির দরে বিক্রি করা to sell for a mere trifle. মাটির মানুষ a very gentle and forbearing and honest man perfectly free from crookedness. বিলাতিমাটি cement. বেলেমাটি sandy soil.

মাটো [ māṭō ] a lacklustre, dull (মাটো রং); uninteresting (মাটো খেলা); not thorough or compact (মাটোকাজ).

মাঠ [ māṭha ] n a field, a maidan; a tract of agricultural land, land; a grazing ground, a pasture; an extensive open space (মাঠেমাঠে ঘোরা); a playing-field, a play ground, a ground. মাঠে মারা যাওয়া (fig.) to be utterly lost or wasted. ̃ঘাটn. every place.

মাঠা [ māṭhā ] n cream (of milk); butter; whey, buttermilk. মাঠা তোলাv. to skim the butter. মাঠা-তোলা দুধ skim-milk, skimmed milk.

মাঠাকরুন [ māṭhākaruna ] n mother, madam (used in politely addressing a lady).

মাড় [ māḍ় ]n (liquefied) starch extracted from rice etc. by boiling or used in the laundry as a stiffener. মাড় দেওয়াv. to starch.

মাড়া [ māḍ়ā ] v to pound (ওষুধমাড়া); to thresh (as corn); to tread or trample. মাড়াইn. threshing. মাড়ানোv. to tread or trample.

মাঢ়ী [ māḍh়ī ] n (anat.) the gum. মাঢ়ীর দাঁত a cheek-tooth, a molar tooth.

মাণবক [ māṇabaka ] n a (male) child; a manikin, a dwarf.

মাণিক্য [ māṇikya ] a ruby; (loos.) a gem.

মাত1 [ māta1 ] a thoroughly maddened or over whelmed (নেশায় মাত) or charmed or captivated (গানেমাত, আসর মাত) or replete or pervaded (গন্ধেমাত). মাত করা. v. to madden or overwhelm or charm or captivate or replete or pervade thor oughly.

মাত2 [ māta2 ] n (in chess) checkmating; act of defeating thoroughly (প্রতিপক্ষকেমাতকরা); act of winning outright (বাজি মাতকরা). ☐a. checkmated; completely defeated. মাত করাv. to checkmate; to defeat thoroughly; to win outright.

মাতগুড় [ mātaguḍ় ]n drossy molasses, treacle.

মাতঙ্গ [ mātaṅga ] n the elephant. fem. মাতঙ্গী (loos.) মাতঙ্গিনী the female elephant; (myth.) one of the ten manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).

মাতন [ mātana ] n maddened state; act of running amuck; frenzy; madness; (of elephants etc.) must; state of being beside one self; absorption; feverish enthusiasm; excitement; revelry; a revel-rout; fermentation.

মাতব্বর [ mātabbara ] n a leader, a headman; a distinguished or influential man, a man of position. ☐a. leading, distinguished, influential. মাতব্বরিn. (dero.) bossing; posing as a distinguished or influential or important man.

মাতলামি, মাতলামো [ mātalāmi, mātalāmō ] n drunken revel or revelry, riotous drunkenness.

মাত্সর্য [ mātsarya ] n envy, malice, spite; grudge, malevolence.

মাত্স্য[ mātsya ] a piscine. ☐n. one of the Puranas. ̃ন্যায়n. the principle that larger fishes will devour or gobble up the smaller ones; (pol.) a lawless or chaotic state in which the strong oppresses the weak.

মাতা1 [ mātā1 ] n mother. ̃পিতাn. pl. parents. ̃পিতৃহীনa. parentless, orphan. fem. ̃পিতৃহীনা । ̃মহn. the father or an uncle of one's mother, a maternal grandfather. fem. ̃মহী the mother or an aunt of one's mother, a maternal grandmother.

মাতা2 [ mātā2 ] v to go mad; (of elephants etc.) to be seized with must, to be in must; to run amuck; to be frenzied or maddened; to be beside onelself, to be overwhelmed with; to be absorbed (in); to become feverishly enthusiastic; to be greatly excited; to indulge in a revel-rout; to rise and swell by the action of fermentation, to ferment.

মাতানো [ mātānō ] v to send one mad; (of elephants etc.) to cause to be in must; to send one amuck; to madden; to overwhelm; to cause to be absorbed (in); to excite greatly; to cause toindulge in a revel rout; to delight greatly; to ferment. ☐a. maddening, highly delightful (মনমাতানোগন্ধ).

মাতামাতি [ mātāmāti ] n drunken revelry; great excitement; feverish activities or enthusiasm; revelry; romping naughtiness.

মাতাল [ mātāla ] a intoxicated with wine, drunk, drunken; sozzled; addicted to drinking wine esp. to excess; infatuated, beside oneself; saturated. ☐n. a drunk person; a boozer, a drunkard.

মাতুঃষ্বসা, মাতুঃস্বসা [ mātuḥṣbasā, mātuḥsbasā ] n a mother's sister or cousin-sister, a maternal aunt.

মাতুল [ mātula ] n a mother's brother or cousin brother, a maternal uncle. fem. মাতুলানী, মাতুলী the wife of a maternal uncle. মাতুলালয়n. the home or residence of a maternal uncle.

মাতৃ [ mātṛ ] n (in comp.) mother. ̃কa. maternal; motherly; treated or fostered as by one's mother, mothered (নদীমাতৃক দেশ). ̃কল্প same as ̃তুল্য । ̃কাn. any one of a group of sixteen female deities; mother; one's mother's mother; a nurse; any one of the alphabetical letters; a matron. ̃কুলn. the mother's line, the distaff side. ̃গণn. the eight divine female powers. ̃ঘাতক, ̃ঘাতীa. guilty of or relating to matricide, matricidal. ̃তুল্য, ̃তুল্যাa. deserving to be treated as one's mother; behaving as one's mother; motherly. ̃দায়n. the responsibility of performing the obse quies of one's deceased mother; (loos.) one's mother's death. ̃দায়গ্রস্হa. charged with the onus of performing the obsequies of one's deceased mother; (loos.) in mourning for one's lately deceased mother. ̃দুগ্ধn. mother's milk. ̃পক্ষ same as ̃কুল । ̃পূজাn. act of serving or adoring one's mother. ̃বত্adv. (also a.) like one's mother. মাতৃবত্ পরদারেষু one should look upon another's wife as one's mother. ̃বিয়োগn. mother's death. ̃ভক্তa. devoted or deeply attached to one's mother. ̃ভক্তিn. devotion to one's mother. ̃ভাষাn. mother-tongue; vernacular. ̃ভূমিn. motherland, native land, mother-country. ̃রিষ্টিn. an in auspicious conjunction of planets in one's horoscope foreboding danger to one's mother's life. ̃শাসনn. matriarchy. ̃শাসিতa. matriarchal. ̃শ্রাদ্ধn. the obsequies of one's deceased mother. ̃ষ্বসা same as মাতুঃষ্বসা । ̃ষ্বস্রীয়, ̃ষ্বস্রেয়n. a son of one's mother's sister or cousin-sister. ̃ষ্বস্রয়া, ̃ষ্বস্রেয়া a daughter of one's mother's sister or cousin-sister. ̃সম, ̃সমা same as ̃তুল্য। ̃সেবা same as ̃পূজা । ̃স্তন্যn. mother's milk. ̃স্তব, ̃স্তোত্রn. a hymn or incantation of the sublime female energy associated with the work of creation; a hymn or incantation of any female deity; a devotional hymn offered to one's mother. ̃হত্যাn. matricide. ̃হত্যাকারী same as ̃ঘাতক ।fem. ̃হত্যাকারিণী । ̃হন্তাn. a matricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হীনa. motherless. fem. ̃হীনা ।

মাত্রা [ mātrā ] n amount, measure, degree (শীতেরমাত্রা); a dose (ওষুধের মাত্রা); limit (মাত্রাহীনলোভ); a horizontal straight line put over the consonants and some vowels of the Bengali alphabet; either of the measures long and short into which the letters of the alphabet are grouped; (pros.) a unit for measuring syllables (esp. in Sanskrit verses); a unit of division in Indian musical measure; (math.) dimension; (phys.) mass; (phys.) a unit of measure. মাত্রা ছাড়ানোv. to go beyond the limit of (decency etc.) ̃জ্ঞান, ̃বোধn. sense of proportion. ̃তত্ত্বn. (med.) posology. ̃বৃত্তn. (pros.) a system of metrical measure depending on differentiating alphabetical letters into long and short. ̃হীনa. limitless, boundless.

মাত্রিক [ mātrika ] a (used as a sfx.) (gr. &pros.) measured as long or short (দীর্ঘমাত্রিক, লঘুমাত্রিক); (mus.) consisting of a particular number of units of musical measure (ত্রিমাত্রিক তাল).

মাথট [ māthaṭa ] n poll-tax; a capital levy.

মাথা [ māthā ] n the head; top, summit, crest (পাহাড়ের মাথা); tip (আঙুলের মাথা); end, extremity (পেনসিলের মাথা); a bend, a corner (চৌমাথা); prow (of a boat); brain, intellect (অন্কে বেশ মাথা); a head man, a chief, a leader (গাঁয়ের মাথা); an adviser, a counsellor (সবকূটবুদ্ধির মাথাতিনি). ☐int. denoting: nothing (মাথাকরবে). মাথাআঁচড়ানোv. to comb one's hair. মাথাউঁচু করা same as মাথা তোলা ।মাথা উড়ানোv. to cut off one's head, to behead. মাথা কাটা যাওয়াv. (fig.) to be greatly ashamed; to be shamefully disgraced. মাথাকোটাv. to strike one's head (esp. repeatedly) against the floor or wall as a violent expression of huff, grief etc. মাথাখাওint. (used as an oath) you will eat my head if you will or will not do this, (cp.) for the love of me, beshrew me. মাথাখাওয়াv. (fig.) to ruin; to spoil; (fig.) to deprave. মাথাখারাপকরাv. (fig.) to chafe, to fret, to lose one's head. মাথা খেলাv. to have aptitude for (অন্কেমাথা খেলে). মাথাখেলানোv. (fig.) to strive to think out; to apply one's mind. মাথা খোঁড়া same as মাথাকোটা । মাথা গরম করাv. (fig.) to get angry. মাথাগরম হওয়াv. (fig.) to get angry; (fig.) to lose one's head; to have one's head turned; to feel giddy. মাথাগলানোv. to enter or pass or force one's head through; to interfere with, to poke one's nose into. মাথা গুঁড়ো করাv. to break one's skull; to dash one's brains out, to brain. মাথাগুনতি করাv. (fig.) to count the number of persons, to count the heads. মাথা গুলিয়ে দেওয়াv. (fig.) to nonplus, to bewilder, to confound. মাথাগুলিয়ে যাওয়াv. (fig.) to be nonplussed or confounded. মাথা গোঁজাv. (fig.) to take shelter somehow or with difficulty. মাথা ঘষাv. (women's) washing the head with soap or shampoo. মাথাঘামানো see ঘামানো । মাথা ঘোরাv. to feel dizzy or giddy; (fig.) to have one's head turned. মাথা ঘোরানোv. to make one feel dizzy or giddy; (fig.) to turn one's head. মাথা চাড়া দেওয়াv. (fig.) to flourish, to thrive; (fig.) to assert one self; (fig.) to rise in revolt. মাথাচালাv. to apply one's brain; (fig.) to cogitate. মাথাচুলকানোv. to scratch one's head as a mark of confusion or inability to think out something. মাথা ঠান্ডা করাv. (fig.) to cool down, to cool down one's anger or temper. মাথাঠান্ডা রাখাv. (fig.) to keep one's head; to remain cool headed or calm; (fig.) to keep one's countenance. মাথা তোলাv. to raise one's head; to look up; (fig.) to flourish, to thrive; (fig.) to assert oneself; (fig.) to hold one's head; (fig.) to rise in revolt. মাথা দেওয়াv. (fig.) to sacrifice one's life; (fig.) to bother; (fig.) to pay attention to. মাথাধরাv. to have a headache. মাথানেওয়াv. (fig.) to behead. মাথানোয়ানোv. (fig.) to yield (to), to acknowledge the superiority or authority (of). মাথাপেতে নেওয়াv. (fig.) to accept tamely. মাথা বাঁধাদেওয়া, মাথা বিকানোv. (fig.) to enslave oneself (to), to sell one's soul (to); (fig.) to be over head and ears (দেনায় মাথাবিকানো). মাথা মাটিহওয়াv. (fig.) to impair or waste one's intelligence or intellect; (fig.) to be come dull-headed or stupid. মাথা হেঁটকরাv. to hang down one's head in shame; (fig.) to yield (to), to acknowledge the superiority or authority (of), to humiliate oneself. মাথা হেঁট হওয়াv. (fig.) to lose face, to be disgraced; (fig.) to be put to shame, to be put out of countenance. মাথায় ওঠা same as মাথায়চড়া । মাথায় করাv. (fig.) to honour very highly; (fig.) to fill with uproar. (চেঁচিয়ে বাড়ি মাথায় করা). মাথায়কাপড়দেওয়াv. to veil one's head with a portion of one's loincloth (as done by oriental women). মাথায় খুনচড়া (চাপা) v. to become extremely angry; to get furious, to fly into a towering rage. মাথায়ঘোল ঢালা (fig.) to humiliate (a person). মাথায় চড়াv. (path.) to go up in the brain (বায়ু মাথায় চড়া); (fig.) to take liberties (with) or become audacious (being encouraged by indulgence). মাথায়ঢোকাv. to be comprehensible to, to be understood by; to be seized with a notion or fancy; to be stricken with (মাথায়ভয় ঢোকা); to have a brain-wave (মাথায়নতুন আইডিয়া ঢোকা). মাথায়তোলাv. to give excessive indulgence; to give undue importance; to honour greatly (তাঁকেআমরা মাথায়তুলে রেখেছি). মাথায়রাখাv. (fig.) to treat with great adoration or respect or cordiality or care; (fig.) to abide by or observe with great devotion or care. মাথারউপর কেউ না থাকাv. to have no guardian. মাথারঘামপায়েফেলাv. (fig.) to sweat and drudge. মাথারঠাকুর (fig.) a very venerable or dear person. মাথার ঠিকনা থাকাv. (fig.) to be nonplussed or confounded; (fig.) to lose one's head. মাথার তালু top of the head, the crown. মাথার দিব্যি a self-imprecatory oath. মাথানেই তার মাথা ব্যথা (fig.) much ado about nothing. ̃ওয়ালাa. brainy, intelligent. ̃-কামড়ানিn. same as মাথাব্যথা । ̃-খারাপa. crack-brained; nutty; demented, crazy; lunatic. মাথা-খারাপ লোক a crack-brain; a nutty person; a lunatic. ̃গরমa. short-tempered. মাথাধরাn. headache. ̃পাগলা same as ̃খারাপ। ̃পিছু, ̃প্রতিadv. percapita. ̃ব্যথাn. headache; (fig.) worry; (fig.) concern; (fig.) responsibility. ̃ভারীa. top-heavy. ̃মুন্ডুn. head or tail (মাথামুন্ডুবুঝতে না পারা = unable to make head or tail). ̃মোটা dull-headed.

মাথাল [ māthāla ] n a kind of improvised wicker umbrella; the top of a pillar, a capital.

মাথালো [ māthālō ] a brainy, intelligent.

মাথি [ māthi ] n the pith within the stem of the cocount-tree, date-tree etc.

মাথুরা [ māthurā ] a of Mathura (মথুরা) in India. ☐n. a cycle of songs ventilating the sorrow of the people of Brindaban caused by Krishna's (কৃষ্ণ) departure to Mathura; song of this cycle.

মাদক [ mādaka ] a intoxicating, inebriant (মাদকদ্রব্য). ☐n. an intoxicant, an inebriant, a drug. মাদক গ্রহন বা সেবন করাv. to take drug esp. narcotics habitually, to drug; to drug oneself. ̃তাn. intoxicating property or power. ̃বর্জনn. abstention from drug-taking; prohibition. মাদকবর্জনকরাv. to abstain from drug-taking. ̃সেবনn. drug-addiction. ̃সেবীa. addicted to drugs esp. narcotics. ☐n. a drug-addict, a drug-fiend.

মাদল [ mādala ] n a kind of tom-tom played on by the Santal (সাঁওতাল) people.

মাদার [ mādāra ] n the coral tree.

মাদি [ mādi ] a (esp. of inferior creatures) female, (cp.) she(মাদিকুকুর).

মাদুর [ mādura ] n a mat. ̃কাঠিn. dried stalk of a kind of grass used in weaving mats.

মাদুলি [ māduli ] n an amulet (usu. shaped like a tom-tom).

মাদৃশ [ mādṛśa ] a like me; like myself. fem. মাদৃশী ।

মাদ্রাজি [ mādrāji ] a of Madras (মাদ্রাজ). ☐n. a native of Madras.

মাদ্রাসা [ mādrāsā ] n a madrasa, a madrasah.

মাধব [ mādhaba ] a relating to honey; honeyed. ☐n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) or Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). মাধবী, মাধবিকা, মাধবীলতাn. an evergreen creeper, (cp.) the myrtle. মাধবীকুঞ্জn. a myrtle-bower.

মাধুকরী [ mādhukarī ] n act of begging from door to door like the bee gathering honey from flower to flower.

মাধুরী, মাধুর্য [ mādhurī, mādhurya ] n sweetness; deliciousness; pleasantness; beauty; (rhet.) elegance of style.

মাধ্বী [ mādhbī ] a kind of wine produced from honey; honey. ̃কn. same as মাধ্বী।

মাধ্যন্দিন [ mādhyandina ] a of midday or noon. ̃রেখাn. (astr. & geog.) the meridian.

মাধ্যম [ mādhyama ] n a medium.

মাধ্যমিক [ mādhyamika ] a of the second stage or standard; middling; secondary. মাধ্যমিকশিক্ষা secondary education.

মাধ্যাকর্ষণ [ mādhyākarṣaṇa ] n (sc.) gravitation or gravity. মাধ্যাকর্ষণ-সুত্রn. the law of gravitation.

মাধ্যাহ্নিক [ mādhyāhnika ] a of noon or midday; meridian. fem. মাধ্যাহ্নিকী । ̃ক্রিয়াn. midday rites.

মাধ্যিক [ mādhyika ] n (bot.) a median.

মান1 [ māna1 ] n a unit or instrument of measure or weight, a measure; measuring or weighing; a unit of Indian musical measure; (math.) value; (alg.) degree; a standard. ̃নির্ধারণn. standardization.

মান2 [ māna2 ] n honour, respect; cordial reception; fame; dignity; pride; (dero.) vanity. মান দেওয়াv. to treat with honour or deference. মান রাখাv. to do honour to, to respect, to heed; to do the honours (to); to save one's face.

মান3 [ māna3 ] n huff caused by undesirable behaviour of a beloved person; tiff, sulks, pique. মানকরাv. to be in a huff, to huff, to sulk. মান ভরেadv. in a fit of pique or resentment. মান ভাঙানোv. to win over or placate a beloved who is in a huff.

মান4, মানকচু [ māna4, mānakacu ] n the arum.

মানকলি [ mānakali ] n a quarrel between husband and wife; a lover's quarrel.

মানচিত্র [ mānacitra ] n a map; a chart. মানচিত্র অভিক্ষেপn. (geog.) stereographic projection. ̃কার, ̃করn. a cartographer. ̃বিদ্যাn. cartography, chartography. মানচিত্রাঙ্কনn. map-drawing. মানচিত্রাবলিn. maps; a book of maps, an atlas.

মানত [ mānata ] n a promise to offer a particular sacrifice to a deity on fulfilment of a prayer, a vow.

মানদ [ mānada ] a bestowing or conferring honour upon; fetching honour to.

মানদণ্ড [ mānadaṇḍa ] n a measuring rod, a measure; a standard or unit of measurement.

মানদা [ mānadā ] fem of মানদ।

মানন, মাননা [ mānana, mānanā ] n honouring or respecting; cordial reception; obeying; believing; acknowledgement, owing admission; heading; observance; act of calling on or appealing to or citing; act of promising to offer in sacrifice, vowing.

মাননীয় [ mānanīẏa ] a honourable; venerable; respectable. fem. মাননীয়া ।মাননীয়েষুadv. to an honourable person (used as a polite mode of addressing a letter). fem. মাননীয়াসু ।.

মানপত্র [ mānapatra ] n an address of honour, a written felicitation.

মানব [ mānaba ] n mankind, man; a man; a human being, a person. ☐a. relating to or drawn up by Manu (মনু) the law-giver (মানব-ধর্মশাস্ত্র). fem. n. মানবী woman kind; a woman. মানবক pop. spell. of মাণবক । ̃চরিত্রn. human nature or character. ̃জাতিn. mankind, human kind, the human race. ̃জীবনn. the human life, the life of man. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. humanity. মানবতাবাদn. humanism. ̃ধর্মn. the religion of man; humanity. ̃প্রকৃতিn. human nature. ̃লীলাn. activities of a human being whilst existing upon the earth; existence as a human being. মানবলীলাসংবরণকরাv. to die, to breathe one's last. ̃সমাজn. hu man world, mankind; the human society. ̃হীনa. having no human dweller, depopulated, desolate. ̃হৃদয়n. man's heart, the human heart; humane feelings. মানবিকa. human; humane. মানবিকবিদ্যা the humanities. মানবীয়a. human; humane. মানবোচিতa. befitting a human being, humane; (loos.) human.

মানবিন্দু [ mānabindu ] n (phys.) any of the fixed points (of a thermometer).

মনভঙ্গ, মানভঞ্জন [ manabhaṅga, mānabhañjana ] n allaying of one's huff. মানভঞ্জন করাv. to allay one's huff. মানভঞ্জন-পালাn. a group of songs written about the soothing of Radha's (রাধা) huff by Krishna (কৃষ্ণ).

মানমন্দির [ mānamandira ] n an observatory.

মানময়ী [ mānamaẏī ] n fem. huffy; touchy.

মানমর্যাদা [ mānamaryādā ] n honour and dignity. মানমর্যাদারক্ষা করাv. to keep up or maintain (one's) prestige.

মানস [ mānasa ] n the mind; desire, intention, purpose. ☐a. mental; inward; concealed in the mind; imaginary or fancied. মানসকরাv. to desire, to intend, to purpose. ̃কন্যাn. a daughter born to one out of one's mind or fancy. ̃তাn. mentality. ̃নেত্রn. the mind's eye, the inward eye; imagination or fancy. ̃পটn. the can vas of the mind; imagination or fancy. ̃পুত্রn. a son born to one out of one's mind or fancy. ̃প্রতিমাn. an image conceived in the mind, a mental image. ̃বিজ্ঞানn. mental science. ̃রাজ্যn. the realm of fancy or imagination. ̃সিদ্ধিn. fulfilment of a desire or intention; attainment of an end. ̃সুন্দরী, মানসীn. fem. the graceful woman of one's imagination.

মানসম্ভ্রম [ mānasambhrama ] n honour and prestige or modesty.

মানসাঙ্ক [ mānasāṅka ] n a mathematical sum to be worked out mentally.

মানসিক [ mānasika ] a mental (মানসিকব্যাধি); imaginary or fancied (মানসিক ভয়). ☐n. a sacrifice or offering promised to a deity on condition that one's prayer be granted. মানসিক করাv. to promise a sacrifice or offering to a deity on condition that a prayer be granted. মানসিকদেওয়াv. to offer a promised sacrifice to a deity on fulfilment of a prayer.

মানসী [ mānasī ] a. fem conceived by the mind, fancied (মানসী প্রতিমা). ☐n. fem. a woman or sweet-heart of one's fancy (কবি মানসী).

মানহানি [ mānahāni ] n defamation; a libel. মানহানি করাv. to defame; to libel. ̃করa. defamatory; libellous. মানহানিরমোকদ্দমা a defamation case; a libel suit.

মানা1 [ mānā1 ] n prohibition, forbidding. মানা করাv. to prohibit, to forbid.

মানা2 [ mānā2 ] n to honour, to show respect to, to revere (গুরুজনকে মানা); to believe in (ভূতপ্রেত মানা); to regard, to count (ভাগ্যবলে মানা); to acknowledge, to admit, to own (অপরাধ মানা); to ac knowledge the authority of (রাজাকেমানা); to obey, to abide by (উপদেশমানা); to observe (শাস্ত্রীয় নিয়ম মানা); to heed (বাধা মানা); to accept, to yield to (সান্ত্বনা মানা); to call on or cite (সাক্ষীমানা).

মানান [ mānāna ] n fittingness; becomingness; propriety; decorousness, decorum; beauty. ☐a. fitting; becoming; decorous.

মানানসই [ mānānasi ] a same as মানান (a.).

মানানো1 [ mānānō1 ] v to cause to honour or revere or believe in or regard or count or acknowledge or own or obey or observe or heed or accept or yield to or call on.

মানানো2 [ mānānō2 ] v to befit, to become; to suit; to fit.

মানিক [ mānika ] n ruby; a jewel; (fig.) a precious object, an object of joy or hope. ̃জোড়n. a variety of egrets usually moving in pairs; (fig.-often dero.) a pair of inseparable friends or associates.

মানী [ mānī ] a honoured, respected; respectable, honourable; having prestige or dignity; particular about one's own prestige or dignity; egotistic; vainglorious; touchy. fem. মানিনী in all the senses of মানী, and esp.-one who often sulks on account of amorous quarrel; huffy.

মানুষ [ mānuṣa ] n the human race, man; a man; a human being (male or female), a person; a grown-up person, an adult; proper human being (তোরা মানুষহ). মানুষকরাv. to rear, to bring up (ছেলেমানুষ করা); to train one to be a proper man. মানুষ হওয়াv. to be brought up; to grow up, to become an adult; to grow up into a proper man. ̃খেকোa. maneating. ☐n. a maneater. ̃জনn. men, people (মানুষজন দেখছি না). মানুষেরমতোমানুষ a proper man; a great or eminent person; a man of worth; an ideal man. মানুষিকa. human. মানুষীa. human. ☐n. a woman; womankind.

মানে [ mānē ] n meaning, interpretation, import, significance, implication; motive, purpose, cause (আন্দোলনের মানে); utility (জমি পতিত রাখার মানে কী?). মানে করাv. to interpret; to expound; to explain. মানে বোঝাv. to comprehend the meaning or motive or intention or utility of. মানে বোঝানোv. to mean, to signify; to imply; to explain the meaning of. মানেহওয়াv. to serve a purpose; to be of any use; to convey a meaning.

মানে-বই [ mānē-bi ] n a book of explanatory notes; a help-book, a key.

মানে-মানে [ mānē-mānē ] adv whilst one's prestige or dignity is still unimpaired.

মানোয়ার [ mānōẏāra ] n a man-of-war; a battleship, a warship. মানোয়ারিa. serving on board a warship, employed in the navy, naval; used in war.

মান্দাস [ māndāsa ] n a raft, a float.

মান্দ্য [ māndya ] n lack of natural urge, dearth, loss, decrease, dullness (ক্ষুধামান্দ্য); impairment (অগ্নিমান্দ্য); slowness; sloth; inertia.

মান্ধাতা [ māndhātā ] n a mythological king. মান্ধাতারআমল time immemorial, timeout of mind.

মান্য [ mānya ] a same as মাননীয়।☐n. honour, respect, cordial reception (মান্য করা); a gift of honour, a complimentary present (মান্য দেওয়া); compliance, observance. fem. a. মান্যা । মান্য করাv. to honour, to respect, to accord cordial reception (to); to comply with, to observe. ̃গণ্যa. respectable and important. ̃বরa. highly honourable or venerable or respectable. ̃বরেষুadv. to a highly respectable person (used as a polite mode of addressing a letter).

মাপ1 [ māpa1 ] n pardon, excuse; remission; exemption. মাপ করাv. to pardon, to for give, to excuse; to remit, to exempt.

মাপ2 [ māpa2 ] n measure; dimension; measurement. মাপ নেওয়াv. to take measurements of, to measure. মাপেহওয়াv. to be of a particular measure or size, to measure; to fit in measurements. ̃কাঠি, ̃কাটিn. a measuring-rod; a measure; a standard. ̃জোখ, ̃জোকn. measurements; measurement; surveying. মাপজোখ করাv. to measure minutely; to survey. ̃দড়িn. measuring rope or tape. ̃সইa. &adv. conforming to particular measurements. ˜কa. measuring or weighing. ☐n. a measure; a weigher. ̃নn. measuring or weighing or sounding. ̃দণ্ডn. a measuring-rod. ̃যন্ত্রn. a weighing-machine. ̃রজ্জুn. a sounding-line, a plumb-line. মাপনীn. (geom.) a ruler, a scale.

মাপা [ māpā ] v to measure; to weigh; to survey (জমি মাপা); to measure the depth of, to sound; (fig.) to try to assess the importance or weight of. ☐a. measured; weighed; surveyed; sounded; restrained, controlled, restricted (মাপাকথা, মাপা খাওয়া). ̃জোখা, ̃জোকাa. conforming accurately to a particular measure, measured; restrained, controlled, restricted. ☐n. measuring or surveying. মাপানোv. to cause to measure or weigh or survey or sound.

মাফলার [ māphalāra ] n a scarf, a muffler; a comforter.

মাফিক [ māphika ] a like; conforming to (রুচিমাফিক).

মাভৈঃ [ mābhaiḥ ] v. imp (used as int.) don't fear, be not afraid. ☐a. expelling fear (মাভৈঃবাণী).

মামড়ি [ māmaḍ়i ] n an encrustation, a scab. মামড়িপড়াv. to develop a scab, to scab.

মামদো [ māmadō ] n a ghost of a Mussalman. ̃বাজিn. (fig.) boastful and threatening behaviour, bluff, bluster.

মা-মরা [ mā-marā ] a motherless.

মামা [ māmā ] n a brother or cousin-brother of one's mother, a maternal uncle, an uncle. ̃তোa. descended from one's maternal uncle, avuncular. মামাতোভাইবা বোন a cousin. ̃শ্বশুরn. a maternal uncle of one's husband or wife, an uncle-in-law.

মামি [ māmi ] n. fem the wife of a maternal uncle, an aunt. ̃শাশুড়িfem. the wife of a maternal uncle of one's husband or wife, an aunt-in-law.

মামুলি [ māmuli ] a hackneyed, trite, banal, stock; conventional, traditional, traditionally or conventionally fixed (মামুলি স্বত্ব); most ordinary, negligible, paltry (মামুলিব্যাপার).

মায় [ māẏa ] prep together with, inclusive of, with, even.

মায়া [ māẏā ] n (theol.) illusion, the material world, physical or phenomenal nature, maya; delusion; infatuation, fascination; affection, attachment; tenderness; compassion; magic, jugglery; black magic, sorcery; deceit, a beguiling trick, chicanery; disguise. মায়া করাv. to think or treat with affection, to be attached to; to be reluctant to lose (টাকারবা চাকরির মায়া করা). মায়ায় ভোলাv. to be duped by attachment or sorcery or illusion or by a beguiling trick. ̃কাননn. a garden or grove created by sorcery, an enchanted garden. ̃কান্নাn. insincere sorrow, crocodile tears. ̃ঘোরn. influence or spell of illusion or delusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃জালn. a cobweb or network or spell of illusion or delusion or attachment or infatuation or enchantment. ̃জীবীn. a magician, a juggler; a conjurer. ̃ডোরn. a string or bond of attachment or infatuation. মায়াত্মকa. illusory; delusive; enchanted; hypocritical; disguised. ̃দণ্ডn. a magician's or conjurer's wand. ̃দপর্ণ same as ̃মুকুর । ̃ধারীa. concealing one's identity by casting a spell of illusion; hypocritical; disguised. ̃পাশ same as ̃জাল । ̃বদ্ধa. strongly held under illusion; greatly attached or infatuated or enchanted. ̃বন্ধনn. the bond or tie of illusion or attachment or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বলেadv. magically; by trickery or beguiling trick; by a spell of delusion or beguiling trick. ̃বশa. subject to attachment or affection or infatuation, fondly attached. ̃বাদn. (phil. & theol.) illusionism. ˜বাদীa. (phil. & theol.) illusionistic. □ n. an illusionist. ̃বিদ্যাn. jugglery, magic; conjury; sorcery, black magic. ̃বীa. practising deceit, deceitful; practising sorcery; warranting affection, infatuating, enchanting (মায়াবী সৌন্দর্য). ☐n. an enchanter (fem. an enchantress), a sorcerer (fem. a sor ceress); a wizard (fem. a witch); a conjurer. fem. ̃বিনী। ̃মমতাn. pl. affection and compassion; love and attachment; (cp.) a soft spot (for). ̃ময়a. illusive; delusive; infatuating; bewitching, enchanting; deceptive. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃মুকুরn. a magic mirror. ̃মুক্তa. freed from attachment or affection; disillusioned; disenchanted. ̃মৃগn. (Ramayana) a stag appearing to be made of gold, which tempted Sita and led her to be kidnapped by Ravana; (fig.) a perilous illusion or temptation. ̃মোহ same as ̃ঘোর । ̃রজ্জু same as ̃ডোর। ̃রাজ্যn. a land created by sorcery; a realm of infatuation or enchantment. ̃হীনa. devoid of tenderness or compassion.

মায়িক [ māẏika ] a magical; illusive; infatuating; enchanting.

মার1 [ māra1 ] n death, destruction (সত্যের মারনেই); loss (টাকা মারখাওয়া বা যাওয়া). মার যাওয়াv. to be lost.

মার2 [ māra2 ] n the Hindu god of love (cp. Eros, Cupid); and evil spirit who tried to tempt Buddha (cp. Satan); killing or slaying.

মার3 [ māra3 ] n beating or striking or thrashing or flogging. মার খাওয়াv. to be beaten up or flogged. মার দেওয়াa. to beat, to flog. ̃কাটn. fighting and bloodshed; tumultuous brawl or affray; feverish haste and fuss; higgling. ☐adv. & a. at best. ˜কুটেa. given to beating on slightest pretext. ̃খেকোa. one who is often flogged. ̃ধরn. beating or flogging; beating and arresting (as by the police). ̃পিটn. mutual fighting; fray; an affray, a riot; beating or flogging (esp. excessive). ̃মারকাটকাটn. same as কাট ।☐a. tumultuous, noisily violent, turbulent. ̃মুখোa. about to strike or hurt; aggressive; frightening, threat ening, menacing. fem. ̃মুখী । ̃মূর্তিa. about to strike or hurt; having an ag gressive or menacing appearance. ☐n. aggressive or menacing appearance.

মারক [ māraka ] n a pestilence, a plague. ☐a. destructive; pestilential.

মারণ [ māraṇa ] n killing, slaughter; destroying, destruction; an occult rite performed to cause one's death (মারণমন্ত্র); calcination (of metals). মারণাস্ত্রn. a weapon of destruction. মারিতa. killed; destroyed.

মারপ্যাঁচ [ mārapyān̐ca ] n shrewd or trappy trick (খেলারমারপ্যাঁচ); a shrewd or tricky twist or turn (কথার মারপ্যাঁচ); quibbling, equivocation.

মারফত [ māraphata ] prep per, through, by. দূত মারফত through a messenger.

মারবেল [ mārabēla ] n marble; a little hard ball (ori. made of marble) used by boys in play, a marble. মারবেল-পাহাড়n. a marble rock.

মারা [ mārā ] v to kill; to strike, to hit (বল মারা); to beat, to flog; to drive in, to pierce (ছুরি মারা = to stab); to strike with (চাবুকমারা); to deal (ঘুসি মারা = to deal one a blow); to afflict or distress (কথায়মারা); to ruin (চুরিটায় আমাকে মেরেছে); to destroy, to exterminate, to eradicate (বিষ মারা); to dry or dehydrate (রসমারা); to implant, to drive in (পেরেকমারা); to affix (টিকিট মারা); to sew up (তালি মারা); to paste (লেবেলমারা); to close up, to fill up (ফাঁক মারা); to rob, to pick (পকেট মারা); to obtain by unfair means, to misappropriate, to defalcate (টাকা মারা); to win or earn esp. by a fluke (লটারিমারা); to deprive of (অন্নমারা, রুজি মারা); to cause to lose (জাতমারা); (inf.) to eat or gobble (ভাতমারা); to shout (হাঁক মারা); to give out, to emit (জেল্লা মারা); to block, to ob struct (পথ মারা); to blunt, to dull (ধারমারা, কোণ মারা); to tuck (মালকোঁচামারা); (inf.) to score (গোলমারা); to adopt, to have recourse to, to exhibit (চাল মারা). চাল মারা see চাল3। মারা পড়া, মারাযাওয়াv. to be killed; to die; to be lost (বহু টাকামারা গেছে) ।

মারাঠি [ mārāṭhi ] n a Marathi, a Maharashtrian; the Marathi language. ☐a. Marathi; of Maratha or Maharashtra.

মারাত্মক [ mārātmaka ] a deadly; fatal; terrific; unappeasable, incapable of being as suaged (মারাত্মকশোক).

মারামারি [ mārāmāri ] n a scuffle; an affray; mutual fighting; hard higgling. মারামারি করাv. to scuffle; to fight mutually.

মারী, মারি [ mārī, māri ] n pestilence, a plague; small pox. ̃গুটিকাn. a pustule or vesicle of small-pox.

মারুত [ māruta ] n the wind, air. মারুতিn. a son of the wind-god.

মারোয়াড়ি [ mārōẏāḍ়i ] a of Marwar. n. a native of Marwar, a Marwari; the language of Marwar, Marwari.

মার্কসবাদ [ mārkasabāda ] n Marxism, the theory of Karl Marx.

মার্কসবাদী [ mārkasabādī ] n a Marxist. ☐a. Marxist, Marxian.

মার্কা [ mārkā ] n a mark, a sign, a brand. মার্কা দেওয়াv. to put a mark on, to mark; to brand. ̃মারাa. marked; branded (মার্কামারাচোর); notorious.

মার্কিন [ mārkina ] n the United States of America, (contr.) U.S.A.; America; a citizen of the U.S.A.; an American; a coarse white fabric. ☐a. of the U.S.A. or relating to the American.

মার্কেট [ mārkēṭa ] n a market. মার্কেটিংn. marketing; shopping. মার্কেটিংকরাv. to visit a market for shopping, to market; to shop.

মার্গ [ mārga ] n a way, a path, a road (রাজমার্গ); a route; a means; a mode or means of attaining salvation (ভক্তিমার্গ); the anus; (mus.) the classical mode. ̃সংগীতn. classical music.

মার্চ [ mārca ] n the third month of the English calendar, March.

মার্জন [ mārjana ] n scouring or scrubbing; cleansing (as of teeth) by rubbing, brushing etc.; rubbing; polishing (as of gold ornaments); freeing from sin, fault etc. chastening, absolution; chiselling. মার্জনা same as মার্জন,, and-forgiving; pardon. মার্জনা করাv. to forgive, to pardon; to scour or scrub; to cleanse; to rub; to polish; to free from sin, fault etc., to chasten, to absolve; to chisel. মার্জনাহীনa. unforgiving; relentless. মার্জনীn. any implement for scrubbing or scouring or cleansing or rubbing with, a besom, a broom, a brush, a towel, a napkin etc.

মার্জার [ mārjāra ] n the cat; (mas.) the tomcat; any feline beast (জল-মার্জার). fem. মার্জারী, মার্জারিকা the female cat, the she-cat, (cp.) the pussy-cat.

মার্জিত [ mārjita ] a scoured or scrubbed; cleansed; rubbed; polished; freed from sin, fault etc., chastened, absolved; refined (মার্জিত আচরণ, মার্জিত রুচি); elegant, chaste (মার্জিত ভাষা); chiselled or polished (রচনামার্জিত করা); cultured (মার্জিত বুদ্ধি). মার্জিত করা same as মার্জনাকরা ।

মার্তণ্ড [ mārtaṇḍa ] n the sun. ̃তাপn. the heat of the sun.

মাল1 [ māla1 ] n (sl.) wine, booze. মাল টানাv. (sl.) to drink wine, to booze.

মাল2 [ māla2 ] n an Indian tribe; a member of this tribe; a snake-charmer; a healer (esp. one knowing occult methods) of poisonous snakebites (also মালবৈদ্য).

মাল3 [ māla3 ] n merchandise, wares (দোকানেরমাল); goods; wealth, riches, property; revenue, rent; land-holding rented directly from the government. ̃কড়িn. money, fund; the wherewithal. ̃ক্রোকn. distraint. মালক্রোক করাv. to distrain. মালক্রোকি পরোয়ানা a distraint warrant. ̃খানাn. a godown or store esp. for keeping valuable articles; room or building where revenue is received; a treasury. মাল খালাস করাv. to unload. ̃গাড়িn. a luggage-van; a waggon; a goods-train. ̃গুজার, ̃গুজারদারn. one who pays revenue (esp. directly to the government); a zamindar. ̃গুজারিn. land revenue. ̃গুদামn. a godown; a store-house; a storeroom; a warehouse. ̃জমিn. a land-holding rented directly from the government. ̃জামিনn. security for goods or property. ̃জাহাজ, ̃নৌকাn. a cargo-boat, a cargo steamer. ̃দারa. wealthy, rich, moneyed. ̃পত্রn. pl. goods collectively; goods and chattels; luggage. ̃বাহীa. carrying goods, cargo etc. ̃বাহীজাহাজ same as মালজাহাজ । ̃বোঝাইa. loaded; (of ships) laden. ̃বোঝাই করাv. to load; (of ships) to lade. ̃মশলাn. pl. ingredients; materials.

মালকোঁচা [ mālakōn̐cā ] n loincloth worn by tucking it tightly between one's legs like a suspenser. মালকোঁচা আঁটা বা দেওয়া বা মারাv. to tuck one's loincloth tightly be tween one's legs like a suspenser.

মালকোশ, মালকোষ [ mālakōśa, mālakōṣa ] n Malkosh; an Indian musical mode.

মালঝাঁপ [ mālajhām̐pa ] n a metre of Bengali versification.

মালঞ্চ [ mālañca ] n a flower-garden.

মালতী [ mālatī ] n a kind of jasmine or its plant. ̃ফলn. nutmeg.

মালপোয়া, মালপো [ mālapōẏā, mālapō ] n a saucer-shaped sweetmeat made of flour or rice-powder fried in ghee or oil and then (some times) dipped in sugarjuice.

মালভূমি [ mālabhūmi ] n plateau, a table-land.

মালশা [ mālaśā ] n a small earthen basin.

মালশাট [ mālaśāṭa ] n loincloth worn by tucking it tightly between one's legs like a suspenser; bragging or vaunting (as by a fighter); slapping of one's arms etc. as one gets ready to attack. মালশাট মারাv. to tuck one's loincloth tightly be tween one's legs like a suspenser; to brag or vaunt; to slap one's arms etc. as one gets ready to attack.

মালা1 [ mālā1 ] n a fisherman by caste.

মালা2 [ mālā2 ] n a coconut-shell; a coconut-shell cut into the shape of a tumbler.

মালা3 [ mālā3 ] n a necklace; a chaplet or circlet; a garland; a string (জপমালা); a series, a row, a line (ঊর্মিমালা, পর্বতমালা). মালাগাঁথাv. to form into a wreath, to wreathe. মালাজপাv. to tell one's beads.

মালাই [ mālāi ] n film or cream of milk.

মালাইচাকি [ mālāicāki ] n the knee-pan, the knee-cap, the patella.

মালাই-বরফ [ mālāi-barapha ] n ice-cream.

মালাকর, মালাকার [ mālākara, mālākāra ] n a maker and seller of garlands (esp. by caste); a florist; gardener.

মালাচন্দন [ mālācandana ] n garlands and sandal-paste with which an adorable or honourable person is received. মালাচন্দন দেওয়াv. to receive with garlands and sandal-paste; (fig.) to receive with honour.

মালাবদল [ mālābadala ] n exchange of garlands or necklaces (as done by the couple at a wedding); marriage; marriage of Vaishnavas (which demands no other ceremony than the exchange of basil necklaces by the couple). মালাবদলকরাv. to exchange garlands or necklaces; to marry; to marry in the Vaishnava way.

মালাবারি [ mālābāri ] a of Malabar in India. ☐n. a native of Malabar.

মালিক [ mālika ] n a proprietor (fem. a proprietress, a proprietrix), an owner; a master (fem. mistress), a lord. ̃হীনa. ownerless; derelict.

মালিকানা, মালিকি [ mālikānā, māliki ] n ownership, proprietary; proprietorship; a right to possession, title; a fee, rent etc. to be paid to a proprietor, proprietary dues, a royalty. ☐a. proprietary, proprietorial; relating to the title. মালিকানা স্বত্ব proprietary right.

মালিনী [ mālinī ] fem of মালী (n. & a.).

মালিশ [ māliśa ] n rubbing or massaging; an unguent, oil etc. for rubbing or massaging. মালিশকরাv. to rub or massage.

মালী [ mālī ] n same as মালাকর।☐a. wearing a garland or wreath বনমালী.

মালুম [ māluma ] n feeling, perception, sensation. মালুম করা বা পাওয়াv. to feel, to perceive, to sense. মালুম হওয়াv. to be felt or perceived or sensed.

মালুমকাঠ [ mālumakāṭha ] n a mast (of a ship).

মালোপমা [ mālōpamā ] n (rhet.) multiple similes stringed together.

মাল্য [ mālya ] n a necklace; a chaplet or circlet; a string; a garland; a series, a row, a line. ̃বনa. wearing a garland; ☐n. a mytholgical mountain. fem. a. ̃বতী । ̃দানn. the placing of a garland (round somebody's neck); garlanding.

মাল্লা [ māllā ] n an oarsman; a sailor or seaman of the lowest rank, a sailor or boatman by caste.

মাশুল [ māśula ] n duty, tax, customs; fare, freight; charge, price.

মাষ1, মাষকলাই [ māṣa1, māṣakalāi ] n a kind of dal or pulse.

মাষ2, মাষা [ māṣa2, māṣā ] n a unit of weight for jewellers (= 18 or 15 grs.) or for apothecaries (9 grs. approx.).

মাস2 [ māsa2 ] n a month. মাসে, মাসে-মাসেadv. every month. ☐a. monthly (মাসে দশ টাকাআয়).

মাসকাবার [ māsakābāra ] n close of a calendar month; (comm.) month-closing accounts. মাসকাবারিa. required at the close of a month; sufficient for a month; monthly.

মাসতুতো [ māsatutō ] a descended from a sister or a cousin-sister of one's mother or mother-in-law, avuncular, cousinly. মাসতুতো ভাই, মাসতুতো বোন a cousin.

মাসপয়লা [ māsapaẏalā ] n the first day of a month; calends.

মাসবৃদ্ধি [ māsabṛddhi ] n an intercalary month.

মাসভর [ māsabhara ] adv throughout the month.

মাসমাইনে [ māsamāinē ] n monthly wages; a monthly salary.

মাসশাশুড়ি [ māsaśāśuḍ়i ] n. fem a sister or a cousin-sister of one's mother-in-law, an aunt-in-law.

মাসশ্বশুর [ māsaśbaśura ] n the husband of a মাসশাশুড়ি, an uncle-in-law.

মাসান্ত [ māsānta ] n the last day of a month or near about it. মাসান্তিকa. of or about the end of a month, that which happens at the end of a month.

মাসি [ māsi ] n a sister or a cousin-sister of one's mother, an aunt.

মাসিক [ māsika ] a monthly. ☐n. monthly obsequies; a monthly journal, a monthly; the menses, monthlies, periods.

মাসোহারা [ māsōhārā ] n a monthly (monetary) allow ance or stipend.

মাস্টার [ māsṭāra ] n a teacher, a tutor, a trainer; a man in charge, a chief executive, a master (পোস্টমাস্টার). মাস্টারিn. act or profession of teaching or training.

মাস্তুল [ māstula ] n a mast (of a ship).

মাহাত্ম্য [ māhātmya ] n high-mindedness, nobility; excellence, sublimity; greatness, divine grace or power; glory, majesty; (loos.) charm or influence (টাকারমাহাত্ম্য, স্হানমাহাত্ম্য).

মাহিষ্য [ māhiṣya ] n a caste amongst Hindus; a member of this caste.

মাহুত [ māhuta ] n a keeper and driver of an el ephant, a mahout.

মাহেন্দ্রক্ষণ [ māhēndrakṣaṇa ] n (astrol.) the most auspicious conjunction of stars for commencing any work.

মিউ [ miu ] int expressing: the cry of a cat, mew. মিউমিউint. expressing: repeated mewing. মিউমিউকরাv. to mew repeatedly; to mew.

মিউনিসিপ্যাল [ miunisipyāla ] a municipal. মিউনিসিপ্যালিটিn. a municipality.

মিছিমিছি [ michimichi ] adv (coll.) for nothing, in vain, meaninglessly, uselessly. ☐a. false; useless, meaningless.

মিছিল [ michila ] n a procession.

মিজরাব [ mijarāba ] n a kind of thimble (made of wire) used by instrumentalists, (cp.) plectrum.

মিট [ miṭa ] n (book-keeping) balancing; paying off; act of making up, compounding; settlement or compromise. মিট করাv. to balance (an account); to pay off (a bill); to make up, to compound (a loss); to settle or compromise (a dispute). মিট হওয়াv. to be balanced or paid off or made up or compounded or settled or compromised. ̃মাটn. compromise; settlement. মিটমাট করাv. to compromise; to settle up (a difference, dispute etc.). মিটমাটহওয়াv. to be compromised or settled up.

মিটা, মেটা [ miṭā, mēṭā ] v to be accomplished or finished (কাজ মেটা); to be removed or relieved (দুঃখ মিটেছে); to be settled or compromised (বিবাদমিটল); to be satisfied or fulfilled (সাধ মেটানো); to be paid off (পাওনা মেটা); to be compensated or compounded (লোকসানমেটা); (book-keeping) to be balanced.

মিটমিট [ miṭamiṭa ] int expressing: dim, flickering or almost dying state (as of a light); blinking (as of eyes). মিটমিট করাv. to flicker dimly; to blink. মিটমিটেa. dimly flickering; dim; blinking; (fig.) simulating or hypocritical. মিটমিটে ডান, মিটমিটে শয়তান a witch or a rogue dissembling as an honest and simple soul; (fig.) a wolf in a sheepskin.

মিটানো [ miṭānō ] v to accomplish or finish; to remove or relieve; to settle or compromise; to satisfy or fulfil; to pay off; to compensate or compound; (book-keeping) to balance.

মিটার1 [ miṭāra1 ] n a meter (ইলেকট্রিকের মিটার, ট্যাকসির মিটার).

মিটার2 [ miṭāra2 ] n a unit of measuring length, a metre.

মিটার3 [ miṭāra3 ] n a verse rhythm, fixed arrangement of accented and unaccented syllables, metre.

মিটিমিটি [ miṭimiṭi ] adv flickering dimly (মিটিমিটিজ্বালা); blinkingly (মিটিমিটিচাওয়া). ☐a. dimly flickering, dim; blinking. মিটিমিটিকরাv. to flicker dimly; to blink.

মিটিং [ miṭi ] n meeting.

মিঠাই [ miṭhāi ] n sweetmeat. ̃ওয়ালাn. a confectioner. মিঠাইয়ের দোকান a sweetmeat shop, a confectionary.

মিঠেকড়া [ miṭhēkaḍ়ā ] a (of tobacco) moderately strong; (of words) suave yet cutting to the quick.

মিড় [ miḍ় ]n (mus.) sweet and pleasant rolling from one note to another.

মিত [ mita ] a temperate; moderate; restricted; abstemious.

মিতব্যয়, মিতব্যয়িতা [ mitabyaẏa, mitabyaẏitā ] n frugality, thrift, economy. মিতব্যয়ীa. frugal, thrifty, economical.

মিতভাষী [ mitabhāṣī ] a economical in speech, taciturn; reticent, reserved. fem. মিতভাষিণী।মিতভাষিতাn. economy of speech, taciturnity; reticence, reservedness.

মিতা [ mitā ] n friend; a born companion; an ally; a namesake.

মিতাক্ষরা [ mitākṣarā ] n an ancient Hindu treatise on the law and rules of inheritance.

মিতাচার [ mitācāra ] n temperance, abstemiousness. মিতাচারীa. temperate, abstemious. fem. মিতাচারিণী । মিতাচারিতাn. same as মিতাচার ।

মিতালি [ mitāli ] n friendship; boon companion ship; alliance.

মিতাশন, মিতাহার [ mitāśana, mitāhāra ] n temperance in food and drink, abstemiousness. মিতাশী, মিতাহারীa. abstemious, temperate.

মিতি [ miti ] n measure, measurement, -metry (জ্যামিতি); knowledge.

মিত্র [ mitra ] n a friend; a boon companion; an ally; the sun. ̃তা, ̃ত্বn. friendship; boon companionship; alliance. ̃দ্রোহn. hostility or treachery to one's friend or ally or party. ̃দ্রোহীa. hostile or treacherous to one's friend or ally or party. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃ভেদn. estrangement of friends of allies, (chiefly pol.) disintegration of a party. ̃লাভn. act or an instance of obtaining a new friend.

মিত্রা [ mitrā ] fem of মিত্র।

মিত্রাক্ষর [ mitrākṣara ] n the rhymed verse, verse with end-rhyme.

মিথুন [ mithuna ] n a male and a female, a couple, a pair; (astr. & astrol.) the Twins, the Gemini (also মিথুনরাশি).

মিথ্যা [ mithyā ] n a lie; falsehood, untruth. ☐a. untrue, false; imaginary, fanciful; got-up (মিথ্যামামলা); baseless, unsubstantial (মিথ্যা ভয়); causeless, unprovoked (মিথ্যা রাগ); affected or feigned (মিথ্যাঘুম); futile, vain (মিথ্যা চেষ্টা); useless, bootless (মিথ্যাকাজ). ☐adv. for nothing; in vain. মিথ্যা কথা a lie. মিথ্যা কথাবলা to tell a lie. ̃চরণ, ̃চারn. treacherous behaviour, false play, falsehood; treachery, pretension, dissimulation, hypocrisy. ̃চারীa. behaving treacher ously, given to false play; pretentious, dissimulating, hypocritical. fem. ̃চারিণী । ̃জ্ঞান, মিথ্যাধারণাn. a false or wrong notion or impression or idea. মিথ্যাপবাদn. false blame or aspersion or calumny; a scandal. ̃বর্ণনn. misrepresentation; a false account. ̃বাক্যn. a lie. ̃বাদ, ̃ভাষণn. a lie; untruthfulness. ̃বাদিতা, ̃ভাষিতাn. untruthfulness. ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষীa. untruthful, lying. ☐n. a liar. fem. ̃বাদিনী, ̃ভাষিণী । ̃সাক্ষীn. a false witness; a tutored witness; a perjurer. ̃সাক্ষ্যn. false witness; tutored witness; perjury. মিথ্যাসাক্ষ্যদেওয়াv. to give false evidence; to bear false witness to; to perjure. মিথ্যার জাহাজ বাঝুড়ি a ship (or ship-load) or basket of lies; (fig.) one given to telling innumerable lies unscrupulously. মিথ্যারতোড় বা স্রোত a spate of lies.

মিথ্যুক [ mithyuka ] a given to telling lies, untruthful. ☐n. a liar.

মিনতি [ minati ] n a humble prayer or an earnest request; supplication, entreaty, solicitation. মিনতিকরাv. to pray humbly; to request earnestly; to supplicate, to entreat, to solicit. ̃পূর্ণ্যa. full of humble prayer or earnest request; supplicatory, full of entreaties, solicitous.

মিনমিন [ minamina ] int denoting: act of mumbling or speaking faintly or hesitatingly; faintness; weakness; timidity. মিনমিনেa. mumbling or speaking faintly or hesitatingly; faint; weak; faint-hearted.

মিনসে [ minasē ] n (vul. in abuse or endearment) a grown-up man, a man; a husband.

মিনা, মিনে [ minā, minē ] n enamel; enamelling. মিনা করাv. to enamel. মিনে-করাa. enamelled.

মিনার [ mināra ] n a tower, a minar; a turret. মসজিদের মিনার a minaret.

মিনি1 [ mini1 ] a. & prep without, except, lacking in, sans (মিনিসুতোর মালা).

মিনি2 [ mini2 ] a small or minor (মিনিস্কাট, মিনিবাস). ☐n. the small form of a thing; a mini bus.

মিনিট [ miniṭa ] n the sixtieth part of an hour or of a degree, a minute; a moment. মিনিটেমিনিটেadv. every minute, every moment; repeatedly; at short intervals.

মিনি-মাগনা [ mini-māganā ] a cost-free.

মিয়া, মিয়াসাহেব [ miẏā, miẏāsāhēba ] n (Mus.) an appellation of courtesy affixed to the name of a man, (cp.) Mr, Sir.

মিয়ানো [ miẏānō ] v to lose crispness (মুড়ি মিয়ানো); to lose energy or vigour, to become limp or flaccid (সে মিইয়ে পড়েছে, উত্সাহমিয়ানো). ☐a. bereft of crispness; bereft of energy or vigour, limp. flaccid.

মিরজাই [ mirajāi ] n a waist-coat or vest with cotton padding inside.

মিরবহর [ mirabahara ] n an admiral.

মিরমুনশি [ miramunaśi ] n chief clerk, head clerk; chief secretary.

মিরাস [ mirāsa ] n land held under hereditary title; the right of hereditary occupation. মিরাস-ইজারাn. lease or settlement of land to be enjoyed hereditarily.

মিল1 [ mila1 ] n a manufactory, a factory, a mill.

মিল2 [ mila2 ] n union; combination; addition; concord, harmony, agreement (মতেরমিল); unsion (সুরের মিল); balancing (হিসাবের মিল); similarity, likeness (চেহারার মিল); friendly terms; good terms; reconciliation, reconcilement (বিরোধীদের মিল); fitting (জোরেরমুখেমিল); (pros.) rhyme (কবিতার মিল). মিলকরাv. to unite; to combine; to add (up); to harmonize; to balance; to reconcile; to fit; (pros.) to put into rhyme. to rhyme. মিলদেওয়াv. to add; (pros.) to find out a rhyme for to rhyme. মিলহওয়াv. to be in harmony, to agree; to be reconciled; to be balanced. to tally; to be fitting, to fit; (pros.) to be in rhyme, to rhyme. ̃মিলাও, ̃মিশn. good terms, friendly terms; amicability. ̃যুক্তa. rhyming; rhymed; ̃হীনa. unrhymed, without rhyme.

মিলন [ milana ] n union; combination; unity; alliance; reconciliation, reconcilement; meeting; meeting or union of lovers; sexual union; wedding, bridal (মিলন বাসর). মিলন করা, মিলন ঘটানোv. to unite; to combine; to reconcile; to cause to meet; to cause to meet sexually or amorously; to wed, to marry. ̃স্হানn. a meeting-place; a tryst. মিলনান্ত, মিলনান্তকa. ending in union; ending happily. মিলনান্তক নাটকa. comedy. মিলনোত্সবn. a conference or assembly; a social gathering.

মিলমিলা, মিলমিলে [ milamilā, milamilē ] n measles.

মিলা, মেলা [ milā, mēlā ] v to meet together; to meet; to assemble; to get on or pull on together (ভাইয়েভাইয়ে মেলে না); to fit (জোড়মেলা); to agree, to correspond; to mix well or perfectly; to agree with the given result (অন্কমিলেছে); to be bal anced, to tally (হিসাব মেলা); (pros.) to rhyme; to be available (বাজারে মাছ মেলেনা); to be procured or obtained (চাকরিমেলা). মিলানো.v. to cause to meet to gether, to bring together; to cause to meet; to assemble; to fit; to cause to agree or correspond; to mix well or perfectly; to cause to agree with the given result; to balance, to tally; to compare (অন্কের ফলমিলানো); (pros.) to rhyme; to make available; to procure. মেলামেশাn. social intercourse; intimate association, familiarity. মেলামেশা করাv. to communicate socially; to make free with.

মিলিত [ milita ] a united; combined; joint; joined; assembled; mixed; procured; met. মিলিত করাv. to unite; to combine; to join; to assemble; to mix; to cause to meet.

মিশ1 [ miśa1 ] a inky, as dark as ink; very dark. ̃মিশint. expressing: inky blackness or darkness. ̃মিশেa. as dark as ink; pitch-dark, very dark.

মিশ2 [ miśa2 ] n mixing, mixture; blending; unison, agreement, harmony, accord. মিশখাওয়াv. to be mixed or blended; to agree, to accord. মিশখাওয়ানোv. to mix; to blend; to cause to agree, to reconcile; to harmonize.

মিশন [ miśana ] n a religious mission; a mission. মিশনারিa. missionary. ☐n. a missionary.

মিশর [ miśara ] n Egypt. মিশরীয়a. of or pertaining to Egypt, Egyptian. ☐n. an Egyptian.

মিশা, মেশা [ miśā, mēśā ] v to mingle, to be mixed or blended; to get mixed; to be united or conjoined; to meet; to fall or run or flow into (নদী সাগরে মেশে); to be in corporated or amalgamated or integrated with; to merge into (ভারতেরসঙ্গে মিশেছে); to unite; to associate; to keep company with (কুসংসর্গে মিশছে); to fit (জোড় মেশা); to agree (কালোর পাশেনীল মিশবে না). মিশানোv. to mix, to blend, to mingle; to conjoin; to incor porate or amalgamate; to cause to merge into; to unite; to cause to associate with; to fit. মেশামিশিn. acquaintance; association; social communication; intimacy; familiarity. মেশামিশিকরাv. to cultivate one's acquaintance or friendship; to associate with; to communicate or intercourse socially; to be intimate with; to make free with. মিশাল (coll.) মিশেলn. mixture or blending; adulteration. ☐a. mixed or blended; adulterate. মিশাল করা বা দেওয়াv. to mix or blend; to adulterate. মিশালিa. miscellaneous (পাঁচমিশালি).

মিশি [ miśi ] n a dentrifrice made of roasted tobacco and copperas.

মিশুক [ miśuka ] a sociable, companionable.

মিশ্র [ miśra ] a mixed, blended; united; hybrid (মিশ্র জাতি); (math. & sc.) compound (মিশ্রভগ্নাংশ, মিশ্রযোগ). □ n. a mixture; (sc.) a compound. ̃কn. a compounder; an ingredient of a compound. মিশ্রকবিদ্যাn. the art of compounding medicines. ̃পদার্থn. a mixture; (sc.) a compound. ̃বর্ণa. variegated. ̃সুরn. (mus.) a hybrid tune or mode. ̃ধাতুn. an alloy.

মিশ্রণ [ miśraṇa ] n mixing, blending, compounding, mixture, composition; hybridization; union; unification; amalgamation; adulteration. ̃বিধিn. process of mixing or compounding or blending. মিশ্রণীয়a. miscible.

মিশ্রিত [ miśrita ] a mixed, blended; compounded; hybridized; amalgamated; adulterated. মিশ্রিতকরাv. to mix, to blend; to compound; to hybridize; to amalgamate; to adulterate.

মিস [ misa ] n. fem Miss.

মিসিবাবা [ misibābā ] n. fem (used by domestic servants) missy.

মিসেস [ misēsa ] n. fem Mrs. Mistress.

মিস্টার [ misṭāra ] n Mr. Mister.

মিস্ত্রি [ mistri ] n a mechanic, an artisan, a smith; a machine foreman; a skilled or chief mechanic or artisan.

মিহি [ mihi ] a fine; fine-spun (মিহি কাপড়); contralto (মিহি সুর); effeminate and soft tralto (মিহি গলা); very small (মিহিদানা); finely pulverized (মিহিগুঁড়ো); delicate, subtle (মিহি কারুকাজ).

মিহিদানা [ mihidānā ] n a kind of sweetmeat consisting of very small globules.

মিহির [ mihira ] n the sun.

মীন [ mīna ] n fish; (astrol.) the Fishes, the Pisces (usu. মীনরাশি); (myth.) the first of the ten incarnations of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃কেতন, ̃ধ্বজn. one whose standard bears the sign of a fish; Madan (মদন) the Hindu love-god. ̃পোষn. pisciculture. মীনাক্ষa. having piscine eyes. মীনাক্ষীa. fem. of মীনাক্ষ☐ a female deity of Deccan.

মীমাংসক [ mīmāṃsaka ] a. & n one who solves or decides or determines or settles or arbitrates. ☐n. one versed in Mimansa (মীমাংসা) system of philosophy. মীমাংসনীয়a. (of a dispute or controversy) to be resolved, resolvable.

মীমাংসা [ mīmāṃsā ] n solution (of a problem etc.), decision; determination (of truths etc.); act of clearing up or settling (of complication, doubt etc.); disposal (of an affair etc.); arbitration or compounding (of a dispute etc.); compromise; a philosophical treatise compiled by Jaimini (also মীমাংসাদর্শন). মীমাংসা করাv. to solve, to decide; to determine; to clear up; to settle; to dispose of; to arbitrate; to effect a compromise, to compound.

মীমাংসিত [ mīmāṃsita ] a solved, decided; determined; settled; arbitrated, compromised.

মুকররি [ mukarari ] a (of land) held on payment of fixed rent.

মুকুট [ mukuṭa ] n a crown, a diadem, a coronet. মুকুট পরাv. to put on or wear a crown. মুকুট পরানোv. to crown. মুকুট-পরাa. diademed.

মুকুন্দ [ mukunda ] n one who gives salvation; Vishnu (বিষ্ণু)

মুকুর [ mukura ] n a mirror, a looking-glass, a speculum.

মুকুল [ mukula ] n a bud, a blossom. মুকুলাv. (poet.) to bud, to blossom, to effloresce, to flower; (of flowers) to bloom, to blow; (fig.) to become manifest, to be in bloom. মুকুলাবরণn. (bot.) a bud-scale. মুকুলিতa. budded, blossoming, efforescent, flowering; blooming; (fig.) manifested, in bloom. fem. মুকুলিতা ।মুকুলোদগমn. blossoming, budding.

মুক্ত [ mukta ] a having attained salvation, freed from earthly bondage or ties or attachments (মুক্তপুরুষ); dispassionate, unaffected, unprejudiced, free (মুক্ত মন); liberal, bountiful; released, freed (কারামুক্ত); extricated (বিপদমুক্ত); acquitted, freed, discharged (দায়মুক্ত); loosened (বন্ধনমুক্ত); cured of, recovered from (রোগমুক্ত); unbolted (মুক্তদ্বার); unobstructed, open, free (মুক্তধারা, মুক্তবায়ু); unrestricted; untied, unfastened, bare (মুক্তকৃপাণ); delivered from or of (গর্ভমুক্ত); rescued; liberated; relieved of (ভয়মুক্ত); removed, cleared. মুক্তকরাv. to give salvation, to free from earthly bondage; to free (from); to release; to extricate; to acquit; to discharge; to loosen; to cure of; to open, to unbolt; to free from obstacles or restrictions; to untie, to unfasten; to unsheathe; to deliver from or of; to rescue; to liberate; to relieve (of); (loos.) to remove, to clear. ̃কচ্ছa. one with the portion of the loincloth hanging loose instead of remaining tucked at the back of the waist between one's legs; (fig.) hurrying excessively and ludicrously, (cp.) having the tail be tween the legs. ̃কন্ঠেadv. in aloud voice; speaking freely or unhesitatingly. ̃কেশীa. fem. having one's hair hanging loose. ☐n. Goddess Kali (কালী). মুক্ত ছন্দ (pros.) free verse. মুক্তনগরী an undefended or open city; liberated city. ̃পুরুষn. (loos.) a man freed from obstacles or hindrances. মুক্তবন্দর a free port. ̃বেণিa. having hair not tied up in a chignon. ☐n. the confluence of Tribeni (ত্রিবেণি) at Allahabad. ̃হস্তa. open-handed; munificent, generous. ̃হস্তেadv. in an open-handed manner, liberally.

মুক্তা [ muktā ] n a pearl. ̃খচিতa. set or studded or inlaid with pearls. ̃গর্ভa. containing pearls, pearly. ̃তুল্যa. pearl-like, pearly. ̃ফলn. pearl; camphor. ̃বলি, ̃বলীn. a collection or string of pearls. ̃মালা, ̃হারn. a string of pearls, a pearl-necklace. ̃শুক্তিn. a pearl-oyster.

মুক্তি [ mukti ] n (theol.) salvation, nirvana; freedom from earthly attachments; release; extrication, deliverance; discharge (জ্যা-মুক্তি); acquittal; loosening; recovery (রোগমুক্তি); unbolting, opening; freedom from obstruction or restrictions; unsheathing (কোষমুক্তি); delivery from or of (গর্ভমুক্তি); rescue; liberation; relief (ভয়মুক্তি); emancipation (নারীজাতির মুক্তি); end or termination (গ্রহণমুক্তি). মুক্তি দেওয়া same as মুক্ত করা (see মুক্ত) except in the last sense. মুক্তিপাওয়াv. to attain salvation; to gain freedom; to be set free, to be released or freed; to be extricated; to be discharged; to be acquitted; to be loos ened, to be let loose; to be cured, to recover; to be unbolted; to be freed from obstruction or restrictions; to be unsheathed; to be delivered from or of; to be rescued; to be liberated; to become independent or free; to be emancipated. ̃দ, ̃দাতাa. & n. one who gives salvation or frees or releases or extricates or acquits or lets loose or cures or rescues or liberates or relieves or emancipates. fem. ˜দা, দাত্রী । ̃দানn. giving salvation; freeing; releasing; extrication or deliverance; acquittal; curing; rescuing; liberating; relieving; emancipating. ̃নামা, ̃পত্রn. a deed of release; a deed of reconveyance; a passport; a permit. ̃পণn. ransom. ̃ফৌজ, ̃সেনাn. an army of liberation; the Salvation Army. ̃যুদ্ধn. a war of liberation. ̃লাভn. attainment of salvation; attainment of freedom; release; extrication or deliverance; acquittal; recovery; rescue; liberation, relief. ̃স্নানn. ceremonial bathing (esp. in a river) on termination of an eclipse.

মুখ [ mukha ] n the face; the mouth; countenance, appearance(s) (লোকের কাছে মুখ থাকা); gift of the gab, oratorical skill, eloquence (উকিলটির মুখ নেই); acrimonious speech, sharp or caustic tongue (তার বড়ো মুখ হয়েছে); speech, language, mode of speaking (দুর্মুখ); an entrance (গুহামুখ); an opening (ফোঁড়ারমুখ); an outlet; an outfall (নদীমুখ); a tip, a point (ছুঁচের মুখ); an end, an extremity, a head (রাস্তারমুখ); outset, be ginning (উন্নতির মুখ); direction (গৃহমুখে). মুখ উজ্জ্বল করাv. to bring glory or credit to, to glorify. মুখ করাv. to scold (esp. peevishly). মুখকুট্কুট্ করা same as মুখ চুলকানো (see চুলকানো). মুখখারাপ করাv. to utter foul or filthy or abusive words. মুখ খিঁচানোv. to make faces (at); to mouth; to scold. মুখখোলাv. to begin to speak, to open one's mouth. মুখ গোঁজ করাv. to pull a long face; to be down in the mouth. মুখ চলাv. to be eating or speaking or scolding. মুখ চাওয়াv. to be dependent (on a person); to be considerate about or partial to (a person). মুখ চুন করাv. to become pale (on account of fear, shame etc.). মুখ ছোট করাv. to discountenance; to discredit; to disgrace. মুখ টিপে হাসাv. to smile in a jocular or an oblique or a sly manner, to smirk. মুখতুলতে না পারাv. to be highly abashed, to be put out of countenance. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া, মুখ তোলাv. to look up; (fig.) to smile on. মুখ থাকাv. to have one's face saved, to have appearances kept up. মুখ থুবরে পড়াv. to fall on one's face. মুখ দেখাv. to see ceremonially the face of a person (esp. of a bride) for the first time. মুখদেখতে নাপারা same as মুখ তুলতেনা পারা । মুখদেখানোv. to show one's face, to put in an appearance. মুখ নষ্টকরাv. to speak or plead in vain. মুখ নষ্ট হওয়াv. to have one's advice or request turned down. মুখপোড়ানোv. to disgrace, to scandal ize. মুখ ফসকানোv. (of words, remarks etc.) to slip off one's tongue. মুখফেরানোv. to turn away or look in another direction (in disgust, displeasure etc.); (fig.) to become unfavourable or hostile to. মুখ ফোটাv. to begin to speak (esp. for the first time); to utter. মুখফোলানোv. to pout one's lips; to pull a long face. মুখ বন্ধ করাv. to stop one's mouth, to silence or be silent. মুখবাঁকানোv. to turn up one's nose (in displeasure, abhorrence etc.); to make a wry face. মুখ বোজাv. to stop one's mouth, to become reticent or uncommunicative. মুখ ভার (বা ভারী) করা same as মুখ গোঁজ করা । মুখ ভেংচানো same as ভেংচানো। মুখ মারাv. to put out of countenance; to disgrace; to silence; to deprive one of one's appetite by feeding one with a highly palatable dish. মুখরাখাv. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. মুখ লুকানোv. to hide one's face. মুখ শুকানোv. to look pale. মুখসামলানোv. to speak guardedly; to for bear speaking unreservedly; to observe restraint in speech; to hold one's tongue. মুখসেলাই করে দেওয়াv. to sew up or seal one's lips, to silence. মুখহওয়াv. to learn to take liberties in speech; to be unrestrained in speech; to form a habit of scolding; (of a boil, etc.) to open. মুখে আনাv. to utter. মুখেআসাv. to occur to one to speak; to desire to utter; to be capable of being uttered; to be uttered. মুখে খই ফোটাv. to be chattering excessively, to have a long tongue; to be eloquent. মুখে জলআসাv. to have one's mouth watering. মুখে দেওয়াv. to eat. মুখে ফুল-চন্দন পড়াv. (used as a good wish) to have one's tongue blessed for having made a desirable or favourable or successful prophecy. মুখে ভাতn. the Hindu cus tom of a child's eating rice for the first time. মুখে-মুখেadv. orally; viva voce; extemporarily, off-hand, impromptu; defiantly to one's face, in retort (মুখেমুখে জবাব); transmitted orally from one person to another (মুখে মুখেপ্রচারিত). মুখেরউপর to one's face; defying openly. মুখের কথা (fig.) a very easy job; (fig.) an oral promise, word of mouth. মুখেরছাঁদ cut of one's jib. মুখেরতোড় fluency of speech. মুখের ভয়ে in fear of bitter scolding, in fear of sharp or caustic tongue. মুখের মতো fitting. কোনমুখে সেখানে যাবে have you the face to go there? ̃আলগাa. incapable of keeping a secret, given to divulging secrets; having no control over one's tongue; having a long tongue. ̃কমলn. a face conceived as a lotus, a lotus-face. ̃চন্দ্রn. moonface. ̃চন্দ্রিকাn. the ceremonial viewing of each other's face by a bride and a bridegroom at a Hindu wedding. ̃চাপাa. tongue-tied, uncommunicative. ̃চুনn. clear sign of discomfiture, fear etc. on one's face; abashed look. ̃চোরাa. bashful, shy; tongue-tied. ̃চ্ছটা, ̃চ্ছবিn. the glam our or beauty of a face. ̃ঝামটা, ̃নাড়াn. scolding, mouthing. মুখ ঝামটা বা মুখনাড়া দেওয়াv. to scold, to mouth, to snarl at. ̃নিঃসৃত, ̃নির্গতa. issuing or emerging or emerged from one's mouth or face. ̃পত্রn. a preface, a preamble, an introduction; a journal representing an organization or association. ̃পদ্ম same as ̃কমল । ̃পাতn. the opening or top plait of a folded cloth; the cover or jacket of a book; the front; the outward show; commencement, inception, inauguration. ̃পাত্রn. a spokesman; a leader (esp. of a deputation). ̃পোড়াn. (in abuses) a disgraceful or scandalous person; (in affection) a mischievous person; a kind of monkey, the langur (হনুমান). fem. মুখপুড়ি (in the first two senses only). ̃ফোড়a. (impertinently) outspoken. ̃দন্ধn. an introduction, a preface. মুখ ব্যাদান করাv. to gape, to open one's mouth wide. ̃ভঙ্গিn. a wry face or mouth; a grimace. মুখভঙ্গি করা same as ভেংচানো। ̃মন্ডলn. the face. ̃মিষ্টিn. sweet or suave language. ☐a. fair-spoken, sweet-tongued. মুখরক্ষাকরাv. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. ̃রুচি same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃রোচকa. pleasant to the taste, tasty, palatable; appetizing. মুখরোচক কথা pleasant or palatable or flattering speech. ̃লাবণ্য same as ̃চ্ছটা। ̃শশী same as ̃চন্দ্র । ̃শুদ্ধিn. deodorization of the mouth by chewing betel-leaves etc. after taking meals. ̃শ্রীn. the beauty or grace of the face. ̃সর্বস্বa. efficient in tall talk (but not in action). মুখসর্বস্বব্যক্তি a prattler, a gasbag.

মুখটি2 [ mukhaṭi2 ] n a lid, a cap, a cork, a stopper (as of a bottle etc.).

মুখর [ mukhara ] a garrulous, talkative, long-tongued; acrimonious in speech, mouthy, sharp-tongued; shrewish, quarrelsome; noisy (মুখর নূপুর); resounded or resounding or reverberating; loud; voluble; clamorous. মুখরাa. fem. clamorous, loud-tongued, shrewish. ☐n. a termagant, a vixen. মুখরিতa. resounded; resounding; giving out a noise, full of noise.

মুখস্ত [ mukhasta ] a committed to memory, got by heart, memorized, lying in or within the mouth. মুখস্তকরাv. to commit to memory, to get by heart, to memorize; to cram. মুখস্ত বলাv. to commit from memory. ̃বিদ্যাn. the art of cramming; knowledge confined to memory work. -মুখা older var. of -মুখো ।

মুখাকৃতি [ mukhākṛti ] n the cut or appearance of the face, aspect, countenance, visage, facial features.

মুখাগ্নি [ mukhāgni ] n fire applied to the mouth of the dead at cremation; act of singeing the mouth of the dead at cremation. মুখাগ্নিকরাv. to singe the mouth of the dead at cremation.

মুখাচ্ছাদন [ mukhācchādana ] n a cover or veil for the face, a face-cover; (of a corpse) a face-cloth.

মুখানো [ mukhānō ] v to wait in eager expectation, to crane one's neck in eagerness or expectation.☐a. having craned one's neck in eagerness or expectation.

মুখাপেক্ষা [ mukhāpēkṣā ] n dependence upon another for anything.

মুখাপেক্ষী [ mukhāpēkṣī ] a dependent upon, hanging on. fem. মুখাপেক্ষিণী । মুখাপেক্ষীহওয়াv. to depend upon, to hang on. মুখাপেক্ষীব্যক্তি a dependant, a hanger-on. মুখাপেক্ষিতাn. dependence, act of hanging on.

মুখামৃত [ mukhāmṛta ] n spittle, saliva; (fig.) a nectarine wise saying of a saintly person or great man.

মুখি [ mukhi ] n a sprout or eye of the arum.

-মুখী [ -mukhī ] fem of -মুখো।

মুখো [ mukhō ] sfx denoting: having a particular face, faced (পোড়ারমুখো); facing (উত্তরমুখো); towards (ঘরমুখো)

মুখোমুখি [ mukhōmukhi ] adv &prep. face to face with; facing one another; vis-a-vis (শত্রুরমুখোমুখি). ☐a. facing one another; face to face, confronting each other. মুখোমুখিহওয়াv. to come face to face with, to confront, to face, to fly in face of. মুখোমুখিলড়াই a battle royal.

মুখোশ [ mukhōśa ] n a false face, a mask; (fig.) dissimulation, hypocrisy, disguise. মুখোশপরাv. to masquerade, to mask; (fig.) to dissimulate, to disguise oneself. মুখোশপরানোv. to mask; (fig.) to disguise.

মুখ্য [ mukhya ] a chief, principal, main; pre-eminent; foremost, prime; original; major. মুখ্যআধিকারিক the chief officer. ̃কর্মn. (gr.) a direct object. ̃ক্রিয়াn. a primary action; (gr.) a principal verb. মুখ্য জোয়ার high tide, flow tide. ̃তলn. the principal plane. মুখ্যনিরীক্ষক the chief auditor. মুখ্য নির্বাহক the chief executive officer. মুখ্য ন্যায়াধীশ chief judge. ̃মন্ত্রীn. the chief minister.

মুগ [ muga ] n a kind of pigeon-pea.

মুগা [ mugā ] n a kind of silkworm; a kind of coarse silk spun by the aforesaid silk worms.

মুগুর [ mugura ] n a mallet, a club, a cudgel; a rammer; hammer.

মুগ্ধ [ mugdha ] a fascinated; enchanted, bewitched; highly attracted, captivated; spell bound; engrossed, absorbed (ধ্যানমুগ্ধ) entranced (আবেশমুগ্ধ); foolishly doting (স্নেহমুগ্ধ); enamoured of; foolish or ignorant (মুগ্ধবোধ); simple, naive (মুগ্ধস্বভাব) fem. মুগ্ধা। মুগ্ধ করাv. to fascinate; to enchant, to bewitch; to at tract highly, to captivate; to engross or absorb; to entrance.

মুচকানো [ mucakānō ] v to sprain or cause to sprain, to be wricked or to wrick (পা মুচকেছে)

মুচকি [ mucaki ] a half-expressed by the turning up of lips, (cp.) smirky (মুচকি হাসি)

মুচড়ানো [ mucaḍ়ānō ] v to contort; to wring, to twist, to wriggle; to wrench.

মুচলেকা [ mucalēkā ] n (in law) a recognizance, a bond. মুচলেকা দেওয়াv. to enter into a recognizance, to furnish a bond.

মুচি1 [ muci1 ] n a crucible; a tiny saucer-shaped earthen vessel; a green coconut (recently grown) within which there is no water and no kernel).

মুচি2 [ muci2 ] n a worker in animal skin, a shoe maker, a cobbler, a cordwainer, a tanner.

মুচুকুন্দ [ mucukunda ] n a variety of champak flowers.

মুছা, মোছা [ muchā, mōchā ] v to wipe; to mop, to swab; to rub out, to obliterate, to efface. to expunge (দাগ মোছা). ̃নোv. to cause to wipe or mop or swab or rub out or obliterate or efface or expunge.

মুজরিম [ mujarima ] n a criminal.

মুঞ্জ [ muñja ] n a kind of grass from which cords are made.

মুঞ্জরন [ muñjarana ] n blossoming; sprouting.

মুটে [ muṭē ] n a porter. মুটে-মজুরn. labourers collectively; labourers as a class; (usu. derog.) a menial or low-grade worker.

মুড়কি [ muḍ়ki ] n parched paddy coated with boiled sugar or molasses.

মুড়া2, মোড়া [ muḍ়ā2, mōḍ়ā ] v to cover, to wrap; to enclose (খামে চিঠি মোড়া); to fold (বিছানামোড়া); to double up (হাঁটু মুড়ে বসা); to contort or twist or bend (দেহ মোড়া); to ravel in, to wind round (আঙ্গুলেসুতোমোড়া).

মুড়া3, মোড়া [ muḍ়ā3, mōḍ়ā ] v to pollard, to lop; to eat of the top (of) (ছাগলে গাছমুড়েছে); to shave (মাথা মোড়া)

মুড়ানো, মুড়োনো [ muḍ়ānō, muḍ়ōnō ] a pollarded, lopped; shaven. ☐v. to pollard or cause to pollard, to lop or cause to lop; to shave or cause to shave.

মুড়ি1 [ muḍ়i1 ] n a kind of food made by parching rice on hot sand.

মুড়ি2 [ muḍ়i2 ] n the severed head of a goat, fish etc,; a counterfoil (চেকমুড়ি). মুড়িঘন্টn. a highly seasoned dish prepared with the head of fish or of a goat, sheep, etc.

মুড়ি3 [ muḍ়i3 ] n a folded edge or hem of cloth etc.; covering or wrapping. মুড়িদেওয়াv. to hem; to cover or wrap oneself (কাঁথামুড়ি দেওয়া). মুড়ি-সেলাইn. a hem stitch, a hem. মুড়ি-সেলাই দেওয়া বা করাv. to hem-stitch, to hem.

মুড়ো1 [ muḍ়ō1 ] n the head of a fish; tip or corner (কাপড়ের মুড়ো); an end or extremity (ঘরের এ মুড়োথেকে ও মুড়ো) ।

মুড়ো2 [ muḍ়ō2 ] a pollarded or lopped (মুড়ো গাছ); worn-out or decayed (মুড়োঝাঁটা) ।

মুত [ muta ] n (coll. & now vul.) urine.

মুতসুদ্দি [ mutasuddi ] n a deputy or agent; a commercial agent, a banian.

মুতাবেক [ mutābēka ] adv in accordance with, according to; in compliance with.

মুদা, মোদা [ mudā, mōdā ] v to close, to shut (আঁখি মোদা)

মুদারা [ mudārā ] n (mus.) the scale of the medium tone, (cp.) barytone.

মুদি [ mudi ] n a grocer. ̃খানাn. a grocer's shop.

মুদিত1 [ mudita1 ] a delighted, pleased.

মুদিত2 [ mudita2 ] a closed, shut. মুদিত করাv. to close, to shut.

মুদ্গর [ mudgara ] n a mallet, a club, a cudgel; a rammer; a hammer.

মুদ্দত [ muddata ] n time limit, fixed or stipulated time; deadline.

মুদ্দতি [ muddati ] a continuing or enforced for a fixed period; periodical; temporary.

মুদ্রক [ mudraka ] n a printer.

মুদ্রণ [ mudraṇa ] n printing; stamping; impression. মুদ্রণ করাv. to print; to stamp; to impress. মুদ্রণ নিবন্ধpress register. মুদ্রণনিবন্ধকn. press registrar. ̃প্রমাদn. printing mistake. মুদ্রণ-শোধকn. press corrector, proof-reader. মুদ্রণ-শোধনn. press correction, proof-reading. মুদ্রণীয়a. printable, worth printing.

মুদ্রলিখ [ mudralikha ] n a typewriter. মুদ্রলেখকn. a typist.

মুদ্রা [ mudrā ] n a coin; a rupee; money, wealth; a seal, a signet, a stamp; any one of the peculiar signs made with fingers during prayer; any pose or gesture of dancing; a (ludicrous) mannerism (মুদ্রাদোষ). ̃করn. a printer. মুদ্রাকর-প্রমাদn. a printing mistake. ̃কারa. nummular. ̃ক্ষরn. a printing type. ̃ঙ্কনn. stamping or impressing or sealing. ̃ঙ্কিতa. stamped, impressed, sealed. মুদ্রাঙ্কিত করাv. to stamp, to impress, to seal. ̃দোষn. a (ludicrous) mannerism. ̃বিজ্ঞানn. numismatics. ̃বিজ্ঞানীn. a numismatist. ̃মানn. (econ.) money standard. ̃মূল্যn. value of a coin or currency. ̃মূল্যহ্রাসn. depreciation or devaluation of a coin or currency. ̃যন্ত্রn. a printing machine. ̃লিপিn. a lithograph. মুদ্রাশঙ্খn. lith arge. ̃স্ফীতিn. (econ.) inflation of money currency, inflation.

মুদ্রিত [ mudrita ] a stamped, impressed, sealed; printed; shut, closed. মুদ্রিত করাv. to stamp, to impress, to seal; to print; to shut, to close. মুদ্রিতনয়নেadv. with closed eyes.

মুনশি [ munaśi ] n a clerk, a scrivener, a scribe; a secretary; an Urdu teacher; a munshi. ̃য়ানাn. erudition; skill in drafting or composition; calligraphy; skill; virtuosity. খানমুনশিn. a private secretary.

মুনসেফ [ munasēpha ] n an officer trying suits at the lowest civil court, a munsiff. মুনসেফিn. the office of a munsiff. ☐a. relating to a munsiff (মুনসেফিআদালত).

মুনাফা [ munāphā ] n profit. মুনাফালোটাv. to profiteer. ̃খোর, ̃বাজa. given to profiteering. ☐n. a profiteer. ̃খোরি, ̃বাজিn. profiteering.

মুনাসিব [ munāsiba ] a to one's liking or choice, agreeable to; fit, worthy.

মুনি [ muni ] n a sage practising ascetical meditation (usu. in solitude), a hermit; a sage or an ascetic. মুনির আশ্রমa hermitage. ̃বাক্যn. saying or utterance of a sage. নানা মুনির নানা মত many men many minds, sages differ.

মুনিবর [ munibara ] n a chief hermit; (hon.) a highly respectable sage.

মুনিয়া [ muniẏā ] n munia, a tiny Indian bird.

মুনিশ, মুনিষ [ muniśa, muniṣa ] n a farm-hand.

মুনীন্দ্র [ munīndra ] n a chief hermit.

মুফত [ muphata ] adv &a. cost-free, gratuitous; without remuneration, gratis. মুফতেadv. cost-free; gratuitously; free of cost.

মুফতি [ muphati ] n (Mus.) an expounder of Mo hammedan laws, a mufti; the civilian dress of one who wears a uniform, mufti.

মুমুক্ষা [ mumukṣā ] n desire for salvation.

মুমুক্ষু [ mumukṣu ] a desirous of salvation.

মুমূর্ষু [ mumūrṣu ] a (ori. but rare) desirous of dying; (pop.) about to die, dying, moribund. মুমূর্ষদশা dying state. মুমূর্ষাবস্হায়adv. in a dying state; on the point of death.

মুয়াজ্জিন [ muẏājjina ] n (Mus.) one who announces the hours of prayer from a minaret, a muezzin.

মুরগি [ muragi ] n (as fem.) the hen; (as neut.) a fowl, a chicken. মুরগির ছানা a chick, a chicken.

মুরজ [ muraja ] n an instrument of percussion resembling a tom-tom.

মুরদ, মুরোদ [ murada, murōda ] n ability; power; strength.

মুরলি, মুরলী [ murali, muralī ] n a flute, a pipe.

মুরারি [ murāri ] n Krishna (কৃষ্ণ), who killed Mura মুর the demon.

মুরি [ muri ] n a sewer, a gutter; a drain.

মুরিদ [ murida ] n (Mus.) a devout person.

মুরুব্বি [ murubbi ] n a guardian; a patron; a leader. মুরব্বির জোর the support or patronage of a guardian or patron. ̃গিরি, ̃য়ানাn. guardianship; patronage. মুরব্বিগিরি করাv. to assume officiously the post or role of a guardian; to assume the air of a guardian.

মুলতান [ mulatāna ] n an Indian musical mode.

মুলতানি [ mulatāni ] a of Multan. ☐n. Multan the Indian musical mode.

মুলতুবি [ mulatubi ] a postponed, adjourned; deferred (মুলতুবি পাওনা); held in abeyance (মুলতুবি আইন). মুলতুবি রাখা বা করাv. to postpone, to adjourn; to defer; to put or hold in abeyance.

মুলুক [ muluka ] n a country; a kingdom; native land, motherland.

মুলো [ mulō ] n the radish.

মুশকিল [ muśakila ] n a difficulty, a trouble, a fix; a hitch, a rub. মুশকিল বেধেছে there is a difficulty or trouble or fix or hitch. মুশকিলে পড়াv. to run into a difficulty or trouble or fix. মুশকিলআসান removal of difficulty or trouble.

মুশকো জোয়ান [ muśakō jōẏāna ] n (usu. (dero.) a strong and robust person.

মুষড়ানো [ muṣaḍ়ānō ] v to become downhearted or depressed or discouraged. মুষড়ে পড়া same as মুষড়ানো।

মুষল [ muṣala ] n a mallet, a club; a rammer; a pestle (esp. of a husking-tree which is operated in the seesaw manner or of a mortar). ̃ধারাn. torrential downpour. মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি পড়া to rain cats and dogs, to rain in torrents.

মুষ্ক [ muṣka ] n the scrotum. ̃গ্রন্হিn. the testicles. মুষ্কচ্ছেদন করাv. to castrate. ছিন্নমুষ্কa. castrated.

মুষ্টি [ muṣṭi ] n cupped palm of the hand; a handful; a fist; a handle, a haft, a hilt; firm hold, grip. ̃গতa. gripped; firmly held or controlled; clenched. ̃প্রহার same as মুষ্ট্যাঘাত । ̃বদ্ধa. having a hand or hands closed or clenched; (of a hand) closed or clenched. ̃ভিক্ষাn. a handful of rice or other cereals given in charity. ̃মেয়a. only a handful of, a little or a few. ̃যুদ্ধn. boxing; buffeting. মুষ্টিযুদ্ধকরাv. to engage in a boxing contest. ̃যোগn. a quack remedy or medicine. ̃যোদ্ধাn. a boxer, a pugilist. মুষ্ট্যাঘাতn. a fisticuff, a box, a buffet. মুষ্ট্যাঘাত করাv. to box, to buffet.

মুসম্মত [ musammata ] n (Mus.) an appellation affixed to the names of Muslim women, (cp.) Miss, Mrs.

মুসলমান, মুসলিম [ musalamāna, musalima ] n a Mussulman, a Muslim. ☐a. Mohammedan, Muslim. মুসলমানধর্মn. Islam, Mohammedanism. মুসলমানিn. a Mohammedan female, a Muslim woman; the Muslim mode of life or fashion and practices; the Muslim custom of circumcision. ☐a. Mohammedan.

মুসা [ musā ] n Moses.

মুসাফির [ musāphira ] n a wayfarer; a traveller; a trav eller in foreign lands. ̃খানাn. an inn; a caravanserai.

মুসাবিদা [ musābidā ] n a draft (of a document, writing etc.). মুসাবিদা করাv. to draft.

মুসুরি [ musuri ] n lentil.

মুহুরি1 [ muhuri1 ] n a sewer, a gutter, a drain; a strainer covering the mouth of a drain; a nut of a bolt; the measure of the cuff or ankle of garments.

মুহুরি2 [ muhuri2 ] n a clerk or scrivener. ̃গিরিn. clerkship.

মুহুর্মুহু [ muhurmuhu ] adv (also a.) again and again; repeatedly; with little or no respite.

মুহুর্ত [ muhurta ] n a division of time (=48 minutes); a point of time, a moment, a while; a very short time. এই মুহুর্তে at this moment; just now; immediately, at once. ̃কালn. a moment, a while. ̃মধ্যেadv. in a moment, in an instant, in two ticks, in a trice, in a jiffy. ̃মাত্রadv. only for a moment or while. ☐n. only a moment.

মুহ্যমান [ muhyamāna ] a stunned; stupefied; benumbed; extremely afflicted (শোকে মুহ্যমান) ।

মূক [ mūka ] a dumb; mute; dumbfounded, speechless (বিস্ময়ে মূক হওয়া). ̃-বধিরa. deaf and dumb. মূক-বধির ব্যক্তি a deaf mute.

মূঢ় [ mūḍh় ]a moving under an illusion; infatuated; stupid; ignorant; indiscreet; mentally obsessed. ̃তাn. ignorance; stupidity; bewilderment; indiscretion.

মূত্র [ mūtra ] n urine. ̃কৃচ্ছ্রn. painful micturition, strangury. মূত্রত্যাগ করাv. to urinate, to make or pass water, to piss; to micturate. ̃ধানীn. a urinal; a piss-pot. ̃নালিn. the urethra. মূত্রনালী-প্রদাহ urethritis. ̃নিঃসরণn. discharge of urine; urination. ̃নিরোধn. retention of urine. ̃বর্ধকa. diuretic. মূত্রবর্ধক-ওষুধ a diuretic. ̃মেহn. painful micturition; diabetes. মূত্রাধার, মূত্রাশয়n. (anat.) the bladder.

মূর্খ [ mūrkha ] a stupid, foolish; uneducated, illiterate; ignorant; inexperienced. ☐n. a stupid person, a fool, an idiot, a dunce; an uneducated or illiterate person; an inexperienced person, a greenhorn. ̃তাn. stupidity, foolishness; a folly; lack of education, illiteracy; ignorance; in experience. মূর্খতা প্রকাশ করাv. to betray one's stupidity or ignorance. ̃তাসূচকa. betraying or indicative of stupidity or gross ignorance.

মূর্ছনা [ mūrchanā ] n (mus.) a gradual modulation or rise and fall of voice; (mus.) a sweet tremor of voice.

মূর্ছা [ mūrchā ] n a fainting fit, a swoon; (med.) a syncope. ☐v. same as মূর্ছা যাওয়া ।মূর্ছাযাওয়াv. to faint, to swoon. ̃গত, ̃প্রাপ্তa. fainted, swooned; lying unconscious. ̃বায়ু, ̃রোগn. epilepsy; syn cope. ̃বায়ুগ্রস্তa. epileptic; syncopic, syncoptic. ̃ভঙ্গn. regaining of consciousness from a fainting fit.

মূর্ছিত [ mūrchita ] a fainted, swooned. মূর্ছিত হওয়াv. to faint, to swoon.

মূর্ত [ mūrta ] a corporeal, embodied, personized; incarnate; concrete; material; (phys.) real; (fig.) palpable, tangible, visible, manifest. মূর্ত করাv. to embody; to personize; to incarnate; to concretize; to make visible or tangible or manifest.

মূর্ত হওয়া [ mūrta hōẏā ] v to assume a form; to be in carnated; to become palpable or tangible or visible or manifest.

মূর্তি [ mūrti ] n a body; an incarnation; an embodiment; an image; a form, a shape, a figure, an appearance. মূর্তি ধারণ করা, মূর্তি পরিগ্রহ করাv. to assume a material body or form; to be incarnated; to as sume a particular appearance; to personate. ̃পূজকn. an idolator (fem. an idolatress), an imageworshipper. ̃পূজাn. idolatry, imageworship. ̃মান, (loos.) ̃মন্তa. embodied; incarnate; personized; personified; manifest, visible; (dero.) downright or mischievous. fem. ̃মতী ।মূর্তিমান শয়তানthe very embodiment of devil or satan.

মূর্ধন্য [ mūrdhanya ] a (gr.) cerebral. ☐n. (gr.) a retroflex or cerebral letter, a cerebral.

মূর্ধা [ mūrdhā ] n the head. মূর্ধাভিষিক্তa. enthroned by being sprinkled with holy water on one's head.

মূর্বা, মুর্বী [ mūrbā, murbī ] n the bow-string hemp.

মূল [ mūla ] n a root; an esculent root, a bulbous plant, a bulb; beginning; origin; a cause or source of origin; (of money) capital or principal (সুদেমূলে); foundation, base, basis (অমূলক); the basal or embedded part of anything, the foot (বৃক্ষমূল); (math.) a factor of a quantity, root. ☐a. first, original; fundamental; basic; primary; principal; chief, main; real; (of invested money etc.) capital or principal. অবরোহ মূল(bot.) a hanging root. অস্হানিকমূল(bot.) an adventitious root. প্রধান মূল, মুখ্য মূল(bot.) a tap root. মূল উপাদানan essential element. মূলএককa fundamental unit. -মূলকsfx. caused by, originating from (ভ্রান্তিমূলকবিশ্বাস); (inc.) causing or exhibiting (দুঃখমূলক ব্যাপার). ̃কর্মn. the original or principal work. ̃কারণn. the first or primary or original cause; the root cause; the real cause. ̃কেন্দ্রn. the principal centre; headquarters; (comm.) the head office; (geom.) the radical centre. ̃গতa. basic, fundamental; radical. মূলগায়েনthe leading singer of a chorus. ̃গ্রন্হn. the original text or manuscript, (cp.) the source-book. ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদনsame as মূলোচ্ছেদ । ̃জa. originating from the root, radical. মূলজ প্রেষn. (bot.) the root-pressure. ̃জীবীn. (bot.) a root-parasite. ̃ত same as মূলে । ̃তত্ত্বn. the first or primary principle; the basic or fundamental truth. ̃ত্রn. (bot.) a root-cap. ̃দa. (alg.) rational. ☐n. (alg.) a rational quantity, a rational. ̃ধনn. capital or principal (invested). ̃ধর্মn. the fundamental properties. ̃নীতিn. the fundamental or basic or primary principle. ̃প্রকৃতিn. the originalor elemental nature; (theol.) same as আদ্যাশক্তি । ̃ভিত্তিn. the foundation, the groundwork; inauguration; the primary or principal ground or basis. ̃মন্ত্রn. an esoteric word or words uttered inwardly at prayer; the guiding principle; firm resolve (জীবনেরমূলমন্ত্র). ̃রশ্মিn. (phys.) a direct ray. ̃রোমn. (bot.) a root-hair. ̃শিকড় (chiefly bot.) the main root. ̃সূত্রn. the fundamental rule or principle. মূলেadv. at the root or base; in the beginning, originally; primarily; basically, fundamentally; at all. মূলে ভুল করা to get hold of the wrong end of the stick.

মূলা2 [ mūlā2 ] n the nineteenth of the twenty-seven stars of Hindu astronomy.

মূলাকর্ষণ [ mūlākarṣaṇa ] n a pull by the root. মূলাকর্ষণ করাv. to pull by the root.

মূলাধার [ mūlādhāra ] n the real cause.

মূলানুগ [ mūlānuga ] a following or in accordance with base or root or etymology; etymological; fundamental.

মূলীভূত [ mūlībhūta ] a causing origination; lying at the root; serving as the first or primary cause.

মূলোচ্ছেদ করা, মূলোত্পাটন [ mūlōcchēda karā, mūlōtpāṭana ] n extirpation, eradication; (fig.) complete destruction. মূলোচ্ছেদ করা, মূলোত্পাটন করাv. to up root, to root out, to extirpate, to eradicate; (fig.) to pay for; to destroy completely or thoroughly.

মূল্য [ mūlya ] n price; rate; cost; value, worth; charge; wages, fee, remuneration; hire charge, hire; freight. মূল্য দেওয়াv. to pay the price of; to remunerate; (fig.) to appreciate or recognize the value or worth of. ̃জ্ঞাপনn. quotation (of prices). ̃নির্ধারক, ̃নিরূপকa. appraising; evaluating. ☐n. an appraiser; an evaluator. মূল্যনির্ধারণবানিরূপণ করাv. to ap praise; to evaluate. ̃পত্র (পাওনা সম্বন্ধে)n. a bill. ̃বানa. valuable, costly, precious. ̃বৃদ্ধিn. increase or rise in price, appreciation. ̃বেদনn. quotation of price or charge. ̃বেদনপত্রn. a tender. ̃বোধn. idea or sense of values. ̃হীনa. valueless; worthless; (fig.) futile or useless. ̃ হ্রাসn. fall in price or value, depreciation. মূল্যানুসারেadv. according to value or price, ad valorem. মূল্যায়নn. assessment; evaluation. মূল্যায়ন করাv. to assess or estimate the price or value of; to appraise; to evaluate.

মূষা1 [ mūṣā1 ] n a crucible.

মূষা2, মূষিক [ mūṣā2, mūṣika ] n the rat; the mouse (pl. mice).

মৃগ [ mṛga ] n the deer; the stag; the antelope; ground game; a beast, an animal. কস্তুরীমৃগn. the musk-deer. কৃষ্ণসার-মৃগn. the black antelope. চিত্রমৃগn. the spotted deer. শাখামৃগn. the monkey. ̃চর্মn. deer-skin; animal skin. ̃তৃষা, ̃তৃষ্ণা, ̃তৃষ্ণিকাn. a mirage. ̃নয়নাa. fem. having eyes like those of a deer. ̃নাভিn. musk. ̃মদn. musk. ̃য়াn. hunting (esp. of big games). মৃগয়াকরাv. to hunt. মৃগয়া করতে যাওয়াv. to go out hunting. মৃগয়াকারীn. a hunter, a hunts man. ̃রাজ same as মৃগেন্দ্র। ̃লোচনা same as ̃নয়না । ̃শিরা, ̃শীর্ষn. the fifth of the twenty-seven stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃শিশুn. a fawn. ̃শৃঙ্গn. the horn of a buck. মৃগাক্ষী same as ̃নয়না ।masc. মৃগাক্ষ । মৃগাঙ্কn. one who bears the sign of a deer; themoon. মৃগাঙ্কমৌলি, মৃগাঙ্কশেখরn. one who bears the moon on one's forehead as a crown; Shiva (শিব). মৃগাজিবn. a deer skin; an animal skin. মৃগাজীবn. a professional hunter. মৃগীn. (as fem.) the doe, the female beast (শাখামৃগী); (as neut.) epilepsy. মৃগেন্দ্রn. the king of beasts; the lion.

মৃগেল [ mṛgēla ] n a species of large fresh-water fish with reddish eyes.

মৃণাল [ mṛṇāla ] n a stalk of the lotus or water-lily; the white esculent root of the lotus. ̃নিন্দিতa. excelling even a lotus stalk in beauty or delicateness. ̃ভূজn. an arm as delicate as a lotus-stalk. মৃণালিনীn. a clump of the lotus or water-lily; (loos.) the lotus or the water-lily.

মৃত [ mṛta ] a dead, deceased, defunct; lifeless; inanimate. ̃কল্প, ̃প্রায়, ̃বত্a. almost or nearly dead, dying, moribund. ̃দারa. masc. one whose wife is dead. মৃতদারব্যক্তি a widower. ̃দেহn. a dead body; corpse (of a human being); carcass (of an animal). ̃বত্সাa fem. (usually) giving birth to still-born babies. ̃সঞ্জীবনীa. capable of bringing back the dead to life. ☐n. anything (esp. a medicine) capable of bringing back the dead to life. মৃতাশৌচn. personal impurity caused by the death of a blood-relation.

মৃত্ [ mṛt ] n earth, clay. ̃কাণ্ডজn. (bot.) a radical leaf. মৃত্ক্ষয় রোধn. prevention of soil erosion. ̃পাত্রn. an earthen pot or vessel, an earthenware. ̃পিণ্ডn. a lump of clay or earth, a clod of earth. ̃শিল্পn. the potter's art, pottery; clay-modelling. ̃সংরক্ষণn. soil-conservation.

মৃত্তিকা [ mṛttikā ] n earth; clay, mud; soil; the ground; the earth; the world. বাহিতমৃত্তিকা (geog.) transported soil. ̃গঠিত ̃নির্মিত same as মৃন্ময় । ̃গর্ভn. the bowels or inside of the earth; an under ground place, the underground. ̃পাত্র, ̃ভাণ্ড same as মৃত্পাত্র (see মৃত্). ̃ভোজনn. geophagy. ̃ভোজীa. geophagous.

মৃত্যু [ mṛtyu ] n death, decease, demise; loss of life; Yama (যম) the Hindu god of death. ̃কামনাn. desire of death; death wish. মৃত্যুকামনাকরাv. to desire to die; to desire another's death. ̃কামীa. desirous of dying; desirous of another's death. ̃কালn. the time of death; the dying moment. ̃কালীনa. pertaining to the time of death or to the dying moments. মৃত্যুকালীনএজহার a dying statement or declaration. মৃত্যুকালে হরিনাম deathbed repentance. ̃গ্রাসn. the jaws of death. মৃত্যুগ্রাসে পতি হওয়াv. to fall into the jaws of death; to die; to be killed. ̃চিহ্নn. same as ̃লক্ষণ । মৃত্যুঞ্জয়a. one who has conquered death; deathless, immortal. ☐n. Shiva (শিব). মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ীa. loos. var. of মৃত্যুঞ্জয় (a.). ̃তুল্যa. death-like, deathly. ̃দণ্ডn. death sentence, capital punishment. মৃত্যুদণ়্ডদেওয়াv. to sentence to death, to award capital punishment (to). মৃত্যুদণ্ডেদণ্ডিতহওয়াv. to be sentenced to death. ̃ভয়n. the fear of death. ̃মুখ same as ̃গ্রাস । ̃যন্ত্রণাn. death-agony, death throe. ̃লক্ষণn. a sign of death or being dead. ̃শয্যাn. deathbed. ̃শোক, ̃জনিতশোকn. sorrow caused by (some one's) death, grief caused by death. ̃হীনa. deathless, immortal; everlasting.

মৃদঙ্গ [ mṛdaṅga ] n an instrument of percussion shaped almost like a tom-tom.

মৃদু [ mṛdu ] a soft, supple, delicate; slight, gentle; not heavy, light; slow; dim, tender; not loud, low; temperate (মৃদুতাপ); mild, meek, effeminate (মৃদুস্বভাব); noiseless, stealthy (মৃদু চরণে); not sharp or keen (মৃদু ধার, মৃদু বুদ্ধি). ̃তাn. softness; gentleness; mildness, tenderness. ̃গতি same as ̃গামী। ̃গতিতেadv. with a slow or gentle motion. moving gently. ̃গমনা same as ̃গামিনী । ̃গম্ভীরa. low and deep, rumbling (মৃদুগম্ভীর স্বর বা ধ্বনি). ̃গামীa. slowly going or moving; softly or stealthily going or moving. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জল (chem.) soft water. ̃পবন, ̃বায়ুn. a gentle breeze, (naut.) a cat's-paw. ̃ভাষীa. soft-spoken. ̃মন্দa. gently and pleasantly moving (মৃদুমন্দ বাতাস); low and sweet (মৃদুমন্দধ্বনি); slow; (iron.) light but sharp (মৃদুমন্দ আঘাত) ☐adv. moving gently and pleasantly; gently and pleasantly; in a low and sweet manner; slowly; (iron.) lightly but sharply. ̃রোমশa. (bot.) downy. ̃স্পর্শa. soft to the touch. ☐n. gentle touch. ̃স্বভাবa. of a gentle nature. ☐n. gentle nature. ̃স্বরn. low voice. ̃স্বরেadv. in a low voice, in a whisper.

মৃদুল [ mṛdula ] a soft; tender; slow; light, noiseless. fem. মৃদুলা ।

মৃন্ময় [ mṛnmaẏa ] a made of earth or clay, earthen, clayey; mud-built (মৃন্ময় কুটির). fem. মৃন্ময়ী । মৃন্ময়তলানি (geog.) terrigenous deposit. ̃পাত্র same as মৃত্পাত্র । ̃মূর্তিn. a clay-model; an image made of clay. ̃শিল্প same as মৃত্শিল্প ।

মে [ mē ] n (the month of) May. মে দিবসn. May Day.

মেওয়া [ mēōẏā ] n a collective name of several nutritious fruits namely pomegranates, grapes, raisins, almonds etc.; any nutritious fruit. ̃ওয়ালাn. a fruit-seller, a fruiteret. fem. ̃ওয়ালি a fruiteress.

মেকদার [ mēkadāra ] n measure.

মেকি [ mēki ] a counterfeit, spurious; faked, forged; artificial; false (মেকি কথা); dis simulating, impersonating (মেকি লোক ।)

মেখলা [ mēkhalā ] n an ornamental girdle; (rare) a sword-guard or sword-belt.

মেঘ [ mēgha ] n cloud. মেঘকরাv. to cloud; to look cloudy; to become somewhat cloudy. মেঘ কেটেছেv. clouds have dispersed or lifted. মেঘ জমাv. to cloud. মেঘ হওয়াv. to cloud. অলক-মেঘn. the cirrus. অলকাস্তর-মেঘn. the cirro-stratus. আস্তর মেঘn. the stratus. ঝঞ্ঝামেঘ, (coll.) ঝড়োমেঘn. the nimbus. পুঞ্জমেঘn. the cumulus. পুঞ্জালক-মেঘn. the cirro-cumulus. ভাঙামেঘ scattered clouds. রাঙামেঘ, সিঁদুরে মেঘ a cirmson-coloured cloud which presages a storm. ̃খণ্ডn. a cloudlet. ̃গর্জনn. the roar or rumble of clouds; a clap of thunder. ̃জালn. cumulated clouds. ̃ডম্বরn. cumulation of clouds; the roar or rumble of clouds; a clap of thunder. মেঘডম্বরশাড়ি a sari (শাড়ি) having the colour of the nimbus, a dark blue sari. ̃নাদn. the roar or rumble of clouds; one who roars like rumbling clouds. ̃নির্ঘোষ same as ̃গর্জন । ̃মণ্ডিতa. overcast with clouds. cloudy; cloud-topped, (poet.) cloud capt. ̃মন্দ্রn. the rumble of clouds. ̃মন্দ্রস্বরn. a voice resembling the rumble of clouds. ̃ময়a. full of clouds, cloudy, clouded. ̃মল্লারn. megh-mallar, an Indian musical mode. ̃মালাn. a string or series of clouds. ̃মেদুরa. rendered cool or pleasantly shadowy for being overcast with clouds. ̃লাa. overcast with clouds, cloudy. মেঘাগমn. the break or advent of the monsoon; the rainy season. মেঘাচ্ছন্নa. thickly overcast with clouds, thickly clouded. মেঘাড়ম্বর same as ̃ডম্বর । মেঘাত্যয়n. the autumn. মেঘমেঘেবেলা হওয়াv. (fig.) to become aged; grow old over the years.

মেচেতা [ mēcētā ] n freckles; lentigo. মেচেতা পড়াv. to be freckled.

মেছুনি [ mēchuni ] n. fem a fishwife; a fishwoman, a fisher-woman.

মেছুয়া [ mēchuẏā ] n a fishmonger or a fisherman. ☐a. relating to fish (মেছুয়া গন্ধ); where fish is sold or auctioned or caught; piscivorous, fish-eating (মেছুয়াকুমির). ̃ঘেরিn. a place for catching fish, a fishery. ̃বাজারn. a fish-market. ̃হাটাn. a retail market for selling consignments of fish by auction; (fig.) a noisy place.

মেজ1 [ mēja1 ] n a table; a desk.

মেজাজ [ mējāja ] n mood (of the mind); the ha bitual frame of mind, temperament; a fit of ill-humour or rage, temper. মেজাজখারাপ থাকাv. to be out of humour. মেজাজ খারাপ হওয়াv. to run out of humour; to be in temper. মেজাজ দেখানোv. (usu. dero.) to show temper. মেজাজভালো থাকাv. to be in good humour. মেজাজ ভালোহওয়াv. to recover one's good humour. খারাপ মেজাজ ill humour. খিট্খিটে মেজাজ billious or peevish temperament. খোশমেজাজ see খোশ । বদমেজাজ see বদ। ভালো মেজাজ good humour. রুক্ষমেজাজ choleric or haughty temperament. হাসিখুশি মেজাজ jolly or jovial temperament. মেজাজিa. having a particular or typical temperament (বদমেজাজি). vainglorious, haughty; stylish (মেজাজিখেলা); in lofty or hot temper or mood.

মেজে, মেঝে [ mējē, mējhē ] n the floor.

মেট [ mēṭa ] n a ganger or gangsman; (naut.) a mate; (in India) a prisoner appointed task-master of fellow-prisoners, a mate.

মেটুলি, মেটে1 [ mēṭuli, mēṭē1 ] n the liver of a goat, sheep etc. taken as food.

মেটে2 [ mēṭē2 ] a made of clay or earth (মেটেপুতুল); mud-built (মেটে ঘর); plastered with clay or terra-cotta (দোমেটে); of earthy complexion, mud-coloured. মেটেসাপ a non-venomous mud-coloured snake.

মেঠো [ mēṭhō ] a pertaining to a field; befitting an open field; unparliamentary or demagogic (মেঠোবক্তৃতা); rustic or boorish (মেঠো আচরণ). মেঠো পথ a path through an open field formed by frequent movement of people. মেঠোসুর a rural tune.

মেড়া [ mēḍ়ā ] n a ram proficient in fighting, a fighting-ram; the ram; (fig.) a block head, a dunce.

মেডেল [ mēḍēla ] n a medal. ̃ধারী, মেডেল-পাওয়াa. medalled. মেডেল-পাওয়া লোক a medallist.

মেড়ো [ mēḍ়ō ] n (contem.) a native of Marwar, a Marwari; (contemp.) an up-country man of India.

মেঢ্র [ mēḍhra ] n a ram; penis. ̃ত্বকn. prepuce, foreskin.

মেথর [ mēthara ] n a cleanser of filth and nightsoil; a scavenger, a sweeper. fem. মেথরানি। ̃গিরিn. the profession of the aforesaid cleanser or sweeper; scavenging.

মেথি [ mēthi ] n the fenugreek plant or its seed.

মেদ [ mēda ] n fat; marrow. ̃জa. produced from fat. ̃বৃদ্ধিn. growth of fat, corpulence, obesity.

মেদা, মেদামারা [ mēdā, mēdāmārā ] a effeminate; lacking in vigour or energy, spiritless. ☐n. a milksop, a ninny, a sissy, a spiritless person.

মেদিনী [ mēdinī ] n the earth, the world.

মেদুর [ mēdura ] a plesantly soft or smooth; glib, unctuous; verdant, green.

মেধ [ mēdha ] n a religious sacrifice, an oblation (অশ্বমেধ).

মেধা [ mēdhā ] n intellect; power of remembrance, (good) memory. ̃বীa. intelligent; gifted; endowed with a good memory or parts. fem. ̃বিনী।

মেধ্য [ mēdhya ] a sacrificial; sacred.

মেনি [ mēni ] n (in endearment) a puss, a pussy cat. ̃মুখোa. bashful, shy; effeminate (esp. in speech).

মেম [ mēma ] n a European woman. ̃সাহেব, ̃সাবn. a European woman, a mem-sahib; a courteous form of addressing a lady of high social standing (esp. an anglicized one) used by servants etc.

-মেয় [ -mēẏa ] a measurable, mensurable, countable, estimable (অমেয়, পরিমেয়); conjecturable; cognizable.

মেয়াদ [ mēẏāda ] n due or appointed or prescribed time or duration (মেয়াদ ফুরানো); a sight (বিলেরমেয়াদ); a term or period; a sentence to imprisonment (ছমাসেরমেয়াদহয়েছে). মেয়াদ খাটাv. to serve a term of imprisonment. মেয়াদ ফুরিয়েছেv. the term is over; the allotted span of life has expired. মেয়াদ হওয়াv. to be sentenced to imprisonment. মেয়াদিa. continuing for a time; periodic.

মেয়ে [ mēẏē ] n a daughter; a little girl, a girl; a woman. ☐a. female, she (মেয়েবিড়াল); effeminate. ̃ছেলে (usu. considered ind.) n. same as মেয়েমানুষ । ̃-মর্দ (coll.) ̃-মদ্দn. pl. men and women; husband and wife. ̃মর্দানিn. a termagant, an Amazon; (cp.) a tomboy. ̃মানুষn. a woman; womankind. ̃মুখোa. (of men) effeminate or timid in speech (and also in activity). মেয়েলিa. of women, feminine, womanly; effeminate, womanish (মেয়েলি ভাব). ̃লোকn. a woman.

মেরজাই [ mērajāi ] n a kind of waistcoat.

মেরাপ [ mērāpa ] n a temporary shed built of straw and bamboo-poles.

মেরামত [ mērāmata ] n repair, mending, reconditioning. মেরামত করাv. to repair, to mend, to recondition. মেরামত হওয়াv. to be repaired or mended or reconditioned. মেরামতিn. cost or charges of repairing or mending or reconditioning. ☐a. of repairing or mending or reconditioning.

মেরু [ mēru ] n either of the two ends of the earth's axis, a pole; the backbone, the spine; an axis. সুমেরুn. the North Pole. ̃চুম্বকমাত্রাn. (phys.) the pole-strength. ̃জ্যোতি same as ̃প্রভা। ̃প্রদেশn. a polar region. ̃প্রভাn. the polar lights; au rora polaris (eg. aurora australis, aurora borealis). ̃রেখাn. the earth's axis; an axis. উপাক্ষমেরুরেখাn. the earth's axis minor. পরাক্ষমেরুরেখাn. the earth's axis major.

মেরুদণ্ড [ mērudaṇḍa ] n the backbone, the spine, the vertebral column; (fig.) strength or firmness of character. ̃হীনa. having no backbone, spineless, invertebrate; (fig.) lacking in strength of character. মেরুদণ্ডহীনপ্রাণীবর্গn. pl. the Invertebrata. মেরুদণ্ডীa. having a backbone or spine, vertebrate. মেরুদণ্ডীপ্রাণীবর্গn. pl. the Vertebrata.

মেরুন [ mēruna ] n the brownish crimson colour. ☐a. brownish crimson.

মেল1 [ mēla1 ] n the letter-conveying post, the mail; any vehicle carrying the mail. ☐a. carrying the mail (মেলভ্যান).

মেল2 [ mēla2 ] n union; unity; an assemblage, a gathering; mating (esp. of domestic animals); (loos.) the heredity of a family considered for matrimonial purposes.

মেলা1 [ mēlā1 ] a great in number or quantity or expanse; numerous or abundant or extensive.

মেলা2 [ mēlā2 ] n a fair (রথের মেলা); a temporary exhibition (স্বদেশীশিল্পমেলা); an assemblage, a concourse (লোকের মেলা); a society (পণ্ডিতের মেলা).

মেলা3 [ mēlā3 ] v to open (চোখ মেলা); to spread out (রোদে কাপড় মেলা).

মেলানি [ mēlāni ] n meeting or union; a crowd; a society or association; parting, fare well; farewell greetings; a parting gift a present, a gift.

মেলানো2 [ mēlānō2 ] v (pron. ম্যালানো) to cause to open or spread out.

মেলামেশা [ mēlāmēśā ] n intimancy; association; close relationship.

মেশামিশি [ mēśāmiśi ] n close association; free mixing; intimacy; familiarity; social communication.

মেশিন [ mēśina ] n a machine.

মেষ [ mēṣa ] n (as masc.) the ram; (as neut.) the sheep; (astrol.) the Aries, the Ram. fem. মেষী the ewe. ̃তুল্য, ̃বত্a. sheep ish. ̃পালn. a flock of sheep; a shepherd (fem.: a shepherdess). ̃পালকn. a shepherd. ̃পালনn. tending of sheep. ̃মাংসn. mutton. ̃শাবকn. a lamb, a yeanling.

মেস [ mēsa ] n an establishment for a number of persons taking their meals (and often living) together, a mess. ̃বাড়িn. a mess-building, a mess.

মেসো [ mēsō ] n the husband of one's mother's sister or cousin-sister, an uncle.

মেহ [ mēha ] n gleet; gonorrhoea.

মেহগনি [ mēhagani ] n mahogany.

মেহনত [ mēhanata ] n physical or manual labour, toil; (fig.) laborious effort or endeavour. মেহনতকরাv. to labour, to toil; (fig.) to work or endeavour laboriously. মেহনতিa. engaged in manual labouring, toiling.

মেহেদি [ mēhēdi ] n the henna.

মেহেরবান [ mēhērabāna ] a kind, benevolent; merciful. মেহেরবানিn. kindness; benevolence; mercy; graciousness. মেহেরবানি করেadv. kindly, please; graciously.

মৈত্র [ maitra ] a same as মৈত্রেয়।☐n.same as মৈত্রী ।মৈত্রী, মৈত্র্যn. alliance; friendship; amity; an alliance or treaty; cooperation. মৈত্রেয়a. relating to allies or friends.

মৈথিল [ maithila ] a of or inhabiting Mithila. মৈথিলীn. the language of Mithila; a woman of Mithila.

মৈথুন [ maithuna ] n sexual intercourse, copulation, cohabitation, coitus.

মৈনাক [ maināka ] n a mythological mountain.

মোকাবিলা [ mōkābilā ] n confronting, encountering; settlement of disputes by meeting face to face; settlement in presence of all concerned. মোকাবিলা করাv. to encounter or confront or try to settle disputes by sitting face to face; to brave.

মোকাম [ mōkāma ] n a residence, a dwelling house; a trading-station; a station; an address.

মোক্তার [ mōktāra ] n a mukhtar; a legally appointed representative, an attorney. ̃নামাn. a power-of-attorney. মোক্তারিn. mukhtarship. মোক্তারি করাv. to practise as a mukhtar.

মোক্ষ [ mōkṣa ] n (theol.) release from the world or from the influence of nature, eternal emancipation, final beatitude, nirvana, salvation of the soul; rescue; death; release (গ্রহণমোক্ষ). ̃ণn. freeing or rescuing or releasing or discharging, emancipation from bondage, redemption, bleeding or letting or shedding or removing or wiping. মোক্ষণ করাv. to free, to rescue, to release; to discharge; to bleed, to let blood; to shed; to remove; to wipe. ̃দa. giving final be atitude or salvation of the soul, redeeming the soul. fem. ̃দা, ̃দাতাa. same as মোক্ষদ ।☐n. a giver of eternal emancipation, a redeemer of the soul. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দায়ক same as মোক্ষদ ।fem. ̃দায়িকা, ̃দায়িনী । ̃ধামn. the abode of the blessed dead, heaven, (cp.) Elysium. মোক্ষলাভ করাv. to attain eternal salvation or bliss.

মোক্ষম [ mōkṣama ] a unfailing; irrefutable; formidable; undeniable; terrible; fatal.

মোগল [ mōgala ] n a Moghul. ☐a. Moghul.মোগলাইa. pertaining to Moghuls; current amongst Moghuls.

মোচ [ mōca ] n a nib (of a pen); a point (of a pencil); a moustache. মোচে তা দেওয়া to twist moustache to make it curl.

মোচড় [ mōcaḍ় ]n a contortion; a wring, a twist, a wriggle; a wrench; (fig.) constraint, pressure. মোচড় দেওয়াv. to contort; to wring, to twist, to wriggle; to wrench; (fig.) to constrain, to put (undue) pres sure. মোচড়ানোv. to twist; to contort; to wring; to wriggle. মোচড়া-মুচড়িn. repeated contortion or wringing or twisting or wriggling or wrenching; (fig.) persistent solicitation or higgling. মোচড়ামুচড়ি করাv. to contort or wring or twist or wriggle or wrench; (fig.) to solicit or higgle persistently.

মোচন [ mōcana ] n releasing or loosening or opening or removing or dispelling or discharging or shooting (শরমোচন) or shedding (পত্রমোচন, অশ্রুমোচন) or (loos.) wiping. মোচন করাv. to set free, to release, to loosen, to unloose; to open, to remove; to dispel; to discharge or shoot; to shed; (loos.) to wipe. মোচন নিযুক্তকn. a clearing agent.

মোচা [ mōcā ] n a cone of the banana. মোচাকারa. conical.

মোজা [ mōjā ] n stockings; socks; hose. গরম মোজা woollen socks. ফুল মোজাn. socks that come up to the knee. হাত-মোজাn. gloves. হাফ-মোজাn. socks that come only up to the calf. মোজা-পরাa. stockinged, hosed. মোজা-বিক্রেতাn. a hosier.

মোট1 [ mōṭa1 ] n a total, an aggregate, a sum total. ☐a. total, aggregate; principal, chief, essential. মোট কথা the sum and substance, the long and the short of it. মোটদেওয়াv. to add up, to total. মোটের উপর on the whole; generally, on an average.

মোট2 [ mōṭa2 ] n a load, a burden; a bundle; luggage. ̃ঘাটn. pl. different items of luggage. ̃ঘাটসমেত bag and baggage. ̃বাহকn. a porter.

মোটর [ mōṭara ] n a motor; a motor car. ̃গাড়িn. a motor car. মোটরগাড়িচালানোv. to drive a motor car; to motor. ভাড়াটেমোটরগাড়ি a hired motor car or a taxi cab. ভাড়াটেমোটরগাড়ির আড্ডা a taxi stand. মোটরগাড়িরচালক, মোটরচালক a motor driver; a motorist. মোটর-মিস্ত্রিn. a motor mechanic.

মোটা [ mōṭā ] a fat, corpulent, fatty, adipose, bulky; voluminous (মোটা বই); thick, coarse (মোটাকাপড়, মোটা চাল); grave or hoarse (মোটা স্বর); dull (মোটাবুদ্ধি); heavy (মোটা খরচ); large (মোটা আয়); high or handsome (মোটা মাইনে); plain. simple; gross, rough, ordinary, pedestrian (চিত্রাদিতে মোটা কাজ). মোটাভাতকাপড় plain living. ̃নোv. to grow fat, to fatten, to put on weight or flesh. ̃মাথাn. a dullard, a fathead. ☐a. fat headed, stupid. ̃মুটিa. roughly or grossly estimating (মোটামুটি একমাস); rough (মোটামুটি হিসাব); doing away with formalities, summary (মোটামুটিবিচার); cursory (মোটামুটি পাঠ); moder ate, middling (মোটামুটিঅবস্হা). ☐adv. roughly; grossly; summarily; cursorily; moderately; on the whole. ̃সোটাa. burly; stout and strong.

মোটে [ mōṭē ] adv in total, in all, altogether; only now, just now; at all; only. মোটেইadv. at all.

মোড় [ mōḍ় ]n a turn, a bend, a crossing (রাস্তারমোড়)

মোড়ক [ mōḍ়ka ] n a packet; a tiny packet containing a dose of medicine; a carton, a paper cover.

মোড়ল [ mōḍ়la ] n a village headman; (facet.) a leader; the foreman of a group of workmen.

মোড়লি [ mōḍ়li ] n the position and function of the headman; (sarcas.) unnecessary bossing, overbearing or masterful manner.

মোড়া1 [ mōḍ়ā1 ] n a wicker stool.

মোড়ামুড়ি [ mōḍ়āmuḍ়i ] n repeated contortion or twisting or bending; (fig.) chaffering, higgling and haggling.

মোতায়েন [ mōtāẏēna ] a stationed, posted; posted on guard; ready at hand for action. মোতায়েনকরাবারাখাv. to station, to post; to post on guard; to keep ready at hand (or in readiness) for action.

মোতি [ mōti ] n pearl.

মোতিয়া [ mōtiẏā ] n a kind of small sweet-scented flower.

মোদক [ mōdaka ] n a ball-shaped sweetmeat (usu. made of posset); an invigorating (and also intoxicating) drug made of hemp leaves; a confectioner.

মোদিত [ mōdita ] a filled with fragrance; perfumed; delighted; cheerful.

মোদ্দা [ mōddā ] a chief, main, gross. ☐adv. on the whole, after all, in short (মোদ্দাযাওয়াচাই ।) ☐con. but (যাই করা, মোদ্দা চাকরিছেড়ো না) । মোদ্দা কথা the long and the short (of it), the sum and substance; the chief thing.

মোনা [ mōnā ] n the pestle of a foot-driven husking-tree.

মোম [ mōma ] n beeswax. মোমমাখানোv. to wax. ̃জামা, ̃ঢালn. waxcloth. ̃বাতিn. a waxcandle. ̃বাতিদানn. a candlestick. ̃বাতিবিক্রেতাn. a wax-chandler. মোমেরকাগজ wax-paper. মোমের পুতুল a wax doll.

মোয়া [ mōẏā ] n a sweetened ball of parched or fried rice etc. ছেলের হাতে মোয়া (fig.) a thing very easily obtainable.

মোরগ [ mōraga ] n (as masc.) the cock; (as neut.) a fowl, a chicken. মোরগের ঝুটিn. a cock's comb, a cockscomb. মোরগের ডাক crow, cocka-doodle. ̃ফুলn. the cock's comb, the yellow-rattle, Celosia cristata.

মোরচা, মোর্চা [ mōracā, mōrcā ] n a combination or coalition of different parties or groups; an alli ance.

মোরব্বা [ mōrabbā ] n sweetened fruit conserve, fruit jelly, jam.

মোলাকাত [ mōlākāta ] n an interview, a meeting. মোলাকাত করাv. to meet, to pay one a visit.

মোলায়েম [ mōlāẏēma ] a soft and smooth (মোলায়েমজিনিস); tender, suave (মোলায়েম কথা).

মোল্লা [ mōllā ] n (Mus.) a Muslim theologian or priest or teacher, a mullah, a mollah. ̃গিরিn. the profession or office of a mullah. ̃তন্ত্রn. government by or predominantly influenced by mullahs (cp. mollahcracy). মোল্লার দৌড় মসজিদ পর্যন্ত (dero.) one with restricted knowledge cannot go beyond the range of one's learning, a churchman becomes a fish out of water outside the church, the ut most reach of one's tether.

মোষ [ mōṣa ] n (coll.) a buffalo. মোষের গাড়ি a buffalo-drawn cart, a buffalo cart.

মোসাহেব [ mōsāhēba ] n a fawning or cringing atten dant; a fawner, a toady; a flatterer. মোসাহেবিn. fawning, toadyism; flattery, adulation. মোসাহেবি করাv. to fawn upon as a sycophant; to toady; to fawn upon; to flatter.

মোহ [ mōha ] n (theol.) ignorance about reality; illusion; ignorance; mental obsession; infatuation; fascination; deep attachment, dotage; a fainting fit, a swoon; enchantment, bewitchment. মোহ নিরসনকরাv. to dispel illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃গ্রস্তa. affected with an illusion; ignorant; mentally obsessed; deluded; infatuated; fascinated or fondly attached; doting; fainted, swooned; enchanted, bewitched; stupefied. ̃ঘোরn. a spell of illusion or ignorance or mental obsession or infatuation or fainting fit or enchantment. ̃জনকa. illusive; causing mental obsession; infatuating; fascinating; causing to faint; enchanting, bewitching. ̃জাল same as ̃পাশ, ̃তিমির same as ̃ঘোর । ̃নিদ্রাn. stupor or hypnosis or trance caused by illusion; infatuation; a fainting fit. ̃পাশn. the mesh of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বদ্ধa. caught in the mesh or snare of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বন্ধ, ̃বন্ধনn. the bondage of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃ভঙ্গn. recovery from illusion or infatuation or enchantment or from a fainting fit, disillusionment, disenchantment. ̃মদn. pride caused by illusion or ignorance. ̃মন্ত্রn. an incantation to enchant; a magic spell. ̃ময়a. illusive, illusory; infatuating; enchanting. ̃মুগ্ধa. captivated by illusion; infatuated; fascinated; fondly attached, doting; enchanted, bewitched, spellbound. ̃মুদ্গরn. a book of verse by Shankaracharya intending to dispel illusion; a cudgel dispelling illusion or ignorance or infatuation.

মোহন [ mōhana ] n enchantment, bewitchment; infatuation, fascination. ☐a. infatuating, fascinating (গোপীমোহন); charming (মোহন বেণু). ̃চুড়াn. an attractive or charming bun of hair put up on the crown of one's head. ̃ভোগn. a kind of porridge made by boiling corn-flour in milk. ̃মালাn. a variety of gold necklace. ̃মূর্তিn. a fascinating figure.

মোহর [ mōhara ] n an obsolete gold coin of India and Persia, a mohur; a seal, a stamp.

মোহানা [ mōhānā ] n (of a water-reservoir, pond etc.) a conduit, a channel; (of a river) a mouth, an estuary.

মোহিত [ mōhita ] a enmeshed in illusion; fascinated; infatuated; beside oneself; swooned; enchanted, charmed; hypnotized. মোহিত করাv. to enmesh in illusion; to fascinate; to infatuate; to cause to swoon; to enchant, to charm, to hypnotize.

মোহিনী [ mōhinī ] a. fem enchanting, bewitching; charming; infatuating; possession bewitching personal charm. ☐n. fem. (myth.) an exquisitely bewitching figure of a woman assumed by Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) to delude asuras (অসুর); a woman of bewitching beauty or personal charm; witchcraft or sorcery (usu. মোহিনীবিদ্যা); hypnotism, mesmerism (also মোহিনীবিদ্যা). মোহিনী মায়াn. an enchanting illusion. ̃শক্তিn. the power of enchanting or bewitching; hypnotic power.

মোহ্যমান [ mōhyamāna ] a stunned; stupefied; be numbed; extremely afflicted (শোকেমোহ্যমান). fem. মোহ্যমানা ।

মৌ [ mau ] n honey.

মৌক্তিক [ mauktika ] n a pearl; nacre.

মৌখিক [ maukhika ] a verbal; oral, viva voce; lipdeep (মৌখিক ভালোবাসা); windy (মৌখিকব়ড়াই). মৌখিক চুক্তি verbal agreement or contract. মৌখিকপরীক্ষা an oral examination, a viva voce test.

মৌচাক [ maucāka ] n a beehive, a honeycomb.

মৌজ [ mauja ] n pleasant stupor caused by drug ging. besottedness (আফিমের মৌজ); comfort, ease; pleasure, relish. মৌজ করাv. to drug oneself to enjoy a pleasant stupor; to sit or lie comfortably orat ease; to relax খাওয়ার পর মৌজ করা; to do something with relish (মৌজ করেখাওয়া). মৌজ করে বসাv. to sit easy or cosily or comfortably, (cp.) to be at home.

মৌজা [ maujā ] n a village; a group or block of villages regarded as an administrative unit (cp. a county).

মৌটুসি [ mauṭusi ] n a very tiny bird sucking the honey of flowers, the sunbird.

মৌতাত [ mautāta ] n extreme craving for liquor or drugs at routine hours as felt by invet erate drunkards and drug-addicts; act of drinking wine or taking drugs at routine hours; pleasant stupor caused by drugging or drinking. মৌতাতকরাv. to drink wine or take drugs at the fixed hour. মৌতাতছুটে যাওয়াv. to have one's pleasant drugstupor or besottedness disturbed. মৌতাতের সময় a fixed hour for taking drugs or drinking wine.

মৌন [ mauna ] n abstention from speech; reticence. ☐a. (inc. but pop.) same as মৌনী ।মৌন ত্যাগকরা, মৌন ভঙ্গ করাv. to break silence (esp. after the completion of a vow of abstaining from speech). ̃ব্রতn. a vow of abstaining from speech. ̃ব্রতীa. abstaining from speech under a vow. ̃ভাবn. reticence, silence. মৌনভাব ধারণ করাv. to keep silent. ̃সম্মতিn. silent assent; tacit assent or consent; consent implied by silence. ̃স্বভাবa. habitually reserved in speech, typically parsimonious in speaking, taciturn. মৌনাবলম্বন করাv. to undertake a vow of abstaining from speech; to keep silent. মৌনীa. abstaining from speech under a vow; silent, reticent; speechless or dumbfounded (বিস্ময়েমৌনী); mute (মৌনী প্রকৃতি).

মৌমাছি [ maumāchi ] n the bee. ̃পালনn. bee-keeping, apiculture.

মৌরলা [ mauralā ] n a species of very small and delicious fish.

মৌরি [ mauri ] n fennel; aniseed. মৌরির জলn. aqua anetha.

মৌরুসি [ maurusi ] a ancestral, hereditary; enjoyable (মৌরুসি সম্পত্তি) or settled hereditarily (মৌরুসিপাট্টা). মৌরুসি স্বত্ব hereditary right.

মৌর্বী [ maurbī ] n a bowstring (esp. one made of the bowstring hemp).

মৌর্য [ maurya ] n the Maurya dynasty.

মৌল [ maula ] a relating to or originating from the root, radical; original; primary, fundamental, basic; (sc.) elemental. ☐n. (sc.) an element. মৌল নীতি a basic or fundamental principle. মৌল পদার্থ (sc.) an element. মৌল শিক্ষা basic education.

মৌলবি [ maulabi ] n (Mus.) a Mohammedan scholar or teacher.

মৌলানা [ maulānā ] n (Mus.) a Mohammedan scholar or teacher or an order higher than that of maulabis মৌলবি ।

মৌলি [ mauli ] n a crown, diadem; the head or forehead; hair done in a bun on the crown of the head.

মৌলিক [ maulika ] a pertaining to or originating from the root, radical; primitive, aboriginal; fundamental, basic, primary (মৌলিক নীতি বা শিক্ষা); prime (মৌলিকসংখ্যা); original (মৌলিক রচনা বা চিন্তা); (sc.) elementary; a Hindu surname. মৌলিক পদার্থ (sc.) an element. মৌলিকসংখ্যা (math.) a prime number. ̃তাn. originality.

মৌসুম [ mausuma ] n a season; a fixed time or period of the year for occurrence or performance of something, a tide; the mon soon; the rainy season, the rains. মৌসুমিa. seasonal (মৌসুমি ফুল); periodical (মৌসুমি ভ্রমণ); monsoonal (মৌসুমিবাতাস). ̃বায়ু the monsoon.

ম্যাগাজিন [ myāgājina ] n a periodical publication, a magazine.

ম্যাচ1 [ myāca1 ] n a formal contest or game, a match ফুটবল-ম্যাচ

ম্যাচ2 [ myāca2 ] n a match-box, matches.

ম্যাজম্যাজ [ myājamyāja ] int denoting: a feeling of physical uneasiness or indisposition or indolence. ম্যাজম্যাজ করাv. to feel physically indisposed or uneasy or sluggish.

ম্যাজিক [ myājika ] n magic. ম্যাজিক-লণ্ঠনn. magic lantern.

ম্যাজিসট্রেট, ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট [ myājisaṭrēṭa, myājisṭrēṭa ] n a magistrate.

ম্যাজিসিয়ান [ myājisiẏāna ] n a magician.

ম্যাজেনটা, ম্যাজেন্টা [ myājēnaṭā, myājēnṭā ] n magenta.

ম্যাড়ম্যাড় [ myāḍ়myāḍ় ]int expressing: lack of brightness, dullness. ম্যাড়মেড়েa. dull in colour, lacklustre, mat, matt; dull.

ম্যানেজার [ myānējāra ] n a manager (fem.: a manageress). ম্যানেজারিn. managership. ম্যানেজারি করাv. to act as a manager; to manage.

ম্যাপ [ myāpa ] n an atlas; a map. ম্যাপ দেখাv. to read a map. ম্যাপ রচনাকরাv. to draw a map.

ম্যালেরিয়া [ myālēriẏā ] n malaria. ̃ঘটিতa. malarial. ̃জ্বরn. malarial fever. ম্যালেরিয়া বিশেষজ্ঞn. malariologist.

ম্রিয়মাণ [ mriẏamāṇa ] a (ori.) dying, moribund; (pop.) glum, melancholy, deeply distressed, sorrowful. fem. ম্রিয়মাণা ।

ম্লান [ mlāna ] a pale; haggard, emaciated, shriv elled; dim; lacklustre, mat, matt; dull; cheerless, glum, sorrowful; darkened, gloomy; fatigued, without; (fig.) reduced, humbled, tarnished (গৌরবম্লানহওয়া). ̃তা, ̃ত্ব, ম্লানিমাn. paleness; haggardness; dimness; dullness; glumness, sadness; gloominess, fatigued state. ̃মুখেadv. with a sad or gloomy face. ম্লানায়মানa. getting pale or hag gard or dim or dull or glum or gloomy.

ম্লায়মান [ mlāẏamāna ] a darkening.

ম্লেচ্ছ [ mlēccha ] n a non-Aryan tribe of ancient India; a member of this tribe; a Greek settler of India; (loos. but pop.) a non-Hindu; the ancient Mlechchhas (ম্লেচ্ছ). ☐a. non Hindu or anti-Hindu; wicked, sinful, given to unscriptural practices. ̃দেশn. the part of India inhabited by the ancient Mlechchhas (ম্লেচ্ছ). ম্লেচ্ছাচারn. the customs and practices of Mlechchhas (ম্লেচ্ছ); non-Hindu or unscriptural or evil customs and practices. ম্লেচ্ছাচারীa. adopting the customs and practices of Mlechchhas; given to non-Hindu or unscriptural or evil practices.

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